iv Ivnu `yr:-nxunwuv -u--.._.- A very `promising career was ter- minated at the early age of thirty-two years when William Cameron Kester, M.A., editor and publisher of the Sig- net, Elmira, 0nt., passed away on Sat- urday, Aug".11. Death was due to an acute attackbf pulmonary tuberculosis, against which disease he had made a. brave fight for several years. M- `I'Infnv- mm: hm-n in .l\/[mmf Tdlgin THE IRON MAN mud . CAMEO Comedy RATS KNUCKL1-ZS brave ngnt I01` several years. Mr. Kester was born in Mount Elgin in 1893, and was a son of the late Dr. Wellington Kester. He was well known in Barrie, having spent much of his boyhood days in this town. As a small boy he came to Barrie with his mother after his uncle, Rev. H. D. Cameron. became minister of the Allandale Pres- byterian church. He attended the pub- lic schools here and also prepared him- self for the university in the Barrie` `collegiate. He graduated from Uni- versity of Toronto in political science ' in 1914, and the following year took his Master of Arts degree, and won the Sir William Ramsay scholarship. Then he entered Osgoode Hall, but in his second year was forced to discontinue on account of ill health. _..__ . _ , -AI|'II_- r\._- Matinee Saturday at 2.30. U11 auuuullu Va. 1:: Lnvuuu.-n. In 1917 he became editor of The Que- bec Telegraph, and the same year he was married to Mary Douglas Sparks. daughter of the late Dr. Thomas! Sparks and Mrs. Sparks of St. Mary s.' Ont. In 1919 his health again forced him to discontinue work` and to take a complete rest. In 1921 he became ed- itor of The Kitchener Telegraph, and` shortly after took over The Elmira Signet, which position he occupied un- I til his death. *r..o...........-...+ inn maa of Qf `|\/|'.n-v ` Ill Ills ueatn. . Interment was made at St. Marys, Ont. I vw---.u- `-- After an illness of about a. month, Letitia Jones, widow of the late Rich- Coleman and mother of County Treas- urer D. Harry Coleman, did in Limer- I ick, Sask., on Thursday, July 30. Last March Mrs. Coleman went to visit her sons in Limerick, intending to re- main through. the summer and return` east in the fall. The body was brought to Cookstown where the funeral took place on Tuesday to St. John's Church and cemetery. - rm... lafn `Mfr-a nnlpmnn uran hnrn onl l IVIIIV lrIlllr\II and cemetery. , ` The late Mrs. Coleman was born on|` `March 24, 1849, on a farm near Cooks- town adjoining that on which she spent the greater part of her life and she was well `known and highly esteemed in the community. An Anglican in re- ligion, Mrs. Coleman was a consistent member of St. John's Church, Cooks- town, and actively interested in all its endeavors. At the time of her death she was honorary president of the Women's Auxiliary. Surviving her are five sons, D. H. Coleman of Barrie, Harvey D., Tacoma, Wash.; Ogle, Ro- bert and Gowan. Limerick, Sask.; and a daughter, Mrs. Wm. Ferrier, Cooks- town. There are also two brothers, Wm. Jones, Cookstown and Humphrey Jones in California. A slnnvuf any-vino tuna Innl af Tdmeriak- Two Shows, 7.15-9.15 Regular Prices Jug 1185 uuuuuya ill: Illa uuulc Intac- Miss Helen McCullough of Toronto is visiting he; mother, Mrs. T. 0, Mc- Culloug . `lvauna Annin aria-I Lona Gin are Jones In uaurorma. A hort service was held at Limerick, Rev. Mr. Turner officiating and the four sons acting as pail-bearers The i service at Cookstown was taken by Rev. Mr. Johnston. The bearers were 1 Thus. McKnight, .David Hopper, John Heaslip, Fred Clarkson, Wm. Suther- land and John Sutherland, all friends and neighbors of Mrs. Coleman. Flor`-' al tributes were received from the Ma- sonic, I.0.0.F. and Orange lodges of Limerick, the County officials and the W.A and Chancel Guild of St. John's Church, in addition to those from the family and friends. Those from a dis- tance attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campton and Britton Jones, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs P. J. Mar. an, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jones, Miss . Jones and Miss M. Parks, Barrie; Mrs. Kidd, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Laikins and Mr. . and Mrs. J. A. Coleman. Glencairn. WM. CAMERON KESTER MRS RICHARD COLEMAN ,g _`____A_ _ ____ uAsQ!I;RAn;_ ngncz :- 1 CI Ln 1 III '3` wn 'iit:snAY. AUG. 12 SPECIAL PRIZI-5 FOR COSTUMES Three of i1i; EAYi>om PAVILION SATURDQY, AUG. 3 buuougaa T Misses Annie and Lena Gill are spendin two weeks-withfriends in. Cochra e. , Mrs. Reg. Coady is spending a week with iier sister, Mrs. Richmond, North Buy. ` 1M... `I1 I" Avuh-our Mon -rnhirnbd MON., TUI-3., WED. COLLElE'.N Moonua -IN-- V The Desert Flower Charming Colleen Moore in the most winsome, ap- pealing, picturesque role of her career. She is sure to steal your heart away in The Desert Flower. And Van Bibber Comedy, The Amateur Detective Two Shows, 7.15-9.15 Regular Prices DON T MISS 1'1` `-`Fighting `El; Flames JOLLY TIME ENJOYED 1 AT l.0.0.F. PICNIC Oddfellows and Rebekahs of the Bar- rie lodges held their annual picnic in Queen's Park" on Wednesday after- noon. Softball games, foot-races, tugs- of-war and quoit-pitching contests formed the principal entertainment. Early in the afternoon races were held for the kiddies, and these were follow- ed by sprints for the older generation. Norman Marshall won the Fat Men's race with H. Desourdie and A. Glid- don, close on his heels; Mrs S. Thomas won the married ladies race, and Mrs. R. Dunnett was second. Bert. Lougheed proved too speedy for the other com-. petltors in the young men s dash, an `I -`I (`nine and Th` Rlnlralv were tied for peuwrs In tne yuung Ineu.-.5 uuau, auu H. Coles and Dr. Blakely were tied for second. In the deciding sprint the doc- fnr nrau annnnuuful A` pllvh N, Mn.r- seconu. Ln Lne uecluulg spruu. uu: LIUI3` tor was successful. A. Pugh, N. Mar- shall, and A. Gliddon finished in the order named in the married men's race. `I ... `Inn vv\nv\'a fnr_n?_111or 1-ho ` Oruer nameu In Elle IIIa.l'l'lUU. ILIUII 5 1'?!-UH In the men's tug-of-war, the team captained by Thos. Gray pulled nnf wifh 9 vinfnrv nvnr Nm-man Mar. team capcaxneu Dy 11105. \.:u.`u.y puuuu. out with a. victory over Nor an Mar- shall's squad. The softball g me be- tween Bert. Lough'eed s team and Dr. Blake1y s outfit was very interesting. The former nine Won by an 8 to 6 worm nny. Mrs. W. C. Andrew has returned after a .two weeks visit in Toxfonto and Oakville. 1ur.. .....J 111.... 117 A I".-.y.`lmv A4 Mon- Twb ladies teams with Mrs. S. Tho- mas and Mrs. A. Lowe as pitchers and Mrs. R. McCabe and Mrs. R. Dunnett an ousngiuou-a faint! nnnnlnainna nf unfI*_ 1V1.I'S. IS. LV1Cl.i`d.Ue uuu .Lu.1'u. n. 1Juuuuu. as receivers, tried conclusions at soft- "ball, but the game was called on ac- count of darkness. One of`the main events of the day was the quoit-pit- ching. In the final of the ladies series. Mrs. R. McCabe and Mrs. H. Ardell were victorious over Mrs. T Lougheed. and Mrs. E. Scott. The champions of the men were A. Gliddon and A. Fer- guson who bested A. Lowe` and T Gray in the final match. AVERAGE JULY`-TEMPERATURE WAS 7 DEGREES BELOW NORMAL W. H. Buttery, the local representa- tive of the Toronto Observatory, re- ports the past two months as being a much cooler than the average. In June the mean temperature was 62.4, being .1 Joanna: `hnlnur nnrn-n91' while for tne mean t.eInpeI"d.Lu1'c was 04.9, ucxug 4 degrees below normal; while for July the mean was 61.7, which was 7 degrees less than normal. During June temperatures over 80 were recorded on seven days and in July on only four days, while the mercury dropped be- low 50 on ten nights during July._ Tn Tuna fl-an hio-hnuf fnrnnnrafnrn wau IUW DU Uu LI-:11 1115111,: uu|1u5 uun_y._ In June the highest temperature was 88 on the 5th and the lowest 38 on the 11th. The 6th was the hottest day in July, with 87 while the 1st was the coolest, the mercury showing 42. _`I un-m rainfall was 5 inches. being 2% coolest, tne mercury snuw\u1g -24. June rainfall was 5 inches, being 21/. [above the average. In July rain fell to a. total of 3%, lnches,_ a quart- er-lnch more than the average. The days of most rain were June 1st, 1% ( inches; June 14, 1%, inches; July 7, g |inc_h; July 21_. 1% inches. Aug. 5-Rev. A. E. Owen and family of Uxbridge are spending two weeks holidays at the 10th line beach. `Mfrs: Wm nndfallnw has returned nouuays at tne LUCK! une uuauu. Mrs. Wm. Goodfellow has returned Ihome from visiting friends in Texas. 11...: `l\Il'n`luilln T-Tnnvnr nn nhdr-an nome Irom Vlslung Lneuus ux LUAGS. l Mrs. Melville Hoover and children of London were guests at John Hoo- ver's last week. at..- I'I3ntr \ Qhonfnr nf 'I` in re. and UIIKVLIIB. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carley of Mea- ford were `Sunday visitors under the" _x\Jarenta1 roof. Mr. and Mrs. -Steve4ns_gnd litt_1e_on ver's last WBGK. Mrs. (Rev.) Shapter of Tilbury is re- newing acquaintanceships here ' this week. rm... Ion-`hag nf flan YT!-nlfn hnrr-,h re- week. The ladies of the United Church re- alized over $40 at their sale of home- made baking, etc., at 8th line beach, last Saturday. MI on Mn: am-nn Ppninf of Tnr- last saturaay. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pepiot of Tor- onto visited the latter s mother, Mrs. R. Fagan, last week. . Mica `M Rand nf London is visiting rt. ragan, last. ween. , Miss M. Bond of London is visiting. her mother and sister here. `Mr. 051141 Tlna (Inn:-an Mnrnw and her mother and 8181281` nere. Mr. and Mrs. George Mccraw and family of Niagara Falls and the Miss- es Reid of Toronto are camping at the 10th line beach. A` large congregation attended the United Church communion service. on Sunday evening, Rev. Brown taking for his text, Christ is all in all. Over 160 partook of the Sacrament. Qnmn nf fh hnlidav visitors` in .160 parwox U1 um aauruuuuun. Some of the holiday visitors` in Stroud were Miss Burleigh of Toronto, at J. S. Wice s; Mr. and Mrs. Warring- ton Hughes 0! London; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Latirner of Toronto: Miss Mar- garet Warnica of Hamilton; Miss Dor- nnnr `I-`nu-rnpr nf 'l`m-onto- I guru. vvuruusu. UL unuznxnu: othy Harmer of Toronto. snzoun Page Nfno _x\)arenr.a1 roux. -Stevens and little son spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts. " II...` `X7 .(`_ Dan: A` Qfounnvv .1. W. nonerns. Mrs. W.` G. Ross of Stayner visited her parents, Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Cra- ven, last week. 1....-1...- (1 M gm! Mrs. Vance are ven, aasa; ween. Judge G. M. and Mrs. Vance are visiting their daughter, Mrs; David- son, in Kingston. . ` Misses Edith Ellis, Frankie Warren `and Gladys.Walls were in Toronto for thevweek-end. ' . - '|I.'.....` u'..1.-... ~`l:\mumn. M nllinawnod for the week-ena. Miss Helen `Freyer of Collingwood is holidaying with Mr. land Mrs. Leo Overs, Victoria St. `D.-.1-\+ ('lInaa'Pnrt` nf Hamilton snent Uvers, Vlctorla nu. Robt. Glassford of Hamilton spent the holiday with _Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Eugenia St. _ B. Holford `Ardagh of Toronto is ent ,the week-end with his sister, iss Gladys Ardagh. - % Missxlrma Robinson of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and `Mrs. Mark Robinson. ~. g - A. B. Carleylhas two of his grand- children from Toronto staying with him for a short time. `II ... `X731 "inn: an!` dughter him for norttime. Mrs. Wil Hines and little daughter ' Ruth of Detroit. arg visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J.i,D. Hines. . n u Mnvtnza-M. of Toronto snetft and Mrs. J.`.u. 4-,unes. G. H. McKnight of Toropto sperft the holiday wit his mother, Mrs. J. R. Hubbert, Mary St. _ Mrs. J. F. Lower fell down the cel- lar Stairs recentl and fracjzured `a bone in her right and. V . `In nut` Kw: kg. Grasett `Of T0` in her right nanu. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Grasett To-. ronto were guests `of Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Grasett over Sunday. . Miss Clara Parson of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W._/-J. Craven over the week-end. . Mrs. Herbert Grey of Toronto is spending two weeks with.her" sister, Mrs. John Plant, Charles St.- . Harry Shannon and Wilfred Boyd of Carleton Place are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shannon. M- .....4 Mn 1-1 , M. Lav and family. 1mua$oAY,. JI.Jcuis1'-J3, 1925, ' gmw$i&&$a&%i&$% and Mrs. W. J. anannon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lay and family. motored to Kitchener_ to attend the celebration there on Tuesday. . . Mrs. Hannah Hirons has returned" to Toronto after s ending a. month with her brother, _T os. Dawson. E. C. Davis of the North Bay Nug- get staff is holidayingwith his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Jam_e_s, '1_`h'on}pson__o a';T:rI?rS:i1iiiEt." "'"""" ' " " is: Elsie Robina_on; is at Judd- cnn.-n In . an Jam nnnlu. . staff is nouuaymg mm ...=_. ,_....- `Mrs. James, Thompson of Toronto spent over the holiday with Mrs. Lavina Hart, 70 Worsley St. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 'Play1e of Mon- treal are holidaying wit Mr. and Mrs. Andrew` Cunningham , Small St. -.. 1-,-,_ 1' -....'.. 1.4 `Dnvnhrnke was _.____ ___.._v _,.-... ____r-.; -- vww . `.__. aven o`_r a few w`-eeks. - Miss Betty ?White' is visiting her nnnmnfhnr ii: Q01-nl-Inrnv Ava. Iva: town I3 VISILIIIK WIDE LIIISIIUB Ill wwu. . Mrs. A. W. Fletcher *re.tur'ned oxi Friday after a visit in Toron o. - `U '1' namcnn R n A`, 1111131`- ,VV<||vll H11 : Ill! Efton, -Innisl St: H8` H0 lie 'J&u `@911 I Mr.` `and Mrs. `Wilson:.Kntipp'snd tvgo childre -=sccompani'ed by Mrs. G1ll,- motors 1;o,Brsdfo_rd and Tor- "onto {or the wee`k;-end. ' ' . `R. W . Wallace-'iandfVMr. rs. Arthur .Wslla"ce Z of.. Thornbury were week-end visitors with the `farmer's niece, Mrs. J. E. Switzer. Miss Mc_Niven and her sister, Mrs. Laishley, enjoyed a circuit: tour to Midland, Parry T Sound, Lake` Joseph . and Gravenhurst this week. " -Mr. andiMrs. D. A. Tucker nd daughter Jean left on Tuesday for a two weeks -visit with friends in Toronto and Columbus, Ohio. . `I11..- "nT.nnu an!` "n . (1 Rays wia pleston, .Mr. 13 an returned 120 1111811` name In Duucuu cu.- ter spending several weeks with the latter s mother, Mrs. L. F. Newman. Bayeld `St. They were accompanied by Miss Helen Newman. V ' Mrs. R. Russell Davis and daugh- ter Dorothy of Albany. N.Y., are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Brown, Mary St. Mr. and Mrs_.'A. W.. Young and `son of ..Cobourg-spent over Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Blain and Miss Kathleen Blain spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. `Thos. Blain, Elizabeth -St., on their way to enjoy a holiday at Earnscliffe, Juddhaven, . Muskoka. They were accompanied from Barrie by Miss ` Tanis MacLaren. 11:-.. 11-11:- (Lani.-Invorl A-F Tnnrnufnnn, 'rams Lvlacuaren. Miss Nellie Goddard of Folkestone, Kent, England, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Robert Johnson, `155 Bradford "St. Miss Goddard has had a pleasant tour in the States, visiting Colorado V and California and coming to New York from~Los Angeles via the Pan- ` ama Canal. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lay motored to Toronto on Saturday to meet their son Nelson, who is spending a short time with his parents while returning ' from England to Esquimault. He re- cently assed the examinations qual- ifying- im forthe rank of lieutenant and `has been appointed to a ship of the Pacic Fleet. .` '- IJLIIIIJEAIVIIEM-salsa A very pretty,wedding' was sol- emnized` at the home of Mrs. L. F. % Newman, Bayeld St., on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 1, when" her eldest daughter, Olive Mae, became the bride of Mr. Harold A. Doddemeade, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Doddemeade, IVE V7 IVITIIV - Newmarket. The. ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. E. McEwan, a for- mer pastor of the family. ` _4 rm... `In-3.-In ufhn was Irnattanded. 1PERSONAL. E $%&&$&$w$&&$m3 pastor OI ne Iamuy. Th bride, who was unattended, was given in marriage by "her uncle, Mr. F. Vansickle of Elmvale, and looked charming ina gown of water- melon georgette over silk crepe de chine." She carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart rose_s,1i1ieseof-the-valley and baby's-breath. After the cere- mony the bride presentedthis bou- quet to her grandmother. T ]Kaa 1-Idnn `FE- Newman- sister of quet_ to ner granumomer. _- Muss Helen E. Newman, slster of the bride, played the wedding march and -during the signing of the regis-~. tet` Mr. S. MacRobert of Toronto sang Until. n1`.: .-`.14 vnuu:an1A and VIM-nuyn- "untu." Old gold marigolds and brown- `the dining-room, while the drawing- room wasdecorated with rose asters; gladioli and bridal wreath. After a delightful buet luncheon the happy couple left on a motor trip, after which they_ will make their home in VI`.-an-:54` ' eyed Susans effectively decorated wmcn may, ' | Toronto. I&II010IEl'.Il.IIl3l'8. u. 1.. Thompson, 60.PenetangS during `the weekend. the occasion being a reunion of the four brothers of _ mmmn family, formerly of Ho!- land ding, who have not met to- for thirty-ve years. The! are vVictorE.'l'ho ofWe .,__.Il'I Alberta: Theo. of Calgary; G. B. 'r1_:__u-you of l[ollan'd K-1:-run-n- AC ll--. arid Hep- ..... `r'......:.'.aI as I v DODDEMEADEA--NEWMAN __-- .113..- _____ , r. B. lllilllltlll Ill. xuruuuu I.-nuunp nd C. -'1'. of Dane. Other visitors or the holiday were t A.1 Brickf isfh oli'ia'yi'n iniL,i'.s- owe. 2 Ira. 1`ho's.*W&r_dZ gpe__nt _ the Yregk- end ii: To rontb.'-` `ll... '" E :1: n couancwoon T 1 _, wms IN ico;u1~mr couq - F. Connolly of..CoIlingwo feated E.` C. Codling of Barrie in the * nal match of the Simcoe County handicap golf tougnament ayed "over the Barrie course this wee The Barrie man had to cede fteen strok- __ ...u:-1. ....... 4.1`... .::ar........... :. +I.-:.- D8l'l'le_ Illlll [150 I0 (3603 1116631! u.'Vn' es, which was the diffrence in their handicaas to his opponent in the nals.` en the draw was first made `eighty-two players were ' entered but defaults brought the number down to` forty -eight. - ' ` `Plan .nI-nvunnv-11 ruf inn!` am-nnd 0 I.0l"l3y-eight. ' _ - The preliminary; first `and second rounds were played on Monday. Play in thethird round was tarte_d Tues- day ;morning and res ted 121 some was-I1 n`: an`; `aging! tuavntinl` Tn` 8y1,'Il_I0l'IllIlg'-BB0 resuueu `In Bun:- very fine golf being displayed. a In. this round Bob Grant (with handicap of 5) of Midland defeated J. M. Ban- ting (6) of Barrie, two up and 'one M .. 12 n nmm... an was +3-i- `H18 `DJ 01 narne, FWD up uuu UHF to go. E. C. Codling (3) was tn- umphant over D. M. Stewart (par) of Barrie, seven up and two to xgo. U 7'` Qlmunnhnnaau I91` n-f Collingwood. C. George (5) of Or- OI Drrle, SEVEN up 8110 DWU BU \5v. H. T. Shaughnessy (21) of Midland won from D. Beatty (14) of Barrie. three up and two to go. Dr. E.` S. Connolly ('5) of Collingwood_ won from J. Webb (4) of Barrie byjde- fault. "N. Rule (14) of Collingwood defaulted to E. F. Connolly (18) of illia won from V. L. Trombley (15). of Barrie, on the last hole. W. F. Beck (14)` of Penetang defeated N. L. Plavfair (14) of'Midland by one IIULUHIIUU $1 9 necx us) 01 renewng ,L. Playfair .(14) ,of'Midland by hole; `Don Kennedy (6) of Orillia defeated M. H. Esten (12) of Barrie, four u and three to go. . T..'L ll A11uL1n can-n-rat` 1\`#!7AA 'l`I`lD- Iourug anu unreal w gu. . i In t "e fourth round, played Tues- day afternoon, E. _C. Codling --won` from.Bob Grant. H. T. Shaughnessy I won -by default from Dr. Connolly. C. 1 George defaulted to E. F. Connollyi and D. Kennedy `nished two up on! W. F. Beck. Inthe semi-nals. E. .C. Codling downed H. T. Shau-ghnessy,; `and E. F. Connolly trimmed D. Ken- nedy after an extra hole had been played. "Nan nal urge nlnvp rm Wednes- cuu In gsutuuvvh ' r Mrs. M. E. Dutch ' ` d a month in Elmvale. er 18 `pfn in` '11:... T `V A-panama- :.- -`-uA'6u4Iluu;u - pi . A a'I)"l?el nal was played on Wednes- day andthe Collingwood golfer n- ished four up and. three to go. Consolation In the Consolation series, which H. `Calderwood won, there were numer- ous defaults. In the rst round H. Calderwood, (12) defeated W. Scott` ( 12) ; A. E. Patterson (14) won from F. I.AFox '(6); H. J. Grasett (10) defeated W. A. Boys (6) by one hole; Dr. Lewis (14) won from John Brod- erick (16) of Midland. In-the next round H. Calderwood won from A. E. Patterson by default and H. J. Gra- sett won from'Dr. Lewis. In the nal` Calderwood won from H. J. `Gra- se t. ' .S'l'EPHE_NS SKIPS WINNERS E _ IN MIXED TOURNAMENT Another of the Bowling Club s| popular mixed tournaments washeld on Friday evening, and R. A. Ste h- ens skipped the winning rink. ~. T is. rink, on which were C. M. G. Smith, Miss G. Walls and Mrs: Hewitt, won both their games,'the first by a plus of 9 and the second by a'plus of 8. ,W. R. King came near making a fth tournament win .when he, too, won both his games. His total plus, how- ever, was less than that of Stephens but good enough to get second prize. nut, ran-.. (1--.. .......L .u: 4-`kn G`I`Q+ , Ul-ll: UUu Uuvugn uv 5 u v u V ~ . . -... J_...__.. The _Al1an Cup went with the rst 1 prize, which was. four rubber-lined ` travelling cases. Second prize was 1 two leather belts and two sets of salt and pepper dusters. " The rinks and scores were :-=- Miss F. Warren, A. G. Campbell, Miss I. Parrish, L. O. Vair, skip, plus 1;. Mrs. Matt. Robertson, Mrs. H. Hamilton, Mrs. W. R. King, W. R. King, plus 9; Mrs. Geo. Irwin, C. E. Elrick, Mrs. -L.` O. Vair, A. F. A. Mal- comson, skip, plus 7; C. M. G. Smith, Miss G. Walls, Mrs. J. Hewitt, R. A.| Stephens, skip, plus 17; Mrs. J. 0.` Scythes, Mrs. W. Peck, Mrs.'V. E. Knight, Alex. Sinclair, skip, 0; Miss A. `Smith, Mrs. J. `Goring, W. A. Tur- ner, plus 10; E. Longman, Mrs. W. A. Turner, A. J. Sarjeant, skip, 0; W. Peck, Mrs. A. G. Campbell, Mrs. , A. R. Walker, W. H. Kennedy, skip, - plus 3;'Mrs. W. A. Coulter, Mrs. W. ..Kennedy, D. W. Lennox, skip,` . H . plus 6; Mrs. Percy, J. O. Scythes, - Mrs. A. Douglas, J. Hyslop, skip, 6. amuua` AND ORILLIA moms ? . PLAY 111-: IN ncoumr com 5 Barrie and Onillia lady golfers, '. being tied for County Association A honors, met on neutral ground in Midland on Tuesday`, Aug. 4,` but the day s play did not. change the stand- ing the result being 5.to 5 as follows: ` A Barrie~ Orillia Mrs. Leslie 1 Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Rees 0 Miss Armstrong` Mrs. Walker 1 Miss Tudhope _ Miss Lawson 0 Miss `Downey Miss McCarthy *1 Mrs. Evans V Mrs. Dignam 0 Miss Mulcahy . Miss Laidlaw 1 Miss Ardagh ` L Miss Elgood - 1 .Mrs. Wainwright 0 ', Mrs.._Laidman 0 Mrs. Gilchrist 1 . Miss Beecroft 0 Mrs. Walmsley 1' . MissBeecroft nxcaaizbsou FAMlL:I nmov T nnumoxs A1` WASAGA BEACH Despite unfavorable weather in the morning, about one hundred members of the Richardson Family `from Bar- _:- *n'.....:u.... "|":n-nnl-n `Dntnrhnrn- 015 me tucnaruson ruluuy .|.1u1u Lina`- rie, Hamilton, Toronto, Peterboro, Elmvale and other places gathered at Waaaga Beach -last Saturday for 3110110}! Ill IBlll|Vll3o _ _ Miss L. Lam-en_e isapending aafew dag: in Gravenh`urs_t.' ` ` =n- min}; 'D :L\=u|n:;In ` 3- 1:5 'IIl`J`._ Mrs Miss . II`..- &VLl Do J I 1 Mrs. `ms ,BA_Ri{l'E Ezxxnilngn {$&w&&&&&m&$%&m Ia. r\niFl'I1ADV 5Y4. &&&mw$&&&&m&&&' H. A. BAYCROFT ! `For the second time this year the 1 town of Alliston lost its reeve, on Aug. 2, when H. A. Baycroft passed away. Mr. Baycroft had been reeve for only aboutxtwo months,` having been elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death [of James Moore. _.-. .. , AL ___ :.1.___. .. ('1 nnnn uuynlrixyn UL da.uu.-:3 J.V.I.UUl c. While attending a Conservative meeting last week he was seized with a. stroke of apoplexy and after being taken to his home lapsed into a coma- tose state, lingering until Sunday, when the `end came. Of jovial manner and genial dispositi n, he won many friends and was wide y and well known throughout the district as a, successful auctioneer. He also took an active in- ter st in civic affairs. Besides his wid- ow e is survived by two sons and one daughter. His age was 65 years. lVll'l9n rlliwlinnvv u run 1 -..v. - -A former resident of Simcoe County died at Mossbank, Sask., Aug. 3, in the person of Mrs. Andrew Patterson. Deceased, whose maiden name was Eliza Jane Kirkpatrick, was a daughter! of the late John Kirkpatrick of New Flos. She was born in 1867 in Innis- fil Tp. In 1885 she married Mr. Patter- son and they lived near VanVlack, Flos, `until about seventeen years ago, when they moved to Mossbank. Though she had been in somewhat delicate health for years, her `final ill- ness was of but two weeks duration. ` Her husband survives with four sons and three daughters, all resident at Mossbank. There are two brothers and two sisters in Simcoe County: Thomas of New Flos, Albert of Lefroy, Mrs. W. B. Sloan of Churchill and Mrs. C. W. Sage of Anten Mills. ` H1133 IIIIBIBV I-\v0DlIl`|Kl `haven o`_ r a weeks. `M;-. AI-fl! 'Wn/ :3 in Barrie will be conducted by 'IVIl'|n Following a sudden attack of heart trouble. Mrs James Heard, 15pRoss St., died at her home on Wednesday after- noon in her seventy-third year. Up to a couple of hours before her` death Mrs. Heard had been apparently in good health and had performed her accustomed duties about the house. Born at Orono, Mrs. Heard, whose maiden name was lived there the greater part of her life. She resided for a short time at Oshawa and Orillia and came to Barrie thirty IIFIIVIE-9 III I Ix:-I-u- years ago. She was married aboutl ~ fifty-two years ago to the late Jas, H. Heardwho predeceased her by a number` of years. Mrs. Heard was a member of Collier St. church and was active in the W C.T.U. and the Travel- lers Aid. She is survived by three sons and four daughters. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon from Smith's funeral chapel and thence by ` motor to Toronto where burial will be made in Prospect cemetery. Service Rev. G. .R. Turk, _a _former minister of Col- lier * St. church. Martha V. MCVG-ill, I I 1' I 1 I I Ivlno. nnunsu .... ..... .- There passed away on July 27 at the home of her son`i_n Alida, Sask., Mrs. Andrew Lennox, at the age of 66 years. Her maiden name was Margaret Amelia Booth and she was born in Innisfil Tp. on Feb. 20, 1859. She mar- ried Andrew Lennox of Ivy on Aug. 2,! 1876, and they sailed to Australia where they lived for 15 years. They . returned to Canada in the spring ot 1891 and . homesteaded in Gledhow, 1 Sask., in 1906. From there they moved : to Alida, Sask., on April 6, 1925. She : |was predeceased on June 1, 1925, by 1 her husband, who broke his hip and ' died in the city hospital, Saskatoon. 1 She leaves to mourn her loss, three 9 sons and three daughters: Hartford, . of Stoughton, Sask.; Edward and Earl at, home; -Mrs. Fred Money, Manor, Sask.; Mrs. Lee Wakefield, Norbury. Sask., and Miss `Annie at home; also an adopted child, Neil, at home, and one` sister. Mrs. Arthur VanLoon oi . South Jacksonville, Florida. Mrs. Len- nox had been in poor health for three ' years but was about till within three . weeks of her death which was due to heart trouble. Interment was made at ` Wauchope, Sa.sk.. July 29. .-Hrs. Lennox was an earnest chris- ' tian.atrlendtoevu-yongalwaysready tnlloherdutyinslcknessorttouble. J.Jnnket.Deh'o :l[in8esBeat tieealdflidguthome: H.A&.-llcllinllt M RS. AN DREW PATTERSON ,.,-.__L .3 cu.......... (VA... CAPITOL `i`i`'THEATRE Imsnnv-rnlnnv-smnnnv DANGEROUS INNOCENCE LVLIDD LFGUUJ VI IIIUV I3. YIBIIIIII5 IIUL. grandmother in Strathroy. . . Mr. a;nd~ Mrs. W._ R. King,-were in Streetsvilievfor civic holiday, ` V . Mrs. W. H. Taylor of. Toronto is the guett of~Mrs. Hugh White. Miss `Addie A ecullough `is holiday- ing with frien in North Bay, M. Brownscofnbe, has returned from holida.ying'at Stony Lake. . b Miss ;Peai'1 Paris of New Liskeard is visitin! with friends in town. _ , `II-n'nu A T `3`1nQ-n`|n1v-UAC-Iuinn (In ~MRS. JAMES H. HEARD ,,_1J-._ ..a.4.....1- n ` MRS. ANDREW LENNOX ' ` ------ 4-... Tail`! 9 OBITUARY. '11-33% .I. Vlllinl me Home or L31-zrmz PICTURES day,` July 29, service being held in St Andrew's Presbyterian church after which interment was made in Guthrie | cemetery. The services were conducted 'by Rev. Neil Campbell of Barrie", as- sisted by Rev. C. Graham Jones. I nu,- 1.3.3. -._A...-.... -1.. ...I..:;.'l. "Ln 1-nan Blnvvu IIJ Luv v - yo \aA -.---u..-- v y--`...... The h g esteem in which she was nheld was evidenced by the beautiful floral tributes. Those attending from a. distance were: Mrs. Thos. Matchett and Gladys Matchett, Winnipeg; Mrs. Fred J. Junker, Detroit; D. Osman, Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. Waldruff, Brad- ford; Mrs. Burling, Cookstown; Mrs. Jno. McLean, Lefroy; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and son, Thornton. LAURA LA PLANTE and EUGENE O'BRIEN An impelling drama of impetuous youth and a spectacular re at sea. Full of action from start to nish. I`l'H.I8y HLLUI ll V15": Ill IUIUII U3 . o W. A". Dawson, B.Sc., of anter- ville was home over the `holiday. V Mark Robinson spent a few (in s_ with friends at Sprucedale last wee . Miss Florence Martin of Bradford is visiting with Miss Adams, Rose St: a Mr. 'and.Mrs. A, Cleland and fam- ily spent the holiday Bracebridge. Francis Moran of T ronto is spend-` ing his holidays athis home here. Mida "n|nn Mnslllnisoh NP 'l`n1-nntn