I B1-RWTENG US "your Satetr Razor Blades to be sharpened. Satisfaction guaran- ,,teed or money refunded. Single edge three cents. Double edge tour cents. Dnuzias Drug` Store. Ban-t.e. 29-34c - Ifilhfv 1 -v-- -- --._.._ THURSDAY WHOLESALE "Sauces No. 2 Fall Wheat $1.25-1.30 onooonovtvnoooovoonovooo IIJIVIOIIIIll,IIIICIIIIIlII I000'00IIOllIOlD`IIIlOlIlllO$1l26 lliiiilliltllllitll Ioooovvtoono Eggs per dozen 33-35c Potatpespper bag.'new $1.50 I-Iayfper ton $10.00 - DURHAM UU VV years old. VAPDIIJ; I113. . NOTICE is hereby given pursuant` to the Trustee. Act that all persons having claims against the Estate oi! Sarah Elizabeth McCullough, late of the City of Toronto, in the County 0! York. s inster. deceased, who died on or abou the 5th day of July, 1925. are: requested to send particulars of their` claims to the undersigned on or be-~ fore the _31st day of August, 1925, at-I ..... ...m..u data the administrator will, the 31st (my 0: JLUEUBL, Lilau, cu.- . --..e ter which date the administrator will. h1'S distribute the assets s of the estate | Old: among those entitled thereto. having; ma!` regard only to the claims of which her1 b`; shall then have notice, and that. he aget will not be responsible to any person 12 N for the assets of said estate whose d!'1V cl`aims.shall not then have been receiv- :01`? n . _ _ ' N ed.- uuu NOTICE ls hereby -given. pursuant! to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Wm. Herbert-Brolley. late of theTown- ship or Essa in the County of Simcoe, farmer. decea.sed;`who died on or about .1... an-. nv nf :rmv_ 1925; are request- .Du.n'u:, \ |DATED`Auut em. 1925. ~ I deceased',"who cued on or anout the 7th day or July. 1925. are request- ed to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or `before the 20th day of August. 1925, after which date the Administrators wllldistribute the. assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be responsible to any person for the as- sets ot said estate. whose claims shall not then have been received. , .' ALEXANDER A COWAN, A Administrators Solicitor, 31-33c Barrie, Ontario. v\ A In11'\ Tunic: 0Q`\' 1Q.|)K V` ' . >3 SALE--Pure bred Plymouth` rck. April pulleta, bred to lay. Apply Ottaway. Phong 605r6. ,- 28- 3c puvpw ' . i WANTED TO RENT by NOV. 1st, smalllzctyeage in Barr1e.'su!ta.ble tor If--r-b Innivn nlnnhvlnitv Evan- NOTICE TO cngannoas thulllllllw vs uauvg - ' Barri DATED July 28th`, 1925. NOTICE is hereby gtven pursuant [to the Trustee Act that all, persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Margaret 'Lottus, late of the Township of Flee, in the County of simcoe, Widow, deceased, ` who died .. AI! nhnnf Hm naventeenth. day of Widow. deceased,` wno men on or about the seventeenth, day or July. A.D., 1925. are requested to send September, 1925, after which date` the - executor will distribute the assets `of the Estate. having regard only to the - claims of which he shall` then have notice, and will not be responsible `to any others. . I V . DATED at Barrie this 28th day of July, Aunt) " , ` , . ~ ' DUNCAN F. 'McCUAIG, I 91-38c Solicitor tor ~1!3`xecutgr. _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Tb CREDITORS IE nooms t. Applx ' Exam 0 1'8! I0 UOIIBKRMI: lner office for ad-, ' . " 88p BARRIE MARKETS _--A 1 |A1l.lI\l EQAI E DD New Billiard Room RENT by Now nu, small acreage poultry. Must have electricity avail- able; Box 286, Barrie. 38-84c _B_iIjg.Ium Block, Eliubagh sc. .' .. - ---unt" an A on Farms For Sale . -Butte at 5 good housekeep- .. on nnnvanlencelz rent 1'03- Miseeuane35.__ John- Powell, Prop. ` . "XII. wx-;f:i3:",cLAss' Laovlrmws ALEXANDER cowAN,T `Administrator : Solicitor. - Barrie, Ontario. .....'....a an. 1'09: 32.34` `. over Standard Ban . tor sale;' freshenlnsz ply '1`. E, Bell. lggrrie. -84p Iarr-Iv-'7 --- WANTED SECOND MORTGAGE 0! Mann nn gentleman's summer home. LuoK'lUo s2-34; sons- . 9 `gt at one o'clock p.m., upon the west half` . ;e of lot number seven in the tenth con- ;y cession_ of the Township of Essa, in]! a the County of` Simcoe, the following`! . chattels, viz.: ' . thew` I-1`ORSES--1 black horse, 10 yrs. old; .' be. . 1 grey mare, 12 yrs. o_ld; 1 sorrel horse, _ ag.{aged; 1 bay mare,,7 yrs. old; 1 grey wm horse, 5 yrs. old; 1 grey horse, :10 yrs. um... LIVIIUO II, I-our: --___ | _ . ;tat9|o1d;' 1 bay mare, 8 yrs. old; 1 greyl wmg. mare, 5 yrs. old; 1 bay mare, 6 yrs. old; ` ;h"he~1 bay mare, 12 yrs. old; 1 bay horse., ,1; aged. 1 brown m'are colt; 1 grey horse,` arson yrs. old; 1 brown mare, 15 yrs. old, , [hose driver; 1 sorrel`mare, 4 yrs. old; 1 3 cew. sorrel gelding, 1 yr. old; 1 bay gelding, ' 1 yr. old; 1 bay mare, 1 yr. old; 1 ;,N,. grey mare, 1 yr.Vold; ,1 sorrel mare, 3 :or, yrs. old; 1 grey gelding, 2 yrs. old; 1 no. _ bay gelding,'2 yrs. old. '1 2-34c, IMPLEMENTS-1 wagon and `box; . =-_-_ 2' set trucks (steel wheels); 1 set sleighs; -2 wagon gears: 1 top buggy; RS 1 covered sleigh; 1 cutter; 1 set light sleighs; 1 open buggy; .1 road cart; 1 t sulky rake; 1_ disc plough; 1 disc drill wan -Deering (nearly new); 1` disc drill; 1 3: straw loader; 2 cultivators; 1 mower; .o 1 Massey-Harris binder; 1 disc; 1 Wu` scuffler; 2_ sets harness; 1 sulky, m' plough; forks, rakes, spades," chains` 1 l 1 ihggf and other articles too numerous to' "Bums mention. - B [FURNITURE-1 bedroom` suite; 2 which extension tables; 2 sideboards; 2 Sing- qbute er. sewing machines; 2 drop-leaf tab- 'tho:se les; 12 kitchen chairs and rocker; 2 y cook stoves; 1 wood heater; 1 piano; 2 centre tables; ,4 bedsteads; 1 dresser; then. , . lot Zwashstands, 1 bureau. Le}f:l-I And at the same time and place there will be offered for salethe following AN farm lands, viz.: . ' tn mum TOWNSHIP OF ESSA LOCAL NEWS \ During - the week ten `mote :- ists1_; paid `the usual $10 `and costs forg` speeding, A - T The speed'ometer shows` the length I of asphalted pavementon the high- ' way route through Barrie to be 3 1-5 miles. . . . v u..4:...._`II'm- nlnmhimr "and heat- miles. V-(--Notice--Forfl1:Imbing "and heat- ing ring 214. Neelands, .48 Blake St. Repairs for all_ stoves and `furnaces. . 33tc ; Dun . GI-nnnvnn n :nyr|i-f_y-iy-nnggd | U0 U4`: --`Buy S'taunuon s' semi-trimmed wallpaper - 22 in. wide instead of old 18 in`; For sale by W.jA. Lowe` & Son, Elizabeth` St. - 39tc Rev. D. H. Currie of Victoria Har- bar has received a call to St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Wiarton, and, it is understood, will accept. 1:......h. Rh-nnvnf. and Minsinz . it is unaerstoou, wm ace-up-.. ` Barrie, x Midhurst and Minsing. will take gar! /in_ a softball tourna-I `meant atft e garden party at Mid-? hurstAon Wednesday Aug. 19. -a....... mt-mun nlnntrin service . U000! cuucu Lug cum u.....--..... Ed. Reynolds -picked an unusual sample in sweet peas last week. This- was a stalk with eight fully developed bloom bunched closely together at the top of the stalk. * Dav `Prof- I-Ioran of Wycliffe Col- ` . J-ilo -A store where electrxc serv1ce l means something. Call Grinyer El- ectric Co., phone 120, 13 Elizabeth St. Goods called for and delivered. ,,_,I.1_ ..:..1...A nu uvnu:nn1 -sermons from Trinity pulpit last` of me smut. ~ Rev. Prof. Horan of Wycliffe lege, Toronto, delivered twostrongl Sunday. He will preach in the same church next Sunday, Aug. 16. A....+1.m. uhinmnn of electric SECUNU Muxvxunum w $7500 on gentleman's summer two ten-roamed houses, titty acres, south side Kempenteldt Bay value for- tv thousand. lat mortgage only $9500. Will give discount for two or three year loan. A. Falrbalrn, 807 Baa}; - D Vnnnnnfn `church next sunaay, Aug. 1.0. --Another shi ment of electric curlers, $1.00 eac ; a few 6-lb. elec- tric irons `left at $2.00 each.-The Grinyer Electric Co., 13, Elizabeth * ' 33c , Grinyer Jslectric uo., ;oVnm.aue..,. St. , 33c. V. -Miss Alloway, Magic baking` powder dietitian and. demonstrator, will be at Buchanan s grocery `store all next week. Come and watch her demonstrate Magic baking powder. ` 32-33c :;>xoxo%x<-xoxoxc -x<-x<`>xox>{x x>x<>_xx: ' ~~- ,,| demonstrate lV1ag'lc uamug puvvuwxo 32-33c V At a [special `meeting of Barrie Presbytery, held, on Tuesday, a hearty call from Stayner and Sunni- dale Corners churches in favor of Rev. `A. W. Hare of Hillsburg, Ont. was sustained. A - ur- ........mn4-an nnir-1: service on sustameu. '--We guarantee quick` service on `the following electric ranges for `any repairs required: McClary, Moffat, Hotpoint, Westinghouse, Gurney, Na- tional, Findlay. A trial will convince. -The Grin er Electric Co., 13 Eliz- abeth St., one` 120. 330 a Adam Barber and M-ary Barber, charged with trespassing on the pro- perty of Gabriel McConkey, Innisl, appeared in police court on Tuesday morning. The case was adjourned to this (Thursday) morning when a I ---_-___` ADMINISTRATORS SALE yof Valuable Farm Property, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Goods and Furniture. |Under instructions from the adminis- [ trators of the VV uuun: I nu nu. . -. ..-.._, there will be offered for sale by. public ` ~ auction on '- A 1 II` ann Dun. iv, v W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. -`*4 1091.5 AI.I- `IDLE ner A` I - D CAR to be sold for ~ `.:,.:xIBF.lE4AAI?|sr 9.9. at Livimzstows W. _A.. m.1;uunxxu;, nu\.~w........ . DATED this 13th day of August. A. D., 1925., V 3 33-35c Estalygemgfwv "tit;-Late Herbert Broley L- ..aa.......l Inn ndln hv n1i' areu unu u: Ie PARCEL 1\' - 1 ma. nnnnn A11-u : 31.33:; EXAMINER ` 1 IV IIIICL G ` g! 200 Tndrnn 'fAu1-th`egn adjourmnent was madeto Aug. av. . - . Indemnities and mxleage paid to members of me County Council who.` attended. the special meeting on Tuesday amounted to $360.90. [All `the members. were present except =Couns. Grant Knupp of Vespra, W. `A 'I".n~u A (`.n"nnrnn\n Ch]. I If `UOUIIS. utuuu xxuupy mu. vgapua, "- A.*..Tom `of Collingwood and I.` K. Brown" of Midland. FBI... 4|IcvutDtvnlIn":t\'I A` QC AnAI;nny a ;_Church were delighted on Sunday .Dl'0Wu U1 Lvuuqauu. The congregation of St. Andrew's mdrning to again have the pleasure of hearing a [baritone solo by Harry Shannbn. His selection, Out of the -Deep Have I Called," was very ef- lfectwely `rendered and served to ishow the pleasing qualities of his voice. - VI... -....a'.nntunun :n QL A III`I'l1'IIV 1 ,1 v J-44--v-n age on Rf-5 v ---nuuj OM18. ' The preacher in ,St. Andrew's! Church last Sunday was Rev. Samuel Farley`-of Collingwood. His sermons, which were marked with originality of treatment, were much appreciated. iMr.' Farley will. occupy this pulpit {again next Sunday, his evening ser- .mon `to be especially to young men' iancl young women. ` and-inn oalrinnv fnv an nunhnlf, auiu young wuuwu. A petition asking for an asphalt pavement, similar to others being `constructed, on Toronto St. from Elizabeth St. to Wellington St. has been sufficiently signed and will be presented` to the Council at its next meeting. Another petition for pav- Eing Collier and Charlotte Sts. also i has been largely signed. - '1": :1nI-11 171! KIQVVIB art: A`? flu: 'R9V"|`;DI nus ueen lalgely slgucu. | p Thirty-ve members of the Barrie` `Soldiers Club attended their picnic on Wednesday afternoon at Alcona ,Beach. There was a softball game and they organized a programme of sportsfor a troop of Boy Scouts from Toronto who are camping at the Beach. Major W. N. Knowles turned his ankle running to first base in the ball game. - Iowa isn't the only place where the tall corngrows, as the ra`dio,an- nouncer from Davenport tells the` fans. A. F. Orser, who is on the for-I mer Sam Gordon farm at the top of Paddy Dunn s Hill, brought to The Examiner office on Saturday a stalk of ensilage corn measuring nine feet `two inches. The seed was planted' just ten weeks before. I ` Tn Han r1lnv_nH" fnr flip Nnrth Sim- [Just ten `Weeks UCLUIC. In the play-off for the North Sim- coe League title,_ Orillia defeated Midland in Orillia `on Monday by 9 to 7 and Wednesday s game in Mid- land was called at the end of the. ninth innings because of darkness with the score tied at 5 all. Presi- dent Du has ordered the teams to meet in Midland on Friday and if an- . other game is necessary it will take place in Orillia on Monday. 15..---- IL `l|`.....1.... 1v\o\I7t\ 4-nlrnn nvnr yaauc Ill \ILA|AlDi \lll .v-v..u--.,- Bryson & Morley have taken over again the management of the garage leased for the past year to Shepherd & Hart._ T. Shepherd. accompanied by Mrs. Shepherd and their child, sail on Sept. 2 for an extended visit to his old home in England. Jas. Hart, the other member of the rm, left this week on a motor trip to Regina, ac- c-ompanied _by Charles Brooks. r\_. `m..:.l..-. ..:....l.`+ .Aun- `IA `H19. U'Ulllpal|1cu,uy xluunswa .....v........ * On Fridaynight, Aug. 14, the! B. A. A. A. -is holding another com- munity street dance, opposite P. 0., when there will `be old-time square dances as well as the 1925 styles of terpsichorean exercise. Proceeds of this dance will be `used to defray expenses of B.'C.I. band to the Tor-' onto Exhibition band competition. Tickets are 50 cents a couple. Don- ations from spectators also will be gratefully received. . _ ssmsssssasssss$ MRS. JAMES MORAN I Mary Ann Moran died in the Royal Victoria, Hospital, . early Thursday morning, August 13, following an ill- ! ness of four weeks duration. She was I the wife of the late James Moran. who predeceased her by four years. Born in Pittsburg, in 1852, she came to Canada at the age of twelve with herparents, ,the late Mr. and Mrs. Jos; Simmons, `who settled on the third concession of Vespra at Midhurst. She lived with her parents on the farm until 1871 when she married James Moran in the Apto Church in Flos, afterwards com- ing to Barrie where the remainder of her life was spent. Her husbandwas for over thirty years in the employ of the Ball Planing Mill. It is said of Mrs; Moran that she had one ofpthe kind`- liest of dispositions and wasever ready to be of assistance to anyone who `needed her help. She was a member ,0! the Christian Mothers and Altar Societies of St. Mary's Church and also belonged to the League of the Sacred Heart. For the past six years she has resided-with her son P. J. Moran,Aon Collier St.Mrs. Moran was one of a family of ten, four of whom survive. These are Andrew Simmons of Los Angeles,`Patrick, Miss Cecelia of Tor-S onto and John` of Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Moran had four children, two of whom are deceased. P. J. Moran and Mrs. William! Crossland of Barrie, are the surviving children. The fun- eral will be held o Saturday morning to St. Mary's Churwh and cemetery, Pl ALEX. McDOUGALL' Alexander McDougall, .a`we11-known Barrie contractor, died on Friday in St-. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, where he had been operated on seven weeks ago for stomach trouble. Since the first of the year, Mr. McDougall had been in very -poor health and had been in various hospitals, including a Ro- chester, Minn., institution, Where he went for treatment. He was fifty-three years of age and was born on the , ninth concession of Vespra where'he lived until a young man. His" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDougall, pre- deceased him. While a young man he learned the carpentry trade under the a direction of Thos. Gray, in Oro, and after spending a short time in Sault ' Ste. Marie, removed to Midland where .1 he resided for over twenty years. While .. mraamna in 1on1, he married Annie ' resided tor over l'.Wenl'.y years. vv mu: in Midland, in 1901. he married Annie 0 Shea, who died twelve years past. Following her deathhe remained in Midland but a short time, before go-. ing to Quebec where he pursued his business as a contractor and later went to Florida for a holiday. His marriage to Mrs. E. Mcconkey of Barrie took place upon his return here eight are ago. For .a year Mr. and Mrs. M ougall resided on a farm in Barrie and for another_ period resided near Painswick. Two years recently .were spent in Cleveland where Mr. McDougall was superintendent for the . Rice.Jones Co. ; During his long ex- perience as contractor Mr. McDougall built many large bridges and other` structures. Associated with another contractor the -built the power planti at Big Ch'ute'o'n the Severn. river. Dnaln his wife. there - survive one \ OBITUARY % g DNWHORSE DRAY for sale -cheap. `Write to Box 118, Coldwater, for par- nnulamz 33p at Big unute on tne as-:v,uru rsvtug. Besides his wife, there son Alexander Dalton, and two- step- daughters. Miss A my, a nurse- in training at the R. V`. Hospital; a1;1'd Miss Aileen "at `home. Mr. McDougall was the third of a family of six, four of whom survive: Mrs. W. Mclndless I of Barrie, D. J. McDouga1l of Allandale, Archie and Angus, V_esp'ra farmers. The funeral was held on Monday morning to St. Mary's` Church and cemetery, Rev. Dean` Sweeney officiat- ing. The' pall-bearers were William Lowe, W. A..McConkey, G. Cameron, .H. Barnhardt, B. O'Neill, and W. Mc- I Tnlnnn .91-1o1~u:A 1 13-3. 1 I1. Dax 11 Indless. MRS. EEO. KNUPP A\very sudden death occurred-on Friday morning when Mrs. Geo. Knupp died at her home at Minesing. Her` husband and four small, children, in-` cluding a daughter born a few hours! previous to her death, survive. The! _baby is doing nicely and is being cared for by Mrs. Wesley Culham of Eden- 6 vale, sister of Mr. Knupp. The late Mrs. e 1 Knupp was born at Anten Mills twen- ` ty-nine years past and-`was the daugh- ] ter of Mr. an Mrs. R. M. Carson, who ` have since re ired and moved to Bar- 1 rie where they now reside on Wors- ley St. Mrs. Knupp s girlhoo was spent at Anten Mills where sh was known as Pearl Carson, and her mar- riage to George Knupp took place there nine years ago..She was a member of- St. Peter's Anglican Church and was well known and esteemedat Minesing; The children are: Winston, aged seven,` Carson, aged three. Vona, who has. passed her second birthdaysince her mother`s death, and the baby. Mrs. Knupp was one. of a family of eight. Those left are, Mrs. A. Chatterley of Toronto, Mrs. J. M. Murray of Glass- port, Penn., Mrs. F. W.. Harrison of Toronto, Mrs. W. Richardson and Mrs.| F. A. Richardson of Midhurstcand two brothers, A.xL. and H. A. Carson of" Toronto. The funeral, which was held on Sunday, was largely attended by many from a distance as well as by scores of local friends. The officiating clergymen were -Rev. Mr. Herman of Craighurst and Rev. M. 0. Price of Minesing. Interment was at Minesing Union cemetery. Among the floral tri-g butes hich were received was al wreath ,from orinthian -Lodge, A. F. .c and A.M. an `one from St. Peter's Church". ` --- TONIGHT -- `FRIDAY - `SATURDAY Nothing. arouses your in- `._. ...: .... "nu rnnrP \Jl.|l||nb_usov..-v- J terest or -gives you more thrills than a reengine dashing through town to the scene of a big re. You will see action, cour- age, love, pathos and one - of the.bigges,t,s most spec- tacular res ever screened Eollier Strggt '_ `Church ------J, ___. ___ _.. -_- 10 a.m.---Sunday Schvo,ol- I . 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-Rev. A. D Cornett will greach- COME AND WORSHIP VV 1' 1 Lu LII ticulara. Chapter` F out of THE IRON MAN and BOBBY VERNON in FRENCH PASTR . Two Shows`, 7.15 - 9.15 Regular Prices I Matinee Saturday at 2.30` rvlllvl 3 5- wt` : nuawcvu TQGCI: v. V Ministers: Rev. ,S. H. Greenslade, B.A.= . Rev. A. D. Cornett, M.A.,' B._D. Suriday, August 16, 1,925`: i G.G. SMITH AND % FUNERAL mmzcrons :7 E5TABLl 5HED% I869 PHONE 82 5 MOTOR AMBULANCE IN CONNECTION . -WE` HAVE EARNED the Commendations that have come to us. In every way at all times we- are faithful to.our trust and we are studiously capable. `rm: HOME or BETTER pgcrunns. MON;, } won SALT}---S1lo. de Lav a1,T12x24, closed top. Hugh Rowley, lot 25, Essa. Thornton P.O. 28-333) Throughout the ages some women have been the pawns of wealth- today\they re the victims 1` LI... gaunt! I11C|1'ri`9'e_ Iuuay \ Lucy u. Lllw . .._f of the money mamage. Purchasedwomen often pay the biggestprice. `I`HURS:DAY, AUGUST - THOMPSON-In the Royal Victoria. Hospital, Barrie, on Wednesday,` Aug. V 12, 1925, William J. Thompson, aged ' '58 years. `The funeral will take place from the family residence Thornton, on Friday, Aug. 14, at 2.250 p.m. In- terment in Thornton cemetery. Mr. George Knupp and Miss Irene Knupp express their sincere thanks to the Women's Institute and. friends who extended their kindness and sympathy ito them during their recent bereave- i m'ent. . 33c ` Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maw wish to express their heartelt thanks to their friends and neighbors and members of Women s Institute for help and sym- pathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement in the loss 'of their little son, Leslie. 33c And 3. Sunshine Comedy `_ Nickle-Plated West Two Shoiws, 7.15 - 9.15 ' Regular Prices .. SOON ,TI;iE UNWANTED ! BELL--In loving memory of Pt. Lorne F45. Bell, killed at Amiens, Aug. 13, 1 18. '09.. I -_'\"KTIFn and hilahfr LU. 33p VGILCIT-IRISTt-In ever loving memory of our dear husband and father. John Gilchrist, who went to rest Aug. 14th, 1923. 9 God knows the way, He holds the key, He guides us with unerring hand; I Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see, Yes, there, up there, we'll understand. -Wife and Daughters. * Om cent >a word. cu. ouch inner-" lion (mtnimum obtuse. 2l5c):` 11:11:; unions tor the price ot tour. , ants extra when charged; also 10 cents turn when replies are directed to Examiner Omco. ' ' ORCHARD--In loving remembrance of our dear father and mother, Joseph , and Selina, Orchard, who died Aug. ._14, 1920, and Jan. 15, 1909, respec- tively. . - Loving and kind in all their ways, iUpright and just to the end of their I Have! I |JpLlEllL cunu. JUDL LU |-SIC Cllll UL LIJCLL . days. Sincere and true in heart and mind; A beautiful tnemory left beggnd. (N--. -__3 _,,-Au.1_._... nn- SRIGLEY-In loving memor of Char- lie, who passed away Aug. 13, 1923, at Port Arthur.. Oft we think of you, dear, K. And think of how you died; To think you could not say good-bye Before you closed your eyes. The flowers we put upon thee May wither and decay, But the one we love so dearly I 1K7il`l nnvnr fnn gwav IDUL L116 UIIU WU IUVU 5U Will never fade" away. 33p I CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM '-Wife and Daughter. I. : .`. " ..v . A n a A\4uvA u. vI4nA\.A nnnn ;nu, mory behind. -Son and aughters. 13, `I925. -Family. THURSDAY, >X<>X<>B>I<>I<>I<>`. JL `F14 9X<'>I<>X<%>X<>X< Miss Ethel day in T()1'mm Gordon Fm holidays in ' Nliss Thn-In 'week-end in H nu/I \1, FUN 'l'1!i1V'L'D uu Ben Reqce, 115 L cliff. Ont. Tents ._----------------1 'We9K-enu xn Mr. and .\I1 3n01ida_v'1n;r in Miss ;VI2nm `position at S; 11:`- r:l..,l\. [JU.`LLAvu _.. Miss Gl:x era] days in Miss 1)(-hm" is h01ida_\'ins_-* Mrs. E. H11 thls week-end -g. >H. Lune u\,.,__ , Miss ):1iH`_` with f1`ien `ton. `AK..- mu. Mrs. Short turned home cardine. W nh .1 \ `1 0I`UnLu. Ediss 3Ia was the 2'ue.< last week. \K~ Qvnn I351. Wccn. Mrs. Br1.1n4 with frien ofwveeks. vr... \\' :j-; COOKING APPLES fbr . sale---Co me timl pick them Friday and Saturday, Aug". -14 and 15. George--Magee, Gil- Pnvvrl P()_ OI ,\VK`t:n.`. lirs. \V. Week with h. in Torunhn nn_~ \TY` HE! unru. Blake St. 3, I ` WI .. Dlah uL. Miss I.< daying wi Bradford . 1:`. III. OHLU (ll uy Frank Dultt-`P \1.. mm} \ .l\u -1. \4 h Ken. Smi onto after s "----Jr TWHH-P IV. ~\. n-x.... Miss Lott the home )1 tie,` Braceh: V ("mi A Gazette. if the Ixnvanh T....,~nnr-Mn` .t\.u;4. -vs I ford P.O. W, .......... Inspector Reveh1_1` 1 today (Th 1|/1:. 17:11}: GENUIN1 .I`el'1y, Lu; Jas. DOL Toronto sp of W. J. . `MI ... ...,.,} R76R, Iuun. cu. Mayor :1 `family mov Bay Point 12 TY...`-1v GILLET RAZOR Mr: ad` family SD Point and `llnun... q Black ana Day ruuu, Harrv B . macher, 0 months at T ;- THRESHING OU'1`FI'I`w-Decker Sep- arator 36x50 and Vvaxerloo engine 18-20 H.P. Just overhauled. boiler test- ed. Apply to A. W. Wright, Wyevale. 31 373: OVERAIl WORK MEN S -801:1 . allf of the A held this Police BI EENN01 Egg; geq Fully gnarl Men sW PANTS Zimmer Childre Girls B MEN S Indigo To on-x'_\' 21-Piece MEN S WORS T0 <+\'or_\' I r~IlI'\l\I LU \T\\;_ LEMONA PlECES OTHEI1 PE` (`. V MAN'S BICYCLE--Canada Cycle .& Motor Co., (!ulumbia,.in excellent con- dition, would take boy's bicycle in [mod cnndmon as part payment. Ap- ply 180 Elizabeth St. Phone 1191.1. 33:) W J (>- --T ? THRESHING OUTFIT for sale: Good- inon separator 28x42. New Hamburg engine. both in splendid running order. Further particularsvapply to E.` R. Scott, Hillsdale, Ont. Flos phone SM 32- 3' LOS'l`v--B1n.ck` and white and brqwn Collie pup. Reward. 40 Perry St.. Barrie, Ont. 83p LOS'I`~,-~Ln,dy a gold watch and short chain. in Barrie or vicinity of Dalston. Finder please leave at Examiner of-` ee and receive reward. 831) GIRL FOR HOUSEKEEPING wantaesd. nan uh.-me No. 1177. D YUIIJI Poronto. `VIII! LOS'J.`-~Sllv_er mesh bag, on Friday, A... -1 Imtwmm Brockst. and Public LOS'J.`-Sllv_er mesh bag, on 1l'1uu.y. Aug. 7. between Brockst. Llbrzuw; valued as a gift. Please leave at Examiner office. 330 _ LOS'I`~-Bunch of keys on xclmin; be- tween Postvotflce and Singer Sewing Machine store. Finder please leave at Exmninen-oiY1!i_ce. Reward. ~ , 88c D1-! LOS'l`-A lady's long sand-`cloth coat, nn.v_v collar and cuffs braided; Aug.11. between Bradford and Dalston. Leave at Examiner office. Reward. 3311' ~ - * ' -r -unj- LOS'I`-0n Wednesday evening. Aug. 12, on Highway between East Oro and Barrie, saxophone In black case. Finder please phone 197. Barrie, or cottage of Mrs. W. A. Ross, Shanty Bay. _ 83c! j' \ ILL THE PARTY who picked up _h_e bl}9}c_ sn,tln`purs: at Five Points, - --~-- 1! flrnvurn rt` WILL THE l:'A11'1' Wnu p1um:u_ up the black satin purse Thursday evening, Aug. 6. fbrward same to address in purse or to Exam- iner otce, and save trouble. Purse uomml nu knannaka. 880 met otuce, unu anv valued as keepsake. 2-u:---u TAKEN from a well, on the -former site of the Browning Garage, Friday. Aug. 7. an iron pump and piping. Any information about same .would be greatly appreciated by S. Browning. Churchill. Ont.. RR. 1. 33p - GIRL 1"Ul` uuu can phone N Jwu:-:'r COLUMN # _ ._. _. .. __ ,-.;u..w'....V;&ul .I1.\}Ul34 U Phone 23.!) 2:: HOUSE TO LET. corner Peel and So- phia Sta. Apply 88 Sophia St. 83-88p ugg eggs: u FURNISHED I-IOUE to rent: $30 per month; electric range and all con- veniences. John Hutch1ngs.'38 Tlttin St.. Allandale. Phone 5_55J. 29- 0 -?__.___._._-__..-__.______:. ` '1`O REN'1`---4-roamed apartment for housekeeping; high school girls or roomers: five minutes from collegiate. Apply.105 Bradford St., or phone 981. 32-84:: - < ) SIX-ROOMED HOUSE for sale or rent, in good lo_a.11ty. Phone 474. 88p BARBIE BUILDING LOTS... .6o'x175. Fifty Dollars each. Enquire. Box` L, Exlaminer Office. ` . 29,-84c p EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE won SALE` --F1ne garden. For terms apply to 114 _ `WANTED. _a good farm work. A good cl arson. Thou. 1?`. 8V otnt. L b _ CEMENT-BLOCK HOUSE 73: 7 into, in good repair. all modern convenien- `cell. 68 Ecc1es-St. Apply 68_ small at. 82-87;) FOR SALE-Modern house In good reudentlal section. All convenienceu. Large grounds. Garage; garden and fruit trees. Apply 30: R... Examiner nlnn, ' _ zgtfg Inns 1.: Office. PAIR Von` BRICK `nousms t'ors;1lZe or rent, central, conveniences, with` large garden, prlvgte entrance to each. also three rifles, and omcer's uniform complete, for sale, Phone 1255.,.32-37p . I`VJ,.l\v BALI , 0'LvvLu Ill.-rm uvuw: ,-W"T'. attractive residential district: an den: "oon'vemences;" good garden: ' 9. New 8103.19 Williams piano. in ' clan` oomut1on.~ $225. For further : ticu I gnvply to e_-8. C. V.Vo.lker,t2 ' -\ FOR `SALE.-7'8-room brick house` In ' 1' ti 1 diet I t: 11 o- drnad frgnlegz `$30 ED. good man or nay am ark. chance for the right Swindle, De Grant 82-889 IAND CAR {.0 D6 SOIL} LU!` puny- Aug. 22 at Lividgstows Gur- . 83-34p Help Wanted 'Lo.;t7 and F puncl iv -wry vv AGENTS WANTED now to San coma mam mm of nursery stock, !!'\_I1t_'_ 1_ Property For Sale Property To Let F2: U5` A-WNLLVUB WPILV LU Lakes! e Ave.. Birch- ;s for em e or rent. 34p or thre unfurnished l Mmnial munt be ['83,- K0FK"l|lI'* ` I0F'FK"FI'F each litur- wan 950`! II` `no boy for` honnn flu` th llht - Laval, T 12x24, nurlnu Inf 9.5, 13383.. write to | Dlmnh _ ` pllli H5 U ornamental, 4-nII'f`C' ' man: my mum a1-sap] luau. asp| PH-1' - 33;)` `-711. 33;)` 34$` 1"` | 12tc. ` UPBU sea - ROOM To RENT. ov Apply at__ the; Bo._nk,,L m I Illllf 29tfo P. '3'6 28t. YOUNG WOMAN Wishes position as maid. Apply P.0. Box 67, Barrie. 880' 4! ,,1...I_.J THREE Rooms to rent tocoue`g1ate. airvla - Annlvmxaminer 951-. '1-`ting: girls. dress. -,, To LE .l'--Butte` `I5 houIoko ep- mg rooms; all conveniences: rout sonable. Apply Examiner Omce. asp . ...r, _ TO REN'1`--Furnished or iinturniahed. rive nice comfortable rooms. summer. kitchen and toilet. Aply 98 Wellingggn ` D St. East. ` HIV also first : DURHAM COW H unnnn nltl, Ann WATER-POWER , WASHING MACH- ' INE: will sellyvery reasgnable. Apply 66 Ross St. 380 -FOR Rock. T-T (`IN -___.._-------I-- WANTED-JTW0 mnnma fnr 0118. C 'V"' " " ' ' . COLLIE PUPS tor saie. The mother ot theserpups has thirty championships behind her. Apply to Wm. Bonney, An- ten Millsycon. 8.` , - 81-33p` HORSE FOR sAI3E--5 yrs. old, per- fectly quiet, lady could drive: a good third horse` on farm: also buggy and harness: property of the late Frank` Ball. Apply to H. 3. Armstrong, Big Bay Point, Stroud telephone. 38p , . FARM FOR SALE---One of the best farms in the Township 01! F103; good buildings; lots of wate . See this farm before buying. Apply m. Cumming. Phelpston. Ont. Box 52. '33-887p j _ FOR GENERAL HOUSE DECORAT-1 ING. painting and paperhanglng, phone T. Mays,` 943W. Terms reasosrialgie. . ' - n I I`. II II II` . FOR PAINTING, -paper hanging and nnonnvvn` - hnm.-m decoratimz phone A. `FOR PAINTING, [paper nungms uuu general` house decorating phone Berry. 589w, 21 Gowan St., Allan'- 'da1e. _ _ / 29-34p "V , PIANO TUNING '-- For `first.-cla.ss nlnnn IlI'|`I'IQ_ nhnne TUNING - J."D!' -I1!'BI..-I.uu.u piano tuning. phone I-Iarold Webb at 400, or lea.ve.orders at W. B. Webb : Jewelry Store, Allandale. 28-83c . _.__ _-..;-..\7---. A nuv-nv -. .. ' I 7 FOR PAINTING AND DECORATING` phone `Thou. Pearce. 889W. Personal attention given- to all work and satin- nru+`I\VI lrlinnfd. Stu httentlon given- to an won: unu mun- ffactton guaranteed. 73. Sanford 38p purse uulurumuuu rooms for one, central. must be rea- sonable; heated preferred. Box 74, Barrie, or 36 Clapperton St. in morn- ings. , 83p