Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1925, p. 8

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Of ' Fills Every Room , V WithBalmyWarmth J1`heFind1ayPi ' uFu:-uceeheatc ` 9_'gy__:q1_'ner o_ thg eati:c_hcu_so and Certainly-v, she will want"the' latest triumph in Umbrellas, short and stubby, with handles and tips of decorated galalith, at $5.00. And she would not think of going away with `a shabby bag--thereone of our exclusive Under-the-Arm Bun. either in patent leather or fan- ` cy grained leather, will please, $1.59 to $5.00. 1* . oux-cu connect up the smoke`? and G I-luv nuuuuw us paw!!! y start her Eainfg. It is In: be hntalfedemofuu u...."`.i`y. yourhome any other um 1-.!! your cell ranch gnol. Iigm ygunnnlaegleodoulg Emdalmu Anving o!35%Do50%\ coltollcected. Wdutoghzfor beebooou smoke .4 II FIUBGCG ht ti tlono!yu:e.hca1thM,mo.a5 tuir. tallln th Findlay! I llclc 321:. 1.5.: c`2.m. hot: 133. a.. oor for the ONE reoter face. net on the furnace in pl: your cell?! her noimz. It is an .-, adam- if Course She Will Tal Pride in HervNew Home_ `Your I-Iolmje made comfortable with I useful things from this Store EXCLUSIVE Alo _ I _` The building by-1awswa's ameded gto permit construction of iron sheds and garages and frame verandahs and sun-rooms in fire limit A", the latter not to be more than 12 by 20 feet. Cla se 26 was amended` to include gara as with outhutldtnzs, 'vv__:-.. 1.1.. 1...: -41 .I...'...l..lA.- Aid- aurluawu vvbuaa usoun.-I - n u n o - wn Under the head of` inquiries Ald. Litster asked when the hole made by the Gas Co. in front of Robertson's drug store is to be repaired. He was I to recent fires and` found that most of them` were caused by careless- ness. That in the dump on Dunlop St. was caused by` burning` rub- bish being carted there; the""fire on Tiffin St. near the oil tanks was caus- ed by two small boys living on the street, and a fire-at the corner of Bay. field and Grove 'Sts_. .was caused by a citizen burning rubbish. .He stated that he had laid an information again- st the party responsible for a recent fire in the rear of a Dunlop St. store. `had made` a thorough investigation in- ,Chie_f Stewart recommended` appoint- ment by by-law of an officer `to aid` I in the prevention` of tires and to give . him authority to enforce the provisions; ggnd regulationslot the Fire) Marshal's 4 ct. ' , 'l"Inn kn-(lino `|\u_Innr .urn`` ` drnann .T ex'tended to e.very.Ju'ne bride of 1925 and to every woman to whom A June brings. renewed pleasure in the memory, of her bridal month. Congra'tulations of _this Store V --------uw-7-v-u-7 '\-V- hen you select a Findlay ` Bros. Furnace - Pipe or Pipeless - for heating your home, you `are choosing one that has been thoroughly tested in hundreds of homes just like yours. ' Furthermore, you are absol- utely protected by the money-back guarantee of one of the largest manufac-` turers of furnacesin Canada today. I\&_ IHIS 15 FOR XQU M Of course; {he bride-to-be will only have those things which are exclusive and pretyy. There this `store is of servlce to her. - Useful, Styli;l.:_% angel Vhjfoderately. PREPARING FOR THE FELICITOUS TRIP vuunup, uoyuuu Cllll Iuuuuruully j Priced. A _ Gloves, Hosiery and` all thigs . needful. STYLE us, as rouows: theft, 4; inland fevenuel act. 1:. false pretenses, 1:crue]ty to` animals, 1; O.T.A., 2: entering, 2: , gambling, 4; fraud, 1; highway traffic act. 11; bicycle act, 1; building by-law, 2; transient traders by-law. `1; vag- rancy. 1: minor complaints, 16. Total fines and costs for the month were $144.76. WUIAQ CIA: L- I1--I-- I\bovo-New. side-closing Nemo-flex Combination of girdle and brassiere, eNo; 10-300, lightly boned to give new grace to slim gures, `made from silli striped fabric, pink color. Price $3.75. FASZPINS tse6%iDE `GB UUII VUHIEHC. Wallwin--/Hill-- That the present bridges on Thompson St- and Eccles St. north, be replaced by concrete bridges 32 and 20 Ateet respectively, with wing walla six and five feet deep. The Thompson St. _culver.t will be builtl and the other one was passed on to committee for consideration. . (}l'nAV-'.'\X7nII(ar_._'l"I1oI- nnu.....a 1)-_ BL. ue cut GOWII. V Cra.ven-Rusk--'I`hat the Board of Works `consider building 9. continue.- tion of the sidewalk on the west side of Bradford St. in front of the property or dMesars. Norton and Graham as soon -as convenient. 1X7nlInyh._ x_nn nu._4. AL- wuu1u._Ut: practical. Mr. Ord also reported regarding hi inspection of the boiler at the Prince cof Wales school that nothing in the way of drainage "is practicable, but suggested that the boiler might be raised two feet. Members of the Boards of Education claimed that this is impossible but he would like further information before removing the boiler. _Motlons VVa'llwin--I-Iill-`-'1`hat the Sunnidale road be gradedas tar as Shirley St. and` the gutters deepened. DIIb_(_ Vuv-an rlII.-A. ALA -I-.- A up-u uuv auouvlu ucupeueu. 'Ru|sk-'1'yrer-That the elm tre in front of Gracey & Sons place on Egsa St. be cut down. (`J-nvnn Dunb!I'II...4 41.- -n--..s -- | . choose the kind Plain Crepe Satin, very lustrous and Plain Satins in heavy and` medium Satin TIT ' MANY NA TROUSSEAU is Now IN THE PLANNING ' "Herein Barrie s Style Store prepares to render service A vast assemblage of things" needful for the bride-to-be and the attendants -yes, and even she who is not concerned in weddings just now may be in- terested; Fashion is no despot over materials. now for bridal gowns- that suits your type, but, of course, they must be white, ivory or cream, and in these you may select:-- | Brocade` Satin Charmeuse atvs-1.00 and Brocade Crepe de Chines in imposing designs at . . $3.50 yard Trimmings and Accessories suitable ' _ V '_f01` all materials. Style suggestions given to assist you in choosing. WE INVITE YOU. , supple, at . . .. . . . . . . . $3.50 yd. weig ts . . . . . $4.50 and $2.25 yd." e Chine, La Belle Crepes, Geor ette Cre es,` Fuji, _- Paillette and a'eta Sil s at . ._ . . . . . . . .- . . $1.25, $1.69. $2.00 and $2.50, yd. uuuuu ul wnule,0I` 1n part. - Regarding the Ellen St. sewer, L. R. Ord ,wrote `stating that the. outlet is eight inches above the lake level `and that the grade is low and would re- quire `considerable excavation under the C.N.'R. tracks to extend the out- let. He doubted if such a scheme would _be practical. Mr. O nlnn nanny-1-n non-.....Aa...... 1.1.. -.., -..v.. .0. .vuu\-vvuugu " Frank I;Iammond wrote on behalf -of Joe. Catalano, who urposes establish- ing in business in `own, asking that the Transient-Traders License be 1_je- mitted in wholeior in part. Regarding the mllnn Qf nnurnr `I . D (Continued page 1) The report of the Water and Light Committee, presented by Aid. Lower, recommended that the light at the corner of Burto'n Ave. an Essa. St. be replaced by a double b cket with two lights and that three lights be - placed on Marks St. between Baytleld St. and the Post Office Gore. Two reports were received from] Chief of Police Stewart.` In one he reported the number of cases dealt with during the month. or April as I8, follows: etheft, revenue act. 1:, fala nrntnnsmn 10"nInnn`I#uv I-Al -v ,u no-3-anus; sanuu S. L. Squires, deputy minister of `highways, wrote stating that Gqvern- Inent assistance to towns on construc- tion of links with the Provincial High- way will be 40 percent of the centre 20 feet `of roadway. t'.`\........|- `l"l'......._.___.1 _..___-4, , - - -- - uc-nus were -51'u.uu=u. Petitions were received from_ Geo.` Wilson and others for 120 feet of side walk on the northeide of Eugenia St.,v and frofn A. Teasdaleend others for a. light on Florence `St. between Park and Sophia Sta. , I Anne 1--rx__|.__.___ n:,,, . informed that it wi1l`be attended to when the paving is being done. i Shoemen s _I-Ialf'H'oliday There was a big grist of corr"espond- ; ence. T.`W. Jebb; the Northern Hos-1 iery Co., Cowie and Co. and W. L.. Brennan asked and were given per-' mission to erectsigns at their places. of business; J. Jamieson askedper- mission to move his` gas pump. from: Clapperton St. to Bayfield,St.; A. F. A. Malcomson on behalf of the West Sim- coe Agricultural and Joint Stock Cog] asked permission to change the date of their race meet from June 3 to June 10; Mrs. M. Campbell asked permis-j sion to remove a tree; the boot and shoe merchants asked` for a by-law giving them a Wednesday halt-holiday from May 15 to Sept. 30. All the re- I quests were granted? ' pnfltlnna John rnnniun fr-nvn flan- ,7, _ . ._____._...1_ .---v- - -v---V.-w--u I Each of these designed `for an individual purpose. Advertising space will not permit of a full description. A personal call inithe Department will, be appreciated by us and all_special features ex. plained by our trainedcorsetierres. ' A m 1' ' .... -ug val. uuunuu uvzacucxxca. new Nern_o Models are soldby us`, only, 'in_ Barrie. a ' Nemo, lines were introduced in the (Jnited States 27 years ago and have long, since attained international favor with ladies in advance styles and are worn by wo- `men rinqall countries. Designed along scientic lines, with a view to giving correct t without injury to the wearer. ' ' ;2_7_TH l_3_lRTl-IDAY or mama CORSETS 40% Highway Grant Nemo, Nemglastilg a_`nAlL Nemoex CC7\6m0L~6/"\\f BARRIE WILL GET % . FORTY PER CENT. ---wuwuv vvvlil ! Judgment was reserved by `Judge uWismer in Division Court on Tuesday in the case of Harry Barron vs J. H. Readman, in which the plaintiff sued for $74.50 for installing a furnace in the home of the defendant. The de- fendant claimed that the work was unsatisfactory and that asea result damage had been done to his house. uuxupueu bis. ! McCuaig--Newton-That the Board of Works consider building a sidewalk on the east side of Poyntz St. from ` lcollier St. to Worsley St. `_ I Y--- r-v.-..v_ ... ....u \4LIvl|AlIA4\-\-/L): Lower-Newton-`-That the Board of ; Wor s have the road graded in the rear : of t e Public Library and have an ap- iproach built from Mulcaster St. ~ [ 117-11--.. l\,._ ____ no I..- ........ ......... -.v.u Avsunuuuhul wee Wa.lker--Gracey-That the Board of |Works `consider filling in the ditch land building a sidewalk` on the eas t side of Essa, St.))etween Baldwin and 3 Campbell Sts. r T\/l r~(`nn mhno +1.... 13--.: `he given permissien to lay a strip of} cement between the sidewalk and the curb in front of his home on Bradforyd St. 'L1....4..LI.. 1"..--;.. rn1.-.L 41-- `K'f __L {Dbl-Iuxtable-- Lowe-- That the West 'Simcoe Agricultural Society be paid i$500 provided in the estimates. `I ..----._ `Y____L-__ . nun, _ 4 .4` . `q n 1Z{JaIie- Charmeuse atv$4.00 in yard suitable` for all Style suggestions assist you in 1171:! 11?! 1?:-nun uv l\" mvisuou counf Aga "1 Reduces Pr Ices Hudson Super-Six Coaph % $1710 Fires Due to carelessness Chief Stewart also rgported that Ab\o`ve--Nemo-flex Brzisisiere No. 2531, a perfct-tting line just introduced this sea- son, price . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 5 Pass.` Seflgn $2320 HUDSON About fifteen. witnesses were calld in the case, the Hearing of which oc- cupied` most of the day. ' The Onlv Othr (`REA hnnv-R `Iron OLA` uuplcu luusl . OI me clay. only other case heard was that of T. R. Coulter of Alliston against 'W. D. Morton for $95, balance due on -__._ iv v- nnunllslll Mode of` Today ltmust new be Silk and usually in sets to match. . We show these exquisitely trimmed sets in the de- . sirable colors, anyone of which will please; they are priced` . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 to $16.50 In `seglaarate. garments we show a beautiful display in all desirable colors-- GOWNS in satin, silk, crepes, voile, mull and nainsook, 98c_to $7.50 ea. Step-In Cbmbinationn in silk, voile ., 4 _ and nainsook . . . . . $1.39 lo`$3.50 . ` ) A ' Slips in Rayon silk, Fuji silk and ,I._\ 5 .\J// ' English hi-null:-ln+ln `to on 1.- an -- `Bridal Linigerie Materials of Yesterday Have Vanished before the Ever-Changing nj-.l_ -t -1- I ` 91...... 1010. Box` 267 MR. HOME BUILDER -I'o--'l` IRE: LIUSE 5.--.- I`-IEFT: _ A P,0LICI- _. cgvering ` (E_'.ffective April 26) ,GORi5bN sfzvnnsq `I010. AG 93') . QUALITY _w.'s $2455 W 51340 Barrie 5 Style Store n say . A \r_1J\a_ /\lIC3I. Each year we see changes 1n styles- and customs, but the natur-` al longing of every girl even in her early teens is to prepare for that `great event, Her Wed- ding Day, has never changed. . S.W. MOORE Ivan w. uamage oy me --e any cause. Anywhere. lg any pf the above written in THIS % -.--.. \{\-IUIIIS nu oun U1` W001, T siyles and colors . . $2.98 to $8,.` Silk Gloves . . . .` . . . . . . 85:: to $3. Silk Hose . .. . . . . . 69 to $3. Beautiful Scarfs . . . . $1.50 to $5.1 Buy What ybu need at`this store. `*w ""`9 the bride ; hedrt is set on her going- away apparel--AlI she needs in here. Dainty Kimonas . . . . $2.98 to $8.50 .Cotton Dresses . . . . $3.51} to $18.00 Silk Dresses . . . . . . $12.50 to $45.00 Sport Suits . . . . .. $12.00 to $15.00 Tailored and Fancy Blouses, scores of them . . . . . . $1.98 to $8.50 Sweater Coats in silk or wool, all_ styles $8.50 gag: lui Next to the any: 111 IEBYOD SIIK, English broadcloth, Sill: Bloomers . . . . . . And Silk Vests . . . . . /Chest r- `a car sold byvthe plaintiff to the de-' fendant. Judgment was given for $69,- 95 and costs. . " Shop when you are 1 Ban'ie s Best ~ Dry Goods Store stands ready to supply your needs ' Wedding Rir --v- u-u-- --vs up --u-nu vvw wan- cerve you with the better lines. Madeira Linens . . . . 35 to $6.75 ea. Old'Bleach Towels . . 75 to $2.25 ea. Linen Table. Sets . . $10.00 to $15.00 Space will not permit us to dencrihe or even mention the hundreds of needful things we ehow`for the home. Ready-Made Sheets $1.75 to $2.50 ea. Pillow Covers, all styles, 35: to $1.75 Feather Pillows . . $1.70 to $3.75 pr. Silence Cloth for your table $2.25 yd. * Over 100 Bed Spreads in stock, all. styles . . . ; . . $1.98 to `$12.00 each nKm_u`r.-'.,_ om. $3.50 $3.25 $5.00 .l`uJl aunt unu `$2.25 to $4.15 $2.50 to $3.98 On. 5- Q1 an n--uv BU (`MUD 98: to $1.39 Invited to shop. OFFICE. 1-Tariff Household} Linen: and Bedding Will be needed and here again we can`

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