Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1925, p. 7

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-uw, Frances Sf. women : and specialty. ucsLu1a.L1Ux1. _ V I] Miss Gladys Wilson,-a pupil at the! Orillia central school! won a five-do1- lar prize for her 600-word essay on "The advantages of investments to make possible the cultural enjoyment of music in the home, as compared with investments. that offer chiefly plea- sure, conducted by the Canadian Bur- eau for :the Advancement of Music, .'I`o1-onto.` ' nounced` while the commercial rate was still.at $4.78 or thereabouts. Until the pound is actually on a. parity on this continent the Canadian Post Of-' fice will not likely make any change. In order to guard against loss.in case `of fluctuation, and`6 wTng'-*to the almost impossible task` of keeping all post- masters_ informed of changes, the money order rate is always somewhat in advance of that of the banks. Canada's Coal Supply Strikes or the threat of strikes, in the coal `regions of the United States. should serve a.s;warnings to Canada that she should depend upon her own coal supplies `for her own people and not upon those of. a foreign country. There is enough coal in this country to make itabsolutely independent of all other sources and still leave mil- lions of tons for export. Its useful- ness to Canada depends entirely. upon the working out of a system of proper distribution and sale at prices that come within` the reach. of the ayerage purse. We are a. long way yetpfrom making the best of the re- sources right at hand for our own people. This is a task which might well`. engage the attention of the best minds` in the `country. * DISTRICT NEWSE i&&&&&wa&m&%&%%| ..... -\-v.uuuavna up Any n.uu|.\.\L- G The paid up membership of the Stayner Horticultural Society for -1924 was .100. The officers for `1925 are:' President, `C. A. McEach1-en; 1st Vice Pres. Robt- Allen. 2nd Vice Pres.. Mrs. D.,G. Bell; Sec. T1-eas., Dr. Raymond E. Ives. Canada s Pjr-|_iament The Canadian parliament meets on February 5. It is predicted by many political sharps that this will be the last session before the election. Freight rates on [Canadian-`railways and mat- ters connected' with the proposed de- velopment of hydro power on the St. Lawnenceviver are likely to have a I large piece in the discussions. . ' Willie Ros of Collihgwood sustaied a. fractured thigh bone [while skating. 17...`.-... .:1..--_..1. An:..4._._ ---;-_-1 3.. 13----.. now --.~`.-u. us. u-agagn -vvnnu. nnnnn Av us-unsung- `_.'Kn`ox c11urch,`Al1iston. vdted in favor ofunion by 144 to 63. 7_0 per cent of the members voted. V - ulsnvvunvn `I , ' `nlnn...-...... n........ ....u,..u.... 1UWH_ \a1C_l`K unu .l'I'.l:l.8UI'UI'. . Mrs.` Bogart of Newmarket. a life- time resident-of North York._ce1ebra_t- ed her "91st birthday on Jan. 10-. `Rev. 'u7, (1, 'Rnqn' uraa- innr-fad nn 6}n3,'v}if1 be at at Saturday 0! h, v-....-~.,-4-u Va. yasunnnvussynao snlnu JJL\r\.aIALlIo Officers ot_the Tiny and {Pay Agri- cultural Society for 1925 are: Pres. W. S. Robins; 1st` Vice Pres. Thos. Rankin, 2nd Vice Pres. W.'G.,Ca.ve. . ufnuf . KTnfl>o1-nn an nun I3nn:_-`laud-nuln n A deputation from Collingwood head- ed by-Mayor Arthur went to Ottawa last week and interviewed I-Ion. Dr. J. July 1. next. ' I H. King. Minister of Public Works} with reference to improvements to the harbor. The Minister promised serious consideration of the matter. rt... _'..:.1 _... _, _..,L 777-1714 - n ll1lllUUl'H VULCH. ` V Norman L.'_Ma. ews, town solicitor of - Newmarket. as been appointed Town` Clerk and Treasurer. ' 1\In-u" `I:!'na.-".9 .-.4! M .-..........-...1..-.4. .. um. Cu 118!` ULSI. mrtnuay on Jan. Hh . Rev, W. G. Rose was; `inducted on Jan. 16. as minister of the associated church_es of Gamebridge and Brechin. I\l8......... -1 4.1.- n1:___ ___.1 r-n-_, A -,,,g buxlauu. 1 Alvin Gallagher, clerk of the village of Port McNicoll, has resigned and is succeeded -by J. Young, the village constable. . x . ` lnnfnua at-..-s....I....1.:L...... -0 4.1.... 1-1-'...u...1 uxrcc years. Three ,Orill1a youths. David and James Robertson and Geo. Brown. are `under arrest. in Toronto. qharged with stealing a. motor car. The Ania:-an 'r.tm...1a ..m..-.4- 41...; .. 8.110 in {He BIOPBS. . Mrs. John Leask or Collingwood. has been a Sunday school teacher in the Church of England since 1863 and still holds.a class in All Saint's Church. a record of over. 60 years service. The `Champlain Terceritenary Com- mittee or Orillia. has commenced ar- rangements for the unveiling of the Champlain monument at Couchichlng Beach Park, which is to take place on July 1 next. , A nnnfnfinn fllnvh f"n1`{nn~1I1nnrI Mnn 'X.let ter.posted in Toronto on Nov~ r ember 28, addressed ` to The Midland ; Free Press, reached the office last Fri- e ay afternoon. There was noth mg to 3 indicate that it ever got out of T onto `until the day beforeit arrived at its destination. n/rim. r11...a...'. 11741."... .. ........n .. .4: gnu vuzu rres. W. Lr.,LJ8.Ve. ` .West- Nottawasaga. Presbyterla church-decided by a vote of 57 to412 to remain out ofathe United Church of Canada. ' Alupln ('1..'I`I.....1...... -1-_.I_ -1 LL- __:n_..- constame. _ V Meaford shareholders of the United Farmers Co-operative Co. have re- ceived a dividend for the first time in three years. Thrnn I\r]I`|o Irnnuf-I-an nntvlt` and llulllu I-U II III: nto, North $320, Isuezuxug H. In()t0I' car. The Alliston Herald reports that 9. `government inspector recently "visited Stouffville and checked up the weights of butter offered for sale on the market and in the stores. `M .-n `r.-.1... 'r......1- -5 n--nu_...........a' ' France Wants PopuT|at'ion .\'_.Ip...' 5.. 2....._,........ 4.]... __ . Tuhe Lemieux Act 1'u`a -manna Vannginsn ` Mrs. Angus Campbell, Forest,` Ont., $1000; Mrs. Thos. Pattimore, Athens, 0nt.,,$1000; Mrs. Jos "Doyle, Marmora, Ont., $1000; Mrs. Emma Moore, Chesley, 0nt., $500;lClarence L. Merrick, Alliston, 01113., `$300; Mrs. `(Rev.) Theo. A. Iseler, Williemsburg,,Ont., $500; Miss Grace Webb, Granton, Ont, $250; Mrs. Geo. McIntosh, Monkldnds, Ont.,~-$200; Mrs. Herb. Bumstead, Meaford, 0nt., $150; Miss Freda Walls, Mount Forest, _0nt., $50; John Bird, Ferris,.Ont., $40; Mrs. D. M. McNaughton, Sudbury, 0nt., $20; Mrs. H. G. Galliher, Owen Sound, Ont.,'$20; Mrs. Htigh Warnock; Penetang, 0I1t., $20; Mrs. T. A. Haggard, Thom- ` bury, Ont.," $15; Mrs. Richard Haines, Richards Landing, 0nt., $.15; Russell M`. Best; Bracebridge, Ont., $15. rmaster of erian Church. Conservatory 0! of Torontxhn BL--- The above picture contains a. number of objects beginning with the letter P. Just take a good look at the picture--there are all sorts of things that begin with the letter P-puppy, pumpkin, paddle, purse", etc. Nothing is hidden; you don't have to turn the picture upside down. Make a list of all the objects in the picture the names of which begin with the letter P. Have the whole family join in--see who can nd the most. ' Don't miss any. Fifty cash prizes will be awarded for the any best lists of words submitted. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list or visible objects shown in the picture `starting with the letter P" will be awarded first "prize; second best, second prize, etc. ` ` r-'ruI2 PRIzEs--: EXTRA l.A1IS(il BIUTUKE ruzuixu Iu.LV'1' .I."xuuIi um - on-not wnen you want wne paper to stun and We will not com- A REQUEST. inence delivery until you say. - Subscription Rates-V-Payable in advance. THE MA_IL and E_MPIRE anywhere z'nCanada by Mail $5.00`Per Year. Delioered_by~Carrz'er Boy in Hamilton or La zdon, $6 Per Year Rural Route This otter `applies to Rural Route-patrons, as well`a.s\subacribers living in cities ; , and towns. [If you are already receiving The Mail and Empire, your subscription S b ' `B li` will be extended h-omit: present expiration. Send in 9. yearly subscription at ` u scrl e 85.00 and qualify for the big prison. 5 "WnMa9 Pkievts in This |ii!!-re- I=31!Yit!' .*heA.e*!er T` P `-f The Mail and Empire announces U0.-.138! another puzzle slime in which all can partici- pate-trom the tiniest child to grandfather and grandmother. No object is so small but that the poorest eyesight can see it. It is a test oi skill. Your ability to find P words deter- mines the prize you win. Right after supper this evening, gather all the members of your family _together; give each of them a pencil and sheet of paper-and see who can find the most P-Words. You will be surprised to nd how large a list of words you can get with a. few .minutes study. Sit down NOW and try it-Then,' send in your list and try for thebig prizes. ' i 6. A; Momgbmery. Dazzle Manager. M `I - 1. Any man, womanor child who lives in Oenadn, and is not a. resident of".l'o1-onto, and who in not in the employ of The Mail and Empire. or 3 member of an ompioye'e family, may submit an answer. 3. All anewere must be mailed b Feb 733. 1935, and add:-eesed ,to C. A. Mon gomery. e Ileneger. Mail and Empire. 8. All line of namee ehollld be written on one side of the paper onl! and numbered eoneecntivel 1. 3. l.- etc. Write our full name end Idglreee in up- R:-nrlght han corner. It on desire to write enr- else. are e ee to e eet. 4.0 euehwo ueppeerlnthelinruehnir elnnue I he mmnteul. Do not use obsolete words. V or oxiiuoo. 5. Words of an ogpoulngucoanibo Itioa once, ovon than in coins on-on ' or porto of objects or ortlcloo. ouoct or, article out be nunod only once. I. Do not no hyphenated or compound words, nay ll formed In the combination of two or non eta words. w are each word In ltoolt lo J1. `rho Innwer having the ingest and `Invent cor- rect list of nnnnemot visible objects and nrtielae Ihown in the p ctnre that begin with the letter `T will be nwnrd first Prize, etc. Neatneu. style or \ handwriting have no bearing upon deciding the win- nero. V 8. -An number oi people nnny oe-o ants in answer- ing the nie, but only one prize ll be nwuded to any one household: nor will prises be awarded to man thnn mm nf nnv rronn when; two or more hive ~ In advance |t_$6.0o per ear by man In Uanaaa or 80.00 per ear lellvered y can-rler boy In lhmlfton. will be canted. However. in qunllfylnx for the 01,000 -Bonus Rewards, st least one new subscription subs rlptions as new wlu p0litlYely torrent Inc cream 6! Iloh subscriptions as qualifying for the Maximum Bonus Rewards. - . 14,; mhn. nrnrnlnnnle 'l`m-nntn nitizenm hnvlnr no II I-BVVI-ECU untanto ge St., Toronto Campbell. CA- tlog1AEng1neor A participants by sending in their usve lxree to accept 'th'e decision of the Judges as final and conclusive. , 15. The Judges .wlll meet on February 18th, and announcement of the Prize Winners and correct [let - of words will be published In The Mall and Empire he quickly thereafter as possible. ETRA LARGE PICTURE PUZZLE SENT FREE ON ' REQUEST. 4.0 luchwordlallhvonrlnlnolinlulnlnr tlonuy be counted. Do not use oluolete words. whom an ultra: In used. the dntular cannot in household: will prison be IIIIPGOI to more than one o! any group where two on-_ more have boo rim: to th . 3. K: tho `neg: of: tie for any nrlxor offered. the O. In the event of 3 tie for any pnxev orxerea. no fun unount of such prize will be awarded to each ed participant. . 1o. Suluca-lotion: (both new and renewal). Durable ed participant. 1o. Subscriptions (both new rendwsl). payable In and ' t .00 88.00 i::.i:1-' vags II. All answers will receive mo same conslueronon rocsndlou of whether or not a subscription to 11:0 llallnndliimplrolgaontln.` ~ 13. All new nubsorlnonn will be carefully vall- 13. an new Iunscnpnonu mu no caretuig van- od b the Puzzle Man or. candidate: mar mg old Illblc ptlonn w positively lorfolt the credit a`! man luhncrlntlons nu aualltyfnz Bonus Rewards. 14.1 Three prominent Toronto citizens, having connection with The Mall and Empire, will bo`oo- Inntnd tn ant an ind:-an tn decide the winners. and connection with The mail and Empire, will l|0'IO- [acted to not as judges to decide the winners. participants by sending in their lists to accailf "..`;`_%3.`;'1"`..1 ..2'.`.`1`.'."`.i .'..';'.' ..`.1'i3.n'.`S`.}..`$"1`;":.`.".';'..a I1,lNll -nouns ISGWIIIIII, II Iuili one nllw Illuuunpuuu must be sent In. K 11. A new Iululcrlber le anyone who Jun not been reed The Mall and Empire since January 16th. 12. will receive the consideration Iain:-111:1: nf whether an: ant n Inhncrintlnn In III ordon - ton I The following is a partial list of prize-winners in our recent contests:-- \ Observe These Rules We have dctually given". away a. tqtnl. of ovgr Dollars in prizes. you working together. 9. In tho event of tie prlsor offered. [II nmnunt of such nrlln will be to IIlIlId.l!i.lnplr0lIlOlI%1lI.` 18. All Iubsorlptlonu be careful] ul hr thn Pnzzln Manure:-. Candidates II: old 'i`f1"i3:"M2S;ii.'1o';'1i3D EMPIRE rnusu, nnu nave sent in two yearly euoscnpmons at $5.00 9 ,!0II' 00011 by mail or $6.00 delivered by carrier boy in Hamli- ton (one new and one renewal or two new). you`will win $1.000. It taken but two yearly subscriptions at $5.00 a year ench (one new and one renewal _or two new) to qualify for the bi `$1,000 rewards. Absolutely, tnatis the maximum. You can do tis with little `effort. Your own subscription can eount. We can also take lubecriptione to start at any future date. Just mark on your order when you want the paper to start and will not 2 Lauu|.l.`Iu uuurou 80 a.m.. and 1 `Dhnnn 1,8 ! Y..`!!!,C!`N..W1N $1,090 , 'lhJ lllll\ I` I 1 ` The "P-Word" Picture Puzzle Game is 1 campaign to in- crease the populuity or The Mail 1nd Empire. It colt: noth- lnt to take part and you do not have to send in a single nub- ecrlptlon to win a prize. 11' your list of P-Wordu" in award- ed FIRST. SECOND OR THIRD Prize by the Judge: you will win 886' but it. you would like to get more than 385 we nuke the toilowing special offer whereby you can win bilser out prison by sending in ONE or TWO nubecriptionl to The Mall And Empire. `HERE'S HOW: If our IIIIWOI` to the P-Word" Picture PILIIII Ill WTRT_ H HONT) OR 'IVf-TIWIW De-Inn awn` 1:-nu runuo Inn: 1-'1ms'1'. UEUUNU UK THIRD Prize, and you `lave lent. in one yearly subscription to The Mail and Empire Lt 85.00Aby mail in Canada. or $6.00 delivered b carrier boy in Hamilton. you will receive 8500, instead or 88%; fourth prize, 8860; fifth prize, 8160, and so forth. (See second column of gures in prize list.) 01'. If your answer wine FIRST. SIMJOND or THIRD Prize. and you have sent in two yearly subscriptions to The Hall and Enmlre (one new and one renewal nr twn nnw Inh- rnxo. till nav: III! and Enu)lr_o (( Icrlntionn). you will 7 I1 nave sent in two yearly subscriptions to The Empire (one new and one renewal or two new Inb- ucrlptionn), you will receive $1,000 in place of $85; fourth prlle. ; fifth prize . $300, and so forth. (See third column 01 in prize list.) How in that for a liberal offer? But. LOOK, there are three $1.000 prizes. Therefore. it you stand FIRST, SECOND or THIRD, and have sent in two yearly subscriptions at $5.00 year each by mail 6.00 delivered lw cnrrinr how in lIn.mII- EERi'S HEDW: Puulo wins FIRST. 8 OOND OR `hnvn Inn! In nnn van!-Iv nnhnr-rlnnn There Qrg ATl1_re`e% _$lY,_050 Hie; 3;. law. ---,._ ii i*}Z'. 9th Prize. 3??!` 3'?"- VIC! IO` .1112-:r.::=e: `iii i*}iII. . " % 3.! o`_2_0ti ur. .muzu.D8llI F. Phone 105. PH` Iziic" :T"6Ih " Print inclusive " 1.50 7.50 Winning Alinweru will mean the Ilny each print nocordlng to the table below: Pnzeu No Pa-uextoiaoprue :1 Two ' Suhocdpuolu Subscription Subscription: ` " """" hu. me. 5!!` 5'?"- E52 i>}aIZf Z?!` '. 'i"- lnchoove'mo{ntIetoI-any fill unoumvot such who will In mnlmnnng $500 500. 500 250 I50 100 75 50 30 25 20 15 THIRD Prize, and | by carrier bov In DOW ' I0 TORONTO CANADA $1,000 1,000 1,000 500 300 200 150 100 40 15 :30 and Throat own tnimnn --vow & Rona, Barrio. list with the years. Obstetrics VSTON --\ AIe,?a.TA.w nlrn 4% Hall nu I 1-u'uu.y `'38 come: St. and 6.3_0-8 pan. I-I I I In` 3, Barrio. Ont. 7 Maple Ave. . 7 to 9 p.m;, or Phone 218. Tjbiln If E L'.IlUllU 0100 u M330 8 LYON c t. Phone 751W LINIC ervices may `be your doctor. R . Land suryo Phone . LL.ZB7.W TOR, ETC. WIS 01 Women tyvot Slmcoo rl`l.lJ. -Glasses Fittol Ophthalmic 111:0. ' ' an... an SURGEON I`. Inc I u\luWIn and Vocal onto Consern- atlons leading .'1`.C.M. degree. Phnnn A91 ."au, run I own": came onto Conserva- in Plano. D11 nut: 09`- LlTTL_E t., Barrie. P.0. Box 1078 b! 29, 1920.} T5288 LEEASSMAKER & LAWLESC unbnnlug _-v :- University -5R (Tallinn I \lOX, A.T.C.M. Mann u rwulu. Phone 387W l8(ON T otary Public. Etc. t rates of n- t., in Mason- rle. Brinch u.m., and A Phone "181. Au. uUl'BGo Phone 424 '.l.`Ul'0Il(( Phone Phone 80 -nuuvuolvvr III VIIIIFIU with theopening of the Ontario Leg- isiature only a short time away there is. considerable interest in the plans at Premier Ferguson for the spread at education. One of the chief changes a he has outlined is that of additional .aid to collegiate courses so as to en- `able them to give education up to the second year of the university course. This wqild, he believes. greatly re- 'lieve the congestion in the universities . and also restore the personal touch be- tween teachers and. scholars._ largely lost under the present system. In ad- dition it would greatly improve. the `status of collegiates , throughout the province. It is an ambitious plan but -it may be found to work very advantag- eously tor the province in general, for collegiate institutes. and for many in- dividual students who could be certain at the end of the second year of their higher course whether it would be ad- visable for them to go on to the univer- si y. I 71-'roub|es bf Radio';_ I While Signor Ma:-coni experi- `menting with success in the endeavor 'to perfect radio, some -curious ;inter ,ferred to a local radio inspector and by ' of its users. . terences with its workings are bother- ing the amateurs and professionals in every country. One of the strangest of these is recorded from an Ontario city were it is alleged that theoperator A at a. violet Lay machine whofhas .a quarrel with radio fan.,is so manip- ulating` his machine as to interfere with all the radio enthusiasts in a very ._ Wide area. The matter has been real him taken up with Ottawa. [It becomes? increasingly evident that more cordial`: co-operation by radio lovers and the Various broadcasting stations is essen-9 tial it there is not to be much more` strictly enforced legislation and regu- lation. The radio is becoming so uni- versal a means of utility and pleasure that it would be a pity to have its use- tulness destroyed by pure selfishness on the part of any considerable number Out of`. Place - Discussion in Britain or in this country of the annexation of Canada ta th8 United Staf in nIn~nlu' nut no! I:uuuu`y u; Lne armexa.t1on or Cana.da.~ t_he United States is surely` out of . \ % . nwnsnmr. uuuamr .29.` .1925, . AINSURAN ` 30N[DS " MINE STOCKS The Queen : high Standavd of cuisine and szrvice maintained 61: every particulai. A-nmican and European plans; Wire yourmmxations at our expense. Qt-een = Hotel (Opposite `aw Union Station) THEIR H:t:AmqAnrER$ ".FE -MA-"is-<')o ted % And most grocers recommend, it. "7 *XM]Fu> ITORS. ETC. ding, Barrie OAN %A tea your grocer recommends is %usual.ly\goo`d tea or-' given? |_uN_D ` Bought - Sold Quoted W - ARE CORDIALLY % .INVI 1`EDT0 MAKE 'I"I_1`l5 Education. in Ontrio oh`. .-:_.._.I.... -1 `L- 1-.,,. Visitors to % Toroto Wi?;:iTaus Hun: Wigwam obd{n'I;blL Fife: Farm: Life: Accidant: Liability. `bbon %IEvNs9N Box` : '4B AR _ilIE\` Phone 1010T I title. He has lgeen so long associated in the public mind as one of the out- standing commoners of his period that it would be difficult to` look upon him. - as a member of the Lords. Family reasons, his age, and his love for public life may incline him to accept. `He would thus be able to continue taking part_ in public affairs without having to face the hurly burly of political cam- paigning. Mr. Asquith, it is recalled, was prominent in the batt e some years ago, to curb `the powers` of the House of Lords. ' V A , Welcome Step . The action of the United StatesSen- ate` in decisively defeating the pro- position to_ elevate the big guns on thirteen battleships is in keeping with the spirit. of the Washin ton disarma- -ment pact. President oolidge him- self advised against the proposal on the ground .that it was clearly a viol- ation of the understanding of the pow- ers. .il`his view had also been taken V the British authorities. The Senates decision, made with very few, indi- .cations of the bitterness which has often been displayed in debates where Britain is concerned, is welcomed. It is a good prologue to the proposed new conference on disarmament which the United States Government has in mind. . '3 `val:-cw -pun: u--nave The cattle" export business has. re- ceived some occasional jolts and is now the recipient of another one. Ottawa. `has been informed that the shipping companies have advanced` the ocean rates on this class of freight. It there is any legal means of preventing the cattle export trade being crippled at the moment when it is promising great developments it should be taken `without delay. . wuvu sun. .wvv- `nu - -3-.--. .'1`he curious spectacle is presented of United States Post Office Depart- ment restoring to par the rate of ex- change for the pound sterling, namely $4.87, while the Canadian` Post Office sticks to a little higher than bankrate. The U. S. action became effective Jan- uary 22nd for money orders dr wn on Britain, Ireland, Australia, N Zea- land and South Africa. It was an- Domeau - Melntyre: Hollihgei: I Nipiuing: Vipond: _Le_ke Shin,-e: Castle: Keeley: Mining` Corpn.: Wrightourgreavei: Trdut Laker Tough` Oaks: West" Dome Lake: Argonaut: Niiht `Hawk: Crown Reserve: Ted: Hughes. - IVI u l"lu I1. l'_\B}_l|_Jl I l`! Noted ' Liberal leader who may ac- cept a peerage. ' place. By this time responsible British `newspapers should 1_ than to lend their columns to the pu-blication of assertions no pmatter from what source, that there is any-_ such idea seriously entertained here. Canadian public men and newspapers could do good service by dismissing _the matter as unworthy of serious attention. Can-` ada has passed through many more [trying periods than that which is now Idisappearing before the _'dawn of re- V newed trade activity. No other country ihas such tremendous possibilities. I110! -_-av-nu); u I run ' When he resigned from the British Premiership in 1916, Mr. H. H. `Asquith Iwas offered a peerage. He declined and again refused the honor when the King pressed it upon him after the Treaty of Versailles had been- signed. It is now asserted that he will round off his long public careervby going to the Lords, the King having a,gain re newed his offer of a. peerage. There will be much `disa.ppoin'tmcnt in many parts of Britain if Mr. Asquith takeuta. . ALL ty of Simcoo orner Toronto Central church 90 awn acid I Ste:-lin_g Scores Agaih ......A..l-nnln In -\I 1M R; H. H. ASQUITH Liberal |eada|~."v'vhn n Cattle Export Rates ... 1.4.1 - ` ---.. ....4. I.......l_...-... May Becomp .1: "Peer I..- ......I........:I'.a_.___- -1. V AIfto:7 Glass: - uvuuvv vvvuivuv - vpuuunuvuu . In order to increase the "monthly grants given to large families, France may considerably increase the tax on bachelors and spinsters. Childless cou- ples may also have to pay a larger tax. France does not like the declining birth rate and for years has tried to over- come it. The tremendous loss of human life in the war naturally makes the country more anxious over this ques- tion. It is interesting to note that -since the peace treaty was signed France as absorbed about one and a half mil ion immigrants. At this time it ,is pictured as a country where all the factories are in full blast and where no able bodied person who wants it lacks for work. That is ca happy con- dition and one which augurs well for the proposed beginning of the plan to meet the indebtednessto Britain and the United States. V `British Enterprise ' Furnaces in which the power for electric steel smelting is supplied by wireless, have been constructed in England and their tests aregreported to have been attended with success. This revolutionary method is expected . to result in verygreat saving-and. more efficient hand_ling.i On the same day "that this announcement was made par- . ticulars. were "given of a new British `submarine which is not only the largest in the world, but is so fast, that it` is able to keep up with the battleships. Britain` is certainly keeping abreast. of the -times. --up unuu-u-`nu-on run The finding of the Privy Council seemingly disposes of the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, a Canadian measure popularly known as the Lem- ieux' Act, after Hon. R. Lemieux. who introduced it in parliament. The intent a "of this measure was to provide for settlement "of strikes or lock-outs in which the public was liable to be in- jured or embarrassed: There haslong been more orless contrdversy in Can- ada; over the measure which in the main proved itself useful. The Privy Council's actionfollows upon the ap- peal ot a municipal utility~commission against the application of the act in a dispute with its employees . The ground taken. was that the act is ultra vires of provincial authority. The pro- vinces would not be prevented from passing like legislation of themselves however. A ' |=.L.>v

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