IJUUL Luv! equestedi Iaims to the 18th: date the he assets ly to the have no- le to any ben DECK` (l."!'8IlCIl). - The following students have failed- Clarence Pulford, Jack Kennedy, Wal- lace Knapp, .-~VVm. -Lang, Jack Martin, Dutton 'VVaIlace, Ear} Smith. Form 20 ` " First Class Honours-Jack Taylor, Ivgargaret McMartin, Josephine Wig- g ns. . " - Qnnnn lmag I-`l n'nnnrs:-T.ewls: `Mar- Moore, Harold Tracey. , , Third Class Htmours-Clare Quinlan. .Adeline' Wisdom, Rita. Rands, Irene Murphy, Gordbn Dawson, Violet Nixon, Earl Richardson. `Dag-n;'ITA'Irnn `Kilian Tlnrn 1\'nv-nfnn gms. , Second Class I-Ionours-Lewis Mer- rick, Thos. Roe, George Pearce, Gor- don Sarjeant, Alkens Wiggins, Lorne Heels, Florence McMaster, Georgine Moore`, Hamid Tracey. "l`.l-aim! (`Inca T-Innnan-n_.{_lsn-n Quinlan, V LIUUHlU\|.l."y )- ` ' ' _ ` The following students have failede Altan Pratt, Lloyd Herman, Dora Mc- Quarrie, V George Tomlinson, Ruby Tompkins, Viola Stones` Jos._ Byrne, i Amert Price, Kathleer` Irish. Jean W11- son. - - . pan n1_cxwu`u=sun. > V Pass--rV'elma. Miller, Flora. Morrison, VVm. Newton, Muriel Luck. "I"!-`A Gnllnnrlnnr 1-noun Voiln nn nnn nu- ~'r`u1;; `B}\'RRlExExA_M1-NER ' : tw':En`o`tlie:1' punishment of `pioneer 5 days wastthe stocks ar_1`_d %illtory_. Theg were qui e common in n ano an are still in use inthe Southern States. ""It hasbeen suggested that 'their use be revived! r sI1{)eedersSanld bootleg- " gers sai r. ear s. ~. .0 itary con- :gner nent is anotherfiormwf punish- "ment that has passed into the limbo t Sf forgotten In the learlg _c ays a man cou e put in jai an I .hpld till his trial without bail and un- I fable` to get medical attention unless` _ he could pay for it himself. , When ' , the time for his trial came he had to [walk from the jail to the court house iswith ,a ball and chain on.his ankle. 5 .Now- they are taken in taxis because- the public object to them walking Egpublicly on thei street. fThen there ~was no c iassi cation 0 prisoners. "' They were all huddled together in one ; getentioi pl1ace-Jnet1li1 and .w_oen, - oys an gir s, even e insane. ow ithe insane are not allowed in- a jail. iat all z(1in juveniles~ar%I kept away` J rom a u t criminal. `ow no one I. goes to jail without a chance `for bail 1 5 or without medical inspection. `I . Institutional Treatment Today 1 ! - . n. I. I "' Mr'. Kearnsdescribed the treatment accorded prisoners in the institutions today. In the Guelph Reformatory, _'where there are one thousand acres. j'of land,` the inmates are given the fgbest food and live in good conditions ;igeperally.' They work in the \quar- lris, woollen mills and planing mills ;'and have steady hours. They have a ` I baseball team ,and on Saturday after- i [-noons all are allowed out. \` There are _ ve hundred men there, many under i twenty-ve, sentenced for `offences 5 that thegpublic does not regard__.as very serious, and they-are given ev- ery chance. There is no stone wall or armed guards or anything to make them think they are in Eail. A vis- itor would be amazed at the condi- tions and the efforts to bring inmates back to good citizenship. The max- t imum sentence is two years less one `day, but the practice".is to give a de- nite sentence of a few months and a further indeterminate term which 1 may be reduced or remitted altogeth- er for good conduct. There are an t equal number out on parole `and last - year $50,000 was saved the province r by these menbeing out working in- I stead of being in the institution, a - charge on the,pub1ic. In the past - century the attitude of the state has - changed from imposing the_most se-_ 1 vere punishment to making every ef- - fort to help the offender back to his place in society. .. . I f`l,,, _I,A]` _, If `If, ,,,, ,_`1 A`, ,l P D l. .1 puull *onal`- - GIG `woman Yw masqneraded as aman Paul, who i'n'j,'his.e'pistIe to the Cor- inthians 1states,th'at~ he `_`thri`ce.'receiv- ed';for_ty`gstripes' save one. Now ve or twelve, or in excetional, cases, twent'y7lashes are given.` ` In `three. counties in thegstate of. Delaware the. lash is still given` to. every pris- oner -convicted. The lashings take- .place43t'1blicly* on\ Saturdays [between the*hours` of 10' a.'m. nd.2 p.m., apd great crowds assemble to. witness them.~ - No w `man is now-whipped, though~it_ to be fairly common- ilewgate s calendar has \a record of 8 and succee d\ in marrying fourteen other women. Being nally `detected she was {sentenced to be lashed in each of fife . six towns where her wives lived. - Says Lash No Deterrent There has beenconsiderable ar- gument as" to the efficacy of the lash` as an.in`s_trument of punishment and as .a deterfent, . said Mr. `Kearns, but Magistrate Jones of Toro to in a book he has written makes a.,com- prehensive study of the -matter and nds` that the lash does not act as a__ deterrent. - Anni-`L A m u . u o..'..L......J- -3 ............ . r-_.v- --- ..~.v-~.-g Concluding, Mr. Kearns said that there is work for Kiwanis in every town where there are young fellows; coming up and in danger of getting! into trouble. . _ Kind Words for Kiwanian Beach [ On behalf of the Club, A. W. Smith expressed appreciation of the mem- bership of Rev. S. M. Beach, who was . a member of the Barrie Club and who " present that day for the last time as 'h`as`been an active Kiwanian and par- ticularly interes_ted in the boys work committee. Kiwanian Beach has been a real force in the Club, stated , Mr. Smith, and it will be a pleasure to themetnbers to know that he will not be lost to Kiwanis, as he is trans- erring his membership to the River- ; dale. Club, Toronto. Similar e_x- ; pressions of appreciation were voic- ed by A. G. Machellan and Edmund Hardy, and Mr. Beach replied ap- propriately. ' ' 1'1. _____ 12LA_',,_. L'L_L `I'f2_____._'; 11---`. . Bill . Griffiths. M 1.. yr. cvvwsong It was tting that Kiwanianl(Beach should draw the attendance p ize, a straw hat, donated by Viv. Simmons. ~A miniature straw fell to the .lot of The president, Dr._ Simpson, ex- pressed appreciation of ,the citizen-. ship of Rev. H. -E. Wellwood, who was `there as his guest, during his four years residence in Barrie, and his sentiments we1;e strongly endors-5 Ied by` the members. ,-,_,J 11-,` 11., lg... .44 V... --.y---vy-us A.` W. Smith announced that the speaker at Friday's luncheon will be Dr. E. C. Whittaker, who will speak `on Our Arctic Canadians. , These tours start from Toronto with ustop-overs at all interesting points en '-route. At Jasper National Park-Where te famous Triangle Tour commences -"is the largest park and the largest sanctuary of wild life in the world- 4400\ square miles of mountains, rivers. lakes, glaciers, canyons and water- falls of `almost gverwhelming beauty. ' Leaving Jasper, you; pass Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Cana- dian Rockies; then comes the quaint Indian village of Kitwanga with its grotesque Totem poles and Indian re- lics. At Prince Rupert you may choose an interesting side trip to Alaska, or you may board the steamer for the ` We have travelled through the most glorious scenery it has ever been my privilege to witness, were the words used By-the Duke of Devonshire while Governor General of Canada, in ex- pressing his admiration for the scen- cry of the Pacific Coast. The opinion` he formed of our magnificent west is confirmed by the nny people who tour this wonderful co ntry every year. 1'! an-nu nun v\`(\wuvuI-`pun. .-. 4...... ..n 4.1.- WESTERN TOURS THIS SUMMER ` REMARKABLY LOW IN COST\ vv..- ..---... ..,..--_v--_- vuuu.-A; vvvo-y gwun If you are planning` a. tour of the Canadian Rockies and the . Pacific Cbast this summer, you` can't do better than take one of the low cost trips ar- ranged by the Canadian National Rail- ways. - Thnun I-nun-a afovzn-Q fr-nrn "l'|n-nnn wish l `us... 202. g;e;}gco..a _l Whatan opportzmitylto secure all the popular` the latest releases `., `rnnsnm s'nocKs WON"I` LAST LONG _ HAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW! Jl. IJUJ 26-2 If youdelay-7 you ll be too late. J. G. KEENAN Phone 243` . all 10-iLn._ double-sided 75c. STAN DAl'r{_ff);_ BAN K Ijl |=BANK1N,`3l fms Masters voice: ; Victorzkecords, 1 r" `7,;2:..:s:.p.;" A p , BARRIE B}ANCl-l-R. R. White,`Managcr A Branch at Bradford, Bondhoad, Craighunt, Hawkutono. ' Iafroy, Koawick. Stroud, Hillsdalo and Elmvalo a__l! other I-1is_ Mgstx-*3 Yo`ic.e"-A my r9r`2. `Until &J`uly- 8111. 01m Oppoitei Post Office Square ` family convenienceedoes the joint account demonstrate its value. All funds deposited are subject`to/ with- v draw_al- at any time'by either bf the personsin whose names the joint ac- .count is opened. In case of the dc - cease of one of the parties holding a joint account, all money may be with- drawn by the othei':-A joint savings accounts in_ the Standard Bank is'a real convpnience where two people desire access to the same funds. "V Joinf Savings Account I: a Real Convenience ARTICULARLY as a matte} of ` family convenience does the ioint IIIVJI-n I-I\ll'II'lI Ode can of. tomatoes, six table- spoonsful of rice, one onion, salt, one teaspoonful of curry powder, white pepper Van one tablespoonful of butter. Put the b tter in a. sauce pan, grate into it the onion, add the quor of the tomatoes, rice. and sea oning (salt, pepper` and curry powuler). Simmer for about an hour on the back of the stove. Boil the meat tender, put in one of rice, two potatoes, one can of to- matoes, one tablespoon of salt. pepper to taste. . three-day trip through "the famous Scenic Seas of the Pacific Coast to Vancouver, Victoria. Portland and Seattle. Returning, the train follows the beautiful winding ,Fraser and Thompson Rivers with their brilliant colored cliffs of `red, gray` and yellow. returning again to Jasper National .Park-and in due time, to Toronto. mu- ..al...A...._. .1:___ 1. --__4_, -ness of IICQ-1 van-u an: uuv \an;;v, bv cl-\ll vuhvo -The osfanding beauty_8Ln complete- these tours sh id appeal to every one. These low summer tour- ist fares will be in effect to October 31st. Complete information, pamphlet: and reservations may be secured from any Canadian National Railways Agent. 26-27: mce BEEF soub --'--.--w ,P. 0, Box 555 RICE CURRY Page` Sevun wuoaounvgu -- - ---.-v-- -_.._ `First Class I-Ioi1ors-Ma;`1on Spearn, Jean Wilson, Ella Mccaualand and ibola Pitchford (equal), Blllie.Ma1-shall, Grace Walker, Mary Mccaus nd,-Han `old St. Clair, Walter Ferry, ary';Mil- " Her and Lloyd Walker'(equa,1). Lyall Hurst. Billie Scott. George Watson and ._`Dorothy _Webb (equal), Jack Gibso'n,| Lawrence Green and Earl I Hunteri I " (equal). Clark Appleton, Bert Ha an, Lena Harris. Francis Hill, Gilbert ee-, Gregg` Coulson, Eric Kettle. 'Ronnnd lnnn `Fl'nnnr_a_.'.1 -Talen 'Rln_ln..` EDDLVLUR` I. LU uuovsvxv LL? -1 First Class Honors-,-'Lorn e"LWAloe', . Reta Stunden, Beatrice Boyutbn, Nor- man Munro. Horace Barnard, Spray Klvell, Evelyn I-row, Cummtngxrergug. . `.3011, Bruce Wilson, Jean Wilson, Geor-I age Kinsella, George ' Pouoher, Marion Clute. M -A * Gnnnn (`Inca `I-In nnrn.'._`l's:t'x4imAl`I > War. lute. - 1 _ ~-~ Second Class Honors-.-TIsobel1V Wat-.l zson. "Katherine ~Livlngst`one, Cecjl :Sha.rpe, Rendale Rayner, Gr_over_ Kash- -ner. Annie Dilworth, II-Ielen Pr1n'gl'e-. Dnan__`ln-I: `Dnffnn `nnnglnn `I -Tn:-vnv. (Continued from page 1)- The following failed on one or 1m_ore,subjects but will~be allowed to carry on work in ;the Second Form :- Carlyle McDonald (Botany). Jack Henson -(Grammar), Neil McBride (Latin and French). ' "Nun fnllnmina umrnvnvnvnnltn nu /, llsdale, state, or Barrie, olicltors. of June 0R-00n. Quauu uuu .l`l'BHU1l]. The following were prevented on account of illness from writhxg the examinations but have the following standing on the year's work:-,- First Class Honors: Esther: Leigh, Agnes Hayes, Jean- Marshall. _Second Class g-Iilonorsz Annie Leigh, Muriel McAr- ur. m1.- .n..n..-..:..... ..4....:.....;.... 1.4.... a..:I (Continued _tr'om `pazzv j3)_ SENIOR I TO JUNIOR 11- run- ..._ v1-_-.._ 1- -.... - /` `net , 3.111116 JJllVVUl'lalI,v.I.1I7lUll FIIUIEIU. Pass-Jaqk Patton, Douglas I-Iarvey. Patricia Mann. . A `T _ ,_ ssxmon 11 TO JUNIOR -ur- ,, -I-v-'_-___ 1:-__;:-__ 1-u.._-_,_. 4 `U-regg UUUIBUH, l`Jl'lU IXULLLQ. "Second Class Honors-+1-Ielen Blaintp Irene Sinclair, Kenneth Mccabe,` Wtle V lie Barnard, Marlon '1`homps9n.- Steph en Ogden. Eddie Reid and E1la~M-n Quade. (equal), Bessie Gibson, Alice Barrand, Bessie Baer, Hazel Stunden and Lavina Watson (equal). Dorothea Elines, Mildred Gibson`, Marion New- fnan. ' . . 134-:an4_`I .1nuA Tllnlln Ilnnlnn 'I'.nnr Pass-Lloyd Ktnlla, Marion Long.` Edna G/reenaide, Elton .Parke'r. `Danni-nnnnndn __ lnrvnnrm T)InIrnv_ J3. LVUFLIII Pass-C. Park, V. Barnard, D.` `B10 -gg, J. Eli [es-, C. Danvers. `Ran mmnndn `- I4`. Rnldwln . `R 080%-- nvexyu xuguucy, Dun uaug, Allan McDougall, Alex. McDonald, Hazel McBride. - ' Wnrum N`. I D81 MCAPIHUT. .. Third Class Honoqr&-Bes?erly Bed- Vitt, Mervin Nelson. Pass-Wm. Muir. The following have failed on one -or more subjects but will be allowed to carry the work in the Second Forma- Grace `Godden (Geography). Marlon `Scott (Botany). Verna Osborne (Alge- bra). Murie1vMurphy (Latin), Lloyd Oaks (Latin). Eileen Robertson (Bot-I any). Wallace Robertson.` (Algeb;=a.).| Lillian, Robertson (Botany, Algebra). mun fnllnnrlna ht,-urn fniIn;VInnAnf ZJUHE \J l'BUI|Hlu, JSHLUII ,l.'llal'ISUl.'o Recommended Clarence Dickey.` Jim McBride. ~ Dnnnnnvnnna nnolno tn 'Mlnna__.`DH_ wcnua. . : , sEN_IoR III `To JUNIOR rv- - Recommended--Annetta Scott, VBes-- - sie Matthews, frrueman Ande{'son, -- `Winnie Blogg. - A 1 -_____ 1- baa. Iva:-.`4&V&\.I.I.I I-LL J-\I vuavovon av I First Class `Honors--C. Sharpe, J. >`Miller, G. Patterson, V. Semmons, M. `Wi`dom, J; Clemmens, ._(G. Pratt, J. Shear), E. Henson, B. Hogan, .J. Os- Yborne, E. Barnard, A. Thompkins, (V. Green, R. St.rCla.1r), E. Marshall, VF. Doherty, S. St. Clair. ' ' Qnnnnd Dina: `F-Tn nnw:.-'P `I7-Tnvvnv `F3, ` ..lJUB!'Ly, D. BL. LJlU.l.l'. ' Second Class Ho nors-P. Harvey, E. Munro, I. Fell, B. Garslde, S. Wall- win`, (R. Looker. H. 'McBrlde...G. Trask) (A. Reynolds, E. Ellis, J.\Webb), N. Poucher, G. Spearn. 'H. Hedger, B. `Thompson, A. Terry, I-I. Thompson, N. Bates, H. Richardson, (H., Edge, L. Ferguson), B. Hooper, (E. H111, E. I-Iodgson). M. Park, (W..E. McKinr}ey. A. North) bonu__(` Dan`) `7 'DoI.0r\nvu-I 1"-`D`nn1aI d. 1211! U5, bu JJollVUICBo Rec mmended E. Baldw1n,.. R. Drake, N. Fhtman, G.. Potts, G. Ellis. FIIVE GU91 An orderly officer, visiting the mess tents, asked if there`were any com- `plaints, and one soldir got up:and said. Yes. sir, taste this." - "XX7hv- {Na fhn hnnf nnnn T hnlrti DVD!` Imur. . _ The following students have. fail- `?.`.`:: `;';'f}%L?..`.}?Z; B1?:la.T:.i`%V? lyn Murpny, Allan rercy. | Second Class Honours -- Herbert Markle, Apne ord, John Morrison. .Normani0sborne, Annie Russell, Percy Rowe, Lewis Ord, Dtldley Oliver, Iso- bel McArthur. ` 'I`hlrrl lnnn T-Tnnnurn.--Rhvnrlv Red- -Jll JVLCDFIUU. ` Recommended owing to 'nlness--B1l- lie Pratt. JUNIOR III T0 SENIQR III- vrv- -___ 211-..- Q- W LII` I-\ `` `CC I `.5 SE15` JVJLU ll`? Second, Class Hon'oi`s - Clarence Baldwin, Royce Little, Winnie` Looker, Kenneth Mann, Cecil Webb, Ethel Mc- Quade, Edwin Shuter. . ' Dm:n_`li`.n-Ilfh Tpnlln (Iran! Mnnfnrlnffn WJUHGG, IHUWIII ll!-VI`. '-dell, Dorothy Ferguson, Eugenia Welib. child. `D Pa.ss-Edith Leslie. Grant M'ontcr1ert' zand Isobel Reid (equal), Rosebud Ar-l Gladys Leslie, Hazel Hunter, 1'va.n -Gracey, Gordon North.-\.Llmton Good- .......J..........1...:_A......a+n. Q...-no dam.-. ISHJU, LUH. Ell`, l.l1BI.U,Lll15. '_ "Why; it's the best soup I.ha.ve ever tasted.in my army career,'_ replied the officer. A "I)uu{- '7 nnla-H Vnnvvsvvu-Iv > ` a auunnnun I ca 133?; bout the onnnafni name; mxunuq. - Form IC _ , I .,First Clas Honours--Velmaf Orok. ,Leone McDonald, David Markle,AEve-_ lyn Murphy, Allan Percy.` ` Rn:-nnd lnnn T-Tnnnnrn I-Iarhertt luuxuur, ` . "But," said Tommy, it's supposed Ito be tea." ' j -. . .I.4lll1a.Il._11UUBl`l.sUu \.DULuuy, 4~u5uv.I.'u.;. The following have failedavlncent Moran, George Reynolds, Joseph Prattg` `Clifford Munro, Wm. Mumbe:-son._,I-Iar- ry Partridge, ..Ivan Slessor. Isobel Smith` Doris Stewart, Ruby Mu_mber- son. Form ID_ Flist Class Honours--Doi1g1as Smith," ' . Broadle Smith, Kathleen Webb: Bruce] Sutton. Vance Rintoul, Melva Woolsey,| 'li`.lloznhal>'h flgginn ' V UEEUIl. VIIIIUU ISIIILI. Elizabeth Wiggins. EXAMINATION `RESULTS FOR THE B. C." I`. %nA%RRIL*pUPIlS1*I`zoMor1aboN * MID-SUMMER THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925.. FINE SOUP Ir nffinnvv tnlfh mam 11 1 1'1) 511- 1- J 0 ,' `s L rariklin Keenan, `AI-Iugh McDonald. J n Cmeron, Robert Fraser, Dalton \ McDougal, Kathleen Hook, `Alma Stra- chan, Brnadette Hipkin, Ellzab h M Bray, W`ir'm1fred McVeigh, Aleda Se - don, Preha Tereceny, Ceqil Barrett. `I51-st`: A 111! rlIr\ "rfs 1' U _ 01 tion, :1 . og.` [Rita Mcvexgn. 1 M . . - Second Class Honors--Ann1e Clark, i:\l"oseph\ Saso, Agnes Cameron, Mair- gat-et_ Coady. , , v A Dn.nn_-.Annie Sex-man. Josenh I-Ilnkinn ietia, Miriam LJDQDIHJIU ` Recommended -- Thomas Birchard, Franc! Ray. ` ` ,. `SR. IITTO JR. III- .. Recommended to Sr. III?-Bernard ..11:'IcDona1d, Joseph Ludlow, John Has- ett. ; - " V .\ ~' First Class I-Ionors-Olive Quin! n, Winnifred Potts, Margaret 0'Ne 11, Mar ret Osborne, Teresa ` Skelly, 8. 1|/tnu I):-.1.-Inn `DI;-unnhn nnnn Mar-` _, 31- MARY'S-_scHooL. TO SENIOR-IV- 1:u...+ rvlnau 1 -l'nnnm:--T)nrnthv . J _ KING GEORGE SCHOOL . .(R. M. `Young_). ' - 3 1w `JR. PRIMER TO SR..PRIMEB/- . Doris Babcock. Evelyn Holmes , Sid- r_aeyOLeGear., _ V A./` R. PRIMERHPO JR_,1- . - . ] Edith` Huse (I-I). Jack Holmes._ (H). Rena, Burns (H), `Victor LeGear (H). George-LeGear.. . ` SR. 1 T0 SR. 11- ! 1xrnI+m.- wrnnnr , (?-I \-_ John Moth. sR. 1' 511. .l.l.-- . > Walter Fraser _, (H)-, John Moth, Gegrgla Weldon; sn.'?1; TO JR. `111---* , T Ma.-rv Moth (I-I). Lily Moth." ~I-Iazet SB.,;1; TO JR. 111,-T Mjdy Moth (H), Lily ,[pth,' Bums, Flosaie Peacock, Nancy Home- wood, Mary Birnie. Robert" Huse. , ` I vs` '11- nun 013 771 , _ TO SEN1UH,- 1V--, First Class Honors-Dorothy .Doy1e`,A William Bray, Thomas Smith,` John` . B1rchard, John A. Lang, Mary Has-` Ikett, Eric Murphy,` `Charles Hihds, !Rita. McVeigh. 1 ' u.mm..a (`Inna T-1 nnnrn.-.An1;\in Clark. Pas--Annie Serman. Josephl-Il1v)k1n*, g'8.!"8t C080) . Agnes McVeigh. Dorothy Keenan, Jos- epl"b..~DIcDona1d. - ~ - nun` 17r\Y!I\`l3 1'17 lIll`- ~,. an-.v.g.v v......v-. '30`. JU NIoR ,IV- `Imago (`In an `I -`Inna William of Me- An `Ann: 5 uuu L LIP is having Francxs '1l'tn,'Muueune uuuurnu. -Second Class 41-Ionors--Marie Des-' ourdle, Charles Donnelly, Cletus Hinds, .Rita Crbssland, Jack Clark, A Mary Lang.`_ ` . 'Dnun.__T.nn-HI Teraniznl. Francis Dev- Lang.` Passe-Louis Teresigni, Franc1s._Dev- tin.` Mary Desjantdlne, Florence 'Seat_on, Catharine Rivard. Anthony Cancilla... TO. SENIOR III-- 'm...+ t`lnnu"I'-`l'nnnI~n__'I3`Inrnnr!n 1'-nds. _K8U.. V - V . , ' Class Quin! _, UN aret Melt, Buckley, Pheobe Seadon. Mar-' garet Cameron and Norberta..H1pkln, equal. Francis Murphy._ _ ~ Qnnnnd nlnsan T-'l'nnnr-`-Anna. McGin.- . equal. 1!`anClS M urpny. \E _Second Class Honors--`Albma McGiTn-I nts, Grace Caruso, Ernie Ryan, Bal- ,blna Teresignia,VJ.- V. Mahoney, Frank Dejhrdine, _ - \ FROM'SENIOR I TO II CLASS-r `mlno (`Inna `l.Innn|~::T7no Inflinnln 1"11UlVL .IDLV.I.l).I.T 1. IL] .11 '-zl.ll'$DD".' First Class Honors---Veda McGinn1s, Genevie Crossland, Edwin Bellesky, Alber-t Sullivan, Margaret. Stanley; Perry Ryan, Lena Murphy. Qnnnn (`In an T-Tnnmr-n'.__ `Kn thlnnn `8!`I`y nyan, ueuu. .w.I.ux'p1_1y_. Second Class I-Ionors-_-Kathleen Ha-skett, Mary Murphy. Du uamma nlz '|\Tnwm n 11, FM: non: Ska] - `Recommended--G`er`rarda McG1nis, George Nottingham, Grazia. Curcto, Raymond Fraser. JR. I TO SR. 1- - , , N, _`l a`nn-n`bNn Tfannon "lino-M T\/I'nT\nnn`l .l.'II-.l.J.VLll1'K.I. 1'Ll 013. 1 Agnes 0 Br1ei1, Loi-s_ Ryan;- Margaret _I-Iinds, J. L. .McGinnis, Peter Kearns, Charles .Georgla'nni, Agnes Barrett, Jack Price, .Kath1 e ,en Ferguson. I WUUU, Anus; `an...-v, _`v..--- _ JR. III T0 SR. III- Erma Roiwe/, Mary Moth. '1`uJUN1un'.,1v- First Class Honors-A--Da.vld Stanley, Francis firth, /Madeline Osborne. .Class_ I-Ion_cgrs-:1yIarie__pe_s- I 'l`U.S1`JN1U.l:i. 111- First Class` I-Ionors-Florence Hinds, Desmond Keenan,` Verna. Ferguson, Al- fred Grassland. . Second Clags I-Ionors-- Catharine` Devlin, Gladys Raymund. * V Pa7ss-Edga1 Carpenter, `Josie Scal- 'etta, Miriam Coqpland. Rnnnmmended Thomas Birchard. v-van. Gov-luv ..v.~vu.. y - PRIMARY TO JR. f- Aruvuna n Dn`Av-| T4114! I Second Class `Honours--Victor Riv- ard, Lloyd Srigley, Allan TribT)le, Mur- iel Thompson, Verle Rumble, Selby Spencer`, Laura. Wyant, Mary Tribble. Evelyn Tuck. _ `Third (`Jasm .T-'I'nnn11ma-T\/fan fall- DAVUlyll 1' UUK. ` `Third. Clqss -I-Ion<')ur's-AMac We1i- wood,.Ide1la '1`.urton, Billie Wolfenden, Hugh- Wallace. John Smith. , `Pa nn_R nv nrnnr-inn J'.l.Ll5lI' VV GHGUC, IJUIIII Dlllllllo .. Pass-Roy Semmens. -. . The following have failed on one or more subjects, but- will be allowed to carry the work In the Second F,orm.-- Wlalter Wilson (I. .a.tin, French); Elmer .1 ory (Algebra. - Grammar). Tho fnllnurlna I-nova fnIInil:'I'!I1nu 0 U1`)! \l$l5UUl.'.. \Jl'H.Ill1ll.H.l.' ) . `The following have faile_d-'Phos. Spencer; Alma Thompson. V - _ Form /2A . First Class Honours-'-Mary Coles. 1 `Constance Hinds, Howard Guest, El- sie King. Florence Blnning, Ruth Bea- sley. Margaret How. Rnnnhd ing`: T-'|'nnnnvvn_}v1-huur (Eh-El- anuy, ;u.u1'5u1`e|. l.'.lUW.' ' Secqnd Class I-Ionours--Arthur Gird- wood, .Margaret Blackstock, Harry Brother, Catherine Hardy. Laura As- aph,` R~uth\Al1a.n, Marjorie Graham 'l`hh-- (`Jana `I -Tn:-\nnru:'|\'n`hAI `I -Tnnn- '1`hlrd- Class Honours-Mabel Houn- some. Ethel Campbell, Bessie King. Marjorie Burnes, Irene" .I-Iarvey, Vin- [cent Rivard. ` /' 'Dn..._tr}s.....n. `n.-.....I. 1:uCI...u "I-J.-ml, Pass-KEmeth Dqnch, Ethel ',Hook,. Duncan Campbell. ut-nu. ruvuru. ..r V .'I`hn fnllnwlngv hnvn falln nvi` nun nr .lJl.luU.ll utuupueu. , . ~'1`he following have failed on one or more subjects` but will be allowed to nzn-rv fhn urn:-Ir In l-`ho 1\Il' Holst-\n`I__ IIIUICU BUUJUULB UIJI. W111 U8 RIIUWUU LU Icarxjy the work in the Midd1e,School- _ Edna Asapn (Geometry). Margaret Binnie (Phys1ography),`Vera. Baldwin (Arithmetic). V ' "FHA fnllnnrlncr `auxin -Pal`InR__.(\Hx-rn \{}l.'Ll-lllllUl.lU}n The Vtollowlng have failed--Olive Hunter, Marion Carr, Isabelle Hedg'er, | Myrtle Chappell. Audrey Clifton, Albert 1 Stephenson, Hilda Graham. Heien lcheesman, -Isobel Allward, Laura Hall, lWalton -Johnston, Mabel Gilchrist. V 1-.1....__ ` nun . ' -First Class I-`Ionours--Stanley Tay- lor. Vvm; Hipkim ` 4' P Rnnnn lnnn 'l'-Tnnnun-n__T-Tn:-nl T-Turf u l}|_JI'. \v'\'l; .r11p3(u1.. ` I Second Class I-Ionours--Harold Hart, Richard Powell. George `Wardle. - ,"bThlrd. Class Honour-s-Aileen Calli- 'g on, ', Pass--Ha.rry H 1, Allan Scott. ' The/fllowing davevfailed on one or more subjects but will be allowed to: carry the work in the M1ddleVSchool.-` lusxeu, Auury _xuux'puy. Pass-=~F-`rank Newman, Frances Skel- I7 MH; the Firsi mg! .Ortiginal Alarm Cl;ck: ."iiZin'g}'l$2e*'11L"1{ in earlier! \days and people came from miles_ A around to witness anexecution. The scaffolds were frequently "works of; art and, even in those `days when! imbgr cost practically nothing, they` cord in Quebec, the [speaker said, of a eman being `hanged and his body} strung up in a cage at the crass-roads ` `as a warning to othe_rs._ V ., ' j 1-: 1 0,, nun L,__- _--__, 1--.! _I were quite expensive. There is a re-` , ksuant to II Inoulnnn 11570 33515115 IIICILU an lllIaUl.'UDl:lll5.UV{ll' .. - . - pamson _sho_win7g *the changing atti- tude of the_ public towards certain _of- fences I once` regarded. as serious crimes` and inowas o`nly triing mis- demeanors, _ as well as .t_;h_h modern trend towards-' -lighter: punishments and, more `humane treatment of of- fenders` with a view to rehabilitatin them insociety. -_ 4 E ' `When Hangman Was Busy V -``The`\ early idea, stated Mr. Kearns.was that the virtue and ef- ficacy of `punishment for crime de- pended on its severity. `Two or three `generations ago there were 120 crim- es punishableby death` and this con- . tinued until 1865, when capital pun-j ishment/was discontinuedv-except for, three." crimes. The hangman was a busy person, as he had not only to otficiate at executions ` but he had` to | administer the lash, Which was given in almost innumerable cases. Crim- inals wer'e branded up to 1802 and-; `even after that it was not hncommon` for a judge to order a prisoner to be I branded on the forehead; Own: nnaoca vv -4 -a-so ~- | _ In Londonvin 1863 two men had a? fight with another-. . The third man; ewasnot seriously injured, but onei man skipped the country and the oth--; er one was hanged. Sheep-stealing} and horse-stealing were regarde`d,in; the most serious light and were al-! ways punishable by death. Some, things which are considered crimes today were notso considered-in those 3 days, said the sneaker, while somei of the serious crimes of today were, no.,r`egarded so seriously; We are meeting new conditions sofast that `V !\I1IV- Ihlli IIYUQ `\`7;V`C D xuecbulg IIUW CUIIIIIIIIUIIE BU LGDIJ hlldlu our` criminal lhwstare having a hard time to keep up: Indeed, somepeople think that. the laws are written and _interpreted in the` light` ofi what was thought twenty-ve years ago. Five Shillings `Fine for Mur er . In London in 18.61~thirty-six -peo-, ple were sentenced to be hanged, on one sentence day. Only three of these were for murder. One man eonvicted of murder was imprisoned for twelve months, while another was ned ve shillings, but a man was hanged for stealing sheep. 'Pnl'lin lnnna-irim: warn alnnlidan in Pioneer `Crimes and Punishments in 0ntario",was,the subject of _aftalk of * more than usual interest___`at `the Kiwanis luncheon last Friday\by Ki- wanian'John .M. Kearns 'of_,LGue1ph,_ Crown Attorney for Wellington Co. M Kearns made `an interesting com- "baztison showinir *the changing` all, in a central place. ' . . \ Banishment was common-in earlier days and is still in practice though not in law . The lash was used ex- tensively and was administered pub- licly in the market square "or at cross- roads. Thirty-nine lashes were given generally, this unusual number hav- ing its origin in the experience of St... [PIONEER I ;`.. V nangeu 101' uwauug suctgp. Public hangirigs were abolished 1863 and now = public sentiment that hangings should be done, if all, in central place. DnnsLvnnn# urea nns-vn'nnv|-{n nor." ':.l`z1At;}e`rstix`1g%4 Add~r`e s o1j:This $ubject~by Mr,.`_l(e'arns % ~- " ()f`Guelph._ " % ` ' V\ Il'l. LVBWLUU, 1VLul.'ll.'2l. `LJUUK. The following have `failed on one or more subjects but will he` allowed to carrythe work in the Middle School- Vona Ness (First Form .Botany), Arthur tMcVLean (Geometry, Latin), Jas. Mather (Geometry). Jack McKin- .non (Latin), 1\/Liidred McKnight (Lat.-' in, French), Clara. Srigley (Latin, }Geometry), Vefa.` Luck (Arithmetic, I `Geome\try). _ ~ Tho fnllnurincr afunnfu hnvn fn'lln__ Mabel Sprott (Algebra), Haze; Part- ridge (Algebra), Claud; Craig (Alge. bra, Latin). Dorothy Rolphe (Algebra). l George Guest -~ (Algebra, Geometry), 4 Eleanor Wright (Algebra, Geometry), Mabel Simon (Algebra, Geometry), Sandy Coutts (Latin, French), Chest- er .Carson (French). Ernest Rivard (Algebra), Peter Sinclair (Algebra, Latin, French), Wm. Tribble (French), Ben Baer (French). Fl-`n Onllnuylna ahu-Inn}: hnvn`fni`In.. _