$2.50 $1.50 $1.75 $1.25 L `van. .3 4 an A; , . . .... . `Iii? `$1.25 And Numerous Other Lines. Chi1d s Table an.d chin-s, Anna I can L9 L1 A I$KII\d 055555 \;Aov\-A \J Wear set ..%$4.oo and $6.00 Folding Doll Houses .. $6.50 Wheelbarrows, $1.25 to $3.00 Kiddy Kars, with rubber 4.3..-- 0') nn __._I Q`) Eh ""t`i?s `.`".'."i liid 2I{&"$3.so Noah s Ark. ,wit_I1_ animals I A` 55-: SUGGESTIONS ' Electric Table Lamps Thermos Bottles ' Qut Glass Pyrex Baking Dishes ` Manicure Sets` Flashlights Brass Jardinieres Safety Razors` Smokers Sets St-ainless. Table Cutlery Boys Wagons` Velocipedes Scooters Carpet Sweepers Electric Apialiances Cqleman Lamp, Serving Tray --Bryson s almond paste, 45 cents a pound. ` 50-51c Next Monday night the initiatory `degree team of Barrie Lodge, I.0.0. F.', are going to `Cookstown to ex- emplify a degree.-. On Tuesday even- ing the rst degree will be exempli- ed in Barrie Lodge. 11 ll *1 .-vu --. v-.--_v _-_'. . Barrie still keeps in the attendance lead among the twenty-seven Kiwanis |. Clubs in the.Ontario-Quebec Div- ision. For October its average was 82 per cent. Midland was second with an average of 74%. . ,,_-_, ,,,n,;1 1____-__ __-., L_1.1 1 `HORSE WANTED. GENERAL PUR-i POSE, about 1250 lbs., five or six yrs. -old, sound and quiet and fair roadster: nmare preferred. Thos. F. Swindle. Lefroy-. 50-511) 0 H. G. Robertson, P.G.M.,~ A. C. Bricker, P.D.D.G.M., Alex. Cleland and R. M. DeGear" attended an Odd- fellows meeting in Alliston on Nov. 27 at which the degree teamsof West Point Lodge, Toronto, and Co1ling- wood Lodge were entertained. Among -the speakers were Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bricker. ...v.. --u.. -V.---av V- . .. ,-.. A. successful bazaar was held by St..Andi'ew s Ladies Aid` last $atur- day afternoon. There was a good attendance and the `variousgarticles offered found ready sale. Net pro- ceeds amounted to over $200. N(<)7.Z71('<`z}11ZlHVVh7eZa;1;7 khevv3 $1.35-1.40 Oats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-50c Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-85c Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.15 Peas . . . . . . Buckwheat .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-85c Butter, per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-38c Eggs, per dozen 50-'60c Potatoes, per bag . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-60c Hay, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Christmas Market, Saturday, Dec. 20. THURSDAY WHOLESALE Pmces Ross Block BARRIE [W-RKET_5_ . LISTED .5-1-OCKS UNLISTED % INSURANCE OF EVERY KIND GORDON STEVENSQN Barrie, Box 267 uux, out Ul Attachments, galue $10.00. Attachments `consist of 8 feet web-coveredrhose, 30 in.` ex- tension tubing, 7" aluminum t nozzle, with detachable uphol- stery brush" and radiator tool. We have eiirtciig-erent styles to choose from. Sizes range from 8 to 11%. Just give us size of shoe and we will see that you get proper size skate. Prices from $1.50 to $6.00 pr. SALESMAN WANTED-Llnk up`w1th the fastest `selling specialty ever intro- duced. Absolutely new and a neces- sity to every housewife. Sells itself. `Write Direct Sales, Room 508, 13 King VJ)` Tnrnnfn ' ' 5011 Bobs Skates _ . . . . . . .l. .35-1.40 5 75-85c; .. $1.15, ... $L50 . SPECIAL OFFER Good Only Till Christmas LIIG yLJaC I-UL ALIll\.: nnuun-uw. The officers for 1925 are: President, Frank Hammond; first vice-pres., J. H. Rodgers; second vice-pres., Dr. L. J. Simpson; third vice-pres., Mrs. W. O. McKinnon;_ secretary, Gordon Long- man; treasurer, Dr. W. R. Richard- son. Election of officers of the Mackenzie King Liberal Club` took place on Wed- nesday night and was followed by a very pleasant social evening with cards and dancing. There were eighteen tables of euchre and the prizes were won by Chas. Vvhite and Miss Irene Parrish. with A. C. Bricker taking the prize for lone hands. n-n._ ,_An:....... 4-,... 1:10: r\vIl\I `D...-.gAnn+ FRANK HAMMOND PRESIDENT _OF THE MACKENZIE KING CLUB -.-Santa Claus will visit our store again next Saturday. We are plan- ning for the biggest day s business in the history of our store. Bargains` in every line, in every department. Come and save'.--Hunter s Clothing Store, Barrie. ' 50c DEER SKINS RAW runs HIDES-SKINS SKAES NEROME MYERS FILE LIIIUUI. "W.. Toronto. EUREKA VACUUM MARKET SQUARE but with every one purchased we are giv- ing absol- *ute1y free `one Aset of Phone 1010 Miss N. Burr town after :1 visi Mrs. J. E. J. ton arrived yc-st to reside in tm S. G. Undorh ,,_ ,;_-,, usuwuun \,A u ...v u Miss Dornthz-z onto was the gue ieson over the 1 \ 1v I0I0I<%>X<>X4>I & -4- ya. ..u\... Girector t;`Jf tho 'ufa.cturers Assn 13:-.. 7-\-_,_.\_ `:CARE'l`AKER WANTED for Collier -St. Methodist church. ' Duties to com- mence Jan. 1, 1925. Applications must The in by 12 o'clock noon, Dec. 16. For further information inquire to .`D'Arcy Gauiey. Chairman Property `Com. _ ' 50c T >11 >14 `X4 PEI m&m&&e vVvAuAy_v ~. Mr. and 3!:-.< Toronto spent Mrs. Cxzesu-`-'-. jng up x'es:~::::~ to the Exe: .Associ:1z-Lo :1 `coe. .\Ius`. -`burton. 11.. ,.__ : "i\?x:s.W(\I.):~.)}I kane, TVash ., i with her mothr Vvorsley St.. W} 1: `van uunn. ~Mr. 1116. have been months. 1*.` are again . Grove St. on 1 ,-.,_ 11 ulsuvu us. Trinity . '0 :~.~., presented Ink crosses to .\!:~.< Mrs. A. WV. 1-": tions were am-uz dresses. .,,1 \r_. @&&&a ul Cant .1 . Mr. and Mr dale, announv their d:1\1:;11tm-. Waterfielcl. S02`. the late .\Irs. \ marriage to 1:2`:- of December. `'7 \r.. U1. a./\.\.\ un \ Mr. and 111` Stroud wish 3. ment of their Zedna. to Jul`. son of Mr. :11: Stroud, the v quietly this m `bouquet of Sm A very px~otr_v the home of Mr Ont., 0li\\'m'x1 -their only dill]: became ~the hr Jamieson. Sun . Jamieson. Hilw of Hillsdale 1`: ficiated. Tho `room on tho :1 gowned in f:l\\` the-valley. .\1 of Toronto, on bridesmaid. ported by his Jamieson. I`h played by Mi. during the si_ `Mrs. McEwen . After the we Mrs, Jamieson '+AGEN'I`S--Get in a. profitable all-year vcommisaion business of your own. Every property owner is a. customer or `prospect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equipment and ' `iimstructions free. Wrlte--DOMINION 'NURSERIES. MONTREAL. 40-54eow CHO(_ TIES ail 92? M LPLIJL (I L Gloves, Jewelry, 11? JAMTEE "COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM` with all conveniences in private home. Central. Apply at this office. A 50-3c "FARM FOR SALE--With stock and. "implements. or would consider rent- `.ing to responsible party who would buy restock a.nd_ implements. Apply at once 2120 Box S. Examiner Office. 501) 9. MODERN. BRICK HOUSE to let, in Allandale, every convenience. Apply `The Sarjeant Co;, Ltd, , A 45ttc WORK WANTED - Young woman wishes work by ..the day. Apply 107 Maple Ave. - 50p v INVALIFS WHEEL CHAIR WANT- ED4-Any` person having one, in good :state of repair, to dispose of, inform Examiner Office, Box A. 6'0-53p. FOR SALE OR TO RENT-Concess1on 1, west half of Lot 34'. Vespra; Apply to S. E. Tlirner. 7n '.l`m-nntn Rf Par- -1.)!` WI! "704W . IIU U 03121 3.` UR DILJJIB ' VJIV IVEJLV '1', 0 rooms. conveniences . Apply to 33 Mary St ._ - . _ 5013 LOS'l`--Between Barrie and Allandale. `small nurse containing sum of money, etc. Finder please leave at Examiner `Office. `Reward. . - T501) HOUSE FOR SALEOR RENT. 6 rooms, nnnvnninnman Annlv in 92 `roaxsmnm PIGS--Co1-rect bacon type, A $5.00 each, either sex. V First -come first served. H. M. Dyment. "Barrie. Phone 368- -4791':-. ' VJKKIIU I.ll'l. HXVUQ. Ban-ie. Phone 368 . `AGENTS AND SALESMEN--If You =a.re looking for something having real merit, permanent employment and large profits, write us. We handle only the fastest selling household neces- sities of the very highest quality. that insures repeat business. Special ter- ritory allotted if desired. Sanitary ?'Products 00., Sault Ste. Marie, Osrat. c .LOS'l`~--Saturday, Dec. 6. likely on Bayfield Street. Barrie, a Ford tool- kit. Apply `to W. O. McKinnon`. 150 Bayfieid St.. Barrie. . - 50p FOR SALE---New buff pressed brick five-roomed bungalow; a. full-sized basement and attic.` all conveniences; oak floors and electric mantel. almost complete: near market. See owner. R. E. Tuck. builder and contractor. Phone 6`50J. ` ' 44-500 . vown. : JUNK. HIDES. DEERSKINS AND nuns: wanted. Highest m-Ices VOW la. J U N K, nlunza. umunanuw u AND FURS wanted. Highest prices aid. H. Levit. Phone 884. or write .0. Box 642. M 45-50:) 'S'1`RAYE'D-Into pasture, lot 19, Con. 53. Oro. T2 yearling `cattle, on May 8. Owner may have same on proving ownership and paying expenses. Lid- -gold Bros., _Shanty- Bay. 48-50p FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. with or wlthouthoard. Central. Phone "7l|d.\Kf ' AR_1n LOS'I`-'-`On Monday `evening, small.` "black andwhite fox terrier dog.` Any information will be thankfully receiv- --ed by Z. Rupert, 16 Florence St. 50p. Venn, nan UL 140$ 11! . V8Spl`8.. Apply 3. E. Turner. 70 Toronto St.`.16B45a.f-_ 4 - D For Sale or To Let: `Live. Stock For Sale Propel-t'y. For Sale Rooms and Board Property To Let Lost and Found F arm; of Sale Help Wanted Wanted FIIUHU 46-sml IIIUIIM 47ttc suns 5013 5-I-I.P.A GASOLINE OR COAL, OIL ENGINE for sale. In good running order. Also two `hound pups; N.` D. Lidgold, Shanty Bay. 48-63pi DULUIILLU, no Phone 993W. "FOR SALE on REN'1`-200 acres. lot --32, Con. *6, `Essa. Good clay loam; vtwo bar 5 and small house. Thos. Adams. .R, No. 2. Barrie. ~ 46-51p HOME COMFORT RANGE for sale. in good condition, good fire bricks and reservoir. . Apply F. H. Robinson. Box 230, Cookstown. . 46-451p WOOD AND LUMBER for sale. `De- livered any place in Barrie. .Wood $10.00 box load. Apply to W. B. Quantz, Stroud telephone. 48tfc WOOD FOR SALE-4-ftp hardwood, also some poplar, 4-ft., all dry. and pine rails for kindling. ` Delivered at Barrie. Write for prices to Box 664, Barrie P.O. . . 48-1p FOR` SALE-Eiectric heater from $5.50 up; also the signal iron that indicates the heat. Vacuum cleaner to rent. Sutcliffe, 28 William St., Allandale. nan.-....soo21xr - 45-5`).-. FOR sALE-Ed1so}Tc;a.binet Victrola. mission oak. used 81:: `months, perfect condition..1ike new; cost $245; must be sold: make an offer. On view at Moore's 'Shoe Store." 60c . FOR SALE--Radio receivers complete. .from one to five tubes, dry cell or storage battery equipment; prices range from $35.00 to $170.00. These receivers are built by a. pioneer` con- cern and will compete with any on the market. Call any evening and listen in. F. J. Kelcey,- 8Fra.nces St. ' . 501. WOOD FOR SALE-1);$} (mixed wood in box loads, at $8.00 per load; also `dry poles. Apply to D. J. McKernan,. P'hone_ 60'7r_13 . V . 50-519 FOR SALE-Happy Thought steel range, hotwater front, cost new $110; good condition: here is a bargain. Moore's Shoe Store. . _ 60c j RANGE. coal or wood,_ `for sale, with reservoir; almost new. A bargain at 530. Robinson -1-Iardware. A 50:) n WOOD FOR SALE-Cut and split. Also standing timber. Apply to Mart- in Murphy, Barrie, R.M.D. 2. Tele- phone 606r3. 49-50p EU 5`. . rrle. @Q@@8@@@@@@Q@@@@@@@3@@@@@@@@Q@@@@E@@E@Q8@@Q@@@@% 32359 EV:I1j /femiewk of th 1 ;f:-figzilgll c11='rs TO DELIGHT YOUR FRIENDS \J\IIv|vIJ I\lJ &l\I. I1 prfcvg . .J45<:;; E Single Rail Sleighs 2 .. $2.25 Double Rail Sleighs $2.50` sawgngo - V---V, . nvuvv--q --y- in . . . . . . . '. . .V .$8.00 Also Coee, Tea, Dessert and Table Spoons, Knives and Forksin sets, gift cases,etc. Rcms 1347 AND . COMMUNITY SILVER PLATE Old Colony & Adam patterns Adam O.C. Cold Meat Forksv$2.75 $2.00 Berri Spoons .. $3.75 $3.25 Sugar Shells . . . $1.60 $1.35 Butter Knives . $1.60 $1.50 -Tomato Servers. $3.75 $3.50 Baby Spoons L. $1.25 $1.10 Pic_1 Olive ' L@ Q; L` 11 I D8359 \JI II V Y Forks T . $2.00 $1.75 Salad Forks, Adafn, half dozen 2.; L.`..- ' dlOl\l\ Coas_ters for boys and .girls, ............ AE--1.- Q9 (In HAND swans `T0 RENT-6-room bungalow, 44 Don- and St.. all modern conveniences, in-\ ~c1udiu sunhouse. Immediate posses- sion. pply Phone 61114. . 44-60p IIIUEJU - 45-50p You Will Find A Large And Varied Stock M This Store SHOOTING MATCH for geese and [chickens at Clarence Cumming s. Phelp- ston. Second Line, Flos, O.S., Dec..' 16. ` V / - 501) ";'.'sFmE'}3L{2L3{.3asts'255 make your Christmas selections- at E. B. Sutcliffe &- Co. s. 50c Mrs. E. Beatty has bought Mrs.- John vB_ing'ham"s' house at 78 Maple Ave. and will reside there. Christmas is coming. .Order your Erivate, greeting` cards now `at The xaminer. $2.00 a dozen up. 47tf ' The Town Council holds its stat- utory meeting next Monday night to wind up` the business for the year. I12... Y1`... __ `ITS--- _ _I-_L `L--. __,_I vv-sou on`: your -V`--u--av-n. av- ---v 4:--u --Give Her or Him a club bag and get it from Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co. Sp_1endid assortment . at bmodergge prices. V c .--Notice--For plumbing and heat- ing, ring 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 "Blake St. Repairs `for all stoves and furnaces. .' ' A39tfc -Neil Yellowlees, `expert piano `tuner; will be in town until Saturday evening.` Leave orders at James | Keenan -s. 50p HAIR DRESSING. done by Mrs. D. C. I-Iowan-d. Bring your comblngs and. have a. good switch made. 26 Mu1cas-- ter St. - T 84tfcI PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING DONE. First class work. Prices reasonable. Apply at 51 Grove St. F. Fleming. 45-51p NOTICE is hereby given to persons holdlngeshares in A.O.F. property lots Nos. 468-469 in `village. of Belle Ewart. County of Simcoe, to send in their claims not later than Jan. 12. 1925, as said property will then be sold to- highest tenderer. J. W. Ferris. Belle Ewart (Secy). 50-53c :wAN'rED TO RENT--Farm or about `.200 acres. must be productive of good -crops; no other wanted. Plenty of "help. Apply Wm. Hy. Head, Mark- aatay, Ont. 50c `CALL AT 52 MCDONALD ST. for hosiery, scarves`,-mitts, etc., any size, any kind; nice. line to select from or knit to order. New stock of yarns, various colors, to match your suite. If we haven't the kind. buy elsewhere and we will knit it. We refoot the old ones. J. Platt Rose. 49-2p l}`lisellaneous 9 L u A I I I V U U U U V VI Ann `I \ s - - v w any. cases, pnce $3.00 to $14.00 A very large range of Jack. I Knives, 100 dierent styles, price_s .T . . . . . _l5c to $3.50 &% CUTLERY Eavtfrsrerszin regular` and ~_ stainless steel, in pairs and . . _ . . _.:-- mo tun..- Q11 nn VETCRAFT TOYS Eon THEELl'l'Tl_.E_Ij'()_LK_S__ J `anada by disabled soldiefs m'VVV'e11`r1ished, strang and durable. Doll Carriages, $2.00 to. $7.50 Tumbling Clowns T. . . . . 85 Blackboards, $1.25 and $2.50. 3"_B1oc1< Letters and Num-r An 11 LlI\JI` L49 891 hi UQIA J bers,Jper get Dolls Beds _ . . . . 50c and 85c Elephants, Ducks, Horses ` `nal: I\tv-I! 'nn BL Va }{E1"i55 gs", EEEB CIT; Chi1d s Desks . . . . . Shoo-Fly Rockers Rocking Horses . . . . . Engine with two cars " Doll` Carts . . . . . . . .-. "WAN'.[`ED-~Maid for` general house- work. Apply at_ Examiner Office. 50c s1-:5: OUR v.....D .. v V \i ......_----. | --Give mother or wife a McClary electric or coal range for Christmas .and make them happy every day. M See `these at Robinson Hardware. p `I"I'-__J`l___._`L:_p__ - ____'lLL _. .L`l____- u ~ . V one U, v-...... -..v. -...`,--..-.. ..,v...- -Hockey boots or moccasins make an, acceptable and~time1y gift for any orirl or boy. Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co. have them at pleasing prices. 1 7__,:_4___ _.-__l_L__ _.--_`I ._J___'I_ __._`l " C'x7;ie',"L;1IaI1i7;;',;12a 's]{v'1;"ana reasonable price characterize all merchandise at the Art Shoppe,' S. &'H. Armstrong, corner Bayeld and A Collier Sts. 50c . The County Council Cup. the hand some trophy recently awarded to A Company! Simcoe Foresters, for 'ef-- ciency, 15 on display this week in the window of Geo. Vickers store. CIII Ull.l.UU' uuuu1_}1g. ` ' ' , -Hear Manson Doyle at Collier `St. Sunday School anniversary, Sun-V day `next, Dec..14, morning, after- _be held Friday night.- noon and evenin'g.g g 50c -This year, more than ever, the popular gift is the practical gift. Get them from the Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co. - , 50c ,--Buy` Staunton-`s semi-trimmed wallpaper-22 in. wide instead of old 18-in. For sale by W._A. Lowe & Son. Elizabeth St. . 3_9tfc Communion will be dispensed in St. Andrew's Church next Sunday morning. Preparatory service will 11?! . 1 `I _..--_ .. ----.., .......- ' *--Where the Victor records come. from--J. G. Keenan's, opposite Post Office Square `(one store only). 2000 1` records to choose from. 50ch AIbert H. Perkins of Dalston paid a ne of $20 and $4 costs in police M court on Tuesday morning for illeg- * ally selling a coonskin. l`I_'_- ___ _J_'L , ,, _._ ___E.E_ - `II - (`II ,..__ '-andkerchiefs, z;-;A/ealt}: I);-t"t;en:, Vdainty, new, varied; appealing and ` strong s, Collier and Bayeld Sts. reasonably priced, at S. &-H. Arm- T`I'__`l,,_- `L- 'l__ vnny u. an n \Id- \aI\-r\rl -y--v--a ~w.. ,-Little wanted things, as ,fa-ney needle cases, tape measures, garters, compacts, combs, purses, etc-.., are just right for style, quality and price at S. & H. Armstrong's. _ . 50c uvv .50c HOUSE T0 LE'I`-9-room house with all conveniences. ve minutes'_ walk `$3:-omT post office. For full particulars apply to A7 ! McDernald St. _ 44-50p