Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1925, p. 10

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|BANKlN(;| Has someone called up by Long Distance and reserved our rooms? Why runthe risk of spoiling a holiday? Start out with the denite assurance that com- fortable 'rooms and a good night s sleep await. 37011. . . . \ Reserve your rooms by Long Distance. It will take only a. feyv minutes, and what 3 dierence it may make to you! ' The evening rate on Stationeto-Station calls (after 8.30 standard time) is only about "half the day rate. _ The night rate (after midnight, standard time) is -- onluabmstmwmarterzedaurqte. Dl\l\l. l3l\-l"ll`\.-Il' n\. n\.`uVu--v, ......-..,-. Branches at Bradford, Bondhead, Crnighunt, Hnwkcstono, Lefroy, Konvick, Stroud, Hilludalo and Elmvale Bell Telephone is a` Long Distancelstationl L `Hm Zxjr -j- OF :cANADA BARRIE BRANC1-l-R. R..whate, Manager , , - .1 4~__:_.|_-...-; l..l-...l...o. IT DOES `not always pay to sell I ' ~ . .4 ` . grain as soon as the threshing is nished. 7If `you have a good crop` and the market is depressed, see the localmanager of the Standard Bank and arrange a loan until a more fa- vorable situation presents itself. Our manager is always glad to dis- cuss such _problems in condence. W. E. BREWSTER 000`in 1924, says `annual. report. Great Britain seeks French pledgo ; to secure equal treatment with Wash- ; lngton in loan payments. ,__:_____,.;_ THURSDAY, A`ucus19 13, 1925. I had trouble with pimples and blackheads for about three years. The pimples were scattered all over my face and were hard and red. They itched and burned a lot caus- ing me to scratch and the scratch- ing caused eruptions. My '1' ace looked so badly that I was ashamed on an nub VI : A Simple THURSDAY, r Make` A simple and i poo, and one wl :soft, glossy ax aroma. is to ta iBab_v s Own S `.the scalp, riu Ithen cool wan- twind if possihl This simple 31 :for hair and 5 little as Baby :at 10c. a cake 1 anci_$a\ G||.| OTTON 541/ Direc/1; YOUR GR Kill the germs t at Dru and G The to B SJ PURE E!-AKE `KO 0 DUI- ' I began using Cutlcum "Soup and Ointment and they helped me. I continued the treatment and in two months I was compietely healed." (Signed) Mine Helen Budnik, R. -1. 139:; 11. Necedah. Wie.. Sept. 27. _ . - 4. -,,,,. Best for g4 Put the Enameled with wet `taste. Bo nished, boiling strainer of steam because t locks the family u require 0 7u1'1 waste it Tu-rujyv -5704: In Btu; Ton, Tomy Rd: Dark BIOIMI. lao While Drudng (cake) and WHO aunt! (llqull). ' Rely on Cuticun 8onp,Ointment and Tnlcum to keep your skin cleat. Iunplo lulu Pm D mu. Addnu Cnnndlnn Depot: lhnhonu. td.. I(onIru.l." Price. 8039 Be. Ointment 25 and Soc. Tnlcum 26. -" Cuticun Sluvinc Stick 25:. HARD P|MPlES All 0_\[_E_R_ FACE of Nug'et" there ---mg 1uII':.Il--"`IQ OI nugget uuauu uuir same hi h uality-the ualityw ic`|l: e sugremetshog p`clish hasmadeit . same III II uaIuy--uuu ic hasmadeit. supreme shag polish throughout the world`. .'iEiiIi."fc':'I-':' Aug. 11-Mrs. Taylor `and family of London, 0nt., is at`present visiting her mother, Mrs. Parrrand her sister, Mrs. Colweli. ' r . Wm. Moffatt, rwhb has been visiting friends at Shelburne for two week has returned home} A - `Min and Mrs. I-Iarcomhe ahd sonot returned home. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Harcombe and Toronto are spending 'two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker. - V n Mnffnff nf Toronto was a week- and Mrs. C. baker. R. Motfatt of Toronto end visitor with friends at Cunglles. -..,,., n_u_.._. -4 "`1\unl\U|f!\ la hnlihving! CHO VISILUI` Will! u xcuun uu. u.ufu._.u...... Miss Baker of Toronto is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Baker. ..,, .1 -:1-.. 1: 13.4.;-O6 Amman} fhn nnanlz- Wltn u`. uuu nun. uunu. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pratt spent theJveek- end at 'M1n`et s Point` with pheir daugh- ter, Mrs. J. H. Knapp. 3 . `ixlnllann Rrnwn. .who has Tanye.xce1- J. H. Knapp. v Wallace Brown. .who has lent crop of wheat, is threshing today, he bein'g the first to thresh this sea- son in this district. '1! Tnnrnntr `CI (`(1.112 R. 200d In murmur. 5u.l'ux=unu5 cu. -.n............ Several from here attended the fun- eral on Sunday o`the.late Mrs. G. Knupp at Mlnesing. Much sympathy is extended to relatives in their sudden ....A an!` hm-nnvnrnpnt. . - (Too late forlast week)` Aug. 4-Mr,_ and Mrs. Leighton Chap-A pels of Paris an`d Miss Jessie Parsons of Burks.Falls visited at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chappl during the past few" days. Mr and Mrs. Bridge and son, Les-' lie. of Toronto, visited the farmer's son, H. E. Br1dge.,a.t J. McK1nley s -over Sunday. mr..- Mnfnnlf nf 'l`m-onto visited at ;son in this district. - ~ `Mr. Jermey is doing a good business in market gardgning at Cundles. _, ,1 4---- 1.....- neon-.An:l I-Inn (ruin. 18 exwnueu LU 1'l:lu.l.IvI:n and _sad bereavement. Sunday. Mrs. Metcalf of Toronto visited the home of Thomas Stokes during `the week-end. Her son, Harold, and daughter, Margaret, who have been holidaying here for some t1me'. ed to the City with her. V t ` . Mrs; Jae. Wells and `daughter, Flo- rence, of Thornhill`, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R` Plowrlght during the- week~end. - V 1 Miss Stella L ck "spent over Sunday with friendsln enetang. - ' ' ' --. I -uA.-.a-.. -4 1:o......(n nn r`lnno'h-| I Cllcuunnbu Wllin Ifleuurr Ill Wm. Standen of Barrie and daugh- ter, Jean, of` Toronto, visited during the past week at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Orchard. mt... 1- In f`.v-nwfnrd and MP8. W. J. W. Orchard. Mrs. J.` E Crawford and Armstrong and family are hol1da"yin`g this weekat Wasaga Beach. ` ,1 11.... `I -I1'! Tnhnufnn nnn,| LIME wean cu. vv uuuaw .- vvvv -. Mr. and Mrs. J.TT. Johnston, son,l Lorne; and `daughter, L1llian,.visited friends in Newmarket and Mount Al- bert during the past few days. -v-_- .__.7 __ . (Too late for last week) Aug. '5-'-The stork visited the homes of `I. Marriott and N; Button\ leaving a baby girl and a. baby boy, respective`- ly. Congratulations. Miss Madeline `Torpey is visiting at. Killarney Beach. _ `M mmmw Mrs E. Rvan and daugh- Killarney Beach. . N. Tracey, Mrs E. Ryan daugh-I ter, Inez, of Parry Sound, areavisiting at B. F. ,'1`racey's. Miss Vida Langmaid of Oshawa is visiting friends in this locality. .._ _.-._ A 1-..1.......o,.... no Tnnnnfn nnnnf, VISICIIIE u'u:'uua ul Luau II-I\4|A:lII-gr Master A. Johnston of Toronto spent 3. week with Tommy McKee. 1.1.. ant` Mr: Rrnmnton and M1`. with Tommy Mcnee. Mr. and Mrs. Brampton and Chambers of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. H. Johnston ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson of Midland, Miss J`. Anderson and T. Elllott_of* Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Mosley of Toronto visited Mrs. E. McLean on Sunday; V \ ` . E. Richardson and family and Mrs G. Richardson attdnded the family re-. anion which was held at Wasagai e1..A.....;I.-... Sufllty. family union Wasaga Beach on Saturday. . The most of the farmers have finish- ed haying and are_ starting to cut wheat. B ` - The Sunday School held an ice cream sociallon Friday evening. The program, which was rendered by local and outside talent. was appreciated very much. Outside talent included Andrew Orchard. Mr.- Bridge and Miss McKinley of Minesing, Miss Langmaid of Oshawa and Miss Partridge of Bar- rie. Rev. Mr. Price occupied the chair. ONTARIO WUMAN REGAINS HEALTH. (Too late for last week) Mi`. and Mrs. A. David and family and Mrs. Robt McCullough of Toronto spent the week-end w1th`MIfs. A. War- nlnn , IIICFB Ul.'U|.lIGl, Jun dhlv dVl.\;\.l\-Illlnwrg -_ Wm. La`th ner and son of Mtrkhafn called on R. M. Mcconkey and other ' friends last Sunday. L `hiring `mtg.-u huuhnnn. nf `[]p1-rnmha spent. men. `In: mca. M . Mrs. Mary Booth and son, Roy, of Toronto spent '1`hursday`w1th the for- mer's brother, R. M. Mcconkey. --. u_..._;. _.- _...1 ...... ..a 1uI'..`..'I.IanJ-. M1NE's'm<; s_'rA'r1oN 319 B5\{ _1>o1N'r cunnuas MINESING smoun \ \\ f V\\\\ LWNISFE TAX BILLS ABoUTAs1N1924% Genral Levy, 21.1`-5 Mills; Local; School Rates Extra; ` V--. August Meeting. At `the fegular meeting of Innistil ' Council held at Stroud last week, the customary by.-law xin the rates was, passed. Ratepayers `will e called upon to pay. about the same as in 1924, the. Fevies for theedtfterent purposes being` as fo1lows:`- n-.-many Q 1 /1n-mHln! rnndn and brid- rouows:A- - ` County, .8 1/10-mills; roads and brid- ges. 4 mills; general township pur- poses, 4 mills; general school rate, 4 5-10 mills; park purposes, 6-10 mills In addition to these there are the local; school rates-and the levies for police`. .villages'. . A tn.-Iznnn-Ir-I: addressed the coun-. 1 VII 18.888. - A. Kirkpatrick addressed the coun-g cil, asking. that an improvement .3` _ made onthe-road into Killarney Bea At present the only wayinto the Beach f. is over private property. He urged" that the Barry agreement providing for the construction of a bridge and improve- mentof theroad be carried out,` so- that the development of this lakeshore pro-'_ perty might not be further retarded. He believed i hat.the property owners affected wo id M be satisfied "to pay reasonable charges of such an im-`f provement. 9 Tharp was some discussion over the pump put in to supply drinkin provement. There was some discussion the; township park which has been rapidly growing" in popularity, showing the wisdom of the ratepayers in reserving this bit of lake shore for the public. A well will probably be sun and a water: The old barn is to be sold and pavi- lion erectedin time for next season. A `lnflrnn houhqa hot.-an rnnnivnd frnm HOD erecteuqn Lune Lur uezu. uuubuu. A- letter having been received from the Sick Children's Hospital, notifying the Council that a four-year-old child had been admitted as a patient and was being charged- against the muni- cipality. the Clerk was instructed to ascertain if the township is liable. (Vnvnv-.1aln+u hnuincr hnnn maria fhaf ascertain II Lne tuwnxsnip is uuuiu. Complaints having been `made that trees were being disfigured by tele- phone linemen, Council decided that. hereafter all trimming of trees on thei road allowance must be done underr the supervision of the road superin- tendents. * 1'... .~.n'nnnI-Inn with Mac vnn inhv-nvnvn- tenuenps. * ` _ In connection with the road improve- ments `Qelng made this year, it will be necessary to construct several large culverts. This work will be done by day labor. I ` An nninlnn mar-nlvnd from the town-i (Jay Iuuur. I An opinion received from theptown-; ship solicitor advised the Council that` where a ditch is constructed in front of a farm, the farmer is entitled to have a proper entrance madevtorhis property. ` ` V ' ' Motions Leslie--Stewa`x:`t:'-:"i"i1-:11: W. J." Good?! fellow be paid at the.ra.te of 10 cents, per load for fill-in at`lot 27, con. 9. `Rnvnn1dn.-Sh:_wnrt--'I`hat Mr. Gooch.. per 108.0 10!` 1111-111 au. IUI. as, uuu. Reyno1ds--Stewart-'1`hat Mr. Go(:h,! I at Big Bay Point, be -notified that he- must remove fence off thevstreet. . 'D.sunnlAm._Q!-nurorf_.'I`hnf Ammzmanr must remove lence uu. LIlUVB|.l.'UU|.o . Reynolds!--Stewart-'l.`h_at Assessor Sloan be authorized to visit the Lake Shore subdivisions to get intorme(t1on' re, assessing properties. A _ \ Les1l&-Arno'ld--Th at Clerk advise ,~Big Ba_ Point residents to remove] ashes an refuse off streets oraction, will be taken. -V l 'Dnuvnonl- AP A nnhllnfu |_c0llIll'.8: . 1 A. Latimer, caretaker of park, $51.: Isaac Spring, $3.75; W A. Lowe, $8.00; Advance, $9.00; -A. King, valuing sheep . killed, $1.00; J. Escrig, for sheep killed by dogs, $64.00; Jas. Wice, valuing : same, $1.00; Hubbard Hardware, $1.- 35; 1 J. Reynolds, rent of hall, $2.00. Roads and Bridges -Road.No 9, Wm. Newby. $2.50; Road No.11, Jas. Booth, $1.25; VJ`. Mor- rison, $1.25; Boadway Bros., $10.50; Seymour Kell, bonus 145 rods wire . fence, $50.75; F. Rainey, 30 rods wire fence, $10,`50; wqrk, $8.50; R. W Rain- ey, work onroad 16, $8.50; W. G. Kerfnedy, work on road 14, $168.50;' Corrugated Pipe: C0,, $115.20; Ingot. Iron Co., $1.20; H .W._Reddick, 73 rods wire fence, $25.55; W. Lamb, road 18, $12.50:.W. Hillock, road 17, $170.10; T. Bowman,\roa`d 17,'$162.10; R. P. Lucas, road 5, $125.95; B Hubbert, road 16, $149.70; `Scott Sharpe, road`16, $214.35; Geo. Richardson, road 18, $45.75; J. Corrlgan, road 2, $72.20; W. Brewster, road 9, $142.00; E. Lovick, road 18, -$62.75; Robt. Clements, $121.20: Alvin Webb, $93.10; J. Clarke, $78.65; Job, Metcalf, $41.25; 0. Black, coal, $6.43; Roy Beatty, Supt., $104.00; T. Connell, patrolman, $134.23; Wm. Hunter, $80.- . 95; S. Suthe'rland,.$88.65; E. A Smith, , `$117.50; R. Constable, $150.95; T. Swindle, -'for Campbell, $4.10, for Keast, $7.75; J. D. Neilly, $191.80; Sarjeant Co, cement, $2.05; N. A. Wilson, 133 ` rods` wire fence, $48.30; Mrs. Chas. . Jobbitt, $5.00; Jos. Booth, 35 rods wire fence, $12.25;-;Sam. Coulter, road ` No. 2, $206.00; ,W. C. Northgraves, $15. J. G; IKIV-PAIL Va. snvuvuunuu The Finance `Committee recommend- ed the payment of the following ac- counts: - A Tnblvnnn nannnfobnr nf Innr-II $51 ' Wl[n lVlI'S. Li. L}. LJUULLB. ~ . Mrs; A. A. Smith and son, James, are spending a. week with friends in An- nan and Owen Sound. 1. vMrs. Ernest Bonney and daughter, Marie, of Crown Hill. spent last week" with Mrs. George R. Smith`. 11.. ...-..1 `Allan 1' 1.`. Wnllwln and Mink Mr. and Mrs. Lorne nanuy, lJl:u.5|.Ull'. Miss Gertie Ovens of Creemore has returned after visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wattie. - mt..- nrnnm. 1.1111 and nhnmixn hnvn \ Aug. .10-'I`hVe Misses `.Martha Kaiser and Annie Speirs visited last week ywith Mrs. G. D. Coutts. 'IKun~ A A G.-nun and unn Tnrnna, are .1. A. watue. 4 Mrs. Walter Hill and children have returned to Toronto after_spend1ng sometime with~Mr._ and Mrs. W. H. Miller. `Inna T"Do1v-nan nf Dnunrnnnf Wu iif- with Mrs. .George kc. smlm. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wallwin and Mia's` Beatrice Wallwln spent Suriday with TMr. and Mrs. Lorne Handy. Dalston: tun..- t1....+In (\1vnv-In nf (`r-am-nnrn I129 h1Ev?!3'1fn LELKUII. ' ` Payment of Accounts In .rI1-_.__._!A.A.; A _ . . A. MTm_s'r Motions rie mama EXAMINER (Too late for last week) Aug. 6-The choir and a goodly num- ber of the congregation of the Union Churc-h spent a very pleasant evening last Friday in the form of a weiner 5 roast on the lake-shore. During the ' coursevof the evening,.Miss Alma Clark, F the_very efficient and faithful organist, ';was presented with a handsome hand. 5' bag containing twenty-five dollars in gold. A very suitable address was read by Miss Hilda .Graham and the presen- 5, tation was made by Miss Esther Leigh. `Miss Clark was completely taken by i 4 surprise but in a few well chosen -,words thanked the kind friends very s,sincere1y for their thoughtfulness,-as- |surin'g them that she was only too ,.glad to be able in this way to do her H it. `I 'I:f!nn 'l'_'l'.-.-.-.1 DA" .6 "I":u.A.-.6.` L... A x D It is seldom that `we find in `one man such is great variety of talents as possessed by Pietro La Verdi. An impersonator, singer, crayon artist. ventriioquist and musician, playing a great variety of instruments, `includ- ing the Piano Accordion. Pietro La .Verdi even produces music `from an` ordinary saw, obtaining wonderfuly sweet `tones with the aid of a violin bow. - N , Grand Opera House, Barrie Saturday Afternoon, Aug. 1 15. ' IJIL. Miss Hazel Ball of Toronto has re`- turned after visiting Miss Myra Reid. The Misses Fellows spent the holiday at home. = 7l`nu.!n'4-n hvIr\v\rI`I\A 4-Ian "Min.-.... .-....\.. GI. IIUIIIU-_ ` Tourists thronged the village over `the holiday. . T\/Tina hnnoc and 'l\/Hue Aiarnu nf flnn W! in chicken lacuna and onclnidhu . III. I I I31 - LIIC uuuuuy. Miss Dundas and Miss Adams of the lsoldiers Memorial Hospital, Orillia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Irwin McMahon and on Sunday called on Mrs. Fellows and Miss Kirkpatrick, a graduate of Orillia hospital, who owing to,ill health is unable to pursuethe profession she chose for her life work. 1:..- trx_____-1- _n r\,,2u12_ ,4, .1 , 1 `I ` rl;/ft:;.~_i{"is;sock of 0311121 visited" Mr. and Mrs. Fellows on Sunda . 'I'.J'n-onlzl rl\`n`v nf TlYIn,1LI. n& Go...`- .r.uu'U1u \.Il'1l'K UL VVlllul.IlUl'-`FL, Di1.BK.,| who has spent the past six weeks with his parents, returns this week to.the West 13.... mn. n`....:...-. ............: .. `..x..u reccuuy. ` M . and Mrs. Patterson and family and r. and Mrs. Cameronand family visited Mr. Hall last week-end. I.UI.I18 VVESE _ ` -Rev. Mr. Cruise enjoyed a visit from his sister over the holiday. . Mina TIn'r-ni-lav (`an-nornn nf n.-nun n LIIUIII HIE Sl_l.!=lf UVCIC Llle llUlIUil._Y. Miss Dorothy Cameron of Orillia. has been the guest of Mrs. Perry Leigh recently. MB: 01111 -Riva Dnffnrunn and fovnilu .....-....uu ....u ...-u-. ........-. vv us... Wu-|\.4Il . I Master Harry Simpson of Orillia is lholidaying with his grandparents, Mr`. `land Mrs. Geo. Leigh. 'i\/[rm T.nvnlnnlz and Fury-ntlu nf \Yonv_ auu AVJIIB. UIUU. $461511. Mrs. Lovelock and family of New- market are spending the summer with lMr._and Mrs. Reuben Leigh. It.. 'l'.\..-..-.. -1! f`.__.I__I_'.__...1 _,,.,,,4 cu , _...-. ...... -.--..,. v\.r\nIw\4|l ..avq3-n Mr. Fraser of Craighurst spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McMahon. I _ - . . `n;l`i.a._ '(\.'._._- 1--1..- _L___ 1, . .....`, -.... -v--. u-/nu ---. -an on. u Inn Avn\44vAs|l|\.I|Jn Miss Ofma Johnston has` accepted the position of teacher at No. 16, Oro. For Abo1:t-T_l;-ree. Years. Healed_b_y_QItic1Ira. | Wedding cake cut at the marriage [of Muriel .Vanderbilt at Newport [weighed 150 pounds. 7 --- v`... V- \/onnnnlau ---4.-.vu -u;. .n-d1 \'/Irs. Fellows Harold Clark of Windth st, S:1sk., Uhn hat: anon! flan ngnf u{v urnolza. HAWKESTONE ' I `J lJ\4 ll|I.l.A Q JIAI. st I4\a `- H I: .v.... , Clearing the `st:-eets of snow and` sprinkling thtgm cost Montreal $2,000,- Beauty culture xpert addressing!` Chicago `convention urged that women propose marriage to men. n|_-_:_.. oi... ..o...-.-.4. A-F nun? nun { % IN //Awm \vMM f`Where do We sleep? STAN DAEE; `BAN K . us at` _.'-.---V V` and [owls cow]

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