cuu uulullce ,b'6l`V Motor and, 1 Cor. Mary and .__.~____. CHAPTER xxn If I111-nu 61-.. 1.1, . ...-- nuulu LU work. this storm. ever_vthin,r: the fresh ' he grave he would dist: It; It! I u;q`_y, .Li1.'-0- 19-21c Solicitors for 1 ...._>_V__..._.__._.._g; _... -...-1-, mjerwhelmed him now,` to the marrow of his; stood like one paralyz-v )t see Baree. He did m~*+ . I E the man-beast turned.` m, so sick that he `stag-I Ls vision blinded and his; under him. He had kill-I .1 it had been a triumph: ` Vhu.d- played the part of . . I 1 a stmcxsm and c1'uelt_v1 )\Vn hf) Q]-unnly -~ AL" ` cunt: H8 Canle in mind was again I thinEs--nn M unuuucf HUUI that! et eternit_v--and it] her mother * that} in the hour of; on her lips she; .=:, her wind-whip- her in a glisten- _, __..V ....\. pull. UL] ism c1'uelt_v1 shock-nothing' ` aimed him nrnv vv OLD `s-on the ctgul flu-u KC VV 111 He 10 vinyl L { Exi DATED at Barri this 6th day 4 1925. v gr list affords you wide choice a home andTyou' can buy one` on your terms: n.\.A_y. moved. \'n'l 4-1...; yalu. ` I _ ' For further terms ` apply to, ` A'l"l.11rA-Aw axglluu. `The property will be so] a reserved bid. Terms of ; purchase money at time balance within 30 days; po be given at once if purci paid. `Wan -Pu..41...a.. A-V` u1UVe(`l. Butter ul that ! Rhuba1 time upon application to ' F116. 7 `-' -.v` mtfhere is said erected upon said lands `a modern brick hotel and out- buildings, and is `suitably furnished for carrying on .a hotel business. ' The property is Well situated close to Allandale Station on the Canadian National Railway. The hotel and fur. nishings can be inspected at any the under- "I"'lnn saw-n.\;...4.-. ---!`I' ' .. ..4s.x. ' save ` .__Z_.-_. The pron t 1; 1 Hotel at Allearnalengivghgio . rie consisting of rea] `estate furnishings being the est .1 late Edward Hollinger Willa = at D the county of Sim`c%eto31nsg_ , 23rd day of May, 1925, at 2 O. byTX:' ?(;mM,CnkeY. Esq., A owm;-: is .2. an. . I r uy W. A. Mcuonkey, Auction` The following is` said real estate: parts pf of Bradford Street in th Barrie according to registered number 15 as particularly described rights of Way as described in said sistered instrument number 15447 Barrie.` VI'``l;..\.... :. .__,o,-n . - HE TOWN IN THE COUNTY O BARRIE. F SIMCOE 19-21c 52 Elizabeth St. : Phone 952W" those entitled thereto, having only to the claims then have notice, be responsible to `assets- of said es regard of which he shall and that he will not any person for the tate whose claims shall not then have been received. 4 Br `I V W ' OTICE is hereby given pursuant; rune phone 2' Tmonto I {It .the Trustee Actthat all persons` DR_ FRED A_ RC 1 1.` ":~:tth tt f zlxzllerigiai ofethees iiagge `I Formerly of DIS` ROSS 8` J of Tliornton in "the countv of Simcoe { -Late Surgeon Specialist . 4 , " . ` Imperial Army 41!. gemlemzin, deceased, vvho died on or General Sur v dz- Mabout the of April, 1925, are! e:;'g'ia`l`l'; C irequested to`send particulars of their . - 1` claims to the _11ndersig1,1ed on or before I Off Ce"`140 Dumol St ;the 29th of May, a 1925, after which` Phone 710' P. date the Administratm ~ win r1ae+..;,.,.,.1'--""-----rv. NOTICE TO CREDBTORS -.1`, uvut. LU A. H. WILSON, _ Chairman C0. Property Committee, 121-230 . . Anten l\Iills P.O., Ont.l -mu rs oueuel` as Iouows:-_ . ! 1 balcony, 4 ft. by 5 ft., with a stairs 1 down to_within 6 ft. of ground, with Fl: .bn1c0ny,'4 feet by_ 5 feet, at bottom` 6 ft. of ground, with a drop-ladder ff:-om thereto the ground to hit 21 ee- V ment base. This stairs to be 3 ft. wideel ; and to have a hand-1`ail and be erect-E ' ed complete. Height of wall, _16 ft. from! ghottmn of window sill. Tenders should! be sent to - . -.7 ... . . H . -; ` I v I TENDERS will be received up till ' ; 12 o clock noon on VVednesday, June 10. ` 1:125, for steel fire escape at the Child- ren's Shelter as follows:-- 1 halnnnxr A 94- 1-... : 42 --.'.~z.L - E NOTICE` to CONTRACTORS 1' , Miscel I Yuung pigs, _each a Hay . . . . . . . . , . . . . I Apples, basket Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens . . . . . . . 7. ; Fowl, dressed, lb. i Cream, pint . . . .. I Buttermilk, qt. .. '- Agent`foL' McClary's F`urnaCe$. -.LuuUcu. U . . . . . u . . . . !Green onions, bunch ; Radishes, bunch . . . . ; Lettuce, bunch . . . . .. ; VVhite beans,_'pt. . . . . . I Asparagus, bunch, . . . F Butter T.`rvn-n _ ,____ .. `y u-.9 L\JllUVVDo \ `Vegetable Market Onions, small basket . . . . . ge Ptatoes, bag .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fTurnips . . . . . . . .. Cabbage, head, . I. '. . . - I Parsnips, basket) . . . . . . . . . . . . I Carrots, basket-V . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- beans, pt . . . . . . . . 10c, Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . .4... r1Iu3nv-u :\u..I.`_... I__.,- 0 o o - o co canon ,,, liwmwwwmwwwwammmw -wwwwmmwmammmmmmmg THE MARKETS l blofdbkmm mm mmmmmmml gm&m&$m&a&;;;;gA ALEXANDER coWAN.' Solicitor, Barrie, Ont. Executor, Barri of May, 19-21c ..m.m= LU any th f said estate claim ALEXANDER COWAN, Executor, Solicitor, ` Barrie, Ontario, DATED May 5th, 1925. _____...____.______.~/ _..a ....., uunaurx, . - . Poultry, Butter and Eggs. av - ~ ' FOR Hot Water Heating and W PLUMBING ' u u.-auulgel` Will public auction a1 tel in fhn fnvyv-n A4 Miscellaneou nnnh - IOVVII as thAefClassiVcq in the town of Bar- ea] and hotel estate of the Iger will ho nm=.,.m.a rs; possession can purchase money and ..-o. mt, (duly Q U UIUCK D-m.- , Auctioneer. `a description of ts Of lots nnrnlanv`- \dA 41.; unull UI s pfiets numbers ~ on the east side the said town of` plan Iarly descrihna -'- ~ sold subject to sale, 10% of ne of sale an-4 Auto Licenses Issued W. , BTELL, 7 Owen St.T BOYS &'BOYS. * the Administrator. [particulars ,mu.-:1.'eu plan ' described in Alfred `Vil- [ollinrmv WW w1;3;:i.%_ will not SJ I .5111 u e shall be re- I`I Pl` )llirig: reg- for Barrie er with H-- ant: DI the be offered 10c, 3 for 250 . . . . . . . . . . 15c :11 ` . . 4D"6OC| 3 for 25c .` . . . . 5c . . . . . . . . . .. 5c 1n. 9 en... 0':..l 1.: 11b` the no re - for _w. J. RICHARDS` $5.00 `$714-$16 eznnn 35-38c 25-27c 25-28c 20423c . 30c 20-60c j- Read The Examiner and get all the local and district news. $2.00 a. year md worth more. v tuvul Ella. 0183110` [ma o... DU . 5-10c 15-25c 25-35c Gnu OEAI EXPERIENCED Open for daily ( ....__1., l.'2'@J.'_`| $5.00 I H. J. Welc W.S Chartered AEc_o Main 587.4. 59 You 11, C.A. G. D. . Hulhig Dr-~=--~ 1-`nus l_l__S_UAlANCE ALA--- - mom 2 to 5 0 Application for n made direct or .__.._.._...___.4 Shop where you an invited -to tho); .. 30c . 60c \ _B. M. SYLVESTER Teacher of} Music. Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of M Hospital under DSCR., bandmaster of 134th o.s. Bn., baindmaster of 75th Toronto a Scottish Regt. usic Christie St. I - aewm `MISS WILDE, f Piano, Orgari, Voice Terms reasonable. Sonhin Musical Th: Organist and Choi St. Andrew's Presbyt Gold medalist Toronto < Music and TTnivo..n=a- uu_Au meaanst Toront usic and University 1 113 VVors1ey S Hzunvabowml ` M Teacher of '31-aduate McG1'll [L Office and Reside and Bradford Sts., f\~Fl-`.'n-~ a I I Diseases of Eye,- E C B i , o- DR. MORTIMER LYON o 1.22 Bloor St. Vvest, Toronto. be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. 1s't'-Saturday of each month. ar, Nose and Throat s-11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Toronto, N 32` onsultation hour arrie, 2. l\Is |Jl'l\3- LII IL ]! Physicians and SL ; Office and Reside (Office hours: 1 to : I hv lY\Y`nr\1'r\Ovv.,L _ _, _....-u. \Il|LI ; urnce and Residence--47 Maple Ave. V3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or I by appointment. Phone 213. iA. T. Liftl, M.D. - VV. C. Little, M.B Uri. L. Graduate of , Phone 61 ; Hours: 8-9 a.m., i """"'-"""' ,________._._... I ~DR. w. A. LEWIS I} Surgery and Diseases of V 'Ass0ciate Coroner County of A , n..__1 , LocAL 1;.NI\)`*` LONG DISTANCE .wlIa I1: I: H [Associate Coroner Co [Office and Residence- and Elizabeth Sts., opp Office Hours: Until I to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. V ..__________....___._ I T0 0. W. Plaxton. Tn... ca cxamlned Graduate Canadian . Collegn T`n-A- BARRISTER SOLICITOR, ETC. I `Successor to Creswicke & Bell ! N. Ross Block, Barrie I ----"-'-"""""""""""" uonveyancers, Etc. _Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. Office-13 Owen .St., in Mason- lc Temple Building-, Barrie. {Branch Office--Elmvale. 'W_. A. Boys, ,K.C., M._P. J. R. Boys ministrat Office--Hin Barrie. , guardianship a ion. General Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc. ds Block, 8 Dunl MONEY TO - -r\l\l BARRISTER Offices: Toronto. VI` ur.,I"'l..A)\ TON S, SOLICITORS, ETC. 707-8 Kent Building Ont. -4..u-..uu\' A1.\1) SURGEO2 `ice and Residence--Cr>Ilie1- SL, .Clapperton St., Ban-ie. Phone __________________, E wvlo G DUYD ,Ba.rristrs, Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers, Money loan at Inunaat M.-- ru-\IJl:.Nl'lURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. IMONEY TO LOAN _______________________, you naturally think .of W. D. 4Ml.NNlKlN Funeral Director and Em Ambulance Service . - Motor hurl u....... m...--.3 9-1_0 a.m., `\a\rlIII\JI` LUIVUWIAN Barrister, Solicitor, Nptary, MONEY, TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie. I ( ' DONALD ROSS. LL.B. A BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. asonic Temple Building, Barrie MONE_Y TO AN < RADENHURST `HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOTJr`.I'rnpe mm , DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE icians and R. ..... -- - -_. EDMUND HARDY Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory, ' oirmaster of byterian Church. 0 Conservatory of ., \/-I1: u. 1). Campbell, C.}_ lbig, Production Engineer . Lawless, C.A. `ost and Efficiency Dept L. R. ORD V VIL mnarxrmmn 1-. fl: UHU IIL ENGINEER Dominion Land t., Barrie. P REAL ESTATE PLAXTON &,PLAXTON RTR'1`Im:)u GAY tr`:-n~u\.\... --auU.-- D}. L. H. BIGELOW ate 'r`m~nn+n n--:-- _-.,, you uuule E, 72 Small St., I _._________._. ~ ALEXANDER COWAN liar .Qnlin+n.. A..- -. ! GORDON LONGMAN afar Q,-.'l:..u....A '-*- - i J. SIMPSON, M.B. mum A V "'"` / ..- 1-IIVIEI V'and ]V)iseases Women : Simcoe 0 ---and- I'\ B I I ' ` ` ` - ' 7 o'clock every Fr ' nurse s services 1 `r through your _______,e _._ _ _,_ ;nIv|JLJ [cGill University, Residence--Cor. rd Srg `p.;u..:.. ? a Ca rd Sts., Barr Office hours: m__ 1.2 `l`\r\-\ '7 n ._...-a_ ll: I-IIILC. "Surgeons, Barrie, Residence--47 Iran anu ourgeons, Barrie, s:1to3n.m..7+non- OPTICAL uuruuer uounty of Residence-Corner eth Sfg nnn (n..o....I :63; aw-as Kent Building Toronto, Ont. xton. V G. Gordon Plaxton James O. Plaxton- [ 2. H. ARNALL u.'.I..l- &. LAWLESS Accountants ` Yonge St., Toronto Campbell, C.A. .-oduction Engin-3 46 I BayZeTcl-51.. Barrie. P. O. Box 1011. T%_____. DRESSMAKER xr|O')rvI4"` MEDICAL .._ Lxuss as moss, B with &l.n.._ 41;, `-,m..... n I. DIuI.'.l..UW Toronto University Office--58 Collier Si .12.30-2 and R an o .. --- orrice-5's;"IaYii`}st. V 12.30-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. __-._::..--__..______----- \4\4\4Al|4J us. DILIIUUC. nce-C0rner Toronto , opp. Central Church .til 10.30 a.m., and 1 ).m. Phone 167. ______________ ,,_ -..........uua5 pI O- Lzardianshxp and ad- aral Notary, ancer, etc. - lock, Dunlop St., LOAN. - .4ucbyo rvfces may be doctor. ? __-., --nu JV U511 I your terms. .'Phon'e 751\V. JINTC Jounty of Simcoe. e--C0rnm- Tnrnntn vrrl-IJ. Glasses Fitted OUhfhn]rn3n ti Surveyor Phone 621 SURGEON -r`.nHn:n- Go. LAWLESS ts Barrie uaule. Sophia. St. -----.-: .\J Friday. es Th!!!) H Dunlop at Mulcaster `Phone 31. NURSES `Ross, Barrie. gt urifh um , _...... obtaining `nshin am: ier cor- Phone 275 ________.. Phone 80 Montreal. 'F`.liryn lnndl- Dept. and Jul 1 ll th COMPANlSvC;l: ;HE HIVGI-IEST STANDING etc. Public Feeds vwu Phone . Horse Equipment I Elizabeth Sts., Ba Fliiff --and Keeps i and fre Keeps i fLX\}bs{ LASTS WHEN IT IS _ ~:uu'r ,Wrig1ey' and swv Nerves l``f.'."t.".']lC(` 30 easy ' BRANCI Blah/.3, Dark 8! fI?Q vuivugg THUR TRY O'I'ce Phone 431 nmnnt Barrio extort to raise his 'i{zi'i as .ov goklng at him. even In the blood-red fury to desire t o kill. must have heard ; peese. s'nE"E'e11 to the floor. Slowly it he straightened. V .' Between them was death. Both saw it. Both thought that they saw the directi o'n in which its bony finger pointed. Both were certain. McTaggart's hand did not uLUIVly- UH let go Of`Ne'A .-.. u_v way or the east. an trail where it turned this _ No, that was not '-mo 5'voice! `A chill ran throug - gart now, and slowly he lel ;peese. She fell flol .1 straightened. I '1` p'nvnex n4 ----"-~' , a. au'd.llge volce. ' it ` The great God has sent me back in time, m's1eu." he said. I, too travel- i led by way of the east. and saw your I way."- ...... ...... aueuce, a great gasp- ing sob `came from Nepeese. ` ' Then Pierrot stirred t ; life. Like ;Mc'l`ag'gart. he had left h s coat" and ?mlttens outside. . He ' spoke, and. his gvoice was not like P1errot's. It was THO (Ynn I`I.._1 I, a strange voice. _-..-.-..... .u.\: u} BUUUHUS Instead C In those seconds Pierrot d move from where he stood in th way. McTaggart, huddled ove the weight In his arms, and sta: Pierrot, did not -move. But th .low s eyes were opening. And vulsive quiverran through the lot Baree, where he lay near th~ There was not the sound of a 1 And then. in that silence, great Vlnn.-. T`-3----- ` 1 Jun uuxu. ' I Vainly ,_she was. fighting` now,'not, strike him or escape, but to get ? her breath. V She tried to c1'y.out again, but this timeno sound came from be- ; tween her g`asping"lips. V 1. Again he laughed, and as he laughed, heheard the door open. Vvas it the wind? He'turnefd, still holding her in his arms. ' In the Qpen`doo1' stogd Pierrot. Our afford ` -of andTy' . \.:Lu_y uuuu--[l18.l2 eternity which lies somewhere between life and death and which is sometimes meted out to a human life in; seconds instead of eons. did not the door- over with t__h_e weight arms. and gran... .. J During that te_rrib1e'spaca -which `followed an eternity of time rolled slowly through thevlittle cabin on the |Gray Loon--that eternity ` yvhlch meted nm +.. .. . . unnr I :'.rI AK I During teyribie '3 an `slowly through fhn Hfn r `auc au'uL'I( at Mc',J`ag'gart wi ,as It fell on his head, he back. But it did not make his hold. ' '\ r .-n`.-.1" ..1__ ,7 -- '1-`he stick of fn'ewood fell. And again `fate played against the girl. In her terror and l10p`e1essness she had caught . up the first stick her hand had touch- ed---a light one. With her last strength she struck at Mc'._I`ag'gart with it, and `as on his: hm. am ~~~-~-- - - TV|any times. in his life he had- fought, but he had riever felt a rip` at his throat like the grip of Pierrqot s l hands. a V uu: luull. ane could have reached the? door. But again it was her hair. She.` paused to flingback the thick mass_ of` ' it so that she could _see, and McTag-3 ' gart was at the door ahead of her. He did not lock it again, but stood {facing her. His face was scratched `and bleeding. He was no longer a. man but a devil. Nepeese was broken,| panting-a low sobbing came with her breath. She bent down andpicked up a piece of firewood, McTaggart could see that her strength was almost gone. "She nlnfnhsirl I-ho. noun. .. 1.- -~ .__.. ....1.u uva and 61151.1! Wl15 almost . -she clutched" the stick as he ap- proached her again. But McTaggart had lost all thought of fear or caution. He sprang unon'hm- Hlzn an .........u uau was: an tnougnt of fear H_e sprang upon'her like ` CHAPTER XX'-Continuec| And Nepeese fought. She twisted in ` his arms until she was facing him. She could no longer see. She was. smothered in her hair. It covered her , face and breast and body, suffocating her. entang1!ng`her hands and arms- and still she fought. In the struggle Mc'I`agg'art stumbled over the body of Baree, and they went down. the man. She could have reached the` attain it was hm hm arm: Nepeese, ;was up fully five seconds ahead of] came rot s In had 1 breas and t eath is 1 wide She c then Tagg: with in A..- Partridge &Gilrdy . Exclusive . Rea`-I Estate Agents In` it is Real Estate, We: have it. -u 4. ow \4a._ 545:) V . . In response to a request from Mc- ` Taggart, the factor, Pierrot, the trap- ` `per, left his cabin and Went to the post to` help in thetgeneral store for a_ few - days; But did not go on a" business trip as he had said. but to - Pierrot s cabin. where he found Ne- peese, the trapper s- daughter,` alone. Baree, the wolf-dog, jumped up to" at- tack the factor, but with a shot from McvTaggart s_ automatic the dog fell in a heap, Thentthe factor gathered"- Nepeesedn his arms while she strug-A` igled desperately. ._ ` X . , -..u_. uuuu .BctW yUur re way.- at Luke Pierrot s . throught McTag- let o-f`Ne-` he the flnnv ma---M `CHAPTER xxr I-kn; L----I n-ova cu nun, ltllu Starlng at wt the W11- e a con- 'ran the body` -e the wall. breath. at Silence. 5]. 9'!-nnf trot--\ blood ll. -red [heard _.-. :11`. 'Spa,cg iernitv nf flrno ' .... ua. a. uxicnt. e, great gasp. 1 eese. uvcr Wlt staring at t the: 1Kfll_ smz US BEFORE X99 9Y9R SELL uuu LUuUll" st 'ith staggered him loose . ut. u_a,uuuu. an animal. \ ._____.__ uu 111011 ueepel`, meant death. As it was, 1 ke the blow of a heavy .c ng his "senses and send! and unconscious against could move on his feet `falling. andslowly he fol humln. no um ---- -~ ' -- __ _ ,___- ..., .n.\:IL uu pull ! as he ran in pursuit of the girl. She could not.go far. An exultant cry, inhuman as the cry of a beast, came in a great breath from his gaping mouth as he saw that she was staggering weakly as she fled.` He was half-Way to the edge of` the forest when Baree dragged his fangs gave way. Halfway between his ears was _a seared spot. as if a red-hot poker had been laid there for anlnstant. This was-where McTag- gart's bullet had gone. A quarter of an inch Hanna. A---3 " ` K , ;"'."""'-"""""""" H VVith a yell of pain the Factor re-J leased his hold on the Willow, and she, staggered to her feet. For a preciousi half-minute she was free, and as the] struck her face; it filled her lungs with new strength; and without th`<'5ugh.t'-. `of where hope might lie_ she. ran through the snow into the forest. "just intime to see her disappear. His leg was torn where Baree had fasten- ed his fangs,- but he felt no pain he An she find. we rm-~ L-"' McTaggart appeared `at the door " `ailing. followed in the racks of the man and the girl. * Ag she ran. Nepeeae's mind became: ushe o -. cAumu}un as he looked--n0't i at Pierrot s dead body, but at her. He i put out a_h.'Lnd, and it 'ested on her, 3 head.` She felt his thick fingers crump-j ling her hair, and his eyesbluzexl like; embers of fire behind watery"1Tilms.; She st1'ug;:'led `to rise, but with his , hands at her hair held her down. Great God! she breathed. i She uttered no other wm-ds,.~no plea for mero,v, no other sound but :1 dry, hopeless sob. In that moment neither of them h`e:`u-d or S%l\\"BZ-ll`?`. l` "rossim:," his hind quarters had s:1_u'g'ecl V _to_ the floor. Now he was close to Mc- H Tagecart. I-Ie wnnteri to give :1 single lunge to the man-brute's bar-k broken a. caribou-bone. But he had} no strength. He was still pz1rtiall_vl_ paralyzed from his fore-shoulder back. ` J But his- jaws were like iron, and they < closed savagely on McTaggart s leg. -` ,,l __j_______________* s--- eyes :gle and M esef then he fell of ] Taggart s bo tpe; with an age m\`\:;:-vx'e wide4for staring. He ma could no Ly 1`16I`I`OI'. de n'o sound. t see his llps_move:_ And; toward her, so that Mo-I dy was, free. Blindly and ny that Eave nn nvinnr-A `Lack: was again the face 0 He took astep, and it was. came a sound to rouse the 1.! Shadow of the fzu'th4e`r w: had struggled to his hauh now he g'r'0\vled. Sl\\']1' \YQIl\('\x11\ `u'.DL_` - Phones: bice 861., residences 864W or 1071J.`V No, they would. bury Pierrot, and she would return to Lac Bain with: `him. If she had been` helpless before, she was ten times more helpless now. `She would never tell of what happened in the cabin. l l He forgot the presence of death as- he lo_oked at her, bowed. over her like a silken shroud. He replaced the pistol in'lts holster and drew al deem breath into his lungs. He was still a little unsteady on his feet, but his! face was again the of a devil.' it then there r girl. In the; the farther w.-an .12-n--m _, -..,,,,....s uuuy was tree. blindly e! _agony gave no evidence. `How long Nepeeselay there, how` long she waited for Pierrot to move,` 1 to open his eyes, to breathe, she would 1 never know. In that- time McTaggart Llrose to his feet and stood leaning I against the wall, the pistol in his hand, 3 his brain clearing itself as he sawhis, , final` triumph. His work did not; 1 frighten him.` Even in that tragic. moment as he stood against the wall ' ` rot had murderously assaulted him- ` without cause. In self-defense he had T killed him. VVas he not the Factor of.1; Lac Bain? VVould not the Com'pz_1ny'1 and the law believe his word before that of this girl? His brain leaped with the old exultation. It would (never! struggle and death in the cabin-after. 1 he had finished with her! She would` t not be known for all time as La Bete, 1- Noir. No, they 1- cl him. be1'ore,]a ten more hnlnlnua . --5 u..un:u. L116 ---- .. ...... uu; nugget`. '1'w1ce 1t9 Wdemess beyond the chasm '-his forefinger closed.` V Twice there.-`he Stcod ta <'lhd-Shm- Fifty .VaI`ds I came deadened explosion close to Pier-' behind her the Factor from.Lac Bain rot body." 1 ~ / stopped suddenly i his tracks. Ah," Pierrofs face Nepeese-saw what, he mumbled. `fIs s e not wonderful! .had happened. Her heart died "in herahd behind MCTaggart, coming fasten} breastfas she looked `upon the. swift? and taste? Was Bat'e9~ . t terrible change wrought by s_uddenl Again the Willow looked down. shet geath. Slowly Pierrot straigh'tened.3WttS`*tt the edge, for she had no fear: were a moment-f ti} thts 'h011I`. Manv Hm-= '~`~ wide nn cu--...... tr- --- - - - . VVith a tremendous effort she st - she stood swaying vuns selves. bEveni as she lo '. Pierrot s fingers were ' Bush McTaggart's hand was groping ' 'shooting Baree. the sharp cry of joy that came from her when she saw that it was, the Factor from `Lac Bai`n ~who was underneath. agger-`.5 a few moments teadily as her djusted _them- '_ oked down up-:. on the blackening face from which; choking the life.5 ed to her feet, and for brain and her body rea blindly for, his pistol. Unseen by Pierrot, he dragged it from . its holster. It was one of the black ' devils" of chance that favored himi` again, for in his excitement he had?` not snapped the safety shut after)- eHe found I Now he had only I strength left to pull the trigger. Twice '- his forefinger there . . ' I ;. Tn pinrnnf'n 0..-- xv-.. _,m_ m,_,,,- nzru Lue wmas Whisper of death _ She raised her arms. the White` Wilderness -his forefinge_r'- tall and-. . behind fro 'St0DDed mumbled IS wond M Baree ' `End Ferrible change wrought hv u...4,:.... I Amt- +1.- um- }~shooting' ]3aree.v I\?(v>`\.x7Whe m.La turned and faced McTagart." gnu 11:` would `have I was, it had_been . .club.-. paralyz- ad sending him limp the wall. He as nmv mun-..` LALGDHUJU. 1_1.1S Jaws are McTaggart had and again before '. ared snnf, M w .- --...- uu, 511 1. All `we fzu'th.e`r wall gB:u'ee ` his haunches, and` 'lifted her head. _A3 3 (zmll nnf ...\..... Some Good Houses For Rent RENTS COLLECTED l\C'Ll"llU[ 1 her , ,,....... I I! 3. I n _ ,oSenator Bennett ha ; i H is understood to 11005! Of $90,000. generous p ......e UL tne estate! be in the neighbor-' factions ever made in Orillia) has been received with much interest and with high apprecia- ti with the institution little remembered i case of the Memo r the second bequest Doolittle di 0 rd of his est and friends. -Pac at one among those 0 n his ving left the O The $4,000 thus re- sposed of _ the ket. fficially connected s. whom Mr. Doo-I Will. In the[ ial Hospital it is received -this year, rillia e be free of succession duties. The tot al value of the estate is understood b e neighbor-.' $90.00!). - ` E. DOOLITTLE, ORILLIA. MADE PUBLIC BEQUES_TS OF $15,000 The will of the late Edward Alvah Doolittle contains public bequests of! $15,000, as follows: Orilli Soldiers a Memorial Hospital, $3,000.; Orillia Y.M. C. A., ()|`Hn `I/Tn-"-""` ' K 1.u1' .l`lBl'I`Ot. v; It does not take Si "Factor long to rec-01 concussion. By the sight of the cabin hi: at work on physica necessities of the sii ` pailing thing after`: both Pierrot and Ne but that he had lost i vital disappointment. --his crime--it was III`- ' ,,- ~-.,.,.. unt: uue paral_vz- ment b1lS.e- This Sti`i1'3,t b`? ft f"i_d9 ;t,i ed. He did not He did not and h_5md`1'a`1 eleft` ._ hem. `the dog-S whining. Cm-es . at the` f1 om t., ed5.:e- of- the chasm` For " _ a few mo- `hottom should pf: ments the world turned black for him; I Sent _ , l d_I nnd then. draggim: himself out of his ' WILSON 11; StUDOl`,` he ran frzmtic-ally along" the Committee h; edge of the gorge, looking` do wn where, 21-g3c Anteny-`Mills Ont. lever his eyes couldreach t _ _ he water, e striving" for zrglimpse of her. At f'rew too deep. There was no! - n'hope. She was ' f dth t g`o11]1e--ancl she hadll . :1 ace at oescape ind! ' . ' . - . C,- 3! He mumbled that fact over and` t(1)TIgrrT` Its heA:tt)ytf,_:ze2]1pu::.:33 .r7 over agaixu, stupi`cll_v, thickly, as though. It IS. 1198 Ge a,,.ain,,t the esgate of t his brain could ,:;rasp nothing beyond. :1u'1.n" 1c`.mSTS`.af. t lgte of the Vmaoe 3;, 151194 w{"1S de. d`. fA-"_d`: Was. ofe .l;l11l(1):f1lto11 tien` the county Si111cc?e,3 -_,aC`c`(`n'nD`h.:}:edi"t :]""` 0 m~ t?*" hd g;entlem:tn,_dece:1sed, who_died or + _ - _ .. about 3` He turned back toward the (`,.1b1l'1lrequeS.ted ----not by the trail over which he lmcli 1, - th unde1.Si.,ned or bpfol-e` ; pursued Nepeese, hut straig`l1t tl1roL1:_:'h! h`1,S,,th fe "Ma , f-35 after which] the thick bush. Great flakes of snow-'!t1,e "[1 A01 f -t . t `I `Wm distribute` `had be;:un to full. He looked at tl1e|{Lte 1et. (fmt1}?ls=Z' (tn h. ,-I ` l.e,,.a1.d ' Sl{_\ . where bunks of dark oloud~*- were (r')1ef.aSEs-6 Eh: c1a?meSS:fe ,.1g}l,]$,e gin _rolling.' up from the south and east., ff?) 1:.) ve notice and n0t`be l.`e_ I`he sun went out. Soon there would,` en -1)`: t `mes? he :1 storm.--z1 h0:1V.V'sno\vstorn1. I`l1e SpI0)n:r};E% OrtanI3;a?.1.ielti1iS 1st any of "bi;:Qfl:I1l f;1llin.9; on his naked handsi M , 19n5 8` ( -.:1nd fave set his mind to work. ` a3 ' ' ` ' was. lucky for him nun -L- h --..~._-__ V, ..u. u_.- Lue n'2u 1 whi Ne1)evse, straig` rent flake I001 sl~:,v. 0] The th he :1 h0:wy sn0wst na' lucky for him. 5 would cover ever_vthin,r.r--, trails. even the for Pierro . - - Tf Hnnn HA` I` ` . - um voice had called out in a d"bellow--a wild cry of disbelie re; horror that had formed the W L] name as she diesappeared. hsdown, clutching his huge red Lfand staring in ghastly susper the boiling water and black roc :1 below. There was nothing there no sign of her, no last flash of he 5- face and streaming hair in the r foam. And she had done that-t< herself from him! 1 . 2 The soul of 1 J I v n ;sick within him, '_9.'ered back, his ax } le;.rs.totte'ring hat .` ed Pierrot, and tl iL 2 all his life hedhudpluyed p: ! ef the brute with stoicism c: I that had known no shock--nc "Ira +1-..'.~ L1--1 ' ` -..- uxuLU wiul stoic-ism or `that shock-no` like this that {numbing him 01 , b0nes'until he !i1' 7 1 di( 1119111` tho dnrrkv ~-v*-=---'-- ` Open and C6veredVTruck5 Phone 547 : 48 Ellen St. ..._........ . . | 1 ,, ..& the chasm Saturday Market V i I `she stco an .s1im. . ' vmuch in ev - E` behind` from.Lac d G`eegnsgggfmvgiiegegg`Saturday the suddenlyi tracks. `\`Ah, giit of plants being unwsually `t wonderful! 1%,. e jrfhere were tomato plants and 1.1 and afsfes p tunias phlox, snap-dragon, rt; lphkq nd? cam.-aiOns_ All were- sold ' She, Di 2;) cents a box Butter and eggs was-at fear. aere lenuful but prices remained '- ' times `She had` grm Iuttes was 35 to 38 cents andl Llclung to Pierrot s hand as she looked e ,8` 26 to 28 ceuts_ Lettuce, onions, 3, over. Down ;there no one could fall rggishes and rhubarb were the main _ I` and live. Fifty feet below her the` entre of interest and sold well at five! 1-` water which never froze was smash- i c tsa bunch - Potatoes and roots were` 3, ing itself into froth among th_rocks.. Cegmment and business was brisk, ' lgelt was terrible, for . e nar- pr ' f H W8, irow rock walls the sun did not reach Qtat_15 were as O 0 ' ,- it. The roar of it f illed the VVi-1low s Vegetable ears. ' - e ' on... A.-~ ~ 1 : i L, w'cL5_-HE tne edge, _1' in Many Jlclung IO( 1. _,'and feet 1-` smz 3. ing mto frnfh aw---~ A-~ "---~....... uuu. may yards! It ` "not much, and shortening swiftly. Once more the VVillow s lips mow jAfter all, it is the mother so'ul t 'gives us faith to meet eternit_v--an: ;Wi-IS to the spirit of mothert [the Vvillow called `death. VVith the call plunged into the abyss, wind-wh Vped hair clinging` to glist: i in;_2, shroud. toward her agziin, hi. out ahead.of him. Fifty yards! was ,not ` Onpp rnnvua I-In-A rruu - ~- Our Father_s--come! Come from out of the valley; iGuide us--for t0-day _we die, And the winds whisper death! She arms. Againspthe beyond Hm ,........- ._1.- -A * ` -- .,. mu auuauon. The ap-V hing" after` all, rrot Nepee . his dream was shattered. A It . that Npeese was dead her. This -was his appointment. The other thing ne--it easy to cover. (To be bcontinue_d)" ___________ was not that .... _- ..., ouuuu xme one para] He :2 C-vies-z1.t. ,For a` 1: we for hi 1. dI`ar2`inLr hiYnL`n'lF ....- --` uie time he cam< ~ his ag 1 physical things-on of situation. The 1g"'after'alI. mu run! 4 (1 ve1`_\'tnll1,`.. die. CARTAGE