Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1925, p. 7

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PRIZE-WINNERS V A1` BARRIE FAIR (Contjnueg _fr_onr?page L2) - , DAIRYTRODU-CE 1 Six lbs. butter in one` lib. rolls or '1 prints-N. `L. Chanfoler & Son, Mrs. I J. Campbell,_ A. D.\.Campbell. But- . ter, notless than 20 lbs. in_ ferkin or - crook-A. D. Campbell, N. Gamp- ? bell.` Butter, not less than 10 lbs. in `7 .~crook-A. D. Cam:p*bel=l, N. `L. Chant- " ler & Sdn, Mrs. John C'a;'nupb_el1. ` .lbs., ClIov.er-W.- H. Butter, not less than 10 lbs. iii 2 lb. rol.ls--A. D. Cvamplielul, Mr-s. 'Jbhn _ Campbell, N. Camqibell. - D T -". FAarrners Cheese-A. D. Campbell. Cured Ham, `Farmers----N., ('jJamp- bell., Loaf Homemade Breadl-`~Miss A. 0. Pevaterson, Miss E-. Patzterson. Maple Sugar, 10 lbs.-A. D. Camp- bell- Marple Mo'1~asses,'I~mp. Qt.-A. D. Caamcptbell, R. M. Bell. Hone-y i_n. . C-omb, 10 lI`bs.-W. H. G. Msanw-ood,-` Thos. Roger-s. Honey Extracted, 10 V G. Marwood, Tho}- Roigers. Hsoney Extracted, 10 lbs., B-ass'wood-WC-H. G, Maltwpod, Thos. Rogers. H-one}? Extracted, 10 lbs., Buckwheat-'-Th-os. ..R:ogers. Col-. lection `(if Honey--'Dhos. Rogers". As,- ._.....L.4.....oL n3~-D:n1r1na `n 'D.n knrna- 180121011 0.1. J.'1U1n':,Y--J.Luua. J.vu5c1.n.A;1.w_- sprbment ofPickles in B\ot:tles, hQ,me- m'd-e--Miss `E. Campb.ell,_ J. S. M-cWatens. , Oolleotionb Doxmesti-'c~. Canned Fruit--J S. M-cWaters, Miss] A. E. Adam. One Dozen Eggs-`- Miss M. E. Oamplbsell,` C. AW. Naslh. Assonbnienit of Cakes-_-'A;_ D. Caring- bell. Nut Bread-Miss Ellen D = -' son," Mrs. M. L. Cliantler. Brown Bread--A. D. - Camrpbel-l, Miss E. Patterson. Display of B-king, one batch of doxu-gh;--A. D. Campbell, N. Campbell. A . Don`-m 'nw3.eca/I `n11nlzc_..l\/[re Jnllhil ualrmpzoeu. . Pair Dre-ssed Ducks-Mrs. John] Campbell". ' Pair Dressed Chicken:s.-- Miss M. E.TCam-pnbell. - 1 A 'l\1"I(`(! 'II7f\'l1T7 Ausnuu oval aw.-. um. ..-.v .. _ U _ LADIES WORK V d - Baby s Wool Jacket and -Brootees-`-- ( Mrs. A. Q-. Drugigan, Nellie McLeod. l .B-aby =s B-onnett, . crochet, tatting or I handmade lace---Miss` F-arney, Miss 1` "B. Cowan. Baby s darriage Cover-.- 1` A-gnues Lyall. B~uttoIrh;oles on Cotton, \ unlaundried--Mi=ss. Bertha .Cowan, l Mrs._ M. L. Chantler; Button'holes, 4 W tailored, -- on cloth--,Miss J. Quantz, V Mrs. Geo. M .Campb.e1-l. B-uifet Set, J 3 pieces, em-broi`de.red---Miss M. I Turner, Miss A. G. McNab. Qhjld s 1 Dress, mad;e- from old garment? n-ot J cotton--H. A._`Jarvis,.MissJ`.. Quantz. ` Chi1d s Dress, handcmade--Miss A. O. ( Patterson, Mrs. Geo. Dempster. Cur- ( tains--Mi-ss B. Cowan, Lena Patter- e son. Dresser Scarf, vemrbr-oideredA- 5 Miss Ellen Dobson, Mrs. P. Love. 1 Dresser Scarf, a.-o.:k.--Mrs. L. J Chnantler, V E. Beeliby. Emlbnoid-ery-l Centre, colored--Miss Jiean Marshall, 1 Miss M. Turner. Embroidery Centre, 1 convention-a'l--Mis-s. A. Bbotxh, - Mrs. ] 1 Geo. N. Campbell. Centre, a.o.-k.-- ' Mrs. Ge-o. Dempster, lMiss Earney. ` Fan-cy Needlework, single piece---- ' Miss Jean Marshall, Miss M. E. I Campbell. Three Handlkerchiefs, hand trim`me d--Mrs. W . J. J-ustice, Miss B. Cowail`:-. Hiernstitching, speci- . me1i---Miss M;"1`~urner, Miss E. Pat- terson. Lace Filet Crochet---Miss A. Booth Miss G. 1. Campbell. *' Lace, = Irish` Grochet--Miss , B. Cowan, 2nd. ` Lace, hand mad-e,_3 sty1es--Mrs.,W._ 1 -T-uck, Mrs. Geo. N. Oamjo'be1l.- L'ad3 i s W-ork, apron, fan'cy--Miss Jean Mar- shall, Miss V. Carter. Ladies Work _Miss A-. -0. Patterson. Dady s H-ouase Dress--Miss =Gt,Cam bell, Mrs. M. L. Chantler. - Lady's ork .B-ag-Miss A. Booth. Lady-. s Convalescent . " Jacket--Mi~ss M. Turner`, Miss G; ` Campbuell. Lady s,Nig1ht Robe-,-Miss B. Cowwan, Miss M. Turner. Lady s Beaded Blouse or Gdwn-Mrs. M. L. Chantler. Lamp 1S:hade-Miss J ._ Qwantz. Library Table` Runner--- Miss M. T-urner, Vera Garter. Lib- J rary Table, Runner, orher style,-- .Mrs. W._J,.fJa.mes, Miss'M. E. Camp- _ `bell. Lu=ncihleon Set, 7 pieces:-Miss Ellen Dbbson, E. Rowe. Man .`s Py- jamas--':Mrs. `P. Lorve, Mrs. A-.... G. . M'a_cNaJb. Mfodern Bead..W'ork, Bags" .-"-.lV.|3ss J ean Marshall.` Modern Cross Sti:'och--.Mis;s _J. Quantz, Miss Ellen Dolbson. Pillow Cases, pair" crochet, trimmed-A-.--Miss_M. Turner, ~M iss._ E. V Beelby. Pillow Gases, pair embroid- '.e'red--'Miss B. Cowan, Miss M. Turn- AJpi OIl, plain-Mns. M. L. Cho.rt1er er. Pillow __C'ses, day pair--Miss B.` ' Oowan, Mrs. Livingston. Pin Cush- SUPPLEMENT TO "1011, a,0.K.-uV1.lsB A. Dvuuu, Lula: ur .. len,.Dobson. Quilt, pieced-- B. t Cowun, Miss M. Turner. "Quilt, a.o.k. I -Miss ..B. Cowan, 2.n`d.,..Rag Mat, '. hooked--Lena Patterson , `~- Miss E. 1 Patterson. Rag Mat, -hraided-'Miss .4 Jean Marshall, M-iss 3. Quantz.7,] Shirt, man or,boy-Mrs. M. L. Chant- ler. Slippers, boudoir---Miss M. - Turn-er. Scarf knitted--Mrs. M. L._ Ghantler, Miss M. Tulrner. Sweater, . \kn1tted p:u-1-lover-Mrs. D." Hines, -9 .Miss 'M.`I_*3_, "Campbell. Sweater Coat, knitted-,Miss A. Biooth, .Necttie Mc- Leod. Socfa iPi1low--Miss L. Bidtwel-1, , Mrs. `M. L. Chantler. Service Tray, 1 embroidered and mounted--Miss -1 Turner, Mi-ss ' E.-Doibson. Service 4 Tray, crochet and mounted-Miss ' Jnean Marshall, 2nd.-- Serviettes, six, i , embr-oidered-Miss. A. Booth, Miss A J ean Marshal-l. -Serviettes, six, ` crochet trimm~ed--Miss ` A. .BIoo dh,{ ' Mrs. M. L. C-hanrtler. Spreads, ap- I` ` pliqxued--Miss Livingston, Mrs. W. xJ. James. , Spreads`jU5.'.t`O`.l<.--aMrs. E. L` ;B. `Reynolds, 2nd. _Tatting, nished article---Miss Farney, Miss A. O. ; Patterson. Tea Closy;"`e'mibrQidered-- ._ Mi-ss B. Cowan, Miss Turner. ; Tea Cosy, wool`---Mrs. M. L. Chant- ler, Miss Ellen Do!bson. Tray Cloth; pair emlbroider-ed---Miss B. C.ow:an,| Mrary Card. Table Cloth and two ' Serviettes, initialed--Miss A. Booth, 1 ;, Miss B. Cowan. Table Centre, j.`F_rench and Mxadleria, embroidered-'-- 1 Miss. M. Tiurn-er, Miss Jean .Marsha1'1 ' Table Doyley-s,`sett _of six--Miss Ellen D-obson, 2nd. Table` Mats, set of: ' four, inter1ined--Mrs. M.. L. Chant- | `nu .Mun A (1 MnNQM T919 -ion, a,-o.k.-MisAs A. `Booth, Miss E1`. 1.... `l'\A`Im_~n~n O.11i1+ n3ann_..4NH BJI I0`l1 1Il'W,I`1u1eu---uv1.r.s. ;u.. .u. uuauu--U ler, -Mrs. A. G. M.acNa'b. Tea Cl-otxh 1 G. -Miss B. Cowan, Miss M. -Turner.!a1 I`a,'b1e Cover, bridge-Miss A. Booth. |nj Towe-1, emIbroi'd.ered---Miss M. Turn--B er, Miss B. .'Cowan. Towel, hem-`D . stitched and initialede-Mrs.?P.~Love, s; |Mrs. Geo. N. Campvbell. Towel, H crochet trimmed-Miss E Beeleby,ic Mrs. H. Maxwell. Towel,` Swedish rte dar.ning'---Miss M. Turner, Miss G. iv. Campbell. Towels, bath, fancy--- I 1, Mrs. Geo. M. Camplbell, Mrs.,A. 0.21. Duuggan. W-ork Basket, decorated,--1 116 Miss A. B-ootlh W-oollen Gloves-,-- VI Mrs. W. J. Justice, M.ss E. Patterson. i o; Wool-len Hand4Kni=t Sox, coarse-|1y Mrs. John Campbell? Lena Patterson. ` or Woollen Hand-Knit Sox, ne-.-Mrs.|1e _W. J. Justice. Miss E. _Pa.tterson.}.(j Woollen Hand-Knit Mitts, double--VIE Miss Patterson, N. Campbelhls Woollen Hand-Knit Mitts, ne-Milss|1-,j -A. O. Pa oters~o_n, Miss E. Patter-son.lJ W-opllen Sox, darned-Mrs. Geo. N; {.3 Campbell, 2nd. Collecti-on of C;hil- .(j dren s Work--E.-Hines, Doris AIbh- .c erton, Edih Pratt. Bestve articles .1 suit`.-aibl-e for Christnnvais-,-.-Mrst`Geo. N. ,5 C-Ivamplbelll, El-len Dobso';" Mrs. Geo.114j N. Campbell. Vanity et-+L. Hines. [5 " Four Buttonh-oles "on Cot oon-Reta 1 5 . Haverson, Edith Pratt. Collar and]; . Cuff Set--L. Hines. Best` Dressedgl .|D=o'1l--L.- Hines; Myrtle MoLeod.lf - Tea Clorth+--L. Hines, 2nd.` Reed` 5 . Weaving`-E. Hines, `H. A. Jarvis. e - Wonk Alpron, `p1ain-~Mari\on Mac- I . Nab, L; Hines. `W-ork Apron, fancy a , -L. Hines, `Reba Hlaverson. g ` FINE ARTS " 1 ' "Landscape Painting, Oil-R. IG;.` ' Robinson, John F. Gofton._ Marine ' .Pain-tin.g~,- Oils-R. G. Robinson, Miss '- M.I. Sutherland. Animals, Oils-.-Mrs.: ' J. H. M-cQ-uarry. Invanimate Objects, ( 1 0i'ls-Mrs. "J. H. McQuarry. Landzs-,1 eapse Painting, water oolors-,--A. C. ,( Roake, John F. Gofton. Muarine.-:~ t Mrs.`J McQuar-r'y, George Hun'ter.. ?] Inanimate 0Ibjec os,-; water colors--J,. "( F, Gofton, Mrs. J. H. McQuarry.;( Figvure. Painting, water colo'r--A. C. ;J Roake, J. F. Go-fton.,_. Animals, water 11 icolor-Georg'e _Hun-ter, 2nd. Pen and Ink Sloet ch-JIo `F. Goton, 3, Mrs. J. H. M-cQuarry. Pencil Draw- ii insg'-.A. Constance R*oa:k~e, Mrs. J. H. I J McQuarry. Charcoal Drawing- `, George Hrunter, 2nd. Painting `on 2, -China_--Mrs. A. B.;Cool<, Mrs? C. P. J White. - Crayon Dra`win-g'-Geonge` i Hunter, Nellie McLeod. ePenicil.1 ~Drawirmg,- children under 15 yvearsar Ediztgh P 1'a. at,` W; A- Pratt. Collec- , tion_,_Bhotos, amateur-I-I; D. Atlher- v icon, .-John Yieates; Colvleotison -of ' -Painting's-Miss .M. I`. Sutherland, 3 Mi`ss-M. I.`Su1iherland. ' V - ' ROI0'1`-S U , Collection Field Roots, one each J va,riety'--~F. Htuse, _-J. S. McWa;bens. =_ Potatoes, Irish Cobbler---C. W. Nash, - R. M. Bell. Potatoes, .IG.reen Moun-st tain--F. Huse.` Potatoes, _D;oo1ey-- *rHI:: BARRIE ~ EXAMINER o`c tion of P_otaboes--'.C. N. Ma.Fe,.. Miss .McWaters, R. Ie1lL Conl-lec-I M'.* Oampbe-11. Three Swede Turnips-'a'AlI'~red H. Luck R. M. H41] ' "I"1a-nan TXILN-"n 'li`{AL~l `ovvIn+o_. .I.'u1'u,I.ya'--,1:u.1.'n:u .13.. .u_uun, -1. . in. Bell. `Three `White Fi d C-an-obs-- A. Exam, W. A. Pratt. Three Rae-dd Field Carrobs--F. I-I-use. Three Long- L Red M-an-g`-o1d:s--.F. Huse, A: E. Pratt. '4 Tihree Yellsovw ' Muamg-olds-W. A.- `Pratt, H. ~Otta.way.. `Three Sugar Bee`os-`--T. H. McMahon, A. E; Bralbt, -TNV-0 Pumrpkins--F. Huse. T _ GRAJIN. . . Half Bus. Winter Wheaj;--E. Smith, R. F. Carseadden. Half. Bru-s.` __Spring W1heat4-E. Livingston. Half} Bus. Six Rovged Bar1ey-Jo`hn Hun?` iter, E. Livigsbon. Half Bus. Wzhite. Oats---E. Smih. Trwelve Ears Yel- low Field Corn-A. B. C~outts, C. W. ljash. m'1`wYe1ve Ears Wehite Field 'nII'_.1|lI'..1_._.. I`1..`I1-...&.'....-. U.` U/5'11: _l.'W'CLV VVILLIUC J.` Juxu Gorn-'--T. H. cmlihon. Co1=lecti1on - `Grain, ve varieti'es-E. Livingston. II-Ia-If Bus. Red `Clover *Seed-A. D. Campbell, N. Gamplbeltl. Half Bus. Alsike Glover Seed~-A. E. Pratt, W. A, Pratt.` Six Stalks Silage Corn-- Smith, Har-old Shannuon. Carrot `Se-ed, one p1ant-.-J. S. M-cWaters, F. Hwse. Man-g`o:1d_ Seed, one plant-- F. .H1rse, J.` S.'MncWaters.` Turnip Seed, one pl-ant--F. -Huse. Sheaf of |0abs-E. Livingston, "F. C-arson, W." :A. Pratt; , _..__...A__ __.-_ .-...-..-...-v.\-.-.- |- 'M~archin~g' by "Rural Sch~ool--Craig- vale Sdhool. Alphabet in. Writing and Printing, etc., 14 years--A. `Story, Margaret Camplbell. One Gal." Oats, Banner-0ttie Livingfstoin. One |G-al. B-arley, O.A.C. 21--Is-obel Kav- `an-agth, Bessie Hunter. Three Tur- . lnips, Purple `Top 'Svv.ede--Walt_er 1 -Bell, Reta Haverson. Six Potatoes, j Dooley-L. McWaters, Irwin Neeley. ; Six Beets, Dark Red Detroit--Bessie , _Hunter, Helen Bell. Six Carrots, 4 |C'hantenay--Irwin Neeley, Bessie H=un- I` ter. Six Onions, Y-ell-"ow. Globe Dan-`; ;vers---Ha\zel Story. Collection of L }Leaves, deciduous trees and shru-bs-- IL. McW'aters, Helen Constable. Col- L lllection of Leaves, evergreen-L. Mc- Waters, Gordon Mlosen. /Collection of Grasses, Grain, ,Clover, etc.---L. |McW~aters, Ed. Hunter. Collection `of Wild Flowers---L. McWa:ters. 001- ` lection of Insects-Bessie Hunter. g:Col1e.ction_'"of W-eeds-+L. -McKeever,. R. Haverson. Goxlleotion; QL Weed SeedsI|-Marg'aret `Campbell. Collec- tion of W-ood:s-E. Hunter, N-orma lJaok-s".` Bird Ho.use---N. Ha1daker\ I I x r ~{.No`nma Jack-s. Nail B-ox--Norman -Camplbell, N. Hardaker. 'Hal.f Doz. Cooki-es--L. M.cKeever,l A.- Story. Li.g`.ht Layer C+a.ke--Irrwin Neely, H. . Bell. Apron, hemstitehed--L. Me.- Keever, Grace Dan-by. Darning on `St-ockingis---Edith Pratt, Reta; Haver- n ) I. ljson. Water Ma-p N. Asme'ri~c~a-Edi11h l|Pra:tt, L. McKeever. "Dressed Doll-- UL. McKeever, Reta Haverson. Three -lBut7tonh'o-le-s on Cotton-~Reta Haver- l' son, Loraine M:cKeever. Best Cock.- - erel, -Plynro_uth,Rock_---N. H-ardaker, ' Edith Pratt. `Best Pu~ll.et-N. Hard- _ aker, Ottie . Livingston. '.EJ. \J'dJIl.`1J~UtC1.1, In 1JUV'Ca .lJC'Du VI 111` "..d-ow B-ox-V_-P. Love. Col-le-ction Ais- ';t.ers, 20 blooms, 4 c-olors---Miss A. "EL; Brook, "'I._McM.ahon. G01-lection ,Gladi-o11'1rs--P. Lo Miss M. E. ';Cam:pxbe-ll. Collection Pan~sies--P. ;gLove, Miss M: E. Campbell, :C~o1lec-. 'lti-on ' Sweet Peas-I. Mc~M-ahon. 1z~Gladi'olvu.s, 15 spikes, 5 va'rieties-P.i Love. Gladio-1~us, 10 spikes, 1 yar- ' iierty-P. Love. Collection of ,.:9rst`ei's, "-not more, than 20 vases---Miss M. E.. ' Campabell, P. Love, I. McMvalhon. 1 `Gladiolus, 10 spikes, 10 varieties- U 1) `I -.-nun `Kan III 13`, r`.n1v\.-ru}\nJ-I (119-H. I .l.'LlJJ'LJ.V.|.bJ J'L'LV'.lJ L"J.l\J vv 4.l.Lvv..v ' ! Two Hanging Basket's--P. Love. Six Beg-`oni'as-4-P. Love. Collection of Begoni-a.;s`,.a;_II1ateur-P. Love, Har- .o-ld Shann-dn. RubberT P1an o_-'-Miss 'M. E. Cam=pIbelAl. Koeh i5.`--Miss M. E. '-Campobe*l1. Be-st Imwpartuisr/liliss M. =E. Campbeilj P.` Love. Be-st Win- 1 A l\-III 'D.no D T .nun r`.n1-In-n<+;n`r1 AR- L71a.u1`u1uu, LU byuuza, .LV vaL.Lcuu:n* P. Love, Mss M. E. Campibell. Glad- iolln-s, 6. spirk-es, 3 varievties-P. Love, {Miss E. Campbell. Asters, nine` Campbell. A`s oer.s, nine wh'irte+W. J. Caxjnes, Mrs, M. L. Ohantler. Asters, nine purple-'-W. J. Carne-s, Miss A. L. Brock. A-sters, nine crim- son-Miss A..L. Brook, W. J. -Coarnes. Asters, nine mauve--Mrs; _ J o`hn _CamIp1be1l, I. McMahon. Asters, nine, two. sihad-ed--*-2nd~, Miss M. E. Camp- bell. Asters, nine, tthae va_rietties of eadh-Miss A.` L. Brock, Mrs.. M. .L.; Chant-ler. Asters,.. nine rose-W. J,` xpink--Miss A. L. Brock, Miss M. E. ovi71.oo.L FAIR SECTION " IPELANTS A-ND ELQWERS OETQBER 1, 1925, Carn-es, Mrs. John 'CampI`be11.. Gol- Innl-.An `Dru!-.nnna o;n.n'].n__..q ` 9'1`- Iuarn-es,` .I.V.l1`s. duuul \J'2l.Ip|UCl.{.o v\_u- lection A Pet-unias, sinsgle-S. Under- liill, P. Love. Collection Petunias, dowble--H. I` D. Atherbon`.. Collection Phlox Drummondi-J. Ye-ates; F. _ ~ I-Iuse. Tollection Nasturtiums, Fol- -i`a.ge--P. Love, I. McMahon. Collec- "tion of Candy~tu~ft-P. Love. A Collec- v ti-on Nicoti~ana--P. Love. Collection of Stocks--J. 'Yea:tes,-V H. M. Lay. , Collection Zinnias-H_.`M. Lay, P. Love. ` Collection Marigolds-Miss M. E. Ca.mp|bell; H. M. Lay. -Ccllec"-' tion of Dah1ias--Mrs. H. Robinson, Miss ~M. E. Campbell. Collection An- .tirr1inu2ms---S. Undenhill, P. Love. C;ollecti~on -Dianthus---C. R. Kendall, `H. M. Lay. Collection Salpiglosses I-- . Love._ Collection Sca|biosa---P. Love. Collection Anri`uaals--P. Love, Miss M. E. Cam-pbell.. Collection VerbenIa-P. Love,` H_. M. Lay. E Col- - lection Larksp=ur--Miss M. ~E.- Camp- - bell, F. I-lluse. Collection Ccsmos-- , - P. Love,.Mrs.. H. Robinson. Collec- - ti-on Coxcomb---P. Love. Collection - Mingnonett-e-J. Yeates, P. Love. Col- ` lection Salvia--H. D. Atherton, Miss 3 M. E. Campbell. Collection Geran- - ium-s, single---lW1ss M. E. Campbell. ' Collection Geraniu-ms, double---Miss M. E. `Campbell, ' I. M'cMaa'hon. E Basket Cut Flowers-C. R. Kendnall, - P. Love, Powell & Hook. Tab-le > Decoration--'-P. Love, Miss M. E. Cam7psbell, _ Powell & Hook. Table - Boq-ue't-Bowell-& Hook, P, Lo-ve, y C. R. Kendall. Hand Boque-t-- Powell & Hook, Miss M. E. C-ampobel-1, 1) T A..- DC`UbC'Il. 1X~2I.L::--J.V.l.1bb J.u.. u. k/cuuyzucu. iC-aabbaage, three Red--H. G. Drake, iA~lfred H. Luck. Three Cabbage, `L. Chantler. Two Cauliflower--F. Huse. Carrots, eight Early Horne: F. Huse, Miss'M. E. Campbell. Car- rots, eigiht Chantenay-F. Huse, Miss M. E. Campbell. Carrots, eight Long Red.-.-xF. Huse, Alfred H. Luck. Eight Parnsips--Miss M. E. Camp- ibel-1, Cecil Poole.. Celery, `six roots Paris +Golden-Geo. Cro-g`-han, C. -Poole. Celery, six roots pinik_--2nd, F. Hruse. Celery, -six roots White Plu~m'e--F. Huse. `Celery, six roots Winter-F. H-use,` Cecil Poole. Two l Caapi-scumvs or Peppers-F. Huse, Miss Corn'-mH. D. Atherton, - Campbell. -.C. W. Nash, R. Craig. Beets, six` Twelve Ears Table Miss M. E. One Qt. Table Beans--- M. E. Ca.mnp bel'l. - Long Red--J. S. McWaters, Miss M. l l I l l E. Camrpvbell. Beets, six Turnip- F. Huse, Alfred H. Lu-ck. Six Egg Plant Frui-t--2nd, -F. Huse. Six S-alsify-F. Huse, Mrs. H. Calder- wood. Radishes, 12 Lon.g-F. Huse, [Cecil Poole. . Radishes, 1.2 Turnip-- F. Huse, J. B. Holden. Turnips, six t-able--F. Huse, Alfred . H. Luck. |Artichokes, six Jerusalem--Cecil Poole,-H. A. Jarvis. Onions, twelve White._Seed-C. W. Nash, Powell & Hook. Onions, twelve Yellow Seed-- F. Hruse, Powell & Hook. Onions, twelve Red See'd--Powell & Hook, F. Huse. Onions, peck of P-otatoe--A. E. Pratt, A. D. Campbell. quart P)'ck~l_ing-~C. W._ N-ash, H. D. Athert-on. Tomatoes, six Imperial-- Mrs. H. Calderwood, Powell & Hook. Tosrmaxtoes, six Earlianna-R. Craig, F. Huse. 'I`IoI'natoes, six Stone-- Powell & Hook, F. Hn-_se.` six a.o.v.-W. H. G. Marwood, H. G. Drake. Tomatoes, c-ollecti-on- H. A. Jarvis, Powell & Hook. Squaslh, two Hru-b4bard`-H. A.` Jarvis, C. M. Hinds. T-wo V~eg'etaible Marrow-- Alfred H. -Lru.ck, H. A. Jarvis. Two Muskmelons--W. Babcock, F. Huse. " Trw-o Watermellons--C. H. Mabey, Al- lan Johnston. Two Citrons--J. B. Holden, Alfred H. Duck. Collection of Garden Vegetables--.F. Huse, Al-. `KAI: U T .11.IIL a.o.v.-`Mrs. H. Calder-wood, Mrs. W.. Onio-ns,. Tomatoes, - UVVCII Ill ! Love. \n.....y...z...... - --v._ v V Calbxbage, three .Henderson s Early --2nd, Powell & Hook; Casbebage, three Winningstat-H. Maybe, Powell ~.& Hook._ Cabbage, .three Savoy--J. B. I:Io1d.e\n, F. Huse. Tthree .Qn4n+n}| I(aIn__`l\/He: 'M F`. Cnmvnhpll- D'd.V`Uy---d. D. .l._1u1u-cu, 1.`. 1.1-uac. Luucc Sclotcvh K.a1e--Miss\M. E. Campbell. I`1_LL-...- 51...... T) ;-x.-1 U (1 nunbn UL \X'd..l UCII I rfred H. Lug?` Best. Serving Tray-Mrs. W. Wyles, Mrs. M. Turner, Mrs. W. Wyiles. - Best Table or Floor La`m'p--- Irene` Prabt. Best Fernery--Mrs. Carter, Miss L. Bidwell. Best Col- lection of Wicker-Mrs. H. Maxwell, Mrs. Harris.. ` ` The forzgoing iist is_ p_ub|ishec| sub- Qject to errorskor omissions. -G. 0. Cameron, Secy. TG:AR7DEN PRODU-CE `BASKET `WEAVI-NG If .15`!- 3 I

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