__--w - uvi Mar. 31-Congratulations to_0ro U. ,F. 0. hockey team, they having won vthe Burnaby Cup for this year. ] `, Mrs. [Stone returner! hnrvun 1..-: nxllguum C ful and ef the choir. uuiuun in me evening next Sunday. The Bi_ble study held one night eachweek in the church continues to ' ' well attended. The work that has been done by the ladies of the community for the as- , sistance of Indian people, who through unavoidable causes have been in need, has been much appreciated. The choir) of the Union Church met their minister in the vestry of the church Sunday afternoon and pre- sented him with a handsome. birth- ` day gift, in token of their friendship `and appreciation. Mr. Fortner _is \ 'closing his third year's pastorate and 'speaks very highly of the loyalty of the congregation to the work of the Kingdom of God and also of the faith- _ efficient set-vir-on r'nm1n.....a I---I - n Mar. 31-The service in the Union Church, Midhurst, will begin: at 7 `o'clock in the evening The study held mm mam _._-... -.un. vvcuouu will gxve gcurrnf Events. The annual member- ship fee will be re'eived. The response _to the roll will be My favorite lflower and my method of culture. There will also be music. .wcu us ner many friends wouldwish. ' The young people are busy with their play The Minister's Wife's New 'Bonnet," which they intend giving on -April 8- in the Congregational f church. A The many friends of T. Eismere of Edgar are sorry to hear of his ser- ious illness and hope for a speedy `recovery. A \X.'onnn --I--- 5-~ -V ` "' A` i ----1:-nan` I March. 31--Mrs. A. Johnston of Min~l eslng is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston. ' g ' R/fro QnH..I........ _n v-- - ` I U . `J UNUSED". I Mrs. Salisbury of Toronto has re- gturned home from visiting with her gmother, Mrs. Spooner, who is not as well as her many friends { yourig neonle. am hncnr mm. luuule oz .1. urannwaite last Sun"d" . ` Mrs. AM. A. Clarke of Midlan is `visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. F. i Richardson. T sun I. Ch. C. F. Cole spent a couple of days in Barrie recently. A few friends spent .a very pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. E. Wil- jliston last week. T. Moore`and Edie Wilson are mak- ing maple syrup. Mrs. J. McLaughlin is getting along nicely after three months illness. L. Jones of Elmvale visited ;~.at the home of J. Braithwaite Sudliy. ' 1 A. Clnrlzn nf 1|/n.u..... z- 1:------ The undersigned` has 2 finv-us I-A u Lcuuu u1 t O!fli MCNICOII. J. A. Mcbaughilin is spending a couple of weeks in Detroit and Tor- Mrs. R. Long of ihelpston visited with friends and acquaintances here` last week. ['1 `I? n]- ------A - ' ` are drying up nicely; ' W. Richardson. and D. Scythes, shipped a. carload of cattle to Tor-. onto last week. ` Mrs. Wm. Ney,spent .a. week with` friends in Port McNicoll. J. A. NfnT`.n|n:rln'lln -In --u~--it-~ uuu uuu C0108. V V It 1s_good to see the cars out again. The snow is all gone and the roads drying W. Riaharnnn nun h 11---A-A-- - mg-uuxu u; uoa and also of the fan efficient services rendered ~ Mar. 30--Qufte a number from here, have been suffering w1th_La Grlppe` and bad colds. ' Tf '6 Lynn;-I On an... LL- _- ` I Buy Advertised Timings. `Lv.u'a. D. rrart. Mr. and Mrs. Roe and Mrs. Stox were called to Sunnldale Corners Saturday `to attend the` funeral of I late Mrs. Huth. Miss'Luella Wilson of Anten Mills: spent the week-end with her aunt.` `Mrs. S. Pratt. Storey ygrere Cornmvn nn uruuy. ' ' Miss Clarice Ferris, attending col,-3 lege at Guelph, is visiting at home at: present. ' j WEE T.nnIIo `* !'lnA- A5 I ` "` nu. gone name to Toronto. Mrs. C. Baker visited at the home of Mr. Gibbons near Knock,-Innisfil, last week. ` . _ Miss Walker and Miss~Guy. who conducted special services here re- cently, called on friends here on Sat- urday. Jinn luuh-.5 11`---1- -- nvn uunllo Sale at 1 pm. W A.. -Jfxucu more convenient. V V` Arthur Brown has commenced to make maple syrup which no doubt will be of the best. I VTwo sawing machines have been; clipping up wood for next winter which is sound economy. I Miss mdley, who has been uvmgj W1th4MP8. V. Rrnwn (nus -- In-- U~ - has gone home to Toronto. C. Baker vlnlfn no I... 1_-_._1 Bl-.'_[.I..E_l:'.WART HAwK1;s_1foNE QETHESDA nccuug I be he 'unAu I` MIDHURST . 95570" `been living} 3. 10112` `Hrnn ,,_--.. ,....u, act. narrows; alsc drill; hoe drill; disc barrow; cutting box; Premier cream separatorynearly new. ~ will be given to parties furnishing` ap- proved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash. -14-16c 1 mm. W A `M'..n....I__-- V Lclllltlall L contract. day before _Judge Elliott of Halton. The case. arose out of the sale `by; the plaintiff. of some oil shares to` the defendant. The value of the stock. dropped before it was delivered and` the defendant refused to accept de- livery. The judge held that an agree- ment to purchase existed and the de- fendant was bound to complete the ` the `SALE or` SHARES IN on. co'v' CONFIRMED BY JUDGE ELLIOTT -can-add ngvsvu UR BALL ..'.% F.A:iy1A_L_COM?)Ir. _.. - - - jhj Store Phone 65 F ED and SEED We have Government-tested Clover . % Ontario. grown. Close prices on "Uptovii Ticket O i;e'.vC,a`nadian. '1'ne Following: V , HORSES-Ma,re, 9 yrs. old; mare,` 8 `yrs. old. ` T ` IMPLEMENTS-Binder, Frost & Wood. nearly new; Deering` spreader; Frost & Wood stiff-tooth cultivator, nearly new; sulky rake; land roller; set of scales; grinder. nearly new; scuffler; single plow: sulky plow: two-furrow plow; set barrows; disc . All ---.III 1., -- '-V` ovnn -an` IN UNAl;)l-B-A -B'LE ACCIDENTS. A clogged valve or worn insulation --- FIRE -- Ruined. A well kept car -- a clever thief -- STOLEN. "A beautiful day -- a swirl of dust - COLLISION -- Wrecked, A careless pedestrian - someone INJURED -- a claim. ' A faulty brake - a slippery street -- a DAMAGE claim. Tl`! FDIJIIKII.` t\l) Ann: -I---- --------' /1 7; (\o Sm {g A fmancmg. ,_.___.. - ...'-.a VA` \u1|\.IJl`ulV JDDIJD l\J A MARKET GARDENERS. CAR or sun) comv NOW IN siocx GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. up L--._._._... '_ I .3 . "V ' `Fancy No. I RediClover . No. 2 `Red Clover . . . . . . . . . . No. 1 Mammoth Clover . . . No. 3 Mammoth Clover . . . . . S No. 1 Peel County Grimm All No. 2 Peel County Grimm Alf No. 1 Peel Co. `Ont. Var. AlfalJ No. I Alsike Clover` . . .. . . . . . . No. 2Alsike Clover . . . ~. . .. No. 1 White Blossomsweet C} No. 2 White Blossom Sweet C] No. 1 Small Early Sweet Clove "No. 1 (for purity) Timothy . . No. 2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . No._3_ Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . BAN IGFTORONTO . .I. nwuse LIOVCI .. . 2 Alsike h. -. . Blossom Swee . .1 Clo J. purity) . . . . D. D. 3 Prices are su 50pel` \ o Clover, $5.40 per bus. vet . . . $6.00 per bus. . $5.50 per bus. . . . . $5.00 per bus. . . . . $4.50 per bus. bject to `change without notice. A . $12. _ bus. . 31 1.50 per bus. t Clover, $6.00 per bus- FARM MALCOMSON, the Insurance Man, says: Jr Automobile Policy always proves a REAL` BUMPER At this time farmers are confronted with many problems which the Bank of Toronto is pleased to help solve. Money will be needed for improving the herd, buying cattle, etc. Loans will be required to meet current expenses. And the Banl_< of Toronto will be ready to advance all this necessary nancial aid to farmers of character and reputation. ' FARMING is one of the most diversied and complicated businesses in the world. And, `like all businesses, it cannot progress without sound nancing. [. V. aB_B_ET'l' Allandalo BRANCHES BARBIE ad Seeds, guaranteed all our seeds. I I was afraid to eat because I al- lways had stomach trouble afterwards. {Since taking Adlerika I can eat and feel fine." (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS `and often brings surprising relief to [the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Rlemvves old waste matter from intestines and makes you feel happy and cheerful. Excellent for .ob- stinate constipatlon. VVm. Crossland. | druggist. - j-1 'Wdman Afraid to Eat Anything nuvaxvn DHLD . HORSES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS The undersignedhas received instruc- tions from I`! II ---_____(,- 33 Elizabetla St. Elmvalo i2`I5 525:: 1-11 min, 225 Pal ` gander. uizzru, unver. - CATTLE--Red cow, due June 28: red and white cow, due July 1; red cow, due June 30: Ayrshire cow, with calf at foot: 2 heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; steer, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers. rising 1 yr. old; 4 steers, rising 1 yr. old. FOWL--20 good hens; 2 geese and 1 IMPLEMEN'l`S--McCormick binder, 6'-ft`. cut; Frost & Wood mower, 5-ft. `cut; steel sulky rake, 10-ft.; 2 single plows; set iron harrows; cutting box; disc harrow; set double harness; quantity of sweet clover seed; also other articles. All will be sold without reserve. TERMS 0F and under, cash; over that amount 9 `months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on -credit sums. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. ______________________ SALE--Ali sums of $10 ' Our 1 of` a If YOI Phon Fl Est: Sam _ .._.---p, nun IIJIJ IV `the following: . HORSES--Bay mare, 11 yrs}. Heavy Draught: bay horse,v7 yrs. old, General Purpose; colt, rising 4 yrs. old; aged mare, driver. (`A'F'l`T.`l:`_,D...a -..---. -W - -- v:\uuI| Olalb FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has reclvd instruc- tions from " f I III- BCQDLQ ..-__ vvurnul`; unu many other articles. All will be sold without reserve, as the proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS OF SALE--Grain and all sums of $15 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months? credit will be given to purties- furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. . _I- -A_ 1 --- vn vuou nulllv Sale at 1 p.m. W. A`. McConk ey, Auct. ` uvua u'!Jl FRANK DUNSMORE } East Hf. Lot 18, Con. 4, Oro (ONO Mila North of (:..u...:- bl. .... |.\ ammo nurnesa; zuxsap, pails and spiles. FURNI'1`URE-6 black walnut par- lor. chair:-: wainut parlor table: walnut sidebour : extension table; 8: couches: rocking chairs: 2_ book cases: hall` rack: 3 oak bedroom.-suites: enamelled bedroom `suite; sewing machine: oak kitchen cabinet, new: toilet sets: 8 hanging lamps: 4 carpets: cutlery; dishes: `coal oil cooker;. chairs; incub- ator; kitchen table; coa! heater; Royal Jewel range: cream separator: butter worker: and many other articles. b8 nnld urlfhnnf Innnnuvn an `\7\ I'}1\LT Lot 10, Can. 8, lnnisl to sell by public auction on -an-us Ill! IJUI AU, uun. `I , U10 `(One Mile North of Guthrie church) to "sell by public auction on i am!` I I A 310' 4 A fhn 1 nIlnunl...... nus. seen Out. ' IMPLEMEN'1`S-McCormick binder: Massey-Harris binder: scuftler: Deer- ing mower; sulkyirake: spring-tooth -cultiva.tor_; `Massey-Harris seed drill; manure spreader; pulper: set sleighs; set iron harrows; Wilkinson plow, No. `7: Fleury plow, No.13. 2 bay racks; two-furrow plow, Verity: set scales, 2000 lbs.; stoneboat; wagon, complete; wheelbarrow: tanning mill; dog pow- er: spring wagon; steel drum; large mail box; slush scraper; top cutter: cutter; top buggy: stock rack`: 2 led- ders: hay fork, pulleys.-ropes, etc.; . set iong- tug harness. nearly new; set of single harness: 25.:sap, nails and spiies. black umlnnf nan- ---7-iutu-D, T1 T the following: v .. HORSES-Bay mare, rlsing 4 yrs., `Clydesdale; ` bay horse, 5 yrs., Clydes- dale: bay horse, rising 9 yrs., Clydes- dale; bay horse, 10 yrs. old., Clydes- dale: filly, 1 yr. old, Clydesdale. ` CATTLE--Red cow, 8 yrs. old., due_ Apr. 12; roan cow. 4 yrs. old, due in May; red cow, 4. yrs. old, due in July; red cow. 5 `yrs. old,'due in June: white oow. 7 yrs. old. in calf; black cow. 6 yrs. old, due in July; 3 heifers, 8 yrs. old, in calf: 2 heifers. rising 8 yrs. old; 8 steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 yearling steers. POUTRY AND GRAIN-No. or Black Minorca. hens:.No. o_White Leghorn hens: No. of Barred Rock hens: 200 l bus. seed oats. 11urD1'.mmru-xvmu 'u'..n........I..I- I_I--I---- puuuc auction %'i=fiib'XY, APRIL 10 Tina 'r\"1\ouuI..`-.. ..v null U] ...... Ll.'UI{l W. H. DONNELLY AUCTION SALE {G Alun EADIA Inn . - ,_--y--Q lfll I` The Following: i-Mare. 9 Viva n CREDIT `SAL nfnnu ALIl\ Inn-un- 'nedA received jnstruc-V tions from ~ -- e us av, _l yrs. Old, ` 8 yrs. old, heavy; old, General Pur- 5 VPH. Old HI-Itrnw 11~LOU . Mcconkey, -Auct. ` Wm -accu; quanuty or timothy seed; ,.` A;quantity of household furniture. Also forks,_ chains, doubltreeq and many other articles, V All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. V" TERMSOF SALE--All sums of $10 and under, cash; over` that amounts months `credit will be given to parties furnishing` agproved joint` notes. 3% per annumo tor cash oncredit sums, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey,Auct, *-`clover. seed; A .lIa --M-H. use propnetor has sold his farm. V TERMS OF SALE-All sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount 8 months credit; furnishing approved jolnt (notes. 6% per annum on! for cash bn credit sums. .9919 M 1 -~--- ~---~ will be given to parties r-- vv - . - u ulna U . Sale at 1 13-140 uuuvr _ arucles. ' Also forks, chains, doubletrees and a large number-[of othen-`articles too numerous to mention. V All will be soldewlthout reserve as the proprietor has` . SALF:--A'I Guns: 5-` 0" ter: 2 uurrcu HOOK nens. ,_IMPLEME1\"I`S-Sulky rake, nearly new: .Massey-Harris nearly new: spreader, nearly new hayloader; Frost & ft. cut: M most new; `Mccorm Massey-Harris binder, 7-ft. cut, manure : Frost & Wood Wood mower, 5- assey-Harris hay tedder, al- ick 13-disc drill. nearly new; land packer, nearly new; disc harrow: plow, Cockshutt Kang rack: single plow, sets wagon box; spring-tooth cultivator, nearly new; two-furrow aroo1No. 2: stock Verity No. 21,: cut- iron barrows; set spring- tooth harrows; 2 Bain wagons, nearly new; buggies: scuifler: 4-row, nearly new; ger, nearly new: fan son: set scales, 2000 lbs.; D hay car, rope, slings Laval cream separator; hemlock lumber, a number of plank, 16 ft. long; democrat, nearly ,new;~2 single 0.K.- potato Snriayer-, Hoover potato dig- ning mill, Jack- aisy churn: pulleys; De quantity 2x10 quantity of posts. and cedar HARNESS--Set brass-mounted har- ness," new: 2 sets long -tug harness, ai- mostlnew: set plow harness: 2 sets of single harness; 1 set ing harness. HOUSEHOLD gan: chairs: other `articles. A Inn fnbn AI-Al..- ot_ double . driv- SEED AND GRAIN-600 bus. seed oats: a quantity of stra . FURNITURE - Or- range. nearly new; and _q_,u. . I __- 9--.. ..v..u.uuu auu 115111 . type. CATTLE-Cow,8 yrs`; old,` due May 20: cow, 5 yrs. old." due May 24; cow, 6 yrs. old, due May 5: cow, 4 yrs. old, `due May 10; cow, 6 yrs. old, with calf at foot: cow, 7 yrs. old. with call! at foot; cow, 8 yrs. old, with calf at foot; cow. 7 yrs. old, with calf at foot: the above are all good Durham, cows. 2 steers, 3 yrs. old; 8 `steers, 2 yrs; old ; 2 helters,- 2 yrs . old: 4 steers, rising 1 yr. old: registered Durham bull, 2 yrs. old (162234). - A Barred Rock hens. IMPT.1`.Mm1wnu_ u..n-__ - 1uu.1'e -1 yrs. om (Member Spinx); this is avery handsome mare andperfectly broken. double or single. Clydesdale lly,_rising' 2 yrs. old. Anyone want- ing good horses will find them at this sale, as they are as fine a lot of horses as anyone would wish to see, all young and In good condition and right type. May '20; cow. 5 vrsx. am" Am. Mn... 04. .._-_ u=5uau'u.uUll; matcneu team bay mares, 4 and 5 yrs. old, w'eigh 2900 lbs.; pair of Clydesdale geldings, 5 and 6 yrs. old, weigh 2900 lbs.; pair of Clydesdale geldings, 6 yrs. old, weigh 3000 lbs.; bay mare, 8 yrs. old, weighs 1500 lbs. ba_v'geldlng, 8 yrs. old. weighs -1600 lbs.; bay gelding, 5 yrs. old, weighs 15001bs.; aged mare, in- foal to Benedict; driving mare 4 yrs. old (Member l - a. good sire. I dict (23945), _--.--- a-n\lld\J the following: HORSES--Clydesdale stallion, Bene- Weighs 2000 lbs.:` this horse is a grand type of the breed and Registered Clydesdale mare, 3 yrs. old, Baron's Queen, and registered Clydesdale mare, 3 yrs. old, Bell Rose (50035): this is an exception- ally good pair of! pure bred Clydesdale , mares, weighing over 3000 lbs; Baron's Queen has never been shown but is considered by good horsemen to be one of the best'mar_es to be found any place; Bell Rose, her mate, took the Sweepstakes at Bradford show in 1924 and took second at the Royalvin Tore onto in a company of 18 and second at Guelph in a company oi. 15. 3 Clydes- dale fillies. rising 1 yr. old, eligible for registration; matched team bay 4_and old. w'eie:h 2900 lbs: mm. Tine uridersigned has received instruc- tions from XIIAQ n---___-__ RegisteredE'l-}';i es:l;l-e_l--Iorses', Farm Stock and Implements Arm-ur Adams, who has is able to be around again. j Mar. 31-Sawing wood is the order of the day here. Charles Denney. Jr., is one of a com- ` mittee attending a meeting in Bar- rie for the'purpose- of equalizing the 1 assessment of the county. Mrs. D. Ruddick oi Alliston nd Mrs. Jack Arthurs of St. Cathar nes visited friends here one day last week. When a number of men were engaged last week with a tractor and circular and overturned thb machine. Only through the presence of mind of some was saved from `a very serious ac- cident.` As it was, he had his arm out several inches near the shoulder. Arthur Adams, been ill. around again. sawing woods at Bert I-Ierd's one day saw, the saw bound in a stick of wood f of the men and himself. John Haugh " us m we evening` next Sunday. The" Ladies Aid of the Methodist church are- contemplating a. social, sometime in May. - V uuuuge erected last fall. -, Mrs. Morrison from Michigan is spending a. couple of weeks with her siste Mrs. George Hubbert. Re% . J. .8. McMullen`. the pastor. will preach `at 3 p.m.'in the Methodist church. St. Thomas Church service. is in "the `evening next Sunday. Aid of nm Mnfhnlai -|al'UIuIU- ` Wm. Campbell came up from Tor- onto last week to see after his new cottage erected last fall. - Mrs. M'm-rh-mu `Cronin \A I..I...|_.'._ n- wuuuruuy. ` .A. W. Palk s sister, pent a. day iat week Mrs. VanNorman ot" - up tut- ' .. Mar. 80--Mrs. Caiendm-`of Bradford ' visited with Mr. and` Mrs, Wm. Adams last week. ` Mrs. McDermott of Elmvale visited her daughter, Mrs. Hereward Martin, last week. 7 - ' ' Miss Laura `Graham of Ba.r_r1_e Hos- pital came home to see her parents on Saturday. . A. W Dull: gnaw-G A -1---- `--* ~"* ' ..v luv: u; yuuuu uuuuun DI] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 fhn 'I\``t\III`u\ru - nearly new; hay rack: McLaughlin ;.Lurulj4`1\.1.'JLV'1`S-- Cockshutt 13-disc drlll, nearly new; Massey-Harris bind- ter, nearly new: Frost -& Wood spring- tooth- cultivator, nearly new; manure spreader, Cockshutt, nearly new;- Mc- Cormick mower, nearly new: McCor- mlck rake, nearly new; scuftler, near- l_y new;- steel land roller; set slejghs. Adams, nearly new; Tudhope-Auden son wagon, nearly new; Baln wagon, ~ buggy; set lron harrows; set disc har- rows; Chatham fanning mill; hay york rope; set Renfrew 2000-lb. scales, new; two"-furrow Cockshutt plow. nearly 1 new; Verity plow, nearly new; Peter M Hamilton plow. nearly new; gravel` box: stock rack; root.pulp`er, nearly? new; 8 horse colldrs; 3 sets of team harness: set single harness, near! new; 2 horseblankets; a. number. 0 `cedar posts; 30 grain bags: Chevrolet` _ ~, tqurlng car. 1919 model;_ Baby. Grand e,,gme; 11/,6-ton truck-, in rst-class '..A -lM3TlI!'l\_..' ' 9:`! 9.... .5 ..'o v..- '4--- IIIIIIIIIII ll :v- v, nno 3, IVITI'II` to sell by public auction on III,`I\IIIIlI\ A II 1 I---- - EXTENSIVE CR?-9|? SALE __- ......... `val ul. uuu. uuxns. sharp. , W. A. .McCONKEY, Auctw quantity of timothy sed . y household 1'nrnl+n-m BAY u. ,uu Lets. 0/0 . uusrearter. ' ' V `For further terms and particular . 8. apfly to. STEWART & STEWART, So icltors. Barrie. Ontario. Dated at Barrie this sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1925. , 12-14 . dlUI'68a.lu. There is said to be erected on said lands a comfortable two-storey frame dwelling-house, and `out-bu!ldlngs, al- so a. flowing well and small orchard. The property contains about three ac- res of good land; and is well situated adjacent `to .Mlnes1ng Station, and close to the village of Minesing. The property-will be sold subject to a reserved `bid. ' ' ` TERMS FOR SALE: Ten per cent. of purchase money `at the time of sale, and the balance -within thirty days thereafter. ' 7 ,"` fIun6IgA- LA....;-- - ` oraer. . , _ V T GR_A1N,AND `FEED-.-V-`25"tona` `of `good oafstraw: 6 tomrof wheatstraw; 5, quantity of oats; `a `quantity of `sweet parutu nereoy aescribed being a triang- ie, having for its southerly boundary the Minesing Road; its easterly bound- ary the Railway property; and its northerly boundary the `division line between Lots Numbers eight and nine aforesaid. - - ' t Tknnn In .....IJ L- I ` ` uuum.-:1`, we rouowmg property, namely: That part of the East Half of Lot No. ,_ nine (9) in the eighth (8) Con- cession of the Townshipof Vespra. in the said County of Simcoe, described as follows: COMMENCING at a point thirty-three feet (33 ) distant from the . intersection of -the located line of they Nsbrth Simcoe Railway Company with; the northerly limit of the Minesing] ' Road; thence on a course westerly: along the said northerly limit of said: Road allowance seven hundred and -forty feet (740 ) to where it inter- sects the division line between Lots Numbers .-,eight and nine in the said eighth Concession of Vespra; thence` on a course north sixty-two degrees. thirty-three minutes _east along aid line eight hundred and forty feet (840 ) to the intersection of said right of way with said line; thence on a course , south forty-two minutes east four hun- I J 1 I l dred and sixty feet .(-160. ) `along said right of way to the place or begin- ning. SAVE AND EXCEPT that part thereof heretofore conveyed to the North Sim_coe Railway Company. The parcel hereby described being triang- `i_e, having southerlv hnllndnru PURSUANT to instructions received from the Administrator of the estate of the late William Morren, there will, be offered for sale by Public Auction I at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Slrncoe. on! `Saturday, April 4th, 1925, at 2 o'clock p.m., by W. A. Mcconkey, Esq., Auc- tioneer, the following property,,nameiy: __That Half nf Ln. awry one cordially invited. ; Next Sunday the Sunday School will` ` ment atthe close of the service. be held at 10 o'clock instead of after Mar. the service. There will be the Sacra- Church ' o'clock April fools are jolly fools. eagew As you will surely see, ~ If you'll forget Dame Grundy's rules,- be mte And join our company, "?I1.lheat`. Come to our Club next Friday night ( Dressed foolish as can be,- We'll play the fool with all our might! zisglgig Forgetting dignity. If you are always prim and wise, bee Conceal it now, we pray, thglgerg Beneath a merry fool's disguise, Come Friday night and play. _ V. At 8 o'clock in the basement of the gifi church. Every one welcome to spend a1 a. `social evening together. ...-.vu-vaunnu-|x\Jl\D_ DHLL .OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AT MINESING STATION, ONTARIO * ' ' - ' """ . 1 Mar; 31--W. 'I`.; Partridge held 21! verysuccessful sale on Tuesday. n 1 The Women's Institute will meet} at the home of Mrs. Thos. Rix on : Tuesday afternoon, April 7. at 2.30. 2 Owing to unforseen circumstances the` ( program planned for last meeting was! ( not carried out but it is expected the`s Rev. Mr. Paley, will be present onvt Tuesday afternoon and give an ad-If dress. Bring your pencils. Roll Call, '1 Wrinkles in Household Economics." Every one cordially invited. . Sundav fhn .q....a.... q,.I....u ---n- me new nome this week. Miss Viola McMaster has returned; from Toronto after _spendlng a month- there. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Noble of Cree-y more are visith'1g- the lat_ter's sister, Mrs.M. M. Bell. out. rnces were g`00d.- . Mark McMaster has rented Wilt : -McMaster s farm and will move the new `home this week. Miss Vinln Mnmnnfnu 1...... ..-A----- Wllfred McMaster held a very suc-' cessful sale on _'1`hursda.y last whenl tempting spring `weather brought a: large crowd of buyers and spectatorsv `out. Prices were good.- I Mark MnMnnfnr hon nanona t*I'r;tIAv-4--1 ,,-... vnup \.IUl.|Ul.'tI.l I'll!`- pose; sorrel' Horse. 5 yrs. old, driver. CA'I"1`LE--Ayrshlre cow. 5 yrs. old,` due by date of sale.;. Ayrshire cow. 6 yrs. old, due Aug. 20: Dlnrhnm I\Al4A- JIUE day. Mrs. Elphick. '1`. Miller of Elmgrove visited` friends in Utopia on Thursday. - Mrs; J. McKnight and son, John, of Mrs. Elphick on Monday. . ' I Mrs. D. McCann is on the sick list. J. Miller has returned to his home L in Egbert after spending t ree weeks p with his sister, Mrs. J. Mc aster. . On Tuesday, Mar. 31, at Thornton. by the Rev. A. G. Rintoul, Ellen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Elphick, Utopia, was married to,} John, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James. McKnight, Baxter. After the honey- 1 moon spent in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. McKnight will reside in Baxter. Andrew Millervilost a valuable cow 1 this week. Mrs. David McC&nn is laid up with I a bad cold. ` D. J. Miller is loading a car 0 3} potatoes this week. . | . Miss Jane Gugins of Beeton is vis-I i iting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Mccann. lodd Q (inn:-I now 1-` .... uvuuw us nun yurllls. Roy Clark has returned to his home in Waldermar. ` -Mr. and Mrs. fl`. Adams of Barrie spent Thursday at the home of their niece, Mrs. F. Coulson. Herb Mapes made a buiness trip to Bradford /on Monday last. Mr. and Mrn- F, nmm-.. no 13.:- um name or A. Elphlck Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Mmlar Vvislted Al- liston friends over the week-end. "Russell Elphick `of _the R. C. A. F.. Ca.mp'Borden. spent the week-end at the home of h 3 parents. ` , `Dov (`Vin-I. 1...; _ n _ A - H ..- -.... .......e UL ucr Bullets m ueeton. Mrs_. McMaster ot Barrie spent a few days at the home of her on, Wilfred. . Mrs. Clark spent Monday in Angus -at the home of her brother. A. T. Arnold. . Mrs. '1`. Lee, who has spent the winter in Barrie, has returned home. Arthur Burley of the R. C. A. F.. Camp Borden, spent the week-end at the home or A. Elphlck. Mrs. J. Nnlnln ll'n`Iv4u;I AI :-7c1D Miss Helen Berthelotte, who has been _in the hospital! at Ppnetang, has returned to her home here. Mrs. J. H. Mccann spent a. few days at the home of her sisters in Beeton. `Ina `Il.s`ll'.. -4. -._ - D '- cI;__ov_vN/{ HILL uv H 1115 pl U[JCl'Ly ,} Ila-me} >1 of Lot Con-. nty Simeon. dnnnril-mt` T0? nue 2 nearly new: Masaev- oy date of Ayr yrs. old; PIGS--Brood sow and 11 IMPLEMEN'1`S- Coc tter of pigs; kshutt I-I'nv-Mn Ida.-I , lrented Wilfred I Illili vnnuua tn ,_- -.-- `vi exigent Iters 1118 Of haw nnn I `April 1--Kenneth Fegan, aged 11,} son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fegan of Toronto; had a narrow escape from drowning on Sunday. He was spend- ing the day with his cousin, King Houston, at Tent City. The .two lads who are about the same age, were pushing some floating ice when Ken neth lost his balance and fell into the -lake. With great presence of mind. King rescued him from the icy water. yum. weex. Robt. Eldridge was ln Toronto on Wednesday. ' . Mrs. Albert Rainey and Mrs. F. Sutherland and Phyllis are -the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley in Toronto. A . Mr. Thompson of . Torontoyisited with his son here on Monday. vv euueuuay. `Ila VLA__--- Mar. 31--Mr. and Mrs. Mel Marling and Ormand are visiting friends in Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webb gave a progressive euchre party, Friday even- ing, in honor of Mrs. Webb's sister, Miss Green of Painswlck, who has- past week. Pnhf tmA..:.:...- __-- v -- '...., ..... mcuc, mm. reuows, also `his brother, who is seriouslyeill. Last Tuesday e ening -the` Ladies Aid of the `Unitedrchurch held their," annu'a.l pancake social at which a! ;very' enjoyable time was spent. The, [hockey club put on/ the program and: :Hon. E. C. Drury presented the Haw- skestone hockey team with the Drury Cup for this season, making some very suitable remarks. _The. first meeting` of the Orange- men was held in the new Orange hall, gwednesday evening ~ lxucu was 11610 In the `Wednesday evening. uay wun ms parents, last week. I Mr. Laird` of Sundridge is visit- ing his niece, Mrs. Fellows, also `his I seriouslyTill_._ T.na+ Vun.-..:..-. ---- ' run: ouruany UUD I01` this . [Stone returned home last week` from Toronto where she `spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone. ` Lyn Fellows -of Torontovspent a day with his parents, last ` Of Sllnriun 3n -4- --_-.----, sin l\lI-I the following: HORSES--Bay horse, .7 heavy; black horse, 8 015 black horse, 7 yrs. Gene sorrel horse. CATTLE--AVPh`rn nnny K