uulvllr. and Mrs. VVm. Secor and Wilma of Milton visited the former-`s mother, Mrs. Jos. Secor. Tlzfnn Ttuumruan 'l'\nu`Dn...I.. null DA-.nnu.l nap! Th; the Hillsdale United` ,Ladies` Aid amd the Angus United :Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. `Preston, Angus Parsonage, on October` '1 Tho urnvl: nf hril-H Ain ttrna Aim- '1'l'ULUll, Axxgus l'lll'5Ull5U, UH KIULUUUF I1. The work of both Aids was dis- cussed after which Mrs. Preston served lunch and the evening was spent` in music. Av-L-nr\uAav `Ina uuvnnln A-`A cuintbnuuu Civuun IIIUEIU. . 1 Among the week-end visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Connor and !George of Toronto at George Latim- ;er s: Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Groves and =fami1y of Stayner with Miss, Esther i Groves; Mrs. Nell McPherson, Sr.; Mr. }and Mrs. Gill and Vidla, with Neil Mc- |rPherson, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome 3Duckworth of Victroia Harbor at Mrs. : Stephen Duckworth's. '\'\'Ul'K Ill LUIS IUUHIILX. | Mrs. Hewitt is visiting at Crown Hill `and Barrie. i rm... M-.. ...... 1...-.. ....-.u:..... I... 1...n' Oct. 6'-Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Carscad- den of Bradford spent Sunday with friends here. ` . , John McIntosh of Rugby has be0n ;busy with several jobs of carpenter iwork in this locality. I Mr: Whmlff in xriuifina nf Frnwn T-Tinl ! I anu l3'cll`l'lCo . I The men are busy getting the hall {repaired in readiness to start the con- 3 tinuation school. v A vuhluunnnnuuu nan.-Inn.-. vnvn-us nnnpiunnfn ANGUS Phone 1030. EC V UH _Y Cal o Dr. George B. Jamieson. who has, served this community for over 21: years, has sold his practice here to Dr.` Bigelow of Barrier. Dr. Jamieson has: -not only b een`a physician but friend to_the people'here and the removal of him and Mrs. Jamiesn is regretted by. a large circle of friends; Dr. and Mrs. Jamigson will reside in Barrie. um wean-cnu wuu Mrs. UBO. umme. Miss Katy McAulifte ot Durhamis ;v`i:i ting with Miss Kathleen McLaugh- . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Binnie spent Sun-' day in Barrie. ` A ~ I Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson arid Miss_ Luelia. Wilson visited with friends in lsiewmarket and Queensville for a. few BN8. ' ` ' 1X7nv-Ir Han hnon lunnnd-I.......I' -.4. n.- zie, who,is on furlough from Chisamba, WestT Central Africa, will give an ad- dress in the United Churchat 3 p.m.. 0,1]: Mission work. Miss MacKenzie is? a daughter of. the Rev. and Mrs. Mac-' Kenzie of Stratford and has been en-I gaged in Mission work for the past: SBVGD years. nil Clan:-o-n R 'rorn{nunv\ uvkn Ian I us? 01-` WINNERS % .. AT ELMVALE FAIR; (Continued. from page (ii sey. Emb., modern, Leona Chisholm, Mrs. Robt. Humphries. Buffet set, C. M. Turner, Emma Foster. Sideboard runner, Agnes Ritchie, Pearl Usher.` Centre piece, C. M. Turner, Leona Chisholm. Table ends, Agnes Ritchie, C. M. Turner. Table ovals. Pearl Usher, Mrs. Robt. Humphries. Set of plate. mats, Leona Chisholm, Mrs. Robt.' Humphries. Set of , table mats, G. Guest, Helena Kerr. Table napkins, C. M. Turner. Serviettes, hand work, E. Dobson, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie. Tea cloth, white, Agnes Ritchie, Mrs. J. Clark. Tea cloth,*emb., Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, C. M. '1`urner. Luncheon set, white, G. Guest, Emma Foster. Luncheon set, colors, Leona Chisholm, Mrs. R. Hum-` phries. Service tray, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, C." M. Turner. Tea cosey, C. M. Turner, Pearl Usher. Pillow slips, emb., C. M. Turner. L. Chisholm. Pillow slips, other; hand Work, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, Emmas Foster. Guest towels, G. Guest. Hand towels, G. Guest, Mrs. R. Humphries. Towels. other hand trimming, Agnes Ritchie, C. M. Turner. Bath towels, Pearl Usher, G. Guest. Dresser runner.` C. M. Turner, Pearl Usher. Vanity set, Leona Chisholm, Helena Kerr. Laundry bar. E. Dobson`, Pearl Usher. Boudojr, curtains. Agr ;s Ritchie, Mrs. Jas. Mc-' Ginnis. Night robe, emb., C. M. Turner,` Agnes Ritchie. Night robe, other trim-. ming, Agnes Ritchie, G. Guest. Cami-E sole, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, Agnes Ritchie,` Bloomers, Bea. Ritchie, Mrs. R. Hum- phries. Negligee jacket, Mrs. R. Hum-! phries, C. M. Turner. Boudoir slippers, Helena Kerr, C. M. Tiirner. Bed socks, knitted. D. Hocken, C. M. Turner. F'an- ; cy work bag, Pearl Usher, Agnes Rit-I chie. Fancy wrist bag, C. M. T.urner,g Mrs. J. Kersey. Fancy handkerchiefs,l Nlrs. R. Humphries. L. Chisholm. In-I fant s short dress, Agnes Ritchie, L.l Chisholm. Infant's jacket, Mrs. J. Mc- Ginnis, L. Chisholm. Infant's bonnet, Miss Chisholm, Agnes Ritchie. Slip-on` play apron, D. Hocken. Romper suit, D. Hocken. Layette, L. Chisholm. Centre piece, emb., Pearl Usher, G. Guest. Centre piece, other hand work. Mary Fraser, Mrs. J. Beardsall. Table runner, emb.,. C. M. Turner, Helena KQrr. Table! runner, other hand work,_ Pearl Usher.g Mrs. James. Sofa pillow, emb., C. M.` Turner. G. Guest. Sofa pillow, other, handwork, Agnes Ritchie, Mary Fra-j ser. Single piece, white emb., G. Guest,, Agnes Ritchie. Single piece, colored; emb., C. M. Turner, L. Chisholm. Col-[ lection of "amateur work, G. Guest, Mrs. . Geo. Ritchie. Collection of fancy work.| Agnes Ritchie, C. M. Turner. Qnnninluinnaf nlnnnna-I rnnnn TR. A H I`\.5llUo5 .l.'\.lI.lllllU, L1. AV1. 1. l.ll'Il!'.'-I`. Spe_cials---Best planned menu. W'.:A. Malcolm, CL Turner. Parade of house dresses, Emma Fpster. Plan of kitchen, showing furnishings, W. A. Malcolm, C. M. Turner. Sewing, plpin or fancy, to VVomen s Institute, Mrs. Jas. Beard- , sail. I I MEN S OVERCOATS WILL BE sou) FOR ~ $17.50 To $19.50 Men! We have the Oyercoats that you are looking for! . Buy in the place where you can save. That is at the Barrie Bargain House. Every garment is made right and we can guarantee them to give satisfaction. Sizes range from 56 to 44. Men's All Wool Dress Sweters, made from the very best quality; these sweaters sold for $4.50. Fall Open- ing Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men : Overalls, id Leatller Label-make `and in many other. makes, will be sold for Fall Opening Sale, Men s Silk Broadcloth Shirts, sizes range from 14?) 16}/2, regular $3.95,`Fa11 Opening Sale Special, fllul S LJIILIFUU. The Rev. Mr. McEwan preached an- niversary sermons at Bethesda on Sun-` do v Men s Hevy Work Pants, made from the best quality, regular $2.50, Fall Opening Sale will be sold at Men's Heavy Jumbo Enit All Wool Sweaters, in white: fawn, maroon and many other shades; the regular price of this sweater is $8.50. Fall Opening Sale . . Men's All Wool Heavyi Military Flannel Shirts, $2.50. Fa1l.Opening Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's Overalls and Sr;1ocks, made from a heavy qllalitv. blue, black. and blue and white stripe,` Fall Sale, 1 ..'--- vp-rc Hop, step and jump, Bob Bell. Albert McNaughton. Egg race, Mabel Kidd. Boy's bicycle race, Lloyd Argue, Ken- neth Coe, Harold Bell. 100 yard race, Geo. Kirton, Geo. Bell. Running jump, `Geo. Bell, Roy Arnold. Boot race, Jack Ritchie, Geo. Elrick. Sack race, Jack Ritchie, Bob Bell. Three-legged race, ,Albert McNaughton and Jack Ritchie, `Kenneth Spring and Elwyn Coe. Boys `under 12 yrs., 50 yds., Francis Stone, .Kenneth` Spring. Girls 12 yrs. or over, {Verona Rowat, Marjorie Chapman- `Girls under 12 yrs., -Ruby Hart, Belva `Trace. Special by Mrs. McGinnis, 10 { yrs. and under, Ross Anderson. By Mrs. 'Mrs. McGinnis, under 10 yrs., Ila Argue. 1 THP [<`.]Y`r'IV`: Jnninr F`!!!-rnnrc hrn _ all! TUUIX 1j.UIIdllu. The Orchestra. Capt. Plunkett's Orchestra, which ,`is considered by many to be the biggest ;outstanding feature of this season's- show, has been materially strengthened !this season by the addition of two ;new saxophone players zmd a. violinist leader, who is no less than the well- !known Howard Fogg. formerly with- : the Victor record orchestra. 1 - The Song Hits , Among the most emphatic. song hits _may be mentioned Al. Plunkett's j Whiter Than Snow" and As Long as vShe Loves Me": Ross Hamilton's I m Wonderful and Darling, I Love You," Red" Newman's "Col. Thingmabob". Stan. Bennett's -Reckless Re5.r_g'ie" and Stop, Look and Listen." Put. Raffer- ty s "I m Not All There," Morley Plun- Ikett s High Street Africa." Captain Plunkett's Yawning" and the scrub ladies quartette. Us Girls Must Have our Fun. ' V. . uvunnnxo All the old favorites are :u_:ain with the company, which is still headed by IAI. Plunkett, Ross Hamilton. Red" `Newman, Stan. Bennett. Pat. Rafferty, Ben Allen, Morley Plunkett, Glen Allan land /ock" Holland. (`Y nt `Plnnl:ntl>'u rxvnlanaom. ...L.:,.u. Map of British Isles,ai}e-o. l~3lri(~k,. Marjorie Chapman. Map of ()ntax*io, IGIG-nna Downey, Geo. Elrick. Map ot County of Simcoe, Mztrgaret I)r_vsd:Lle. Elsie Cumming. Copy, one verse or Maple Leaf, parts 1 and 11, Ellen Ans- ley, Dorothy Bell. Copy, one verse Ma- ple Leaf parts II and III, Elwood Long- mzm, \Valter Ansley. IV class drawings, Clarence Guest. Continuation ('lasSe.~` drawings. (lenrge Smith, .\`[zu'garez Thompson. \Vild flowers and leaves ot trees, Elmvale l rimar_\' room, Base Line School. Inn... +1.- ..,.L...,.n -....-:.._ A-H - urn: uuIvID:.I.I.o IN "LUUKY I ! The Dumbells in their new revue, Lucky 7, will be the attraction at the 'Grand Opera House for one night, !Monday, October 12. u Wnr aounn ivnnun cl..- .......- .....I...._-- IKIUIUDBC SHJIIU UH u.|.ul.'uu,v. ' - Vincent Reive of the steamship `(Col- lingwood" is home recuperating after spending some time in the Hospital at Fort Vvilliam. Arvsnnnv Inn..- 9.-.I.I...-. I... n....a1.r...'.1..I........ ILVAUIIUGJ, \JULUUUl.' L4. 1 For seven years the ever-welcome [Dumbells have entertained the public ;of Canada with {heir stellar offerings. i This famous organization which ma ;uL Lruuuua wxul `new Stella!` ortermgs. i famous organization which had , its inception in the great war as a p:11't ;and parcel of the Canadian army soon. [developed into the finest aggregation .of their kind.in the world. From be- Iginners of ability they have become Iprofessional entertainers who are he- vnnd nnrnnzn-n in than. nu... .......o:....1.__ LJIULC: yond I lines. JJLHC LDUIIUUI. For the school coming the longest distance, Gibson, Langman. School having greatest number in procession, 'VVaverly, 15 Tiny. Best marching, Elm- vale Continuation School, Allenwood. Display of flags and banners, Lang- man, Elmvale Public School, No. X, Flos. The most artistic and representa- tive float coming, longest distance, No- :18 Flos. The most artistic and repre- sentative float in procession, Elmvale Public School, Elmvale Continuation SchooL Al.LI_L_ Q..-._L_ mu 3. J.V.l.\J\X1lllllS, uuucr .lU _y1's., 118. Argue. The Elmvale Junior Farmers pro- 'cured funds sufficient to put on a. hog judging competition which was held .on the fair grounds on the last day of `the fair, under the management of the {district representative, W . M. Cock- ! burn. I VI"!-.1. 3.-.I!.....:..... 1- AL. ,4, -1- D .- I {I 111. ; :u'I`he following is the standing of the Icompetitors, Will Elliott, Matthew ' Mulroy, Will Strath, George Smith. THE DUMBELLS IN LUCKY 7" Tho hlnrnhnllc in 0141);`: vsrsvuv ...-...... aonullal clll.Cll.'1.llICl'S wnu ure D8- compare in their own n:nrtioul:u- School Childr Athletic Sports I141. 1 .....1 .' JVIIBBCB xxuls auu $Veu'5UIl. , On Monday night the phones -rang out fire, it was the barn on Jno. Camp- bell's place, 3rd line oflnnisfll. Some` of the family had not returned and, ~ seeing a reflection went out and saw the barn in ames. They were able to save the stock and cattle but lost all their hay and spring grain. Mr. Camp- bell has the sympathty of the com- mtlnitv. Old Favorites regulzl IIIC I [$7if4 9 1:11` \BlVUo Local sports attended the Bradfordi lacrosse game on Saturday. l Vinnanf Pnlvn nf tho nfnnrnuhh-\' ("n'I_ HUI! Hill munity. ran v a nun 1 nnannlma Oct. 6--Mrs. M.` A. Clarke and M1 -s. Craighead of Midland visited at W. F. Richardson's last week. Y-Tnnnu Tn'a`\ Info On`. "I\;\.. 'Ml`.`\l....... IUW ll, R131 W831`. John Callahan otchicago. 11]., is Vls-. mug with Jno. Hayes. 'l`hnn_ SI-mnnhnn nrmnt a fanny Ann. 1;. .l\ll.'lll1l'\lBUlIB IHHL WEEK: Harry Wright left for `Des Molnes, Iowa, last week. Tnhn (`Q1391-morn AC lVInnnn-A TII 8.. ..l... uuugutcr, av.u`u. .14. A. Meaue, U6l'.l'Olt.v Miss Thelma}-Ierreli ot Barrie spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. Binnie. Minn `|'(n_fv `NI :-Aullffn. nl ' 'n.u.'|...... .1- . Z_@Z%_oZQQ2 which will'b soldlat .... ..-.. ; . . . .. 59 Box _...` _..- .l...-_.-...I---_ .._I___ .1. A _- _....-- `;;a`;;;1;e;.;;;.a;.;.' ;;1..; g; tliisi pac; "'"' '""` Ever y box_ is guaranteed to give satisfaction and to` be worth twice the price. Come early and be oneto get that value. Only one to `a customer. V , . _Men s! Penman : 71 Un- derwear, Fall Opening Sale . . . 95 garment Men ; fies in a good as- sortment and the" latest styles, Fall Opening Sale, 2 for every garmht is 100% wool, Fall Open- ing Sale, '$l_59~garment Men : Work _Shirts, _ iii - pepper and salt, Fall Op- .ening Sale .' . . ; .` Men ; All .1111)`. Mrs. Howard Allan and baby. have returned home from Barrie Hospital. The Junior Institute metat the home or Miss Eva. Allan last week.. T [ an... Anncn "Dniun no xv..." vmn. 1. ` g Loox OVERAFEW 0F,0URvSPEClA1.S~. 11" win. PAY YOU. s1=::c_:1ALs: |A Aisles ofggpbrtunity sf %|$ 5PECIALs! CHURCHILL zoo SURPRISE `BOXES MR. SIRANSMAN ms MADE up 'UVUl' Bunuuy WILD lVl.l'Bo \.ayl'U llllbllv I. Mr. `Ne! on and Miss Helen Nelson motofed ith friends to Markham fair on Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eldridge and Miss Marjorie were at Orillla Fair on Thurs- day. "Mr and Mr: `Dav-lznr nnd Minn T-Tar.` ..-v.. -.-- ~-----, -.--_. __-_-_ - . ey. ` ' Miss Wilma. Matthews of Cherry Creek spent the week-end with Miss Grace Nelson. I 1|! -us 1:` `MI Dana nl VIM-uvnnn nlnifn --.v-.~_,, -.... --- -...- -~--. _.--.. >_._-.... ._-.' !Gallaugher. , Mr. and Mrs. `Willis Yake and fam- ily, Mr. and. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Gordon Brown of Bronte visited with fr1ends"here on Sunday. Other Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Frazer and Donna. of Barrfe with Mr. and Mrs. ]Me1.r Marling; Mr. Wice and son of iAuro`ra, with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. U LIFIII5 I-IIU WUUKo ! Mr. and Mrs. Flatt and Peirl attended the Colllngwood Exhibition on Thursday last. . . A Ml` nn I/Ira `X7 llI'nT(nIo-hf nun-n In ween-ellu at 118!` (101118 8!'8. Miss Frances Duff o_f Creemore vis- ! ltel Miss P. E. Newton over `the week- en . ` ' A A . . 9.-...I..4.. l..;._. 1.-.... ..LA.-...1-_1 4].- U1 JVIIEH l.`.4\'. ltlldll "ISL WUUu I Miss Annie Reive 0! New York is visiting at her father's home. -; I J R Tmnrrnnnn In nffnnlncr fl-In`-1|/| II- UIIIIO A number from here` attehded the fair?` at` All1ston'and_Cookstown last wee . . , . - .. A I mu--- 1.. . ..-......'v.. ....-._.'.-A... '........_.1, 1.....- who has alvery poor Idea. of a";|oke.\ On the night before Cookstown Fair this tunny" person entered the stable of Herb. Grose a,nd~commenced to decor- ate Mr. Grose s champion show horse. He cut alt of the tail Lott. took large wears. V _ | i There. is some peron around` here; chuxiks o t of the mane. and ran clip- I nan: nvnr the horse in diffnrnnf nlnrinn, IUIILIIIISB uul. Ul. LKIU lllll. auu ['8-Kl CLIP" pers over the horse in different places. He showed himself to be every poor .spoxft. , ' `- ` I I. - " . V Oct. 5-,A'nn1versary ervices here were largely attended. The Rev. Mr. lMcEwan of Churchill was in charge {and Thornton choir ass_1sted. line 117 T M'nM'nntm~ in nlnwlv re- and Thornton cnoxr aSs_lBte(l. Mrs. VV. J. McMaster is slowly re- covering from her recent illness. Mm: Rnnv of Toronto snent last COVEPHIS Irom I18!` l`eI.:euL uluuaa. Mrs. Bently of Toronto spent last I week with her sister, Mrs. Albert Rain- nuv . aurace LVBIBOII. Mrs, E. M. Ross of Toronto visited over Sunday with Mrs. Cyrus Smith. I Mr '1\TnInnn and Minn `Ffnlnn Nnlnnn uu1{fr. and Mrs. Parker and Miss Har-` rlett Parker attended Alliston Fair on Friday; as `did also Mr. and Mrs. R. 4 I Mr and Mrs Mn Vnlzn and farn-| EIJEI\ I `Oct. 5--Mr. and Mrs. F. Stfael of Creemore visited with the Neg family. I during the week. ' I Mr and TUI'ru `wloff and Min: `Danni .Luurauuy nun. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKnight were in Toronto during the week` attending the wedding of the 1'ormer's niece, Miss lsparllng. T " - ' Mr and `Mn `Rowing Annnann nnl Oct. 6---The harvest home services of | St. Peter's Church were held on Sun-u day. Archdeacon Ingles preached tol two large congregations. The choir was assisted by the choir from St. Paul's Church. Thn Dav Rn 1\II n-nvnn nwnankn an- Dylillll. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson and `Miss Aileen spent Sunday with the latter's sister,` Mrs. A. E. Mprrison. Miss B. Fraser or Knock spent the wfeek-end at her home here. mac Wnnnnnn T'|uuCI AP (`V-unnvunn-an uvln All Wool` Velour, heavy quality, '54 inches `wide, suitable for_ ladies and children s coats, Fall Opening Sale at $1_49vyard Compare our pricos and quality. 1 with ; others. Our goods are more reasonable than any store` in Barrie. We` j_do _ not handle any seconds. Money refunded if ` goods are _not satisfag:toryQ ` A All Wool Flannel; m2_myJdi.`er'ent shades, S_uitable `for ladie_s aux chi1d1fen s_ ,dresses_, Fall Opening Sale to 0 at .. 75 yard Flanneleite, 36'in_<:hes wide, plain white or colored, special for our Fall -Opening Sale- Here is a value! . . . yard . EGBERT BETHESDA H81` IIUHIB IIUFU. Mrs. East, -who has been visiting iends here for_ some time, has return- ed to her home m Los Angeles. \., up `I Q: , III *l'|___Ll_,__ __.__.L AL- CG IPIBHUS H6138 UH ouuuuy. I `Mr. and Mrs. Draper of Pickering are the guests of the Rev. T. J. and Mrs. Dew. `Mfg. nn `lhfnu T-'I'unI v-nan nf 'l"nu~n1-nfn Oct.'5--Mr. and Mrs; Dempster and: family atte'nded Collingwood Fair last? week. ml ... ......1 1m... 13 1.7 1'........`M-+ nu): `mi, VIBKLIIIB ly IIUF L1lvl|Cl'B llUUlUn ` " J. B. Lawrence is attending the"Mll- ton Fair. . ` \f-o and IA -no Gun.-.6!` AG 'I\ne.nn'6n WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jennett and El- wood motored to Toronto and spent a few days with friends there. 11.. __.s `at..- In 'l\.___1..l__... -_... -.l...!L:.....-\ vvvvnu vaau vv .. ---..-v ---...-.-... Mr. and Mrs. J. M'.cQuay and Mr and Mrs. N. Brown of Sunnidale visit- ed friends here on Sunday. "!m'u `and `MI :-u T\v~n-runvv nf Dinlznvincr awn "car. - at Lew uuya. T. Banting is sporting a new Essex I `Illa and `llluu . T . `I'\ouhs and `Mfr and: UVUF auuu Y Mr. and tiiits. `W[ P. Graham have ar- rived home; again after an extended visit to Torbnto and thence to Peter-' boro, coming home by boat. Vnn nfnhnr fhn-1!-Ifh fn tho Waxy!` Doro, cuululjg uuuu-: uy uutu. Keeb October the~19th for the Fowl: Supper in connection with the United Church, Shanty Bay. - 410. A Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cape`! and` Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gchrist spent a few days in St. Catharines last week with the Rev. and Mrs. Pue-Gilchrist. j Rev.`. Mr. Lawson` of Toronto. secre-` - ......., .. V --_. ..- -----.... ---_- Mr, and `Mrs. T. Banting gre visiting ; friends. in Milton this week. I Mrs. 1-.-~1:ll;2.1-'-_`of"l'3'2;;"rie visited. friends here recently. `Mfiaa 'l\A'nv-ion Av-nnl ur'hn in fnnnhincr II`lel"l(lS nere recently. Miss Marian. Arnold, who is teaching near Toronto, spent the Week-end at her home here. `Klan '`nn+ -1111-un I-non knnn viaifino` vu av nay. ..-...u ... ..u... ..--.g'-..... Mr. and Mrs," T. Banting pent the.` week-end with Milton friends. I _-A JJGW. Mr. and Mrs. Hydefman of Toronto are spending a few holidays with friends here. `Allan Dmlna n- T\A nnaInar unarff a four ll) ll 1` Clllfo _.\Ir. and Mrs. Sneath.of` Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham ' II'l8IluB HOPE. Miss Priest of Minesing spen`t a few ldazrs with friends here. nnrnhnr frnm harp offends`-rd tho nn- (lays wlul [menus mare. - A number from here attended the an- niversaryxservices at Baxter on Sunday ` conducted by the Rev.` G. I. Craw, a, former pastor. - . , : `lnnnnnfnv 'I .nn;:rm\nn visited fhnnhnnl i pastdr. ', Inspector Longm\an visited thechoolu here on Monday. I Mica `Rrnn-I nf Mllfnn in viqiHn9' harp: nere OX1 LV1UIl(l8.y. ., [ Miss Boyd of Milton is visiting here! a. few days. '1` Rnnflna in nnnr-ting` 9 nnw Essex can n Mr. and Mrs..J.-_Davis and Mr. and` Mrs. H. Davis are visiting friends in` Toronto. ` , Miss McKinley of Barrie spent Sun- lday with friends her_e. Minn T. `Davin whn In ht-nnhing nf V (lay WILD LFIUIIUB llUl`_Uu Miss L. Davis, who is teaching atl Mono Mills, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davis.| nut. . . . _ _ . _ ......a ..--...-- L--- ..4..a.I.... 1.....- anus rum: y...-.-, ---- -.....- ---._.. . ..... __... I There passed gway here at the home; of his grand: aughter on Monday; night at twelve o'clock, James'Speers. lot Barrie, in his 88rd year. I A lav-an nr-nun-`I at-fnnn fhn Antrlinnni I01 DRTTIB, In [US 00111 ,YC.l'. 1 I A large crowd attended the Anglican M Harvest Thanksgiving service `on Sun- day. The Rev. Dr. Vifhittaker chose for| his text, in the morning,`Psa.1m 116: 12-14. Dr. Whittaker said how thank-I ml the people in this part should be for the great benefits God had be-I stowed on us as a. people in the boun-j tiful harvest and the many other great things He, has given us. We havel plenty and to spare while there` are, many. who have not enough and .-`.we; should praise Him and thank_Him for' His mercy. In the evening he spoke from Luke 12:32. It was a very inter- esting missionary sermon on his workl among the Eskimos where he laboredi 27 years. . . I Oct. 6-Hon. E. C. Drury addressed well attended meeting [here on- Mon-_ day night; . I Mr: Jnv-nan T-Turf had fhn nfAnm~cs.' any n1guL,_ . ` : _. Mrs. James Hart had the pleasure of a. visittrom her_ cousin and her bus- ' band, Mr. and Mrs. Jones of California, ? over Sunday. . _ I `Mfr and `Mrs `X7 13 ("iv-nhsarn hnvn gr- |.ll'.llI!l. Wemngton Reive and daughter of '1.l;$-onto spent Sunday with Robert ve. Trnno` nnnnfa offnvu-Ind FHA 'DnnA0:-sad` `Thearrie Bargain House , Watch Our Sign on the Doorway. Our Store is Two Doors West of the Bank of `Toronto " ` or Opposite tho Post Office. SHANTY BAY Ladies . Velour, .Marvella "and 'Suedil1e Coats--TheSe coats will sell more reason- _ ably than you could purchase them for out of town, priced from . . up- Welcarry out-sizes from 36 to 54. Ludie silk and Wool Underwear, made from a heavy quality, short or long sleev- es, will be sold at lfall Opening S-ale, Ladies - Penman s ' All _Wool Stockings, double soles and double heels, for Special in the Millineryt Department All the latest in Silk Velvet Hats. We have 22 dozen hats in stock and the prices will range from . j . . . to This value is?o'n1y for bur F`a11-Opening. i LIIIUIILIUII SSIIUUI-' - Anniversary services were conducted uhere last Sunday by the Rev. \V. S. !Irwin of Downsview, a former `pastor ion this circuit. The church was more than full both. morning and evening. ' . Many friends from Orillia, ' Barrie, 3 Hawkestone and Oro Station were pre- 9,sent. The sermons .at both services ` ( were very impressive and all were de- qlighted to`have the privilege of hear- Hng Mr. Irwin again. The offering for ' the day was considerably over one 1 A hundred dollars. K . (From Another Correspondent) I 15 Oct. "5--The anniversary services 1 which W held at the United Church _~,.on Sundaywere largely attended, a number notbeing able to get in. Rev. 3 W. S. Irwinpreached two .very hel ful 3 and inspiring"sermons. Excellent si g- ing wgas'p1'ovided by the _choir.' Among . ` those who - attended from `a distance ; were: `Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cavannah 1 and daughter, Miss .Svme, Mr. and . Mrs. Wm_. Robinson,~ Mr. `and Mrs. ;;George Hickling. Mr. and `Mrs. C. ; Hickling, Miss,Hickling, Dr. Richard- .son, Miss Lawson, Mrs. James Gray, lMr. and Mrs. and Miss Caldwell, all . i of Barrie. A I` `|'\- `L`l'nn-In Dnnn nl T.oRvcnniIn T3: at l"Ul`|. \'\'lllli1lll. ` ' Among those taking in the `Markham I-`air were the following: Gilmore, Robt. I and VVm. Relve. Dr. Sloan. Hector ' Grant, Irving Nelson and Audus King, Mrs. Thos. Allan, Mrs. Grant and the Misses King and Nelson. n Nfnndnv niuhf fhn nhnnna nna LV.l.1. JUN. DCUU1- Mrs. Jonas 'I`arBush and Bernard and Walter and Albert Middlebrook have returned home after spending the sum- mer up north. 'I"hn nxrnninu canrtnn at fhn Anonu Oct. 5-Mr. and Mrs. Foote of Tor- =onto spent Sunday at Leonard Lee s. Miss Dora Middlebrooks is visiting Toronto friends. ` . I\n1>n r\ v\I1|rv\`r\4\nn Pun.-. knun n66nnAnA J Ul.'Ulll.U l.l'lUlllls`.!. Quite a number from here attended the anniversary services at Grenfel `United Church and Baxter Presbyter- lian church, Sunday. T\A'r-Q A Rxrov-a hoe v-ofuylv-nor` hnvncx llitll UHUIUH, Duuuny. Mrs. A. Myers has returned home after visiting Detroit friends. u.-- -v-. 19*, 11,, n rn . o I .._.-----0 _ _-_ -_- _--- Miss Rabina Morris of Toronto is "visiting Mrs. Thos. Bell. T-Tncrh Qnniih nn (\vvvaI and 'F`.r1nn Vlllllls LVQI B. .1 IlU$. lJCllu Hugh Smith and Orval and Edna Latimer spent Sunday at Gravenhurst. VHarry Mink visited his parents a Chesley last week. - T\/H` nh TM !-u T1`v-nnlz Fnnlunn nn l|lUl' up IIUI. LII. The evening service at the Angus |United Church is withdrawn on Oct. [11 on account of Utopia anniversary. ; The Sunday School will be held at '10.30 `a.m. Any who are_ unable to attend ,Utopia service are cordially invited to `attend the Sunday School. \.llClC_y lilla VVCUI`\n Mi`. and Mrs. Frank Coulson and `Norman are visiting Milton friends. `I . 11- . .-- -.v. ....-... ...v ...........,5 .--....v.. -. Mrs.` A. Preston and Evelyn Short- land went to Hillsdale on Saturday. 7.. -1- rn.___1.....I_ 1-54 1-..`. _.___n_ A-.. u.-..-\a -- \/any \. --....n.u...\., v-n \1|.~\-\4|\.AuI.`yn Jack 'I`zu'Bush _left las't week for Sudbury where he has secured :1 posi- tion. II A)! III ...- 117.... C`nnn... 1-scan` Y`l YlI-..n auus wuu uuu. nuyes. . I 'J`hos. Shanahan spent a. few days in Toronto recently. Mrs. E. Wllliston is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Meade, Detroit.- Minn Thnlmn 7-Tnrrnll n-P `Domain g-..\..