.10 18 18 12 17 21 `ESSA O / LA -4U Barrillia Pk `I3.-.~...:`I'I n 131, 1261 I. lllli Barrilli: Barrilliz Barrilliz Barrilliz Barrilli: Barrilli: Barrilli: Barrilli: 10 11 use ueaunens In IIIII unucuawo . Th first $1.00 bonlo ulmm you or in! oguy back. 1'!) D. D. 0. map. 3009 . - o C`:-5695! 1-uvanirs 10 10 11 LL 12 ` 13 14 16 18` 19 _20 14 ' 14 14- 15. Acrs Arrears Costs. Total AAA Ann: ` -1.-- 1'00 ' 50 189 J 100 100 ,L-u 133 S?` BTW This sufferer litekally :ase-15 yearspf gym ' oo 76 50 200 1/ I [L Pk Pk Dir 1'5 Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk $104.23 u 8.28 140.04 .$.- . 87.72 11.3.25 4.13 294.27 ..ALL DRUGGISTS_ 22.44 11.30 ' 12.26 16.46 18.60 10.28 76.13 152.29 1l|00 . 40.92 3.99 125.831 14.77 8.76. 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.32 7.53 24.37 14.02 8.14 14.92 26.30 17.11 _18.12 10.54` 31.39 38.72 22.44 126.15 8.52 73.00 110.52 79.82 1 64.39 12.22 37.04 ,1s3.6o 4.45 J.U.U . 19.29 41.52 28.04 32.60 32.92 32.05 43.02 24.30 40.73 22.12 19.36 19.36 18.64 19.06 19.06 19.06 19.06 13.97 19.06 19.06 19.06 18.84 7.08 _ 13.28 13.97 24.96 11.25 : -3.63` 3.78 8.54 16.33` 9.90 6.96 59.98 13.35 Qmtu 4.69 3.58 4149 UUVVII LU lullw aqvpvv u_owo- --..-. Unknown to Bob, for th simple rea- son that the railrozyi a hedule had evidently entered. into a. conspiracy w1th'Fate to keep its cards under cov- I-.. 1:... had also hn.ttled'wlth nualmsl 2.75 2.75 2.78 2.90 |'W1th `Fate to Keep its carus uuugsr uuv- 1 er, Jim had also battledhwith qualms of a different sort, finally deciding that it was right and proper and a beauti- ful privilege,.for him-to center hopeiul attentions upon Caroline. Jim had.` be-4 lleved through the yearsthat no one could ever takea second and equal place in his heart; but Time uses a quaint and gentle sandpaper, and when his human trailties-led him spellbound in the glorious wake of the wonderful girl Jim justified himselton the ground that if he -should marry again it would ~ be for the sake of getting a good step-. mother for Bobby and not because Caroline, or any other girl, would-or cou1d-replace- his wife in his heart. Caroline, though, was worthy of un- qualified inclusion for her own sake. I A -_...1..I..nL8\-. Al 4-unlc-rs. oi-tr! nn~n_.' I 8 12.74 92.41 46.83 109.33 11.03 146.04 6.83 301.62 V 80.53 153.59 22.27 45.05 31.24 35.92 44.44 6.74 131.48 17.63 11.51 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.07 1n OD 84.33 25.50 14.08 15.06 19.37 21.46 _ 13.03 36.24 35.35 46.58 LU.&O 27.47 16.87 10.89 17.79 29.45 20.01 21.07 0 19.46 35.18 42.18 25.50 131.80 11.29 77.32 115.78 3.08 quanneu Incl usiuu I.U.l' A combination of tr'.1its_a and COD-9 siderations joined the railroad schedule; in its odd conspiracy/_to keep apart the two friends who had hitherto in all things and in all ways had no closed ucx UVVIA Dunv. books.to one another. To begin. with ` there was Bob's natural predilection for caution and secrecy, develo ed T through years of watchful guardi n- ship over his tongue and his innermost cherished thoughts. Even to Jim, Bob had never confessed the past; and now there was no reason to immediately Qarade something thatmight be awk- _wardly st tched into that hast, were it but kno n. Then there `was Jim's . sensitiveness; `he--wanted to be` sure of his emotional `justification and con- fidentin this ability to express it be-_ fore confessing to Bob, but own "up he was determined to do just as soon as he was sure of himself--and' her. But above alllthere was the third,and most potent complication. the railroad-sche- dule s' part--widely divergent hours" of work that gave no. time or opportunity for confidences, or for those serene ` moments in which secrets could be led up to and: revealed. Going 0311 on_ the Limited Mall at night, `Jim . s-away all day every second da.V..laying up.at the next Divisional `headquarters four hundred miles west. He would return then on the following night," shortly after midnight. That gave him one full day at home,` every other day: still as he slept late on these "mornings. he did not customarily. see Bob unless the . latter was on a lax schedule. The rail; 1} ;l i: V 1` . I I I road sc}iedule s entry into Fate's con-`I spiracy was_in an unprecedented `rush of work tor`Bob that had kept him. a.. 3-Y on long. runs and had given him much overtime in the few days since Caroline s lunchroom debut. _' ' 11.29 22.3; 16.48 22.03 22.03 22.03. 22.03 16.82 22.03 22.03 22.03 21.81 60.50 15.02 40.46 190.69 7.20 9.83 16.11 16.81 28.08 14.03 6.38 6.53 1.....Uu 9.71 63.97 16.18 (Continued from.page 10) I Leary's to meet Caroline and walk` down to the Depot with her. ' - .. . .-__-__ L- -r;...|.. J-.. clan ah-nnln wan- OT'] Of` w-v....v .4 ..-..v..... . . `av `V But wise Mrs. O'Leary had been `ob- serving. the lay of the. land and the direction ..~;of' the wind; for Caroline's hours were- such that while Bob saw5 her every morning, Jim_ enc ntered her in the earlyeevening when h stop- ped byetoleave Bobby. This worked a. double advantage for Bob, who also saw Caroline when he called for Bobby on his way home from work.. Mrs. `_ O - Leary hadrseen that Caroline s interest was in Bob, not in Jim; and in Bobby. but not in his father. She had seen, too, thatAJim was mistaking ._Caro1ine s in-A terest in Bobby .for Qircumlocutory in- -terest in himself. And; the good Widow !furtively__trembled in suspense and tre- pidation as she wifnessed the unwitting grivalry -of the sworn,friends,- Bob and Him, for theiinnoceint and unsuspecting Eve. " l\y.n ..........L..... ...I.-.. rV...-_1x__- __,_ ma LIMITED MAIL LL ups u. u. vu vlaiav ..v/- - ---.--.-.-c. Rev. A, A; La1ng,-former Presbyter- ian minister at Thornbury. has been placed in.charge. of the United Church at Sundridge. ' V ' txrm `I-'o`v-var hnqhnnn nnnninted r-.h::u_ir- nas gone to negulu. Harold Vviood of Coulson s .Hill was seriously injured when a car ran into his? buggy a few miles north of Brad- fgrd; smashing the vehicle. ` _._A` largely signed petition for the paving of King St.,` the principal busi- ness street of Midland. has been pre- ' sented` tgmthea town council; `IA -lag on-o-nnnt Minn] nf (`rnnmnrn --.u.. -- --_-_-, --- ,_. - _-- -__-_ -`, _.._,.. Nelson Lawrence, ii popular drover` of I-Ioneywood; met instant death when this car turned turtle on the road a Ishort distance from Cremore onAOct. 6. finnut-nunOuIAn'n A? o run-nan hnfnn of tho at asunonage. . Wm. Fryerhasobeben appointed chair- man of the Collingwood Board of Ed- ucation succ_eeding Rev. S. Farley who has gone to Regina. T-`l';u~nIrI VV\sn nf (`.nnlson s Hill was ' senteu Elf`/[Ina Luwn Uuuuuu. ,Miss argaret Nicol of Creemore has been awarded the Dickson schol- arship at Trinity College. She has also `been elected head of her year. Vknff nf nn'a_nf i-ha cu-iatnnmzfirv-nun- peen ewcwu ueuu U1 ucr year. Theft of one-of the arlstocratic can- Ines of Orillia, a. Boston terr er belong- _ ing to A. E. Smith, landed C as. Bbyn- = I-nn nf `Rat-rip in in for fhirfv davg t lng [U A: 1'4. DHIILII, IHHUCU 1411115. DUYI: .ton of Barrie, in jay] for thirty days. Nnlnnn Taawrenae. ai nonular drovc snort custanog Irom Ureemure on Uct. 0. Construction of 11 nurses home at the.- Orillia. Hbspital, with accommodation for` 26 nurses, will he proceeded with I316? fall. The estimated costi. is $20,- I . _ ' - = \ limo: ' The people of Waubahene want the- ,Blue Water Highway Ito run through `that village and Fesserton so\ that glurists may be in sight of Georgian ay. 7 ~ ` 'l".|-nu-o. am: 990 nnnllvn nnnllna vnf the nay. , . . . . ` - there are 280 pupils enrolled at the Collingwood Collegiate Institute, the highest numb for many years. There are 1016 reg tered in the pub1ic_ scnooxs. 3 Vern. Browh, aged fifteen, of Clarks- : burg sustained painful` injuries to his eyes by"'th'e explosion of a cartridge which'he we. trying -to remove from I the breech of a, rifle.` ' ` Dnnfnu 'LTnnl-InnIfI-1v-n'I ' Qnnsnfer Inge: tne Dreecn U1 u_ rune. _ . \ Bradford Horticultural Society has decided to purchase 10?) shrubs to be. set out in the spring along the town boulevards and in front of the town_ hall and - fire station . (Xv-I|Ho u nuunuarnnnf .Qh\XId an in-. 118.11 .21.!!!) 1.1138 BI..|.lUl|. ' Oril1ia s assessment -shows an in-. crease Q! $60,836 over that of 1924, while there is an "increase of_ thirteen in population. The assessment is $4-' /736,800 and the population 8013. I T\nv-inc` Han nnuf uurnrnnr R95 mntnr During the past summer 525 motor` parties registered at the Orillla motor icamp; This represents upwards of 2,- ;000 visitors and they stayed from one lnight to a. fortnight or more. , 'Dn1rIT D `DQH-nvann and Rpxr .T .T. ,aoo,ouu uuu Lne pupunuuuu ouxo. I` lume. `E11111. nus uccu umuuuncu unu uu: wuxn Rev. F.'L. Brown, who has been sup- . will be continued on double shift. Ei- lerintendent ofmissions for Ontario and ectricity to light the work at night is is Quebec for the former Methodist produced on the scow. __ church for the past twelve yearswith Meaford recently had a visit from :1 headquarters in 0ril1ia,'has left with young California giant, Milton M. Ab- 'Mrs. .Brown for Toronto where they .. -bott, who is nineteen years` old, standsi will reside in future; Before leaving Six feet. nine inches -in height. Weighs! presentations wer -`made `to both Mr.` 250 pounds and wears size 16 shoes-.3 and Mrs. Brown by officials of St.iHe has a reach with both arms out-. Paul's" United Church. ` ,stretched of 80% inches. g. Dredging out of the first canal in nlkflll. LU Ho l.Ul'LHl5lll. U1 IHUFU. I - Rev. J. R. Patterson and Rev. J, J. iBlack were inducted as minister and ;assistant minister of St. Paul's United, ~fChurch. Orillia, on October 4. Twenty-' } three elders were ordained at the same l time. 1 `D;-my 'L"T. Qunuvn Iurhn Inna knnn nun- ` ._.w_ That over a million motor vehicles have been manufactured to date in` Canada is one of many interesting facts! relating to the Automobile Industry contained in a booklet Facts and Fig- ures of the Automobile Industry in Canada, recently published by the Au tomotive Industries of Canada, the` trade association `of manufacturers of motor vehicles,. tires. parts and ac- cessories in this country. . Automobile manufacturing has been AMILLION MOTOI-`(CARS MANUFACTURED IN CANADA CBSSUFIBH ll! l.l UUUllL1'y. `Automobile manufacturing has carried on in C_ana da,-continuously for just twenty-one years. Ten years ago` the `industry assumed large proportions and today.1t stands in the front rank of the ]_)omin1on's industrialventerpris-` an .I ` "'7l/R!!VE< % . ` . ` \ \ _ , More than a h`un`dred` thousand Cana-T 'dians are _now_'employed in relation .to.I the Industry and its products, and over; half a million persons in Canada are!` dependent on'the manufacture and use; of motor vehicles. . ,- "'I`V1noy-A nun tn-u turn nnnnfr-Inc In tho! vehicles. `There are only, two countries in the wor1d~--the United States nd Great Britain-1n which_ a greate number of motor vehicles are ownedthan in Canada; [while in proportion to popu1a-- : tion, onec'ar,to every fourteen persons. the `Dominion `of Canada ranks next! to the United States. In uolnn n1 Fnnninn nu-ndnnfn nf nll IUVVUH uy'1a.w l.UI`- Ll'|.|SL LUIIUS anq at tile highest int rest obtalna.-ble. -_ ' Trace---Drysd le=-0rdered ,that the usual grant of $100 be made to the . Flos Agricultural Society, and $2510 the E1mvale.Poult_r `Association. ' -Drysdale-'l`race-.- rder'ed that the Clerk _be -instructed_ to notify the '.Ingot Iron 'Culvert_ Co. that should _-the Company. in standing behind its gauge c ulvert'pipe the Council will purchase 12 ft. extra at the regular price, install the same and assume all responsibility in connection therewith.? T.nno'n19n .__'nn\vnn\,\._(\rdn:-Ari fhnf l guarantee; provide '38 ft.` 72 inch 10~ 5000. `Dominion about $370,000. on `the .arti- I ,_ cial breeding of sh, the matter is `one! I VV`l"IP\I J'Il'|l'I'El` I I"lE I'l'\I I `I Canada has spent a good deal of} money in/ her sh hatcheries, and -she has attered herself that in so doing she was not only protecting but devel-,; oping her sheries. But of late a note- of uncertainty has crept into the pro-`l gramnrie and men-h`ave. been heard to! wonder just,what it meant, to place 10,000 young. trout in a brook -`or 10,~` 000,000 young white sh in a lake. Fin- g ally it wasdecided to investigate the= matter.-a little. On June 15, 1923, 5000 trout fry were placed in Gunstone Brook and .5000_ in Buck Brook,j two natural trout streams - near; Aylmer, Ont. For nearly two months these fry were under observati night and day, and it was found that `they disappeared very quickly, being eaten chiefly by .rock bass, but_ to a less ex-. tent by the large trout. On Sept. 15,? 1923, Gunstone Brook was seined and. only 174 fry were found left out of thei In Buck Brook, 1520 fry wei-of found, but th s brook had been seined of the larger sh before the fry werei deposited. in its waters. But by June, .1924, only 500 `of these 1520 remained- "alive. ' of_ the whole 10.000 fry . which would reach three or four years At this rrcte it is clear that out! the` numberl of age would be very small. As Ontario ' is now spending about $50,000 and the of considerable interest, not only to all anglers, but also to all. commercial fishermen. Possibly wefmay be able; fn nilnnf n-innaln-an ulhinh will rrivn hot. 1 lTUH]JUll5lIJlll|.y LII UUllllCUl!Uil l.llUl'CVVl.l.ll.` Langman ---Downe_V~-Ordered that} the Council now adgourn to` meet at; -Phelpston, Nov. 14, at 10 o'clock a.m. C. S. BURTON, (`lav-It Winn LIIU lllllfll lll" \VUl.'l\ ucru .l.Jli_lll` ford is being pushed alongtast, A night jshif-t has been instituted and the work urill Inn nnninnunn run Jnuukln ulnlft T4`! . - , a \ I `the marsh drainage work near Brad-I fnv-A in hninov nnahn nlnntr 1 -nut A niirhf LIBHUFIIICII. FUS-`.5lUl_Y' WC, lllily UH ilultj to adopt measures which will give bet.- ter results, | Get a bottle of Rheuma tociy and `wear a satisfied smile on your face I tomorrow. You. n unvnnvv QAI-uni In nu!-nnnh{v-no` fhn LUUlUl'l'U W . It's a remedy ,that.i_s `astonishing the! whole country, and it's just as good for; gout, sciatica, lumbago and kidney Amis,e1`y as for rheumatism... _ 1` ft y-ivnu the -nniqnnnnu manta frnm. IRIKITATED BY "` s't7N.w1ND.DUsI acrunfi IHIIMMINDID 0 SOLD BY DRUU0l5'bOI"|'lClANS Rheuma Acts on Kidneys, Liver and? Bladder the V93-,y First Day llll5.Cl'_Y HE LUl' l`llCulllil.l.l`.lVll.-- It drives the 'poisonous,waste from B the joints and muscles--`that's the se- cfet of Rhelumzvs` success. 'D..+ vavn An.-0+ nuly unu I I fn n`rn ` ruin! _ LTICCL U1. I\llC].lll.lil. LlU\.'-Ua But we don't ask ..you to takeout- `word for it; -go to Wm. `Crossland or 'a'ny good. druggist and get a bottle of R'heuma today; if it doesn't do as we promise get \_youz; money back. It will ;be there waiting for you. ` .42 WHAT J-IKPPENS THE FRY? l"I....nAn `urn:-A n-sun! n nu. -\A Anni A JOB `FOR YOU Out Goes All` A Rheumatic Poison _;,_:s To'$1o"DA1L_Y< v -aw A svrl-I1'a1\ \ ._ ......-- A... Jun, Clerk, Flos. vv-.--- - . `TO WI'1`:--B_,y. virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Simcoe, bearing ;dat_e`the 15th daylot July, in the year of our Lord, .1925, and to megdirected, commanding me to levy upon tlre several lands mentioned and described; being in` the County, of Simcoe. for arreai-is respectively due there- on; together with my costs, -I hereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and amend1nents"`thereto, that unless the said arrears and costs be soon- `er paid, I shall on Tuesday, Dscemberdst, 1925, at the hour of two o'clock in the atternoonfat the, Court House inithe Town of Barrie. proceed `to sell by public.-~'auVctio_n so much of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the taxes and all lawful charges incurred in and about the sale and collection of the same," '..The`,following lots are patented -(except where otherwise stated): .....`....-u-.71-u-n nu A-n~rA"r A` 31. 32. V 33. ' 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. A41 JUL`. 11 lLVU.U vv 8 nrvssvuunuv IRXJHHINDID 6 DRl!OOl5`bOP`| lClAN$ warn Ion mu I?! call loos Mulmll co.euIcM9.0M 10. .11.. 14. 15. 16. 17.~ 18. 19. S Eht, pts Sm, as aescrmeu :11 reg. deed 11019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20. Pt E pt Bro;, desc; reg. `deed 12236 21. Plan 596, lot 125 . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . 2bP1an 596, `lots 56 'ang1 57 . . . . . . . . . . 23. Plan 596, lot 60 .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'4. Plan 596, lot 178 .. . . . . . . . . . . . HVAYIYKTQIJYID t'\`l' 1 25. 26. 27. GI. LDIGIIUD uo Ull yauux :._y . . . . - - . a o ._ . TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE 28. N 2, pt W hf desc. b 11 reg. deed 8737, 1 11 1,3 ; 4 . OWNSHIP OF NOTTAVVASAGA 29./Dunedin, Lot 2, plan 193, W Hurontario 9 30. Plan 92, Singhampton, pt 7'East \ Melancthon, desc. reg. deed 10145 18 12. 1,4, ' ' L ,TOWNSHIP OF ORO ' North east quafter . . . . .. 39 2 25 East half . .3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2 100 (I nn 1"`? an be an _....;.I. -....A. 1...-......... '1 19 '\7'}. a 41. 42. 43. 44. AK 46. 47. 48. An 54: .55. 56. 57. 58. E0 6 51' lII|UlWl'|'S'bD|'llClAN5 nu-u 50. _ - Z Descfifton ` I 1;. Pt `described in regnqdeed 4877 . 2. North mm 9- "K\ A* h`f A - - - ~ - -' - - - - - - - - - . . . . `an. 60. UL. 62. 63. {EA UT. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. W 83. 34. 85, 86. K. LVOTIII Hill]. -. L -;WeSt . ..A . ~\ _ _ I, _ , _ H ,- ' _4" _ TOWNSHIP OF West halt . . . . . . . . . . . 13 South west quarteg ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 E hf `Spt as desc. i reg. deed 9194 27-28 Pt bush Blk, Angus Village, S side Queen at, as desc. reg.` deed 10467 Easthalf . . . . . . . V2- . quarter . .;. . "N 13, S 32, north east quarter . . . . . `Plan. 626, Simcoe Heights . . . . . . . . .Plan 626 . . . . . . . . . . . . South half east_half . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plan. 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Plan 589. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Plz m~589 . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . .Plan 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . Plan 589 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plan 589, 188, 189, 190, 197 and `~ ~ TOWNSHIP OF F. W hf'ac. E 1% ac; North River .. '. W10',W47,E48';,.W87_1;,E1171, :.P,'lan 624 >.Pla528..*...... . . . . . Lbt Pi as desc.` in reg. degc; '1'2-748 . . .. Plan 587. lots 57 -and` 58 . . . . . . . . . . \ Pla'n'587, lot 95 . . . . . . . . . ..., Plan 587, lots 178, 179, 13.0,}: .__Plan 571, lot 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pt lot 7 as desc. in reg. deed 15332 S E`hf, pts ST'hf, described in v-no` hn 11019 Broken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Part described in reg. deed 1016 ..16-17 Islands 33 on Liberty .- . . . . `rnt\1x71uc1t1'1"l1 rvm `III: J. VV AV DAILY East half . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West 75 north half ;_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East 15\south halt Broken . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . East R north west quarter` . . . . . Lot:15..' . . . . . . . . . Lo`t16....,....., ............... .. nLo t17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nLot3,broken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Lot 2, broken.....:..;.....;...... . North 8, `west 20, north half . . . . . . West 40, east half . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . .West9, east 16..:. . . . . . . . . . West 76, north halts . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . South west quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L0t.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N E half acres, north half broken . Lot_13 west`-of road_ . . . . . . . Lot 5 west of road." park lot . . . . . . . Lots 8-9 West of rd, `broken pk lot . Military Reserve ._: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Military, Reserve . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . Military Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Military Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,Mlitary Reserve . . . . . M litary Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .-..... ..-v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- / . - TOWNSHIP OF TEVCUMSETH S W pt desc. In reg." deed 67.04 .. . . 1 10. 57 'l'Vf\'II7'l\YQT.`l T'D (Tl? GWKTV .l.\J VV1VB11.1.l' Ur` VV. .SouthhaIf . . . . . . . . .. .'Block.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,Block4..` . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lot .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. { East pt desc. in reg. deed 251'?` 1-vs--r -r A rm-n P_t W ht deslc. in 1 U W AV Dmxr Ur V EJDKHA 100 ft S E corner east half . J: . . . 23 6 34, South 20 acres west half west half 21 6 . 20 West half`....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16~_12 100 5 South 25, north 491, east 65,` south hr '14 ` 14 25 1 . . TOWNSHIP OF WEST GWILLIMBURY Southhalf 14 4 100 6 'Block.. ...%.....12-13 14'-' 1 1 Block4..` ,14 21,5 3 T .n1> n 1 A . nnn -- n 0'3 UL3 iilitary Iilitary. iilitary Iilitary Iilitary ' Treo.surr s' Sale `of Lands in Arreafs-for Taxes T COUNTY or smco ' ` . _. . 4- .u A. lirteraliy covered with skin dis- cus:--15 years of eu'ering--then his whole body cleared 05 in 45 days-a new skin grown -1 . itch! . lrritatl . n 9.`3.r33..em'1'c'e?11b1e as 3: hundreds of . 74 and ..... '53 "5 1,5 ,...y..---...'-.o_.- 3-2 '1/4 .......... 32 14 _ 1,5 TOWNSHIP OF MATCHEDASH ............ 7 2 _...... .1..-.l 1l\1t! `IQ 1'7 n ............... .. 32`, .. V TOWNSHIP OF TOSSORONTI reg. `deed 5448 .. 11 5 1A A TOWNSEIP OFOYESPRA ` .' I3 1 to non} `half I 5roWNsHIP OF FLOS 20 10 '20 TOWNSI-IIP OF INNISFIL - -5...` TOWNSHIR OF ADJALA Lot Con. A1 deeVd4877V....' so 3 ........ .. 24 ,3 14 20 5 11 /`run v -1v - TpWNiifP 015 . 108 0.S. 100 . .. 111 O.S. . 75 112 O.S. 115 ., . .. 26 3 193 arter` 13 4 23- 18 9 14 10 n 1/ III 204 A -'2`! znalxuua 63 Barrillia 163 Barrillia 170 Barrillia 182 Barrillia 203 _Barrillia SUNNIDALE 9. 16 ` 6 16 10 09 2-:5 '_` 26 27 27 26 25 12 /16 - -no pain. no itching. no irritation. This story seems incredible as do other cases relieved by the powuiul liquid for. the treatment of skin diseases. as. 4..-. nsnn |.-ul- ...u.... mu. 4.. Anal