`peace is theprecursor of death. ..--... at 1'1 5:: Lluul 159.! Giv.e it stagnation of noble deed and it will die. Such fermerlltd e world must have conflict that is born of a. high ideal fostered by a religious motive which will destroy the lust for war, quench the join humanity in T a. brotherhood in conflict for social, political and re- ligious__ reform . ` ' ' thirst for gold and .. w uvwu uv,au|a.u ulittllll. It is useless, said the speaker, for the league of-nations to attempt to" write a. code of international moral. laws, while tyrants live and money markets thrive. Give humanitymoral crusades against .'the evils of the time and it will flourish. urn-.- :4. -.4- M trying to reconstruct the economic` conditions of the nations who partic- ipated in the last war, but that it, must do more than that. for when it: has completed its work the World will have practically returned to pre- war conditions, and -the human mind will "again turn_to some of its burn- ' ing desire for conflict and again the world will be involved in a. war that will leave in itswake only the ashes of a dead human dream. UTL I... LADIES FANCY s1u<-1 `AND WOOL NECK A SCARFS i A very beautiful selection % to pick from, new color- ings andfancy stripes, a suitable gift, prices from ._....., $1.25 to $4.00 LADIES HANDBAGS AND a PURSES In the- new styles, black, buff or grey shade leather, fancy ' fabric lined, withmirror and ` good-clasp; also the favorite Under-A-rm Bag, `patent lea- ther with cord-and ctassels, a real gift. `Prices to 'yonr` choice of purse orbag. Exquisite ivvith beautiful handles and in many color combina- tions, leatherloop, cord e or strap; any lady would like one of these, V- The men s are in crook or opera styles, many wood colorings, covers of fine quality cotton and silk mixtures, prices - from . . . . . . .. $1.50 V to $3.50 ;coLoN1zAT1oN RDS. 5 IN OR0 TO GET $6200 Am.a.uLury. . Dr. Jamieson brought in his report as Medical Officer of Health, showing that the Township had been exception- ally free from contagious diseases during the year, any" cases being only of a mild type. - RA VQHADII f`n`1nnAn mn~nn-d-AA _.DL'a.uuu, 1`UI`UIlt0, IO! approval W. /McArthur, School Attendance Officer, brought in his report for the year, showing that the attendance of pupils in the Township was very sat- isfactory. nl` I01-nincnv-n 1'\v\I\1Itv1nC- S... 1.3.. ..-..-._L ..-...-....... .....uv., uu uwunvlt vvaaa Lanuu. "The requestbof C. M.' Baldwin re grant for Bay St., Shanty Bay, was [left over -till next year. a ,_-A by-law designating certain roads to participate under Colonization Roads work for .1925 was prepared to a total of $6200 and after receiving its first and second readings it Was _ordered sent to Colonization Roads Branch, Toronto, for approval. 1 W. /MCArthIIT. Affnnonnn Oro Council met atAthe Town Hall. .Dec. 15, with all the 'members pre- sent . On request `of Robt. Hall for refund of statute labor, no action was taken. '1"!-up; nnnnn A...` ,...a In -It ' - V-- - GIFT UM?=ELLAs \J\~A \/ \Jn. unnvlnlutil V CD -- To a woman's mind there is nothing beautiful- about disorder, and so she straightens and tidies and polishes until her home assumes that nleasing orderly appearance so dear to her heart. Since she must remain for the greater portion of her time within the four walls of her house, shestrives to maintain therein something of the `beauty and harmony that her menfolk are able to enjoy in the world of nature outside. sentially more orderly and methodical than men---with a. few possible excep- tions, of course---and it is because they pay attention to the small details of life that, where Woman is concerned at any rate, the big`things seem to take care of themselves- In one otthe glistening. beautiful rooms of the Muskoka. Hospital for Consumptives. Harry Williams occu- pies a bed right next to Jim Thom. Harry was studying'Arts in the To- ronto University,- while Jim was a" laborer in another city. (Oi? course, that was before both knew that they were victims of consumption.) : `Harry is a handsome mam... ........ "Consumption Is No Respecter of Persons" Manv other suggestions, (moose from ,d` ``* F Suclfas Mews Fine Un_ separately or in fancy derwear, Fancy Hosiery, ~85 b0X5, Pricf-`S - - - -- Arm Bands nicely done 50c, 75c and $1.00 each up in fancy gift boxes, ` Sweaters, Scarfs, Etc., 'Q5Q8@8&@@'@ Visit our store and let us help you in selecting your a You will nd excellent service ang_l_ courteous Men s Ladies Silk Gloves` with chamoisette lining, `fan- cy "frill cuffs, dome fas- ; tener, beaver Mshade, canny`- 4* "` Washable d Chamoisette Gloves, with two domes and stitched points, in a number of shades, ` grey, brown and Champagne, price . . . . . . . . 65c pr. :'c1VCf 7 5112106, . . . $2.25 pr. Gift" Ideas That .1115 mam u-om me zutcnener Recordzl Carman Douglas, theological stud- at Toronto, who spoke in-St. An-' -dz-ew s Presbyterian church last even- iing. Dec. 14, gave a. most practical :'solution of the ' problem confronting the league of nations when he stat.- ~ed the future unity of the nations lay `snot so much in-" constitutional decrees ms in the individual harmony and bind- ing fellowship of'a common human- fitv. Speciifin Men 3 Tan Kid Wool-Lined Gloves with single dome, very ne glove, sizes 8 `to 9%, price 4. . . . . $1.75 pr. A.iMoffatt, Plumber ad Heater Neckties for Men In fancy stripes, new or- al and `all over designs, a very great variety to choose from, done up. in fancy . gift . E3 11 I A` AA A Negligee Shirts ` . Something that men can HIM always use, a shirt made _ of best materials in plain colors or fancy stripe, _ coat styles, double wear ` , cuffs, in all sizes, prices from . . . . . . . $1.50 up jinn Pyjama Suits and Gowns - in best quality cloths; ties new colorings in stripes, stripes, ' brc]elast'popke`ts, mrlrtarty 111 - glea_r GW`: 1:y.S aggg eat Vmet-V to. Pyjamas, $2.50, $3.25 up S` d" S ly aspen er as _ soc, 75, $1.00 and $1.25 as, prices Done up in beautiful gift each boxes, made of fine el- astic, different colorings, WQWQVQW leather ends. I purchases for the holiday-. treatment atyour disposal Will Be Useful Me1i s Mocha` Gloves in brown or grey, `very warmly lined with seamless wool, dome at wrist, in sizes from 73/2 to 10, price . . . . .- $2.00 pr. Men's F ownes Heather Wool Gloves, leather- bound around cuffs and with `single dome, priced qf 1151 An _- _, Yes, that's what you ll say if you, getyour heat from steam" or Hot water raditors installed by us. Our heating system never fails to give satisfaction` -on the coldest days, and on mild days you can slow down the heat and save coal without any difficulty. 5 .and general - IJILZLHH LHIUKL" The two utho group are tho National .V`Ius(,- luncheon at t guests of the-4.-j en to the `()1 where we insp quay-side .equi of one of the w: view of tho gr facilitiesnnd \ ested to "Son :1 Merchant Man with a load of found Czfrdiffizn question of tr visit `to the (`nu appliances and ing the immu- port After :1 plant at the Dan ed to the (-it_\',: 't(>_v of thv- .'\I half an `num- U1 LZULll'.\'|', Pl. I elyn Olaf. (Hm Prince of \\':~`. the great `. u- D:.1fydd up (`.\'.` Boadicoa. with Przlsutzxulns, Hi; Whx I i(`tnn_` William \ViIli:1 preacher Whn iu the author nf ginning: Guide mt, () Pilrzrim thr01l !.' VH1... 4....-. ..ol..-. llflll 1-` (I ll\llH" city migrht In- ing no less .\:I ior of this imp beautiful paint uary adorn tho latter (thanks I late Lord Rh:-1 ies perpottmtiru tional harm-9. no! .-.n........ no` U1 'll."llI-',t'-I . On arrivim; comed at thv t the mun_i<-ip.-ul situated in t. among: thu fi Great Britain. ing various vi al needs, ure- mony on :1 H] hall is (1 nub! ,..`4.. ..-:..1.4 I. ' A few f:u-v.< be of inten-st. 000. Within there live 15.1. 90 miles ten 1 miles of (`:m the population 165 acres of d warehous,e:< :11 2000 fz1(`:tm'iv-e. lege with non : university wn 1000 studr-ms. Of Cardiff hr-It Marquis of I: held under vvr orvlonger. rln an-v Cardiff 1m prise. l\`I:m_\ Smoke-`N414-1! coal cen=z'<- 1 port of 111-. w stead of In-ix atmosphere. attrztctivo r-it many open p A 5-.-. A`, Our j3art_\' ._ two` chief ind Wa.les--Curt} i V an-man nun... > The many Barrie friends of Carman Douglas. son of Rev. E. T. Douglas, `will be interested to read the follow- `sing item from the Kitchener` Record: Carman Dnllglnn fhnnlnavlnul as-A l UUJJIC L|.VVtl_\ \ opinion of th apprecintinn u and warm-hv Welsh. Nowh interest in (`: standing of and Cunndhm "nun:-uInyJ NYAL Only 0| absolut in: Jggt tol :c[0..n. I.n.a.n. .5 1.1.]? . l1(.)S.1fety. . l{.5Sti)z;e;i s.Lf`i?tf1.e ,gg{ii::S;?n3 ?3i@3@3'@'@ % HEADQUARTERS FOR HOL;AY an-1~s WfwwwwisamvwfwWWWwa@w2wm@awzwwa=6wQamamwawww&@@@wmv@@aa@ W5 / CARMAN noucuxs spI=Akn 3m l.....;... .; V.`-nu-r1` wvvun-rust vI`Er\l'\U IU sacmiuouauca IN KITCHENER "Youhfu'l Lectiureu-T Gives Practical Solution of ProbIems'Confront- ' ihg League `of Nations CARMAN DOUGLAS SPEAKS `ro Ell: nllnluna In urn -A-u-n-.. L 5'ivn-. Douglas stated th league is