ueu L, Btfc J11 LL11- we Ina: I rill-lI\AJ\Jl` Dealer in Paige, Jewett & Ford Cars SHOWROOM AT FORD GARAGE r I have changed my showroom" from Garvin s Garage to the Ford Garage (next Capitol Theatre), and have in stock a 1924 Jewett touring car (used A as a" demonstrator about 1000 miles) at -a reduction; also Ford touring (1923 model) and Ford sedan (1_922 model) at reduced prices. " ` ` ...................... 5. Roucms mzuq. __s1joR_1a BABE!!! OI cl --~A7 representative. from E the Berger Clothing Co. will be at , Milne s-Clot_hing StoreAMon`day and ,_;Tuesday, Mar. 2 and 3, showing ti-"spring models in Clothes of Qual- ;_.ity," one of the nest lines of made- `_to-measure clothes. Order now for E;Easter.' Satisfaction ormoney re- .;funded. g ' . _ ` '9c j Phone 75, appca_.l.`alllZB. We 'also__do ladies and children's hair bobbing. Expert barber -- 25__ years . experience. A ` ~ V Ladies 35c, children 25c. `Evening appointments . made for marcelling or bobbing. '\f\'YI 1!! !\u\uv;-. -:.-_- n narrxe ror only $11.00. Our rIady_ marceller is thoroughly competent` and experienced. Give her the`-opportunity of improving your appea'rance. ' UTA".-.1. .1- 1...:I:....s __.:I 4-11 - T-F-'$- PURE 0.A.C. N0. 12 BARLEY for sale. Grown from _1-eglvstered seed. Apply to Ambrose Moran, Phelpston, Ont. 8-131)- ' ' Do` you'know that yoi1.can obtain _a perfct marcel wave and curl right in Barrie for only $1.00. nllrrlna-Iv `lvlnivnnllnsn :- a.1.............1.1-. .4 - was J uuua VVCICUIIIU. Mrs. J. S. Shortt received a pleas-- e ant surprise last Monday night. On returning to the manse after the con- gregational tea, she found her kit- chen table covered with several score jars of fruit with which the ladies of St. Andrew s had showered her. The regular monthly meeting of the` W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Newton, Mulcaster St., on Monday, Mar. 2, at 3.30 p.m. The `president, Mrs. J. A. Lennox, will give a report of the Ontario Prohibv ition' Union convention held in Tor- lonto recently. A ___..s 1 - -- o A meeting of the Barrie Horticul- tural Society willbe held in the P01- ice Court Chambers on Wednesday evening, Mar. 4, at eight o'clock. Re- ports from the representatives at the .Ontario Convention will, be present- ed. Everybody welcome. 1\,f__,.. T 01 mt, . _.--.,-... \JI5I|I0 ' I The women's missionary societies of the town will hold a joint meeting] in Collier St. Methodist Church, Fri- day afternoon, in connection with the Day of Prayer for missions. TIT.....I_.. lgrro 1 ~ - week. _ A _..., V. ......_y\.:. JUL IIIIDBIUUS. Warden McKinlay, County Treas- urer D. H. Coleman, County Engin- eer F. G. Campbell and Reeve G. L. Davis of Essa are attending the Good Roadsi convention in Toronto this ____A`g,, n .1 - um). I `The Hon. `Duncan Marshall will ad.- l dress a public meeting in the Public` Library Hall, Friday evening, under` the auspices of the Mackenzie King: Liberal Club. 7 _ I (__--_, .,,.,.......~ quccua uuwx. up; Capt. and Mrs. L; E. Sparks of the] local"corps of the Salvation Army_ex-4 pect to sail for India in the fall of I thi_s year, as Salvtion Army mission- 1 arms. 0 I IIIL- T1 --. '7` " ' - V V __--v- -\I\`vUvl-\dI ---Dr. H. C. Crease, wishes to an-I nounce that he has moved hisdentalg office` to the block just east of Ross; Block, opposite Queen s Hotel. 9p Cant, and Mme T. 1:` a......1.`_ -211, V -' ~ -_. -..-.. _, ...... 1 Continuing his character studiesi from the Old Testament, Rev; J. S.` Shortt will deal next Sunday evening` : with Pharoah. i - - f ~ - --"-""'- . I _ -.-His Master s Voice Victor Re-! cords for March on sale next Satur-i day at J. G. Keenan's, opposite Post 1 I 4 Office Square. 9c __n.. `U f` f`------ --' .9nu|.'.a1Lvl.`l.B ..v'un a'Aum--une new set` of heavy oak sleighs. 21/2,-Inch run- ners. -App1y'W. D. Cochrane, R. R. 2. Allamlal. ' 7-12p| _ AUTOMOBILE NOTICE _ ..- --v-vvu . Mo"at':t Cockburn has bought from (R. Tuck the house built by.the latter, at thecorner of Poyntz and Worsley Sts. last year. Q I`_'_.L3_,_,' _- .. _ -- naval U aucnuavcu L390 -Insure yoiir pen against loss. I Your name engraved on it for 25c_at Cross1and s drugstore. 9c! MBIIAIO ('`u..-..'.. l---` "|- " ' ,__..__ ---.....-....v.. .u a.u:.uueu. I -Notice-4For plumbing and heat-| ing, ring 214. J. J. Neelands, 48l Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and furnaces. ` 39tfc ` Mnmn 4.4. rd .. ..1-L .----_ L ..--......-...... u an. -:5 auuxc. 30' Mayor Craig and Reeve Rusk are! representing` the town at the Good' Roads convention in Toronto. I `KY-L_'-, vval. . 90 . `The Fisher Flour Mills have re` duced the price `of Gold Medal ouri 80c`>perT barrel. ` 9c I Chief of Police Stewart has moved into the new office }})trovided for him off the police court c ambers. '0... mr n `rel - -- ....v.. vvnab v \.uaulU!':l.'3a I IeV:.:M. C. Johnston `Will preach both morning and evening in the! Baptist Churchon Sunday, Mar. 1. I ,, All ....-...... 1: _ . . . . . -- -_----_--- ...vv-...v..uu o LUI. guuu 311085. -See the complete line of McClaryo electrip ranges at Robinson Hard- ware. g - 9c .:ThD F`f]"IA)' F nu-nn ]'1'H..' L .... -- '- v ,_`_ -_..,_ ..-..-- `.-. Vvnl yunnuay , 17161.} 1.- --All sizes linoleum rugs at W. A. Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth St. 39tfc jrvhaluun c-...`a.. ..-- - LADIES, ATTENTION! -1:600 SHARES KIRK GOLD MINI1`aS.z W !!! 2:91! for .150 per share. Phone l010.' Box 267. Gordon Stevenson. _ T5-10c .JA.-J A.TE!?5._1 . -'n`v\.p hJl\Il\l.1 EARRIE, as Dunlap sul . M I On Saturday, February 28, 1925.-At' 11 o clock,' at the Market Square,` Barrie, there will be sold by public auction, one 1923 Star.Sedan auto- mobile. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 8c Saturday, Feb. 28--T. H. Johnston, 138 Collier` St., Barrie, household furni- ture, etc. Sale at 1.30 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Thursday, Mar. 5.~--Ingham Sharpe, lot 4, con. 9, Essa;'farm stock and im- plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auctioneer. 9c Friday, Mar. 6.--Fred Brown, lot 3,` con. 12, Innisl (Holly); horses, cat- tle and pigs. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. _McConkey, Auctioneer. ' Tuesday, Mar. 10-J. R. Gibbons, south half lot 12, con. 11, Innisl; farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. `m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Mar. 11-R. J. Crawford, lot 16, con, 10, Oro;_ farm stock and ~ implements. Saleat 1 p.m. W. A. ' ,McConkey-,, Auctioneer. Thursday, Mar. 12-Walter A. Reid, .1 west half lot 22,.con. 7, Vespra; farm 2 stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. In. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. LICLIIQL 13110 I 7 p.m.--Mr. WelIwoo_d will preach. K Subject: The Cross Bringing Us to God, a Lenten message from the` [autobiography of St. Peter. TY7-I_ ,._. 11.00 a.m.-Mr, Watt will preach. Subject: The Church s Task and Equipment according to H-aggai and Zechariah. _ 1 r1 _. __- 11-. trrn 1 Mar. 1, 'l.925--First Sunday in Lent. COLLIER ST; CHURCH ` . 3 and Presbyterian Unionists i ~ . . _ ~ --5--ux..-` Welcome! --`y--an-n %\In nlll\lIJ|nJ FOR CHILDREN , made by the Hurlbut . Shoe Co. of Preston, Ont.5 FOOTWEAR FORD COUPE for sale also Peter Hamilton Blower cutting box. Apply to Orville King. Left-o_v, Ont. 9p`. WE CARRY A COMPLETE RANGE OF BUNNYFOO 'l: iiolas J I'VI\l\ Iii III ls-5-any AUCTION SALES A Bargain Annex i SPECIALS YY_h?1d1 the FOR 11-us WEEK"-END ,,,,_,__.._-- ---v y: vvCCuD UL LKIB ueDI'.0!"8 [estate among parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which I have then notice. ' Dated at Barrie this 24th day of Feb- ruary, A. D., 1925. 9c l'II\1\1l'7A`I1`l\ A15-in-:-nu-_..__.. -......-_,, .-_ .54., .s.r/ad. "EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Custodian, by. his Solicitor, DUNCAN F. MCCUAIG, Barri, Ont. ____.._,., ...., nv\A=\\A vvauu. I116 pI`10I' tnereto. AND further take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me within thirty days from the date of this notice, for, from and after the ex piration of the time fixed by subsection 8 of section 37 of the said Act, I shall ' .4 NOTICE is her by given that Harry C. Dawson, of the `Township of Vespra, `in the County of Simcoe, did on the 24th day of February, 1925, make an authorized assignment of all his pro- perty for the benefit of his creditors and that Mr. John Mackay, Official IReceiver, has appointed me. to be cus- todian of the estate of the debtor Tin- `til the creditors at their first meeting gshall "elect a trustee `to administer the i estate of the debtor. NOTICE is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above es- tate will be held at Mr. Mackay's of- fice in the Court House in the Town of Barrie, on the 12th day of March, 1925 91` 11 n nh-uni. .1... 4.1.- 5, x-v-numuw H .'ruA\.`.'J.`uH and Oliver` Tractor Plow for sale. Apply to Box K, Bkatmfmsr Office. M, 91) . A | j 1 a. x In `V , , __.-- - `' \Il\&JlIl._I \.ll\nJ [Of First Meeting Where.Receivingv Or- ; der of Assignment Made \ ._jj_j NOTICE TO CREDITQRS `IS |.':....5 I--L!-~ I-H ..... uru1r\nUl'lUY ACT n the Estate of Harry C..T3awson, of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Merchant, Auth- orized Assignor. M you nfnro THE BANKRUPTC ACT 1.: .. A - lnn =E`5`Q 4-` --- CU Th I.O.() Thirt `the r Moor ' F`UB%`IY$0N, .'I`RACTOR and Oliver` Trantnr P!nu'v v`~m- uuln Annlu l-A 12.... v I ` FOR` SALT-}--6 slmrcs Vvarren Organ Stock at .584. Phone 1010 G. M. Steven- g)~_ ` 0_1l\n nutter. D,fC'._ Howard, 24 Mulcaster NOR SALE-Second-hand buggy and M . 6tfc n FOR SALE--v'I`hree electric heaters.- pply John, _Saao. _` A Ettc uuru -cvzumv utnu aurltw ned QUXQU). l'Q]_!l8Y|f. `foundation. stabllng for 30 cat- are and 10 horses, steel stanchlons, run- ning water in stable; good drive-shed. plgpoa and garage: 3 good wells, 2 cisterns; small orchard: 22 acres fall wheat, 40 acres clover. 53 acres fall plowed. Up-to-date brick house, 12' _rooms. Close to church. market and`. school. Apply D. J. M lller, Utopia. or Jna. A. Millr, 250 Elizabeth St., Bav- mle. 6-11p i it` | FARM F`OR_SALE `OR REN'l.`--200 ac-' ms, cast half 24 and 25, con. 5, Essa. Barn '40x100 (and straw shed 40x40). -cementfoundmzion. stahllmz fnr an ma:-_ way. IIUIILII 7-_g_ ul. auuul `/53 [DC 10, VYXIJI bank barn. -orchard and smallxfrultusg light clay loam. Also 100 acres on .Con. . 6, south 1,4,0: lot. 14, with bank barn. tmme house with 6 rooms, plenty of water and wood, about 75 acres under cultivation with a quantity of fall wheat. and fall ploughing done. Apply Mrs. E. '1`a_vlor. R. R. No.1, Letroy, Ont. ` 9p. . INNISF-IL man To REN'I`-~50 ac- res: on Con. 6, along Provincial High- way. north I/_, of south 1/3 lot 15, with` lmnk barn. -m-chard and nInnH>fm1'Hn- -nous: To REN'1`---On Owen St., ail llndnrn nnnvpninnnnn, Wnr furfhmv nnr- mum TO REN`1`-+23 "acres, clay loam, suitable for gardening or farming, s!t- V sated on Little LI1ke'R0ad. Barrie, Jonsiatmg of 3. acres of wheat, 10 ac- yes seeded down. 2!/_. acres of past- xure. On premises are large banked barn and drive` shed, comfortable cot- tage. Well and cistern. Apply to owner John Spearin, Phone 994w for further information. 9p TOR RENT---Steam heated rooms suit- able for offices or living quarters. Cen- tral. Apply H. E. J cry, King Block, Bar- tle. T 9-llcr JIUUDIB 1"UtS IE4'LV`.l`--I! rooms 8.1!}! throom, electricity; rent. includes heating by hot water. 190 Bayeld M V 4t1c HOUSE FOR RENT----6 rooms and V-auvnnm nlnnh-InH u' rant Innlnn HOUSE T0 REN'l`---All conven1en ces,l on` lnnisfll St. Apply 56 Brock St.` Phone (evenings) 77.7J T Qtfcl 'JI\JUO3l!l IQ? IVIIJJV l""lJll UWUH Din; all modern conveniences. For further par,- liculars apply to 159 Mary St. 9-10p `(56I;-SALE--Small Buckeye ihcubat. 017. 1:! tzod condition. nearly new. A!- to s x ode Island Red 11 ; `Whznd tte hens and nnnke-gulf: noustc TO REN'I`~-Phone 299. , acre} HEIRS WAN'I`ED---I-Ielrs of John H. Gibson, late of Ellicottville. N. Y., de-. ceased. Write the undersigned for In- iormation of personal interestto you. .1. 0. Clark, Administrator, Ell!cott- ville, N.Y. 4-9c] LIVE AND DRESSED POU'I!1`RY wanted, highest prices paid to:-"them. Write or-call. M. Alexander,'142 Brad- , iord 81;. phone 322. , j 5-10p WANTED TO RENT, 4 to 6 rooms, modern cottage, furnished or unturn- ishedz central; adults only. Give de-! aorlsslon. location and rent expected` in t tletter. Box 13, Examiner. 8-18p c I vuuw ` extra. wnen cnargea; `also 10], cats extra whats replies are directed to`. xaminer Ottlce. POULTRY. FURS AND JUNK want- ed..,ut highest prices. Write or phone` H.""Le\/it. phone .3840!` Box 542. Bar-I rte, _ ~ 8-139' ' F or Sale or ToLet Eroperty To Let F or SEED FOR SALE-- Early variety white sweet clover. good yielder. 71,430 $1)-..Seed barley and oats mixed, clean, good mixture for sowing, 8c lb.-Roy W. Jacks, Letroy. 4 9p" . LUV U11 " 9-10c !FARM FOR SALE--100 acres. Essa! 'Tp., 4 miles from Cookstown and Thornton; I`S,E:_ClaSS [clay loam; all under cultivation. 20 acres in fall `wheat. 15 acres alsike, 15 acres fsweet clover, fall ploizghing all done; bank barn 52x74. with running water in sta- bles": good brick house. hedges. maple trees along front of farm, good orchard: phone and rural mail; one mile from school and two churches: worked by owner 50 years. Will sell farm. stock and implements as proprietor wishes to. retire. Possession any time. Terms ar- .` ranged. Apply -Wm. McKnight, Thorn- ton. - , 9-14c : near ny. stuuon, markers and school. in-Flos Tp. Thisgproperty wouldbe a. bargain at twelv thousand dollars. We ,o. er at a sacrice for nine thousand ldollars, as farm must be sold." Easy terms of payment. Apply 194 Brad- ` ford St., Barrie, phone 259. 5-10p ` I200 ACRES GOOD FARM LAND. 120 I acres cleared balance mixed timber and cattle 2 run; 12 acres fall wheat, early sown: A25-acres fall plowed; good mea- dow: large bank barn and outbuild- ings; brlckclad house: flowing well. Near Ry. station, markets and school. Tn. Thisxnrnnm-tv \xrnnI~I-an n . :: FARM FOR>SALE-- Lot 12. Con. 7. F105 'I`p., consisting of 100 acres, all clay loam. On premises are 10-room brick house, bank barn, drive shed, pig pen, poultry house._ Half mile from school, 8 miles from Elmvale. For furtherparticulars `apply to J. C. McGinnis. Elmvale, Ont. - 8-200- i `FARM `FOR SALE-Part~west half lot 6.~-Con. 5, Vespra, _containing 86 acres, good for pasture or mixed farm- ing: 45 acres cleared. balance partly . timber and slash: well watered; small {frame house, For articulars apply { to Geo. Pain, Anten ills, R.R. 1. 7-9p ` . 'PAs'rURE FARM for sale. 105 acres on the fourth of Vespra, running down? to the Little Lake. There are 10 acres; young timber, mostly ha rdwood. Plenty of shade for stock. Apply to, Donald Ross. Solicitor. 8-9p` ' "POULTRY AND GARDEN FARM FOR SALE 1: : town of Barrie, 7 acres choice land. level, good 5-room rough- cast cottage._wlth pantry, porch, cel- lar, woodshed. well; stable. cement toot cellar, loft over all: poultry house, garage, implement shed, apple orchard, raspberries. strawberries. Address the owner. 8 North St,. Barrie. 8-10p - ' HOUSE FOR SALE---In good condi- tion, best locality. six large rooms, conveniences including electric fix- iures, blinds. linoleum in kitchen and bedroom, side drive. good place for garage, large garden. ` No reasonable offer refused. Apply Examiner Of-` .fice. . ` 9tfc . 4 e I NEW PRESED BRICK BUNGALOW for sale. closeto-market, six rooms. full size basement, all latest conveni- ences: ready for occupation: large lot. Apply to R. E. Tuck. builder and con- tractor, 86 Dundonald St., Barrie, i phone 650J. ' 8-8p r- WBOVD FOR S'AI.F'r---Hardwood or soft wand slabs, deuvered or in the pile. Mikes reasonable. S; W. W'm'nica, R. R.`..No. 1, Allandale, or phone 4r23 _ Stroud. V ' 6-11p 1:: FOR SALE on easy terms. West 1,6` lot 34, Con. 1, Vespra. or might consider I town property in exchange. Enquire of * S. E. Turner, 70 Toronto St., Barrie. I _ 9-14p `FOR SALE, all conveniences,_ -ogk HANDSOME `BRICK BUNGALOW floors, -fir trim, garage, large" garden, beautiful location. Apply Box 1058, Barrie. ' 9-14p BUILDING FOR SALE-Interior hardwood, could be easily moved. vacant lot. Also oat bin. Apply Examiner Office. 1:::: PROPERTY FOR SALE--One of the moat conveniently located residences` tin Barrie, at corner of Toronto and Park St. `Apply A. R. Glrdwood. 8tfc-.1 ! ply to 41 Brook St. or phone 570. 7ttc T- | FRAME STABLE, 24 by 15. sheeted with tin, for sale; easily moved. Ap- 3 1.3100 `A WEEK. MAN WANTED ' WITH AMBITION, industry and small `capital. You can make above amount oz: more, distributing Rawleigh's Qual- `ity Products to steady Consumers. Several fine openings now available. We teach and help you do a big bus- iness and make more money than you ever made before. Give age, occupa-, tion, references. W. T. Rawleigh Cd. Dept., C.H. 213,- London. Ont. 8-11c I 1 I AGENTS-- Get in a profitable all-year. .commisslon business of your own.` Every property owner is at customer, or prospect. Nine hundred varietfes of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equipment, and instructions free. Write, Dominloni Nurseries.` Montreal. 7 and 9cmck! HELP WANTED MALE- We have a good opportunity to offer a, man over `twenty-five who can furnish referenc- es and would be willing to work hard} to learn our business. Give full par,-' E tlculars of yourself in reply to Box 858, M Barrie. _ 9p AGENTS WANTED to represent'us, selling silk dress and ling?rie fabrics to consumer. Liberal comm ssion. Mail to Public Fabric C0,, York Building,- Toronto, Ont. 9cg WORKING I-IOUSEKEEPER or cook general wanted; No washing `or iron- ing. Highest wages.` H. M. Dyment, Barrie. Phone `368. . Stfc -'.u\uL;1\ EUR a`q14t<}---one ton Ford Euur speed truck. 1924. in good shape. Wwer was loaded to capacity. Three nmw tires. John `S. Hlsey, 'C`reemore.] 43;,` _ _ . R_0n 7""' ' """ ' . { FARM! LABORER ~- WANTED For seven or felght months/Apply Henry Packard, Shanty Bay. Oro /Telephone. "Property For Sale Fafms F61` 1 I 5 . 'n3c'x$! Ropms and Board JV LU, 8110 I xumuuuurg, In Lne uounty OI UXIIOPG, in the Province _9f Ontar1o. married woman, will apply to the Parliament of'Canada, at the present session th,ere- ,'0f. for a. Bill of Divorce from hnr hue- NOTICE is hereby given that Kath- 1ee,n..4Mary Rlcketts` of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford, Province of'nntm-In rnnrr-"ind lu:'I:uaaul'.I1y me a cceptea _ Dated at Toronto thi's 13th day of February, 1925. . W Toronto General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay Street, Toronto, '8-9cd . . I Administrator. uv.-:auu.y, [.116 am may or Marci), 1925, .01` 488 shares (fully-paid up`: of the common stock of the` Barrie Tanning Company (Limited) of Barrie. Ojntario, the property of the Estate of the late Samuel Wesley. deceased. Tnndnrn rnnv kn rnoiln 4.... -11 .... n_-- - I TKRUCK FOR S:LI7---One ton Ford speed truck. 1924. in tznnd hnnn, mnnlum weney. aeceased. Tenders may be made for all or any number of shares. ~ T The highest or any tender will not In cessarlly be accepted. Dated at 'I`m-nmn ms. mu. .1... -4: Tenders will be received by the un- uersigned till 12 o'clock noon on Wed- nesday, the 4th day of March, shares (fullv-naid um nf flu: ' wxecutors Sc 7-9c . Barr: DATED February 10, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons ihaving claims against the Estate of ; Harriet L. McPhail. late of the Town ,of Barrie in the County of ySimVcoe,; i widow, deceased, who died on or about - | the 26th day of January, 1925, are re-; quested to sendparticulars of their: claims to the undersigned on `or beforej the -28th day of Februar.y,.1925, after: which date the executors:-willdistrib-' ute the` assets of the es_tate amongl those entitled'thereto, having `regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets ofyasaid estate whose claims shall not then have been received: y `ALEXAvN`DER COWAN. r Executors' Solicitor. Barrie, Ontario. DATED Februarv 10. 199.5 - nuuuuur, . Barrie, Ontario. lDAT_E_D February 25th, 1925. 9-1.] nuununams wA1V'1'1su--Boy students - , preferred. Terms reasonable. Apply -. P. 0. Box 664.` . 5-10p ,, nuL_.I.L;.l:4 IS nereoy given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against` the Estate of James Robert Hagart, late of the town of Bar- rie in the County of Simcoe, harness maker, deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of January, 1925, are re- quested to send particulars of their. claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 14th day of March, 1925, after which date the executors will dis- tribute the assets of the estate a-i mong those. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of `said estate whose claims shall not then` have been re- ceived. ALEXANDER _ COWAN, ', `.QnHn{l-nu HORSE FOR SALE, cheap-- Also a /quantity of mixed wood, in poles or cut. Apply E. Lessor, Anten Mills P. O. ` ` ` 0-` NOTICE is hereby given pursuant {O that all nprnnne v....,a..... j LOST--Wou1dv the person who took" by -mistake on Tuesday night. at St. Ma- }ry's Parish Hall a pair of No. 4 gol- -oshes please leave with Miss Eerry, over Moore'_s dry goods store, or phone 591.1, and get theirs-in exchange. 9c TU RADIO` SET FOR SALE~--8-tube At- water-Kent. with batteries, one set $7 phones and tubes; win sell for $50, cost $100 new. Apply this office. 9c ___________.________._...__.. 'PULLE'I`S-25 Barred Rocks for sale, $1.00 to $1.50 each. Also incubators. lamp-heated or electric, from $7.50 up. lchas. Kelly, 104 Dunlop St., Barrie. 9p __' .zu:.u anurcgu-1UuN BULL. 1 for sale. Real fine animal. lone before buying. H. M. "Barrie. : V RED SHORIHORN BULL, for sale. `Raul flnn uni.-nu: ~ T0 LET-'1`wo bright front rooms, central location, housekeeping privil- eges it desifed. 58 Maple Ave. Tele- *phone 470 or 183. 9p ROOM FOR RENT--Good comfortable room in private home. all conveniences. Apply at Examiner office. 9p . I\UULV1D_'1'U 1.u-:11` with housekeeping .privileg'es If desired. _46 Louisa St. Phone 68. 9p NOTICE TO CREDITORS I BOARDERS WANTED--Boy students I nreferred. Terms ran nnnn hln A nah: . Z--Z-Z2 ONE GENTLEMAN BOARDER Want- ed. Apply Box 811 or phone 934J. 9c T ROOMS _ TO LET with housekeeping If desired. 46 Lnnis-,1 .q+ I VOR SALE", _(`HEAP-A number of second hand sowing. machines fully guaranteed. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co.- 5-10c APPLICATION FOR `D|VOi:E- _ LOST-- On Friday afternoon, Feb. 20th, between H. E. McCu1lough's store `and Owen St, or in Alex Cowan's stairway, $10.00. Finder please ` leave in Examiner office and receive reward. . on V STOLEN-Wh1te gold hexagon mount- `ed solitaire diamond /ring, from home of Capt. G. E. Brookes, Barrie. on or about Jan. 7. Information leading to the return of this ring will be well re- warded. \. 5tfc NOTICE to CREDITORS ~As'rRAY-came to lot 22, Con. 2, s3}- nfdale. in December, small red steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. R. J. McKinnon, Angus. I 7-9p 'sT+Xi2E'I= 6E'_E"= Live Stock F 0;` Sale Hymn LJU Solicitor, 13...... L. 1 year old, :11. See this Dyment, Rffn 1l'lU. 9-11c MEIGI-IS FOR` SALE--0ne set] 21,/,3:-nc_!\1 _1'_unA-I an-nu A.....I..- II! 'I\ r1-_I_,,,