51. 62. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 53. 59. 60. 61. 62. I!` 63. _ 1." Ian Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan , Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan 1. Plan Plan Plan `Plan . Plan Plan Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan . Plan Plan 1 Plan Plan 569 ;_;. . D43 ... 529 529 529 533.. 533 .. 540 .540 540 .. 540 .. 5404.. 540` 540 540. 540 540 . 540 ...' 540 540 .. . 540 540 544 544 544 544 544 549 .. . 549 . .. 549 558` 558 558 .. . 558 558 558 558 569 .. 569 one- -no_o f 46. .-47. A6 [ll . I. . . . . Plan Plan Plan` U`2'2 u... 506 43 .... 144 .... 153 55s 2... 39 .... 55 .... 94 .... 95 .... 96 235 ,.;. 236 ..;n 7754 776 .... 777 .653 6.63 1 1 1 .6.63 1. 1 1 3.370 9.95 9.95 9.95 6.63 .63 5963 6.63 6.63 6.63 . adjbuzfned 'sa1e'jwiu~be held in - 50. -20. 49. O0. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 4.3. 44. 45. `EDI.-s-q BAA v 25' 672 `I01 1 Description Lot . . Plan 529 19 . 20 . . 26, . 533 1 92 `Plan 30 . . . . 57 ,Plan 58 . 90 .. 117 151 . . . . 152 . . . . 157-- . . . . 158 159 160 . . . . 161 Planl540 162 163 182 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. DB 29. 30. v1. 1 South Maple st. ,__ _-........... 3 AVILLAGE OF CREEMORE South Edward st . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pt N Edward st. desc. reg. deed 5 14 Irrrr Ari?` A.` ---.__._, 28. ~~ v. Cor con. 9, Patterson st. 0. 26. 27. TL Spu_th half .....~. Block . . . . . . . . . . Block 4 . . . . . . . .. Lot .. '. . . . . . . .. East pt Adesc. in ay. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. on TOVVNSHIP OF 100 ft S E corner east half E South 20 acres west half west alf 2 Vvest half ...` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , 1 South 25,A_,north 49, east 65, south hr 1 TOWNSHIP OF WEST South ha1f..... . . . . _ 1 can-u.\-sue, pun blvulul ly LHU Chdfe. 0 Both Mixtures act like 1 ash on coughs, bron- chitis or any affection of throat, chest` ind .l`2. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. PtAW 10. ,. T0 WIT:--By virtue of a. warrant issued by the Warden of the County 0: Simcoe. bearing `date the 15th day of Jyly, in the year of our Lord, _1925, and: to rqe directed, commanding me to levy upon the several lands mentioned and described, being in the County of Simcoe. for arrears respectively due theme- on. together withrny costs, I hereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and amendments thereto, that unless the said arrears and costs be soon- er, paid. I shall on Tuesday, December 1st, 1925, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the Town of Barrie, proceed to sell by public auction so much of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the- taxes and all lawful charges incurred in and about the sale and collection of the same. The following lots are patented (except where otherwise stated): ' TOWNSHIP OF` ADJALA. . Deiflfinvl , , , , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2 14 ID . lan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Barrillia l . Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 Barr-illia. I . Plan 589 ....`z~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Barrillia I . Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 Barrillia I . Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Barrillia I . Plan 589- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Barrillia I . Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 170 Barrillia I . Plan 589 182 Barrlllia P . Plan 589, 1`s's','1's':si,"1%;b'1'9"z' '.a'xi&'fffI 203 Bamrillia F l VV hf ac. E'11/4 ac. North River .. 9 16 TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE W10,W47,E48$, W87';,E 117%` 6 . 16 `IO Plan 624 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 - \ Plan 528 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 TOWN; . North east quarter . . . . . . . . . . East half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . N 13; S 32, north east quarter . Plan 626, Slmcoe.Heights . Plan 626 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South half east half . . . Plan .. .. . ll . . . . I4 . .. ` .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . 188, 189, 190, 197 and . TOWNSHIP OF "Dunedin, Lot 2, plan 193, W Huro: Plan 92, Singhampton, pt 7 East Melancthon, desg. reg. deed 1014 napa---`-...__` .DruKen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . Part described in reg. deed 1016 Islands 33 on Liberty . . . . . . . .. nu.~----.-_----- - 1 '1:'V.w:;I'sH1P OF MEDONTE N 2, pt W hf desc. in reg. deed 8737 1 11 1/ TOWNSHIP NOTTAWASAA '_11uneqi_n, _I.,ot 193. Hurontarin 0 TOXVNSHIP OF FLOS .L0t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 10 2( . Pt as desc. in reg. deed 12748 23 . Plan 587, lots 57 and 58 . . . . . . . . .. 26 4 6 . Plan 587, lot 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 6 1, 6 b 7 . Plan 587,. 1ots 178, 179, 180, pt 27 . Plan 571, lot 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 26 . Pt lot 7 as desc. in reg. deed 15332 25 . S E hf, pts S hf, as described" in TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL reg. deed 11019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 14 3 Pt E pt Bro., desc. reg. deed 12236 2 14 31,: Plan 596, lot 125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 82 14 54 Plan 596, lots 56 and. 57 . . . . . . . . .. 32 14 1/; Plan 596, lot 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 `I4 12 Plan 50!: ln6 1'10 rmu auo, lot 60 Plan 596, lot 17_ . west. nan . . . . . . . . .. . South west quarter E hf S pt as desc. in 1 ?Pt bush blk, Angus V Queen st, as desc. re East half ' `Vest half Qnntln VIvr\:- .w urul nan: West half `away: npcxull Pt described in reg. deed 4877 North half . . . . . . . . . . .. o.....a Want ho}? Buckley : `Mixture "Strong"?or Modied" will stop your cough or cold. Buckley : "Strong" ' is the same efficient remedy you have used before. Buckley : "Mod- ied" differs in taste only. Made for those who ndvmedicineo dil- tasteful, particularly the nlu.-I mg. Description D6 A....-..:v_, q . Icoe. bearl'no- `am hf dsc. in 6 < TOVVNSHIP OF TECUMSETH pt desc. in reg. deed 6704 1 10 57 TOVIMQITTD nu rnv-V" Treasurer s Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes COUNTY or SIMOOE v-o-_ _ Queen ; Hotel ` Wnnnnrhn " . . . . , . 153.] 121 122 123 231 232 . an In, 4-1u_:;us vxuage, 5 side desc.Vreg. deed 10467 F TORONTO (Opposite new Union Station) NVITES your patronage. All the comforts of home wmbimd with moderate rates Jud `high standard of Service Amahewit the most attractive vstopping place. ' ' AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN-5 Phone or wire your reservation at our experts HENRY WINNI-:'rr ~ President - .11` a'e's'.;.'g.' `A666 6' VILLAGE OF VICTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 RIA HARBOUR VfLLAGE OF PORT McNICOLL Lot Arr s Costs T l: . 6.63 1.50 6.63_ u.5o 25 ' 2.60: -1.50 2.60 16.60 12.20 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 -- 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63. 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 4 19.95 .3 :99 6.33 5 . 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 67 17 51 52 57 58 59 60 51 B2 63 32 31 32 23 K1 I2 E33 6.63 `6.63 - 7 6.63 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .1 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1 V Description 1 813.130. Plan 569 7 . 8,13.131. Plan 569 1 4.101132. Plan 569 7 4.10: 133. Plan 569 7 18.10` 134. Plan 569 7 13.705135. Plan 569 9 8.13'136..rPlan 569 9 8.13;137. Rlan 569 , 9 8.13 138. Plan 569 9 8.13.` 139. Plan 569 9 8.13% 140. Plan 569 . ,_ 9 8.13; 141. Plan 569 .. . 9. `8.13 142. Plan 569 9. 8.13 143. Plan 569 9; 8.13 144; Plan 569 91 8.13 145. Plan 569 .. 9: 8.13 1:6. Plan 569 94 3 8.1311 7. Plan 569 9: 8.13: 148. Plan 569 . 94 8.13 149. Plan 569 91 8.13 150. Plan 569 .. . 9( 11.45 151. Plan 569 .. 9! 11.45 152. Plan 569 .-...10S 11.45 153. Plan 569 ....109 11.45 154.. Plan 569 ....'122 11.45 155. Plan 569 . .122 11.451156. Plan 569 . .1-22 11.45,1157. Plan 569 .,,,123 11.45 158. Plan 669 ....128 8.13 159. Plan 569 ....128 8.13 160. Plan 669 ....128 ;8.13 161. Plan 569 ....129 8.13 162. Plan'569 ....129 8.13 163. Plan. 569 ....129. 8.13 164. Plan 569 ....129- 8.13 .165. Plan 569 ..129l 8.13 166. Plan 569 .;..129< .167. Plan 569~....`135: 8. ' W. K. Buckley. Limited I42 Mutual St.. Toronto 2 t IiLi2i11t-e'z:.:::::::::::::: L0 29 .5 reg. deed 9194 27-28" k, Village, S side desc. reg nn 1n4c7 reg. deed 2517 E) 15 VILLAGE OF BEETON ex-son . . . . . . . . . u o o - u -- u - . u . . - - . . - . n on - . . a - o . . . u - o o n no . . . . - . . u . . . - . . . TOVVNSHIP OF T reg. deed 5448 .. TOVVNSHIP r VESPRA . .92 3 1/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 14 . 1'} Y2 . . . . 14 V. TOVVNSHIP OF MATCHEDA H a-2 . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5 TOWNSHIP OF .. ...... J. .lU TOWNt-3HI'P or TINY . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 0 Q pL I must 3`. 10145 18 12 TOWNSHIP OF ORO . . . . - - - - - - 2 0 no1.I.1.1.' ur 1VU'l"l'A.WA 3, Hurontario 9 Dt 7 Want V 1.1320 JUL. ' 11.45; * 11.45 ` 155. 11.45 I 156. I 11.45 2157. .1 .1 .1 8 8 8 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.13` 3 161. 3 3 3 164. I 3 165.` 3 166.1 3 167. I . the Court House on Tuesday. Dec. 8, 1925. \`-7D. H. COLEMAN. Trea.smjer._ 75c-40 dosu v L 1; ue 8.13; 130. P1 8,13. 131. P1. 4.10! 132. P1: P]: P1: 13.70; 135. P1; . 8.13 ' 136./Pl: 8.13; 137. R1: P): Plz P]: P12 P]: P13 P12 Pla Pia oxol . rlull D69 Plan .,~Pla' n 569 131.... mm ':I`HE' 14 -13 14 L`! " 23 21 '11! ur `.L'uV I 108 O.S. 111 O.S. 112 OS. 26 13 18 1 18 18 18 18 12 17 21 13 16 15 _--yA.V L\J\JJ-JL . .. . . . .. . .. . .. 5 Plan .. ./Plan ff." ... `pm . ucn ms nu wUI_l(lI'8 he held her a at-her indecision. future of. those shining bin i6 15 155 14 14 25 GVVILLUVIBURY 4 1 nn 1` 22% 204 A Lot Con. Acres Arrears Costs Tota ; on 9 1 D -nnn Ann:-A-.._- 1"] 24` U03 0: -569 .. . .. 3569 .;. 569~.V.. 1'2 16 18 19 20 x 003 . Kt!!! ESSA neck. , I He waited, hears. open and poisedl above her hea_ `as she watched him in the mirror. . " As in a. dream the visions whirred across her mind. Life with Bing. happy, debonair, good-natured; ,_life with Salt. clever, deep thinker, distinguished. Bing,-. game with Southern ardor of devotion`; Saltpquivering with passion- ate idolatry. Bing, triumph of `muscular urcxw Lue wmxe apron closer about her? perfection, victor of all out-door ' sports: Salt. mentally great, full of imagination -and creative genius. Oh.` which should it` be? ~ ' The` shear o hovered, In the" n-mirror I she saw the uzzled face oi. the barber as he wondered at -her indecision. - She future nninm-I An bl-A .-It-- 11 in 11` `/2 200 10 uvLDL 100 76 59 200 14 _'u 100 13 10 "ff 779 Lot Arr s :78 . 780 . 781 '3. 782 .. 908 . 909 910 .. 931 . 932 941 .. 945 .. 954 .. 955 .. 956 . 957 I. 959 . 959 I. 961 .. 962 963 .. 982 ..1os9 .,;o9o ..1226 ..1227 ..1228 .1232 .1237 .1288 .1289 .1290 .1291 .1293 .1294 .1295 .1296 .1353 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 4.36 4.36 4.36 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 `6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 1 6.63 6.63 4.36 4.36 4.36 6.63 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 `4.36 4.36 49.36 ' 6.63 200 207 100 zn nu 189 LA Pk Pk Pk Pk .I. 100 100 33 91/ Pk Pk Pk `[7! 64.39 12.22 37.04 183.60 4.45 21.49 ULL LUll!`H.(l'S tnumb. - -' . 7 Walt a_.,m1nute,", she said convul-'3 sively. alm`o,st hysterically}, `as he` `drew the whie apron `closer about her .A .-'03 . HEAD and b - . BRONCHIAI ` 21: __ _ COLDS _ nke-~llo Snrays--Ho Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ-IIAH cansule Restores normal breathing. Quickly" pto s all choking, gasping and mucus t eri 5 in bronchial tubes. Gives ng_nig ts of restful sleep. Cohtains no mjuriouq or habit-forming s. - 81.0.0 parbox at drugstores. Send 5c. or - generous trial. Templetons. Torqnto. . __ _ __ __ ._ _ _ 24.37 14.02 3.14 14.92 26.30 17.11 13.12 16.54 31.89 38.72 22.44 126.15 8.52 ' 73.00 110.52 .33 17.89 9.90 6.96 59.98 1-3.35 16.33 40.92 3.99 125.84 14.77- 9'70 11.'25 7.08 13.28 13.97 24.96 24.30 40.73 22.12 19.36 19.36 13.64 19.06 19.06 19.06 19.06 0 0. 19.06 19.06 19.06 18.84 - JUKTL uuuel` cuscusslon, l`he next afternoon Connemara went tog.New York. The whole crowd went along. but she weht alone into the hair- dressers parlors. e Her going did not necessarily mean a bob: she was undecided as ever when ,she advanced to the desk to keep her appointment. She had arranged by telephone that she was -to have the time, and if she concluded `at the last minute not to have her hair bobbed, she would pay for the time andtkeen her looks intact. The-lady at the desk smiled and wav- ed her to an appointed cubicle, where _pretty bobbed-haired girls let down her auburn` mass and brushed it out. Then the man with +1.. .1......... .......- 376.13 152.29 19.29 41.52 28.04 32.60 :13`; 87.72 43.25 -4.13 294.27 32.92 32.05 43.02 1.00 8.28 140.04 104.23 000 22.44 11.30 712.26 16.46 18.50 10.28 3.78 8.54 79.82 -where the. reat shears open toVcut; auuu1'r1' mass and brushed I man with the shears came In. [Connemara had 11 vivid remem- brance of t e picture in Struwe1peter . off Conrad's thumb. ` - I WE fl rnlnnin '7 ..I.- `-1: - ` 2.94 2.90 _-_--- - AA1ILll..\' JJIIIE. .11. 1. come bacikvwith hair as It is, it's a sure Sign Salt is the man." Cheers greeted this speech. and there was :1 sound of revelry by night that dismissed for the time being the sub- ject under discussion, hiff Qffarvnnnvu (`A-----A~A* 2.78 64.0 I 2.97 `) 0'7 2.7 2.75 2.75 wucllc. ()thers followed. and before them all Cayenne Fairy gave her ultimatum. I'll decide this matter myself." she said, as they all flung` advice at her at once. Tomorrow, I'll run down to New York, and back, in time for dinner. If I get my hair bobbed while I m there. it's cause I mean to mar-r,v Bing. If I back with my it .=iv Cheers Q'I`QQf'Q(` fhh: unnnnln a------1 4`- -~-~ 3.58 4.49 .10 .00 60.50 15.02 40.46 190.69 7.20 .:1.`8l 16.87 10.89 17.79` 29.45 20.01 21.07 19.46 35.18 42.18 25.50 131.80 11.29 77.32 115.78 3.08 10.94 12.27 20.83 mmucn, n spenqmrlrt. he cares only} for the silly, bnbbed~'haired flapper sort. He'd make you one of that ilk. 'and it is not your metler! {Come to me. I Fairy darling, we will have pleasures; of the intellect, of the mind, of the soul, I such as that village cut-up can't even." understand! I will love you with af devotion, an. idolatry. all the deeper.` and flnerand sweeter because of our, mental development, our psychic---" I Cut it out, Connemara!" called Pop- 3 p_v Glenn's shrill voice as she and Dic-.k_v' Bird intruded themselves ' upon the scene. -. -...,... . f\6-1..-H... a.. 1 - ` J....Uq) 9.7} 63.97 16.13 19.23 4.52 44.44 6.74 131.48 17.63 11.53 K -')'."` 1.11.6 27.47 1 L3 0'! A.L.U-I 5.27` 5.2? 5.2? 5.07 10.28 9'.-' A"! 14.03 9.83 16.11 16.81 28.03 27.40 44.24 25.1? 22.34 22.34 16.48 22.03` 22.03 22.03 22.03 16.83 22.03 22:03 22.03` 21.81 Luv: LWU SLFUCK Sparks. `'1 s11an't make love. to you, he de- clared. until you say you will marry me. VV y should I waste kisses on.u girl who may be another's wife? But Connemara, don't, I beg of you,. don't make the mistake of accepting Bing Cy1'1'i11gton. He's a fortunehunter. _a..,` wastrel. a snendthrlft Ln. ,..,...... ....--. 80.53 158.59`: 22.2? 45.05 31.24 35.92 u gvuaa - 8 12.74 92.421 46.83 6.88- 301.62` 11.29` 36.24 35.35 46.55! 109.33 11.03; 146.04 25.56 14.08- 15.08 - 19.37 21.46 13.03 6.53 6.33 m.,...u._-,.uu. mes a Io:-tunehunter. wzistrel, spendthrift. He only; b()bbed~'hairnr1 mmm...4 84.3.74 tu- \I\.~v C IV \JK. GlLLETT 5 66 COMFORT SOAP C0. THEE ONE It kills Sprinkle Comfort their haunts. It In` or drives them awn Save the labels for Premium C Be Sure You G5 Du _yuu u KDOVV." Carrington went reluctantly, and Adams came to the arbor, where Con- nemara had promised him an interview. It\was a. stm-mv nnn Q0]! ....1 .. THURSDAY, NI The new FREE Oxl -.... ....w nnxpx. `IA tells h0V. \Vrile for I Illlwinrx .._.. .. ......- uuw. vv IIIC nu! LIMITED, 356 St. MONTREAL. to make dozens of attractive wand re; beef avour mleh-m usc OX0 Cubes. Vand Economical mice "Ia know, Bing--I know. But run 9 now, Saltonstalf is coming here. If I decide on you, I'll have my hair bobbed tomorrow, and if I take him, I won't. So you'll know." (`.nI~nincr+nv~. u..\...4. --..I_-A4 -- - `m` H -.."%.EI,%? 'SoAPc Dis! 1.| -A--A The Chee. quali: f"I uumam nuu promised him stormy one. Salt had a temper equal to Connemara s own. and the two struck sparks. sl1an't rnnlzn Inna fr: "M. H I... :- _-_-..-.... -...-c ovlol nvvvuu, avsvulau. nAz-' AH hllnn A lliivlsiyin nun ._... cu- enn'e _Fairy Queen," he exulted. We? are,.each other's own. twin halves of a perfect soul made one. and all that. You never could stand that hatchet-I faced, beetle-browed, gimlet-eyed old P11-grim Puritan of a Salt, Adams. You know you couldn't; And I want you to have your hair bobbed tomorrow, and tomorrow night at the dance we'll tell all and sundry our precious secret. How about it. my honey-blossom off of a peach tree?" I'll see, Bing. I don't know--really I don't yet. But I lli_-decide tomorrow. of course, and I'll--I'll let you know. "Good! It you decide against me, don't bother to forward the informa- tion. But_you_ won't-yoq can't. Oh, my little Connemara, nobody could love yo_n as I will--as I do. Star of my soul ~ lantern-jawed, I away V, uiuru uleunt IO 00. - Late thatevening she had two ses- sions, one with etfch of here chosen knights. V ' . . `Bing was first. They walked down the paths to the, rambler arbor and sat `there, while he pleaded his cause with real eloquence. He- was a perfect courtler, and his manners were: more than perfect. He could rise `at the ap- pearance of a lady, without looking as if he had Just heard the first notes of The Star Spangled Banner. He could hold her cape for her without the er-I fect of hanging out the Monday wash. He was intensely modern. up to date,. and a little beyond. Of nnurm: vnn'n hnuuuuyvu-.51. ....-. n--- npuun: u.u_u U18 mU8lC_8.l 819.8888. And beneath it all the un_dercurre`nt of excitement, wondering what Conne- mam meant to do. T.nfn f}'nof n1u:unI-g.-.. ml..- I--J A--- ..... . \4vvoo an vs; ;\uapy. use uflplb. The fun began at once. They were; a. noisy young lot, there was racing and chasing o*er Canoble Lee. there `was guylng and irting and petting and all the modern substitutes ton; Shake- speare and the musical glasses. And beneath if R" fha Ilncuu-nu.-..n'.-0 (Continued From Page 10) tresses. Beside the two men `there were Richard Bird. naturally called Dicky. and Cecil Percy Knapp. the artist. Thn fun Innnunun `A ....'-_ .uu rs HLUU oeyona. ` Of course, you'll marry me, my Cay-' - co izht'1924-25.P.VF. Come 1: so F3081! }I')rd!AIVB" with Merle Prgvost. 3 Wnrnnr `Rum. `Dial '.should I waste kisses on a girl ` j 1=.~F. Comer Son ._co. `am! G. P. `Putnam : b Provost. Inca vleturlzatlon pt this not: Warner Bros. Pletqtes. Inc. ' T % 81 t/zr Kind Stops Coughs who may be ahother s wife?" I " uuunonul -- none Spadea- 10, 8, 6, 4.3 or size should betray her secret.` Oh, well," said Bingicheerily, ``you ll have to show down tonight. The fancy-dress ball will last beyond mid- I ; .nigh,t ,`and at twelve you'll have to com! Q ?i l'\ Hearts -' 6 . Y had a singleton spade and doubled _ing. Z, however, thought of none of Clubs -- K, Q, 9, 8 Diamonds - 7 SpadeS-"Av Q1]: 9:7: 6: 2 No score, rubber game. Z dealt and bid four spades (a ne preemptive bid, by the way). A doubled, Y passed and B bid ve hearts. Z and A now passed and Y doubled. VVhen all passed, what should Z have opened? This hand offers an ex- cellent example of the proper opening _"~ad after a double. If a player doubles after his partner has made a bid, he ex- l pects his partner to lead the suit he has bid. If a player has made a bid of his own and later doubles, he expects his partner to lead that suit. In this exam- ple hand, Z has bid four spades and his partner, Y, has doubled ve hearts. Un- der these conditions, Z should have opened his ace of spades. This opening would have set the contractone trick. with the expectation of a spade open- these ver good reasons for a spade opening. e opened the king of clubs and AB just made their bid and-thus scored game and rubber. This hand is a ne example soistudy it over carefully. The following is another line example: Hearts - 5 Clubs-9, 8, 6, 3 _ Diamonds -- 7, 6, 2 Spades -- A, K, 8, 7, 6 ` Hearts - K, 6, 2 Y : Clubs-- K, , J, 4 A s B : Diamonds- , 8 Z : Spades - Q, 10, 4,` 2 No score, rubber. game. 2 dealt and bid glut hearts`? A bl(g_dV1"e (ll(iamo!f1da adnd rhued. open t e mg 0 spa es an _.B's hand, the-dummy s in this in- stance.-was placed on the table. Z layed the three o spades `and A the ve. Y A should have reasoned somewhat as fol- um um engaged ones. `. - But at dinner Connemara _aDDeared ,.w1th ` a `headdress of silver gauze. {wound turbanlike round her head. - Skillfully, too. so that no hint of shape In the preceding article, the writer referred to several hands that were mis- laayed and asked {or criticism. The first " nd was as follows: wc Copyright 1925 by Hum, 1,, ...-.. ...... pus; nu puzuuu Luau. l ~ ,`You ll know soon enough," she said. and her dazzling` smile included the] two men most interested. as well as the rest of the noisy, rollicking group.` Home they went and off to dress for dinner. A ' ' Surely at dinner they must learn the! 'truth, and could then toast the health` of the engaged ones. I , Rh; 9; ,n.,,...-_... r ----A---J --`aunt, nnnuulllla LIUII , came. Her inner soul spoke. the truth ' .appeared to her--she knew! V When Connemara rejoined the.crowd- -who Waited for her.,they stared at her` radiant face..\_Eagerl,v they looked at. cloche of a hat was dra,_wn down closely! over her whole head, and no hint could; be gained as to-the state of Cayenne Fairy's hair. . V Nor did any. dare to snatch off the hat and solve the question. Connemara was not one to stand that. `ICYYA-.3!` I....---- ~-- ' " ' `her hair, but her small tight-fitting!` : Luv Auums mmuy. " Suddenly, like aflash. illumin appeared `VHRII nnnnnnnorn no-Inl......: `L- - Luul-be steel arnuers or Fate. and she would be the bx-lde of. the worthy scgon of the Adams family. - illumination ,came. inner smxl nnnln: H... .....u. those steel arbiters of Fit. |would be the bride of Hm xxrnnfhu -..a..... vv AIVAABO 9] Muto cf 7%: v * YNNP;_1?`:R U..i7 art3'-Ko v 99 5 Club -`Q: 1:179 3 fnifnndl -- unn- He dedlared. Problem No. 51 ay-- u--1 t EU7uz71'sE g RELIEF In ARTICLE No. 7 1 ' ~""-'-It-I-lA\%l\ILJI Ferguson on oiuctzon Brzdg " _. .....-.-_-. 3-;-K, ,9,5 9.1. 7 uuua. umcau ox aomg so, however Z oaened the ace of clubs and then ijed t e four, hoping as he said, for a ruff. This lead gave AB a'ame that they couldn t have scored: Z had opened the king of hearts. Note all three of these hands very carefully for they are `typical hands and involve points that come up in every session of play. Hearts --- K, Q, 9, 8, 4 Clubs -- A, 4 Dia..r:1onds--], 7, 6, 2 Spades -- 9, 5 No score, _l Sl2 game. Z dealt and bid f one heart, A and Y passed and B bid 2 one spade. Z and A passed and Y bid ; two hearts. The nal bid was four 3 spades due to the fact that Y raised the ; heart bid twice more. He also doubled l four spades. What should Z open? This : hand is similar to the rst one in that Z has bid a. suitaand his partner Y has doubled. Under the rule set down in the analysis of that hand, Yicertainly ex- pected`a heart lead b Z. Irrespective of thatfact, however, % should have led a heart in the endeavor to set up aztrick in that suit before he lost" his reentry in clubs. Instead of doing however, Z th 309 Of rink: ant` 4-L-- -1 LG! :1 uuy nutc. The play in the following band should be easy but sometimes the easy ones are the ones that go wrong: mm xuul uuuurs and very little side strength. He also probably has a single- ton spade and bid four hearts in the hope of shutting out a spade bid. There- fore, my bcst play is to lead the ace of spades and hope that Z can trump the third round of spades." If __Y had fol- lowed this line of reasoning, he won d have set the contract one trick. e failed to do so, however, and led a heart at trick two, which A trumped. A then led trumps and scored game and t rubber, losing only two spade` tricks This is another hands that should be carefully noted. The nlm. in H... A'-1v-_-,9,, I ' - lows: What sort of hand did Z have to justify a four hmrt bid? If he had wanted a heart. lead, he probably would havie doubled. His {our heart bid prob-` ably consists of..,z:t least eight hearts with four honors and little side strength. He aim nmhal-.i.. `an . .. ...--I- LUL uucxu. ' It isn t anything unusual for a per- I son to.g'ain ten pounds in thirty days, I and for old people with feebleness 'overtaking' them they work wonders. og Icon--to kill u'(':"r:"'XEIn VERMIN . 1 uuc WUIJU. { Because it contains more vitalizing ivitamines than any other food you` can get. You ll be glad to know that Mc- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets come in sugar-coated form now, so if! you really want to put ten or twenty pounds of solid, healthy esh on your {bones `and feel well and strong and; `have a complexion that people will admire--ask any druggist for a box jiif McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- ! ets. V Only 60 cents for 60 tablets and if you don t gain ve pounds in thirty days your druggist is authorized to hand you back the money you paid for `them. TL .'....)A ~- ` gym a nun.) 11113 I Y(;u re behind the times if you do not know that Cod Liver Extract is` one of the greatesj: esh producers in J `the world. _ I 1 0-...-- - A iuoL.__-:. _ , asylessons in .{ _--_.... ....., acLcut:ly_I`eCelV1Dg them. I She paused at the top` of the stairs` a moment. It's a shame to tantalize them longer," she mused, but I must e-just for gt few minutes, anyway. ` ' K V She went` slowly downstairs and en-! tered the dancing room. A cheer greet- led her appearance wich turned to a. ggroarl. of impatience and exasperation as they saw her face. saintlike and beautiful, swathed about b_v_ the coifed headdress that belonged to her garb` of 12 Dominican Sister. V (To be continued) E wmes on me bed and smiled. T V U `Passing them by. she took from a. Nwardrobe 9. box and opened it, From ' t she took a. full costume `which she iquickly donned, deftly adjusting its ;long white folds. ~ I Qnnn nnvnw-.l..L..-. -44. - V I [nuns wnue Iolds. V U ` I I Soon, completey attired, and listened over the banister. 'es. I the guests were assembled: Aunt Ce1l- _ mena. was serenely receiving ;` Daused at me mu ~*" *'~ ' ` ` dressing table, repeated in the hand-f glass she held, her lovely Tman hair: gleamed in its auburn glory. ' ` Connemara looked at the two cos-, ; tumes on the bed ] `Passing: them hv up... ...A.. ._,,e mm-nowu% men ; ugmus Mew :3 . ` "1 know her costumes." said Wraye. She has a stunning 0; `P12 that ghoha (1-4-`K--- A DON'T Miss his- 'nn v-a `1n1v-ml 4.1.- .L.'.--, :ience xer zed garb` Qisxh-.n~ I ad agreement to this,3 they all wentupxto; ball garb, the girls. 11 of Cayenne Fairy) t on her bed the two 3 fold nf O 2 Fairy laughed hap- - k`v3fa';`}ZT 43 and 49 _ 11.1.. 92. 93. 94. _95. 96. 97. (IO Una Indy in dog kcnIuli'-- rub into dog's out--to kill IBE A \ll\ I run: nun: 90. 88. 89. 87. 0.9. 83. 84. 85. 86. 78. 79. 80. ' 81. ` Ul- 68. 69. 70; 71. 72. 73. 74. I 75. I 76. I 7_7. U . 65. 66. AH