Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Oct 1925, p. 11

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fungal`! `V Afternoon` arrlo. Suh- nd Grout. dvance (tn ates. `$8.50 h nlt! and ` . -'.-"-"'0" ' .` Eveiryymcumth `hefmade a_deposit. ;Within a few years Vhie; vas'wo'rth $2,000--enough to pay for his mother s tre'a"tq1ent and lgaye` Va comfoftable nestegg as a nucleus ffr the `future. $\ooov.nog ..-we He :dep`osit hiqrst month s wage with the Bank , of: Tononto. .`Wil- the `vision of a radiantly healthy mother constantly before him, he worked and `saved, 'aecumulating-`$1,000. Th"pro em of, investing th/is tidy '.su_1nhe"`solve_ci by conferring w big Bank of Toronto 1uI_;____, `Cull-I\II II REVVQ Angus no-v Qltnnnn V- -w-v---v --vvv----v --.._. seeking and receiving reliable investment advice and 'g;owing more prosperous each '7 I -<- J 7! _-_,._!,- 97' "fro '"' ' L, 3-. /_. His march to: success has 'been steaay and `largely -because he `made _ a condant of his B: `Toronto Manager from the start.- 0 f%BAN1 7 those - 'Monk_ St. We have the name of [Cr mwe1l's "greatest general, who was after.wa_rds Admiral Monk, successful- ,ly ifilling thewhighest rank in both brg1nches9t>f the service. 9 ~ -.-. ,.. __.! OI tnen` gr:-at ueeus. 4 Three streets in the extreme eastern ,portion of the town` are named after officers of the Royal Navy who` lived in Barrie or its neighborhood in its , early days. Oliver St., called: after .'.CaptainOllver, R.N.,,who first owned the Raikesfarm and later the town lot. of Barrie. Steele St. `was named for, aptain Elmes Steele, R.N., who was a A` member of `parliament for Simcoe `I County. 1841-44. O'Brien St. was named :2 after Captain O'Brien, R_.N.,` afterwards \ Admiral. who lived in _Tollendal and . owne a. sawmill'therp* about 1832. He I I L. left t ere in 1836 to rejoin the Navy. Nor are `Britain : Arctic explorers from the Royal Navy forgotten for in Collingwood Street, Nelson Street` {and Nelson Square recall the greatest I naval battle in the history of the world, [The Battle of Trafalgar, when the ' fleets of these two admirals destroyed the combined navies of France and! [sfvainy and thus gave to Britain the title of Mistress of the Seas" which she still holds undisputed for more than a century. The history of both -,those great seamen is so-`well known that.,we_ will not touch on any other of their great deeds. 'Fhv-on efv-nafg in thpp1rh~eme eatern| [yawn-voavu V- I:un\4 uv- vosauvu istr` I . !have the names of two well known navigators ahd officers in the Royal T\Th1nr {.'BAR`RlE-H.- A. Sims; Manager`. 1ALLANDALE ' . , . ' _-...-.....-.-. -\ 1-v,,,,A,, \r____ steaay the East we have Parry,//St. and Davis and Back St., named after Capt `n .Parry, Captain Davis and Lieutena 1: Back. In the VVest end we have Ross St.`running from Bayfield St. west- ward. This was one of the earliest named in the town and so called for `Sir John Ross, R.N., the Arctic explorer -Franklin St., once called John St. W. was named in honour of the most cele- brated of Arctic explorers, Sir John Franklin R.N. Franklin passed through Barrie on his second Polar expedition z in the Spring of 1825. His party camp- ed on the spot now covered by the King block near the G.'l`.R1 station after- ward walking over the nine-mile port- age to the Nottawasaga River. On this journey he was accompanied by Lieu- tenant Back as above mentioned. - /Thus we have run over thirty-five of the streets of Barrie telling for whom they were named and briefly stating something of each of these men. An `I uvnlly nlnnnv nun nfvonfa an!` ant! ranaqer men. As I walk along our streets and see these illustrious names I always think very lgindly of our unknown friend who so gittingly named` them, for we must ac owledge that it was the British vy that not only largely made the - rmsh Empire oh today, but that the British Navy alone made such an Em- pire possible. 'Mrs._Mar'garet Boult, 80, of Balti- more, Md., willed the cop who helped `Inna I-n nu-nae: f-kn afvonf $200 }. sszw Imore, lV1(l., wuleu Lue Cup win; her to cross the street $300. Barik . of- Page 242 large or Mm w. ', CHARGE ....--, opnator. tyoild St. .- Editor. - I In nu -an ITE 1k"of ued , nSt. UIIITI n 5 Days. JLISHED T10-ll h 01:! ,`nd` mm when `ted. OAN- , at most of t to havp ed in can explra.tlou.' ` ha nnnolgil 1 Sound > 9th St. E e- `Store ueAn'ruuI_i' VIII! 990 I Bank of onlyr ` st. iii IDS xinegf . lftnrnnn lCE St. "16; 11123. E371 ureyjwnen 'UOVGl'nur --uylgu|'u.nV accompllsheil /many good things, for . Canada and took a, toremost".part'_l`n `a c emes or e we are 0 ; our / ,1: I; h 1 th I! g ` countryyamong whlcp the nationalize-f - )ng of our"na.val. battlefields lnto publlc! T parks is worthy of epeclal mentlom`: And whlle- we commend this project: most heartily we should remember that the Army __dld-only oneohalf the work of winning. Canadaiandj holding It. or! Britain later on in the war of 1812. n! each 0: -these campaigns, the army.` .could have done little` without the es,- ` ststance of the navy; and yet we have no national nark in Canada. lald out in`. T 1'93 4 aorde Z _ `~, \\ benet as _well -, .2-.1 ~ an pleasure; ' - Healthful exercise for the `teeth I and a spur -to digestion. A Long- \ eff`C.`\mn-1; nerves and otoqnch. ' V The `\Morld.17,amo uI' Sweetmeat, untouched by hafldl, full of To an Alla!idiile vsubscr1`be`x3 Jlahes Examiner ls tndeB;edtor='the following very lxfteresttnx article on some dtreet ` a gentleman in '_1`o1:onto:-e-, ' names of . Barrie; recently` prepzufea byzl .' "mu " 'rH.uitsDAY.., ccrronu 15,1925. CE men and nrave (Jesus 01 nnuuu Buu.lnI.' Barrie as first surveyed in 1888 was- comprised. within the area of 'Berezy St. on the east, Bayfield St. on the west -a Grove St. `on the north. At the` sa e time as the town w laid out A. and designated Barrie. these treete re-. ceived their namea'.'being nearlypail in. `honor of na\'ai ofticersnot the war of 1812-14. From Berczy St. to Dukworth; St. is the: Berczy survey. and `from Duckworth St. to the easterly limits the greatadmiraie of Britain are re- A membered in `the streets or thieportion Of the town. _ . . n..c.-..m rnizimr un.H-m fnwn itself. we statance or me navy; Tana yet we mwu no national ark in out __honor otthe senior branch of fthe aer- vice4-as the navy .19--to_nrem!nd our citizens of the debt we owe the8e,g.l- lam sea.-dogs. -rt, ____ ....'.....I `ll a-nu) knuuvnuvnn f`\u1. - or me wwn. ~ _ Before taking up-the_ townjitself. we would say that Lake. Shncoe, as the Qazeteer ~or ,1799,!ntorm,s us`, -was so named by Lieutenant-Governor, Simooe win` respect to h1s'\fa.ther.~ Capt. John Simcoe of the Royal Nagy who died in ORA nI\AI9nf'l\II fill` fhn I'I`{~|R (If Qllbe V and brave deeds of British sailor. lllllly BUfl.'uuBq . _ We sire proud to say. however. that! in the name 0! our town. its sttjeeteand ` its surroundings, we by We. .memorla.l to the-British avy, _ _ oble.'more bea.utitul`and more lating than._q,ny*! other could be. All these names are redolent with memorleevof gallant sea- nnmula. on n.-at mu-vnvn in T88}! was: Iaoo J I w u w u p v nos, -.-g.-- -7.- .. .7- the operations for the takng of Quebec- in 1759. It was Ca t. Slmcoe or the Royal nvy who p loted the British . eet up- the. St. Lawrence River` in this` camp ign. or a, time Capt. Simcoe had or lleut nantthe great navigator. Capt. Cook, and In his honor Goverm Simcoe. named the Boutherg, bay ot our lake Cook : Buy. our own western boy was named Kempenteldt in memory of the disastrous end of -the Royal Geonge. sinking ioffortsmouth harbor with Ad- AFTER WRIGIEYS 1 G e L. when `Gove'rnbr T-.'Gexg`ei9al M .'.`.`.!.'...1an!;.:?11',maTnv good thing: {or} nayuuu. w [I-|II|1II\-II 3 w r---- oe :53 Iigyal V;%(lid perations tak-{g of Quebec- 'an, / 11' was Gabt. Tslmcoe of ; '::%-.% d I to co wlqhon tn`: TTANCES rod letter, bio at pag- cums . BURNS Ims odd s Antis Wtic~_ is a safe, soo ingtreatment forall skin \\ abrasions, infections and irritations. Its powerful! antiseptic actionfprevents infec- tion of open wounds andtenables the ' exceptional heal' qualities_`of:tliis famous.-_ ointment to quic y relieve` ain and irrita_- `tion about a spe Ty- recovetiy. lll U_g_I?`\lRUJ9.~ ._ | 0I NTMEN?T '.i feet, abscesses, old 'so1-es, `boils, eczema, piles, V ulcers, hives: anll:?all of the;-.,skin..t,_ . - Absolutely pure and , excellent after-shaving`. .trea`tx`i:e_'nt for tender ' Heals c'utsjorv and;- /leaves` the stain smdoth goft, ~ v Keep aftn on. -h_an,'d for regular and emergjemzy use , ` 3.'\ \1D .od' g` ;*.V/Intiseptic % 4 mini! Kempenteld anq-nearly two men. Barrie was~ so amed In honor at Commodore -RobertfBa.rrte'. R.N.. who at th`at"t! me occupied oonexotf the high-' lest ,omcea_ in Mcanadka. belgn, acting (`A-unnrnInnh'|I'In!" hf` . mini! 'l(etip!t1`t>a11dt`na,tiii Ine:;tr}y 800 men." I nvuvla man. an In hallo} inc-_omm_ 91191 -"'0!_yl`1l8'}'IIEJ;!"I-Vi`-V-Y - on; ,,t.-La,ltea`1r0m Julmgxs un.-,. `til it Fihandonment. ``l tobei-iarr!e'wae . .b rn.<'in~I_-joiifarshire, Scotland. in 1772... ;-He; was aI1nep`hew`oi'.' Admiral Loud Gardqer. commander * of, the cha_nnei__l `eet, and; ente r'ed_ the R,oy3'f.Na.vy at an .`; early age. c He _-`served ' as `em dshipman iunder .Capt.Van_couyer}in~-~:1 91 in his,}_I voy$ge`ot exploration and d__i1_scovgry-,0n... 1 the ac;i'c Coast.,..;ln 1]i15_ he was made U 1 lieutenant . In 180i'hewas;strongly re.-.1 `ya ycommended` to thetigkdmiraity for pro- ;_,` imotionion account of his gallant con- duct gin alight with a French squadron ,- where, thogfh dangerously wounded, 1 he disdained to quit the deck. II-Ie re.-,~. ! ceived this promotion in _1804,.when_ he Dwafmade captain of the -Brilliant. a 3 ship or 24~:gund.' ,.-In- 1806 "_h`e::awa s` pro -S motedjto tl1e`command.o,f,the Homone. a ship-.,of 88 guns, aalar e_ vessel? in those` days. On the-.5th o J'~une...1807. he valiantly . attacked a1,J-`re.ncii eet}, with a `co'nyo y-:i'n oil?jse,u_en`teen vessels`-E |._q_na completely defeatedthem, sink- A Aginadthree nien-of-wax-"and capturing. and bringing to England fourteen war vessels and stage ships. and doing this. all with hison ship.Pomone and her. `brave crew. For this `feat he received . ! greotond w.ellym.erit.ed `praise. He was `sent `next to join Lord Collingwood's eet,` in the.___ Mediterranean. . where `uahprtly afterwards he captured _a French .,privateer_ commanded,b,v De` - Boisse. Adjutant-General -of France. -In `1.A809_- he captured. 'unaided,a!French man-01-war and. five .transports` jiaden` with"pi'ovisions for the French army. i In 1811,he captured. without assistance, ,a. strong Corsica tort andlthree French men-o -war in the harbor. In the same year e captured a. French... war vessel upon which was Lucien -Buonap@1rte, ' with much booty plundered from every country in Europe uponit, but Captxf Barrie would not touch it nor ali ow his` nien to,-`take it as booty. -I -1 1 fun. 1019 nnlildn uvun onnnlnrn tn H15. i . v I L L lI`lUll I-LI luv it VIII |J\lIJIu.Vn Ine1813 Barrie waseppointed to the` ' command ofiI~I.M.S. Dragon and em- ployed on the east 'c0_at of America ,`_until the close of the war. He blocka- aaded the Chesapeake River and greatly` `assisted. in the capture of'Wa,shington. During` the remainder "of, the war he- 'ht_1r'assed the American. commerce -and captured many of thxlr war vess'els._ At the conclusion of .he'_war he left the Dragon, and 111.1815 \vo.s decom`te_d- or n ann In .1219 has wm: nnnninted ` `in the`navy,._he slept on shore only sev. run` QC'.l\(`|-II/\-Ill _vI|\. > ` . -` Dunlop St._ as so named in honor -of Capt.` Robe tj D_uniop, and sucha .seaman' deserves such a worthy re- \a n u s u u. .4 uuuu u 11.91 5; ..1,- \|Ja|lp5_ I upon his `second expeditiornin 1827. I ""Admiral .W. F`. Owen, and forwhom} , Owen Sound is named. was a nativeofx membrance. _The son of a Scotch Iaird, Nova.Scotia and brother of the great} he entered, the Royal Navv at thirteen admiral, Sir Edward `Owen; he also; `years of age, He; gpokv partfin jn1nety- ` fought e1inder- Lord Cochrane. I-Ie com- three engagements, and was.over oneg manded a lar.*:e.- vessel" on ,the Greatl hundred times under re. `At the siege , Lakes during the war. In 1815-he made of Fort eCorneIcres,:`he was dangerously a partial hydrographici survey of Lake wounded in--threeplaces andwas car- _ Ontario in which he was assisted by. ried through the breach into the fort onj Lieut. Ba_vfieldt" who_ completed the! `the boarding D1kes~of sailors. Dur-n1 work-'later. In 1816 Captain Owen be- ing the first nine years of his service"came Commodore of the Great Lakes, ;and remained such until succeeded by n -...`. \-....... -_ --_--_-- 4 ,-San` Sebatian. . navy ~- sentltot cut out-_a - and store ships intended for the relief elrnights. "I`ra`nsr_erre_d from tempor- ary service W th thezarmy, he was in ~.ch_ar'ge of naval battery at the siege of I-Iewas recalled to the `to command the _Garr`onne and ' otilla of gunboats of Bayonne. He captured `the whole otilla. including Buonaparte s Imper- lal..Barge. 1 Half _a hundredsuch gai- `larit deedsA,co'uld be'told but it would make our" article too long. Dunlop came with _ Soon. afterhis arrival-rthe war was ..Commodore"_B~a'rrie in-17819. Owen St. is named after Admiral Owjen. . ` v Mu1_ca`ster Street recalls a name well known in-the navy frog: 1790-1814, that of Capt; Sir. W.. H. M 1 served under the brave old sea dog, Admiral~Jar4is. `Earl of, St. Vincent. In 1806 Captain Mulcaste with two ves selscaptured five Spa ish men-of-war`: g in Finisterre Bay. He did splendid ser- vice and was wouridedyat the capture ; of Cayenne in 1809. He captured seven- his vessejpto Halifax in 1814.: teen American . privateers in .1812-13., I He commandedthe Princess Charlotte. I42 nuns. in Lake` Ontario in 1814'. In caster, C.B. He ' I 1 I Iurnacea. uommouorq OI I113-LV1JBll.y I! J.VuVV~y UH.` the.'Great Lakes in Canada, with head-`y qua.1fte1-s`at Kingston, Where for many A, years he was a hotable gure. Com- modore Barrie was aryonen-hearted,` generous mun, unfllnphingy brave. and k1nd;tn all who served im e him. both officers and men`, and was therefore be- . loved by all. " . ! ,_:_n; ' L`. . -...-' a..\..... '.-..... Barrie's first visi_ttb our town was before it,had its real name. in Ju`!re.> 1828, when .he passed through on a journey from To:-onto~ to Pex;e,tang'ui- ahene on-a. tour of inspection of the nal val` depots/on _the GveatI3aks. ; 1-\-.._1-.... la; ...n.-. nn I-|nv`\'|nr` In "|l'\I`Il\III I it 1118.}: time Uccupuau uuu,_\.u-`u.uu -B..- aat belngn, Commlsslonev` of His` 'Majest_y!;. Navy nh tho `r:mmt.]'.akes from July`-1819 tin-' me urugon, anu\1n..1un was ueuuru.u:_uv 3.8 a `CB. In -1819 he _wna. appointed Commodore of I-IlsAMajesty's Navy on. Hm "Grant `I".nkma in Canada. with [head-`-V '. !!IIl.`i`lI'|$llllll| bu--_'|>llI5|I'Iuow` \|v1~--- - . ~C:,ollier?'St1'._et 1" la `sir George: Col- ~ller" who, entermgn t I navgy in 17,96. ,_ served :unqen"`Lm,d. Nelson until. `T:-a~_ -.t_alggr. He-was"sent to Canada in 1812 and cpmmanded the P4-tixncess `Charlotte, ~ 'o,ne_; of.-1 the _largst_ `Vmen-of-war on I 'al.La`ke- Ontario` n 1~s13T-14. He built a fxiighate for II-.M .S Nhvii at bP1et1:ri` 5-, u 1;__' no in 1.6. Leturn ng- to_ ng a; I_ ` Tpxztdt-his clkiselgf he was made an E m ra n 5. `"'~g,_..~ -. - _ ' ;'I?he_`next stret't7,;np`x-tli` -of; Collier run -.| 'v'ning` east _and _ we'st_~ its Worsley, so] _ aaltvnedgrarnm _Cap}i); `Miller \R_ o;'3Le3rf.,g . ..~ o.,was_ c e n .comman_ .. _~ Lake Huron in}18`1-1.` _:}e:assistegi in ;_the'{ F`. g1ietferfceLi&f Fortiivlitgmilinuaclnas Etna; '- a.er_ w one .ss 7 ca.p,ureA wo. ` Sdgvar schoonrs, , fhe`, 'I'`gre_ss.4 and i the S rpioh. In` the 01 -fici_al `deshatches he is pra1se_d`;'fo`r his abity `and his} 5'-activity in this matter having first; 3-'7jsu g`gested the_at-tack aind -ca1-rled "it. ' out with signal.,s'ut`:cess. Cantain Archibald MacDon}=;1d<~sziw Vover and his. ship_`was- ordered~home. He then retired `half pay end went to \Edin`6u!'Sh `Up ers1ty* to edcate` himself: He came, `3anada.in_.1828 . "to icing his brother, Wm. Dunlap `(Tiger DunloD).' whq, was one or the lehding,me_n of ;West_ern Ontario and who,-- by, the Away; superintended` the first `cutting out at `the `Penetanguh sh_ene. Road from Kempenfeldt Bay to Penogaimg. in the .w_inter of 1814-15. Qapta n Dunlap was..the first member of Parliament for the county `bf!-Iuron agnd cotxtlnued so. untilhis death. . I . '......._,;.nA__,_'. __ n- 'c4:..'(I...\'....-.. (Val- sun; .yvu.L3 av; v;wv_..u 9-5 ..V_,.-.. -...... " Clappeyton. Street: called so for !,Comman(1`e_r._I-Iur._'h_' CTlapped't0n;. R.N.. !`w-ho was ]ie_uten:'1nt in, Admiral Lordj . s flhgship, Asia. He com-5 l manded a gunboatfon the Great Lakes} _ during the war -1812. He afterwards was one `of the `pioneer African_ ex- plorers,- dy1nggir1' the `_centre_ of Africa, .-{upon `sec-9"nd expedition in . '-Admin-2| XV. 1-`. Owen. and fowwhom`. Il0l'_n, tneAjex:,1';}meV WesteI`n_ snore `um Lake =Supe1'i'or to? the Zouglet OR the`! Gulfffof St.;-Lawrence. the Straits of \ Bel1e_Isle, `around Prince Edward Is-. land. 'Ca,p Bretonfand `Nova Scotia. Im . thisvtrgmemdous task he had only one! , aasIsta'nt-a"djtw`o or, four laboring '\. men `and or; `or two small boats. He 9 was a painstaking. indefajziguable wox`ker.}and.the .acQu3'ac_v of hispharts ~ are still a ,wond,er. to all navigators; ,unt"`a._qsho1*f time ago.` they were the; '/only _ons_in use on the Great Lakes.: In this`1uydrographic work he was`en-i, I gaged frbm, e and of the war in_'1814l . to.1_856 when he retired after more than} sixty yearsf servicse41n.he Royal Navy.-, `. .~u-.___ _..-_. n4....;4 a._"..,.n.~.1 "A on... Vout wun slgna.l'.,Suc(::-as. Captaip Archibald` MacDc'n'a'1a-"- saw '. gt ny years` senvie uxit1r"Coag11n'gwood'I (boxnniahded e T H.{M.S. Oriandrga -which was wrecked in;-QQ797. In the war of 181 4 he"comm ag1ded the I-I`.M.S. ore`-.-.he w"s srit 409 Canada. He` Moira. fter" .\him;_, MacDonald ` Street is named and his~3liiJte'nant.A afterwards Commandr Jarrie`_I-`is "commemorated . in Janies` St`ree't., ` ` ,.. ilolplnna ' -Jnuo tn :.I\vvI1Ah` -ictr-n"hI' _m James at_reet./ ..' - __,. ` `Taking . next in order the ' streets `1-unnlng north 1_rom-`thei Bay; In the original survey of Barrie;-commencing` at1,the"w'stern. b"oun_dary(_ we have Bayfield street named git '?Admi1~al. `Bay:-leltd,` gt` native o.f_ ANorfolk`.`g_ou_hty, } V England:ivvho"'s`erve4d through tAhe-~Nap- ' . oleonic wars =unde;'...Loz*d Collingyvood as1ieutenant' qr hxsmagsnip and at-5 terwards commanded"a vessel on Lake! Huron .au"rmg the war 1812-I4, To tms{ ` mpst etrment and aismiguisrrecl are _- - cer the `people of Canada are greatly -indebted. as `he made_ the first hydro- .graphlc"'sur\'e_v of a'.]1_ou.1` gneat -lakes fr,'om' , th;'x1"gmef western ,` shore of Lakie .Sunx'i'or' mu outlet otx the ! ls namea aner Aumlrai uw_eu. lcaster, He` 1806 ves- , seis captured Spa ish men-of-war`; inFinisterre He splendid ser-` ;vice capture- of Cayenne iteen American _. commanqed the Charlotte} 42 guns. .in_-Lake` In this yearhe was dangerously [wounded at the storming of Fort Oswego, from! which he never ful y recovered. `Dnxynfn Qhmat n m'mamnrnfen . (Tan- {upon ms 'sec9'nu expeuluuu up 1o.;a. "Admh'al native-of} `Nova.Sc0tia great` admiral, foughtiinder- manded. a" ve.=`.s e1' ,the ; Lakeidurfng war;;_ 2 n ...-..u-{.11 Inxvv-n1.rv~12r|I*\in` at-n -xmxr hf .T.nlu.- Lakes curing (ne wzu".__1n 1_<\.1a |u-: uraut: h,v survey Lake _Ohtar1o ' Lieut. who completed tn ! ;..;....x, a..+.... 1.. mm Pdnfin numn hm: Bl`OK._ - ' 4 / ` y ' I ,Berczy Street commemorates Wil- ilam`.Berczy. `a. Prussian, whq came to. Toronto in 1794 andrfirst cut out and! opened up -Yon'ge'Sti-eet as far north as Gwillimsbuijy aswell, as the road to Markham. His son Charles wasafter- awards third postman of Toronto and -owned the Berczy Block, Barrie. He named the streets therein after his wi2ejand_ daughtrs. But Berczy had too manydaughters for the streets\ in the block so the last one was called Har- rittand `Melinda Street, after the re- maining two of thefamily not already` -`mentioned. This `street, Which` runs _north from _-Blake;'st_reet, was a short time ,ago- renamed Dundonald St. in , honor of` Admit-alcochrane, the tenth Earl of Dundonald, iwhosebrillia-nt na- val career is second only` to that of Nelson, and`who`~has been justly called the gneatest;`nava.l1commande1' of the nineteenth century.: CHis. `wonderful genius brought victory upon victory to , -the navles or 'Britain,.Chili, __Brazil and - Greece, in all of which he`.held~at var- - viotis times", the chief": command. Admiral -Sir Jnhn Duckworth. who in [1814 he was` chief 1n'comman`d, of the wmcn ne never Iul y recuveycu. .Poyntz Street c m`me_morates Cap- tainblewdigate Poyntz who served un- dez-`Lord Nelson throughyall the Nap- oleonic `wars and `later' was sent to Canada in the war of 181,2, during which he commanded a vessel, and in` navy..o`ri Lake}-Iuro*n.4In that -year he madet the first _hydrogr.aphic survey of Pene `angu1s'hen_e Havbour. Sampson Striet,t_he ndxt street east. and parael` wi 11 Poyntz; ienamed af- ter Capt. Sampson . B,;.N., who`-in the war of 1812` c._omma,ndd`H.-.M.S. Slmcoe. In this vessel Cap'm"in.'Sampson brought from N agent to Toronto. the A`merican prison rs taken, at the Battle of!` fjnnnnnfnn Heiethfl ah at the same DPISODBFS IHKBII ` ,, ul. cue Da.u.u= UL ueenston Height? and at the same 'tlme brought to the citizens of Muddy- York the first news of the great vfc- tory.and. o_f the death of Sir Isaac Broek. ' ' Dnunu Qty-out ` nnmmhmnrnfnn TH- . vlous umes _Ine- cme1;commzu1u. T or__ted in Duck ' ' .AdmlraI Sir John Duckworth, who 21799 -in .`his _single;. ship captured and brought to port e1 ven Spanish vessels laden with silvfer-"`}x`d,gold, is commem- rfh ,Stret. `I Inrnnnn'fnIfZ Rh-Ant whinh is reallv Voratea m- .Uu,cKWD!'u1 ,.bU`BI.. ;;_I.{_Aemp_en`eldt1 Street, which is really a continuation - ' unlo'pVStr.eet`to the : east, tIori.Ves':i s `ame from the`same` .s.a1l0.r=as '9.ur bay. ` A ' V In 31a):ej`str.eet_, w_,have' the name of-hjm ~v'vhd" d1Vides_'yvith -Nelson the . - honox;1'ot:bet'ng tyhe,grez'a:test of,British ` . , ` admpals: Adrmrar Robert Blake}, whose succ'es`s is,.without'*a parallel irrnaval warfare.` Givfericoz nmand' of the fleet by'.Cromv%eu', he sai1ed_ql1t against the Dutch my o__va`ppeared in `me. Downs Twith forty},fivgship`9o_3vv:a._r under their grea._t ag1miral~._`V_a'n'-T_romg. Blake had - only tvy.enty"shijI` of/the line but_by` 1 able; seainship ',defea_te'd-`them. Next V ye'a1\ Van;Tx___ 1:,` Wising to retrieve 'hiVs\-defeat`. "Qp eardg{o;ff'\th`e' south ' `i 1_coz_a.st pf`-]3,11g'1a.;_:`1`d with -F10 battleships.` Blak ".1311?-"~tDL~`_sj:ee`aLj with< sevem_v ghipsifto .~ Imeet im andfzthereqvag fcmght one of -tB"1e,-'"; giteatet .nava1l_-_Acti_o.ms {in the I -'wor1d's 11istqry..lastihg' hreestlays, coh- .tes'ed .`\'_V;it`lx'.~~.`_uA ost ,coA.uI_:a`ge;and "stub- yticirnrjesfs b,v~'_b_` th sideqhgrtg nding in ,a cotx;p1te.viqt9g*y_ joy; .;,;B}a`! Later? on` : wagd`-`iinessaritiand-`-equally sulc-1 ; issm-Wai?f@sainstFfhez Snaniardwte} his. ship_ `was ordered - home. ....u.-mu n`n`ha.lf nav and went ,, 1;'I.'H BA'lll:E".`\XAillNER- I inveterate enemies of England irf1 l days. I ' Who can {A tfhg plpmnf nn whlnh uays. ; . The sea is the element on which dBri-l tain s glory has ever ridden in triumph and `in Rodney and St. Vincent Streets l I we\ recall the brilliantpgenius of. Ad- miral Rodney, who," in the reign of. George III, swept almost off the seas in succession the hostile fleets of Spain, France and Holland, and of Admiral. Isir John Jarvis, Earl of St. Vincent,1 who utterly defeated a Spanish fleet of I twice his `size off Cape St. Vincent in. i 1797. ' ` VIVLA nub nnnnlwnna nun n`l'II7l\ Qfnnbfx The next street`east on Blake Streti is Cook St. so named` after the celebrat-. ed Captain Cook, oR.N., explorer and navigator. ` T ` _` ' . 1-... r1-.:..:......s.-.... no-..n.-.& nu- W...-nu. uu-..M,,'. In Codrington Street we have rem-V. embered Admiral Codrington, the hero_ ` of Navarino.' In this, one ofthe great naval battles of the 1_9th century, Cod- zrlngton with twenty-`four ships ur,1der , his co._n`t rol, defeated more than twice that number and in. fact utterly de- stroyed the combined navies of Tur-, key and Egybt. . ` 1xv-__x-__'cvL_.--A. '1- ....Q.....: 5.... 0...... 3'. ` J_I'd7'l.5a..I.Ul'o ._ ` i nc,v Napier Street is named for a famf '0us British admiral, Sir John Napier._ Iur 1807 Napier, .then .a. junior captain, tin his one little vessel captured three. `French men-of-war, one of which was _of seventy-four guns. For this he was appointed captain and it became a. Bri- tish man-of-war. `He served in the `war 1812-14 on_ the .Atlantic Cgvast Squadron.` , I In `Vnnnnnvnr Rf and 'Pn9'nf Qt WA (.l:ll\l. a.Ja_y..vIn squaurun. In Vancouver St. and Puget. St. we] Finest .3ua1ity, bitter and suicri ~i-atgest pings, and you .always, get f1jesh,1 because it ipsacsk `tins,% .15 years go. Patrick O Donne now lives happily with his`__mother. He is still saving money, : tucking it away into his `Bank of 'Toronto account-stilI 3 ,_ _ A-_ J ..- -_--.....- :nnuvno6onnA|nO nAv1:nn an-`(I `ff at Bfought his invalid mother_ ` `to Candalt in,;l9'08. He lboked forward to the day YOLJNG 5l`Pa`t Uivbnne brought ms mvalld motner Cnd3 in,,{(l9_'08. wben,.>th`rg1ighe th'*p'roc_eeds of unremitting toil, he could aord $the- that would transform her silent suffering into 7 -. 1 I4 '1' . _-,,-I_9_ _____- ___:-I_ -1... D__.I.. -rm: EM A L_.s..

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