roAC- "D SEE. 2,`19'2~;T W 'f"7" LNB. 4-? -._:_- - w--- c--: A meeting of mentors and older boys was held i Collier S_t. church parlors on Thursday evening, Jan. 15, at 7.30 p.m. Following an excellent supper, served by the Pollyanna Class of Collier St. Sunday School, a lively sing-song was enjoyed by those pres- ~ent, about twenty in number. C. O. Plewman, Executive Secretary of the Ontario Boys Work Board, was to have been present but was unable to come. ~ TI... TI ? `I 1IT_LL __._,-,1 n I` .1 51:11:], pub use uuxy suuame parts. It was declded to hold a conclave for` all boys groups on Jan. 30 and invite Mr. Thurlow of Midland to assist in its conduct. It was also de- cided to hold an area conference of older boys and leaders some time ear- Iv 1'11 March Tim m...+:..... ..1.......: 1.-- wucr uuya uuu Leuuers some nme ly in March. The meeting closed by singing "0 Canada. .LV1l'. .l'.`Jl|ll.Ul.'.' Permit me to occupy some of your space to correct an error that occurred in the article on Church. Union in your last issue from the Non Union Com- mittee. In copying the article in my office the word intentionally was written instead of `.`unintentionally" thus conveying the idea that an in- ltentionally misleading statement had been made bythe Union Committee in their article in the last issue of The Advance. Nothing could be farther from the thoughts of the writer of the article which appeared in your co- lumns. The use of the objectionable word was solely a clerical error by a clerk in my office. I regret the mistake` and have taken effective means to] correct it, but I would be" obliged if you would give this letter the same publicity as the article in question so that your many readers may be apprized of-the facts. Our unfortunate `differences on church matters need not be intensified by suggestions of un- fairness on the part of either one or the other and on behalf of the Non Union sub.-Committee on Publicity, I wish to dissociate that committee from any such method of carrying on this `controversy. When this vexed" ques- ltion is disposed of we wish to remain | thesame good friends we always have been of those who think `differently at the present time. `l\t\\v A `I 1-ntstunn \}Ul..Ilco Rev. W. J. Watt, president of the Mentors Club, presided~ and opened up the question of how best to inter- estthe boys in the.C.S.E.T. program. It was suggested that a denite pro- gram for each meeting be arranged in- advance; also that _they should not attempt to swallow the whole pro- gram, but use only suitable parts. WTQQ -I-n n nnnnhnvvn ?To The Editor {wt TheTExaminer. Mr. Editor: Bantu-rlir man n !\l'II|III\II nnrnn AF '_ m"'15o~I'.LLD ROSS Chairman, Non Union Publicity - Committee Cone Type Loud Speaker uauw :2. ms: Northern Electric District Distributor McLaughlin Show Rooms Five Points _: _ Phone 120 Despite frantic eorts to cloud the issue, the Pres- byterian Church in Canada is going into Union on the tenth of June next. 800 congregations have voted Unionas against 225 anti-Union. - . " There will be a meeting bfwll loyal Presbyterians inthe basement of:St. Andrew s church on Friday, Jan. ,23rd, at 8.30 p.m., to consider Dvery important busi_ness. Radio Fans!` The late;t- and `greatest im- provement in speakers. D_o you.need an extra set.` .13 ...`I....\......-. 3 *ry \J`a --vwvn woo- V----.- vvw of phones? The Scientic Head see, 3000 ohms guaranteed, $4.50 _per set Complete _Aeria| Equipment always in stock. Eveready Batteries A FRED MORREN `MENTORS cum CHURCH UNION. - -Lv gcs DHHK ivxoncy Ul'C1l'S l!1StC81 of cash itself? , -to help you increase your acreage? -to improve yourliveetock? .. -to obtain advice on investments? These and many other services ar~ yours for the. asking at the -5for the safe of your money? -to earn interest on your savings? --to collect Sales Notes? -to get Bank Money Orders instead of mnilina 1-nah :4-.193 Norther;1"Electric Peanut Tube Greatly improved. I'\v;r`n nnoi-:nn` PRESBYTERIANS \1l.cau_y uuyl. u vcu. Oxide coating. Stronger signals.- ` Greater clarity. $4.00 each ANDREW S UNION COMMITTEE The Barrie rnch-J.E.J.Aston. Manger Thornton BI-anch-N. C. Wigle, M r. Copkstowh Br-anch-T. McMillan, gr. i Phone 38i-<;r_l-3- 42, Barrie |HlDES, was WANTED Avr ljlI`I.l_ll'!O"l' nninlr Sarjegngitg King -21:: -:-J : Iv---IQ:-'7 AT HIGHEST PRICES WRITE OR PHONE 5,2-9c Your copy each month .for one year foronly Phone for yours today. Always 3:53 Pnmnns including DEl.'l`0R Subscriptions taken NOW for the Every Woman Looks Well Dressed oi DELINEATOR The Deltor shows you HOW to make the dress Then buy our Goods counter ` Step by stcx Material at our piece- Department to-day Get your pattern at Our Butteiick Pattern rUIu- 50c 29c It comes in all Sizes from 36 to 52 In this coat dress "_T.1Vif Limited $1.20 ll ;r' iaieggs: at $5.50, llllll NEWMARE ' i'._v-s`.-V ;xa;';~ A1121?!-I>{ci:" :. Aduliuion, 35.` 'CIildnl,` 15. O.H.A. . CHAMPIONS`!-HIIPQ 0.1-LA. ,______..;__ See them*go. V`!!! I `III rililvazovorp-v- Sixty-ve dollars was realized by the Daughters of the Empire from their sale and afternoon tea last "Sat- urday. Proceeds are for Armenian boys at the Georgetown Farm. ' ` coodcomeay, too: ARTHUR STONE, Hick comedian F in JUSTAREG LARF"l:'.LLER! ~ comma V } Pluscuim in "TheT-s1REN of SEVILLE ? A picture that willhit homeiin everyhome; a drama that will startle you with its realistic intimacy; ` la storyiof laughs andthrills. If the woman pays and pity` and pays, why is `th njan alqwayl ' broke? SEE THE REASON-4 ` '1%`$n`waax"4325 PlE8I 6=~d?~.-r f BARmi.-'.,.cANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY I922? I T butt .1: Sweat- outdoor L111 Twice Each Night THIS L1cn'\mous|a BY nus sm o[c::i<:av Maminoth B_nn'_ie FR" . Yz 23 Monmw-InEsnAv-wnusnAv so nus IS MARRIAGE - A Melodmmati Sensation By the Author of the_eGreatest Adventure Stories - ' OWEN DAVIS. 2 ~ ' 365 FOR ARM!-:'NT1_ANs, Now PLAYING . mun... 1=1u.. sA'r. A ---A--"Along" with the Comedy-- - h - oun GANG in COMMENCEMENT DAY See the big natural color Biblical sequence `that tell: the etpry David arid Bath-Sheba; -__ nvr.-ruunnnixu t\I\ 3511`; W" `ELEANOR % LEW com and CONRAD NAGEL , RIN___- f_l,'I_N_-TIN "i:'v:r's-t'Ii'x 53827:. "1"Iii:'H'1~3"' '6'i:6ii'_' _natura/lujlife! V" "' A'r._s.'1s PQM. \I`I-I V. `mini co!-7%" -- coon MUSIC Speqial Satdrday Matinee "at 2.30 There` comes a time iii ery woman : I life when the looks at her husband and thinlu, Ola, you - poo:-_ dumb- bell. [And you're 3 dumbbell, too. if youTlon t no this picture of a jug- tima Iuotlur with u waltz-time huby. -A `l-_:;t;1e. The Woc Dog V -ivmonvas, 69 each or white, Now PLAlNG} Frank Foster repeated his sticcess -at the Orillia Poultry Show_by taking 'Anconas. a good share of the prize money for White Leghorns V and Fantail and Homer pigeons at the Midland show last week. _T.hos . Devine, another Barrie breeder, exhibiting at Midland for. the first time, did well with his Mr.-~l') evin e took first cock, rst hen second cockerel and first pullet _ in t'he class for Rose Comb Anconas, and first cock, first hen, second `cock-. erel [and second pullet for Single Comb'Ancon ss. ' ` ~ BARRIE sums TAKE. pnuzzs V _ - AT MIDLAND POULTRY snow In the White Le horn elass, Mr. Foster won second cck; rst, second, `third and fourth. h ns; rst,'second and thirdecockerels; and first and sec- ond pens. He also got first for Fan- tails and first, second andfthivrd for _ Homers. , `Regular Priegs, 10-25. TWO ems:-: GAMES IN .11; cyuncu LEAGUE I GUI! |rU ucu. Afeated Central by 7 to 2 in a game in Vter; wings, Blogg and Crum. After the junior games Trinity de- the-senior group. The winners were superior -throughout and I showed` greater experience and more team` play than the Methodists." -\_4 Trinity---Goal, F. Foster; defence,` Kennedy, Anderton; centre,.G. Fos- ' r`.nnl-1vnI__ anal r`n1anno An-`av-nan [fth .' i shied,~overturning the cutter. Dr. I Dr. A. T. Little was the victim of a painful accident on Wednesday night in -which he sustained two fractured ribs and a number of severe bruises.` Dr. Little was driving east on Dun- lop St. about 11.30 on. his way to Shanty Bay when the` horse, which; he had `hired from a livery, took! fright at sornething on the street and Little was thrown, against a hydrant at Beecroft s corner, the impact- causing his injuries. .-He was taken to the R. V. Hospital where he is now resting as comfortably as can be ex- pecte . His injuries. though pain- ful, are not considered serious. Closescores featured the opening rrgamesein the Junior Church League on Wednesday night, two "of the r games being won by one goal and the other by. two goals. In the curtain raiser Baracas defeated St, Andrew's by 1 to O. L The game was very close and produced some good hockey. , en. 11...). ___.1 rn_.:..:a.-- ..a...;..-..l LL- ...... ,. ........... .- ,,...... ....-...._,. St. Mary s and Trinity staged the second encounter, the Saints win- ning by 3 to 1, while in the third game Centralwere returned winners 'over Allandale by 3 to 2. The games were all played in fteen-minute per- iods and were interesting and_ closely contested. A.m.-.. LL- .:.....:.... ............. ?11..:...:J... .1- aux`; wings, D1055 uuu uruun. Central-- Goal, Colson; Ballantyne, Webb; centre, PE wings, Houghton, Partridge. Referee`--John Dobson. BARACA BASKETERS WON ` '- AT ORILLIA; SCORE, 23-19 Last Friday night the Baracas basketball team visited Orillia and defeated the Wakondas of the Orillia Methodist church in a fast game in the Y.M.'C.A. by 23 to 19. The game was clean and closely contested throughout. Chester Carson was the leadingscorer `for the winners with nine points to his credit. Bryson was next with six and Craig scored four. After? the game the visitors were en- tertained at a:sup er `by the losers. nounnnn _- has noun; 1,1Iaa-aIn1v bUl'DIIlllUu HI! a sup Cl." U] D113 lU5Cl'Sa Baracas - De ence, Billingsley, Hunter; centre, `Crqi ~;" forwards, Fos- ter Bryaonr are arson. hnhnn ngfnnnh ~ .DA'\:9\an9\ ter, Bryaon; spare, Carson. Wakondas-.- Defence.~. Robinson. .Wilkinson';; centre, Eddington; for- wards, Ross, Western. ` . DR. A. T. LITTLE HAS L _PAINFUL ACCIDENT '.`.;1;;.:;..; """ ""7" ` ,"'The officers of Barrie Rebekah] Lodge are :- ' - ` J.P.G.-Mrs. Olive M. Burgess. . N.G.-Mrs. Mabel Partridge. ' -V.G.--Mrs. Sadie Kightley. R.S.-Mrs. J. Robertson, . F.S.-- -Mrs. R. Lougheed. T , Treas.-Mrs. Minnie Reynolds. AR.S.N.G -Mrs. E. Kilgour. L.S.N,G.-Mrs. Noreen DeGear. R.'S.V.G.--Miss C. Coles. `L.S.V.G.--4Mrs. A. Pugh. Chap.--Mrs. Elsie Burkhead. Warden-_Mr.. M. Lowe." A Con.--Mrs. H. Ardell. a I.'G ---Mrs. G. Coles. v O.G.--A. Lowe. r $50.00. After the installation; presenta- tion of Past .Grands jewelswas made to Bros. R; E. Johnston and L.` E. Mc- Millin and to Sister Emma Kilgour. _V. L. VanAtter, who'has been cap- Ltain of the u Rebekah degree team `since the inception of the Order in Barrie, was also presented with a _silk umbrella, and R. M. DeGear, who is "retiring from the Hall Board and from the office ofgsecretary of Barrie Lodge. was given an emblem ring. All expressed their thanks, and --ad-v dresses were also made by Mrs. Ad- am. Mr. McLean, H. G. Robertson, P.G.M., and M. D. Morrison, P.G. After the speeches a banquet was served in the basement of the hall. Barrie Lodge, No. 63.` Following are the officersldf Bar- rie Lodge, I.0.0.F.. for 1925:- J.P G..-L. E.` McMillin. N.G.--R. J. Dunnett. ~ - `V.,G.-_`-A. Pugh.` R.'S.-L. E. McMillin. F.S.---Geo. Coles, Sr. ~ Treasurer-=-W. D. Clifton. R.S.N.G.-R. Johnston. L.S.N.G.---A. Thompson. . R.S.V.G.'-Leroy Ferguson. L.S.V.G.-A. H. Ferguson. Wa'rden-Dr. W. M. Blakely. Con.-R.- M. DeGe_ar. 'R.S.S'.--,Thos. Gracey. L.-S.S.---Ed. Moore. Chaplain--Norman Marshall. 11.1. _'I..'..`.. _A On Tuesday night the joint instal- ~,lation'of the-officers for 1925 of: Barrie Lodge, No. 63, I.0.0.F., and ~ Barrie Rebekah Lodge was held in the I.O. O .F. Temple. As it was a public meeting, there was a large at- tendance of membersof both lodges and their friends, also a number of visitors from other lod s in the dis- !trict, The installing o icers were D.D.P. Mrs . Agnes Adam, Colling- wood. for the Rebekahs, and D.D.G. M. McLean of Alliston for the Odd- fellows. Both were assisted by local installing teams`. Iomclans lNSTALl.ED i 1_N_,1.o.o.1=. TEMPLE {Joint Eunction for Rebekahs `and Barrie Lodge; Some " _ Pfesentations. f1" .`1:;s'entations III, . defence, Partridge : Do 1'41-I-I A no havebeen a number of cases of petty I thieving in town and householders are warned to exercise the utmost pre- cautions to avoid being victimized. The police also ask citizens who may ihave their premises entered to co- " operate with them by reporting the matter promptly and by endea'v_oring to `establish the identity of the cul- prit. The olice have investigated each case an have narrowed the eld down to about three suspects but they- lack sufficient proof to warrant them in proceeding further. . 'l`lnn `Dull Tnlgnknno l'\`nn more on- During the past week or so there, I 1 l Ill IIUUCUIIIIIB .L lllllallfo , 'f'he Bell Telephone Office was en-i tered on Sunday night by the rear] overcoat pocket of one of the opera- tors._ As there is 9: frosted glass par- tition between the cloak room and the switchboard, the operators could see the shadow of the thief but he got away before the was recognized. The purse contained `only a small amount of change and a key and the empty purse was found the following morning in front of Wiseman s but- cher shop. Milne s storewas entered on_ Friday night and_$12 in silver tak- en from the `safe, and the residence of A. Boys, M.P., was also en- ere . V - - door and a purse was taken from the * . `."Z." gi lot of FEWER. SUITS, MORE MONEY ; IN BARRIE DIVISION COURT Fewer suits Were entered in the First Division Court during > 1924 than in 1923, but the amount involv- ed was greater, according to the an- nual report of Division Court Clerk Geo. Wilson. There were 594 actions entered for a total of $30,967 in, 1924 as against 686 cases for $27,717.34 number of suits and an increase of over $3000 in the amount involved-.' There was .a falling off in judgment summonses in 1923, only 25 being re- corded, but 1924 showed an improve- in 1923, a decrease of nearly 100 in `meat on the previous year with 19. muuuu bu u.1e__Auuula xmanu ED881911. _-Next Sunday the preacher will be Geo. Edwmjds, a student at McMas- .te,Univers1ty. ' `MISSIONARY momwsumn Rev. C. L. Whitman, secretary of the " Canadian branch of the Sudan United Mission, occupied th_e pulpit in the Ba tist churchtat both gervices I..-4. Q.....P..-. 'r.. n... ..___._.-___. 11.. Ill U118 DC 0150 UlllI.l'Ull ula UULH BCTVICCS last Sun ay. In the morning Mr. Whitman gave an interesting address . on the work of the `mission in which heserved for a number of years as an active missionary. Hepwent to the Sudan in.1910 and remained un- til compelled by ill health to retire a short time ago. While in active ser- vice much of his time was spent at a mission station at Donga in Nigeria. The Sudan United `Mission is an in- terdenominational` enterprise very similar to?the_. China Inland Mission. Nnv+. Qnmhn? +1.. ....;....1.-.... ...:u'1..; PE'I'I'Y THIEVING CASES REPORTED TO POLICE, nu.-no vw Jinnah-\rvv\II-I vvnnnn a-an " Rayner dottes other than White-E. Shuter, with Partridge variety. 1'I..-_.__ .--__`_I __-.'l -21 ,._S_.L'_, ,, E," Cup, best eollectidn .i?i yan- i - -- V---av .-.--v-J- i3-ronze medal and oil painting, for best bird in show-F. W. Palmateer, with Light Brahma cockerel. . 1'ru-._;:..---: -_ ._,,___ n\ .|JCll.UlCll""l`1'lll\ I.`U|aUl'o ' ' Murdoch Cup, best collection 0 B White Wyandottes-_-John Muir. 7i_,,.. , ,, IN_, " &;oL}i2{b{{,"'b;t 'i.{1I{' pen, light breeds--H. A. Jarvis, with White Leghorns; ` V (`_n-11-|n3n r'nv\' `anal nA"nn`-1'A|n `XYIJJ-A IV IIILU lJCsllUl'IIo Guthrie Cup, best collection White Leghorns-Frank Foster. V Mlimnnk (`nu I-nns nA`Inn&:nm II` , `}IbB lar $200. J$l30.00 ucWlik1 suc;rlfi3up, best heavy uti1ity`pen -Chas. . E. Tooth, with White Wy.l andottes. ` ~ I Weegar Cup, best collection Bar- I red Rocks--J. G. Shaw. I "i~3;E;"cu}, B'e`2$r1i-bataon pen-I C. M. I-Iickling, with R. I. Reds. ' I A__-__-_L:_.. 11--.. L __L2u;-_ - ., %'"{2{r ?f.;"c{i{f'b'Eo11;:3i"5"X5- I conas-A. G: Walker. T ' I _Pouters and Magpies. and also had a D116 DIIU W a Rev. W.'J. vWatt was prominent among the exhibitors of Games and pen of pheasants." _A..C. Bricker ex-` Ahibited Bantams and H. M. Dyment had Black Cochi-ns. Fantails and Homers were exhibited by Frank Fos- ter and A. M. Marshall,Aand H. M. Dyment showed a pair of Carnoux. i Trophy Winners Judging commenced on Wednesday. morning and was not nished until evening, The judges were H. W. Partlo and D. R. French of the De- partment of Agriculture." Winners of the trophies -in the various classes _ were :- - V `l\..--.._- (V'L-I.`l L _..L _` - _`I- I- ,,_ A _ _I_ VVCLU-""' I Drury Shield, bst cok, hen, cdc`k- erel and pullet, any variety-W. J. Crompton, with White Wyandottes. YI T._S _,I. v B.-c;ys' -'.-[;r<:1)'h3'7;b.=-:s;:- collection; any i variety--Wm.__H. Tooth, with Silver Hamburgs. L . W;]nn r'I1r\ lung`? kiln`!!! 1144134-19 nun `(Continued from page 1) `Leghorns. A. G. Walker,4T. C. _De- vine and C. E. Tooth were `all repre- sented in the Ancona classes and Ed.` Thomas of Barrie and W. L. Mitchell ofiTo1lendal also had exhibits. A. Henson of Allandale was prominent with . the Silver' Wyandottes, as were_also Rev. W. J. Watt and W. Lambert, while E. Shuterljhad a big exhibit of Wyandottes, a.o.v. There were exhibits of Sussexes by E. Liv- ingston and H. A..'Jarvis. - Among the exhibitors of utility pens were H. A. Jarvis, A. G.\Camp- bell, T. C Devine, C. E. Tooth, Wm. Blogg, Wm. Livingston and M. Mon-- teith (Midland). -`The latter brought A eighteen birds to the show but was only able to enter the pen of four, there being no class for the `others. He had the best utility `-`cock bird in the show. . `n--- 111 '1' 'nr-:.L ___-_ .-,.---4:..n.L BARRIE POULTRY % snow is-FINE, 530 Birds"of Good Quality; W. J. Crompton Takes . ;1Drur_y Shield. (Continued on page 8) r and get all tht WI. 82.00 0 you