5 range? Q1 Q1 E sllvc will II 9171163} !COMPLETE I>Ro`(`iR".KMM1'RAcK AND mu) EVENTS 9.30 A.M.-opening of shbn:1(1):l::.l:JpEti:iog Ladiegggq Mnn-` `lei: pr{vn- Taincz ' 1n Dnroanla uolnn Q`) ......`I... `M -.. 1n ~n.._1____n ___ ______ 1 ---- -nIJ5\vl 9 W` & GI Earn-ie Collegiate Band Bands, F loats; Decorated Cars, Etc. arid Newmarket Citizens Band. A For Special Prizes see below [2 BAs:lXII "AMEs'.'}3i'.33f.`.`n:1f=".'i'&': , SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTS, LADIES AND MEN /0 I.`..n.._'..-' _--I_ 0---: . . - V - "V Victoria Day, Monday, May 25]; AGRICULTURAL PARK, BARRIE 2 Brass Bands -- Monster Street Parade I2...-3.. (`align-3-8- D-..__ 3-...` l 16.36 K; I1 P-.134-.M.N5T!'3R s v xyv v...u\.n, ;u.cu, 4v uuxuu rket vs. Barrie. AFTERNOON PA'3A.D.!7.-_ g1 i>.'i?f_'Z;co.1;iii}.}i};'& ;.`e`.;;;`.'.f.;1`i"T`;;;;;;a.;:.;;.:.t ```` "' 1.30 to 3 P.M.-BAND CONCERT by Barrie Collegiate Boys Band. , .2 P-M--'m.c.I< EvEIN:rs_A.N1.>.'rtz,c-oF.-vyAR-. Il\l\"I\ Iifif ` " - - _.___r _ '-_v.., ----v Y--vvu 100 YD. RACE, girl: under 17: 1st, Ladies Compact, $1.50; 2nd, Ladies Compact, $1. 100 YD. RACE, boys under 14: 1st, Running Boots, $1.50; 2nd, Eversharp Pencil, $1.. 100 YD.cRACE,'l:oys under 17: 151:, ,Running Boots, $1.50; 2nd, Tie, $1. _I00 YD. RACE, ladies, open : 1st, Parasol, $2.50; 2nd, Compact, $1.50. .100 YD. RACE, men, open: 131:, Silver Cup, $3.00; 2nd, Silver Medal, $1.50. VI-MILE BICYCLE RACE, boys under 16: 1st, Silver Cup, $3: 2nd, Silver Medal, $1.50. 220-YD. RACE, men, open: 131:, Sleeveless Sweater, $3; 2nd, Silver Medal, $2. .1-"MILE BICYCLE RACE, open: 1st, Sleeveless Sweater, $3 ; 2nd, 2 prs. Socks, $2. I-MILE, RELAY RACE, open, 4 men, 440 yde. each: 4 Silver Cups, value $3.00 each. _440-YD.. RACE, open: 1st, Sleeveless Sweater, $4; 2nd, Silver Medal, $2. RUNNING BROAD JUMP, open: 1st, Silver Cup, $3.00; 2nd, Silver Medal, $2. -POLE VAULT, boy: `nae: l6:,1st, Silver Cup, $3; 2nd, Silver` Medal, $2. POLE VAULT, men, open: 1st, Sleeveless Sweater, $3.00; 2nd, Silver Medal, $2. TUG-OF-WAR, open, 10 men, a side: Set Cuff Links to each member of winning team. Entries -for Track and Field Events must be in the hands of the Secretary ' A by 12 noon on May 25th. onll bnnnnnn nuennne-u. u.-...___ .. i!!!i!fi9f B39 S.noI:!S llaly ------ -------u--vzuvnx n-own n&\Q \Il`VVl Dl\ ":00 YD. RACE, girl: under 14: 1st, Dinkie Fountain Pen, value'$1.50; 2nd, Ever- I (111.91-n Donn" trolnn Q1v ;;*,;;. un\u \ucIuUIo] , I \ll\\J1V 1 \ Ewes: Tmng;`L;'J.- Le.a.`)r,' Imus BARRIE 3 `P.M. to 4.30--.BAND CONCERT by Newmarket Citizens Band. 4 P.M. --FINALS IN SOl"'.I'BALL . `MAY 25'rH-oN TO BAR_Rll:`.. cows: wrm THE cnowns. Where`All Roads Lead. Simcoe County Gathering of the Clan. Refreshments be served on the grounds. Admission to All Day Sports: Adults 50c,- Children under 14, 25c.. L1 I'I"I\Ill\I)I`I -I30 I1"I'Il.`I"_' 7.3o P.yi:3_AND %ciI'c_E.'lz"1`s.' and c5i{n7Iu_1t'Y SING-SONG. 9%.."-E1 DANEE `N T"5AR.M.B`5T 9. 1 :M.- : --D':nce you have be-;1-1-v-v1`z1;i:1-g?<;r.: -A. extravlaaieg _ _.__._.._.__w_. `w ---T. .----J `cry- -wv - -v----v wwv, be----t-O van CI--XVI O -, 13$. ' _ AUTOMOBILES FREE Pass_-out checks` will be issued to those attending the morning Events. q-.:-:-- ---v----u--::--_----j.---.- --.7.g7-_---;_ [Fra'I 1EDoyl1e,%President. J. D.-Milne, Secrta`ry. O. Shank, Asst. 'Secy. -c w - ---v-- : rncnnaa `In past: cation: \lIIl4|llI\o I-IIIIIII, Ijllca u lcllj 1st Prize: Ladies,V10 Parasols, value $3 each; Men,~10 Umbrellas, value $3 each. nonnln DAQDDAI/I 11, n . `n . v-v-o v-v--w-vain`-wn-`jig nnnninunt The following prizes will be given: Best Rube Bands (must be th] 1st prize`$15, 2nd prize $10; Best Decorated Float, $10; Best Decora Best Decorated Bicycle, $2; Best Decorated Chi1d s Wagon, $2; Costume, $3; Best Decorated Team and Wagon, $5. 'SPECIAL-Oldest Relic of Automobile (on its own power), $10.00. Ill C_--__.I l)___s_j _f O, '1' II Fl`! BARBIE A.MATE'1R.ATH!-ET1CA5QClAT10N. :i`r'r1ounts paid the. varlohs connex-. ional_ funds of the church, exclusive '75.; a.L EDI. 8. pulpit In '.I.'0l'UI1l'.0. "izhe Board reported a church mem- bership of 534 and a Sunday School membership of 429, exclusive of teach- ers and officers. The total amount paid during the year for all purposes was $14,119. 01 this $2123 was paid into the general mission f_und of the church and thecontribution of the W. M.S. and Mission Circle to missions was $978. \ Dilfhnnfd Pnw Innol nl-nu-nl-u nuinnnnnn Wd.S QUIO. Payments for local church purposes were: by the Official Board, $2817; by the Trustee Board, $4464; Sunday gicgglool, $400; Y.P.S., $30; Ladies Aid, BUHUI $107. A :11 accept a. pulpit in Toronto. 'I"hn Rnnr rand :-fn n nl-nu` '1Ir'13'Hnf2i{.e'i.o6f' Ivnnruun ._ . _FREE - EVENING -7 Qm:EN's1}H .. I'D I II\ Il'\`II`IFI\'I"(` INIEI ll 1'! YQIIFIVI fiiith A Lesson Am Success Teach your, children to save. Open a Union Bank` Savings Account for each of them. Let them" be friends with the Bank Teller and take their` own de- posits to him. posits . i see `The, ouafut road to auccou in the caring: habit No. 21. sfock. Ts E33-iI2E'e?. es7 '\`l1I'| A IIIIII lI'II\ A tiny given: IE1-1be three entries), : Best`De'corated Decorated Car, $5; ; $2; Best Comic A 7'I'`........ .....I `| IT....-.. or `NP `fur " SECTION 2 PAGES 9T0 16 uu; uuurcn umon, $54.50. . There are 41 members of the Official Board, 62 in the Ladies Aid, 97 in the W.M.S., 50 in the Mission Circle, 121 in the Young People's Society, and 45 teachers and officers in the Sunday School. Dr. W. A. Lewis and W. C. Hunter were appointed to represent Collier St.. church at the annual conference early in June. of missions, were: Eduction, $72; Ev- angelism and Social Service, 8100;` General Conference, $68; Religious Ed- ucation, $20; .Su`perannua.tion, 3284: Annual Conference, $24; Sustentation, $100; Church Union, $54.50. are 4] mamhnru nf 4|..- noa:-n-- ------.:----:-2- Today is Ascension Thursday. I6 PAGES a m 4.1 c1_l1_zP(l:JLA11ON | . Y.,,}_ . CANADA, -THURSDAY, `MAY21, 1925. Use The Examiner Classied Ads. THE > It teems with thrills! T ` _It s packed with suspense !- I\ 4\|InrI\ , _ _ _ -1 .DON T MISS {Ts Regular Prices, Two Shqws Each Night Positive]? the First Time Ever Shown in America. Pre-release Showing weeks ahead of American V and Canadiancities. "a;aa5g;a;. WALLACE BEERY . also in the cast. It ; a, Pgramdunt Picture The Only Theatre town ' showing the famous Paramount Pictures - NOW PLAYING -- ' MON.-TUES.-WED. ' BIG HOLIDAY SPECIAL !, Lots For sale This beautiful summer resort property isnow in its nal developlnent stage. From an investment stand- point this property hasbeen proven and easily excels any or all other summer resort property being o`ered for sale within 200 miles of Toronto, aswitness the fact": V 54 lots were sold in this property lusteeason. ` 11 have already been sold thishoeasong ~- T At present prices an investmentin a lot or lots at Minet s Point Sub-Division sh_ould_earn -you 100% in two years. Should you erect a cottage on your lot, your investment in same will` earn you from 20 to 33 193% while so `doubling. t e Man not thing now _at pregent prices. s kiWat7:li: Miti;t 5 -Point boom this season. ` Watolg et a Point becor_ne a second. Jackson : Point, but do wait while you are watching. - Get in on this good For infonnation"apply to C" `suocx% PUNCH a*;2::`.r;::::. ToMAs EIGHAN Iothers. The rst actiobnj rTo1VeV Meighan -has had for ....-- .._-..J.L.. MIN ET S POINT RICHARD DIX - Me POUCHER %'? *'* P'P'*v- Cpttages For Salgjor `To Rent q LUICUBI-`Ill L110 VVUIIL Us uuw ussuavnu - u ' Replying tolthe addresses" oi! welcome Mr. Whan expressed his appreciation T of the reception given` him and espec- - lally of the expressions of good feeling .from his brother ministers. On behalf `of Mrs. Whan and himself he voiced his gratication of the treatment ac- corded them by the ladies of the con- gregation since their arrival in Barrie. a ENSIGN S. LARMAN [will accompany the Band and speak at all meetings: T ' "11 a.m.-CRadel. Subject: The Be- loved, Physician. 8 p.m.-Grand Opera, House. Sub- `Iec-`t: Preiudice and Its Cure. IOFFICE. /I Sunday. Afternoon, Queen's Park,- 2.45 o'clock. ` The following Programme will be given by the Oril ia Band:- _1, -The King; 2, Concert `March, Adoration (Broughton); 3, Selection, Gems from Haydn s Creation; 4, Instru- mental Quartette, To Thee, 0 Lord; . 5, Selection, The Hallelujah Chor- us; 6, Concert March, Hosanna; 7, Selection, Haydn; 8, Instrument- gl QC1:1artette,`I:Cloud arxl Sulrislliinex; , orus, eavens A re e mg l; 10, Selection,` Precious Thoughts; 11, Selection, Jesus of Nazareth" (Sullivan) ; Doxology. .u1.--utuuu _\J1JUl.'ll,, .I.'.l.UUBUn Dull` Jec-`t: Prejudice and Its Cure. Band in attendance-at both services; Orillia Salvation Army Band it; Barrie, Sunday, May 24 * was emoyea. . ? An address was given by Rev. Dr. _Brown of McMaster University. who . traced the progress made by the Bap- tist Church, socially, nancially and spiritually, in the past hundred years. ` He urged the congregation to support -their pastor by attendance at church services and by taking an active in- ; terest1_n the work of the church. .1. - _ ,1_1-__.__-_ .1 _..I_....;. the various Societies U1 LKIB uuuruu. \ The total missionary givings for the year from the entire` church amounted I to $584,.which is asubstantial increase 1 over any former year. During the 2 year the church raised for. all purposes | $5256. The . Young People's League reported an increased membership and theyhave contributed $60 towards the Forward Movement for missions.- rnI..\ a....A.-uu Qnknnl v-Annie!-an-1 on nn.A each ch urch.. ' _ ' .- Speaking on behalf of. ma Barrie -Ministerial Association. Rev. A. J`. G. Carscadden assured` Mr. Whan of a. ferred to the fellowship which the members enjoy. I n Inn]-nnlf nf Hm Ranfllf Church. W. cordial welcome to that. body and re- ' members emoy. I On behalf. of the Baptist Church, w. Harker spoke briey in welcoming Mr. Whan to the pastorate `of the church. following which a. duet by Capt. and Mrs. Sharks. of the Salvation Army enjoyed. An nrnnn mm: given hv Rev. Dr. cEN'rRAfHURcH HAS HAP ~!PF..'_`55"'-LYE .`_'_`. _1.-...-I. 1. .; .. . CHIC} Zirivn :-- -:-1-` V Central Methodist church has just `closed a. successful year financially. :At the last meeting of the Official Brmrd for the year, held recently, en- cnuraging reports were received from the [various societies of the church. fleug 4-nlvol rnianlnnnrv aivh-urn fnr the -many welcome Ellen` pu.:u.ur. _ ' The opening exercises consisted of a hymn, , scripture reading, prayer by Rev. A. R. Beverley and a solo by Miss Sinclair, after which Rev.` Wm. Hipkin extended. a welcome to Mr. Whan on behalf of the churches of Barrie. In his remarks Mr. Hipkin commented on the ,good feeling that exists between the, |Baptist Church and his own, the two congregations having at one time don?- bled up and held services alternately in urch.. g.....m.m nn hnhnlf Ar. thd Barrie The reception was new m mu uuuruu, ' a banquet being served in the Sunday School rooms, after which the congre- gation and `their guests assembled in the auditorium of the church to for- -mally welcome` their pastor. n-L- -._`....a...'.. ...........Ie..u. nnulufn nf n Last: Thursday evening a large num- ber of members of the Baptist congre-I Igation and of the Barrie Ministerial Association attended a. public reception to Rev. E. J. Whan, the new pastor of the Baptist Church, and Mrs. Whan.` The reception held in the church, a `hnnnnnf Inning` served in Sunday 1-Clergjmen. and 'Congreg2itio`n I` `Welcome the V Baptist I Pastor. % TENDER RECEPTION To NEW `MlNlS'l'ER Good `Music by Good Musicians clded 'tht .1. (\0Plnln1 mun. V Herman Jennett was on the mound and turned in a good performance. `although he was very wild. Seven hits were gathered off his delivery, three of them falling to Dyer's bat and two to Armstrong's. Dobson and Emma were the only others to connect safely. Ivgosrtl of them were decldely scratchy a at. Turn: nan:-A11 a snap: {um ORA Hnuf Innlnan _ Player Lennox, 2b . . . . . H. Jennett, p . . E. Jennetf; c . . . . B. Jennett, 1b, Ayott, lf . . . . . . . . Elliott, ss . . . . . . V. Jennett, rf .. .Reid, cf L. Jennett, 3b Banting, 1b . . . . 13 Player Emms, 2b . . . . . . . Dobson, 1b . . . Carson, c Armstrong, 3b L ` Dyer. ss . . . . . . . . Lynch, cf . . . . . . . Walls, 11? McKnight, rf . . . Hanley. p . . . . . . . #1-75 Total Total I; ....... ..34 Score b innings:- Barrie .. 0 2 1 0 1 Ivy 0_ 1.1 1 4 Lack of space prevents `detailed re- uv-:1uw - uu--v---v vu wv - -. .-_ "ports of the ve games played in the Town Softball League during the week; Following are the scores:- strollers, 23; Bankers, 19. Shoe Fac- tor'y, 13; Soldiers, 7. `Classics, 13; K1- wanis. 9; Dreadnoughts, 17; Firemen, 0. Allandale, 15; Y.M.C.A., 4. Dnuutlfn In +1-an iufrinf T.nno-un warn- Baracas made a runaway of the opening game of the juvenile series in the Church League on Monday night when they defeated St. Andrew's by 13 to 1. In pite of the one-sided score the game was very interesting. The features of the `game were the batting of Harold Bryson who got a triple. two doubles and a. single in four times at bat, and a double playunassisted by Stewart Bryson. Guest. who pitched for St: Andrew's, showed promise of developing into a good pitcher. _a+ Ar'u1rnnr n._..`M'nnrn-inf 0- (1 (2-ruagf St. Andrew's won the opener in the Senior Church League on .'1`uesd'ay -night by defeating Trinity in a. snappy game of ball by 10 to 4.` The game was called at`the end of the fifth innings on account of darkness: ' 'I3`nwuuI1un n mnnuuul will-AW; Am vuvnvs an U.UVUlU[Jl..ll5 JIILU `d. EUUKI pll.Ull.Cl.'. St. Andrew s-Moncrief, c: G. Guest, .1): Scott," 1b;- Henson, ss; Arnold, 2b; Marshall, 3b: Munro, rf; V. Guest, cf; Mcconkey, lf. `Rnv-nr~n.::__f`.nrnnrnn, "rs! 'T`r;n'|-n, n! LHU IIIUUIIU. LU!` DI.-I IXIIUFUVV E uuu. LIE made a. favorable impression on the `fair sized crowd of spectators. He also contributed a. home run to the festivi- ties. Mcconkey had two triples. Fos- ter pitched good bail until the `fourth when he weakened and was hit hard. Score byinnings: - St. Andrew's-3 0 2- 5 0-10 Trinity ` -1 0 3 #0 0-'--4 ` Lineup: _ , _ _ Qt An6~nur n_..'|'-Tnnfnr 2}\- 11791-ilrnnn El; Lllitl. Ivy scored a run in the-first innings without a hit. V. Jennett was hit, stole second, took third on a. wild pitch and scored while _Reid was being thrown out at first. A walk to Lynch and suc- cessive errors on hard hit balls by Walls and McKnight gave Barrie a brace of .runs in their half, but Ivy tied it up in thethird when Herman Jennett hit safely, and got to third when Hanley messed up Bert Jennett s grounder from where he scored on a wild pitch. Barrie regained the lead immediately. An error gave Dobson a life and he promptly stole a seco nd and scored on Dyer s single. Three errors gave Ivy their third run in the fourth and. Hanley did well to retire the side with only one run in. 'I"hn a-or-no urea nrnn in {ho fth urhnnl VMinesing, 16; Shanty Bay, 4. Chur- Auanuaue, L0; .l..1Vl..\4.l1., -x. U. Results in the District League were: chill, 13; Minesing, 9. Allandale, 8; Camp Borden, 7. . I Mcuom:ey,1r. H _ - Baracas--Cameron, c; Tribble, p: Merrick, 1b; Wilson, 2b; Hart,- ss;- S. a Bryson; 3b: McKinnon, rf; H. Bryson, A of: Partridge, lf. =2Ba.r`acaVs ;_Score by innings: _ St. Andrew's 0 0 1 8 0 1 s'r. AN oi=zEw's IM hlll Illl. U118 HIUIIIUCF UL LIIU nunuug Luxu- lly; but Frank Banting got into the game in the seventh when Verral Jen- nett was injured_ in a. collision with Carson, and saved the honor of the clan. 'I J'4:uu~un|n Tnu\vnnOO urns An `-In rnruli-`R $118 $11.16 WILII Ullly U118 run uh I The game was won in the fth when singles by Dobson, Armstrong and Dy- er and an error on Carson gave them two runs. The final counter was add- ed in the seventh. Armstrong singled to start the innings. Dyer beat out an ineld roller and when H. Jennett threw the ball to right field Armstrong raced to third. scoring later, while Walls was being thrown out at rst. I 'I'|___ _____._. `~ _, St. Andi-ew's-Hunter,,3b; Wardman, rf; Mcconkey, 2b; Twiss, 1b; Hill, c; Raney. as; Guest, cf; Stephenson, lb; Farrier, p. ' Tr1nity--Jf. Anderton, c; Kennedy, 1!); Foster, 13;, Johnson, 2b; Rebhrn, 3b:oPayne. as; F. Andenton, rt; Hob- ley. cf; Blogg. lf. _ . ., Um_plre-A. C. Brloker. LIUUILIU LIEU VUFLIIUL, wuuu` HI`: WEB 51V` en a. r t after pitching six innings, was that he will do. Plant pitched the last three innings and retired the side -in order in `each, frame. Tiny alnnnynpl n mnvni-gnu n? '11] 01113!` In BECK], IX'8.Il'lB. Ivy showed a number of familiar faces, but for a. while `1t.looked as though for the first time in some years an Ivy team would play `without at least one member of the Banting `fam- llu` `hnf 14`:-nnlz Rnnflna ant infn fhn `UH EUUUUHL UL UUJWSIIUBE Fer:-!er,, a, Apltcher, [was on, the mound for St. Andrew and he vnon a Cuuvnnohin Ivnnmnauinn run #3113 play. The feature of the struggle was the work oyoung Byrne Hanley, Ba.rrie's recruit pitcher. It was the first game. he had ever pitched and, while there was nothing spectacular about his work and he was frequently in dif- ticultie the verdict, when` he was giv- an n I! t nftnr nlfnhinn` ah! inni-neg, Barrie won the opener in the- South 'Simcoe Baseb'a7l League by defeating Ivy here on Wednesday afternoon be- fore a good crowd. It was no great shakes of a ball game but the fact that the home team came out on the long end of a. 6 to 3 score went a long way to make the local fans forgive and for- get thelapses that occurred during the play. 'l`hn fnnhn-A nf the sat!-n2'2'le was the [(2, dm. `V `BARACAS FEAT ST. ANDREW S 13 _TO 1 IN JUNIOR SERIES ormmc MATCH - won BY BARRIE Local. Start Simcoe League] 1 Tby`6 to 3' Victory ` ` Ofrer Ivy. v ......-u Box ; MANY e[AMas or SOFTBALL Anbiiswvs TRIM '-'R!NlTY IN SENIOR CHURCH GAME A large number of women from Barrie Presbytery met in Alliston; Wednesday afternoon, to organize a provisional presbyterial of the W. M.S. in connection with the continu- ing Presbyterian Church. The meet- ing was to have been held in the Anglican schoolroom,U---- but this proving too small. the rector invited the ladies to use the church. Even there the ordinary seating- capacity was inadequate and V chairs had to be placed in the aisles. Mrs. J. s. Shortt V of Barrie presided and 0 en- | ed the meeting with a s ort address. Mrs. Strong of Tor- ' A4 onto gave an inspirational - address in the course of B 'which she complimented the 1 women upon the large at- Ban.ie4 tendance and evident en- .. thusiasm. Reports presented Ne Lfrom the several charges in lthe presbytery were of a 2 B ;high1y encouraging nature. I on r\~nn-' . . . ; ,Officers were elected as follows':--Hon. Pres., Mrs. D. C. Cameron, Allandale; Pres., Mrs. J. S. Shortt, Bar- rie; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. W. A.` Malcom, Elmvale; Mrs. Ledingham, Jarratt; Mrs. Minns, -Bracebridge; Mrs. Fisher. Bradford: Mrs. N. H. 'McGi1livray, Orillia; I a Mrs. S. Farley, Collingwood; Corresponding Secy., Mrs. Swallow, Stayner; Treas., Mrs. Nolan, Collingwood; Mission Band Secy., Mrs. Stone, Bond Head; Library Secy., Mrs.~Cunningham, Or- illia; Literature Secy., Mrs. T. F. Burrows, Stayner; Home Helpers Secy., Mrs. McLean, Midland; Strangers .~Secy., Mrs. Wood, Orillia; Supply. Secy., Mrs. Wallace, Midland; Press Secy., Mrs. E. Shear, Allandale; Y. W. Auxiliary Secy., Mrs. Davey, Creemore; General Interests Secy., Mrs. Campbell, Tot- tenham. . I "e'ci'a'11" 5 $1.39 ncuue DUUlUL_Y- , _ I In. Canada and the neighboring Re- public, considerably over a million men are members of this -Society. banded" together as a public protest against profanity, and as an effective means or ~propagating cleanness of speech and ' conduct and reverence for the name of God and all things sacred. Similar demonstrations have been held for years in Toronto and other large cit-' ies. In 1924 at a demonstration in Washington, which wasreviewed and addressed by President Coolidge, over 100,000 men'were in line. `The first public rally in this section was held at Orillia last year. ` _..--1_I ..._.-_1_-.. _;JII L A in -r- -r- 5| . ____.-.:-y a vi-u ?Q - vCl Encouraging report of the year's work. were received at the annual meeting of the Official Board of Col-. iier St. Methodist church last Thurs- day evening. The meeting wa.s their last as` a Methodist Board and elec-'_ tion of officers was deferred imtil church board will be entirely re-or: ganized. A resolution was passed by the members expressing their appre~ ciation and commendation of the work of their minister, Rev. H. E. Wellwood, who in June completes his four years i pastorate at Collier St. and leaves to after Union goes into effect when the` I w.Ms. PROVISIONAL L PRESBYTERIALMEETS The fourth annual meet- ing of the County Ladies Golf Association was held` in Midland on `Tuesday, when the following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. F. W. Grant; Vice-Pres., `Miss Marjorie Tudhope, Orillia; Secy.-Tr_eas., Mrs. Beck, Penetang. It is hopedto have Collingwood join the Association. Championships are to be played for at Bar- rie between Aug. 11 and 15. The season's schedule of matches is as follows: June 18, Midland `in Barrie; June 25, Barrie in ,Midland; July 9. Orillia in Barrie; 16, Mid- land in Orillia; 23, Barrie in f)rj`lilia; 30, Orillia in Mid- an . . 1r-_:._...`l...... . ....L............ 'Il:.... ....----`.. _s~-nu Jhlivithl ' A special speaker will be engaged: for the local service. Further details will be announced by the officers of the local branch in the near future.- l COLLIER sfcikcu RAISED OVER $14,009 `nnnnlurocnlna uonnnul-gs A4 6-kn -A.-._n l"esterday' afternoon Miss ` Ada sMcKenzie and Mrs. `L. Murray of Toronto vis- ited -the Barrie Golf Club to set a new par for ladies on this course. After Miss MacKenzie had played over the course it was decided to lower the par from 72 to 68., the parring ; of courses and on the value of belonging to the C.L.G.U. She said Bar- rie was far ahead of most nine-hole courses. Miss Me- Kenzie said the future cham- pions would comefrom Ont- ario. She stressed the value of tournaments and also of encouraging young players.- Afternoon tea was served. A number of ladies from Collingwdod, Midland; ` and Mrs. Murray gave a talk on` Orillia were present. [ At a meeting of representatives of the local branches of the Holy Name . Society of the`diferent parishes of the lnorthern part of Toronto Archdiocese, which was held _in Barrie on Sunday last, it was unanimously decided to hold the 1925 rally in Barrie on Sun- day, .Ju_ly 19. The rally, as usual, will take the` form of a public parade which` will end at. the grounds of St. Mary's Church, where an open-air seztvice will be held. It is expected that upwards of 1500 men will be `in line to emphasize the ideals and principles of the Holy Name Society. 't I Tn Canada and this nniahhnrina `Rn- EXPECT 1soo AT RALLY o1= HOLY NAME SOCIETY LADIES GOLF N59 St.