_ _ ROOMS TO LET, furnished, with or without board; Apply at 109 Owen St., or phone 268. P.0. Box 626. 17ttc * } TWO BRIGHT FRONT ROOMS, with housekeeping privileges, if desired, 58 Maple Ave., phone 470 on 183.` 21p : _ FURNISHED ROOM. to rent, with or Without board. znntlnmnn nnnfaunnn-I r`unNusbu:zD ROOM. without board, gentleman preferred. Phone 1078F. ` - 21c . THREE ROOMS, BATHROOM FLAT for rent. 5840wen St.` 19-21c - ' `BATHROOM FLAT. furnished, to let. tply Mrs. Heard, 15 Ross St., phgrlie . ` - D - FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, Eliz- abeth St., with all conveniences. Apply Box Y Examlnqr. _ 17ttc FOR REN'1`-8-roomed brick house, all conveniences. Apply J. D. Wisdom &. Co.,` Allandale. 21 gEW GARAGE to let. Apply 73 Hizgih t., j HOUSE TO REN'.[`-Phone 299. 12tfc. Turn! To` LET. Apply W.`E. Part- 53%. Ozmaplo A_ve., or phone 680. mm an A A-._._.__ _ 5 was monm; also quantity or mix- hay. Apply Howard Wllloughby, sue. . [ 21 > 1 GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANT- ,ED-`-O'ne [fond -of children. Apply to lvMrs. Smith, 18 Mulcaster Streetr 21; - COMPETENT MAID wanted. Mrs. H. M. Lay. Phone 832. 21c u MAID WANTED--Two in family, no washing or ironing. Apply 72 High gt. MAID WAN'1`ED-Apply at American Hotel, Barrie. _ ~ 17ttc _ BARN WAN'l`D-Square timber-ed barn, 40 feet wide and up to` 84 feet long. Anyone having a barn for sale, apply and state price to Russell Coul- ter, Thornton P.O. `- .21c WANTED TO RENT-In Barrie or Al- landale, six or eight-roamed house; all conveniences. desirable location. good tenant; J um 15 or July 1st. Phon2e1121g4 ' . ` - D ` WOMAN WANTS WORK by hour or day. Apply 60 Bayeld Strept. 21p Live Stock F0581? . con. _ 7, Vesp arms reo.sonuble.. VPra_tt.- RR. 2, Barrie In A An-no--1 -- '._ ra. Plenty 0 Apply to Room; and `Bond Lost and Found` Property To Lei Help Wa_nted_ a sale, guaranteed Lnnlv 1-n T-Tu `I -Tn-_ I)!!! on 5. Rose, 16-21p U 1`|uITu.l.u I zip-22c a. bar nan IIUIIU 21p m K` I _ 0 _ ' All stock of fashionable` S&:.>tch fam- ilies. Sale under auspices of Grey County` Shorthorn Breeders A'soc- iation. Catalogues upon requet. Fred J.`Curry, President. ' 21-22c T. Stewart Cooper, Secy., Markdale. L D0 DE 11310 In Tuesda , Juiie 2nd, 1925, at 1 13.11:. A ntnnlr/nf fnu`lnnn.'l.`l.. m....a...'L a-__ I , __- ..--.. 7.. -u. vuuu .a.uuIu_Ullul lot owned by the same person; $1 for halt lot. , A ' ' ' Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment System now available they mzy eliminate, it they wish, further ass sments by perman- ently endowing the lot to provide for perpetual care at a VERY REASON- ABLE PRICE. ' h Barrio Union Cemetery Board, 341-l26c _ Thomas Nash, Pres. 25 PURE hail; - - 5*!9'}TH9R" C/`.m-E U D131). Unpaid assessments from 1913 `to 1924 inclusive are overdue and those for 1926 `are payable _on or before July 1, 1926. Annnanmnno 13.4.... on ---- -- DI", nurrle. U ' .owners of lots are reminded that unpaid asesaments from 1913 onward become a charge against the lot and should not be allowed to accumulate M as -under the Act THEY MUST BE PA_]I3`.% BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE TTn nnlA .......L....... __A~ - < ` ` ` ANN UAL AS8E88M ENTQ The` attentlen of lot owners is drawn to the annual assessments for care of lots which are payable to J. W. Ness. Secy.-Treas., Beecroft's Bank, Dunlop St.. Barrie. .urnnra 1.! Inc... ...... ..-..A:,.:-.- DULUU tlon. Inn-at -nwoaunxlll VVPIIVII-IIJ 1 ;"$3,000 TO $5,000 YEARLY Retailing *, ` nationally known Rawleigh Products. :,Necessit1_es. Enormous demand. Fas- -lcinating work. Easy,sa.les. Unusually V bi_g_ profits. Localities being rapidly 3- chosen. Write quick for full particu- . lars and free outfit. Get busy! The W. D T.oRawlei2h Co.. Ltd.. T.nndnn nm AUCTION SAIJE I Iran "rowNsHu> OF . _`l_Nlf{[$'F1_L_ '|\Tnf'|r-n in Innnnlnuu .1. - Lara uuu Lfee outnt. Get busy! The W.` T.TRawleigh Co., Ltd., London, Ont. 'Dep t. CN. 259. l ' 2.1;?! l n can IlIl.4I\hJ TENDERS will be received for erect- llng a school at S.S.-No.. 3, West Gwil- limbury. until May 30th; plans and specifications may be aeen at the home of the secretary, John Fax-is, Bx-aidlfozrzd. ` - c IN THE MATTER OF FISHER FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LTD. Public notice is hereby given that application is being made to the Lieu- tena.nt'Governor in Council of the Pro- vince of Ontario for the surrender of Letters` Patent issued to the above named Company, of which all parties entereted are required to take notice. Fisher Flour Mills Company, Limited, by Alexander Cowan, Barrie. their solicitor. May 20, 1925. T 21c ,*, `l'l_"lU RSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES No.-2 Fall Wheat ..........$1.45-1.50 000' O I I I I IIDOIOOOOOOIOIIOOOOOO Barley . . . . . 65c Rye . . . . . . . . . 95c no-otoonouoco;'oooouoonuunno-$1.26 Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . 60-65c Butter, per pound . . . . . . 32-35 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . .. 23-25c Potatoes, per bag 30-40c Hay, per ton 815.90 xuu I05! 01. 0116 we IOVOG 80 W8 But while she lies`1n.peacetul sleep Her memory ever dear we'll keep. 211') ..-Rndl-u rnlaan 1-... ..a..a..... -u'-__:- . > -' -- FOR SALE-F1eld-!nspected. certied" Dooley otatoes. 76 perbag, hand sel- Ct9d, I Tst D1809 In field nrnn nnvn-Inf` = SI-IARP--In loving memory of dear sister, Mrs.` Geo. Sharp, 1 died, May 23rd, 1923. Two alrlears have passed and none to The loss of one we loved well But Rh`! llA"h nnnnnfnl all-\A --... ...u..-us; wvvl uuur we 11 Keep. 21p -Sadly missed by sister Maggie.i ._..._..__..____...._,-._......... 1 __--., ....- ..v .-u can vun 'AIIAtAI.lD l He hasqgpne frpm our home but not from our hearts. ' 2113 --Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters.` - SHELSWELL--Ih ` idving memory `of -my dear son, Charlie, whom God call- ed away May 27, 1924. Short and sudden `was the call 0: mydear son_be_loved by all The blow was goat The shock severe We little thought his deathso near And only those who love can tell The pain of parting without farewell Never a day but he is in ourmlnds has gene from '01)!` hnnrh: `H-' ...... ......v-vu uuua 5vnU uuLu.I.`u. -Sadly missed by Husband, Daughter, 21c A and Friends - SHELSWELL--In ldvlng -my son. Charlie. whom Gnd ran nuu BWUUL VOICES moat to us thro air That wh`1sper, we're watching for t They are watching at the portal, They are waiting at the .door Waiting only for our coming The beloved ones gone before. _oAIuy I|IA's'(u1\p' 1..-- 1 Y.__I.-__: 1` - COULTER--In loving memory of Mare Elizabeth Banting, beloved wife 0 R. J. Coulter, who passed away Ma; _ 22, 1923. -Oh City. of Peace in thy palaces fair Loved faces and_forms we can see `And fweet voices float to thro thl a I` . BIGGAR_-In loving memory of my dear mother. Rebecca. A.` Biggar, who passed a.way.May 20th, 1924. This day brings back to memory 0! a. loved one laid to rest And fhnnn urhn lrlslnb A0 I... 4.. .1--- ? VBEED POTATOES. Carmen". good quality. 66 per bag. Good sacks tura nished -`at 10 additional. Ernest Craw- ford. Oro Station. Ont. 19-22 ` U1. :1. wveu one mm to rest And those who think of her to-day Are the ones who.loved her best. 21p A-Daughter Mary I unday, May 2_4th, 1925. 11 a,.m.--Mr. Wellwoodawill speak 1 The Churches Final Victory." 7 p.m.--Mr. Watt will speak on "T1 ;Message of Empire Day." Welconr. _-:------ Barrie Union Ceinetety COLLIER 51'. CHURCH Z and Unionists mum J"F"si;A_n? AGENTS w '1 'I"t\ Qnnnn `f7'l1Av\-v-we .. Bmuug MARKETS 3 Fall .......;..$1.45-J corona:noobcuooooofnovvoooooo ay $......................... noonnoon-oonaooonoauuutoonnu .............;'..............$I wheat 60- ar, 32- , 23- ;oes, 30- IIOQIOOIOIIOIIOIO -iz-o-1):'held?1x: Fl` - I I IN MEMOR}AM . FOR SALE OR a EXCHANGE FOR SMALL F`ARM--A real first-class prairie farm. 650 acres, situated in one of. the bgst farming localltlesln West- ern Canada. 2% miles from prosperous town and summer resort. Will make `real sacrmce if I get the right 011-. portunlty. For full particulars apply to Wm. Carr. Box 206, Watrous Sank. _ 19-21p `on _fl'H_E naluua smuxnzng :1:'on "The I Welcome. ' [of Mary wlfn an . . ..u.an any who I can 4u::u'y I re of May thee -ML;izes" linoleum ` " t, W; owe & Sons, Elizabeth` 1:. a 20.3 uIavru.a=.ru.v UUNUUUT CHARGED Mrs. Emma. Jamieson and James Yorke, charged with disorderly con- duct, appeared in police court on Mon- `day afternoon and were remanded in custody till Friday. They were arrest-_ ed on Monday morning following com- plaints fl om neighbors on Owen St. at a dlaturbance- at the home of Mrs. ` Jamieaon on Saturday night. No evi- ` dence was tak n _on Monday but it would seem tha. Saturday" night : at- ~ fair was! quite interesting. `The B.C.I. Cadets held their first an- nual church parade last Sunday morn- ing when they, accompanied by the Band, attended st. Andrew's Church! Rev. J. 8., Shortt preached a fine ser- mon to `them from~ the text, I have written unto you young men because youare strong (I John 2:14). !` DISORDERLY CONDUCT CHVKRGED MP8. Emma. .Tn11IAnnn and Towns: ouc a' 1:511:51` 1110111` M1115. ' , - --We purchased by wire this week E 1000 pairs ladies silk stockings, worth and sold at up to $2.50 pair. -, Saturday these stockin s will be sold - at 55c or 2 pairs for 1.00. Never, ' absolutely `never, was such a bargain offered in Barrie! On second floor. See west window, Saturday, at Hun- ter's Clothing .Store, Barrie. tors of A. J. Tuckpon Wednesday af- ternoon in the office of John Mackay at the Court House. The Canadian Credit Men's Association were ap- gointed trustee and D. F; McCuaig, . J. Aston and a representative of Myottee, Son & Co. of. Toronto the inspectors will deal with of the stock. tee an the disposition were appointed inspectors. The trus- ~ A21c i ' There was a meeting of the credi- {a.c.I. CADET8 CHURCH PARADE The B.C.I. Cadet: hold Hsiaho R-mo .-.... , W. `1?slh`:r has bought all the stock of the other shareholders in Fisher Flour Mills, Ltd., and is ap- aliying for a reversion of the charter.. hen this is secured the business will be continued as usual by Mr. Fisher alone instead of by an incorporated company. It will still be known as the Fisher Flour Mills. ___W- vu1unLn......I L... ... ..l.... ALE, W, , I` qu. uu upau anu costs. County Treasurer D. H. Coleman, En ineer F. G. Campbell, Warden D. `A. cKinlay, Reeves G. F.` Davis of Essa, J. R. Boyd of Orillia and A. A. Cunningham of Orillia township went to Toronto today to interview the Minister of Highways regarding coun- `ty `road work. . Q T E.'_L_.. `L-.. l_4--,,1,n II .- ucuu gum, w we Agricultural Bark. -Ladies, on Wednesday, May 27, Llwe invite you to call at our store and a see the Simplex ironing machine be- ing demonstrated. Does half-day's ironing in` one hour.-0tton Hard- ware Co. 21c . --A few specials this week-Large Giant pansies, also number of peren- . nial larkspur, Shasta daisy, gaillardia, Canterbury Bell, coreopsis, black-' eyed Susan, hardy carnations, at Bu- chanan s Grocery. 21c Seven cases of speeding or driving without three lights were heard in the police court during the week. One charge was dismissed, decision was reserved in two cases and in the other four nes were imposed ranging from. $1 to $10 and costs. ' (".n'nn4~u 'lV.........-...... 1-: 11- 11-1,, uu. ruxurew 5 unutcn. --Four summer cottages-were bum- ed on Saturday, May 16, near Minet s Point. Do you carry sufficient IN- SURANCE on yours? Phone 1010- Gordon Stevenson, Barrie.` 21c Mnnaxr u nomad.-. ...`:n 2...... ._ LL- \1yI.'uuu ouevenson, uarrle. 21c Monday's parade will form on the Market Square at 12.30. Leaving there sharp at 1 p.m., it will `go via Collier, Sampson, Dunlop and Eliza- beth Sts.,e to the Agricultural Park. --LarIinq n-n lvnrlnnm-1.... `M --- on BARGAIN for quick sale 100 acres, west halt lot` 2, eighth line, Essa, good house and out-buildings. [ Apply to Joseph Martin, Cookstown. Box 26. 20-25p use up vuc SP '55, lV10naay.' Rev. J. S. S-hortt wi conductan- niversary services in Beeton Presby- terian Church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. McFaul of Beeton will preach in St. Andrew's Church. ~ jwniuu an-nan`-.. ..-LL-..- H ` \_.uu.urua unu macx or tan boots. 21c Victor Pickard of Hamilton, a member of the 1924 Olympic team, will give an `exhibition in pole vault- ing at the B_A-AAA cnnv-a Mn-.An . mu 51v: an ezuumuon In pole vault-` ing at the B.A.A.A. spglts, Monday. jtev. S3-hort1_: w_i conduct~an-I resucuuon navmg been made. Rev. W. J. 'Watt has been invited to become pastor of the United Church at Burk s Falls and has sig- nied his willingness to accept. --Carey-Hurlb_urt Shoe Store have received `another consignment -, of men s English shoes in black or tan Oxfords and black tan boots. 21c Viatnr pinlrnv-A A4` `I'J.~......:1.|..... _ ..auyuuuau 3 \J'l.'.UCl'_Y. A young glrl employed in town, charged in police court with theft of $10, was given suspended sentence, restitution having been made. Rev, W J Ilium L...-. L-"-.. 1---SL4` Lauvuaudll 5 \rl`0C8l'y. ` --13 lbs. granulated sugar $1.00, 100-lb. bag St. Lawrence sugar $7.25, ' and 3 lbs. icing sugar for 25, at Buchanan's Grocery. ' A vnlma a-3-ml mm-.-1........J .-.. Luvs, -., _.__-.-4-cg Store for $1.75 pair. -Anyone wishing to enter a team for girls softball please send names to Dr. Warnica before May 27 . 21c --Everv nergnn Ixrnhl-a an... :....L I _ -9 .,...c .auu see e1ecn'1c xroner lin operation at Otton s Hardware on ' Wednesday, May 27. 21c -Child s patent straps and patent Oxfords at ' Carey-Hurlburt Shoe _ 21c __Avn1nnn u-...'|.:.... L- uagcsao H --Columbia and Apex records for, June at W. R. Keenan s, 30 Elizabeth St.`, `Barrie. ; 21c For- the present the horse races ad- vertised for. Barrie on June 10 have been called off. 21x -Sati1rday special at Bryson s Tea Room, Old Time chocolates, regular; 50c, for 40 lb. 21c I -Be sure and see electric ironer ,in oneration at 0H'.nn c n.....:........ ._ I an nucnanan's uro_cery. ` 216 Last Saturday n1ght's ne rain was "just thekind that was needed. hnwlnra urn lu...:...; _ _-- - r:uuLu un.u.:rx HUUSHI 3'0 SAIJE`-`I 6 rooms, bath, large attic, all modern conveniences. furnace, hardwood floors, wired for electric stove. newly decor- ated; good henhouse and large lot: no encumbrances. `Apply to Harry Nor-' ton, 186 Bradford St.. Barrie. 21-22p ,.um. uu.-."x1l1u man needed. ' ` ' Bame bowlers are havmg a mixed etournavment on Monday for local players. __.f`.n`nrs\L.. ----`l l-- ` ` _. -- Q` '3` '9` '3` 'L` -Get yorxr reworks for the 25th at W. R. Keenan's. V 21c --Fresh caught Georgian'Bay trout at Buchz_anan s Grocery. 21c -Buy Westinghouse electric rang- es at Otton s Hardware. 13tfc -Barrie Creamery butter, 38c 1b., at Buchanan's Grocery. 21c Last Saturdav niohwa 9.... ....:_ ..--- &&m&$%&mii;&& I'1-A. __r 1` K E LOCAL NEWS &&&&V.;V. .v..v. Am - - - -- / &&&&m&mmi&&%&& IUIIBI --Buy Staunton s semi-trimmed old 18 wallpaper - 22 in. wide instead of & Son, -`_.'--.1-ayuli I 9 Romance, Adventure and Unbelievable Magic! Such another motion picture was never h ' , With Douglas Fairbanks as the most fascinating and i ' delightful rascal of all time. , A thousand times you':wi1l ask How does he do that? . MARVELS` WONDROUSLY REALIZED! PAGEANTRY! PIC-TURESQUENESSI! Pwxicggg Dnnnnnnn A .J---..L., -..,-._... -nnnll .IIl\IIII HI \,C6med; 3iarts -at 8_.l5, Feature at 8.30. Admission: Adults 33, tax 2c; Children 14, tax lc. SPECIAL MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 2.30 Ad_ult_s23c,tax2c;Children9c,hx1c SOLID BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE-- rooms. bath. lama nffln all .......a......1 SOON- g-gCA P'l'AiIN 13LooD" at Regular Prices , Capilgj OTTON HARDWARE C0. M0@!_|!-Tll_E8lIlYf_\VE|IllESIIAY The Most Stuper;d:u:s and Elaborate Production ' e Ever Filmed. T The Picture You Have Been Waiting to See. wishes to announce to the public and his friends the opening of the " OF THE NESCO PERFECT on. coox s'rov1-: IN OUR STORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. Free refreshment; will be served _all day. SPECIAL COOKING DEMONSTRATION uuumu nun b`Am:J-Five-roamed Inck .house, an conveniences. sun- roonm and large verandah, 5 nunutes walk to` Collegiate, will sell cheap. easy tez"ms. Appl_y P.O.T Box, 1091 21-260 THREE DOORS EAST or QU1-'.1~:N'?s.i4-c)_1'EL Quick Service and Satisfaction Awaits You. Yours for a shave and hair-cut as you like it. 1133 PHONE 1133 THE HOME 01-` BETTER PICTURES aunton in. `For sal by W; Eiizabeth St.. `You are cordially invited to attend a w. A.jREID pl Theatre `How dogs `he that? ID --- ..__.}, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925. A. Lowe 39tfc vv \.IL|.AL 8 Clapperton --v A Villa Watch an PRO WORK WILS6N-AEl no 'T`l\IOI\v-\ 6 ..u1.r. uuruner Loved and `him he will community a y heartfelt . cHEGw1N- day, May aged 83 yea McCULLOU 18, 1925, in Mrs. Carly days. 1171'? nnsv The childr Bennett of .l\ Mrs. Mc.\'z1m Mrs. T. G. Re Beatty, Lefrn sister, Mrs. E and a broth _-.`_ an. un umu The funerz day afternoo Mr. Beveridg largely atte neighbors. A a. distance Todd. Mrs. ( Gavin Allan Mrs. Faris o Gardner of Mrs. Marsha pall-bearers vin Allan of V Lefroy, Willt Churchill, H. .Mr. Gardner T .n1rnA n n A unnlvmn. `Ways mm-0 others than -sense of fuir those with \ making for 1 nu_- -1_,-u 1 There pus ternoon, Mu son, F. `W. Innisfll, after one of Innis -of \VlIli:un eldest son 4 Allan and w year. On Mn in ma1'1'i:l;:v- Allan return and his last place he had tically bush In religion M ian and it efforts and church at < Of mmlt-xi. wxrnuyn wu l\|-Ix WLMDULV-AC St., Toront garet McM Wilson. F1 tery on We RESIDENCE--Seven beautiful rooms and .bath, hot water heated. oak floors. garage. A most conveniently located home. corner of Toronto and Park Sts. Price right. Apply A. R. Girdwood 16tfc r- 28 ;'_e;rs - Two 5 `ADM : . rhl -II A 25c| And 8.1-1 `ROAR! Monday - What :1 Just MOI A laug fun an make t durir CAI : 100 ACRES FOR SALE-.--All under cultivation, only 10 acres bush, heavy clay, well drained and fenced, known as the Shaw property. Apply Henry Packard . Shanty` Bay. ._ 21p V The that e Matine Death The THU] cbl u FOR SALE--Six-roomed brick house, with all conveniences, garage, stable. 'hen-house. 1,4 acre land, some small fruit. Apply 176 Owen St. or Henry & Cowan. 21c . REAL ESTATE -Homes `in `town. Farms any price or size. . Summer homeafor sale or rent. Henry & Cow- an, Dunlop at Mulcaster. Phone 81. 21c ' -:1- - BUILDING FOR SALE--Interior of hardwood, could be moved on vacant lot. Apply at this office. _ 21c . FOR SALE---44 Charlotte St. Must be sold to close the estate. Terms and particulars. Box 695, Barrie. 21c SEVEN-ROOMED I-IOUSE--For sale. all congeniences. Apply 58 Brook St. or phone OJ ` 20.-25p j SIX-ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE- All conveniences. Apply 10 Small St.. or phone 719. ' .17-22p V FOR SALE--Good `quality Ontario shingles, X. xx, x; cedar poets: also ehlngle mill, complete (without en- gine). Dan. McLean, phone 9031-21. 1R-Q1n WOOD FOR SAL1'J-100 cords mlxe slabs, while they last at $6 cord. deliv- ered to my part of town; also all kinds - or hard and soft wood at reasonable rlces. Atkinson's Wood Yard, 217 unlop St., phone 782J. . 1_6V-21 BU'1`CHER'S REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE, in good condition. Eureka. 6x7. $175.00. Also cutting` table. Apply to Middlebrook, Angus. zottc. FOR SALE--Coa.l, grain, twine, Fleuryl plows, -etc., also house for sale or rent with 4 to 6 acres. Apply. to A. W. Green, Cralzvale. . 21 -u VWILII `I (.0 D Cralgvale. o FOR SALE--Coa.l_, Fleury with 4 in 5 nova: Au-mlu 1-n A In 11..-. -I A REAL BARGAIN--Challenge refrig- erator, medium size, white enamel un- lng, practically new. Apply 191 Bay- tleld St, 21c NEW PERFECTION [three - burner coal-oil stove with oven, for sale. `in gcgod condition. Apply at 111 Colgfr 9 V V P n run Dltulfl--L B8C0(I-118110, upngnl: Piano in good condition. Can be seen at 17 Wellington St. East. ' 21p , muses unmeum ' at, W. , A. V 20tfc FOR SALE-1 second-hand. Upright Piano in good condition. than ha nnnn GREY WICKER BABY CARRIAGE `fnr salt: In nrnn nnvullnn Annlli I11 unmx wlunmn ban! UAISHIAGE `for sale. In good condition. Apply 71 Gowan St., Allandale. , 21p BABY CARRIAGE. white wicker, vln good condition. Apply 63 Campbell Ave., Allandale. 21c PIANO FOR SALE--Gerhard Helntz-V man, upright, In best condition. Apply 66 John St., Barrie. . 18-23p . BABY CARRIAGE` FOR SALE - In good repair, wicker. Apply 62 Eccles 8t., Barrie. 16-2`1p GASOLINE BOA'1`-For sale at a. .bar-- gain. Phone 259 or write Box 178, Bar- rie. ' . 21p OATS FOR SALE--Quantity of good heavy oats. Apply '1`. W. R. Arnold, Ivy. , A 20-21c One cent 9. word. cub. ewcn laser- tlonm (minimum cha.rge.- 25c); 31: in- sertions tor the price of tour. 10 cent: extra when charged: also ,10 cents extra when repllee ere`d1rected to Examiner Ottlce. V miwwwwiiimwwiim ADLET COLUMN :&w&&mw$&mw$w%w CAR FOR SALE-.-Ford `coupe onsio; and tires In good shape, cash or terms. ADDIY 81 Brook St. or phone 829W. 21p Page Tolyo Farms 1-'3: sang Property (F or Sale Seed Fbr Sale .mLV `.I.'-.-1.80 acres, I'll!!- do well on this pas- shing to nlaaa fhnln -.-180 acres`. all an H-Iii: nan- mu. m un. u:u..u:4'--.l'7Ou!' Cylinder Stude- baker. -In good mechanical condition. Apply P.O. Box 162 . Ba.rr_!e. zip `WE: an 1 64-1.. e-roomed r litn 7 \Jl'HaW' 19-220 : I flnu. 5UUu . Drlu 16-21c . urueu, 21-28p The ch:rge-avgainst Milton Stand- brook of setting out a re behind a downtown storeaand refusing toex-- tinguisli it when ord'e`r?'d by the 1"irel chif toado 80 WA! lllllinnn `Inn If-'-- uugusau, u. wn_en oruereu by the Chief to do so was dismissed by Mag- istrate Jefrs. on Saturday]. morning` ; CAR-FOR SALE--lI.'aur Cylinder mechanical .m...um.... -~r THOS. PEARCE, painter` and decorat- or. 73 Sanford St. Personal attention given to all work and satisfaction guaranteed. . Phone; 889W. 17-229 - u|..I.Vua1-L! r1;1'1'mus' GARAGE -' 66 Caroline St.. Allandale. `All kinds ot repairs. Phone 805. . 18-21p V - FURNITURE REPAIRING, upholster- lng and. picture framing done by Dougall Biz-o`s., phone 42,1. 20-25p LINDSAY PETERS GARAGE 53' Caroline St.. 'Allandn.ln_' `An `rIn1In -4 ' KNITTING?-F 1'! the V knlttinz m:ghla_ V.3f..:..'1S53$.-3.E` \AV1.I."1.'lLV U-I'D!` p!'lV8.tO 108301! the knitting machine. apply Mrs 52 McDonald St. _ "1 DRESSMAKING done at home, prices reasonable. M Apply Examiner.` 19-24p - I ._.___._..._,._______ I nnnl. uruunu 1`oRsALE-Ba.rred Plymouth Rock: and White Leghorns. bred-to-lay,` 0.21.0. and Ferris strains. Chas. Kelly. .18 McDonald St. Phone 1184. _ . 20-25p __ -: - BABY. cmcxs FOR "8ALE-Ba.rr-ed I Plymouth Rock: and unm. 1---s.-...- - ROAN SHORTHORN BULL For sale eleven` months : old. Grand Site and Grand dam Imported. H. Gilchrist .& Son, Shanty Bay. Phone Oro 35 21-22:: r Apply Fisher : Flour M - around. Will sell cheap. cu nay. Angus. uuuuuu runs tor sale, eelers. $8.00 each. Apply to Hy Har- rison. Phone 6V09r22. 21p _ `FOR sALE--Durham cow. 8 yrs. old, due this month: also quantity of mix- ed hay. Annlv I-Iowan! vvmmmm... T COLLIE PUPS for hnnlmvn :9 no gin.-uh A `cow Eon SALE-One fresh Ayr- shire cow. Phone 1119W. 21p i up X-1`JUAl.4E MARE for sale, weighs about 1500 lbs. Apply Examiner Otce. _ 21c CLYESDALE `MARE for Annlv Examinar nm... `s. c. ANCONAS, headed by the 4th Royal cock: winners wherever shown. Eggs $2 for 15. Edgar Thomas. Box 711, Barrie. Phone 6111-23. 2,18-21p V `WI-H'1`E.WYANDO'1"I.`E EGGB-From an of high class year-round layers. 1. 0 per 13. A. F- A. Malcomson, Bar- rte T . 14-220 vv 1141.: `run rmnsum who took ba.- '1 lby-carriage spread which was over. flowers at the home of Mrs. Glennie,l` Clapperton St;, on Vwednesday night, 9 ` May 18. kindly return and save further I`; trouble. _ 21p l:'8.I'II III- 3t0ck, Itlndl How. Barrie. ` as -early as possible. Phone 798. as wishing to place {heir y communicate with W. -C. . 19-21c V . . ` -` LOS'I`-About May 9, 9. big long-halr- '. ed, grey sheep dog (Collie). Anyone giving information leading to recovery will be rewarded. and anyone retain- 1 Int: aftenthis notice will be? prosecuted. ;] `Howard Allan, Churchill. 21c _______________.__H _________ I WILL THE PERSON who took ; .bv-can-lam: nnman mhlnh vnu LOS'.l`-On May 20 between Shanty Bay and Barrie Collegiate, gentleman's- gold watch with initials .J. D. 0.. Valued as heirloom. Reward. Return to F, R. Oliver, Shanty Bay. . 2] V 1 - STRAYED to the premises of Alfred Hubbert, two sheep. Owner can claim them by proving property and paying expenses. Alfred Hubbert, Sha.ntyABay.` R.R.1. 21-2_3c, _ l TIRE LOST-0n Sunday, May 17, be- tween Ayerst s garage and Crown Hill. ` Partridge tire on rim. Finder please return to Ayerst s garage. Barr1e._Re- ward. ' 21p ---: STEER ES'I`RAY-Dark red -yearling: dehorned; two pieces out ofbottom of left ear. Information thankfully re- ceived by Wm. Irwin, Allandale R.R.1. 91n_90n u PURSE LOS'1`-SmaIi purple leather purse containing two keys and a small amount of change. Finder please leave at The Examiner office. . \ 21x -3- LOS'1`-Wa.terman fountain pen, cap slightly cracked. Finder please leave at W. C. Hunter's Store and receive reward. . ' 21c V LOS'1`--Two post office keys on ring, Saturday night. May 9, Please leave at Post Office. 21c a --- THREE ROOMS to rent furnished as- bedrooms or as three-room furnished apartment with balcony. all conven- iences, central. Apply at 76 Mulcaster St. ` _ 21p - PASTUR.-To RENT-.-180 am-ea, ins water: stock on ture. Parties wishing ggock. kindly communicate: with-1