Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1925, p. 4

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PPLY CO. THE SARJEANT C0,, LTD. WM; GRACEY & SON -I J. G. SCOTT j Cleaner, Presser and byer 109 DUNLOP ST. PHONE 229 l Goods called for and delivered. PRAICES RE`ASONABLE 13vE, $16.25. ` '._FlRTH $10.50 per ton- $12.00 per ton $12.00 per ton $12.00 per ton EGG, $12.75. . EGG, $1.75. Oice: Use The` POLEEH 'ro< `On A T tjve of Phbne I Burri made. SEND` and come plain a troubl A 30- Is; OUR NEW ADDl_2ESS_ i5E% IT 15 Bn_V :s' ANQ1 Little Boots, S0165 1` sizes > 211 .. MAKI1 Mures Let us '13, h rivkste. ideal wear. ed where we `are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of ha? @a Just convi TSPEC THURJ r UL! K FU1 10( Set Harry Barron .--.., '--v-nu --v- -ovwlun yuullw VB!) .0113 Motto: Qual'@I Fi-nt'." SEE US BEFORE YOU BUYOR ssu. Phones: Office 861, residences 864W or 1071J. BARRIE -- 34 Toronto Sf. PhQnez1122W. P. O. Box 613. - Sqme hood` Houses For Rent RENTS COLBECTED MULCASTERL ST. sr/noun - P'hon{e 3.-14. PLUMBING A AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL 46 Bayeld `Ban-ie. P. O. Box 1011. Phone 180 32 Wm. McDonald, editor of the Ches_- ley Enterprise, a former M.P.P., who knows very well what theptrials, trib- ulations and expenses of a member of the Legislattire amount to, does not mince words in condemning the re-. cent salary grab. . The Cabinet and other members of the Legislature are our- servants, not our masters, as the high-handed act of voting themselves more salary would indicate," he writ- es. `.`What would be thought of the hired helpon the farm or in any bus- iness holding upptheir employers and compelling them to pay more wages! That's what has been done by the gang of hold-ups -in the Parliament buildingsin Toronto." ., ' People in the West are very optim- istic on this season's outlook, For example, the Times of Wetaskiwin, Alberta, says`: Never in the history of this district has there appeared to be a better prospect of a bumper crop than this year. Last fall there was a good deal of moisture, and the early snowfall prevented the ground from freezing much, and the frost is now pretty well out of the soil; The abundant snow is melting fast and all the moisture is soaking. into ` the ground, making a splendid moist seed bed for the `grain in a few weeks. The season gives every prospect of being 'one of thebest the district has ever seen. The Orillia$,Packet in referring to V the rumor that the M.P.P. for East Simcoe was likelyto be appointed to the chairmanship of the Workmen s Compensation Board. says: There Vis.no question of ' Mr. Finlayson s qualications for the post; ' but it seems unlikely that he W uld abandon the political eld, in whi%fN1e has al-' ready established himself -as by all odds the outstanding member of the Legislature, outside of the Cabinet! us' DAVl!:'.'S PERFECTION Icl-A:~ CREAMV-- The Cream of Quality ' Sold by JAMES WRIGHT & SON, . Wholesale Ice Cream Dealers. ' Lakeview Dairy, 185 Dunlap St. All orders` promptly attended to. Office phone 226. Res. phone 925W. II.-- ll_;;_ , lll\ |-.- - The annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Association is a great clearig-house for.ideas on school at`- fairs. - For days the daily papers have been reporting addresses and discussions on .educational topics. It is unfortunate that so much excellent matter has to appear at the same time as people do not have time to read, mark and inwardly digest the many valuable and interesting ideas pre- sented. The Owen Soutid- Sun- I`i_mes`worV{-` ders if the fact that Grey isfone of the strongest :U.F.O. counties in On- tario had anything to do with cutting its representation down to two mem- bers. . ' - ' Having iearn_d that passengers in airships are to be charged bx weight for transatlantic ights---ve dollars per pound avoirdupois--a' well known `Barrie hotelm-an has cancelled hiss passage. escaped `the rdistribution gxe, the local members.having' succeeded in standing off .the proposed reduction, though the adjoining county of Grey. loses one of its three members. - `All- the four Simcoe ridinge have` Over in Hanover the trustees of` the hospital have had a hard time n- ancing operations during-. the past year. In applying to the Council for a special grant to help tide them over their nancial straits, the -trustees stated. that they had to place a mort- gage of $5000 on the hospitallin or- der to meet current liabilities. ' A proposalto resizore the pre-war exciirsion rates on the railways is again before.Parliament. While con- ditions. have changed, greatly in the last ten years, making the running of excursion trains much more costly, it looks as if the railways werellosing good business in not encouraging hol- iday and week-end traffic, says an exchange. ` ' The week of April 19 to 25 w1'II'l be observed all over the Dominion as Forest Week.; Plant .a tree in Barrie and help along the good work. 770,780 in 1023. It is estimated that the _production ` of farm eggs in Canada for 1924 was 212,648,685 dozens, of the value of , $50,322,439, as compared with 202,- 186,508 dozens of-~ the value of $48,- .Whitby has found_collecting taxes through a `collector who works on a percentage basis to be very satisfac- tory. , v - ED`l'l'ORl4`Kl... COMMENT Paperhanging and Decbmting GOLDIE R. HARPER ` JJUul`U- U1. V Roads . . . . . . Sidewalks` an_@ 1'1 it I RU la--' Fuel . . . . . . Insurance . . Inspection of Water . . . . . Electric light > Market Clerk cRq,pairs . . Police Department- Salary Police Magistrate . Salary Chief of Police . .. Salary Constable Case . .4 Salary Constable Rayner . Salary extra constables . . . Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephones . . . . . Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . LUWH 1! Feed . . . . . Shoeing, etc. R. J. Lee Help during holidays . -for `several years. provided for this year. , There is a reduction of $2000 in the Board` of Works `estimates and` this should be `further reduced upon the comple- tion of more pavements and under new conditions whereby County grants. may be expended in to` the centre of the town. The payment of $2414. on the old wood account cleans up a matter whichhas been standing The general rate, theonly part over which the Council has control, has increased only a quarter-mill. ' Judging from the re- ports brought back by the deputation which interviewed the Minister of Highways, Government assistance to the extent of at least forty per cent. on the twenty-f_oot width will be forthcoming, which will be a big help in nancing the pavements. With careful management, there should ` not be a very heavy increase in tax- ation' because of the paving program. ' I |Dog~tag's . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polltax . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. oiling (ratepayers sh.). Sewer. rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pavement rates ._ . . . . . . . Police. Court nes , . . . . . . . Licenses ' . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sewer connections . . . . . . Waterworks (refund debs.) Electric Light` (ref d debs.) Town team (earnings) . . . . Debentures held by Town . . Surplus from 1924 . . . . . . . qu.ouu.uU ~ 'Indig'ents-- 0 . V Supplies and provisions ....$ 300.00 Fuel- . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 300.00 Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . 1200.00 e-Fire Fighting-EquipmeVt--' Hose and supplies ' . . . . . .$ 90( Fire truck maintenance .; 15( Fire alarm system . . . . . . . . 30( `HALF-MILL ADDED TO BARRIE RATE `!m. 90 Fue1_.; Supplies . . . . .- . . Caretaker . . . . . Telephones .. .. Electric light . Water .. ... Repairs . ., . . . Insurance . . . . . Filing equipment Fire Brigade-- . Salary Fire Chief . . . . . Telephone for Fire Chief. Insurance on. men . . . . . . . Attending res T . . . . . . . I Contingencies . < Estimated Expeditpres. . Board of Health-'-- ' Salary Medical Officer ....$ 500.00 Salary Sanitary Inspector.. 960.00 Telephone for San. Insp. .. . 25.00. Quarantine and supplies 375.00 ._.. L- _,_, (Continued from page 1) _ Estimates adoptedare as follows :. Estimated Receipts `-`Board. of Works- Town Tean{i- _, . ' Market- `Fire Hall gnid Council Chaber 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 660.00 plies . . . . . . . . .. 100.00 etaker . . . . . . . . . 480.00 ephones . . . 5. . . 100.00 ztric .: . . . . . .. 125.00 :er .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.00 airs .' . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 trance . . . . . . . 175.00 ng . .\ . . . . . . . 350.00 oaooou scales 'riAi'r;' TO RAISE YOUR BABY cmcxs succzsswux `$10,000-A.oo $26.654.20 ! . .$9000.00 . . 1000.00 $ 900.00 $5900.00 I I I $1050.00 $2050.00 $ 450.00 [ .$1000.00 . 50.00 .$'150.00 172.00 10.00 40.00 ' 20.00 300.00 208.00 Phone us and a representativeivill call upon you with samples of papers pf all the leading houses. .$ 300.0 . 150.0 0! 0| $2430.00 $1350.00 $1860.00 .$ 300.00 00 nn .$ 700.0o| . 1200.00 . 400.00` 1500.00! . 3363.30: .'1721.90. 1000.00 . 2500.00- . 300.00- ) 7392.03- ) 3035.44 500.00 1541.47 . 1500.00 $153.53 .1 900.00! 150.00 ' 300.00 If you are to be a leader of men tomorrow, you must begin today to prepare yourself, declared Mr. Wren. The leader of tomorrow must be deep in interest and broad in cul- ture. The day. of bluff and bluster in public speech has gone forever. It is necessary, therefore, to read good books to get the best "thought of all the ages. `Surround yourselves with good -books; read them carefully and thoughtfully and mark them." Read Well on Some Subject . Discussing what to read,.Mr. Wren said he liked to furnish his mind as he would his home. He advised in- tensive reading on one subject in or- der to be an authority on it. I can t , tell you what to put on your book` shelf, he said, but take what is best in your particular calling and get the experience of those who made the greatest success in the same line. Your choice of reading will have much to do with your future. 35,000 books come from the presses every year. Some of them are good, most of them are bad,Vbut by the choice of the best you may have a university education even though you have not a -university degree. - I ' I ,1: _ nI_:;_L2 -1- ____.. L1... 1....-..L.... .-.n.:1 BR(_)WN S _B'AlERY l ' (Continued from page 1) I !ture. The greatest inspiration today [is a good book and it is a great handi- cap if books are neglected. Make Friends of Good Books I Mr. Wren advised Kiwanians to ,make friends of good books. Em- `merson, he said, laid down three good [rules with regard to reading. They are: Don t read a book till it is a year old; don't read it till it is fam- ous, andv"rdon t read it unless you like lit There are just three subjects on Iwhich books are written. They.are: `God, from which we get theological lworks; man, the source of books of [biography and history; the third is `combined in science, poetry and ldrama. an: _ . _ . . . .. A... 1;- n `lnnphm n-F -vnnn !1>EoPLE1osIN( THE TASTE FOR SOLID READlNG_ effective April and imtil the end of May as follows :- PEA COAL . . . . . . . $12.25 per ton NUT COAL . . . . . . . $15.25 per ton STOVE COAL . . . . . $15.50 per ton ` EGG COAL . . . . . . . $15.00 per ton - PEA COKE . . . . . . . $11 NUT com: - .... . . $1: STOVE coma $1: EGG com: . . . . . . . $1: It usuaily-paiys to buy.y'our'"next ;inter s supply of coal early; you get better Preparation at the mines; it can be screened and delivered in better shape when wea- ther conditions are favorable, and the usual" DIFFERENCE IN PRICE PAYS WELL, . . . ' " .. ' I between the But it is especially true this year because the W_ag3 agreement _ miners and operators in the Anthracite Coal elds expires August 31st P3)? and tel miners are `still receiving the peak war wages; the operators are determine 011 =1 Y 8- sonable reduction. This may lead toa suspension of mining in the fall which would seriously deplete the supply, and the ' ALBERTA LUMP COAL is available if ordred vi`n advance at . . . $14.00 per ton. BARRIE FUEL & SUPPLY LEWIS & C0. WM; GRA . The focal dealersitc: ;n;o:1r-a-g-6-:'_ 1`la.V adopted 3 Scale of liberal discounts to the EARLY CASH BUYER. j . . nun __.--- :7 -jaw` A change 1.1215 been made by {he eoal producers in the size of the screens used, which is" making PEA and_NUT sizes a little smaller, and STOVE and E00 Z85 a little larger, L ' - - ` , 1 Partridge Giltoy Real Ethgfxzents I `If it is` Real Estite, we have it._ V `V . The fgllowing are to be the prices for the season, sujecf to change in Case of 21 strike or other unlooked-for market co_nditior_Is:- ' PEA, $13.00. PEA, $1125. [0nin.Price9fA0&! Buy Early For C`ash` :11.2s. ' e NUT, $12.75. T STOVE, $12.75. e s SUBJECT TO THE FOLLO wmc CASH DISCOUIMQ 1, 75 per ton if paid in May; 60c if paid in`.Jurie; 45 if paid in July; . 30c if paid in` August; Vl5c if paid in September. ' com. PRODU('2-EZRISIADVISE EARLY gujlgc. THIS MAKESTHE CASH PRICE ---.COAL- NUT, $16.00. , STOV 'i""`COKfi' Our list aflirtirsi you wide choice of a home and you can buy one on your terms.

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