Fine SWEATERS All Wool and Silk and Wool. Sox, regu4la-r -` 75c value for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 200.only Men : Ties in silk and knittsa styles, $1.00_value for . . . . . . .. 69 `Christmas boxes. ' Extra Value in Men s Combinations, med- ium weight, worth $3.00 for . . All Wool Ribbed Underwear, lfenman s, shirts and drawers, all sizes Staneld : Hewson Knit Pure Wool Un- - derwear, good heavy weight, shirts and drawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Men : Horsehide Mitts, Wool cuff and `who ! lining, extra value . . . . . . . 89 0}/ERBAT8 MEN S FURNISHINGS v LEUJUS LU!` IJIUHL - " Boiled carrots. served hot with cream, sauce.` are delicious. Make the sauce by rubbing our into melted butter. and uddln milk or .a. llttle -thin cream. `I11 `I... -1 J.I_.I_ ..1l-I. 1.1-- LI.` $19.95 WOOL HEAVY womc sox soo PAIRS or {r;iIIe', Jo}t1."6Z 3 paifsfor $1.00 Page Tlu-cue Iuvoylqlvfn sou-sou V. IN not-unv noon: bluucuvnlll When you the 01, thl; `dish, dice the carrots. boil them. and `put them away to cool. and use In a. salad. '- ' - lfnunnnnlun nan.` llhnnnliuv uvlll `Inaha 9&1!` $1:-VC I I I`: wrvvvvnw one of London's beauty a"pec'1;l!"sts writes: - ' - numna noun` nlnh` In 'hInn:I-nuvIIfuInw Tecumset_:h--- I V Teg'art's . . . ..' . Carter'g . . . ; .` . Hammell s',School A Wilcox School . . . Thompsonville . ., Cookstown . . . , . ` Toss6rontio- Everett ....\. .. I `I v I `I n S. S. No. 1 Swa ield's . . . . Glencairn . . . . . West Gwillimury- Bond Head M*d leton , `II!-llC,:tI} V Coulson s Hill Gilford . ""' .' `T ' In`nisl-~ V Bethesda School I o n I I I 0 Hr I I votononvvlfv; Thornton Stroud . . . . . Craigvale . . . . . . . . .. o n v n 0 v v I I I I _v'o Painswick ...... .` u I n g o I Cookstown_ (Nee1y's) . "Essa-- n Elm Grove Braden's School "'IC"Il'lODI9Ill Angus Cookstown Thornton (Power's) . . tculnvrftfooo JU\ Vl3i"""" Adjala~- ` Cedarville . . . . Loretta '. . . . .. .Ti'acey's . . . . Connor Hockley Moore's u---u---- 8942 5936`A d " .Majority for Rowe, 3006. ` Simcoe Details` Additional details of voting in the lsimcoe pan; `of the riding are as `fol- ows:--- A,u..I.. 11..--.- u1.--.1; I-tarto ational IVUWB Amaranth . . . ; 385 I I I I I I I Alliston . . . . .. 430 Beeton 233 Bradford . . . .. 371 Camp Borden . 178 East Garafraxa 289 East Luther 193 Essa 812 Grand Valley . . 167. Innisl .... .. 930 Melancthon 424 Mono 563 Mulmur . . . . . . .- 675 Orangeville 845 Shelburne . . 366` Tecumseth . . . . 7'18 Tossorontio . 394 Tottenham 146 W. Gwilljmbury 513 'Earl Rowe, Conservative, best` IJ. Woods, Progressive, by: a margin` - of 3006 votes. Onl about two-thirds.` ---14,878 out of 2 .110--of. theper-o sons named in the lists went to the polls. Woods was ahead in only three municipalities out of twenty. Rowe : majority of 97 in his own township (West Gyvillimbury) wasie Smallest E he received, except in Grand Valley.`I . A Summary 2 Official gures show the totals by municipalities as follows:--- Totals Majority Rowe Woods Rowe W. . 499 114 Adjala .. 310 194 116 ' _ 259 -171 _ Beeton` .58 175 13 165 2894 .165 124 267 ` 7.4 417 395 ~ .. 167. 144 . 23 V 682 298 754 '_ 330 . Mono........563V411 152 8081- 367 - 403 442 .. 225 141 333 385 185 A209 . " Tottenha `1052 41 `I17 l'I__._'II:..,1_ ._____ :11 n Oicial Returns`, T Of` Voting in D_uffer,in-Simcoe 7.. on`; Oct, 29. 5- 3oo6is TOTAL on` ROWE ___1}_1AJORlTY THURSDAY, NOVEMBI-31!! 19, 1js'2s_._ III U! V! VVHW Defeated Progressive Candidate Dufferin -Bimcoe SEEK BEAUTY mc"Ann o'*r Inn nf T.nntInn'n hnnnfv dnnhlnll u/...... .... .. }{'.'.'.".Z'.I'..'... .'e.".'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'. 'v1"".'IIIZ%1'% umber. '('\is*h't6:i"s') 113 Dnuu.-us : \ 1 (I9 n. J. woons 82 , 107. ,,164 63 7 145 94 66 96 41 72 4-VII 416 518 Rowe Woods 65 35 . 42 52 25 /555 66 17 T 53 21 59 718' 894 930 81 121 92 163' no -151 107 .110 129 102 65 158 115 39 26 56 812 310 -Ll!-J 102 86 5*? .419 116 Bil! 19,1935. 128 - 122 - 32` 89 A! 383 51 9'5 108 ' 96 113 48` 41 5'1 14~ 20 682 53' 1916 .46 70 '11 3'7 "IE5 `417 194 -76 33 20. 27 29 Men : Pure Wool Serge Pants, all? -~ sizes, vsfell made, extra value, $3_49 Heavy Work Pants, a'l1,wool tweed, hard- % wearing" and `s'erv,`iceable~ . . .% . . $238 Our Boys Furnishing Department is full to the brim with new s easonable goods--_ Sweaters, . Underwear, Shirts, `Braces, Odd Pants, Ties, Caps, in fact, everything in boys apparel is here and, Best of all, the prices are ,very 19w. Visit this Depart- ment of our store and no`te the values, Boys" Jerseys, lsize's.22 to 32, large selec- tion of colors and styles, egctra value at . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ -_Q1AQ Boys (jvercoat, `zes`4 to 9 yars, in :1 range of styles and' colors . . Boys Overcoats, Sizes 1.Q_t0 14 years. _ These are `hard-wearing, goodlquality coats in a- variety of styles and colors, . and extra value at . . . . . . . . $1035 Ioo Ml:`.N S ESUlTS, PICKED FROM OUR REGULAR STOCKS; LTHEYARE MADE IN THE NEW I.>OPUI.AR -STYLES`, ALSO IN THE MOREcON- SERVATIVE STYLES. COLORS ARE BLUE H AND `BROWN, HERRINO- BONE STRIPES AND MIXTURES IN ALL WOOL WORSTEDS, TWEEDS AND sEROEs.' THIS ISA WONDER- FUL fOPPORTUNITY [TO GET THAT NEW SUIT, As THEY WERE ALL OR- IGINALLY PRICED MUCH HIGHER. MEN 8%sll|T8 ;} FOR can Zuuwnlvi V 63 .o iu, unaemlu; Tied, Hosiery, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Suspenders, in fact, anything good everything that . any .por- A son might want. Do your Christmas shopping here, and shop J Remembr, .s.;ny'z9 M, ' dayi `left Before . Wear: ready ' with .a Alaruge rahge of -9 vljaoliday goodsnin T evgfy -._-_.1`___ _- BOYS DEPARTMENT zit... om) PANTS $19.95 "r;H1a: ,STORE THAT SAVES,Y-IOU MONEY -0vercoLa t-1? ':'.'.*.:'.": .::':"$'1:;;g An. armed party raided a. motion pic-| ture theatre in , Kingstown, Ir.eland.v and seized .a film at the'Pr1ncg,,o!` V,'Wo.lea'_tq.ur. . I-.. Ar runs swam mews wm, Eovs AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOSlERY,7ETC. OUR BUY- ER SCOURED THE MARKETS AND BY C0-OPERATION WITH soME or CANADA S LEADING MANUFACTURERS wE ARE ABLE TO OFFER you SUPER VALUES IN EVERY DEPART. MENT. IT WILL PAY YOU AND PAY YOU WELL To INSPECT CIR Ej KCPX Kjfxj :-_._...__ `ran mum:-:. EXAMINER` Ladies Cashtnere..Hose, sand, brdwn, gfey ,% and black, $1.00 value for . . . . .j 69 V8/4 Blech fed Sheet;g,1;aVy and good, quantity liyjited, only . . . . . . . . 49 Ladies `Art Silk Htgiery, large range of colors,` special, p.air . . . . . . . .. 49 Bath Towels, urge size, Aawonderful bar- g`ain'at.....T.% . . . . ..A...........59c. Ladies Suede Gloves, all the new;t~yIe_s andshades . . . . . . . . 98 Ladiqs RiU:ed Underwear, cream shade, % .worth$1.25, upstairs . . . . . . .. Pure Linen Hand or Tea Towelling, ` special: for `this week bnly, yard '. . 17 ll LEUUI. uuu BU III u IHIHUI ' Mayonnaise, used liberally. will `help. to disguise the carrot flavor it you find it monotonous, b t a raw carrot every morning and a, ollediv carrot at dinner every night for a month will result` in such a wonderful improve- ment in the complexion that the treat- ` ment will be voted wel_l__worth while. Ladies Pure` Silk Stockings, an the new shades, all sizes, $1.75, value for . WALK UPSTAIRS . AND SAVE We can save you real money? in ,our Up-t stairs Department. Low operating costs enable us to offer you extra values in this Department. ouk srocxs B51-`om: BUYINE .A SPECIAL PURCHASE FROM ONE OF CANADA S LEADING MANUFAC- TURERS ENABLES US TO MAKE THIS OFFERIIN OVERCOATS. THEY [ARE PLAID-BACKS WITH THREE- PIECE BELT, ALSO PLAIN COATS- AND BIG HEAVY ULSTERS. COLORS ARE BROWN, GREY, LOVAT AND MIXTURES AND ARE MADE FROM `HARD-WEARING SCOTCH AND ENG- LISH COATINGS. THERE ARE COATS IN THISLOT THAT ARE WORTH UP TO $35.00. A "WHILE THEY `LAST, ONLY A Special 1>"m-chase, direct from the fac- tory, of Men's and Boys Sweaters-over 400--in all the new colors and styles. ."Spaee- does not permit mention of indiv- idual lines,` but every one is a real bargain. There are-Work Sweaters and big, woolly wann Coat Sweaters, in fact, you will nd just the sweater you want here. Be sure and see these. ` i" Carrots are` rich in blood-purifying minerals. and the woman or girl with a dull, litelese skin is certainly advised to adopt a. gliet of carrots. Raw carrot; are very good for the teeth: they clean the` surface and stimulate the gums, but it may take a, little time to acquire it taste for them. Ballad annual-n -nnug lent nvlfim hrnnvn