vvlau um` _u upecuy ruuuvery. = ` Service .at St. ,Peter's Anglican Church` on Sunday at 11 bum. Mr, and` Mr: `lvfnnl-my-ta and annals, uuuruu UK] aunuuy El 11 EJH. Mr. and` Mrs. McRoberts and daugh- .ter of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs i Beilby on Sunday. ' ` A T`, `V .Armcfivnn9' nnl` HI: vnnfhnr 1319 saw POINT 1 _.-CHURCHll.1 _\?.,L ma GRENF EL EGBERT ~ 'm: n""AIuzu: zxgmlnx-:3. The undersigned has received lnstruc-x tlons from 1. uruutu. ` I hear the Hydro Commission have! raised the rates in this village, some- thing they should not do, considering the amount the residents are being tax- ed ,for floor space alone. Mr. Tarrant, the blacksmith, who bought out Clarence Laing, has had a radio in for some time now and he and Jerome Shana- `han, who has one also, are enjoying all that is going. on these days. and espec- ially the world series on baseball. 1 don't know that I ought to write you much more in this letter, but before I forget I might mention that Father Gearin has a ne new roof on his house now. which adds Wonderfully to its ap- pearance. - 'KYnnr in nin.-4...... `I .._...I..L __ -.AL-- A- ` yours, T etc. ` y::a.n1.uce. Now, in closing, I might mention the fact that that piece of sidewalk from the railway crossing to Mr. McGinni_s store is `still as it was, which goes to show that the citizens are quite satis- ed with the way it is.` So what is the use of yours truly mentioning the fact any more? Trusting this will in- terest you and hoping to be able to give you some more news next week, --`Juniper. puuxjcu Uu ounuay 8.1 . "l p.m, . Quarterly meetingwill be held here at the Free Methodist Church, October 16-18; Friday and Saturday. Services at 7.45~_p.m.; Sunday. morning, I love feast 9.45; preaching at 11 _a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. E. Snider, District Elder vsgill be in charge. Everybody welcome. narru: uu Luunuay evening. ' John Hall and Miss Hall attended the `teachers convention at Barrie last week, Mr. Hall having the pleasure of addressing the convention. Mr. and Mrs. P. Donovan of Toronto spent the week-end at their summer home here. Dan Lottus spent the week-end here. Miss Jean Livingston of Toronto `spent Sunday the guest of Miss Platt. Miss Phil Hayes is doing niceiy after her qecent operation in Barrie. Frank Ton- er. local tonsorial artist, is-visiting in Toronto. \ 1 lane... LI..- `rs--..1.__ n-_-..,s,.~. - `r-\\I 17,1 Ill}-[I4 -Service at Sf. James Anglican Church on Sunday at 7 p.m, Quarter-lv maafinsr will he had 1...... uuc. The Hydro` gang are busy at present . rebuilding the sub`-station at Fergus- onvale. able to handle a heavier amount of juice. The men are boarding at the hotel here. Dr. Gerald Fitzgerald of Chicago is visiting friends here at present. Fra`n{k Hayes of Chicago is visiting his a. nt. Mrs. E. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McMurray of Penetahg were visitors here on Sunday. Miss Violet Plaff nf New vm-1. as A. When completed, it will be 'wcI`v vuuLu1':s nere on sunaay. Miss Violet Platt of New York is en- sjoying her vacation with her sister here. Terence O'Neill, who has been dangerously ill of late. is improving 'under the skillful handling of our doc- ` tor and the care of Miss Mae Gallagher of Penetang, nurse. Edward Gray is still on the sick list, but it is hoped he will soon be on the road to recovery. Quite a few attended :Dumbells" at Barrie on Monday evening. John Hall and Ming T-Tall gncm.-am: H... ; weather as we have had all tall and are nuuu `LU Lance QOWII. notes. Did you ever see such horrible. still having? On Saturday last there was ice nearly _two inches thick and. a' cold north wind blew several days., The cro though an odd farmer had hard luck in getting in some of his grain on ac- ` count of the continued rain, still he was far ahead of last.year with his thresh- ing both in quality and quantity, which will have a great tendency towards` better times. All kinds. of roots have done remarkably except potatoes, and as far as I can learn a blight struck them early in September, the result being that not more than half a crop will be harvestedin this district. So I you can expect to pay more than 4 cents per bag this winter for your spuds. Probably I am getting ahead in my news in not reporting anything pertaining to the Summer's `activities, but as far as I can learn thingswere about the same as other Summers with about the usual quota of visitors, relatives and friends, who spent most of their time at Wasaga Beach. Now I must try and give you a little of the news. I do not_ want to crowd too much. in this one letter as I in- tend writing you again next'week. Do you remember me telling" you, last Spring that the Telephone Commission had fired Mr. Howe and put in another fellow from Toronto? Well, I made en- quiries lately and as far as I can learn, there has been no improvement in the service and the average subscriber would rather have Mr. Howe back on the job. So you see this is what I pro- phesied to you. Now in reference to the coming Dominion elections, which no doubt you are familiarawith, it is a hard matter to judge here how things will go. Some think Mr. Boys will be elected, although for this township Mr. Drury wilL.evidently receive the major- ity. At a meeting here last Friday` ev- ening, when Mr. Boys and his assoc- iates spoke, an interruption was made by a party concerning conscription and the war, who should have been the last person in the whole township to refer to conscription-but, of course, one can make a. whole lot of allowance when a little consideration is used. Otherwise the meeting was a quiet and successful one. rm... ~cr...a....- ...-._- -..- 7 ps this year were good. Al- v I i wmi%&&m&&a AUCTION SALE or 52 STOCKER CATTLE A Phelnston correspondent, after a. I lengthy absence, sends a. fine budget` ` of news this week, whichhe puts in the shape of a letter to an absent friend. `Here it is:---` Dear Friend: There'is no doubt that owing to `you not havingheard from me since `last Spring that you. like many more. have concluded long ago ' that either I have been out of town or have neglected to keep you posted as to smatters of interest regarding our little burg and vicinity.'But you must not blame me too much for I under- stood that our other friend, whom I mentioned to you before, he. promisedg to,write you regularly.`Wel as he ap-' parently has not done so, I will endea- 1 var to give you the few happenings that come to my memory. I cannot promise you everything however, for you mustl bear in mind that I have not been on handto take down notes.` vnn A1713 can ....;.I. I. ____xI_n A cu abence, we: the friend. is giigwwmimwwwaggi V /c, . _ -/ THAT'S ALWAYS THE WAY gr rr GOES - sons, PEOPLE ugve ,, Au. -ms L\JcK.. MY MOMS " GOT AS MUCH RIGHT TO GO ~ro euuzovaas /weeoov onw sue ; GOTTA STAY HOME AM` Keep noose F012 Po? Aw` Ma % _ %?HELPs1 CROWN HILL 0 Q I` f` To in nu` axxwmx R Importers in Bristol. Eng., are p1e:'1s- ed with quality and grading `of Canawi ldian butter. . n........:1.... nnoc.-...... 7a.: 1-_1'.......:u..... uxau UULLUIH 3 Canadian Cottons Ltd., Hamilton, j are now employing 800 hands. ' Tninna rnnnrf hnvino fnunil 1-ulna The undersigned has received in- ` structions from I 1A-QjjL1- Indians report having found ruins of ancient city in the hills of Guerrero, Mexico. ` ` -A UJCU HUW UIIIPIUJIII5 OUU uuuuu. I i I , North and Weet of the French and Mattawa Riven the season is open October 25' to November 4 30 inclusive, and South of theee Riven November 5 to November 20 inclusive. Special Hunters Trains for Sudbury and inter- mediate points will leave Toronto Union Station "10;"00 p.m., -Oct. 30 and 31, and Nov; 2 Agent will gladly render every assistance in / Make your plans now; local Canadian Pa fr, ` arranging your hunting trip. Splendid hunting loealities along` the 15 Canadian Pacic from Parry Sound to Sault Ste. Marie, Fort William, Mattawa, Kipawa and Angliers for Deer, Moose", Caribou and Bear. in. Ontario : Great Fofest Haunts %zr; cAi~:AmAN PACIFIC 3i 1(l'1i3 ` s...g_%;g__`.;. as. e be i . the ho 1-.-nae.n . c_a.1irsr.-;i:.Im'.'i't'ed.;.4zI:s`_3'z ,::Don t wait, say: Hgny Ford, use the telephone! Even when the sale seems lost Long Dis- tance may save t :1 _ f \II l'IIVIl-lI\I V 3' to sell by publivaution Aatn _ l Marvin : Yards, Barrie, _ - on Saturday, October 17 the following: T _52 Cattle, yearlins and` two-yeah -olds, all good bree y cattle, roans and reds and a few Polled Angus. Do YOU SELL AUTQMOBILES 2 .,..~ :;.e.::;~.:-..,..- '33-*:= 1007, 1'01! es nav`$v"t1i;:ou'gh""imnmg':"' ar ` er ciclusive feature. By WINNER 7""! """'I""""I"_" 'I up-g G. Roberhon. Traveling Passenger Agnt F`. T. Hendry, General Agent, Santa Fe Railway 404 Transportation Building, Detroit. Mich. Plume: Main BRA? Ilk- Willlam Beatty, Goderich farmer, is ,doing nicely after being struck by an E lightning bolt, which burned his thumb [and two toes. ! 'I`hree-year-old Otto L. Brittson, ` Centreville, 0nt., was seriously injured ,.when accidentally struck by a manure | fork. I 'I`l TlI`lln.~. `D.u-.6L.- fVn.'I......`I.. 0..-... A_ &.-. THURSDAY, otronan 15, 1925'. All will be sol-df viihout reserve. rtanon nuuamg, us Phone: Main 6847 ht ugh` 171-IURSDAI Barrie Thursday, dividually .a month 0 Phone 445 ism; Bcca clear. th . and gin ` cleanse` Musta and :1 ing th the 1 ! International trained mechanics are earning as high as $15 a day.- and scores of graduates are now successful garage owners, expert mechanics and service men. Two months training in our big` PRACTICAL auto shops is all the time you require to become an 'AY1'IDl"f nnfn mnnhnnln. (Inf Infn CIIIIU you FUQUIFB LU UUUUIIIB an `e ert auto mechanic. Get into th a big paying business NOW:. largest auto school in Canada; write or call for our free booklet. INTERNATIONAL AUTO SCHOOLS 1301 Bloor Strogt Wont, Toronto. "W."if'ni3uxaf,"RJ:a2.f;{-L | II I.-- _.__I_I _ wappxy n.. H. WRAY, Midland, Ont. Phone 94. BARRIE, 33 Elizabeth st.` Sfore Phone 65, Res. 885 Page Six This is the same Ring as demonstrated at Toronto Exhibition. T lncfeases con 1p.ression.~ stops oil pumping and takes out the piston slap. Northern Distributor: MAKE THE 01.1) cm l..lKEiNEWAND'l'HE NEWCAR BETTER. 9,-v--jj u-v-w:- .------_ - to sell by public auction at II Ii -- 3 an I PAIYAIID A PISTON RINGS \ CREDIT sA1,_E_ ll QTA$Il A LIE III I BE AN AUTO EXPERT 2 RED Eoxas ' "'uTe'oIxLwTnE:" " % 1-IORSES-Roadster colt, 3 yrs. old; \.B1ack mare, aged; Bay mare, aged; Chestnut mare, aged. FATTT.W_Dnd nnuy '7 urn nl In J. v. mm up wvugv--~ - [ (FEMALE) I In just a few days-quicker than you `ever dreamt of-these wonderful health-building, esh-creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to helpany thin, underweight little one. I ` 0 V vMost people know that from the `livers ofethe lowly. cod-sh vitamines [of the first class are extracted--the Vkindthat help all feeble underweight men, women and children. e ` at .\p. IS YOURCHILDL THIN AND wmc 2 ' where ~ricIce'ts Iarlsuspecteg they are especially val- ua e. * .'M'....4. ........`I- 1---... J.L_A. 15..-.-- LL. | """Y " """" '_"."' V-'..~'-"'." ' Trx these wonderful tablets for 30 days `and if your frail, puny child doesn't greatly benet-- et your money `back. .A' very sic 1y- child, age nine, gained 12 pounds in seven months. ~ -1. _..--. ".I..--....!_.L 1-.. 1u_n-_,o, n, 1' u-nruwrvlvvb-1 uvuau an-mung vugnvn ua vavavno "TERMS or SALE--Grain` and all sums of 810 and under, cash: over that amount 12 months credit will be given i'to parties -furnishing approved Joint-| .notes. 6% per annum off `for cash on J-credit sums. ' All will be sold wmaoixt reerve. V `Sale at 1 13.111. W. A._-McCo'n_key. Aqct. I ,Ask any `druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver LExtract- Tabletseeas easy to take as candy_and 60 tablets, 60c.` ' A 1 42 and 48- Cod Liver Extract in Sugar-Couted Tablets Put: on Flesh and Build: Them Up. , T Klllllln -Anniversary servlcemwllle be held in Guthrie United church on October 25. Rev. J. W. Paley of Dalston will pfeach. Particlara of fowl` supper to be an- nounced later. ~v-..-auu vn. VVIWVVO - I Harvest Home services were held in the Anglican church on Sunday. Rev.` A. D. Cousins of Innism was the special preacher tor the occasion. m:1ll 1e thankofterlng meeting of the United Church was held on Wednesday, Oct. 7. wlth allarge attendance. Mrs. Johnston of Toronto gave the address; The C.G.I.'1`. group held their meet- ing in the basement of the church on Frlday, Oct. 9. Mrs. Murray Davis, re- cently from China, gave a very lnsplr.-A mg and helpful talk on her~=work' in China. Annlcrnu-nan-. -_..-..I--_ ___nu u I .- - `session Nov. 1st. Oci. 13-V-Missv Ida Orr or Beaverton ls vlsitln friends in this community. Mrs. . C. Cros has sold her farm just south of the village to Mr. Bro- derick of Hornlngs Mills and g1_ves pos-' T-Tnrnu (`uni-an kn... a:...|..1.-.s .u...,_L- ucsmuu nuv. 18!. ` ' Harry Carter has finished threshing his crop of alsike which amounted to one hundred and ninety bags. This at present prices is worth in the neigh- `bo hood of $5,000. 1` 1'3 .... -...L `I'1'A--- -.w -u-mu my Vvllrll \iVl\-ID. ` Miss Jessie Ansdell not Wyevale sp-ent Sunday at her home here. M ' - A_ welner roast was held 9 at_ the home of Miss Evelyn Jermey on ghursday evening. All report a good me. - ` V rat.` uu tuura DI later. nurunuwuxuw nave returneg to ,'1`or- onto. A Rev. J. R. Patterson of `St. Paul's Church, Orlllla. occupied the pulpit in |Guthrie church on Sunday. ' - ' 'I'\unnnn `l'nl`I...-.1... -1 'l\_-._I- -~-- pun` [N55, l WKH.; (D 5000 118115. _ ' IMPLEMENTS - Wagon; buggy: cutter; seed drlll; 2 disc harrows;` smoothing barrow; robe; 2 single plows; twin plow; Mccormlck mow- er; set scales: cream separator; Daisy churn; Melotte cream separator; setl double harness; set single harness; 25 loads corn; 26 loads hay; acre of tur-I nlps: `A; acre mangels; .a,.qua.ntlty or oats;. wheelbarrow: quantity of` household furniture; also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. VIVEVDIEQ f\T.'I 5 A"! 1".` l'O..-1_ -_._I -11 ~....-w,y uu. nun , uuauwo Quite a num er In this community are laid up wi colds. - . 'Il'l_... 1'...._.l- A_._.u-II in ---~- - J. H UPS time. apunu cue winter. 4 r About seven o'clock this morning Mr. Haystead s barn on the 2nd line, suddenly burst out in a.` volume of smoke and names burning all his sum-e mer's crop and a. number of new im- -plements. The tire was caused by spon- taneous -combustion from buckwheat being drawn in too damp. There was some insurance. -. . Oct.-~12--Misisezsi Jean and Susah Bartholomew have returned to _Tor- on_t_o. ~ ` ____,_ ,! Vavivoll av unnus VI: VII uuuunay. `Duncan Mccuaig of Barrie spent Sunday at h1s,\l_1ome. I\...lA.- _ _.--- - ~ " ' ans mm In cm: grreanytelflan cnurcn 8_.ll ay. , Dr. H`. Dobson of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester. M!nn., visited at D. G. Bell'_a_ last week. , 4 Mrs. ('!ulha.m and nnarhfnn mt... luau. ween. ' ' Mrs. Culham and daughter, Mrs. Smith, are leaving this week for Tor- onto where Mrs. Smith expects to spend the winter. > Ahnnt nnvnn nmlnnb I-`1Cn` w.m....I;'... `many: on ma return nome. - Judging from the cold weather herl the. past week, art of the westwn [cold wave must ave reached-4 here. A__l--4.--__-- ------lAA-- ----~~- ~A-- ` ` wvuun v - v v his unit nnuvv V I. wlnvllvu IIVI 00 Anniversary services were conducted in the United church on Sunday. The preacher for the day was Rev.- Robt. Pogue. Although the day was not ideal the church was filled both morning and evening. The service in the _Baptist church was withdrawn in themorn- Lug and in the Presbyterian church all av. ' uuu $V1l'Do {In `l'JVIlHo J. E. Doner returned home rromthe West after making his Yearly visit to this farm. He reports good crons but cold weather for the past teweweeks. Snow having fallen enough for sleigh- lng he was driven to the station..!n 9. sleigh on his return home. .TIlt`9"I'|D' frnrn `EA nnl nvnohnm t.A..L [Terms of Sale-Six months credit twill be given to parties furnishing- approved joint notes. 6% per an- mm of! for cash. Sale at 1 p.m. III A II 3`II E" 1,, 1115!. WUUKo Rev. H. Goudle of AI-Ieapeler ivisltd trtendsi in town over the week-end. ----. ---~- ..y w--v `sung OIQIJU vv vvnuo ' -Eire. E. Anderson of Markham is`: visiting her nieces, Mrs. B. Retnhart ang Mrs. R. -`Evans. 13 nnnu nnbuuuw-AA `Inns-nun Inn... LI... Oct. 12-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawton. Miss Florence I.-Iawton apd Miss Edna, Strong attended the Feversham -fair last week. ` V 1:... `IL! n.....u- ..o'-u-...._..1.... ..a..u...1 nu uv---- up. `up u us v w it. very vv vvn\-vonu: Mrs. Qlllnton of Toronto visited it Lev! Ra.ymer s one day last week. I 11.... 1:! A...:-_...._ -1 ::-_.u_1__.._ 1-`: - 4 1 . `I ' 0sI'n:.uI:-rn.\.-. _ F ()fP STAYNE3 The Stork %the Wrong Address.` was uuxue LU!` aunuuy. On Sunday, as Alex. Marshall and John wereedrlvlng out of the church yard after service, their buggy was `struck by an automobile. They were both thrown out -and the horse broke loose and ran away. Luckily both got off wlthout being seriously hurt. Quite a. nilmhnv fr-mm Horn 1-nan. av. uu. WIUIULII. pelng senously nurt. Quite a. number from here `took in the fowl upper at Lefroy on Monday night. ' D017 MI` Kfniilvnn Iivnn In Alli.-.4-.. ....I w. ii.ii"1."S:'i"s"f-"<:"{.1I"i'1f'oro TUESDAY, OCT. 20 Oh; Onllnuvlnav I .llb'll|. Ul'Upo 4 Robert Irwin of Alllston visited his] sister, Mrs. Jas. McKnight, Sr., on Monday. I Tilnnn nf MInh{an|` .-..~.....:.. -0 'n AVLUlIUU.,) u _ J, Tilson of Michigan, cousin of R. Adams, Baxter, called on friends last week after an absence of 20 years. He washer-e attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. McFadden of Cooks'town.- Mrs. `E. -Rnddinlz nf 'l`nr-nnl-n as "mu ulu Luau H1158 uura. Uru_est DI uongrora. The prayer" meeting n}ght has been changed to. Wednesday at '8 o'clock. This week it will be held at the home of Mrs. H. B. Armstrong. mveruury _m Inornton. | Mr. and Mrs. E. Erwin attended the funeral of James gpeers of Barrie on: Thursday. ` HIE nu. ` Rev. Mr. McEwan was in Alliston on Tuesday. \ Oct. 13-Potato. digging is the order! of the day. Reports are that they are a slight crop. -` - Rnhnrf Trwln nf AlIIcn. ..:..n...: Ll... auawr, nuns. ;v1cr'a.uuen O_I UO0KSt0Wn.' Mrs. E. -Ruddick of Toronto is visit- lng her son Wesley, at present. V J. 0. Edgar. whn has hnnn uinlt man. ulg Her son Wesley, at present.` ` J. 0. Edgar, who has been sick with summer` flu. is able to be out again. Quite an eniovahle time was unant- auuuuur uu, is 11019 E0 08 0111 . again. Quite an enjoyable time_ was spent at _the dance` in the Orange hall here last Friday night.` -` Clair Cunningham is visiting ftjiends in Toronto. . T.ncInnnunnn "o\`:un\- Ah 1s.._-._x 1-, ,4 on Ill .l.Ul'Ulll.U., ` . " ' Lawrence Melson of Barrie is visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. John Foster. `KJIIUELIILII. lllltli, 55. ' * D CATTLE--Red cow, 7 yrs. old. in calf; 2 red cows, 5 yrs. old, in`calf: roan cow, 6 yrs. old, in calf: white cow, aged. in calf; heifer. 1 yr. old; steer, 1 `IF 1 Oct. 12--Mis Mur1e1'Jobitt of Tor- onto spent the week-end at-home as did also Miss Dora`. Guest of Longford. The m-aver meeting` night has. hnnn amurnuuu .|.u.nuiy Over tne ween:-ena. There will be no service in Egbert United Church next Sunday due to an- niversary _in Thornton. MI`, and MPH In `lnnvin nH~m...-1...: GI... Oct. 12--Everybody is picking apples. The price is very'low for them. ` Norman Pratt spent Sunday at home. Harry Pratt, who has been laid up` with a broken collar bone, is able to be around again. Minn Tlnvvnl-lnu Q14`-mu no! 1|/I'nn.....o.....-. we uru unu again. Miss Dorothy Sloan of Moonstone was home for Sunday. On Qnndnv an Alnv "Mfnnnhall n...-I ..v.. u- -uvnav nnugnnvvl. vvwsw yl UDGIIL. I 'Ehe fowl supper which was held in the Grentel Unlted Church, Oct. 6, was a de_c1ded'success. Proceeds amounted to $142. ` uxuuwr, Aura. J. 1'er_ry. Mrs. Spears returned home to Ivy on Friday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Braden. Mr. and Mrs. Norman` Coxworth and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Mooney on Sunday. \ ' ` -Mr. and Mrs. B. Dunkley visited MI! and Inn Anblnuun Q:-n36-In G...-.4--. UH wuuuuy. . \ ':F`.- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur---Smith. Sunday. Mr. dand~Mrs. J. Holt and Ggorge visited friends in Thornton on Sunday. . Harry Earley of B_arrie visited the Morrison family over the week-end. Thorn II has nn carving in `Inknuo Misses 'AEth'el ahd Marjorie Morrison of Streetsvllle are visiting their grand- mother. Mrs. J. Terry. MPH. RTIRAFH fiivn hn\n fn T1711 An .L'.l.'l l:l'l'l. ` . Quite a. number of the young people from around heremet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Travers on Friday, Oct. 9, and presented them , with 13. miscellaneous` shower. All report a good time. ' The T.nt1h:n' Ali! u-nab at H... 1.....- -1` 5uuu uuus. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Harris on Thursday, Oct. 8, when alarge number were present. v fl`)... Cairo` _______ -..|.-1-1. _-_.. I- -1: 2 wgvw, -.- -..-_, --v----, _ .,-. -__., ..----, _ yr. . . PiGS AND POUL'1`RY--`Good brood sow, in pig; pair pigs. 5 months old: pair pigs, 7 wks.; 75 good hens. `I"IJF T.`R`|\/I F`.T\Y'l`Q `I79:-rnrn hnotri Oct. A1'2--`Quite a. mimber from around here took in the anniversary services at Utopia and Minesing on Sunday. 'l\/l'h'n 'kYnII t'ilAunlnInup .-.0 'D......a- .1-` Ullu wuu 118!` parents at nosemont. Congratulations to Edward '1`:-aver, who has been.recentIymarried. Minn Tsanlmnlln Anzhamann n-P A11.-.u.I..1- wuu nu: uueu.1'ecenI;1y marrlea. Miss Isabelle Anderson of Allandale tlagent the week-end with Miss Gladys -arx-is. f\InIGA fl -any-u.Iu..x_ gl 4.1.- _--.-...._ _-A-,A-A - U1`! Wllll. LVLIHEI 11.038 ,\J0ll}B. ' Rev; and Mrs. J.~..A. Leece and ne- phew. Arthur Wood, of Shelburne spent the. week-end among old friends here. Mr. Leece had charge of anniversary services in the United Church which were ry largely attended. There was not su icient accommodation for all who turned out to the evening service. Mr. Le`ece's sermons .were both very interesting and inspiring. --aw savvy-uu unau Aunuvunlla VII. ssuuuacy. Mrs. Neil Cloughley of Ba.-rrle is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elrlck. ' "Allan (Yllurn Dnntualn .....-...a. 4.1.- _--_1_ Luv. uuu, .lV.l.l'H. IIAIFIUK. Miss Olive Peacock spent the week- end with her parents at Rosemont. (`.nng-val-ninnnn 1-n 'l'<`.r'Iuvo\nrI 'I'V..nu....... .-....-...., Dov. an-cow. .-on nu at; a nuvvnngssgo V Mrs. Thus.` Collins and Miss Winni-I fred Smith of Barrie. Miss McKinnon oi.` `Toronto. and Mr. and. Mrs. G. S. -Wice_ of Thornton were recent visit- Iors with Miss Ros'eA,Coilins. Dan and llnn `I _ Tiinnn 1-||n;` `A ' opuuuy uu auuuuy. .L. W..Armstrong and his mother, Mrs. A. Armstrong, S:-., visited friends at Badgeros and Horn!-ngs Mills on Sunday. ~ Minn llvn (11-nhnrn nf Vnnnu In auuuuy. Miss Olive Graham of Vndort is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Plowrlghg. Mm- mum. nnlnmmma Ma... w:....s`. Oct, 13:-Mm} A. Roald is _-.m the R. V. Hospital. Barrie, suffering with a. gathering in- her hand. =Her riends . wish her_a. speedy re'covery.' ` Sm-vim: , at Rf `Data:-'g Ancrllnon FARM` 8;?-DCK AND IMPLEMENT8