v---_--V- -----vvu A recent: canvass of women users 70f ..'the Vegetablgompound shows that g out of eve ` e 00 women takin the dicine are beneted by it._ hey % a write andtell us so. Such evidence` en-' titles uIt.caI1 it I.d9pwIl:.le medicige, w ; I -` .a I _...- ........ .5 a.LI.cl.` nun. street, near the center itinerant minstrel was Had nu ma... 1l\ his _drawn and to comprehend: - eyes so filled frin n 4-` "- . . . . . . . . . .. 1.0-4 10c, 3 for: 5c; also 2for2 10c, 3 for: 45c '55-60c 23-25c 273280 .q.. 25C . 30c . 5c 50c 3732.00 . . . . 5c 15-25c C:-no OE;-n "6UU ' 25c * 15c 25c L.-. , '?Dl.ly' -fbuu11uu{l 3 -[seml-trimmed `wallpaper - 22 in. `wide instead of `old 18 in. `For sale. by W; A` Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St.i . 89tc QUU be ` 15c _`IKn F_'ur_ Remod;1Iing,& .R},,.;,ing] `II? I. I \`r!I'\ll'A . Bole reached for her hand. She gave| it to him willingly. | MINNIE Ma< .RNXN, ss s-man st. r Lay-Lu _.Iu1.VU1N.l'.`JE Ontario and Dominion Lan. Surveyor 133 Blake St., Barrie. `Phage 62. 1-. 1:1. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept.` `Phorie Mai AH. J. Welch, CA. G. D W. S. Hulbig, Produ VVI:l.Ul"l, Chartered Ac n 5874. .E.La CAMPBELL 59 Y & LAWLES8 untants onge St., Toronto . Campbell, CA. c6 V I9 Iurun Ul'(UI:R OF NURSES Barrio Branch ` Residence, 86 Worsleyst. Phone 761W. WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock\ every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through your doctor. - ' v|c'roRIAIg ORDER or an-in R.-g....I. __________________ [WELCH, CAMPBELL. ._Aw'._Ess' Acem-1+. no. B. M. SYLVESTER - Teacher of "Music. - Bandmaster Barrie Citizens` Band Formerly Director of Music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster of 134th O.S, Bn.,M bandmaster of 76th Toronto Scottish Ret. ,, EDMUND HARDY Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Plano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's.Presbytcrlan Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of _ __Music and University of 'rm~m.+.-. uuxu ultauaust. roronto Conservatory 01' Music Univprsity of Toront . ~ 113 Worsley St. Phone 683- we 1uu'd.u1e U1 mutual love rorgranted. By noon they had gained the summit of distant Starling Hill, the one lux- Iriantiy verdant spot in all that hard mountain land. The excess of their exuberance had toned down to a sober appreciation of one another's presence`. Bob had forgotten-that night before. ,, , MAUDE E. CLAX-`TON, L.T.C.ML ' Teacher of Piano and V.ocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Qonserva.- tory of Music examinations leading up to and including A.'1`.C.M. degree. Studio-King Block.` Phone 424 I __...-..._...__..-.--__.____._.__.__.-- -Buy - .Staunton s"= 5 sLen1i-trimmed rnnnnnnw __ 99 {vi 'np3A.. :....a.-_.1 _.: Muss w. wvv .5 cu. uuxue DE, 72 Small St., Barrie I U} "I oPH.D. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic _ College`, Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone 80 EXP.3RIENcE.D DRESSMAKER nnn (nu Roll`: au.........-__ -_, , on. E. G. TURNBULL . Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth ! and Bradford Sts., Banrie. Phone 105.; " Office hnnr.u- L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and-Residence--ColIier St., cor-I ner Clapperton St.,' Barrie. Phone 275; _ un. l"HED_ A. ROSS l Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie. Late Surgeon Specialist with the ` Imperial Army, 4%, years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. l Office--140 Dunlop St., Barrie. }Phone 710. P.O. Box 1078 un. murilllvlb LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. 1st Saturday of each month: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-11 a..m. to 5 p.m Barrie, phone 2. Toronto. North 3326 j - ,, I DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. loffice and Residence-47 Mapfe Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or ,by appointment. Phone 213. 4,. T`. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B . pu:Lu1y. Caroline for days had been suspect- ing the extent of her attachment for Bob. When he had come to her at the gate this morning she felt sure of it; and now, swept from her feet by `the indirect ardor of his wooing, she took the miracle of mutual love fozxgranted. Bv noon thev had Qninn nu. mm....;+ I IJl`- W. Graduate of Phone 61 Hours: 8-9 a.m., DR. W. A. LEWIS `Surgery and Diseases of V Associate Coroner County of .....1 I Ur`. H. T. Associate Coroner County` of Office and Reside'nce-Cori1er and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Office Hours: Until 10.30 a.m` to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. Ph I - __ __ __.___.--_,_ -....uvmnt\:.r opn for daily engagements or _ sewing at home IIQQ Illll BE 90 n,, u g. - no *0. W. Plaxton. Tauru- DUNi T ` CAN H. H. CRESWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, I MONEY LTO LOAN. Ross Block, , l.........uc., cuucltol` for obtaining pro-1 bate of wills, guardianship and ad- m1Anistra.tion. General Solicitor, Notary, ic 'Bemple Building, Barri. - Branch Office-Elmvale.' W. A. Boys: K.C., M.P. . J. R. Boy: } yum. They were in love, pletely. (`:1 vnlinn fnvv An Ivu ALEXANDER c Barrister, Solicitor for `bate wills,_iguar_di(a1 rnlnh=o....u..._ % I ` aovs &. aovs |Ba.rx-iaters, Solicitors, Notaries _, f Conveyancers, Etc. ` |Money to loan at lnwnu+ -nh-~ unoa BURNS E BURNS . 60 -Elizabeth St.\_ . Opposite Palmer's New Garage . Nervous and Chronic Disorders Phone` 405.)` or call at office for ' information on any disease 4 rI.A)\ rUN &. PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building __ Toronto. Ont. u vruuul D!-, R. J. llawargis. G. R. _ , RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building 129--in a:>Anarub1`1`J.tib`, SOLICITORS, ET( Temple Building, Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN ( - GORDON LONGMAN Barrister; Solicitor, Notary, MONEY TO LOAN Ross Rlnnlz nu--: IJUNALD ROSS, LL.B. ` BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN - 441:1. u1.u1. u Dl.S., banrle. Phone Office hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3p.m., 7-8 p.m. v r I -II VII \lUllilll\lVLI She, in turn, utilized the milder and more subtle little girl methods of showing off; she hid from him at every chance. she goaded him into playing tag with her and for a short distance would run so fast that he could not capture her. When her inferior strength . gave out `-she forestalled his robust. pretensions to the spoils of victory my taking refuge in shy confusion; and -she selected and picked the fairest daisy within sight and stuck it into his buttonhole with a possessive little pat. 'I`h(~'>.v \UQI`P in `DVD nnnllu and nl\vv\ j R. J. EDWARDS &. `sow/mos` .18 Toronto 'S., Toronto. `T THE n 1 '9 " E. I1. CIVIL .ENGIN gn hnminlnn 1' O. R. RUSK, OPH.D. (aminad 121..-... DONALD R RRISTER Qn DR. FREDA. ROSS X Drs._Ros 59; Ross} 4 DRS. BURNS & BURNS 60 -Elizabeth Q4- Bob Wilson has a `day off and has! arranged to take Caroline Dale.on a, plcnlc-Just the two of them. Little! `the lady like that--llke daddy doe?" chum, asks Bob: Why do you look at! This was disconcerting to Wilson, who had fallen in love with Caroline. He was upset, too, because the evening before he had unexpectedly met Jane, whom he had known five years before, and who announced to friends that Bob was her husband. DR. H. T. ARNALL e Cnrnnnr (nnnr.. Al! 1v.LUJ.V J Ross :1-:5; cw-25 Kent Building I | xton. G. Gordon Plaxton ' James O. Plakton. I __.__.___.____- _CH'lROPRACTiC OPTICAL ARCHITECTS MUSIC 1mcAL V I I1: VV I Toronto \Unive-rsity Office--58 Cellier St. 1., 12.30-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. _________._______. ..-.~um..: us. vvuulen -oner Simcoe 5 I --and- u u \AlIl1\l\lI ----._ \_r\I\AsAL.y:\JL DLIQUUB. sidence--Corner Toronto Sts., Church . a.m., and 1; ) D_m_ Dhnnn 11!"! 121. 1 U JJUAN Block, Barrie. ________ A-LEGAL]:- uuc--\,uu1ex` b`t., cor-I L, 275; _________._._ =.--u a..m. to o ' -.-.:::..--j-:j r\-u|1r\i-l- County` Simoe. P---r`nr;1nn VI`.-....-...4-.. 'E}fv};;ds, B.A.s<': 'st., cowAN r nl-uh-....:... Page Ton uv vvr-UV I pro- nshin and sail- ~Iotary, etc. I Barrie - Nunses 4.111., anu 1 Phone 167. V G116: Public `I etc. _. -_... ---.-v--- wuu l\CPGIICq Over Hurlburt s Shoe Store 37-50c MISS M. McARTHU'R Over n11T]h11rf u Q1"... mm..- Hi7URS Altred inc; Repaired Your Needs - ARE WELL SUPPLIED AT / SCOTT S BOOKSTORE HarryB arron -3 yccua eJkpel'leHCe. NO COiLECTION-NO CHARGE KELLY & AIKEN COLLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Sound Owen Sound Offices: 169 9th St. E Reference--Standard Bank of Canada. We Handle Collections Only-- No Sideline. Nothing too old, small, large or` hard for us to tackle. 34 years experience. `Mn nn1'.r.mnmrnm run an A -----~-- IS OUR NEW ADDRESS where we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of -_ .. nrnnldo CARS WASP-IED and POLISHED Barrie Auto Paint Shop T. R. PARTRIDGE, Proprietor. SIGNS PAINTED. 38 Bayeld St. j ___..--v\: \IIlJ I. ILIII-JI. Large Variety of Cqlors Complete Repaint Job in 5 D THURSDAY, dcroszn 29, 1925. CHAP1"'El; TTTT l-Continued .. 1.- 4... v utuuu, n.lUl1u'68.l, QIIODBO. '-' " 1 am one of thousands who have taken Lydia B. Pinkhamis Ve etabl_e Compound and I have great fai in it. I can safel may it has relieved my troubles and shall never be _without a bottle of it in my house. Since my last baby` was ' born I suffered from pains and bac ache and would feel so tired I could not do -. enythin in my home. Since I have been ta iii; the Vegetable Com mid and Lydia _ . PInkham s Blood Me icizro I feel so different. I recommend. it to all my friends and hope it will cure other ` women who are suffering from the trou- bles I had."'-Mrs. Tnos. H-. Gunman, I21 Evelyn Street, Verdun, Montreal, Quebec. ` _ --1 jjl 0 A3 LdJLEDIIILII&I Published every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Sub- scription Price--Canada a'1`1d Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears 82.60); . United States, $2.60 per" year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLA'l`IONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have` their "subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period. yet. unless` we areinotified to cancel. we - assume the subscriber wishes the service. continued.` REMITTANCES should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par | in Barrie. . ~ I money orue In MULCASTER ST. FOR Hot Water , Heating and PLUMBING 52 Elizabeth St. : Phone 952W Agent for McC1ary s Furnaces. Auto Lienses Issued w. BELL, 7 Owen St. Hgunv&bowAh The Barrie Examiner 3u~n}.lh-1.....: ----__-- -nu Phone 547 : 48 Ellen St. SUFFERING FIRE l_I_\]_SURANCE tls--- _ 1 l\\llJIuI:cI.' Dl_'i`_Z-C-6 `on. '1-`1I\I_I:`3H I ......- U----J - CARTAGE GIVE US A CALL Hxone "I80 . Open and Covered Trucks PLUMBING AND HEATING _w. _J. RICHARDS THE ANSWER TO THE REPAINT PROBLEM I'\IFI'"Tll\ ;-um. ---- ---- - WHEN IT IS REAL ESTATE you naturally think of SYNOPSIS ._ L__ - go{.u;cT1oNs Dunlop at Mtnlcastef COMPANH-:`s 01-` THE 4 HIGHEST STANDING LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE .. C. REID 32 Phone . -J. A. Ma`cLa.ren, Editor. W. 0. Walls. Manager. auuu, uqe 111'. me other. definite irresistibility Vith ,1 Pl` r-nn1_hou 1-In.-'4 TRY 31`. IV: 0 Days. U. U. mover F. T. Hendry. 404 Transpu 312 v;. 5?:1 , candidly and com- nu: saw 500 ca,1mly,.`f`Why,-`what's . ' D `the matter?" ' - Matter enough it-y6d stuuthbiddntol "him!" said one` cop in tones --that de-. noted 1-gndct the`/`runm-niIa.1x:.a-.a-men 7-.. -v... V-v nun-I. unvllvn nun: T saw one _cop In tones` de-. ,4, t :-bubled__ and'qust1oning look plead- noted rcfsnect ;,(__!1'.f`thO ,!'p.Il,.1'.8_'ll'0h";}'\" xl`T I, ;gjd from her` eyes; th9!1fe_ was so much guarry. .'l`hetm_o`st"dang'ei*6tis`3;iul 7 ~`n'Sw to explain.`But"complidatioVns\had qlous criminal whomzever Vbeeniln the become-' hopelessly entangung, and uuumeu anu rea.'ay.wnen there came a crashing in the bushe nearby, and loud voices.`- Three uniformed epolicemen; with sawed off shotguns, broke` through and confronted them -breathlessly; Seen anyone --- a man -lnnconvlct stripes?" '* = ` ` " ' . No!" said Bob?ey9,1ml}t.>\Why,;'whaf s ct.` uuu uespou the quiet mountain glen with its raucous. warning. Caroline clung even ciosereto'Bob, an unaware claim for a mate's protection: and Bob. thrilling to thewarm contact of her young body, which quivered against him as a captive bird might in a man's clenched fist, telt a vast possessiveness --felt that he could successfully fight off a whole carload of` escaped des- peradoes, if necessary, to save her. " , I-Ie shotan arm around her shoulder and stood alertgr with, his other` fist doubled and ea. y.whe'n there crashing the bushes nnnv-I-nr' on mm: Lu: worm in restoring me mother I'D ` nprmal lgea_lth _and strength is told a sin * sud agam 1!_1 Jl18t::ll1h ettexfs as ' rs. Gardner wntea. . aux L, IL uruugnt me lovers to their feet. Caroline, in terror, shrank into the arms of Bob, who said excitedly`: ` f"1`hat s the police.p`atrol from town or I miss my guess! You know, they're transferring prisoners at the rate of a single carload a day from the'old state jail to the new penitentiary up the line. There's been a prison coach at- tached to the Westbound Limited each night for several nights past. One was laid up in the Yards this morning. I They ' exchanged significant looks. while the siren continued to draw clos- er and despoil the quietmountain with Warning. nnrniino wuere uaroune and Bob were seated. , Because this was an unfrequented ` road at best. traversed only. occasional- ly by mountaineers! flivvers, and be- cause the noise was so obviously dlf-` ferent from the usual automobile horn and so plainly an alarm signal of some sort, it brought the lovers to their terror. nhrnnlz `Infn +1.- mum we matter could be argued to a conclusion, a sudden and startling interruption came in` the form "of an ear-splitting automobile xiren on the road that ran about '9. hundred yards from the thickly-shrubbed cliff edge where Caroline and Bob eated. Because was an unfmnnm.+...:a lUVUo But Caroline, thinking that `she was acting for the best ineaving Bob what- ever pains or heart-throbs might be in- volved in the explanation e wanted to make, refused steadfastly o hear it. Before the matter could be a sudden and ah:-+H-~ lo _, .... -.........vu v1.a.UUb us. reassur- ing him-only served to make him uni- happy a`nd miserable, stubbornly de- termined toigo through with his reve- lations. This was in his. period of transition from his elevated mood back to his oppressed level of the sleepless `night, and if he had been able to have his way as middle zround miahf Imm- ups. . 7 '[`here now, there is no mystery to me except the miraculous mystery of our `youth and love; For the rest. I'm not interested in any of Crater City`s pet mysteries. But it's a wondermost of the cats there aren't dead, if curio- sity is as deadly to the tabbies as tra- dition would have us believe!" . This generosity of spirit instead or having the intended effect of reassur- him,,-only un'- , hanny Lind minnrnhin ..4..m.......--- s unuuu UL secrecy and mystery "' Caroline had all the woman in 1ove s lack of jealous curiosity; which sprang from the keenly negative, matter-ob fact philosophy as old as the sex` of mind if she learned fnothing more about him than she already knew; then, what she did not know would not worry her.'_ She leaned close to him. smiling and patted a -warning finger on his lthat it would be better for her peace nuu lips. urp vv UL Lulucua ; I love you for yourself, Bob-noti for your past, however silly that may have been-- I But you don't understand-you don't know, Caroline. I must tell you-You cannot help but know. even from the short time that you have lived in Crat- er City that I'm a person there under a. cloud of secrecy and mystery-J--" hm} all vfhn wmmnn In 1,...-.. `v-V-vvv Lydi: E. Pinkhem's Ve eteble Com; ` pound is a dependable me mine for the new mother. It is prepared from roots and herbs, contains no harmful drugs` end can be taken by the nursing mother; Its worth in restoring the mother to normal health and -h-Ange-I. :. 4-..I.a ....-.. l .~,-,m.muuuu:tuly. . ' ' Caroline, who had given herself free- ly and passionately to the .embrace,' sat up limply. quivering under the pounding of_ the stalled `heat in herf veins. i V " Bob, whats the matter-Bob dear?l in a frig`htened, embarrassed quaver. A For perhaps half a minute Bob did not answer; did not, indeed, even look, toward Caroline. He neve?` for-. got what he suffered in coming to the decision that brought him back,` straight-forward and manly, to hisf knees on the ground beside Caroline, facing her and telling her, in a dis-! couraged and hopeless voice: Caroline, I must tell you of my past life-" Caroline smiled in relief. So that was all? Then she smiled and said in a quick display of faith and trustfulness that caused Bob's eyes to lower in self-abased estimation -of his own une, ' worthiness: ` . T `nun unn 6'1. ...... ..-us -us,` -2 - .-...a guy: auunu Luau U_VUl""' I _ ., - 1 I Fmntic, Bob released Carolinejandm jumped to his `feet, striding` away `to the j cliff edge where he stood tenselyg with` V his chin pressed down on his breast'1 I and his hands` opening and closing` spzxsmodically. . - . . C (".;n'nHnn urhn Ina-ml r.-av...-... 1........-In n~-~ as: v `.14 ez'1l`S. Il'|'l' cu 1'3 I"ve sea.rchd for you `all thee years] --I love you more than e_ver-- . . I Tnvnnfln 'l3`n1-. ....I.~..,.-.: 4-u-.,-u I - u_y uvuz'uua.u--Uuli--" p Bob reached for her hand. She gave it to him willingly, gladly-and for an- other long while they were silent in the pulsing thrill of love's first holding of `hands. Bob leaned closer to her, on his elbow, and brushed hot lips cares- singly across the back of her hand; it was like a spark that set up between them a flowing of magnetism that could no longer be denied. An instant later, lips to lips, they were straining into one another arms. Still in the madness of that first kiss, B'ob gradually became aware that an intangible inward pricking was alloy- ing the pure strength of his joy;, invis- ible hands were dragging at himffrom behind , unseen bars burned his lips, unvoiced words grated harshly in his . acuuy Llurulllle EBESGG. VYou've done everythingyou threat-A ened yesterday you would do, except one thing, Bob--you've eaten-pickles. and you've watched the clouds sa_.il by overhead---but-" y Rnk nnunkoa In... I..\.. I_.....1 641-, wuu.c uuuuge. After lunch they stretched` in lux- urious ease at the edge of the grove, where daring ,and steady old trees grow dangerously close to the brink of - a precipice. In drowsy, eloquent silence they watched the ewhite powderpuff argosies of the summer sky dropping serenely toward the far horizon. Pre- sently Caroline teased. Vnn'va nv-no numnun..:...... ...... J.I..___L ' BUIIUUZ Caroline, with a. little gasp of de- light atthe perfection of it, chose a. cool dell-like recess under a. thick set- ting of high-limbed pines as an ideal spot in which to lunch. Bob fumblingly helped her set out'the picnic spread, marveling at the thoughtful choice be- hind the dainty delicacies she had brought, and lost in visions of a sort he had never had bei ore-visions of a life together with this slender girl in a white cottage. ` ` Affair lnnr-h 4-`Innu ..4....\4...I.....:' .1- 1.--- There are girl days and boy days," he told her once; `fBold, blustery March ,days are boy days; rare, warm, soft nJune days are girl days-a.nd today is `the rarest June da.y of all, because it is like you. You are its distilled es- ' sence! " (`in-.nII.... ...ll.I. _ ,, - - was navel,` Quebec. Y _.J_'_ ` vv cru symuea. llv. O00!) llinvaoi .. _..-v. v-.`. yup. un vvu.5Ul1- What are you raving bout. insult- ing Bob. Wilson like th s? Why'he s one of Crater City's leading citizens." Now Spike and the officers were gone]; Caroline_a.nd Bob were left alone. A _troubled_ and questioning v'e'j'v'fror_n l'1`e1-`eyes; there much exnlain. ' But o'nn1nHdn nm.."\s... .1 nun away IFOII1 15on--giving Bob every aid and advantage possible to enable him _to get in-a. vital blow. She was so engaged when several members of the police\posse rushed into the scene and made short work. o\f jerking Spike to hi feet,_handcuffing him, and punch- ing him into subjection under: the threat of their murderously shortened shotguns. - . . Bob got to his feet unsteadily. You win, bo-_-but it's my turn next _~ time!" snarled` `Spike over his shoulder. You're "wanted. by the police your- self-' -' ` 4 The policemen glancedat Bob sharp- ' He `faced. them unflinching and or ose, but remained silent. Then the officers laughed incredulously, and one pushedjspike roughly, starting him off toward the road and the patrol Wagon. What. are vou ravine` nhnm h-uqu'H-, ILUPL V At every chance she seized Spike, disregarding the back lashes of his ailing steel hand, and tried to pull him away from Bob--giving Bob every advantage nbssible in am. um-ruum and rough trackside camp. Bob soon realized that the was face to face with a fight for his life. Caroline, with 8., suddenly discovered courage standing her in good stead as `she wit-A nessed the fight of her man for his very ,life, moved back and forth with the thrashing bodies as they rolled and 1i::_1m;bled around, gouging up the rocky ur . - A4 n....... .I.._-- --- - - ups Lnruat. ` > ' ' 1 The fight became a thrashing mefee. V ` Spike fought with the insane courage , and cruelty of a maddened dog; Bob I remained , `chiefly on the defensive! 1 guarding his eyes, his throat, his heart, from the frantic jabbings of the steel 9, hand. Now and again, Bob was able to! , get in a telling smash against Spike's{1 face. But Spike met Bob on terms of ` equal strength, and had the advantages z ofhis frightful claw and of experience in the dirtier points of rough and tum- 0 bling fighting, gained in many a low barroom and rough trackside soon that he was fnnn +.. g mm me Laulng aesperaao's spike. | -Spike was not knocked`out. He had ' barely touched the ground before with a tigerish squirm he flung his muscular leg aroundin such a. way that it snip- I ped`Bob s legs from under him, crump- ling him to the ground beside Spike, who came to instant grips with him. . Bob knew Spike's method of old. He remembered the horror that he had been filled with upon the occasion of his first meeting with Spike, when he. had reflected upon the posibilities of 4 that steel claw as a. weapon. Now, therefore, he instinctively grabbed for the spike. And not a moment too soon, for it came within a. hair of, slithering his throat. mm. mam `\I\I|l'|Uu|An .. ;._____._.c I Luvciy. I ` r Bob looking at her in that tense, 9,sou1-`stripping moment. read the con- ",;crete suspicions and distrust dawning ,, in her eyes, and felt a rush of stubbor- . ness at the injustice of Fate that was robbing him of the carefully hoarded 3 strength of his exile. First Jane-now I Sp'ike. Spike, who had read--that post- .er. - ' .Bob stared at Spike again, dully : curious. ` s I want yuh to help me, see!" growl- . ed Spike. Hide me till thuh lousey - bulls git outen here-- The sounds of. I the pursuing party seemed to be grow- ' t _ing nearer again. This fact, coupled [with Bob's hesitation, inflamed Spike, 3 who shook his steel claw threateningly I I. under Bob's white face. ` _ ] T-Tin rnn Xxrnmu. n... 1'!" 4.-n .1, 3 1 3 J I 1 1 I - J 1 1 4 1 Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- 2i hm : Vegetable Compound 1 Lull Ill-`.1 ()\VIL But his return to-full possession of` his faculties, under the lash of tragic necessity, was lightning fast. He leap- ed forward and struck out simultan- eously. His left fist reached its mark on Spike's jaw at almost the precise in- stant that his right hand, with athletic continuity of motion, pushed Caroline backwards out. of harmful contact with the falling desperado s spike. . Spike not knocked ='nnf 11 hail J.)U|J- Caroline was frozen with terfor in `her tracks-mouth open and -eyes starting as she looked at' and shrunk, from the prick of the deadly claw. Bob, paralyzed, looked on in terror not less- than her own. `R114 kin ...-.4....... .L.. AL." -- - - " ;o5aulL nu!` Wnlte oreast. I Promise you'll help me, or I'll rip her~open! he_shrieked red-eyed, atl Bob. . ' 11!" ` uu`}u=1' DUUS wmte race. . frlelr-]I(1id:1;r3e, VVi1son--or I ll tell de lady ut dat poster-" , Further hesitation on Bob's part: 5 th`e`}11`.elVi ef`t1(!11g his 11135, h.e said"even1y: I Th ban go hang to you! Hi e east in Spike raged at this de- bafne- H9 16aDed close to Caroline ietora Bob, taken off his guard, could 1% er ere--tore her dress from her shoulder with his human hand and set e rapier point A of his steel hand against her white breast. prnrnign vnn 1l I-\n1v\ u... A. -run _,_-,, V }; - Bob Wilson, take ,_me oath if it ain't- an quite respectable looking!" Bob could not restrain a horrified recoil from the shock of recognition. Spike! ` Ain't you clever to guess it!" Caroline, meanwhile, `a stifled scream 'dissolvlng.in her throat as she heard "the familiarity and equality in the .greeting of this vicious looking crim- , inal for Bob--her Bob--felt a `sick be- ,wllde1'ment and disgust; it must be true, then, that there was something} sordid and bad in Bob's past when its; lassociations had been_ so base and un- | lovely. ! Rnh Innlrlnm as L-.. .1" .1 . . 5 Hide me, Wi|son-or I'll tell d_e lady! friend about dat poster--" | ' Statebullpen escaped from the trans- fer car. We've traced him to this vicin- ity. I'd advise you, mytriends, firstiof all to clear out of this neighborhood, and secondly to hold your peace if you should bump into him. He's bad medi- cine at any time--` but by now he's hungry, desperate-and a eight more dangerous than a dozen catamountsl" The. police officers scoured on. _Carollne, upset-and with nerves ov- erwrought from the incessant shriek- ing of the siren, insisted on starting ' down from"'the `hill at once: 'the picnic mood was gone from` her for the time being.` Bob, thoughassuring her that it was silly to be alarmed, humored her. Thev had znne hnf 9 short .-13.34-.......... y Luuuur as tney- searched out a .n::y section on the Wooded "summit ab ve, when like a weird and menacing jack-in-the-box a striped and shackled figure nprose from a bush and stood leerlng in their path. was silly to be They had gone but a short distance down the shrub-massed cliff path. though the siren and the shouting of the sklrmishing policemen were al- ready fainter as they searched out .new section on Hm u'inn.1..-4 `unmade A WOMAN S I _ THE BARRIE EXAMINER uwn -1'8.Dlel35 to `all mothers."- Baby's Own Tablets are sold by rrfedicine dealegs `or. by _-mail at 25_ cents- a box from` : the `Dr. Williams Medicine Co., -Br,o_:kville, Ont. 44 mLlTf1:'s ./`Rose Voyer, Willimantic, Conn., says :- I- used Baby's Own Tablets in the Canadian Northwest and .,found them a wonderful medi-. cine for children s troubles, especially `indigestion and constipation. I have also`. given them~to my children for simple fever and the restlessness 'ac4 companying teething and they always gave relief. I can recommend Baby's Own I-Tablets to `all mothers. - . nnkia (`viva-\ 7'.`-\1nIAL.. -_4- - ~` ' cvcxy unuuu-:1`. none 13 spilled 01' wasted; you know just how big a dose has reached the little stomach. As a remedy for the ills of childhood aris- ing from derangements of the stom-' ach and bowels, they are` most sat- isfactory. ' Mme Damn (7'..--.... 1172112,, . .l.Uu uu HOE nave to coax `and threaten to get the little ones to take Baby s Own Tablets. The ease with which they are .given,'as compared with liquid medicines,_ will appeal to ` every mother. one is spilled wasted: vou lmnw mu Ln... 1.:... .. 4...... [CHILDRENIIKE THEM yuuugacel`. "Can't I help you, Bob, in my way? Do you want to come `in a while and rest and talk?" she offered hopefully. He hesitated, for he did want to; but~he was not this moment the master of a pliable will. The jolts and the fears of the day. climaxed by the upsetting I encounter with Spike, had set! his ' heels far back in a morass of old in- ghibitions. He dully said that he must I be going, and he went-without a soft ,word to compensate her for the clean I heart she had opened to him; left her trembling, tearful, uncomprehending, at the garden gate staring after him. Far down the `of the town, an _-- .. ..v- _ ,__, \aJ vs: nu Luusu with sweet concern, tried to talk. Neither - succeeded. 1 He requested her to ask the Widow to continue -in charge of Bob through the night; he wanted to be alone, he --said, unbothered by the care of the youngster. llnnnlf ,`|' 1.:-.1- ------ -n_., oouuuut: Len u uennlte lrresistibility gnunnlng away with her c0oI-headed- mess when she looked at Bob in his st1'om.'; and handsome yuuthfulness, and `iistened to his enthus.'ia,stic inte1'p1'eta- i `Jon of his own mduds. { pp..- vucuuuuu, woxmg mto his _dra.wr troubled face, tried to comprel Bob`, looking into her .1 T-TA V-nnnnulvnn 1-... L- .__.1- 4:, , ... `Caroline, looking into |troubled fnnn trier` 4* ,_-ucx vuuauy uurneu WEUK 1101118. . It was twilight when they reached _ the O Leary gate, tired and dustily hotl , of b0dy--even wearier and more fever- . ed of mind frnrn 1-ho. .,e+........n.. u,......| lBob's mood for confession was gone. 3 He nourished in its place a sullen and I ingrowing conviction that it would be , futile to combat the ironical tempers of` Fate. So, while he was solicitous ; and kindly in his reassurances that re- [ stored the half-hysterical girl to a cer- , tain mood of calm, he maintained for` the most part a moody and uncom- municative `silence during their rather ._-nervously hurried Walk home. : Tr urge fu7iHa-I-If ma... +1.--. ..-..-1.-.i J Bobby, unaware o the peril, sat" Iaughingly in` the little wagon. I ._______________?r ....-.,. V- uu_,\....u, wan un Quotations Were: Potatoes, per peck . . . Potatoes, per bag . . Turnips.. . . . . .. Parsnips, basket . . . Butter beans, pint . . . . . Head lettuce . . . . . . . . 5c White beans: pint . . . . . Carrots, bunch . . . . . . Beets, bunch .. . . . . .. Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . ,5 Celery . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . I Apples, basket . . . . . . .. l Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumpkins, each . . . . . . . Beets, basket . . . . . . . . . i Ground plums, qt. . . . . . r ' Onions, large basket . . `Pickling onions, basket -;; Crabapples, basket :l Cauliflower ea. . . . . . . ., ' Ca.bbage`,,each . . . . . . . . . 1 Sage, bunch . . . . . . . . . . , `Honey, per lb. . . . . . . . ., Ydu do not have to'coax -and lreaten in out Fhn Nu-In nu... .L.. 4...1-_ u; uuu_v--:ven weamer ana 1 ever- I `ed of mind, from the- afternoon-long i conflict of taunt and restrained nerves Poultry, Bgtter' and Eggs. Butter, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eggs, dozen.....- . . . . . . E Fowl . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 M Chickens, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cream pint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butternilk,v qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ SATURDAY MARKET The price of eggs took another jump last Saturday and the few producers who ha'd eggs for sale on the market obtained sixty cents a dozen for them. Apples were plentiful and -sold readily for 25 and,30 cents a basket. $3.50`was asked for Spies by the barrel. Chickens brought 27 and 28 cents a pound and there were a few ducks offered for 25 cents. Vegetables and roots were plentiful, with prices unchanged in most cases. The attendance, particu- larly of buyers, was not very large. Clnnfnfinnu` 1l1nnA- It was hard to believe that the threat of trouble would not blow away. The past seemed very remote and the liv- ing present exemplified in this vital, overflowing girl at his side, was so real and wonderful: _God was so pal- pably in His heaven, that all seemed 3-ight with the world. They ere constantly stealing shy glances o admiration, one at the other. Caroline felt it HHl`Il'I'rIu' nun.` `---- amm&&$mmw&aw&mw E % THE MARKETS $&%%%&&mmmmmmm 7 vv an SWIG`, I-I" i"ec.'tive and Easy to Give y sV Tabl_ets_ _Are ...g__, `I H We pay the following prices: Goo}! Green Butcher Hides, 11 Cured . . . . . . ..`. ....3...12 The` Bafri Taming Cm,` ` Limited,\Bam. `e; -- u u, was Jusllclallb IIIIHSCI (Continued on page 14) - I -HDES ~ Verdun, Montreal, Quegec. I ` ne of thousands who hnun fnlrnn r...a:..