u 1199'. 11 cup little milk, , then firm. of two ite su- 1n.the ST`-AYNER Dunne ueiuen iP"'%' 140 ms. Banana` EXAMINER `ad 011. Pour in the rice and let it'ge=.., One quarter pound of ground rice, three ounces .of loaf sugar, one ounce of butter, one quart of milk, avor with lemonopeel, essence of almond or vanilla, or laurel leaves. Mix the rice to a smooth batter with about one`- halt pint of milk, put in one sauce pan with` the sugar, butter and fla.vori_ng._ Let the milk cometo a.. boil and stir in the rice. Boil ten minutes. Keep it stirred. Grease a. mold with pure s'a.l-V -. perfectly set, when it should turnout` .9 ,quite:e'as i1y. _Ga1-ni`sh._.,1t with .1a.in gor- pour roundrat compote of any: kindgof. 1:-ult -just, before it is` sezit to the `table. ~ d. uapel. . i The garden party held by thel Wom'en s - Institute, June 3, was quite a success, although the crowd was not as large as was desired. The probabilities of rain kept some at home. The supper. of course, was just-as usual for Shanty Bay, good and lots of it. The entertain- ment at night was very enjoyable for the young people and the hall was well filled; `Proceeds amounted to over. $45.. mr- 1_1"......I.....: .-la 13........-..a:n-.I 3.. .......-.| LILUIF I.l1.VUl' GIL LIIU 1.1111311. I Chas. Skinner, who has been gradu-, ally failing in health, passed away on Friday morning. The late Mr. Skinner was born about, 65 years ago and. brought up in this neighborhood, later! making his home in various parts of the province. During the past few_ years he conducted a. butcher business in this village. His Wife and three daughters predeceased him by a num- ber of years, but two brothers, George Skinner of Schomberg and J. H. of Barrie, survive. Burial took place on Sunday in the Schomberg cemetery,_ Revs. Haig-and Kitching officiating._ P June` 9-Miss Ltti Ha:-t'or Orilli-a. Hospital is at home on a month's holi- days. . I/fr: Ahnnr 12-:11 `luff nn "l"nnunv fnr .-.v. vnnyv .au...\, -4. v-.-. .......... V- Mrs; Henry Gilchrist lef-t orxnwz.-1:;1'r-V day last -to spend a. couple of weeks at Owen Sound with her. daughter, Mrs. J. Capel. "I"!-Id nu: rdn nnrfv 11431: ! int f'hA| 'Tnm'nn g -' I LIIU 55.1115. The girls _ softball team played a. `friendly match with Fisher's Corners , girls on Wednesday evening in the park here. Quite a few supporters were = on hand to cheer for each side but the local team seemed to have the advan- tage and the scpre was decidedly in their favor at the finish. | N05 Qlrivsv-noun 1:91-un Inna `I-xnn-n nu:-unis: 'TmI{I::s. Abner Ball Ieft_on Tuesday for Toronto for a weeks holidays. : IIML- 1._1_ _..__AA.I-__. 1.-.; 1...-____1.L .`--... We are ready for Spring -_v- \rnAv\( ..v. -4 u wanna .v--....... -... The hot weather 1:;as brought from `- Toronto some of our summer people. up-.... 1--r_...._'. rn.n-1._.:..4. 1-494. -_ 21-1.--- `EH. .i111ErI;"o'i;?~}Z}:f1;a'EVE}? acceptably on 1_mday in the Methodist ; church in the absence or Rev. S. Mart- - 1r:..4.... 1::r....'o 1.-.: l'\\l| .....1,1.. ....n..... Ill.` Victor Hart had badly sprained at ` Friday evening last. Two of the Twilight League ball games in which the Bond Head team . figure were played last week. The first was on the home diamond on Monday evening and Tottenham were the visi- tors. The game was called_ at the sev- enth innings on account of rain` with the home team leading. On Friday evening, June 5, the locals jour- . neyed to Bradford and played the team `of that place being again in the lead} `when darkness prevented the finish of the game. d Tho ah-`Ia anFfl\u'II fnonn nlatynal o V- xawnn _.....- V`, V.. ......J On Thursday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rutledge and child were . driving to the village an auto ran into their buggy from behind. The shock caused Mr. Rut1edge s horse to run away and the occupants were thrown out and considerably bruised while a. wheel of the buggy smashed. The ac- | cident was caused by the glare of the nhead lights of one car confusing the {driver of the other. I ...c ...v........... -- -.....-_-v---. On Thursday evening the Women s Institute and the Girls Institute met to make final arrangements for the Garden Party on July 1. I I\__ n-\L__..._.1-__ ,-__..s_,__ ___I_:1_ an-,, Mrs. Jno. Jamieson `of Bri-. tish Columbia. are spending a few days .With friends and relatives in this vic- inity. ' "MT 13 Ilinnrnll Page nn'v-nhacnn-I n nnrunn 1.uu._y. M. B. Hipwell has purchased a. canoe and has taken it to his cottage where he expects to spend many of his Week- ends; ;~`~` ' A....1......-...... 131-.....` ......1 A..;....1.: -n..__.1-._ cuua. ,;-" Ambrose Forarf and Arnold Breedon `officiated as umpires at the Beeton celebration on June 3. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Cummirs Went to Tor- onto last week where she is under- . going medical treatment. \ I ,\,_ ...._,____.___ ,___._ __ ..-_ -..., , ., WHO yguzwuu. I \ ,> V .5 , ._ ` It `would appear` that 0pto_1 pe,try'! occup1es an Important _re1sJtibn to -zpublxc welfare? . ' ~ '._ 1r__ :1. .-.. .-n-- _..':_.-._ __.L_,,. J.Ul`UllUU. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Rev. G. Burry. ' ~ Mr and MPG Inn Torn-Ionnn nf T2:-6- ._ -_ ..-..-.. ...`._.._- - --......_, ..-u... -._v.. ywa vnsu-au D. A. McClain and Miss Mary visited freinds in Toronto during the week, Mi`. McClain being a delegate to Con- ference. 1\/r.. ......: mr..- n.\-..-... -c rn-..-.... ..--___ June 9--Miss Margaret Cerswel-I of Toronto spent Friday with her parents. 'r\ A 1ur..r~n..:... .....:'1|/r:,.._ mu-....__ _-.'..SA__.`I |coRNEDl |z9c::m1 amt: p?.`ia:n.2vns25c SOAP cnmszmszsc DATES] HANDY AMMONIA POWDER lb I-`RAY BENTOST wunrnov vv w---- v Yes, it is fuliy as1h'nportant as an; oother profession. lr- 1.. ..__A;_____ gs `RICE .BLANC.-MANGE __ - __ - - _._._.___.. --`-". 1\lLva :_ ua \.3\JrLl\l'l.lV .I.lL.E.IJ Every item in the DOMINION STORE line is sold with a money-back guarantee of satisfaction and _at:.pices that are consistently low. This is why economy is also .g1'1aranteed when you shop at your nearest DOMINION STORE. 's1?fXNTY BAY, BOND HEAD ` ~ BUY WHERE ' ECONOMY IS GUARANTEED mu-v 51-non in 4-1:. nnurxrrnn umnnn 1-` . ' ORANGEADE AND LEMONADEVPOWDERS 3 Pizza 25 one mkle rather! a. ball game on` COFFEE 21421;. TIN 37 RICHMI-ZLLO oPToMm.Ytsft,ft I its Value to die f ' .-(By 0. R.tRusik, Oph.-gD.`,.Barrie_)' : 7 N0. TI'_I_R_EE`, . j _ . J What does Optopetry embrace? The patholozyianatomy and phys; iiology of the eye._ Its extreme habil- ity to abnormalities. The means -by "which.they may'ibe cqxorected. . The detect1on.'of all errors of_ vision when: mot caused _1_)y a diseased `condition. `The ~correct1on- of these errors by lenses Without the use of drugs.`Also the preparation of the lenses and their adJustment to the features of vthe patient. ' ` . ' YA. ------I.I -..__-_-. L1__L `l'\ . HEINZ QQQKED SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE vvrjn-1 -CHEEEE SMALL % - MEDIUM I (012 29c 2 I-`OR39c `Turn your Window boxes or plants once a week so that they do not always grow in one direction, towards the sunlight. A lop-sided plant is not pretty. . J-.' \, A.1:. BmMrrH Phone535 `: I` ; 29_MukuterSL NEW CHEES The same good tea for 30 years. Try 55it! Cleaner, Pi?esser and Dyer ` A- --L--3 : `- WALNUT 1-`11'~J1sH BEDS WALNUT I-'INIsII` DINING SETS (3 pieces) man l\l\ Order from your grocer his Best tea and he ll usually send Red Rose. av You will see/by the articles quoted here that we do not put a high price on our furniture in order to over- come t-he -price allowed foryours. ` l 44% KITCHEN CABINET soup OAK . `Porcelain s_1iding top, full length drop our bin, lined bread_ box. ` Regular $48.00, for The people of Barrie have an opportunity not at- forded many towns this size of getting high class furni- ture at very reasonable prices and disposing of their old furniture at the same time. I will take your old furni- ture in exchange on any article in the store and allow you.,.full value for it. ~ ' 2-inch continuous posts % $10.00 FURNITURE >_ FELT MATTRESSES $7.00 up from $65.66 3;` LARGE SlZ_E s3&s5o SODA BISCUITS 3 1>K'rs.' 25 TEA A Swiss roll will never roll pro- perly unless cooked to a ``turn ' that the jam used should be warmed, and the rolling operation done as speedily as possible. STROLLERS Read or Fibre, $10.00 up Complete, 9 pieces, $135 WALNUT AND QUARTER-CUT OAK DINING SETS PLUMBING % AND HEATING 10 oz. C PKT. PKT. 4 lbs W'i`i"E: BEANS CHOICE - HAND PICKED '2 lbs 23` R1-ZCLEANTITJ SMYRNA jjgj. Page Seven w-.- . -..uuo-us" Write us fqr Mdfltet information ' "$5.; 5?, ' T` Trusts and Guarantee Building, V TORONTO, QNTARVIO. Government, Municipal and Corporation Securities. We will buy. sell or loan money on Durant Motors, A. B. &-C. Loew's Theatres,` Toronto, pre-. ferred and common, Mutual Fin- ance, Mortgage Discount. Toron- to Finance. - ` --o ., -- - - - I HAVE THETONLYDRY-CI.EANlNG PLANT wrmm YOUR REACH; OUTSIDE THE cm - . -`-_-_U,_ game. RESIDENTIAL scuoon.-ran cums - wntartc T Scholarship Matriculation, -Solo Singing, Music, Art,cConversational V "la"-rnnnln nmnhnnimn-` u!-_nn-r nmnn and Quart: ' M Real Dry Cleaning Goods called 9} and de1iverd.`PRICES REASONABLE llar%1!yBarroIi DUHUIBIBHIIJ Juuunuunuuuu, DUIU 011151115, usuasu, 411.0, uuuvurauuuucu "French em hasized-. Outdoor Games and Sports. i . Health repord exce ent. - . Limxted, numbers. For Prgupoctuo apply to` Prigicipalu. f 109 nuNLoi> `ST. 1s ova NEW ADDRESS where we are equipped Better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of I GREEN ,9; co. 32' MULCAS'l'ER s'r.% TI-IURSDAYV, JUNEJ1, 1923. 1 AM A PRACVTICA-l.'. -mm AND READY 1'0. ATTEND to REPAIRS on ALL CL'OTHES _ Buy Advemsed.~ ELEc'rnIc RANGE GIVE US ACALL Phone 180 venben Ciollegem RI-'.lnI'-`.N1'lAl_ snnnnr- r.-no `mm c I L I3IVII I (To beT continued) CHOOSE `ouR ELECTRICV RANGE w1sI-:LY I-IIQKC I\_Jl I&ll\O 8535' V V'47" `." W. FIRT curacy: \c--4 n\.a\'AV \ L "See that~theelecti'ic range`yo'u. choqse has Tor-Red (protected) Elements _and McClaryfs. ` e Fizfeless Cooker Oven, t e ' . . rice, I nun J. nunry -OI '.l.'IlDI`Ilt0l'l. Bert McQuay returned from Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. McQua.y is st1ll_in the `hospital there but doing as well as can-be expected. . ` . Udlio , Mrs. T. Banting is doing well after an operatio for goltre in Toronto and will soon~be`ab1e to be home again. a Deep sympathy is felt for Mrs. Esten Davis in the death of her father, Mr. J. Henry -of Thornton. Rnrf Mnfllnv v-nhnvnn from Tnnnnfn IIUIIUGJH IIUICU. ' Esten Davis lost a valuable mare and colt last week. , Izfnm T 7|` Tana:-.44 {ca `artisan -an... uuu UUIIJ IIIUL WUUK. Mrs. J. T. Jennett is _home. from Toronto after havlngan opervationon her throat,-`She is not feeling` very stron but all hope she will. soon be hersef again. Fged Elliott is -sporting a. new Ford 091'. ' ....... nu--anpvuuo an v 14:. .1 UV; Iv vluulllwo I Qn Thursday night a. hired man at! Sam. Warnica _s took French leave and] after his departure John Soules dis- covered that his purse containing $25. an overcoat and cap were missing. The man had collected his. wages from Mr. Warnica shortly before. Nothing has been heard of him since. I .- Mn and Ind: 1xry..- 'v,......... -5: ..I.u.a ucxuxvut. i A message came last week that -Andrew Lennox, formerly of this place, had passed to the Great Beyond.-1-Ie was the son of the late Mr.` and Mrs. James Lennox. v`\ ' `Ila nQn1: Ila.-4 13nuu Tiflinnu .-...A ..1..l1.1 IJ GJIIUB .I.JUllllUKo ' ` V ,Mr. and Mrs..Roy Wi1son.a.nd child- ren"of Toronto are spending a week's holidays here. Tafnn `Davin lnaf o vol:-no'h'ln.1nov-A Ji;ne 8-Ivy and Thornton-played a good game, of" ball here- on Monday afternoon. Score 5-4 in favor of` the home team. Both teams played very well. . 1n 1: 1' .........-. 1-..; .. 1.--..- 1-..`. --._-u_ E. Lennox lost a. horse last week. Lawrence Jennett of Toronto is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Je1}nett. -- mnnnantva An- 1-..; ......-1- '4.1_..a.| HUI-MU UL 114- KJIXCSLS ~ -. . Sam. Reynolds pent the `week-end `with his daughter, Mrs. Berry, in T01- onto. ' l `IJUUH [M91110 U1 H1111 SINCE. I Mr. and,M1s. Wm; Young and Vchild- _ren of Craigvale spent Sunday at the` home of E. Guest; Qnvn Dauynnin n-`no.0 `RA `C>IlAA`D A_.I uxu WUUK"6Il(1 8.! 1101718. -4., _ A picnic is announced for Saturday. June 27, at Big Bay Point park for the Sunday School and S.S. No. 14 `public school. Come and bring your lunch baskets. Everybody welcome. A... 'l|I_..`.....l..-- ...|...I.4. - 1..|_'.-_1 ..--__ _;. pl-'UBUul. a.z`UuIl(1 nere. ' ' Wm. Medcalfe of Thornbury `visited `With "Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Elliott during` thefore part of the week and called on` other friends, also motoring t`o`S`a.n dy . 'Cove and Big Bay P0iIIt.~pa.I'k. He is` one of Big Bay Point's pioneers, set- tling here in 1876, and can tell many interesting stories of pioneer days, 'being 85 years of age. In_1876 Mr. Med- calfei presentedrthe .township with a. deed of the present school site on which the school now stands, to settle o a. dispute about the school sites which at that time was on the opposite side of `the road. Peace has reigned `sup-I reme ever since. A . 7 Mina `Imu...hn .7.-.I.t.:u ..a 13......x.. .........4.| ruun: ever slnce. - - I .Miss-T Muriel -Jobbitt of Barrie spent the week-end at home. -. A nlnnin in nu: nnnnn AAA On...` a..'.....:..-- we weex-,-enu at nome. Maurice Webb "of Detroit is visiting friends in the neighborhood.` The Vhav, grain nlntnnv or-IH a-gnnn. u-wuua_j -.111 t.ne..ne1gnD0!'nO0a.` ' 1 ,The hay, grain, clover and garden crops are in `excellent condition at present around here. . V K Wrn Rfnnulfa AP Vlnnnulnu-no -dnltn uruuy an '1.'ul'unt0_. . _ I` Miss Dora Guest of Longford spent the week-T-end at home. Mnuuninn Tirol-.1-. -an 'n..4....aL 1.. '-..i...ux...... I Iliine 8--ThereVwill be prafer meet-A' ing every Friday night at 8 o'clock }.in the church here; - ' . Tho irnn-not nanialn nnnvn I.n..l...'... .. ........- .111 one cnurcn nere. V V ._ I The young people are having a. game % o! baseball Friday evening at 7 o'clock! Pin the school yard. " " ` l ` LF`I"'27`A." Qhnldf l`I|`t`IY ant` Qol-_ mu we scnocu yarcl. A } 1 Mfssf/Frizzell spent Friday and Sat- : urday in Toronto. 3 Mina hnnn l`_uak:+ nv 1',n.....6.'....1 .........4 BIG PHONE 229 BAY T The Examiner has thev-`largest cir- culation pf any town weekly in Ontar- Iio. There s a reason. VV uuauu. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose are visitlngl the former's father, Wesley Rose, and- the latter's sister, _Mrs.- R. Baycroft,3 after `spending the winter in -`Florida, `-before returning to their 'hqme at, Echo- Place. ` ` AVJ.lBBU Bu.ulVu.u,, ruueuuy. I Alex. Moore returned home last week after spending a. few weeks with hisi nephews, Her_bjand` Norval Linn, of] Welland. `- Ila nun: 1ur.... A'I...l... `D--- ....~. --:...u.n....l uavuxs u. ruunuueueu into a. score. , Mrs.` M_cGuire visited her daughter, Mrs. J. Gibson, a. few days last Week Mrs. Rumble visited her sisters, the Misses `Sullivan, recently. Alex. Mnnm: rnfiirnnh hnmn Inc} nronlr V UICIIUII dh:UlSlllH..I.lu ` Rev. Buckberrough of [the Baptist! church filledthe pulpit in the Meth-| odlst church onsunday in the absence; of Rev. A. P. Brace, who is attending the Conference. 1-1.... r1n....... 1...... ..........u-. :_......u.;. 4.1.- L111`: \.aU.llLUl.`U1lUU- John Gibson has recently bought the building which was built by the Sterl-, ing Bank a few years ago and intends` having it remodelled into a store. MFR MaII*Fn 17"fA `nah Houiaknn vxvx--v -~-v-- v-vvr ------ --J 2:vvu- _ The many friends of both Mrs. Bern- ard Robinson and Miss Clara Reinhart will be orry to know they are both under the doctor's care at present. Arthur 'R'lnn'l.r`h1n~n Inff fnr 'l"ny-nni-n uuuer uw uuUI.Ur's care at present. Arthur Blackburn left for Toronto! this morning to attend the General. Assembly of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. T.hrnn .T9|nL'rn9n in cnnnaina g 1-LSSBIIIDIY OI tne rresoyterlan cnurcn. Mrs. Lorne Jackman is spending a week_ in Toronto with `her son, Dr. Vernon Jackman. `Dan niinliknhmnsinvk AG `LA 'l3-._L8.-.4. June 8-Miss Myra.Atkinson of New Flos spent the week-end`With Miss, Iva Woodard. . I ma. !\r);I`\tI .1.-l..'I. u... 1...: ..1..........; `--._..__ J.Vi'1 VV UUU&!.l.'U.s ` The rains which we had almost every night last week and the very great heat has made the gardens and spring, crops spring up like mushrooms. The" crops look exceptionally good. I IIILA .......-'. .n...t_....1_ -3 1._`.I- In-,,, -rm, |`Lu uuunamuwn last weeli. I Frank Higginson was in Oshawa last week and brought home a new C,hevro- < let touring car. ` ..-.v_. clowns Iuuusn &uA1Ac Ull ;uuuucI.y. A-large congregation attended ser- vice in Utopia Union Church, Sunday, `to hear Rev. Alex. Rintoul, who takes up,neW duties in Port McNicol. '|\/hn-7-nu Rvuunulzill onA"4=..-Inna ........\..... uy_ucvv uuuca Lu. .|Tul.`I. 1VL|.:L\l.UUl. Murray Brunskill and" friend, accom- panied by'Mr, and Mrs. Williams and children, mortbred from `Toronto to. spend Sunday with Jas. Brunskil]. . Miss Be11a*,Mi11er spent the week-end with her `brother, Allen Mi1ler_. _VV. J .'Dem1')ster made a business trip Lto Cookstown last week. " I Wronb T-'I'l6-rs-Io-menu Ivvnn 8.. l\..I...~~.... 1.....A. ucr 1.2I.Ll1Ul', wno Is very 111.` A number from here a.ttended'the `Ivy-Thornton ball game on Monday A .'lou-an nnnnnnn-nbin... .-.54-......:|...:| ..,_- uy,ucw uuues 111 1'0 : panied 1 children, } .' 1|/r.'...... 75-11- A`Ivf.!Il _,, _, lu.u'a. nu. LV1. Dell. ` Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Farun and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dempster, Sunday. * Mrs. Wilfred McMaster is visiting ,Utopia friends. _ ` Mrs. J. H. Bell is in Alliston -with her father, who is very ill. _' A number frnm horn g1>+nnana.n-m lu u1.'u4gvaue. ~ Miss Mabel Truax has returned Ihome from Coldwater. I Mr nn Inn T.n:s'Ho\ V|'1n...1'S.~n- -u-A5----J ILIUIIIU l.l'UIll U01(lWB.1'.el'. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tupling motored from `I-Ioneywood to spend `Sunday with Mrs. Tupling s. parents, Mr. and` Mrs. M. M. Bell. ' Km and `ll -nu I`1Ln.. 'l'.\....--.. ---J RA---1' - rrcu uuux-sun. ' Russell McMa'ster and Miss Hill of Orillia spent Wednesday with thei .former s parents here. -A i Mr and `.\/Tm: `m1..1..'a,.1. ....-.-A...` 5......-n..--n :.|.u1'uu:1'u parents nere. - Mr. and Mrs. Elphick speht Sunday} with Brentwood friendsh T\/Vac: '|\:fan:-In Q-nlfla In ..:...u.x_... a-z-._.1- Awningi Suhplied ;nd E.'.:-e;:IV:evcl"' Carpets and Rugs_ Wqnovated and Shampooed "Chimney Flues Thoroughly Cleaned Try us for any Cleaning Problem I\IWlI1l\ A I full`! Iiauuu Ana wuu .D1`t:!1[.WO0Cl. I!`1el'i(lS. V Miss Maude Smith is visiting hiends in Craiigvale. Mica Knknl rnvulinuy `Ann: --I-------3 ;uuAv.R1 LEI`. l~of Barrie -spent a. few days With Mrs. Fred Coulson. `Du:-col! `l\.fn'!\/r..'..L.... .....1 -Inn..-` 11-, ,5 .Mrs. -Wilfred MeMa`.ter Vand Dolly xauu .Lvu`s. W. -J. Mmer. , I . R. E.Be1l`and son; Arden, of Orilliai spent Friday with his parents, Mr. and- Mrs; M; M~. Bell. ` ' N ~ . " Tl/I've: Tlfiilxinnnm -1! A._....-.. ..._--.L - ' McMaster. 1._vu`:s. Lu. LV.l`a rseu. - V | . Mrs. Svilkinson of Angus spent a- few days`with her _siste`r, Mrs. lufarki 'I ~na 1 XTl`|0..-.:l `nl'_*nn-_`_;__,, `. -I -- -1 N _J.-uu1'ul.UIl -Von aunaay. ' - - | `r Mrs. J._0borne of Alliston is visiting[ I her `mother, M1-s.vM,cIntosh, a. few daysi this week. Mr. Rennick and Thomas made` a business trip to Toronto` on-Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.`E. Harris of Grentel/, visited Mrs. Harris sister, Mrs. T. Mccann, on Sunday. , - Mrs. J. V. Clark of ` Batteau spent a. ~-couple of days with Mrs. Elphick' _a.'nd Mrs. W.-J. Miller. I I P F`. .'Rn`ov\ nu. A...A.... -0 r\..}n~n_ .. _ _ ', ' ."` "'_' ` ! `V June 9-Mr. and Mrs; Mark McMas- ter attended the funeral of Mrs. Mc- [Master's aurit at Egbert'bn_ Saturday after.nbon.~' ' I I n...`....1. -r.n.....:___.. .--._ . .'. , -I | HLLUIIIIUUH. V V I j Frank Higginson tested. the power of! this new car over Ivy hills and'spent' Sunday` afternoon _at the home or W . Lyons. `,3 * `U A 1\/I'n(`|n-... ..l.. .u....: a..:-__.1_ AL -uyu11a. ; -W. A. McCann' visited friends at '_I?hornton-Von Sunday. " L Mrs. J- Osxhnrnsi nf Arlhafnn in uamn.....I `ANSWER 1'OJLAS'l"WEEK S ' caosswonn ' puzzu: &--u-- -1 -3 ZQ-n`_ V C&I$ TT `Gene :/-ai_DeliveryA P.O.' Phone. 855.\N Oices at Collingwood arid Barrie