Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1925, p. 9

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`la NOW! + EEHAT` in `-Coni.ngs-l'Jy Dawson"; Best `Se vifd V 115;, Nokvel QLORIA swANsoN Moll! - Tussnnv NOW! I UVCI IIIIC '-I IUVIIIUIGI I.l1sIlWayo 1' _,The-rolling stock is composed en- itirely of; the latest Reo tvventy-pass- enger buses, which are-,equipp`ed with\ `every " safety device, including` six! `wheel brakes, `low sprinfg -suspension, wide wheel tread, special lighting- lsystemi and strong and durable over- Maize constriiction throughout. This- `servicef.ough_t to b_e well received by the public inasmuch`as -it `affords 'greatercomfort than itwas hereto- fore possible to obtain `in cross-couiv M try travel, more rapid service _than ll afforded by the steam railway, at` .more`.frequent intervals and: at a 1 cheaperirate of fare. The Company -: `is arranging with allhotels en route . {to use;their lobbies as waiting`-rooms, 1 where` time-tables will "be conspicu- ously posted. The Metropolitan Bus 1 `Lines-Iiimited are operating b1ise.s`~in 4 different parts\ of the province "and "have equipment in reserve to place ; i on this. run as soon as it becomes pro- V] lperly, established.` * * J 4 'l`1..`.. r`........'....... -_......x ..m..._:..;. 2..-- . . I . On Saturday, Oct. 10, the first bus operated by Metropolitan Bus Lines Limited, will leave Orillia-at 7.30 a.' 5 r_n., passing -through ,Barrie at 8:20. "which will be; the first trip of :the De `Lime- Coach `Service, which will be Tregularly operated-, two `ground trips daily, between Orillia and 'Tpronto lover the -Provincial Highway. Tho-rnllinm cfnnlr 1'5 nAv-nsnnunpl nun Iside inToron$o, R. J. Finley, whozfor ` severilcyearsl lsaasdbeen :upierintend- .l ento entra un ay.~Sc 06 , was on,` `Wednesday night. presented .with a beautiful Bible, accompanied by an address, from the staff and members .; of the Sunday-School`. fsevegtl short 1 "addresses, expressing apprecia ion. of I his worl, regret hisdgcgng imd best Iwi es . orhimse .an -Iamiy, ivere Ima e by "the _s'upe1*intendent- and `workers of the school; Suitable ac-I I.; knowledgerent was-made by the re-- II ci-pient of the gift. , I On theeve/of his` departure `to re- I I I 1. In class:11, section 1, Barrie fair prize list, B. B. Warnj'ca.was first land T; H. Dewell s cond, instead of the reverse as eprin:d.\ A A`1.2..-.: 17` Y __-1_ `,1; ,__i\,u 1 u`. ' Mr. Finley has taken an active part! in the` workeof the church and has` rendered special service on the music l {committee because of his interest in` [the choir, Very general regret is._ ifelt by the whole con'greg,atio_n_ _at his} ]'departure., M ` . E BUS sl-:iiv1c"ro TORONTO; 1 I f'R.E` nups on SATURDAY` uuc 1.I.':vcJ.'ac 2:5 -pruu.u. ' ` Alfred H.`- Luck'shou1`d have read} LA. H. Tuckin garden produc`e"_clasTs.} ` L l . I PRESENTATION ` -"L BIBLE E IS MADE TO. R.7J_. 5;;-NL_EY . _ -- _ 1 I ` .LaSt Friday~evening th`e members! gof the Baraca Class .'of Collier St.` lUnited,_Church honored their_ \two fbasehall teams, 'which "captured the ;titles `in both senior and junior church | `league groups, with 'a' complimentary ` `supper in ,'the"Sunday School room `of the church. There were about fty present and after full justice! lhad been done to the eatables, short !*speeches were made by Rev. S. H;~| 'Greenslade, Rev. `A. ~D. Cornett,' !Smith Kain,`convenq'r of the church ` Ileague committee, Walter Sarjeantl {and-Mayor Craig. ;Music_a1 features !were ajsing-song` and several selec- ;tions `by. the Baracas" orchestra. Chester Carsorn.- president of the :class', occupied the chair. -\` . E C0MPuMENTARYsU1515,ER 1 {r0 BARAQA `BALL .NiNEs) V The - accident a occurred '_.near. the -Prince of Wales,.'s'choo'l. e It is said 5't_hat:=;another -boy threw jthe Goring la,ds_ cap onto xtherroad and that he ydash `o to recover it, appearing . so sudderrrthat Mrs. Higs, who was one of ,nis le'gs., \ . ; V} drivinggxo hon Bradford St., Had no lc _a11ce to avoid'7,striking him...` No blame, attaches to" Mrs . Higgs, who rendered` every possible assistance, `taking the boy tota do'ctor s oifice land later reporting the ma'tter to the I ` \ , . I '1`!-.1. :....';......I~ L_'-- __L__ ALLMHI ` `I - puus:_c.' ` ' __The injurecfbdy was \attendd by} Dr. jSirr_1psOn__X1gdD1;.` .VVilson ignd ii recovermg. }rs 1 was ea er , gghat ther wasa fracture of, the leg! I ut an -`ray examination reveae [the fact that the injury was no more,` I-serioys than a painful bruise. - .. _l CU'If~IN1N<; tori `H1s;cAP`. BOY is smucksv. CAR, l `Running `out onto the roadwfy qn. `Bradford ,St. ` from behind 7 a- w'agon,` Lloyd `Goring, ve-year-old son` of . Mr. and.Mrs. Frank Goring, Sanford` St., was`struck,by,e.a motor cardriven I by Mrs. Higgs of`Min gt"s Point 011' Monday and sustained a painful scalp -ound and severe bruises ijon of his legs., j - "rho. nnnhhn. J- ...... ......I - ..-`_.. -I-L-`I CORRECTIONS IN -FAIR LIST 4~7\_/ -e:;);'-1;:-'Da.`lst<`)r1', Wm. E. Brown; Midh`urst, Richard _ Monteith; Cun- dles,: Jo's.0 Botham; Minesing, " John Young; Grenfel Chas. Harris; Eden- vale, Peter\A. dchrist; Anten Mills, WYH `D .Qnl1{"1nna- wnwnAo1n .'Dn1\+ T vale, Peter\A_.. Gilchrist; Anten Mills, Wm. D. Scythes; Ferndale, Robt. L. Richardson. ` . . ls:-nanny; a.aso`y, LUV Juqwasu 1. S_ur_1rridale---Brentwood, Jas. Mar- tin; New Lowell, `Hugh Andrew Scott; Cain's, Wm. `Oliver; Crbw s, George Albert Culham; To1`yHilI. James T, Hutchinson; Asunnitfale Corners, T. IJ3`. `Burrows; Stayner, Albert Edwin Culham, Norman A. B_uie and Henry. IS, Hawkins. .` --.* , ' -----~--~--- , l _ . | Oro---Crown Hill, Irwin H. Luck;` S.,,5 S. No.(15, Walter J. Thompson; `Edgar, Jas. Henry Cockburn; Town` Hall, Jno. A. McLuc'as;` Rugby, Wes- ley `B. .Tudhope; Jarratt,` Wm. Robt. McLean; Oro Statio'n';\_Arthur Allan Bell; Hawkestone, T. H. McMahon ; Shanty Bay, Roy Edward Paftridge. C4....._:.l._I- 'n-.__-;_____-.1 7,, Fqllowing are the ha1\nesA of the registrafs for this election in the poll- ing sub-divisions of Flos, Vespra, Sunnidale and Oro`:--" Wild Waves vs. Wild` Wives and wolves _ .A `girl who ran aground on the,ShO_a1s'of'san_da1 amid the mernymakers, ' money -makers jand` - ' , , ` mischief makers of Palm `Beach. a A Gloria : Fin-3: Modem-Timeg Movie in a Yeir _, Don- t`mis`s Gloria as a Bathing.Beauty.=" i She s the Peachiest Peach on the Beach. - I m'l7"l_o5s'--Apto, Thurlow; No. 15, 1 east of Elmvale, Thos. Cecil Graham; I Phelpston, `P. A.` Coughlin; Elmvale, Donald Currie and W.-A. Malcolm; .New Flos, John J. Coughlin; Lilli- crap s, Geo. Mc.Ginnis; Langman, S. L. Anderson. ' - T ' lulau, uc acuu. { ;A talk on Phonics for Beginners by Miss Burroughs of Collngwood concluded the morning programme. In the afternoon, in addition to Dr.= McMill_an s lecture, there were talks on`S`pelling by J, H. Hall of Phelp- ston and on Third Class Arithmetic . by A. McNamara of Perkinseld; i Mr. Marlin adx/qcatefi the teaching` of music in the schools and stated I that where it had beer 1,j:aken up the isme the School. I {results had been good. In conclusion a :he questioned-the usefulness of the` {Adolescent Act, stating thatwhen a` `boy reaches the age of fourteen or fteen and shows a greater aptitude for work than'school he should be'al- lowed to go to work. The boy who hates books and loves mechanics will .be more successful in life as a trades- I Eman, he said. ' x I -A 4-all; An `DlnAn.'..n 1. 1).....:....-....... IN` CHARGE 01-` LISTS i _ IN RURAL DIVISIONS` Several points of interest to the! teachers were` touched on by Marlin, who stated that the time` `I spent in such conventions>was\ful1y; j justified by the renewed enthusiasm "; .! which the teachers car,ried- away. He 3 `pointed out that the discussion`of , subjects of particular interest to; Iteachers in their dailywork was a] `distinctly new feature of the, pro-5 lgramme. Efficiency and loyalty, hev. fstated, should be the watchword of | the teachers. To maintain e"iciency.; two essentials are good; health and gcontin-ual study. The casual, half-I, prepared lesson "is not efficient, andi even though the lesson is one Which, the teacher has taught several times; he should try to bring out some new light, The teacher should also en- deavor to know something of the cir- cumstances of each\child s life out-i `side the school. mr_. 1urv__-1:-- _ .1_1--_L_fx LL _ L, - 4-3-, _. l . -..-..-v..a-..,.u ---v ...--uu.-uuvsua _vJ uAl\A\ahlI ' n . In their addresses of welcome both i * Mayor Craigand A.1J. Sarjeanth ea`:-= pressed appreciation of theowork of] "the teachers-and urged a greater de-} gree of co-operation on the part of `parents. Mr. Sarjeafnt stressed the. value of ' religious education andj pointed out that at the convention of 1 ithe 0.E.A`.ipToronto last Easter its 1 importance was urged by Bishop Fal-, Ion; Dr. Gandier and Rabbi Brickner, representatives of the Roman` Cat};-e 1 olic, Protestant and Jewish faiths. IThe speaker also urged greater cone) 'sideration for backward pupils'and' l~stated that while surveys have shown ' I that there are 9000 such children it? the provinceonly _3000 of them are [ being `cared for. . A 1 ' . . _,-_,-:|_,_;c, 1 ,1,` , :' I; .1 dress.: .Th`e.spec'ial speaker for.the rspectorate met`-in..their_ annual con- vention this (Thursday.) morning in the auditoriumbf the public: library. There were in `the. neighborhood of 200` present when the_ conyention, op- ened at 10Aa.m . witlrdevotional ex- ercises led by `Rev. J...S.} Shortt. Fol-` lowing addresses of welcome by May- A or Craig and-A; J.i Sarjeant, chair- man of the Board of Ed1.1cation,5the' president of the teachers association`; l-Tamers` Marlin of Barrie, gavehis ad fI:eachers' of the Simeoe In:-T I gconvention is`G.. `O. McMillan, M.A., !D.Paed., of the Hamilton Normal Scho ol, who spoke this afternoon on `Power Development in.` Canada, morning on Bird.Migration. Both addresses are illustrated by `slides, "_ I 1'_, L1. , `W , -,1 J: and will give an address _on Fridays ' {President % M`air_-_'1`1n ` % Cfr-.iticizes; Adolescent Act; Favors ` ' ML_1si_c iriF`Sfchoo1s.=? Y k A Noam s1McoE A ACONVI-`.N'l`l. oni-`oii ms COAST OF FOLLY "l;;e;iV s Address .;RU1IAwAY BOY" DISAPPEARS. J AGAIN FROM HOMEAT EDGAR`! A Frank Ash, a thirteen-year-old boy ' who last week ran away from his; guardians. at Edgar and was picked} `up on the station platform here and: !returned .to his _home, has again` dis- gappeared. Local police were in-r lformed on Wednesday thatfhe had: again run away and were asked to be on the look-out for him, but so far `he has not been found. -.a \. : I-`.l'R_EMEN'S TOURNAMENT ' IN _ORlLLlA' NEXT YEAR - \ v I I 4 I ".A.t,'the--annual meeting. of "the Sim- E coe Cpunty Volunteer Firemen s As-I gsociation,` held in the Fire. Hall on Monday night, the following o icers were elected :- Pres., Chief Blacker, lrillia; Vice-Pres., Chief Spearinn !Midland; Secy.-Treas., Cecil McMu1-, kin, Barrie. Representatives were] {present from Orillia. Midland,` Cold- ; w`ter, Penetang and Camp Borden. ilt was decided to hold the annual` I tpurnament in -Orillia next'Aug`ust. ! .. . ` I l; Payment of the third instalment of l ixtaxes, up, to the end of September,! , amounted` .to $44,735.41, as'compar.- ; [ed with $43,546.86 at the same time` na year ago. The total amount: of! `taxes .for: the yearis about $170,000,] `and as something over; $94,000 was! ~paid in the instalments due in May [and June-, there is in the neighbor: ihdod -of `$20,000 remainixig unpaid. g Collection of ta.xes.to. date is consid- iera 3] larger than at this time in 492 The amounts paid: do not in- . {elude street oiling rates...` - I uus_munm to reside `in the We_t._ ; Duringthe past` few months he has ` had` repeated offers from the Alberta Department of Agriculture of a'pos - ition' in ' the agricultural school at. been so" interested in his work, he nally accepted the offer, which will benet" him considerably in a nan- cial way-and also probably offer larg- Aer. -opportunities for advancement. `The position ,for which he has been] I` chosen is" farm manager and lecturerl `in live stvck at the Claresholm School; | ' Mr. (5.0!-lrl'n1rn nvnianl-.. L.-. L- .._1:-__ I l Clareshlm. Though . regretting to L leave Simcoe County, where he has i nu uvc shock at me ugaresnolm SCHOOL ' ` Mr, Gockburn egirtpects to, be reliev- ed from; his presen duties next week and to leave for the West about Oct. I20. , , [regret to liearn that W. M. Co ckbi1rn, .DistrictRepresentative of the De- `His 1{o.,tI5 friendstpin Barri and throughout the county will sincerely `pgrtment of Agriculture, is leaving this month to reside `in the West. I Din-inc Hm mm+-cm-.. .........a.1._ L."L'-- W}; MOFFAT COCKBURN } FOR ALBERTA heritance--a ashy racing car--the open road--a -ner- vous foot--an accelerator at to the o9r-a tum-a briilge-_-a. cras:h--and be literally fell into her life as she stood beside the little river! ` gjrne I, Barrie Business College reopens oThursday, Oct. 1st; each taught in- d'Lvidually--No classes. Rats $5.00 a month or $12.00 for 3 months. Phone 445 or 1044W. 39-44c ESARJEANT & KlNGJ.imifed v.---nu , vusvuwl ll : '11 a.m.--Rev. S. H. Greenslade. Ser- vice of Baptism.` - I 3 p.m.-Sunday School. I [7 p.m.-R`ev. A. D. Cornett. IT You are cordially invited to come :11)r_1d join us in the services of the lord's ay!. .1 gCollier gtreet Church. 'Il'...'.. - ,MONDA~i(,_9Cr. 19 _ _.--'- ---- wwu tuna.`-VI \JllIllV ( _ Ministers: Rev. S. H. Greenslade, BCA. Rev. A. D. .Cornett, 'M'.A., B.D.' IIIVIIVII I I UECUPI I ' . y ' . _ _/ ; A DAZZLING COMEDY-DRAMA OF PALl\_(l `BEACH ` -,1 SPEAKER: , Mrs;.,G6don Wright ' Dom, -Pres. of W.C.T.U. w. A. kovsa ina `I-ION. E. c. ' DD! IDV u.:`l1 ah... ....,'...I. L..:-.n--. vv. n. uvnwunu nun. IL. L. DRURY will also speak briefly; V Music Ly Bigrie Kiwanis ` Quartetfe.` Prohibitign Rally` Barrie O;:e`ra House s1_LvEIi COLLECTION NIGHT SCHO(.)L Sundly, October 11 T3--. (V Y? In , 1 AT 3' P.M. Beyond the threeimile liniit for thrills ;nd-romancue, `A tale Aof hvero-, ism and daring .at sea 'from the most thrilling of all Joseph C."Lin-` coln s Cape Cod novels. Produced by man who ,made"North of 36. r[In,'q incur, - ` `SECTION 2 _1_=_:_\c;1ss91'o 16 v 2".-'c".:*' ,.m,- $5.4 3 vv... -J a vvanv Iuauc 1. ll. UL dub .Twice_ qch Nigli;-4' iiular I"1`-"i;g;"-.-'?`Sat.` gt 2.30 ALSO THE PAC-EMAKERS 2_ mus. 1 FRIDAY-SATURDAYAA 2V1m~s 1 HIGH Hm: FOR THBII,-1-S!

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