I -V94`. `j&I3 Nov. 23--Lloyd Livingston attended the Winter Fair in Toronto last week. Wm. `Adam: is unvvlnuuulqv an ...u.1.. \`t.urueu nume Irom nunung. _ L. Jory has returned from Hu en-. den, Alta., where he Went on the har- vesters excursion. airirl-00.15 \Jl.` Nov. 24--Mr. and Mrs. Handy. J. W. Brown, Mrs. W. E. Brown, Miss Viola Brown and Miss Vera Baldwin were among those who attended the Winter Fair in "Toronto last Week. . Rnrn.-_'l`n Mr nn Eu (1 ml. nnnn ..... D: uw u, Auauluaue. D. K. Perrie of Toronto took the services in St. Andrew's Church, Sun- day evening. ` Mr and Mva T?! T H...-....4='.-.....u ......: J.Ul UHLU 1213!; .` WBBK. Miss Edith` Day has returned home -after spending a couple of weeks at Coldwater. `l\/T...` C1 1'7:...........1_ _._ .,,z , n - \UAl.l VV kl. L61`. Mrs. S. Kissock spenta few days visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Brown. Allandale. " 1* TI Dram-u'n l\' 71'VA......A.._ 4...`. LI._ may in clung. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Crawford and children spent the week-end in Toron- to. ` upcuu a1 weex 111 tne clty. Those from here who attended the Royal `Winter Fair in -Toronto were, Tom. Crawford, Dan. McCuaig, James McArthur, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Archie McA1fthur. `.\.'I':.-... 15-... 'I`l.....;_.1-._ W V A - 2-`: 1-QIQIQII Nov`. 24-Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson of Toronto motored here and spent the week-end with Mrs. Mac .E1lson. Mrs. Ellson returned with them and will spend a week in the city. Those fvnm hm-n nrhn .;++m-..1..A +1.... LVLCA1_'Lll ul`. Miss Eva Brandon spent a day in Toronto 1ast.week. T\/Tine 17;-11'+In`*1\n.y L.-... ....c...._.-.1 I------ It is often said that tears are Just 3 tap removed from joy. PoorDona.1d knows that. At the a e of 16 he was attending high schoo. playing on a. hockey team, going to parties and do- ing all the thing; that 9. red-blooded outh will do. hen joy was at its eight gloom made its appearance in the shape of consumption. There was nothing in tin, thn nnfnr uu,e1'esL1ng. Miss Gladys Simon has returned to Barrie after visiting friends in this vicinity during the past week. ru. lua uume nere. U Miss E. Pearsall of No. 8 school has `commenced training her pupils for the Iannual Christmas concert. Mica Illlrnnun nc ma as..:..... ..._u.._-u auuubu unnstmas C0l'|Cel`1'.. Miss Gilmour of Oro Station school is giving a two-months course in bals- ket;,.weaving in the school on Tuesday evenings. Last Tuesday was the first lesson. The class was encouragingly large and the work proved immensely interesting. I/Han fllnua Qh-nnv. kn- ...-..........: ,. u-_u::uus over tne weeK-end. The young ladies here are starting a Canadian Girls-in-Training class in connection with Miss Scott's class at Sunday School, Mrs. Armstrong act- ing as leader. Mr -.Qnn-an-nu n`...-..-;.~.1....;.| 1...--- 1-..; rm u.-u.u\-:1`, xvu`. RUSS. Jack McCuaig spent the week-end at his home here. Ming 1.` Dnnnnnil ..a x1. 0 ._-u.--- L- Nov. 24-Miss Norma Robinson is at- tending Business College in Barrie. `Hemon Armstrong has accepted a. a position in Toronto for the winter. Miss Mary Armstrong is spending a. few days in Toronto. a Mrs. E. Guest was in Barrie visiting friends over the week-end. Tho vnnnnr 19.14.)`: I.-nu... ...... ,_._--_.:,,,, 1115 as tunnel`. I Mrusuggett preached herelast Sun- day morning. ` 1 Mrn (`hag 'LTnv-in-n mnnniuna .. .....'_.__I u uiuuuug. I Mrs. Chas Horton received a. painful injury while she was helping the men put the clover huller in the barn on Saturday. They were taking a draw with the horses and the lines broke all- owing the tongue of the huller to y around and hit Mrs. ,Horton. severely. bruising her ankle and leg. "'~ (Too Late For Last Week) Herb Fennell of Toronto "visited at his home here the past week. 0. VV, Onanfrz and family: ....n..-.a 4... Hpclll. Lue WBBK-8110 at 3'4`. Lill8Sl'.'S. Mr. Pierce. a former pastor here,` preached last Sunday. The McMaster quartette sang three selections which were enjoyed by all who were able to attend. A Ivy ulnuy uurrws ()1 SHOW. Mrs. Alex Currie has returned home from Toronto, where she has been vis-` iting friends, accompanied by her father, Mr. Ross. ' Jnnlz 'MInf`nua- annnt I... .......1- .____a le snape OI COFISUIDDIIOD. There was nothing to do, the doctor said, but drop everything and go to the Muskoka Hospital for a. thorough rest and skilful, constant treatment. Donald has now forgotten big resent- ment a.t rate An his happiness over the news that he` is soon to be sent home---better! (`.nnfI-Ihnnnn man In: -4-use on :1..- um uuum uere U18 past week. 0. W. Quantz and family moved to Parrysound district the past week. Miss Patterson and Miss Dora Guest spent the Week-end at E. Guest's. Mr, piDl`D Q Ff\I`I YIt)I1 r\n and-nu Inn..- -av-no V A ninild \Jl\\I I Nov. 23--The-hum of the threshing? machine has ceased and farmers are endeavouring to finish up the fall ploughing which-has been interrupted by many flurrles of snow. MPH AID? (`nun-In Eng mn4u......A.a 1.-...- wul. suuu ue m n1s usual good health Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. R. Arnold on the arrival of a son. .......`.. unlv uuayxuca UL (.118 lJ.U.1J. Dolph McLean is very busy these daga L`L1Ctll'lg' teed I01` the farmers.- `Rev. A. G. Rintoul conducted an- niversary servlces at Allandale last Sunday. Rev. D. A. Hill took his work A in Ivy, Townline and Baxter. A reception will be held at thelhome of Mr. `and Mrs. W. E. Banting on Tuesday evening for Mrs. Banting's brother, Elwood McQuay, and his bride, of Elmira. `I/Tu nvu `ll ..- 1'17 1-: -rs ,: Nov. 23--Mr. and Mrs. Esten Davis and Mr. and Mrs.-` Holt attended the. Winter Fairin Toronto last week. ` Thanh`! Iguana-9 1.-.- -AA . an o; weexs wun Irlends in Toronto. ` Mr. and Mrs. Cleary and family have moved to their new home in the vil- 1.889; A nnlrnlnnn n ... LA..- 1- - ' rt nuinber from here attended the dapce at Baxter on Friday evening under the auspices of the L.O.L. 'nn1nh u'..1'_....... :. ------- - -- type 111 L116 commun` y. . I -The beef ring beng closed for the` season, people will have to start in onsthe` pork again. A , Mr. and Mrs. Schell of Coliingwood spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bates. V .. ` `Communion will be dispensed next; Sunday. morning in the Presbyterian; church. Rev. J. S. Shortt will preach at the preparatory` service on Friday evening-at 7.30. Mrs. W. H. Davis is spending a coup- le of weeks withiriends in I Mrs. Clearv and `Fqrvx8'Ivy 1.....- uxey got. melt number of deer. I School is closed for a. few days as there is some scarlet fever of a mild type in the comniun` beef ring` hdnor nlnguul 6-- I-`--` .. -_--..- - 1.... on LUL uunu Last. weex. `David Jennett has moved to Wm. Hunter's farm and M`. Hunter, to David ...Jennett s farm as they traded Larms s0n'1_e ume ago. The hunters: I-nfnu-no.1 an ....._n_-- -- Too Much Hockey I)_..2__.I I\,_._I_`I1 Lauus uuxllgs ume ' The hunters returned all smiles as they got their number` of -School is nlnsnd for an cm" A.---- -- 11.. _._s in an and M an BIG B_A_.Y i561NT 913,9 ir>~ --- CENTRAL og2o__ no n-11.- L--. A - !`?J`F:$iNG .'?A1-$T.1`{ I Read The Examiner and get all the , local and district news--$2.00 a year. Up-Tohwn Ticket Office Inf;:;inati6n Tickets" . . A2-n-u --14--- , ` v v v v v vvvv I HAVE THE ONLY DRY.Cl.l~`.ANlNr.`. DI ANT. muuin-: BRANCH THORNTON BRANCH. HAVE THE ONLY DRY-CLEANING PLANT- w11"1_I1v}r`<)Atg1_;1Az+;AcH. OUTSIDE THE CITY EV-..'."?.R'P.!`f$ wile: ___ _`_ ________o _,_v,__.., .,..... .....J a uUulyl.Cl.C SIOCK of all sizes of ASBESTONOS Brake Lmmg. BRING pl YOUR BANDS or LEAVE YOUR CAR .__.._....: ' _--.----GETT(9UR PARICES----------- Use Asbestonoe Brake Lining ALWAYS amps - NEVER sups We ha.\'re"recent1y` added to our service the latest equip- ment for Re-Lining Brakes and carry a complete stock nf all ci-nae nf AQRPQ'I`('\1\I(\Q Dt....1-.. r .7 - WHY WORRY ABOUT BRAKE INSPECTION 999 Cleaner, Presser `and Dyer 109 DUNLOI: { PHONE 229 V-r----gun:-any n` KII2f'II`y * we would stronglyvad-vise! `that you arrange for , PASSPORT AND AC OMMODATION ASVEARLY AS POSSIBLE. `Passport applicat ons ar'1`d_ full information at this office. IAM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READT - ATTEND T O REPAIRS ON ALL CLOTHES Goods called for and delivered. PRICESREASONABLE` Presentation - -vvunanuu-ova-A Covers are provided for unaware null OI` Quality JRICHMELLO 79 sauzcr 69 11.. um, Bulk59clb. GUEST IVORY 3} "SOAi5" IIAII minus: .355 Dominipn Stores Thu are Tens of l\.._I:A._. TEA! DEA]. Dnurnnnc _ 4 A __ wviv Jsarrie RESIDENTIAL 35800: 1=3Rcuu.s "ntarto Sqholyu-ship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art Convershtibni} F"l'Alll!h' nfnrlnifvznti (`I-Muinnvu llnnnnn ant`, vu\~nI~n " " g-jlansn n__cnnu sucan % umun mun BAc6 SOAP ' C CAKE V run we MOST sausmva gnu ~_ BRUNSWICK sARD1NEs5m23c ,_j.-:1i N0 JOB TOO BIG; NONE TOO SMALL {KQETYLENE WELDING Q I\ 33 FIUf\l\ IQIII Qfuuu 2.4 A , u\`auuuu'aulp mauzwumuun, now umgmg, muslc, Ari, uonveraatgxonal French em hdsized. Outdoor Games and Sports, V Health record exce ent. Lim1ted,numbern. W. PIRT H Pownms" Suppose this year you give them each a Bank Book containing an initial deposit, and urge them to add to it regularly. Could anything be more suitable? The Royal Bank of Canada W Toys for the kiddies-most of them broken by now. "Something useful for: the grown-ups-now worn out or iprgotten. Cash to your employees- appreciated but soon spent. Other presents-hurried1y bought and perhaps ill-chosen. Are they remembered gpuan OATS 61!:-20c 7!-IATDID YOU GIVELAST CHRISTMAS? AUNT DINAH IlI\'I A acw nu--u-us.---u saw--.------ v ---_.----..- College, Toronzti` _ 43 Elizabeth 8%., Barrio. Phone 80 `1's &`< >?L'.`{`'Z=,n-:s 10: MIN CEMEAT 15c lb. 1/311-pk-CutMixedPeeI 19 _ CLACE CHERRIES 31 Hallowi Dates 2 lbs. 25c SeedleuRaisinsZlbs.Z7c CURRANTS 2 11):. 27c 15 u. PACKET SUNMAID1 D A return iox.P Kl-21' SUNMAID msms 17c| Add "Royal Bank Pass Books" to your list of Christmas Gifts. v_ I IVORY SOAP Phone your news items Exammer. 'l`HURSD_AY,_ NOVEMBR\26. * O. R.RUSK 0PH.D. 5" /M Andone Silver fen, Spo:nERE-E | A Gz` tat in Flake Foul: EOOVC I Increases 2. Phone 1128 I/an. 20c RICHMELLO PURE BREAKFAST nuu `u: will tcu1u1nuul11n_:8p- ped as long as the eyes remain m that condition. Eyery. child has a right to demand of some- ` body that his eyes do not pre- vent his progress. Thousands of children are every day studying with imperfect eyes. Parents, should give` this subject the thdughtit deserves. T COCOA com: SYRUP GROW! " in Value _ 19 C 10 to The LVLI`. `all last vveeku` The baz . IF YOUR CHILD'S EYES ARE ABNORMAL furnishin per annu Sale at 1 Nov. 24 friends in ltnn l`\ a. tv:rao'- We North Ba "'11s L` LV urux Du Miss E. week-end `lit 01 r\ IUD. (Tux ll. IMPLH disc h2ll'l'| h3.rr0w.<; scales: M cultivatm fence tool rack: qu: wire: 2 kc. 4 sets of 2 sugar k also fork. yokesx, ho All '31! Jill 7! All proprietm vrnnm. .l`{`H. v). -1 `.17; Ilmwt 1{F`X`9fH1`tI }IeI`(=fm' calf, 1|) m 1 ..... Ll llllll \Ill\Y PI(:S--- due in .\ about 15': lbs. o:1(~11. 111111 L` iaul-". Mar. Feb. -1 ! . I 1 y I . ford l )TI Graduate; Canadian Ophthalmic fI-II-..- 1-..-..L- ' FARM Ht)l ..\`I blur-k 111:: T3 ...... ..|. (Eh? UXICIF1 UIXC-`S, U All will --t\-\On:I\.l\I `l'U].J1 lCL|Il TERM E ---I u-An rs, UH`. :A`r'I` 1. ..(`.. .. I old: `uh ff`C` Your child is handicafped. And he will remain han icap-T HDI` he lnnir an f-`an avian vulgar-|n;n 'l.iuined D:;;fd s` Health . wvenben Glollegem ' 7 RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL Ema` nllu Q CHRI$TMg IN v--v vuuuwuvu - For Prospectus apply to P`rincipuls.A u"-' irou w'IsH`1"o.SVPEND Avoid colds and sickness by giving the children a cup of steaming hot FRY S ` Cocoa twice a day. Its rich, con- centrated nourishment is just what growing children need, so its daily use is true economy, in the home. J. 8. FRY & soNs Limited MONTREAL "1a :?. a1na Mrs. Hofner and children of Richmond Hill called on friends here", bringing Mr. and Mrs. B. Tracey home after spending a. couple of weeks in Toronto. ` - Crv\A`\o\n-n I... ....4......:.'.-I 1.- 1.1.- 1.-., All LU1'UIl|.U- V Sympathy is extended to the. ber-I eaved relatives of Mrs. James Mc- Laughlln. I Nov; 23--Mrs. E. Richardson visited in Toronto last week and attended the Winter Fajr while there. A vrnuu-arr V\IuI\U\`4\ nun and-.\..Ll..._ LA - former s wifehas f'ewe_r op ortunities firmative, T Misses Jean" Higginson. liulfvlll-B 116117. > . V A, ` A pleasant evening was held at the- home of Thomas Smith by the Utopia.` Community Club. The program- con- sisted of `a, d bate`Resolve that the to enjoy lifeethia`n~ has the farn,1er.",Af- Maude Smith, Blanche Carruthers ; Negative, Messrs. Howard Gauley, Gil-. bert McMaster, ..Fz-ank -`I-Iig inson; judges, Mrs. Clarence"'Arnold, essrs. Thomas and Eugene Smith. The de- baters ably upheld their sides and, brought forthmany, both amusing and instructive points. The finding of the judges was that the affirmative had a it slight edge over their opponents. The ladies were quite satisfied but the gentlemen were loud and long in their dissent. After-the debate D. McFadden entertained on the accordion.iI-I. Gauley gave a humorous recitation and Mr. Clark gave a short talk. on Govern- ment.", Miss Alice Smith entertained at intervals with selections on the piano. After some eats and a hop or ~ two. the evening closed by thanking Mr. and Mrs. Smith for their kindness .~ and by singing the. National Anthem. VV LHLUF EH11!` wuue LHEFB. . T e young people are starting to pra. tice for the Christmas concert. T-Tnr-vnv Nl'nT.nnn Iulfol In mam... An 1u`a.uuuu Lur LHU uu1'usuna.s CUIICBFI. Harvey McLean visited in Edgar on Sunday. . ' - Mr urn-1 1|/five: 'I'-Tru7nr\an on.-I .-.1...1`...o.... ll: HUI! UH, AVLUIIUEJ, L U u '60 Miss Helen Berthelovtte 6: the Pene- tang hospital and arfriend spent Sat- urday afternopn with the fo_rmer`s parents here. A nlnnnnnf nvhninrr urns: Ivu.-.1r1 div 1-Inn LV.l.UJ-VLGHLUIC. U11 Duuuuy. Mrs. Harry McCann and .d'9;ughte2`, Leda`, are spending a few days at her home in Beeton. (".nn2'rn.tuln.t*lnn n'fn Mr. and `Mrn_ Inhn V 34-3?` .|UlI|U Ill. DUULUIl.} . Congratulatlonsto Mr, and Mrs. Joh McKnight of,Ba.xter.o_n the arrival 0 a. so, on Monday, Nov; 23. Min: T-Talnn Rnrfhnlnffn nf #31:: `Dana. Lllu LU FUBIUU. _ _ Mrs. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Nell Bush of Angus visited at the home of the tormer s sister, Mr. and .Mrs.- M. McMaster, on Sunday. M Mrs, T-Tnrrv Mnnnn and ':h1n'hfnu4' HIJUHI. `.VV euueuuuy at 1161' IIUXIIB IIUTB. A Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith lef_t on. Saturday for Toronto. where they in- tend to reside. Mun 'TITIIIrIvuap\vu `nap! `IR -u and Ilneu KTAII Nov. 24'-'MVi`s` \;iola. McMd.-'s'trh.s" returned gram 3. holiday with her` bro- ther in Orillla; ' Ilnu n`nmn Dt\vI\A'AC`n\ Al 1)n.._l.. LII ' Ill \Jl.'llll nes Clara, Berthelotte of Barrie spent Wednesday at her home here. Mr, and Mrn Vfnlfnr Qmifh loft nn Buy Advgrtised Things. j Mmgslng STATION UL LEAVE auu UIIHJISUS LIIUYUUIL TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that 8." list of said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette, in it issues of Sept. 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, 1926. and that said list is posted up in my office, copies of which may be had on appli- cation. A Tl`! G`MI"fl'lI'I _`l I80 .sloh tQ.s.h1s, .he_n-.house j,a,ml ghtexggls going to IE8 appearance. - - Mr. Jet-may is putting a large exten- into the poultry _busin's on a'la1`- ge scale. I wish hign every success. ' I 4. , . uuu r.. Haversdxi is putting a. veranda-h to his `new house which will add much to Its` ppgarance. u MI` .TOI`!l\n\! Cu I!nII>.I nn n Inn.-A A-95.... sunny Luuu, nus returned nome. Some officials from this district at- - tended vthe .meeting on Thursdays ev- Fund. ."u e ing at Central United Church, Barrie. large number being present on behalf of the! Maintenance and Extension unto:-nunnudxv I- .;.-4.L.l..._ _ _--.,_-, s-I wuu are 111 L116 Iaunur-y nusmess. Miss Baker -Jot Toronto. who has been a. guest with Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker for somg time, has returned home. Rn-rnn nfmloia fnnvn +1.1- .u..a.\.x..4. -4. Nov. 24-Mr. and Mrs. Plowman have gone` to Orlllia to\_ stay for the winter to be near their sons, Herb.-and Cecil. who are in the laundry business. ` Miss Raina! -'nf 'l`nrnnfn uylnn `ha- knnru Deuy.-,1 teas. .' , A '1`he'U.F.O.. and U.F.eW.0. will hold their annual fowlsupper in the base- ment of the church on` Dec. 2. All members and partners are cordia.llyyin- .vlted. Mfs. Haws of Toronto will be the -speaker for the evening. Tea at seven. mun on cunuayyrrom Matt. 13:46. Nov. 23- I`he annual meeting of the Guthrie Co-operative. Sporting Com- pany was"he1d in the basement of the church on Friday, Oct. 30, to hear the annual report which showed this com- _ pany to be_ in a goodfinancial posi- ` tion. Plans were made for winter skat- ing. Thedollowing directors were ap- pointed: Chas. Hastings, Walker Cald- well, Arthur_'Lyall, G. `W. Besse, and J. M. Gilchrist. The board met after the regular meeting and elected Walker V Caldwell as President, Arthur Lyall. as`Vice-President, J. M. Gilchrist as Secy;-.'1`reas., i :' 'The` UJTO- and I T'l",1x7n min 1...: LU LUIUHLU 1u.SL WBBK. _ Congratulations to Miss Lillie John- ston and Mr. Ewen Caldwell whowere married last Saturday, Nov. 21. Misses Flossie Breakwell and iKatie McKay are viewing the country in their Ford coupe. _ Mr _Tnncm nvvnonlnnn nun ........n-..4. _-._ lZlI.l.lUll- A. W. SMITH, Treasurer, Town of Barrie. Dated at Barrie this 2nd day of septa . ember. 1926. 36-48:: 1.` uru coupe. Mr. Jones preached an excellent ser- mon en Sun'da.y,'from Matt. 13:46. Nnv, 22.-'T`hn n`nrIno'l vacuum... ..a 4.1.- I warn. wuxulg very ,Well. Newton Besse took the tractor drag to Toronto last Week. (`Ana-vnfnluoinne. 4.-.' 1m'x'.....' 'r1n:_ 1--., ucl: uuusxu, Dernlce nooertson. Orillia. The C.G.I. l`. group met at the home of Mrs. A. G. Muir Saturday, Nov. 21. with a. good attendance. Next meeting will be held at the home of Muriel Jer-V mey.-on Nov. 28. Mrs. Ronald Gilchrist and Mrs. A. G. Muir attended the Women's Institute Convention at Toronto last week and report a splendid time. . Charles [Scott has returned` to Tor- onto after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Caldwell. ` Mica Roll +n-:.n1-nu. A4: :1 :4 '\'v.. 1n 1. , uuu LVLFS. wamer Ualdwell. Miss Bell, teacher of S.S. No. 17, has scarlet feverp The other patients. Lloyd` Campbell, Flora Graham and Marguerite Cameron. are improving` nicely. T` , Jim Ross is home again from the VVest looking very Awell. . Newtnn Pagan fnnlr flan +.......+.... .2--- auuuuy at ner nome nere. I Miss Mae Emms spent last week with her cousin, Bernice Robertson. Oriflia. The C.G.I.'l`. tn-rmn mnf nf fhn hm..- J.Ul.'UllLU auu acnomoerg. . It appears that wedding bells and sleigh bells will be ringing in the V11- lage about the same time. T, I nnrnnn nykn nu-..=l.-....u......a. - .._.. sage uuuul. Lne same ume. W. J. Corner, who underwent a. ser- lous surgical operation some time ago. is slowly recovering, but is not yet able to be around; . ` Nov. 23--Miss Laura. Sunday at her home here. Minn Mm: 'F .rnrnu unnv-at lane an-".1- ...:u. Lyall spent ivilrs. Thos. Jack. who has been lllffor some time, is not gaining strength as rapidly as her many friends would wish. ' * uuycu 1.01`. Special meetings are being held in Lefroy United Church during theweek in connection with the budget cam- paign. The followlng are expected to speak, Rev. E. J. McEwen of Churchill` Rev. Mr. Bradford of Bradford. T. W. W. Evans of Bradford and others. I. M. Kifnhnn hnnf Iona Irina`: ......a .2- NOTICE is hereby given by virtue of a warrant from the Mayor of the Town of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand. with the seal of the corporation ot the said Town affixed thereto, hearing date the 25th day of August, AD. 1925, and to me directed, for the collection of arrears or taxes due on certain lands in the Town of Barrie, that unless the said taxes, to-- gether with lawful costs and charges, be sooner paid, I shall, on the 9th day . of December, AD. 1925, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, in. the Council Chamber, Municipal Building, in the said Town of Barrie, in County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or so` much thereof as may i be sufficient to discharge such arrears * oi. taxes and charges thereon. mrrzta Mnmrnm `l2"l T'D'!"I'.'l"l'4`.'D +1-mo .' `. vv. mvuns OI braurord and others. J. M. Kitchen spent last week-end in Toronto and Schomberg. It a.nnem-a that urnina smn- .....: `J-Ul_'Ull|.Uo . V ' Among those from a. distance who I .attended the funeral cg Mrs. Robinson. - Friday, were: a brother`, t e Rev. Wm. Maltas of Michigan, Mr. an Mrs. Eby ' and on of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Greensides of Kettleby. Mrs. Tran of -Pickering, Mr. Robinson of Markham. v the M_isses Maltas of Avening and Mr. and Mrs; Robinson, Toronto. ._. Death of Mrs. E. Robinson Again death has` taken from our midst one ,of ourmost beloved and respected citizens in the person of Mrs. Eliza Robinson, who was born in -East York in the year 1849. She was married to Wm. Robinson of Markhams in 1871. He died in Oakland. Calif., in 1889. From there" she came to the home of ,her siter, Mrs.,Charl_es Hindle. Innis- fil, and from that time until the time of her death, she lived among her. many nephews and nieces. and with her brother and her sister. Mrs. Charles Hindle. living a useful life both for did manykind acts to relieve the bur- dens of other gpeople as she passed through life which endeared her to nephew, Frank Hindle. Nov. 18, She of mind and heart on account of her faith in Jesus Christ. She was minister- death; by hernephews and nieces, and her sister, Mrs. C. Hindle. She leaves to mourn her death, one sister, Mrs. C. Peter, Frank and David and "many nephews and nieces. The _;funeral ser- vice was conducted by the Rev. A. R. Beverley at the home of Frank Hindle. whence her remains were borne to Bethesda cemetery. . this world and the world to come. She ` `them; She died at the home of her . closed her life's" journey in great peace ` -ed to, atithe time of her affliction and I Hindle and four brothers. William. 3 Misls Morrison is busily engaged training the school children for the school Concert which will take place on December 18. ` 'A .Y'!I'lIV\n0-mlnlr c-..u-...A. Al... .....I_ A . SI 1 l U11 JJCUUIII UHF 15: A Kirkpatrick spent _the week-end in` Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Tebo and Mr. and Mrs. T. A.` Sawyer spent Sunday last with Mr an`dLMrs. F. Clarkson. Cooks- town. ` `Emu ml.-- 7.. __u_ -__I-- L, - - taplul wish. 1' . vv tau. " J. `G. Douse has `been quite ill} and is not Improving as rapidly as was hoped for. Rnnnlnl rnnnlvannn hunt: 1..-}-.. I.-|_1 3.. Nov. 25--Mrs. W. Ralston spent a. few days in the Queen City during the week. ' Tlfh-. 'U" J.` UISUIL : ages Harriet Parkrqis holidaying in V :'1`oz_'onto. T ' Avvuvsrr +1.4`..- 0...... .. .:.r..a...__- __,a_, uuve eucn nuu a. ranlo 1ns_t9.uea. Miss Muriel Loblaw of Newton Rob- inson spentthe week-end with Miss Grace; Nelson. ' ' --mu... 1.1.-......a..o 1`3....1.;... 1.. :....u,x..--..__ .._ name---neuer: Contributions may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton. President; 223 Col- lege Street. Toronto 2, Ontario. ween-cuu wu.u.u.u5s ncuu; In narne. I ~'Mr. and Mrs. Gallaugher, Muss .Wright and Mr, Gallaugher, all of Ev-- erett, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gallaugher. .'7,'.T_ -MnMnnfnr and 'lM'nI 1\II o-.11.... HJIQ MP8. 11. uauaugner. I J. -McMaster and Mel. Marlin: have each had a. radio installed. Minn Marvin] T.n|-dour nl 'K7nII-rfrun 1)`.-.1. Nov. '3-Mi'. and Mfs. Smythe a.'n_d Mrs- -Smythe, Sr.. of Stroud visited with Mr.` and Mrs. Parker on Sunday. ' Miss: Flnrennn Pnrlznr cncmr H... wuu Alli`. uuu xuru. .I'&I`KB1` on aunaay. Miss Florence Parker spent the week-end w1th.Miss Scott in Barrie. ~'1\/III`. and Nit!-n ("..aIInna`hnn `Ihfnlga I CUNDLEE V cumin]? { BETHESDA LEFROX THE 3433}: EXAMINER -Treasurer : Sale of in Arrears for Taxes A in Town of Barrie. ' vuv, Ljxuuuxng tney tnrew`-mm window in a. NewTYork hotel. ` ` ` s u.- o:.uu,uuu,uuu IUHJI I0 ualy. Professor at the University of Cali- fornia tells of successful transfusion operations. on sick trees- ' ' . Av wa.ifnr in nnincr furn rv-Inn 4:... corn - upurauuua un BLUK trees. A waiter is suing .two,mep for $250 - 000, claiming they threw -him out offs. window New York V --o-xv nnndlull QIILA Nov. 24--Mr. and Mrs. Fellows and Miss Binnfng motored to Midland on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Mina (Inna.-u-In `I7.-....:..n' -1 ~n--..JA - - - auu Av.u'u. ;v1a.rsnau. _ Miss Georgie Kendall of Barrie spent a fewdays at her home. ` Mrs. Black has returned from Tor- onto. " ` Mrs. Metcalf is visiting her niece. `Mrs. Herbert Crawford. Oro Station. Miss Eszfhnl `Rap-nhnnr nf T_.-m.:.... :_ J. P. Morgan :&C'o. have z;nt_:ounced a.- $100,000,000 1oa.n to Italy. ` Professor at fhn TTnhrny-all-ur at n.-.1: &V1l'S. neruert LJI`a.WIO!`(l, UFO Station. Miss Esthoel Bagshaw of London is vls1_ting her sister, Mrs. Len. W. Leigh. vv uuer ran` 1l'1",L 0l`O1`lI.O last Week. Born--To Mr. and Mr. G. Thompson on Nov; 14, a daughter. Congratula- tions. : Mrs. D. McLean is visiting friends at Jarratt. T. Nelson and B. Watson have~re- xtuined home from hunting. L. Jnrv `hag rnfin-nn fvvnrn 11....-1.4;, reuuvery. V The young people are busy preparing for their annual eente;'ta.inm,ent_ and Christmas Tree to be held Dec. 21; 48c uw vv uuer ralr In Toronto last week. Wm. `Adams is seriously ill with pneumonia. Latest reports are favor- able, and his friends wish him a. speedy recovery. Tho vnnhor 1-nannln nun L... ..._....__x._.. .A;M emgnxm '1i:I.11<)N2iiL'izX'1Ei?A'x}" COMSGNL .:.:;.'.>: :'. .- G