UUIWCII. . Miss-Lyons of Ivy spent Sunday at the home- of Mr. a\nd Mrs. B. Carruth-1 ers. ~ " . It .....A 11.... `Hana-Inmvin on.-`I familxy opv-1 mu-nuug, "cyan ..-;u..~uuv_u. --...-........ Mr. and Mrs. Wismer arid Bessie spent Sunday at the home of Thomas Truax. so DR1-`S`SES%A'l` LESS A ne line of Boys and Girls Scout Stockings, ribbed with pretty. colored ..tu_r,nover tops, plain foot, colors khaki, blue, cocoa and grey, sizes 6 to 9, reg- ular 75c, to. clear at V . . . . . . . 55 pr.-_ Boys Fine Cotton Jerseys, all long sleeves, brown, blue and white, red and `white trimmings, sizes 20 to 32, reg- 'ular 50c, to clear at. . . . . . .. 40 THREE-QUARTER socxs, 496 Cl1ild s 3/1-Length Sbcks in ne gauge mercerized `threads, turnover tops, plain foot, colors dark brown, romper blue and mid brown, regular 85c pajr, to clearat . . . . . . . . 49 pr. TURKISH BATH `rowlals, 23 4 dozen only, Heavy Weight Bath Tow- els, good wearing and drying qualities, natural linen and colored stripe, fringed ends, size is 17x34 inches, regular 50c, to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23c ea. Vickers Value Tea Towels are heavier this season than formerly, a splendid towel of good wearing quality and a good dryer, size is 20x28, regular 35c, offered for this sale at 25: or 5 for $1.00 week-enu Ill '.l.'Ul.'Ul.lLUo - Mrs. J. McMana.men andson Jack returned to Toronto after spending three weeks with Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Miss Dorothy Streb of Grace Hos- pital. Toronto, is holidayingwith rel- atives here. ' `(Ian ('1 `Flow nf Dhn A'nl-hum and '|\'Ian scour STOCKINGS, 55 BOYS JERSEYS, 40c TEA TOWEL BARGAIN home, travelling via Toronto, Niagara, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Saskatoon. I/"SQ NT. nrnwfnr nf "l`nr-nnl-A Lwvsnvub run :11 uxur, vv uuupeg ancl aasxatoon. Miss M. Crawford of Toronto spent Sunday with her parents, 1\'I`l_`. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford. ` ' 1\/Han T.` `Du.-p..Iu.u. .-.0 `r .....1..._ ai1uL-~-- ucu. \.,1'a.w Luru. ` Miss E. Bagshaw of London Militapryl Hospital and her niece, Miss Max-. well of Inglewood, visited her father! during the past week. . | July 22--Mr. and Mrs. W. Mains of Toronto are spending this week with Mrs. Garfield Wingrove, ' II . .....a an-_,_ ...........`...."23cea. EIIVEB IIUFIL V Miss G. Day of Port Arthur and Miss Jean Muir of Minesing were the guests of Miss Reta Scott last week. A `Klan Ilnnnnnvunlv Vnnnnn nf 'n`nna|IIn1\v|_' H SIXTH `I115 wu.uucL' /uuu_s1I1, LVUSS Lillian Fetch, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W/Thos. Armstrong on the'arriva1 of a young` daughter. ~ ~ ` 4' 0N THE SIDE .uuuua.yuug at 1-1. 15. Armstrong's. Miss Frizzell and her sister of Bog- nor visited at H. B. Armstrong's on Monday. Mrs. Wiggins and son of Toronto are visitors at Mrs. C. Jobbitt s. M. S. Andrews and daughter, _Ruby, Iof Toronto, are camping on the shore lfor two weeks. r"hn3u4in ("In-..`I_ ...__1 A- __, nu - - V `yu .. up-to -n-- \r\II\l `IJI\LJ I July 21---Mr. and Mrs. James Coutts land Mr. -and Mrs. Geo. Coutts and `daughters spent the week-end with Itrlends here- Minna- `nu... D.-:- A_..1 1-- . _ . LFIUIIUB 116113.. Misses Jean Buie and Helen Buie are spending their holidays with their aunt,.Mrs. Jos. Locke. Crossland, Mr. and Mrs. Will Snicher and M.- [Mn and Mrs. Melville Bates and daughter, Jean. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bates, Ivy. Mr. -and Mrs. John Thompson and daughter, Ruth, spent over Sunday with` friends in Barrie. . Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay motor- ed to Severn Brfdge on Saturday and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiggins. V luun. unucn. nuylur, uwen sound. I `Jinn `KT-nnInua.nP rV..1-.:.._ ls . VVo VVl55lIl5o ' M189. Wanless -of Caledon is _visit- liing with .her/cousin, Miss Lillian Petch, ("3nn2`ra.tulaf,inm: fn Mv .....a 1:... I The contents of the inner vesvznl of a double boilerlwlll cook more rapidly if the water in the outer kettle is salt- ed.` -using `cone-half cupful of salt to fwd quarts of water? July 21-Rev. C. H. Schutt. B.A., General Superintendent for Home Mis- sions, will preach here next Sunday- Mr. Brown, the pastor, will be present ialso at eleven o'clock. Mi Jnnn uohaunncvn" I`: 1'|.._..424 s uuuuul |.JlL'lllU lulil. rnuuy .l.L_Ul'Il.UU1l. Mrs. E. Williston and Miss K. and J. A. McLaughlin spent last week in Toronto. . 2 Ila`. `I3 `||Il'.-.4!-. Al All.-unanln u-Imlb.-"I .Lu1 I. W U WEEKS. Christie Clark and family of/Ton 'onto moved to their new cottage at `Old Mill Point last week. u.uxu.,.uu`a. J08. J..aOCKe. Urossland. Spicher and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Armstrong spent the week-yend with the to-rmexfs sister. Mrs. Albert Naylor, Owen Sound. Mr- and Mrs. Mplvilln D56-an .....: Black Hair Pins, assorted, TE9`ll]r '1r\f` nan L--- 1 aux.-.su a.L cxeven o'clock. _ Miss Joan Hargreaves of Barrie and Clarence and Hemon Armstrong are holidaying at H. B. Armstrong's. I and her szinfnr nf rang- Brass Book Pins, assort- ed, regular 10c, to sell at . . . . . . . . 2 for 10 3600 yds. Lace, Various widths, half to one inch, carded in 6-yard lengths, to be cleared out at .. . . . . . . . 6 yards for 35 Darning .Wool, in grey, black and brown, regul- . ar_Sc, to sell at 2 for 5c Child:-en's Whife 175 cards Safety Pjns, in assorted sizes; regular 10c,at 3for 10c LU UULI LU!` LIIU prl. LWU WUUK3- Mrs. Herrell of Allandme Nisitegl with Mrs. Geo. Binnie recently. Minn Man {`.nng-hlln nf T.nn Ananlnn` in I sizes 5 ,- _.....- as 5116, Cl regular 10 per sell at . . . . . . . . Daming Wool in Skeins to sell at half price, reg- ular5c, . . .. 2for5c ._. _..;j...___ SUNNIDALE CORNERS _fnIv 9`l__'Ml n nap? II ..- 1-..--- PLEASE BER, T H I 575 `ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF WHAT IS OFFERED AT THIS END OF JULY SALE. COME, AND COME EARLY. BIG BAY POINT :s,`('20l'()'r-E-:21. tops, in ;5, 5% and 6, to sell nuuuuycu at u'wu1`.nnu.pp u.V Mrs; D. Knapp of Cundles was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Ney last week. NH`. nn Man, U, .T Knnnv Minn `M ., v/_-_ unnu \J, LU DUI] 20cpr. . . v y V - |y\v\I box, to . 5c Cottqn sucal. UL $V1l'o VV HI. lVUy R155 WUUKo Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kenny, Miss. M. Gaudet, and Wilfred McLaughlin of Toronto spent the week-end with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. McLaughlin. -Art. Court is sporting a new car. Haylng is the order of the day." Far. mers are busy harvesting the bountiful crop between showers. ~ \ Qlllfn n nlirnhavv fnnvn hang >nIrI-Austin.-I crop uuuwcuu BnUV\L,pl'a. , I Quite a number from here attended the Orange service held in the Union Church, Minesing. nnarnflllnflnnu lvn 'I\m..'..= (`Inna uuuruu, Avuuuuulg. . _ Congratulations to Misses Clara Cole, Jean Binnie and Eleanor Hayes on their successfin passing their En- trance Exams. ' ' T_An 'IKn'I'.ouoa-Iqlln `AAA mg...-.L-.. I.-:_ vluusc. p _ Quite a number from here attended the Holy Name Society `parade in Barrie last Sundav. ` . . ` Dorothy ` Webb. ` ' A . Very special, slightly used I-Ieintz- man & Co. piano. A bargain. A. E. Pat- terson, Mlandale. 80c Mr. and `Mrs. Park 9!` Campbellford are holidaying with Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Hedger, Caroline St. . T L M... 1: Hnntlnizs has returned after Caroline 8:. ' Mrs. H. Hastings has nttending,the B. or L.E. and G.I.A. union meeting in Montreal. _ Misses Lavinia and Katharine Heels are holidaying at the home of their brother, Grant Heels, Brock St. u. and 'i\/Ira. `Rd. Shear and daugh-I trip to Detroit. 'Windsor and London. Mrs. Wm. Budd and Miss Dorothy Budd have returned to Toronto after a. fortn1ght's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowe and other friends. 1:... ur (1 Winn and her two bro- Lowe and otner rnenuu. Mrs. W. G. Wice and her two bro-I thers are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. S. McKenzie, at her summer cottage at Longford. _ 1: : ("hInvnh 1--._.1-.. ...._d... an. E6 (lunac- a week wun MS. wauersun. ,- Arthur Ferguson and G. W. Poucher will represent the Allandale Bowling 1 Club at the Dominion tournament in` August. The nal game of the ellm-.3 tnatlons to. determine the represents,-1` tlves was played on Tuesday evenlng.', The other nallsts were V. E. Knight - I. and E. Shear. , I8 01' WEEKS III AVIILIIHJIU WlLllrLl'1UllUBo Miss Muriel Bralthewaite spent the` week-end in Toronto. ll-nu `I Thfnlnnnrnnn avuI'nn Tani! 1 Ul'UIl LU: Mrs. F. Martin -of Allandalevvizsited with Mrs. Jos. Cripps la'st Sunday; Mrs. Cripps -is in. having been confined to bed for the past two weeks. Mrn `I -Torr -All nf Allnnhla mhalfn WILH IIFB. LYUU. DIIIIUE FUCUHCI) . Miss Mae Coughlin of Los Angeles` is visiting at her home here. R/Ir nnr1"h/Ira 'l'<`.nrl Vnnnn n-F "I"nr-nnfn VIEHLHIE us 1161' HUHIU llU1`U._ Mr. and'Mrs. Earl Knapp of Toronto Sundayed a't Irwin` Knapp's. V T\h-H. D, Rnnnn nf (`_nnr1lm:.umn the week`-send with Mrs.=u.~u|_uru. * _Hugh`C'r"'side 01! Detroit is spending his vacation at his home here. . Mrs. H. Hum: `. -n of Montreal is the guest 0! her sister, Mrs. A. R. Walker. Rev. Neil Campbeii _wiii' `preach in the Presbyterian church ngxt Sunday. Tom Patton of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fraser. Essa. st. Just arrived, beautitul~-I-Ieintzman &' Co. pianos./A..E. Patterson, Aliandgloe. _ , c Miss V. Dollery ot Weston is .visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb at Mi_net's I ..I- Dollery or Weston us .vum- Mrs. m. and Mrs. `Ivan Tottt of. Toronto i spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Heels. _ Miss Dora. Klee: of Toronto is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McNive_n. Cotter Ave. Rev. J. S. McMullen will be. the speaker in Burton Ave. United Church on Sunday. . - an... Flnznl Robinson and` Helen V IIIUUIIL B {at A vs: avavnnuwg -n---u ..vv... ' Earl and Bubbles Smith are spending two weeksnwitmthelr aunt Mrs. Bert. Watterson, Knock. Ilene and Mary `Smith have returned~.after spending week with Ms. Watterson. Authnn 'li`nvoo'nnnr\ and (1 W. `Pmmher Grant Heels, brocx at. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shear and daugh- ters, Jean and Madge, left on Wedneae. day for a. holiday at Tlmagaml. b M. and Mrs. McLenna.n and daugh- holiday at Txmagamn. Mr. and Mrs. McLenna.n ter. Lois, of Rochester are visiting Mrs.` McLennan a. uncle. '1`. H. I-Iorner. In. one `Mum, .T. R. Morrison and McLennan'a. uncle. '1`. r1. norner. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morrison son, Lloyd, have returned from a motor 'Windsor and London. Mm. Wm. Budd Dorothy, era: In 'J.'UI'UIILU IESL WUUIS. Mrs. Jno. Braithewaite spent a coup- le of weeks in Midland with friends. llan `lhfnnlnl `llnoifhournlfn nnnnf Han vv. LSJUKU, 1'4`. zxearns. Off! a1s-.-H. Heels, .1 . Clemmens, W. 7 Culross. . = ; Employees (220 yd. da.sh)-J. Dob- lson, B. Lougheed, J. Looker. _~ Stouto1adies--Mrs. A. Ferguson. Mrs. _ ' Qn\1l`\llll-ll-I ' Come to the third annual garden party and entertainment of the [Big 1 Cedar Athletic Association at. their ',club house, Saturday afternoon and , evening. July 25th. '1`. Arthur Baker |New York, entertainer. 4- 30c uwuvn: against. cue neavy sluggers on the Ivy team, a Elwood Jennett, Bert Jennett and ennox were turned back hitless on each appearance at the plate. Bert Jennett-had a busy day in left eld, with four put-outs" to his credit, while `his good peg cut off a run in the fourth frame. Ivy `Player AB R ,H PO A\% F. Banting, 1b 5 0 ,0 12 9 `D `I'.........u.L .. A n n .. E. Jennett, c \. 3 B. Jennett, lf . . Lennox, rf .. -.'. W. Banting, 2b, H. .Tnnnn$.+.t_ n. 9 55,15. pursuuuu, 1:4. nuxuwul. E. Baldwin, A. Ferguson, B; Travis. Marx-1ed'lad1es (between 30 and 4}) yrs.) Mrs. S. Hayes, Mrs. G. R. Lee, vMrs. R. Case'y, Mrs. C. Kell. Men (50.yrs. and over)-W Looker, W. 'l`o6ke, E. Kearns. fflnlnlajli 'I.`l aIa `I t`9In................. 1'17 Men -(40 and over)-B. Thsmpson,| M - (Continued from page 1) contribution being a single and a double; Small was. pafticularly ef-. fective"aga1'nst the heavy sluggers on the Tvv team n-I `lmumnd 1 m.....++ 01 M18! ISULH. DUULI. luau. WEEK. Miss Margaret Toner of Ferguson-` vale is spending her holidays with. her aunt, Miss Lillian Shanahan. , | Illon l'Vn'nn Qnnfl-.n T4`.Inn11aIn annnf n ' DUULH, U. uruyp . ` Wheelbarrow, race--Ca.meron and Godden. McCaus1and and Longhurst. Employees (30 and over).--A. Fergu- son, B. Travis, H. Potts. ` Rina-InIn:1h:m__'Rl anmu 13 11111.. '1\Llx:;"ied ladies--Mrs. A. Looker, Mrs. C. Kell. Mrs. '1`. Clark I 'MI'nrIr vnnn {GR and nu.sn\,,, `D n1....-.' [Lu J.\.Ull. $V4l.l'Uo III. Lila?!` Married men (35 and over)-B Trav-' is, R. Ferguson, E. Baldwin. ` Mnh -(All and nunn\_`D mhnmnnnn nuts. 1'. It usnorneg Mrs. '1`. Lougneed. Departmental relay (440 yds.)--Won. by the Office staff team on which were, J. Lookey. B. Lougheed. F.:Blllin`gsley, J. Dobson. 4 . 'I`Irnnnn, lnnnn manna `I\-1_....... _..: -I\__nn TALLISTON WIN 1-*1Rs1i FOR THE. TITLE JVJI1 UUI ull\lVl'~ Boys (20 and urider'-Reg. Godden,. Joe Looker. . 4 T - r1...1.. (on ......1` ......a...\i.u...... nu........... auu .uuunul.'. , 4- - Girls (20 _and und.e:-)-Alma Thomp- son. Evelyn Hill, Ethel Miller. mm nfnvnnn (1 nn vi! n-Inch \_Tnn BUN, JVElyIl 11.111, .l`4"IIlGl Miller. Employees (100 yd. da.sh)-Joe Looker, Geo. Clark, A. Srigley. T4`.nr-nnlnvnnn (R90 vzh-a\_,1' Dn++a 'F HUI], Do J.l'l1VlH, 11.. l.-'U[CHo Single ladies-M. sandrsi, E. Miller, |E. Hill. . IKn\unI:` In}`Ina_ `II-an A 'r....1-.... `ll ..- sun, 1:. uuugneeq, ,1. LAOOKBP. Ferguson, Mrs. N. Webb, Mrs. W. Reynolds. Fat men---.`l' Wilnnn T4`. hnnarnnnf` A Miss Lillian ,J. Looker. ' ` Miss Cora Scot,t.of Elmvale spent :1 Standing broad 1llmD-I'- Clemens. A. day with Miss Kae McLaughlin last SP18'19Y. A- H. Walker.+8 ft. 10 ins. week. . ` , HOD. Step and lump--A. H. Walker-, Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Lopez and son Lest- 3- Thompson. -7- D0b80n.-35 ft. 7% ins. er, of Buffalo,` N.Y.. are visiting with Committee men-*-E Martin. F. Ellis, Mrs. Eliza McLaughlin. , W- Scott. L. SDeaI'n- The Union Sunday School held their Running high Jump -(under 20 yrs.)- annual `picnic last Friday afternoon. -7- HGTISOII. R- Godden. -T. Looker Mm In Willinfnn and Min 1: and Running hie-h -lumn (an m-.- nn` .Duurc1ue1'. _ ._ ' ' | `Married ladies (between 40 and T50 yrs.-)-'-Mrs. Tooke, Mrs. F. Johnston.- Mrs. F. R Osborne; Mrs. T. Lougheed. Denartmental ralnv (440 Vt}: \_..1xrm. d o JJUUHUIL 'l`hree-legged vrace-Dobson and Duuff, ,Hart and Thompson. M I Men : '1-non fnr nnn nnynnnu__f1 'lIQ...I. p:uuu., a._\.;1u.xtun, 11.. 1!. neuern. - ~ g Men's~ back-up `ra.ce-B. Loughee W. Potts. C. Tuck, G. Clark. Rnvn . nnnanlnl-Inn__l1 m... .1. -n xuurunuu, _ 11. W 118011. A Ladies consolation--Mrs. E. Co1es,V . Mrs; C. Robinson, Mrs. S. Thomas, Mrs. _L. Valr. ~ _ Men's consolat1on-J. H. Wilton, A. H. Walker, J. Kivell.. . pnln xinnld-:`D "l`lnnw.-u.n... 13 n...:.-.| :.. -vuuwnunuu, 11 van vuuw ` The chief enteiztatnmgr-1: }n the even- ing was -a. football match In which Camp Borden downed Orlllla, 5 to V1. \ Results 01 Races 15...... tn '___.l --...1-..\ I5-.. `l)....u-_ Duyu, [D uuu UIIUUI )-Thug. IJUI uni, Harry Lee. . Girls, (8 and under).-Ed_ith Bowen, "Btty Park. Boys (8 and under)-4.J. J.-McLa.ugh- lin, Alvin Park. A l ' , -Girls (8 and _under)--(Ma.belfSanders, Bernice Thompson. . - Rnvn (10 and unm~\..-'Rlll Rnntt, .1 . Lucuuugnlln. . J'Gh`ls `(10.. and 1inder) -Ag_nes Rey- nolds, Irene'Storey. .. . ` `Rnun (19 and 'undAr\_.'I-Tn]-vav Wil- H0103, IFGIIB DLUFQJ. Boys. (12 and Aunder)-Ha.rv,ey Wil- son, Ernie Baldwin. \ __~ - Girls (12 and under)-Evelyn Hill, Alma Thompson. - Boys '(16 and und`er)-Wa.lla.ce Knapp, Jack Henson, Billy Boga'rdis.' Girls (13 and under)--Ethel Miller, Mabel Sanders. Dana [On 39:11 IIv|V:'AIn\TDnIu ISAAA-un .I.JUUl\Ul', 1360- Vuluf, ll. ansusy. - Employees (880 yds)-J. Potts, '1`. lBooth,-C. Gray, ` - Whnnlhnrrnw ma nn_l`nvnm~nn an.-1 nu. vveuu, Lura. W: xceynoms. Fat men-J Wilson, E._ Chees_man," A. I Schreiber. i "l.I n-ouCA.l InAl..... l'I...d....-'-.. An -.-s -A ll`!1IlU IDXKITIS. I `- Leo McLaughlin. road master. has had gravel placed between the ra.ll- _ way crossing and school house.` This has been badly needed for years. The gravelllng` makes a great improvement. If this short piece of road was graded we would have a good road through the village. Giulia n niumnr fr-nv-n~ Inn:-n aH>-..`I.-n1 Jiarl. uuu xuumpsun. Men's `race for auto owners-C. Tuck, A. Sgley, H. Coles, A. Ferguson. Ladia hallnnn 'l'R('|D-J3` Rlniaan A. nrlgley, 11. uoles, A. Ferguson. Ladies balloon ra.ce-F. McQua.de, N. Firman, M. Sanders. j 'IM'A11'I:`rnnn nnvnn-an Al `mnuz ........ A n. Jzaruxuu, N1. banners. Men s`ra,ce. owners of Ford cars--A Scott, J.,Claxton, R. J. Heffern. | Maw hk-III\ I`(|Agn T.nIIrI\nn:3 vv. ruuu. u. '.l.`uCK, Li. ularx. Boys` .consolat1on-G. Trask, D. Moore. J. Wilson. Boys back-up race-- P. Pybufn, E. Marshall. _H. Wilson. ' T.nl'Hnn nnnnn1n`I>ln..,, `It-.. 1:1 r-1-1-- .n.. waucer, .1. mveu.. ,, [Pole vault-B. Thompson, R. Godden, `J. Looker. \Valker.-8 ins. I Hon. stern and `lnrnn_...A `I -`I 1xn'.n,... a. nensun, rs. uoaaen, J. Looker Running hi h jump (20 yrs.` and` over)-J. Dobson, A. H. Walker. | _ (Continued do page 6)! ` `cigars. After the tram _severa.l of the tailerid" men were seen puffing vig- orously. They had won the smokes *by putting across five runs in the tips! innings. The hits were. numerous and so were the errors. but thstoniy added to the fun. The prize boner `was pulled by a Transportation man. After making a nice catch, he threw the ball to se- cond base, which` in itself was fall right but the supposed baseman \was a runner who scampered home with thevztying rum The teams were: ' . III..-......-..Ln6ln-,_,,"I`unnurIa `(Anni-In (`l'|'I_ l.llU_: by lug 5 nun .5 us. s-vu~u_-u vv nu .. - "1'ranaportation-Trav!s. Kearns, Col-, es. Moore, Schreiber. Thompson, Ham- mond,` Martin. Wilton. M.-mm: Pnwm~._.'Rird_ 'l`unk. Kivell. DBYIIICB '1'UHlpBUllu Boys (10 and under)---B1llAScott, J.` J. Mcnaughun. V (1hV'ln`(1 and I{nnr\.-AtrnAn Rnv- HIODG. MRPUH. WIIIUII. Motive Power-B1rd. Tuck, Klvell, Johnson, Ferguson, Che sman, Mc- Causland, Webb, Carson. ` nuu_- _I_.|-A -_a._. _-A..._.-..4. .. LI... A-.-- 0}: Sunday. Misses Hazel Robinson Constable of Stroud are` visiting Miss Dorothyiwebb. v..... mmmn- suzhtiy Boys, (6 - Inrrv Len. --V.--uu vp ------ and under)-_-Reg. Burton, July 21- Mr. and Mrs. -Leslie Tup- ling and family of Honeywood visited Mr. and Mrs; M. M. Bell. Sunday. _, -u- ..__.x 'n.......... A0 hunnna is Fun. MP. anu 1Vl.`l`8.` Au. LV1. ucu. -.:u........,,. Miss Naomi Perry of Dundas ls holl- daylng wlth`Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton and family of Fergus , are spending a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell. `--W __.,s |t....<. Ta-Ion fllnnnlxv MI` nn fl!!! Mr. unu Vl.l.'Bo III 1.1.. pun. Mr.` and Mrs: Jas. Gazely, Mr. and Mrs. O. Gazely and Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family of Toronto called on Mr. angl Mrs. George Ellis, Sundax. ,, ,1 an-.... til..- Eh-nnnn nu :-I for-vi`!!! CHILD'S WHITECO'I'I`ONHOSE 19 ANDERSON S GINGHAMS, 32 Our entire stock of Ginghams is placed on the bargain tables for July clearance, lely Zephyrs, Chambrays and Ging- hams, all AAnderson , in pinks, blues, fawn, helio, green, etc., regular 45c and 50c, to sell at . . . . . . . . . r . . . ._ 32c yd`. I18!` Hullunur uuu.a.5:= cu. uvubuu ... Garden party on St. George's Church lawn, Allandale, Tuesday, Aug. 4. Sup- per served from 5.30` to 8. Tickets: Ad- ults, 50c: chIldren,_25c. Orchestra. nu... .... u-.1 hnabnf nlnnin nf fhn 7Fdozen only, Fine 1x1 Rib Cotton Hose with seamless foot, all white, real good grades, in sizes 5 up to 8, our regular lines at 45c, 50c and 55c, for`Ju1y sell- ing,`at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `. . . . 19c'pr_. vv .__.j.j.-_.-_ _.-.- j-- U15-to-the-minute. styles in Broadcl'othDr_esses_, bothplain colorszandistripe ffec_ts, chenille over-checks, dotted-voiles, dotted muslins and .organdies,_`sel1ing regularly at $6.00,-$550 and $5.00, to 7clear at . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.60 These are made Lnplo various cuts,r"in plain colors, cheeks and two-color combina- tions, in approved styles, and are all popular lines rangin`g in pfice from $1.65 to $\2.00, prioed to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. T. . . .;. . . . A. . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 60 Men s Shirts for work and summer wear, all `collars attached, in khaki, black sateen, black and white stripe. duck and butcher s blue duck, sizes 14 to 17, valuesrup to,$1.50, for . . $1.00 Boys Coverall "Suits, the best yet for summer wear, khaki and romper blue, white and red trimming, sizes 2 to 6 years, regular $1.25 and $1.50, to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 GEORGE VICKERS LIMITED 37 only Beautifully-Made Hats in black: andyivairions colorings, all that are left of this spring and summer styles; they will all go quickly. _T he first choice is best, although there is not one in the lot that IS not worth four times the sale price. The /values are up_ to $12.00, any one for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . A splendid $1.00 line of Women s Silk Hose wit-h lisle top, spliced heel and toe, very neat-tting, shades of grey, sand,` vcocoa, also black and white, sizes 9, 9%; and 410, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 pr. six DAYS or musk SELLING AND OUR PURPOSE or A CQl_V LETE CLEAR;ANCE or Sum/n-:R coops WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED. % `BELOW ARE ENUMERATED OFFERINGS THAT wnu. APPEAL To THE `rHR1n1{r:3uYR. wt: ADVISE You TO SHOP IN THE MORNINGIF YOU CAN. WOMEN'S SILK HOSE, 75c uua, UUU, Ulllln\a|l.Vl|,_ uu\n v.......... `The annual basket picnic of the members of the G.I.A. to the B. of LE. and their families will beheld in St, Vincent's Park on Monday afternoon.` -._; 1-1..I.|_I.... Q.~..'6I. nun unnnlna MSUMMER NEEDS AT SAVING PRICES W9?!` COVERALL SUITS MEN'S sums, -$1.00 * MILLINERY CLEARANCE 41 PORCHADRAI-`_.SSI-.8 AT $1.29 Midland friends. He wasaccompanied by his sister, Mrs. Jones. 'll'.. ._._.1 `ll ..... '|r.....-` ....`..nnnnc.\_ numb Mr. z;r.1:1"1;irs. MarKMcMa.ster spent Sunday with Mr. and` Mrs. Jos. Tiffin, Colwell. 1UI'n...T,1vnna n~P Tun unnnf Qnv-|.n11 Qf ers. ' .Mr. and Mrs. Higginsdn and family spent Sunday with Brentwoqd friends. Mr, and 'Mr.e:_ Wismer and Bessie July 20-Jas. Binnie Sr. spent a week` with his daughter, Mrs. T. Reynoldsdn: Toronto. - V ` - S. Wright attended his sister's fun- eral in Toronto last week. " `Alan Tan Duolhnuxvolfn nnnnf I: nnnn_