Merry eteen preci- ed be- Irnest good mg the been year.` Coke 300.} nyor. our fee1 GVE 196 How shall we come to the Christmas of 1924? 7 Shall it be with despair" in our hearts of the nal triumph of good over. evil, or. dare we, despite the voices of the present and thedark fears for the fixture, declare our faith. in the words of Browning's innocent child, and say, ' AT:ri_gi{ v}';h":'r:e'_ k}1d2f' , . The answer is simple. Leave. Him out of His heaven and V out of His `world, and Christmas, wiI;hH`it glor_i_ous_ong of old, `In the rushgof the merry morning, _ When the red burns through the gray. And the wintry world lies waiting For the glory of the day: V Then we hear a tful nishing. J _ust without upon the stair, See two white phantoms coming. Catch the gleam of sunny hair. . I Godfs in His heaven; omp1i- SA our y the of the us. ' cnnrsrms, 1924- Are they Christmas fairies stealing Roivs o_f,little socks to ll? Are`theyv ahgels oating hither With their message "of good-will? What sweet spell are these elves weaving, As like larks they chirp and sing? Are these palms of peace from heaven That these lovely spirits bring?- "lull in uwvy unsu IUIQDIIFIJ A515 yuuvvu Here is an optimism that will hail the coming Christmas not because it ignores the facts, an optimism that knows that, though mighty empires havev'come and gone, and darkness settled over manyanation like an impenetrable gloom, the world has steadily, '` if slowly, rolledout of darkness into light. This is not the only erain human history when civilization has seemed to be drifting is little less than a mockery. -Buthold to the" faith that has stayed and steadied unnumbered multitudes of earth's nest spirits in days when those about them were saying, Where is now thy God?" and you will greet the dawn of the new Christmas with a deep and satisfying peace. b ' Rosy feet upon the threshold, Eager fa.ces- peeping through, ` With the" first red ray of sunshine, Chanting cherubs come in view; , Mistletoe and gleaming holly. Symbols of a blessed day, _ In their chubby hands they carry. Streaming all along the'w'ay. [1 our Would any of us like to go back to the days when man, was emerging from his arboreal `life? -Do we pine for the civilization of Babylon or Egypt, or Rome, with the world mostly slaves? Have we made no progress even through nights of French Revo- lutions and Russian horrors? Look back over human history and tra_ce`the upward climb, and mark the larger-`world into which humanity hascome since that first Christmas day, and despair will give place to hope, and the song of Browning's little maid will not seem (so mad a dream. toward the rocks, with no watcher at the bow and no hand on the helm. ` T * Well we know them, never weary Of this innocent surprise; ' Waiting. watching, listening always . With full hearts and tender eyes. While our little household angels. White and golden in the sun. Greet us with the sweet old welcome,- - Merry Christmas. every one!" and the New Year s Wish for Health, Happiness, Prosperity` to all our cus- tomers and other friends. Drugs, Heinfzman & Co. Pianos Radio: and Phonographs . Phone 148, Allandale. WISHING YOU ' The Season s Greetings and assuring you of our keen appreciation of your good "will and patronage. A Merry Christinas, also A Bright and Prosperous New Year to all. A. E. PATTERSON We take this opportunity of expressing to you our deepest appreciation of the cordial relationship. which has existed be- tween us in the past. May it continue indenitely. 0 our ri`enc1- artil y good year. Accept our" greetings and warmest regards. 7 `%3@@ The B. B. SHOE STORE Vern. Beardsall The good will of our pat- rons and friends -is one of our most valuable assets. The spirit of the Season `brings to- us renewed ap- preciation of old associ- ates and of the value of `new friends. May your Christmas be a happy one and success attend your` New Year is the cordial wish of ' G. G. sM1TH & co. 858? H. J. BUCHANAN To our `customers and other fr_iends we wish: to extend our sincere Wishes for a Joyous Yuletide and a New Year abounding in Happiness and Prosperity "We wish our many friends throughout the Town of Barrie a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous -New Year. , ' Thanking you one and all for your patronage of the past and soliciting the continuanceof same. W? W. GRACEY & son CHRISTMAS, 1924 s are t the Furniture." and U11`:-Iertaking CHRISTMAS GREETINGS WISDOM. & C0. GREETINGS OF THE SEASON ALLANDALE GROCER am wfw `VQW Grocers lited. % W3`? Store. ooper . 1, but racia- thank n oura welve AAer- Year. fccept