.uuv.,-on .I.u u1J.L' 1!! U1] possession before May 1. Bayeld St. I STORAGE TO REN'I`-Apply to P. Kearns, Collier St., phoneV12.- lltfci HOUSE TO" LET in Cu nnnsmnnlnn hnemm mu... 1 HOUSE TO RENT--Phone 299. 1_2tfc. -------_ _ . HOUSE TO_ RENT--Rear half 190! . Bayeld St. . 16c ' .1 . nuwaexgn London, Ont. - LIVE AGENT iWANTED to sell ` Watkins 160 products direct to homes in Barrie. Write J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. W.R., Hamilton, Ont..12-17p - , kind but firm, fair education, _good health, for County of Simcoe Children's Shelter. State where last employed and send testimonials. Apply T. T. Young,~ 1Ba.rrie. < . 160 I MATRON, experienced, `age 30 to `50. I . - E - ! "BOY WAN'1`ED-Good strong delivery boy, one who understands care of horse and can also drive. truck. Apply R. R. Bqthwell,` Allandale. 16c I _ EXPERIENCED FARM HELP, wanted highest wages paid to right man. -- J. Oatway. Sha.nty>Ba.v, R_. B. 2; phone? 907r22. ` 4 . 16c .uumumu:r;---s,even beautiful rooms and bath, hot water heated. oak floors, arage. A most cmweniently located ome. corner of 'l`oronto and Park Sta. Price right. Apply A. R. Girdwood 16tfc - 4 !GENERAI4 SERVANT WANTED-, middle-aged woman preferred.` Apply at Examiner office.` . 16p MAID WANTED-Apply 18 Mulcasterl | St. , 16c vu- TWO OR MORE} ACRES OF LAND WANTED in Barrie or near by with or without house, send price and~de- acriptlon to Angus Clark, Candles, P. O. . 13-_18 BUILDING WAN'1`ED-tha.t would be suitable for a. driving shed about, 26:: - 40. S.tateV-price. Apply to P. A. Ka.va.n- agh, Anten Mills, Ont. 15-16p LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY` wanted, highest prices paid for them. Write or call. M. Alexander. 142 Brad- ford St., phone 322. 11-16p _ WAN'I`ED--Room and board as pay-1' -mg guests, couple with daughter t- ' teen. Apply Box' .C Examiner. 16p Live Stock pg, sale Rooms and sTaT*3TsZT Property To Let Help Wanted .---u uuvnvu IGBB pay expenses . 16p - Jundle Terrace; Apply at 152. ' v 16p; au.`uu1; Wlu Apply Ear"! 16p . auuws 1 15-1713, L. DIV 6-20c. -p1-E: 16p 15- btNnrnn.vn_ --_:-u;uvnnnI VVl'II`Iw Applications will be received by th`e undersigned up till tive o'clock in the afternoon of Friday. April 17th, for the position of Foreman of Public Works for the Town of Barrie. Duties to com- mence May 1st. Outline of duties may be obtained on application ` at the Clerk's Office. 8tate`sa.ia.ry and exper- ience. - . V A-. W. SMITH. 15-180 - Town n1...:. - .-___v-- cu Owners or harborers of dogs are re- cxired to register them at the office of t e Town Clerk and procure a. tag for same not later than May 1st. After `that date the by-law will be rigidly enforced. No further notice will be given. . . - ~ 16-18c - ` A. W; SMITH, Town Clerk. } ---A------------------. REALMESTATE, BONDS, INSUR- ANCE, also representing The Cana- dian Automobile Service Association. W. H. Sloane, Barrie, phone 1151J T 14-19 * _ `T STAMP -COLLECTORS ATTENTION --Get into the contest; `Many prizes. Full information from Wm. Fawcett, 142 Maple Ave., Hamilton, Ont. 15-16p C\c-A-- -------- n H. THOS.`PEARC'E, painter and decorat- or , 73 Sanford St. Personal attention given to all work and satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 889W. 11-16p N...`-- A`( ___.__._______._.__..________ LAWN . MOWERS REPAIRED-Sa.ws filed, window screens made to order and put on; carpentry repairs. A. B. Carley, 127 Collier St. , 15-'20c T -j -r - [FOR FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING phone Harold Webb at 400, or leave 9 orders at AW. B...Webb'$ jewelry store. lA11apda.1e. _ . ' 12-17c _-_ ` urmulu rruurzs on all electrical ; wiring and xtures on all orders taken :~befo'r_e May 9..J'. W. Bishop, phone 285 3 or` P. 0.KBox_V638. . ' 16c - 5-18 ____ I SPECIAL PRICES v H11!` vfiinahu nu 7 RESIDENCE--S,even beautiful bath. hot watnr hnnfny-`I mu- -'l." . ~ 7 V ` FOR` `PAINTING. PAPERHANGING and general house decorating phone A. Berry, 539W, 21 Gowan St., Allan- dale. u [ - ' 13-19p v --n.-.._ ___ -___ N55 *0. '0;rn.ers% of Dogs nilrr tin ha-I-gr.-`nu- -1 .1-_;__ _, la. n. vv1:J5b"1'11J.H-MotOr truck service .and long distance hauling. Phone 1~240W, Barrie. Prices reasonable. `16p -Fjj-Z `I94-59` _ . __ _._w I " " ' I" .FURNITURE REPAIRING, upholster- -ing and. picture framing done by Dou- gall4Bros.. phone 421. ` 12-17c ' .nJ1_.;V.1JDl1.l 1"114".I.'.I5J'l"S' ' "- ' Carolina St., Allandale. All kinds of I repairs. Phone 805.` . 16-17p I in-I-vu-.-no--.._--- j KN IT'1`ING-For private the knitting machine, apph 52 McDonald St. ' LINDSAY" P , St.. ....u ucucu Lur oy,caretaker. F. N. |,Wemp, phone 634r4, or Mrs. Wm. Kell, -ph_one 693. 16-180 | ___....___...____._.____ _____...._________..__._._____ JGOOD PASTURAGE, known as ' Kell Pasture," con..14, Innisl; 200 res`-run, neverfailing` spring creek. a month by seasonjfor alI.:cattle 0 ve head; under that, 65c; stock sal and cared for by,caretaker. F. emb. nhone 634r4. nr Mun rm. 1': v H - BUILDING FOR SALE--Interior hardwood. could be easily moved vacant lot. Also oat bin. Apply Examiner Office. 1 ` 7 8t ________________., , ' ~ 7 _"' `Ins CREEK PASTURE RUN--mo I acres, 10th concession, Innlsfil. Good `supply water, salt, grass and charges moderate. Young colts with cattle taken in. Apply Frank. Quantz, Mary _St`reet, Barrie.` . , ` _15-16p` u I (7 _v`r `. 100 ACRES PASTURE LAND TO LET--Well-fenced, and lots of water. . Apply to Mrs. Wf. J. Cameron, 71 High |St. Phone 225J. 1-17" : Apply (0 1V1l`S. V` St. -------------------------' " `.' [PAS-TURE- Parties requiring good p'asture for horses or cattle can get same by applying to Mrs.`Blackmo1-e I and son, Oro Station. '- 16-18p J11-nn A --2---:-:- I PASTURE--A limited number of 4 ' to pasture; spring water and I shade. Apply T. W. R..Arnold, Ivy !HA'l`CI-IING EGGS, WHITE WYAN- DOTTES--lst prize cockerel, 2nd~prize pullet. Barrie Fair 1924. Martin strain, lsetting $1.50. April $9.00 per 100, May .$8.00 per 100. Barred Plymouth Rocks, ' pen No. 1, Pedigreed male. Dam s record 264. Setting $2.50. Other pens setting $1.50. April $9.00 per 100. May $8.00 per ~ 100. Mrs. Calderwood, 23 Dundoonald lst. Phone 134. . 14tfc , ~ :-:2--:-ju-:--4-o-u- EHATCHING I Dn'1"T`m_1uo ....a.... . T--:-:-- FOREMAN WANTED nnlinnfinnu until `I... ..--_n__- u . __________._______ I OLIVER - SINGLE coma WHITE ILEGI-IORNS--Are rer-nrd breakers; our pullets averaged over 60% lay dur- ging December, January, and February. ,Be assured of winter eggs by ordering A Tatching eggs now from our heavy zproducing winter layers, setting $2.00. louver Poultry `Farm, Shanty .Bay 15-9!-u -v Q-may I EGGS FOR` HATCHING, from a choice 1 pen "of bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, pen ! headed by registered male, dam's re- - `cord 263'. $1.00 for 15 eggs. Phone ! 605r21, J. D. Knapp. Cundles. 16p v-A.,-..... __ u .1 r _ , _ HOUSE FOR SALE--Also upright arm in rst-class condition, reasc_)r_1a. .nrinnn Am~.|.. an n_.... ` -'I' BABY CHICKS and hatching eggs .from bred-to-lay White Wya.ndott_es.` Fall breeders trap-nested and guaran- teed winter layers. Booking orders now . Eggs, $1.50 setting; chicks, $20.00 per` 100. Inspection of stock invited. Farm half mile south of Al1andal_e on Essa Rd. Frank Madigan, Allandale. 11-16p A __- C. WEBS'1`ER-Motor 1d "long: distance hnnllrmr `Dian..- _ . BLACK ORPINGTON EGGS FOR HATCHING, first prize stock; good layers, weight.- cockerel 10 to 12 lbs. hen 8 to 10 `when matured. $1.09 per setting. 151 Owen St., Barrie. Thomas Milbee. ` 13-18p v\ . us... ..__._ -._, - .' . EGGS--Now is the time to ll your 1 cubatpr with eggs from my high-la lng flock of White Leghorns if Y gant eggs all winter; $5 hundred. Campbell, _42 Penetang St. . 1 `V , . . EGGS" FOR HA'I:cHING-Burr ' orn. headed hv fhn men. .....a.... . nuub" run 1-1A'J:CHING-Buff Leg- Vhorn, headed by the fifth prize cock- erel at Royal Winter Fair, 1924. R.\ L. Richardson, R. R. 2, Barrie, phone 611r33. - V 15-1.6p `r .' V SETTING EGGS--S. C. Anconas, from my very best birds, winner of Wright Cup at Barrie poultry show. $2.00 for 15. A. G. Walker, phone 475 0`I'9"71'{3()_. uum.,y urzung IO!` eggs and table. A: > per setting.` Harry Morren,`-70 Co 1 St., Barrie. 14- .j jjjj ` -' 1 _ : i I: `ll IS. C. ANCONAS, `headed by the 4th I Royal cock; winners wherever shown. Eggs $2 for 15. [Edgar Thomas, Box 711. Barrie. Phone 611.-9.2 14-01-` 1255: ad 10!` 10. 719083!` .Tl1 711. Barrie. Phone 611r23. V Cl-Ill! III . prices. u---1--- IBARRED ROCK EGGS for : `m-ize stock at nm-.4- .,...: *5- ______.____ BARRED ROCK EGGS--0. A. C..ma1- es: ?Pu1lets hatched May 16, commenc- ed laying Oct. 13., $1.00 per 15. E. .R. .Ma.z-lin. `Phone 611r12. - 14-19p COLUMBIA ROCKS. one of the utility straimr for and table. setting. ` `Hart-v Mnrrnn 7.70 n. v ou: Hg`! H-Inn Miscellaneous ` Pasture `snvahc Lessons 01`! e, apply Mrs. Rose, \ 1'6-21p : V -' --r FOR SALE--5-roamed cottage, light and water, 63 Brook. St.. Barrie. Apply V . H. Tooth, 58_ Henry St. 16-17p, : m..|'.I.`.l1 Town 'clerk. on all I 2," nr-an: 1-obnn :4, nuuwn as "The .4, ac- ! nnrh`-up nvvonlr um- numer cattl water good ..Arnold, Ivy. 16p -:---1--.--_------ u.-ua.LLu-5 uvex` salted raw 7 W `M ss lessons on U '|\/The 'Dn'nn `5 urccls. QUE 3-cattle over ufnnb on Ian; j-:;:j best Ii fnhln :1.: n I Uil LLIU z, Max-y_ _ 15 - 1 6p rugu J. 16-17p -Z`-*j-?--T : FOR S.ALE---11-room : all nnnvnninrmnc `mm. 5 9.1.00. y 15-20p The In on La, 1.: 16-2 GU` 50c ` nu, _qu.`.0U Collier 14-19p u,.:) 14- onu-:LI.cl.` us l.UuUWBI'*' 1 balcony, 3 ft. by 4 ft., with a. stairs down to within 6 ft. of ground, with a balcony at bottom 6 ft. of! ground, with a. drop-ladder from there to the ground to` hit 9. cementbase. This stairs to _ ave a hand-rail and erected complete, Tenders should be sent to A. H. WILSON, , Chairman Co. Property Committe, 18-19c. ` Anton Mills P.O., Ont. II. III ..]a_y.. VIII] SALE--Z-11-room solid brxckhouse, all conveniences. `Terms cash.~ Apply 45 Worsley St., Barrie. " 14-16p 'L ,.'T.""',.".'3""--"'-""""""""" -vvogww cur I'|lInl$BBIIl TENDERS will be received up till 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, May `14, 1925, for additions at the Children's Shelter as follows:-.-- 1 `anlnnn-n 9 I6 I... A 01. _..u.I_ _ ,, ,.~J K A . yo I - vv-- u win l\l-"VV I9 flu 50 MEN WANTED. No previous ex- perience necessary. Write for 40-page Free Book, which explains how you can earn while learning to work in city and town shops as Auto _Mecha.nic, Engineer, Electrical, Battery or Weld- ing Expert. Chauffeur, Salesman, etc. Also Bricklaying, Plastering. Mechan- ical Dentistry and` Barbering. "Don't . die a_ labourer. Write" now. Whichjob? Address I-Iemphill Government Chart- ered Trade, Schools Free Employment Service._163 King St. W., Toronto.A16c ` j Inn JUIIU .1.6p A -'03 FOR Y0U--$6 To $10 oAIfLv'.l1 50 MEN 1x7A1\T"l1`m1'\ xv- _..-__.-__, v 1':-iunsnkv WHOLESALE" PRICES` No. 2 Fall Wheat _. . . , . . -. .. $1.36-1.40 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45-50c Barley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66-70c Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . .-$1.25 Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-70c Butter, per pound . . . . . . . . . . 32-35c Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-26c , Potatoes, per bag . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-40c Hy, tOl! ....._.`.........'.a DUI -21p TWO LARGE GARDEN LOT ons In-7 nisl St. for sale or to Inf. 1: M .... ` oonomocnooonto oouooucoaou conc- out {JEL- 4~2 . uampoeu analieeve G. L. Davis of Essa, who Visited Creemore last Thursday in connection with the bridge across the Mad" River between Creemore and Nottawasaga, have in-' structed the engineer to prepare plans and specications for an eighty- foot bridge to be constructed at this point. . . " . ,\. -19p Lllalo Many readers of The Examiner who enjoyed the. serial,; Captain Blood, which ran in this paper, will be glad to have an opportunity of seeing the picturization of this story which is being shown at the Grand Opera House on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, with J. Warren Kerrigan in the title. role. T119 (`nYY\I'h"+nn nnnnnn--n-J --9 "37-M vvcurcu nerrlgan In me tltle. role. The committee composed of War-. den McKinlay, County Engineer F, G. Campbell and'Reeve G. L. Of ERQR, ulkn \7:a:4-At` I" ..... .._ 1--L LJUUII for. `ll __--..-u-- 5; menu \JUl1l.Cl.' St. churches. A big time expected. Monday evening, Apr. 20, Rev. W. E. Hassard will give an illustrated lecture on' William Tindall, in the in- terests-of the Upper Canada Bible Society, in Trinity Parish Hall. As this is also the annual meeting of the gociety, a good attendance is looked OI`. - ` , ......seu uu-: urug.-DuSlneSS.0f W. L.` Pratt, Midland. Mr. S Jory is well ! known in Barrie. His home was in' ; Dalston and he attended Barrie coll- , egiate and served his drug appren- ticeship here. ' Rev. Wm. -Bremner of Galt will - speak at both services on`, Sunday next ' at the Baptist Church and on Monday I evening. Apr. 20, he.will give an il- lustrated talk on his trip to Egypt and Palestine and the Sunday School Con- vention. All young people invited. Taylor Statten,. Manson Doyle and ~E. R. Thurlow will be in Barrie for the Simcoe County Boys Work Con- ference next week, Friday, Saturday { and Sunday. Sessions will take place I in Central, St.,Andrew s and Collier` expected.I Mrmrlav avnriinn-' Ann 00 `n--- '" ;.uuu._y unurcn rarisn Aid benet. Rev. J. B. Cropper from Demerera. a Presbyterian missionary, will be the preacher in St. Andrew_, s Church next Sunday. In the morning he will speak on his work in Demerera. Rev. J. S. Shortt will preach in Owen` Sound. . . ~ s . Phil. Jory of Haileybury has pur-I chased the drug.business_of W. L.` Pratt. Midland M l .-..... :. -_--11 vvu uAr:LiI;J UAHL` sale or enings to 777J. - meI, said,to be the supreme artistic av-1 uuzen were sent out. Amer1ca s most- dlstmgulshed ac-' tor, John Barrymore, in Beau Brum- achievement of the silver screen, will be shown at New Dreamland on Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday as a' Trinity Church Parish Aid benet. Rev- J. R. nrnnnov 9v-nun 7` A m - - ` ` -` mceuug unsweex at the Court Hause. Rev. Herman Moore of Toronto, a former pastor, will preach in Central , Methodist Church next Sunday, Apr. 19, at both services. Mr. Carscadden is taking Mr. Moore's work in Tor- onto. .- . . District Representative Cockburn is busy this week sending out School ' Fair eggs. Requests have been re- ceived for 300 dozen eggs this_ year, a big increase over -last year, when 194 dozen were sent out. I AITN3I'i!Dn u nuns` .J...L._ ..-.3_I. 1 I u_y uuc uuseasoname sleet and snow. The County Board of Criminal Audit, composed of Reeve Jas. Moore of Alliston, ex-Warden Harry` Carter of Bond Head and Judge Vance, is meeting tisweek at the Court Herman Mnnpn nf "l",....\...L.. _ cum :. nu use. ` Rev. J. S. Shortt attendeda large neon-Unionist meeting at Stayner, Monday night. Addresses were de- livered by Rev. Dr. James Wilson and I Rev. D. T. N. McKerro1l of Toronto. J Large congregations were `present in the churcheson Easter Sunday morning, but the evening attendance was affected to a considerable extent] by the unseasonable sleet and snow.! Carte Head and .Tnrln-.-. Vn-- =- yr. 4-1, at eight o'clock. _ , V Three local motorists who neglect- ed to secure 1925 markers enriched i the town treasury on Tuesday morn-' inghto .the extent of $5.00 and costs eac . v . ' -See Sarjeant & King's new spring range of suits, `overalls, shirts, underwear and sweaters. Snappy is the word. _ 16c The re brigade were called out on Wednesday afternoon to extinguish trol at the old cemetery east of the court house. . Dniv T C` (`Li " " ' ` Notice to Contrct v`.1\TTTll`.`DQ urn: I... ........a-..._1 _-_ Al yaxxau U1. .I. l`lIllliy Unurch is being] called for,,Apr. 29, in connection with the Forward Movement. The annual business meeting of the Oro Football League will be held in the Town Hall, Oro-, Friday evening, Apr. 24, at eight o'clock; T Thrpn lnnnl 1mnl'.....:..L.. ...1_. ~ " pa av uwun a naruware. 13tfc ' Spring hats fresh from `their work-V - room are continually on display at Sarjeant & King's. . 16c The Presbyterians of Angus have declared against Union by a majority of 24, the vqte being 3 for and` 27 against.` - ' ' ` M ..o.:..- '1'-Ln ugaulalu, --'-Notic e-4For plumbing and heat- ing ring 214; J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake `St. _Repairs for `all stoves and furnaces. "` uxanc `DI... A ...-_A..' -. FOR SALE--Quantit._v. pine jnlsta 2 in. by 10 in., 19 ft. long`; few pieces square timber. $4011? taken~b_v-Apr. .23. Also Ford touring` car in good running or- der, newly painted. 3 tires nearly new; 3 spare tubes: $77 if taken by Apr. 25. Also 5-light ball lamn shower, Flemish nish with old brass. white round` frosted bulbs, $17.50 if taken by Apr. 21. Telephone J. W. Bishop at 285 or write P. O; Box 633. - 16 o 4 .- cu- uuuvau . tfc, A -meeting of all the women of the parish of Trinity Church is qallefd for; Apr. 29. connpntinn mm. . -Buy Westinghouse electric rang- .es at 0tton s Hardware. l 7 Sprint: hats fresh fmm `+L...:.. .......I- BARRIE MARKETS_ ucu .u.zu'1'_y barter I r`.nI`l1r-i-T-Tuna- so guu um: mster In Cornwall also survives. The funeral took place from the home of his'son, Gordon Bush on Saturday, April 11. Service was held at the house and interment made in the Angus uax'l'1e, on Wednesday, April 8,~ after` la. couple of weeks illness. The late Mr. .Bush was in his 95th year. He was born in Stormont County but for J the past fifty years or` more had been a resident of this village. The deceas- ed is survived by four sons, Nelson and Herman of Callendar, Gordon and I John of Angus. His wife and one daughter predeceased him some years. 1 . . One sister in Cornwall survives. | funeral tnnir nlnr-n fvvnrn 4... 1.....- l uuruet. nearly new. (in case), $50 will- buy this: Edison plaonngzraph, 12 re- cords. Apply Box 525,"Barrie, phone 386W. T . `16o The Daring King of the in the g'1:eate'st picture ,- .__..._.~.,, 41.11545 II- Coxirad Bush, a well known resident! of` Angus, died in the R. .V. Hospital, Barrie, on Wednesday, April 8,` afterl a. couple of weeks illnncu rrwm u.+..~ Luci!` uereavement. Dr. and Mrs. E. West attended the funeral of the late Jas. Arnold at IVY on Thursday, April 9, nnnwo Du.-.1. .. -__-1n 1, ,7 - ` Luci`, xucnaru Laumer. Robert Redfern has feturned after visiting his sons in Calgary. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wm. Winters and family of Brentwood in their bereavement. Dr nu;-I `Alan. 7.` 11r..._a. -AA._.__I_3 AI-A Vwu-His` muss Jean Tarsusn. Preston Wilson. of Montana is via- iting at Herbert Wilson's and intends. taking his mother home with him. ~ Geo. Latimer and Jas. Stribbell went to Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday to at- tend thefuneral of the former s bro- ;th!`. Richard Latimer. Rnhnrf 'pmw...... 1...... .'...;..........a ..u,... HOOT (mason a11.e Famous `Pendleton . ' Round-Up Lung nu!` granamotner, Mrs. Neu snaw ~Mrs. Wm. Secor and Wilma of Mil- ton spent a couple of days last week` at Jos. Secor's. ,Miss Jean Carson of Toronto is at her home here. Minn nlhm tIr..I....4..._ ..a r-n.........c.. 1-` um: uume nere. ' Miss Olive Webster of Toronto is visiting Miss Jean TarBus . Prnnfnn `Uilunn nf Thfnnonnn Ca "in. Lurunto I01` me Easter holidays. l Miss. Edith Shaw of Tomiko is vis- | W113 her grandmother, Mrs. Neil Shaw . Mrs. Wm Spear and nrnmn nf Mil- ' FOR ..SALE---E.`lectric Singer sewing machine, .good condition. foot-press, cheap; triple lsllverwplated , bell long modl Williams Artist Class A3: comet. nearly (in case). buy this: Edison nhnnnnrwnnh 10 -m sauuuuy at 6 p.m. | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dowler went to-I Toronto for the Easter holidays. Miss: `Edith Qhnur no 'l`nrnI1rn in via. .- PHONE 1 133. v--- TONIGHT --5 FRIDAY - SATURDAY wean -In '.l'0l'0nt0. . I Sergt. and Mrs. T. Rowe spent the week-_end in Toronto. Rnv Mr `naunn no n.............-...... I... fn "`=l\`.cnu In 'J.'0l`Onl .0. Rev. Mr. Davey of Creemore is to preach in the Presbyterian church next. Sunday at 3 p.m. ' I MI`. and MFR Thnn hnuylnn nrnnf tn-P ;.u1'uuLu last week Mr. and Mrs. Wn.1. McMaster o_t VA!-` landale visited at W. J. Gauleys on_ Saturday. . I D. Jones spent agcouple Qt days last? week -in Toronto. Gm-at arm vm..- m n....... L.........o 6|-uni master at weumgton uea.n's.; 1 Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Woods attended the wedding of the fox-me:-'s brother in. I Toronto last week. Mr and Mac txr... ~u-..1ur....n... at Al. TIl`H April i3- Miiss Della Dean, Cecil, Dean and Fred Armstrong of Toronto,~ Miss Kathleen Leitchfield of Oak- 3 ville and Elvin Dean of Detroit spent Easter at Wellington Dean's; MI`. and Mrs Inn 1X7nna sffnd Next Door to Bank of Toronto! WOOD FOR SALE--100 cords mixed slabs, while they last at $6 cord, deliv- ered to any part of town; also all kinds of hard and soft wood at. reasonable ricea. Atkinson's Wood Yard, 217 unlop St., phone 732.1 . - 16-21c - 47 Dunlop Street Patronize The White Bafber Shop . V One Door East Hanmerfg Cigar Store TWO snows FOR om: ADMISSION Two of the Greatest Attractions in One ... anus; UL. Elle 58-dd] greatest p1ct_ure he ever made. _ BETTER SERVICE - SATISFACTION Saddle Pa 3-!- W. BRADLEY HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE FOR 8ALE--including prac.ti'ca!ly.'new gas range, -hall rack. couch. white enamel- led bed, mattress and springs. Can be seen In mornings. Apply 43. Owen St. 09! V anne- bxg en ,_v coutrl and an A Playi from Gene Porter : Famous Union cemetery; The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. S. Irwin of 1 Downs lew, a former pastor of the v.` Angu Methodist church. Six old ' In-lends of deceased. James Foster, H. ML. Tax-Bush, Wm. Hyde. Thos. Bell, lJa.s.. Strlbbell and Fred Page, carried 3 the pall. Among the out-of-town 3- friends attending the funeral were, Mrs; Albert Morrison of Egbert, Mrs, `. Miller Jennett of Thornton, Mr. and 1_ Mrs. Wm. Cleary of Ivy, Manuel G01. 9 llnger and son, Oscar, of Lisle, Messrs. t: Jno. and Allan Fusee of Toronto, Nel- al son and Herman Bush of Callendar. . ,.._- ad: Educational Comedy REGULAR PRICES Raw Furs HIDES-SKINS Nm`oniE'MYERs Opposite Capitol Theatre WATCH OURWINDOW SAS O'S Everything New and Right-up-to-the-Minute in style and closs.. AT V RANGE FOR SALE--New Empress steel range, reservoir,and hot water: front, stove is in r:-xt-class condition, and is a good baker. Apply R. Wilson, 206 Bradford St., piione 420; 16c ALL NEW STOCK TOGGERY SHOP MARKET SQUARE Stratton- Novel j LJLGULULU OI... Mr. and Mrs. announce the 0 youngest daught James Lean of to take place in (AV JICLC LU]. LIIC [Hill Hudson Mum `the Bank of To hisnhome in We .I":.._ '\'_.I_, Ill VICLUKIH. n\[. 1' Miss S. Mum a visitor at the h Bradford St.. ov `IE. ..._.I \l,,_ IIID IIUIIIC Ill V` K` Miss Neola General Hospitu in Xjctoria St. r ._. (V \f I`! DODGE TOURING hrnnd can mount urn.` U apcuu G IUVV Miss Marjm`i( iversity of Tm-r here for the holi YT-_.!._-.. ll , JIU DUI] Ill J.U[| iVIr. and Mrs. ily motored to to spend a few 'MI'~I.~n `.\/I'n..n'.\..:. OJ CGII. 1Ll\,X\lllI}.',. Dr. and Mr.~'. Burford spent Mrs. A. J. Sarj Mrs. D. Jam returned after her son in T01` II . __J `|{., cu._y, 1. cc: QL Miss Janet I; spent the East Jean Hicklingz. Du nu.-I R1 ... VIE, LULUIILU. Miss Irma I spent Easter ` Grace Goring. Miss Mary i spent Easter M Percy, Peel St. Inn Tum. '_ .a.1`_\'I ho Idays with VIS, Toronto. IE1..- | .....,... JVIJULGIIU. Grant Hart old Martin 0 in town. I ._ ..___l 11` Jll l4UVVl|- Mr. and Mr. Eastertide gut Ji2...1*}"`A Hole: Blackstock \\ Midland. I`......J. '.UI _A_- JJGBIICJ. a - Mr. and My uuuum ruurumwu L:A.tt--Wo_uld take wood as part paymaentp also Ford Coupe and Ford Chassis with engine just: overhauled. Apply 67 Btock St. or phone 329W. T 160 . It KEN T-"FIVE d acres an . gar 9 good " ea from 'A!landaal:.fApply hone. W. F.- Sheppard. To! lendal. IK.IUn -llUl_lU1yu Miss Stam Easter with h. Lennox. `III..- `l"I'_1_ `JIIDU Miss Anna ters 1n Toron week. 1|A'._ .__._l 1! WCCl\- Mr. and M daughters m< Ea'ter. .J N! Misses Ma wicke are spa- onto. Ill..- A .._ _. Us 1'1. JJ. 1 "his home her Mrs. Ed. R Easter with Miss The] day at her `h Miss Rita holiday with Mr. and D the Easter h< Mrs. T. C with Toronto ~Mr. and M visiting their Miss Done] home in Tho Miss FlOI`( the Easter ho Miss Mar days in Tor Miss Isob weeks in De Barrett P was home 1? Rev. Hug ited his fath Mr. and grave spent AI\lT1I3 Dr\ SLCIVC D`lClI|4 Angus R0 holldaymg xx T A h I T VX<>X<>I<%>X0I including D BUTTE PATTI FOR SALE--iIce cream chairs, tables, candy `cases, show cases, scales. flag; top desk and chair, large Taylor safe; . bicycles to be said at $10 and -up, at Tuck's. ; 16-19p SAR. THURSE Style 5973 Inclu nd t that 5 dress SUCCCS MOTOR BOAT FORASALE-'-24`feet* long, new 12 H. P. engine installed last summer. Reasonable price, terms to responsible party. Apply at Examiner Office. ~ V V 1613 . FOR SALE--Good quality Ontarl "shingles, X,`XX, XXX: cedar postsf also shingle mill, complete (without en-A gine). Dan. McLan, phone 903r12A1. ` : . -9 n FOR SALE--Chevro1et tourlngcar: 2 White Leghorn cockerels: brooder: National cash register from 1 `cent to -twenty dollars. A. J. Tuck. v1_6p b T- THREE DROPHEAD SINGER SEW- ING MACHINES, fully gua.ranteed.'= for sale cheap. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co. ~ 13-18c For Sgle or To Let 1923 FORD "COUPE for same, good as new, fully equipped. ` Apply C. H. Bowhev. 241 Dunlop. St.. phone 32.. 16p CREAM SEPARATOR FOR SALE-9! In ptfect order; cost $95; for quick sale I . Box 932, Barrie. . 16p` BABY, CARRIAGE . FOR SALE -- " In good repair, wicker. Apply 62 Eccles St.. Btujrle. , _ 16.-21 1-j:- FOR_SALE--Hardwood sideboard, ta- ble Imd other mmm artinlnn Annhr on : FOR SAL OR TO REN'1`-6-roomod bungalow, nearly new. an modem con- veniences. sum-oom,` also. large garden. 44---Donald 8t.. nhonallz-4. 19-1%- mun. Bull 1'00!!! 8180 I81 nald 8t., phone `611r4. I FORD TRUCK FOR SALE--Apply_to'l Box` ll, Belle Ewart, Ont. , 18c .1-`un_uAum`-narawooa sideboard, ts.- ble and other small articles, Apply to 90 Owen St. I . 16c BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE--Grey reed. Phone 1082W. _ 16 `- One cent a word. cash. each Inlera-__ lion (minimum charge. 25c); :1: 111-.- Iertlons tor the price of tour. 10 cents `extra. when charged; also 10 cents extra. when replies are directed to Examiner Office. Farms For Sale; Property F 'S_a`le'j-3% - - v_.. unuu-1-also uprlgnt D1- reasonable Apply 151 Owen St. 16-18p .,_ _ --... .. mom, uuvereu. With. lne. cedar. poplar. eftc. Apply iamue! McMaater, Executrix, McMa,ste1-. Executor. 14-16p] :- .. an A.u`_u.`|.""' .l.`6Il(1e!'5' ed by the undersigned up May,71926, for the sale of matter of lot 24 in . the of Essa, covered with zadar. Donlar. din A.....1.-.' _ 1-ARM FOR BAL`E- Lot 12. Can. 1, by "l'p.. coglxatmg 100 atiges. all e . oam. pram see are -r brlel: hquse. bank barn Dom . drive ahed. poultry house. Hal! mile 93: 3. miles 1-om Filmvnln r uuuuu. run! 111116 miles from Elmvale. tfculars apply to J. nval e:_. Ont. 8-200 :_: TENDER---Tendere. llndarnlnrnn um L/ru} `I4 (20 let`; CAR-Would take vmv.m1t- nlm Ia`.-m.-I Barrie 7 acres and fa-nu nrml nuvnlllllo 1 15-179 suruen. 12-17c 11.039 :1, 12-1 pm --.--uh. flnnvun TIMBER AIND PASTURE FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, situated near Co!- welt station. west ham. lot 27, con.- 9; Essa. Tp. W111 sell whole or In 25-acre lots. This is a. real snap. It contains 6(laua;cres' timber and 40 acres cleared pasture. (Apply at once. James T. Ar- . nold; Gublph, Ont. 1'8-1,8c , V ` U UV`| ' J_.6tc;i Ly [.0 I 8ttc uax. .16-21c ,, LADY's PURSE LOS'1"in Barrie on Saturday afternoon last, near Sarjeant & King's store, containing sum of money. Finder please leave at Examin- er Office. ` 16p : --'3-' LOS'1`-_-Between Barrie Union Ceme- '_ ry and Kidd's Creek. on Apr. 12, rub- ber mat for car. Finder please return to Frank Hill. 104 Sophia St. 16p" 1 _A1'\'Irvcc -n......;_ -_ - ~~ ILL THE PERSON who took a parcel from -E. .A.oHarr1s'~ store-. last Thursda.y.. Eeturn and and avoid exposure. ~I FOR SALE BY, TEN: will be received 1. till the 1st of May.~1926, south eastquarter Seventh Con. timber, pine, cedar.` pop} to Mrs. Samuel McMa.s1 or Isaiah Ex 'A FOR (`nkLI. A -- _-- . IMPROVED BANNER OATS from _re-e glsteped stock for seed. Harry Otta- wa,y, Box 987, phone 6051t6. 11-16c ` SEED POTATOES FOR SALE--,Early Eureka, guaranteed. Apply Rex Wat- son. Phone 904r5. .15-16c - lwuuel` layers. April price, $22.00 pei" I Dundonald St. Phone 134__ H 14t_tc 1oo, May, $20.00 per 1oo_smg1e _b'n-ds_! 25 cents each. Mrs. Calderwood,` 23 :~ _ i _- _.`.y BABY CHICKS--White Wyandottes .1st prize cockerei, 2nd prize puliet,, Barrie .Fair 1924, Martin strain, A-prili price -$22.00 `per*100, May $20.00 per 100.- Barred _Piymouth Rocks. ` heavy winter layers. April price, $22.00_ per , per-100 Simzla him... . . `V ' DAY-OLD CHICKS FOR SALE--Al hatch every week: Barred Rocks, White Leghornsgetc. Book your` order early. ' Chas. Kelly, 104 Dunlop St.,' Barrie. Phone 1184.. 13-18p- rnvvvzs ---____._ _ - _Lwu nurses, Apply Hawkestone, R`. R. 1. :---:--:--::---- 1.vvU xuui_VG S1-IORTHORN BULLS! FOR SALE--from a good milk strain, and ready for service. Also my two hundred acre farm with good buildi- ings. Suitable for. stock raising. Also _two horses, Apply to L. F. ~Shaw, .' 15-172 run zsAm9--In town of of land with buildings and fruit. Will cell a few one or two-acre lots on Peel St. for building purposes. Godd land, .11 cely situated. Apply Vvm. W. Hall. 8 arm St. 16-17c `-5- TWO YOUNG SHORTHORN BULLS. a Bond mill: .+....a.. . , vv Unix nun'=u:;--ueavy Percheron, [1 Color dark bay, 6 yrs. old, weight 1600 pounds, sound and good every way. An- ply Examiner Office. * 16p n -v\--..'__ _ _.___ 8 BUFF LEGHORN-HENVS, S.C., FOR SALE, bred from 300-egg strain; will sell cheap to make room. Am-Iv `mo-'-I LDJIJ-I T J uh unum, ureu Irom 300-egg cheap room. Livingston, 32 Ecc_les St. . gun one THOROUGHBRED AYRSHIRE BULL! for sale, 10 mos. `old. `Apply Thos. R0-1 ' berts, -Ceda,rda_le.= Qa1x`y, _Al~1andale..'-4160' _________________________ V _. ROOMS FOR RENT---G00d comfort- able furnlshedrooms in private home .all convenience s; A`pply Examiner. 16p: .__:_. I f TWO ROOMS TO LET, with balcony,` conveniences, light housekeeping if de- .sired. Phone.914J. ' 16p -- ._.__________ convenicmr-no Huh} 1.n..-.. . V- FOR RENT--Four rooms, suitable for old couple; good garden and henhouse.; Apply 47 Grove St. [7 - . 16p; -1- I ROOMS FOR RENT--V-2 furnished! rooms, with or without board. Apply[ 9 Sophia St.. , . `V 16p` .,_.____.________________ - BOARDERS VVANTED,` students- ferred. Apply this office. . ._,_____________ ROOMS rooms. with m- mwn-m..+ L.-- BATHROOM FLAT, furnished. uabout M817 9. Annlv `l\/I've: T-Tnr 3 s1oov(vEEKLY. Man wanted with am- ' ( bition, industry .and.sma.l_l capital. You can `make above amount or more, dis- tributing Rawleighis Quality Products_ to steady Consumers. Several fine op-` enings now available. We teach and` . Ihelp you do a big business and make ; more money than you ever made be`-.3 `fore.-Give age, `occupation, references.` , V . T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. Dept. CN 213, London. Ont. . 15!-90" j FURNISHED HOUSE`TO LET, Eliz-l abeth St., with all conveniences. Apply] Box "Y" Examiner. , . 16c; I __.:-.:.:._---.::..-.-__ [BATHROOM to let, about May 9. Apply Mrs. Heard, 15 Ross St., phone 572. , 16c I W8" -. AD 8t.. Barr! 8.