31- -au-nv- , --. _u.-. - F- -..u, --...... | Dr.. and Mrs. Thos. Scott of Hanna-,, Sask., "Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham of; Thornton and \Mrs. Doherty ofVBanrieI ,,were the guests of Mrs. N. C. Morrison` ' last week. r ' I `Ila nu-at` `King Yuri `KnT.nnv: Oil!` nvv\_ w i|;.;;.1v|vAI.|: ul:.vva~ -'* a| |$w&au%mmma%&w&$} gi&&&&$&m*&$&g -v---- . wfvtrttiwu nu--ago--cw The Portage La Pra.irie:"Man., Daily Graphic of June 11 contained the fol-. lowing reference to the death of In- .spector T. M. Maguire, who spent his boyhood days in Elmvale: , The death took `place this morning TTTTT; T ::E'x:;:=:J uuyuuuu may: in nuuivaue: at 7 o'clock, at the. family residence, First Street N.W.. of`In_spector T. M. Maguire. Deceased had been in failing health for some time and while his condition had been serious for some- days the` news of his demise came as a shock to his host of friends. Trial-Innlrnn Klan-Inn Inna I-u-nun n6 VIVA -u I1. HIIUUIS LU HHS IIUHI. 'Ul. LFIUHUS. M Inspector Maguire was born at Tor- qnto on May'10, 1857, the family re- movingxlater to Eimvale, where Mr. Maguire received his education in `pub- lic school and afterwards attended the high school at Collingwood. After graduation and completing the Model School training he taught school in the surrounding districts` until he came to Manitoba in 1882, his first school bein'g'at Dominion City. In 1883 he was married to Miss Linda Finn, daughter or the late Rev. F. M. and Mrs. Finn. In 1889 he was appointed to the Bran don school staff, shortly after which it was decided tq open a" Normal School at Brandon and in recognition of his ability as a teacher Mr. Maguire was asked to take charge. Tn 1R9? nnnnun urn: nnnninha Tn- IISKUU LU l.a.K cnarge. In 1892 deceasedwas appointed In- spector of Schools to succeed the late Dr. Wellwood. There were only five inspectors for the work at the time and Mr. 'Maguire s district included Dath of lhspector T. M..MaguiI-e "I`I.A 'I1;...Ln....- Tn I\.....!..l- IA -.. 'l\_lI. U1 .E4V6l'Ul.L pl'UUlUU`Q. ` The children seem to be enjoying themselves picking wild strawberries these days, while the grown folks are busy getting the tame ones settled. `In... YIYIIIK A.__..--. _.._..L _ ._.._I. .1 The Late Samuel Driper A--.l_;-. an.` 1\AnA|`D A` ....A.... "5`rI-1.15: ',ARn1` axgmiu-:& Ladies Silk Stlripe BLOOMERS? ` 49 % all Northen Manitoba, West of the Lakes. Rapid City was the south-west- ` ern boundary and Elm Creek about the south eastern` boundary of his district. This will give an idea of the stretch of territory over which he had to travel. and it was done by horse and buggy or a. bicycle. In 1893 he moved with his family to Portage where he has since resided. I_]_, 41-11---- l.._....-...Ln..uu - II l'UlIu|U\I- Among his fellow inspectors Mr. Maguire s services and ability were re- cognized by the fact that they elected him as their representative on the ad-` visory board which position he held for four years. He was also their re- presentative at the National Council of Education in Toronto in 1923, but shortly after this he was forced to re- tire on account of his health but he never ceased to take an interest in ed- ucational matters. His life s work was with the schools and his whole thought and energy was devoted to their ser- vice. On his retirement he was elected an honorary member of the Manitoba ' Educational` Association. ___93___- .-u__-__-.a 2- _.... d.J\A\l\4Iaa|:I\.I-nus. ---...v...-.~ .... .. Besides his widow, deceased is sur- vived by three daughters, Mrs. G. W Porter, Mrs. S. Thorndycroft and Miss `Nora, and two sons, Robert and Denis. His oldest son, Jack, died shortly after retufning from overseas, and his. wid- ow and little `son Jack, have since made their home`with Mr. and Mrs. Maguire. His second daughter, Susie (Mrs. William Hill)", died in 1912 anal L? 75EAcH The regular price of this quality is $1.69 pair.` They are slightly imperfect but not enough to im- pair their value. Six of the sea- ` `~-son's best shades, sizes 81/2 to 10, at ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.19 pr; -..._,-. nu..- ..-wvlr-no unnvonia-I -um-nr Iv`-Ivlnv I Quite a number from the village at- tended the strawberry testlval at tlgel _Anglican Church, Utopia. June 26. `Elna. `II- 'I ..ll..l.... -1 fII-..-..L- ....-_-l. Stiecial Sale pf 24 Ladies Bathing Spits $2.98 --See thein in our Barjain `Window Made in. one of he season's most desirable styles -from 3 s_ple.n_did_ qualityaof pre `wool, shown at } cth_1s_ store 111 ix colors, all with contrasting trim- 1 m_1ngs, orange with black, royal with black, camel 1 wxth brown, navy with white, navy with cardinal ? _.an,d g_reyyw1th peacock;_sizes_are 36 "to 44. A y - Now on nle at `$2.98 each a Nice_ Auoirtmeng of Silk and Wool`-and A|l-Wool ` Bntluina Enid. .5 . QA an Q1 no -___| on an Nicq Assortment\ of WooI[-arid 1 Bathing `Suits at . . . . $4.50, $4.98 and $5.50. V Bathing Cups . . . . 15c, 25c, 35c and $1.50 each Ladies Rayon Silk Scarfs, 2% yds. long, in- beautiful color- ings; a very new lihe . . . . .; 75-en. .KHAKI.HIKING sums, heairy qtiali-ty, sizes is to A ' 16, are priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.98 PLEATED BLOOMERS, same.,quality and sizes as ' above at . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.35 SILK VESTS in several desirable colors are here for your choosing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98: .1 Knitted Goods and Sport garments in big variety._ -`Complete Assortmenteof.Clean Ready-to-Wear Apparel for the Infant; Child, Miss or Woman ---V Every A garment up-to -date in style and moderately pricel. S.W. MOORE APPAREL F0_l{1_'HE SUMMER VENUS HOSE T $1.19 pair I um. pan. ne L.O.L. No. 73 wm attend divine . sex-vdce on July 5 in the Anglican" Church, Utopia, at 7 p.m. ` `If A Ana-4|... an-1` `I .1 A....._A.._-___. -1 A 18c YD 2 yards for_ 35 TOWELLING These Parasols gleam with colon anti ate full of holiday gladness. One sees them at every beach this season. Inexpensiveand the newest f d. In assorted colors and designs . . . . 59c and 8 c` each c---uvwv V--.v-.-_.. .-.-_ ._-.--- ` The wonder trip of the coming sum- mer will be conducted by Dean Laird -of Macdonald College, to Victoria. B. C., and back; Inspired by the success of the trip to Victoria last year on the occasion of the Teachers Federation meeting at that point, and filled with patriotic motives for everyone to see their own country, the Dean has arranged for a special, train of standard sleeping cars to, leave Toronto on July 20, visiting Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Calgary, -Bantf, Lake Louise, Vancouver, thence steam- ' er to Victoria. M -` 9 . n an. n` o, `.1, El` LU `.'lULUl'5u,. ` _ Returning, the trip will be via. `the Okanagan` Valley, Nelson, the Koot- enay Lakes, Windermere Bungalow camps from which place the party will be motored to Banff, 104 miles over the newly completed Banff-Windermere Highway, the most charming, and awe. inspiring trip it is possible to conceive, with stops at Radium Hot Springs, Vermillion River, and Storm Mountain is survived by her son, Tom, who has; also resided with his grand-parents.` Robert Maguire of this city and J. Magulre of Calgary are brothers. A s1ster._ Mrs. L. Patterson, resides at Invermay, _Sask., and another, Mrs. Jas. Mix, lives in Toronto. ' Dullguluw p_a.u1ps, uuuuler ua._y 2_1.I.i l Banff, then Edmonton. Saskatoon, De- 4 ACROSS `CANADA Ania BACK JAPANESE PAR ASOLS for the Summer _Girl You get Service and `Quality always at this Store. If you db not, please tell us. -`.-., guy,`-u-, urn u yuan: A. Austin and J. J. Afmstrong of iullston were in the village on Sunday - ast. ~ ' and GINGHAMSV OWEN sounn Modemtely Pricednble Covers for Youi Summer` Cottage or Home JAPANESE TABLE CLOTHS, white with colored L,__j--__, _-:_'l -_,,;. An -A A- -4 A` n` A- -_ :The Washable Meritas Linenette, similar to oilcloth, comes inawhite with colored designs and is here in round-, oblong and square pa-tterns. ` V T : -,-s1.oo, $1.35 and $1.50 -__ ___.__..._ ___--_ v-v_-.. . -- n--.-- vv- 1:01-ders ad centrs . . `$1.01) , $1.69, :SERVIE'I'TES to mafgih are here at $1.00 per dozen DRESSES FOR ALL New Lines of Dresses from Best Makers Every Few Days Ladies All White DRESSES, made pf Tricoline Broadcloth, more serviceable than silk, are here in sizes 18 to 40, price . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . $7.98 Stylish DRESSES made from printed silk crepes and voiles are being shown at various prices. ainty Little Colored Voile Dresses for ages 6 to 14 years are here at . -. . .-; . . . . . . . . . . . $2.39 I LADIES LISLE STOCKINGS . Larg sizes JIIIIB last. `'31 LADIES SILK ysrocxmcs DRY goons and N0'I'l0NS - `AT REDUCED Pl3lCES Ml-2N S_SOFT V FELT HATS GIRLS DRESSES, --.. 1.. __ 16': !..ADlE_S VESTS BOYS JERSEYS B1ues,_Browns` and Greys Hp to size 12 . Ladies First Quality Pure Thread Silk Hose at . . . . . . . J. . 69 Children's %~Length Socks in as- sorted colors, regular 50c and 60c qualities for . . . . . . 35 pr. Children's %,-Length Socks, fancy stripes, sizes 6% to 9, regular $1.25 `value for . . . . . . 75 pr. To clean brass mix Whiting and am- ,monia into a soft paste, put this on a. Hpiece of soft flannel and rub on the brass. Polish with dry flannel. 11...... _......1__.__ _____ - _auu mm. nu. net. Mr. and 3., Thbmas McKnight of Cookstown visited with Mr. and Mrs; Vvm. Adams on Sunday. MI`. and Mrn, `K7 nlnhnn unnnf Qua- ;viI s Gap Bungalow Camp, near Ken- ' ora, on the Lake of the Woods, steam- I er from Fort William to Port McNicoll thence rail to Toronto, where the trip will terminate on August 10. L 1______,A_v, 1,, -_ _ ,_ _u,, 1 , 1 . c V--- -_--------..- .,-. ---u-4.. -.v Everything is included at the price of $325.00 from Toronto; transporta- tion, sleeping cars, accommodation in hotels and bungalow camps, meals in diners, hotels, and on steamers,.sight- seeing tours at points visited, and all gratuities. `XYk3ln orn-u:xnICnnv v|Iov1ann{1uo Ln Lanai. |..._---..:, .v 5'. ---- u ..n any -1 v-vvnnnvn | Fares fromother points than Toron- to will be named and descriptive illus- trated booklet sent on application to Dean Laird, Macdonald College, P.O. Que. ` _ 24-28c VI':l.'U Wlllu ELUICIIIS. If a tarlatan dress becomes limp dampen it, lay a piece of paper over , it and press with a hot iron. This will [give the dress its natural stiffness. `I ......- LL_A. v_____ U-.- ..--- v.-. -4.; uuu -nuuwun-.u.A uusnsllcoa. Laces that have grown yellow with age may be bleached by placing them ! in a jar of cold water and setting the I jar in the sun for several days. 5ru.I.u1uc5. While appealing primarily to teach- ers, the tour is open to everyone de- siring `to go. All will be welcome. -In_____ F ...-......... - -.-.--.u. Ivnvnn \a5J ssuunnnnuln House awnings wear lon er and keep their color better if le t down. Do not pull up awnings except in se- \ vere wind storms. 3 If I) 4-nulnl-nu Ann.-.. 1......-....-_ I:_-_ `rauiisnmr, LIULY_2, 1925. -., MEN S SUITS $11.95 UP % Wit: and Mrs. Lorne Brennan and! iamily `spent Sunday at Brentwood A and Creemore. `Dan Mr `Dnnnh tho nna'fnr nf flu-n SPECIALS Buy the Light Weight Nemo-Flex Corsets Here. HALF PRICE 10 oniy Misses Sport Hats, assorted colors, made to be sold at $2.39, clear- ing now, Half Price -- 39c $249 49c 19c C!B.9.9':.T.19J --..v--- --..--.---.-.y us. V - `van. -4, - - . - - . - . -vu Mrs. Neil McPhe;1;ori and Jack went to Toronto on"Fr1day to spend a. few days. , Mr and Mr: '13`. `I -Tnrnrnnn and `RA. 0 A picnic will .cent s Park, Bar 22. The occasi of atieunion of" Will all those i relatives as no sent out. FRIDAY - He'll claw your The Wonder Do today stands alo tion picture st; in a class by. never was he * ally thrilling th picture. You'll citement and t when you see TRACKE1 SNOW C Here is a gm` melodrama, :1 penseful stm'_V into your A notable . invl D.vs}a'13_.1'eQ" Charles Sellon Wanda Century Co PRESE '"i;{{y Lt}}j It ; a picture 1_v1oN., 11 IIIJSI. WUUIM ' Lorne Davidson and family are via- iting in Toronto. .Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Eldon/Lat-. `inter, (nee Lelta. I-Ioran). 8. son, June 23. D:-umn__'l`n IA -n and `Alan `I!Y~u Tnnvln RIN-Tl Adventure ar has gripped th breathes agai lm epic of t in the Se He Who Two };(;\&'s, Regular P " - Special Matin The Won A Big Show 3 4\;\nniV Powell sJ will play a] jazz numbe1 Regular Pri JD} `1 nunuuuuu. Eleven pupils of the Angus Public School wrote their Entrance*Exam1n- atlons, at Angus. June 24. Mr. Kidd of Everett presided. 'I`hn nhdrnn nnnm in he an-lnvlrmrn NOW 51 TON .AI_U_NE_'. M4 Episod \II'FIW'II I` Episod Leather PADDISC [$5531 stage ZEOME Hiii _cf? .3 _.-...._, 5-...-..u vauv no-vnonv vonvu nlvrIrnv\~I Mrs, Will": Agnew spent a couple `of days with Utopia friends last week.` (I-ulla 1. -q._4I_-_ lg`... LL- ..III_... .1. wm. nuums on aunuay. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bishop spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. W.'McK1nnon of , Camp Borden. > `XYIII An-nnuwv In 1...--. .1_--..-A1.__. ..LI_-. nanny nuruen. Will. Agnew is busy decorating the` parsonage for the new minister or the Union Church. ' uuI.u yeateruay. Sunday School will be held at 10 o'clock for the summer months, com-l zmenclng `next Sunday. Service in tho `I Ynl+na n1........1.'--Ilil 'Iner, lust. ween. . , 5Mrs. Thos. Woolsey `and tamily of; Toronto are visiting at Wm. Woot- aey's. `Mr and Mr: Tnrnn `Ry-Annnn un- anu UTGBIHOPC. Rev. Mr. Roach. the Angus United Church. will comm pasftor of th ence his ministry here Sunday night, July 6. at 7 o'clock. Ila on!` Mrs: `Ind Tinultihnn and Ila`) June 30-Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston on the arrival of a son, on Monday. June 29. -u- uu nuns, vu LVIAJIILIGIJ. IIUIIU Gib School has closed for the summer. It is understood that Miss Klnnell and Miss Blyth have been engaged for next year. and. no doubt Miss Brown would /also have been, had she not secured a position near to the home of her parents. 5 MP and Klan `D `l3I.\.....l...I.4. __ 5 zmenclng `next Service in the United .ch(urchVwu1, he held at 7 p.m. A large congregation turned out Sunday to hear Rev. S. J. T. F01-tner s farewell message. _ ` . Rennvf hf M'nonInm IVn..Ll..---L-l--- uc1'yu.l'!'._7l|LB. v. Mr. and Mrs. R. Plowright and daughter attended the wedding of Mrs. Plowrlghts cousin, Miss Margaret `Walker, at Vandorrglast Wednesday Gan:-an" mvnilrfnh livuo` ...... 1' -In . .-...5.-uwu -uaouuvu, uovynu. vuuv av- . Rev. Mr. Jeftries of Toronto preach- =ed a very impressive sermon in Zion Church on Sunday last. He will preach here again next Sunday at 3 pm. 1116 Sabbath School and Bible Class have been changed from 10 am. till 2 p.m on account of the service being held at 3 p.m. " "l`hn 1'.n1'. `Mn '72 nrlll nuns": aIun....'l ...-...v., vol: vuuuuLJ., lulsl. vvv:uueauu.y.i George Grawford and son, J. E. Crawford, paid a brief visit to Tor- onto yesterday. Sundnv Qnhnnl nu! s... 1....u ...s, an uxn: w cu message. Report of Minesing Continuation `School exams will be found on gage 14. ! J I ,_ ;,._x. .94." Juan; (/61 "I rrnnu jjbvcjnu Va- nu v%pNnRwEAi'IA. ._ . . Silkand Wool Socks `45 c% wonx socKS. 7.prs."s1~.oo MEN'S OVERALLS, COMBINATION W _ ___z -_____z `L Pun KHAK1 1>AN'rf-s3$?f BOYS DON'T MISS TH: TABLES r Ar`ti1*f'!'- 1 *9 39 1 1_w1NEs1'Nc Ancus T KRACK ACOLLARS e, 2 FOR 35 W Born-To .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, a son, June 27. . ' T. Dowler went to Bradford. Tues- day. June 23, to preside at the Entrance Eraminations. A Ilnunn nu-`Ha n-0 oh- A`-.nug Dc!`-\I`n 5 $1.49 $1.49 Sunday. . I Dr. West, M.0.H., visited the school last week. - ' 7 The Angus Orangemen intend march; ing to the Anglican Church, Utopia,- next Sunday evening.` '-July 5. .- Mr. and Mrs. Mqbonald, Mrs. Foster and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. McQuarrie of Creemore visited M. M. Bell on their, way to Barrie to the graduation ex-u ercises of the R. V. Hospital`. Mrs. A.| B. Foster, who won the gold medal, is a niece of Mrs. M. M. Bell. ' ' Thu Ah0`innn (`I-nnnnln T76 .-umln LAIA nywtisseli McMaster and friend of Or-V iilia sppnt Sunday with the farmer's parents here. Mr. and Mrs.- -D. J. Miller visited Lefroy friends Qn Sunday. _ V R. Jennnff nf Ansrnn vial!-n `kin aha- Lcr, VLl_'5. U. uuzuunn, on apnaay. I I Mr. and Mrs. Mapea visited at thei home of Mrs. S. McMaster, Barrie, on' Sunday. ' hr 1X74.-mf Mnu ulaM..A +1.... ....|.....| u. iueuu ul. J.vu'H. N1. N1. hell. I } The Anglican Church, Utopia. held` a. very successful strawberry festiv I on Friday evening. In spite of the col ',l dreary day. a large crowd gathered to|` partake of the good things which were, so liberally provided during the teatl period. The Ivy `band rendered some very fine selections. The Denney `Or- _-chestra also provided- good music. ' June '30'--Mr.A` and Mrs. Wilsbn Bell I and family of Coldwater spent Sunday , their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. ' e . ' - 3 n... In A 1m.-.1u..-a'.... ......1 ...u.. .....4..... were 111 Luruntu on nusmess, monaay. `Mrs. Wm. Dempster. Sr.. is visiting her gaughter, Mrs. McRae, in Coiling- woo . '\ . . Wilfred McMastr called on Utopia triends last week. ` . Mrs. Alf." Elphick is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thompson. in Detroit. . A number from here attended Hm luuusutur, &Vl.l'. '1'UIIlpBOIl, In Detroit. . number from here attended the Barrie-Ivy basebalj -game at ' Ivy on Monday. ' `T L ' . V . \ Mr. and `Mn: .1 `W ,Tnnnnl>ln 1' 1:1 June 29--Mrs..M:'I:I`o7raTn of Amston visited `her daughter, Mrs. Eldon Lat!-I met, last week. .. . . . `Kr: 'l"I1nn lnnlnov and fnrnllv nf\ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennett; J. E. Jennett and Mr. an`d Mrs. Andrew Mil-I Aler were in Vasey last week. Wllfrn' :MnMnntnr nf `had-nnu g..m..o.n tux` wen: HI vuaey ms: WEEK. Wilfred =McMaster of Detroit spent] a few days at the home of H. Mapes. Miss Clara Barthblntfn nf. Rant. umruy Lnenuxs on aunuay. I R. Jennett of 'Angus visited his sis- ter, Mrs. D. Mccann, on Spnday. I Manes visited at the, V Junex 30-I\Ziss Voxfla. McBride has returned home from the West / and called on \friends here one day last week. - T T ' ' DUN. ' . , Dr. E. A. McMaster and wife motor- I ed from Ethel and spent the week-end - with the doctor's mother, Mrs. Jos. |McMaster. ' ' `Km and" `Inn -`(I7 `I 1'\n-mu-pn6A- '4--43 lV.l. UJ.V1H.D |-UK: Mr. and` Mrs. J. Dempster `and children v1slte_d friends in Colungwood last week. ` Man. 1341...: "nt..1ur....o-.. 3.. I....u.:`.....I...--. I [C156 WCUlSo Miss Ethel McMastor ls holidaying with herlbrother/Dr . E. A. McMa.ster of Ethel. - w ' Manama - Allan` `Inn..- and `I 'I'.'l `Dan UL Ellqllln ' Messrs.'Allen? Miller and J. H. Bell [were in Toronto on business, Monday. Mrs- Wm. Demmater, Rn. in visainmr few days the home ' I Miss` Clara Berthelotte of. Barrie spent Wedneamy with her parental here. . V luau. ` ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert. ,Willoughby and Lema spent Sunday in Barrie with Mr. and Mrs. Ra. ner. `Ila out` I 1. rl..'......... `II.-.1`}...l...I_A. -a _ , ,,., 7.-.`, -. -vw-' -- -w--1-Id dbl -IJI-Ulliwllt Pine-GI-oye S.S.- No. 13, Vecpra JR. IV TO SR. IV-Pass, Elsie I-Iarrls. Minnie Holmes; Recommended, Frank Holmes. ` ` SR. III T0 JR. IV-Pass, Hannah Harris; Recommended, Arden Orr. ` JR. III TO-SR. III-i-Honours, Joseph Sulley, John Cole; Pass, "Jack Holmes, Verda Orr, Eveard Harris. Nora. `Har- ris. Ross Harris, Amy Sulley. SR._ II TO JR. .III-Pa1ils, `Aida Muir. SR. I TO JR. II-Honours, Eva Mason, Elsle Orr, Kenneth Mason, Ethel Sul-` vley, Lewis Cole. Mildred Muir: Pass, Vera; Muir, Marjorie Harris, Ivan Orr, Rex Tuc . - PRIMER TO I-Hgyours. Dorothy lBowman:_ Pass,` Lloy Harris, Johnny Muir. . E. C. CARSCADDEN, teacher. ` W GU53 Clarence Cole has diphtheria; but is doing nicely at the time of writing. MI`. and MP8. Ch.. Harris and any: uuuxg nicely at tne ume OI writing. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and son. Clifford, and John Daugherty motored to Peterboro last Saturday to spend a few days with friends there. Mrs. nnmrn Vnnna mm: .:.......1.4.... :1. Law uuys Wltn I!.`lel'lClS UIGPB. Mrs. George Young and daughter, Flora,` spent a. few days last week with friends in Holly. (19,:-nnf Mnlgafnn and !'VIn..n...-..."I:V...._.1 u-wuuxs m n-Olly. Garnet McMaster and Glarence'Ford spent Sunday with friends in Dalstgn. B:_- 12..-..- an AI. an I- _W. B. Prenter of Cleveland, former Ottawa man,-has beerrselected to head the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin- E eers. . . E .u1 r'=1%`BANKRUPT SALE 7 .____ 7 --?r ? It takeslga long time to sell on $10,000 in we went` to closeithis sale at once. We are sure that the prices offered today for Saturday's selling shouldtake a lot of goods out of our store. Tins as your opportune ity to buy high grade merchandise, at bargainprices. ' ` ' ' ` Goons` GUARANTEED PERFECT on MOANEY REFUND!-ID D. 8.! "l O'ClOCK. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jnd. Davidson and May or New Lowell, Jno. Mccualg, Malcom McEachern amd two sons. Jno. and Archie, "or Lornevllle. Russell Perry of Barrie and Wm. Rayner of North Bay Jpent Sunday at Geo. Perry's, 4th line. 1:... 17.11 1/r..'I:n...-.......... .....'.: 1'....|- .......a. MENS l-IAR- STRAW VESTHATS -HQATSL 19 AM. Tmom PRICES DOWN To ROCK BOTTOM Tl-II':'.Rl_':'a,uIS `N0 SALE LIKE A BANKRUPT SALE FOR LOW PRICES. 1-" brother in Orangeviiie. ' . ms; .Rav11ns ot 'roz}6nt_b_' is tpevguet. or Mrs. Jas. smart. `- , 4. 3; Clifton-`Dean is holidaying with .;his Mr.'a`na- Mrs. Ha:-fond Bell or Ghtord, sundayedrat Jas. Hill's. . " ` Miss Jennie` Simpson wa.s,.1_n' Toronto for a few days "last week. * ' Mrs. Frank Guest -spe the week- end with friends in "Barri . Miss Eva McLean is holidaying with her `qousin. Miss Isabel! Campbell. Miss` Florence Manning...-is at her summer cottagez_ at'Wasaga Beach. Mr; `nds Mrs. Rdy Hant .0! Washago were v itors in Elmvale on Sunday. ____ 1-u__.___I__II 1-14 ___.1t-__.I___ A-.. non. . - - _ Mia` B. Ritchie returnedhome on Saturday after a week's visit in Tor- onto .' A ' ' R:-.`v, and Mrs. W- (3. Stubhs and Mrs- rr1_vIJ!i',:y.8.nd Mrs. A. Fleming and Mrs. Geo. Farney visited friends in Tor`- onto this week" llun G T4`. l"`onnnI-\nI'I `Klan Tunhni nn tel"BJ$u.uu IRHL WUUKI ' `Mr. and .Mrs.' Alfred Pearson and children of Yellow Grass are visiting at Arthur Ja.m1eson s. A - IA -n `an-up! Thfun II`nnn'rII'IInhrnn nf Tana- uni`;/4:". and Mrs. E. Hammond and R0-I `land, visited Collingwood friends. Sun-' day. Ilna Tnnnb Dunn`-can AC Vnunnfn I1`I_ IHULIIUF, LVl.l'Ha- LHUB. .l'.`l.ll.lllll|.Uu. Misses Alberta. Coburn and Jean] Napier of Tottenham are spending a\ coupleiof weeks at A. C. Bishop's. k :'Il'.. __.'I 11.... \7.._l..._ Al II!-A44.---I.-:.. . ' lb W CUE. Mr. and `Mrs. Wm. McLean and fam-' ny of oWa1_ter's Falls, Mr. and Mrs.! T. J. Campbell. Mrs. Thompson -and; Miss Lottie Thompson, all of Midland,- spent .Sunday at S. E. Campbell's. I Following_ an attack of_pneumonia,, lsamuel Draper, 130; many years a `county cons able and a. resident of 'Elmvale for orty-two years, died lastl Satunday` at the age of seventy-six `years. The late Mr. Draper was born L `in Tecumseth township. He did not. long survive his wife whose death oc-I `vcurred on April 1' lat. The funeral` `took place, on Monday, service being} iheld at the home with-burial in Elm-p vale cemetery. In the absence of the! minister` of the United Church, of which Mr Draper was a member, the funeral service was conducted by Rev.| W. C. Stubbs of Wycliffe Church. The pail-bearers were :J., T. Foster, J. H. Simpson, -James Hill, S. E. Campbell, `James Pearson and Thos. Wallace. .- _-.- -_...--. _._,-. I I vv V. w v guns. u can __.--. v -.-V van -r-..u-g - Lorne_Campbell left on'Monday for Chicago where he has accepteda posi- tlon; Ilium` `I3 'DI4nIr-nln vnnfuunn Hnrnn nu nIL{"e`v. and Mrs. W. C. Stubbs and Mrs. Forsythe visited friends in Barrie on Friday. V 4 4 `Mr and 1\/| m:A A, Fleming and Mrs, UHEU L015 ween. ' I Mrs. S.` E. Campbell,.Mlss Isobel and Lorne spent a couple of days at Wal- ter's.Ea.!Is last week. \`M'.. and Mn: ' Alfnnn-I Dnorunh and Nat Arluf d{1ll!:Ull5. ' Mr.'and Mrs. werwillinger of Lans-I ing. 'Mich., are visiting the latter s mother, M'rs.2 Thos. Hamilton. Minna: All-mu-fn {`_nhrn-n and Juan CUI.|plU,UL WUUIS5 UL ll; \.n DIBIIULJ Ea - Mr. and Mrs. Napier of T`otten`hai1.x 'Mr. and" Mrs. Fred Webster and Mar-A ' I garet of Richmond -Hill spent the week-end at A. C. Bishop's. . Mun (`l'h~\- Rant"? and Minn nv-n Qrbnff Mrs. (Dr); Scott and Miss Cora Scott `have `returned from Toronto acc`om- panled by Mrs. 'Scott s grandchildren, Mlses Margaret and May Scott. ` ~ - Mn and Mr: ~'l`hnc Rnvlnsr and k WUUI('UlII.l Urlu ll: Lao l3lBllU[J'Ba' LVLIBBT-'5 1V4H:l'5U.l'6l. uuu AV1l1y DUULL. 1 . Mr. and MrVs.~'1`hos. Spring and daughter of Torontoand Mrs. Shaw of, Schomberg are visiting the former- s lbrother, Albert Spring, this week. 15.- -._.1 Ir..- nI|..'_ m--4.4. -4 'I"r_....._ uurs. Frank Brennan. of Toronto via - ited her sister, Mrs. Lorne Davidson, last week. `Luna nirlnnn n.n:I Conn`!!! nun `via-