Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1924, p. 8

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LAY FOR GAMPANNS gu1snene:...._........ Seeking Mo1Qh's Pay T :-44.__1_1_..A. .4...- IN A cool) suppiv THE com WEATHER LMMIALM Lwm TUESDAY THIS IS .$1s63; . 1573. . 1299; . 1000. . 1748. . 1506. . 1377. 50 77 19 64 50 50 68 no small, cost, theintention being to ; '_1'U Luc luusuvs vs Luau .........---.--- ' Sir,--.Barrie paidtribute to the meme | oryot soldiers` dead on Tuesday, Nov. 11,-and a large number` of wreaths were .place(Lon the memorial by rela- 1 tives and friends. ' "Some or the wreaths and sprays were of artificial ` flowers, which had been purchased at V preserve same that they could be plac~ j-4 ed on the memorial from timetn time. My eldest son was killed in actionand r I had an artificial wreath made. at- 1.';1ched my name thereto and placed, it . on the n1emurlal.* Imagine my sur- prise when, a few days later, I noticed `that all the floral decorations had been removed from the memorial Chief Case, when questioned, expressed sur- prise, he not knowing the owers had been removed. The Mayor waslalso surprised, not knowing anything about it. Afterwards I visited 001. Cowan and several other persons but no. trace could be found of the wreaths and to date I l.n.ve .not located the wreath that I placed on tlfc-I memorial. Now, sir. who is responsible for the dese- cration or our noble ' dead`? I, care not whether it be the Parks Commis- sioner. Returned Soldiers Association, or whoever it may be, this memorial was` erected by the public as a mem- orial to those who fell in action, and the only ones `allowed to remove Wreaths or flowersfrom the memorial _,is he or she who placed themthere. mi... ..m....+ ne nu. latter is not to Warden Reports No Lawsuits in 1924;; Light Sessions ofAC`ounc.i1. ~ Bridge. `_ , The report of the Finance Commit- tee, presented by T. E. Smith. rec- ommended that Miss Stoddart's re- quest for one month's salary be grant- ed; that the commitments of six" du- veniles to industrial schools be received and filed. - G. L.` Davis presented the report of the Roads and Bridges Committee. recommendingpayment of the accounts of the town of Barrie. $14.03 for oil- ing Mulcaster St... and of the Hydro Electric Commission, $32.43 for re- moving poles and anchors from the county highways. ' The report rec- ommended that theaccount of Gerald Shanahan. Phelpston. _be left`in the hands of Councillors Smith and Drys- dale-to investigate, with power to order payment if deemed advisable. I 'l"hA menial committee on the revi- _lH uu UL uuc vvuu ylwvvu .......... ------ The object of this letter is not-to cause [at the present time any dis-,_ turbance but to prevent aurepetition of what has recently occurred. ` Yours truly, . ` MRS. W. D. PADDISON. sion. $71.90 for [the House` `of Refuge: John Sinnott, $34 for work on Co1qu- houn Bridge; R; J. Wilson. Glencairn. $14.10 for work on the Boundary vmm rnnnff nfl the Finance lpayment if deemed advisame. The special committee revi-. `sion and consolidation of by-laws re- ported through Councillor Begg, the chairman. that the consolidated by- laws have beenprinted and distribut- ed. w i Councillor` Rusk reported that the special committee appointed for the purpose have purchased two cemetery plots for the use of the Children's Shelter at a c'ost'of $76 which includes levelling and seeding; I" _ V - New Bridge Ordered ' The special committee on roads and bridges reported that the Warden. Councillor Goodeve and the chairman met the representatives of Dufferin County on June 4 with reference to the boundary line between the two counties at Williams Creek. _It was decided to build a bridge across the stream and the engineer `of Dufferin county was authorized to call for ten- ders and superintend the work. the cost tn `ho hnvnn pnnnllv bV the tWO counues. A A further report from the same com- mittee stated that on June 28 the County en,*,r.inee1*. Councillors Smith. Drysdale, Spicher and the chairman visited Klrkpatrick s bridge and de- cided to repair it by putting a new span of fifty feet in the centre and a new covering and railing in the rest of the` bridge. Timber was purchased and in- spected on_ August 6 when Wm . Trace was engaged to"-do the work. The bridge is now completed and is safe for txjaffic. ' - ' ` ' CI` - ~n_,,,,. 1- _-A________ UB1"! nuu I to be} counties .. A fnnn .L uuuavn -1 .......... .. A'motion was introduced by Coun- ci11ors- Knight and Wilcox jthat the Clerk notify all peddlers and `auction- eers in the county when their licenses expire and take the necessary steps to have them renewed. Mr. Knight ex-. plained that there is considerable dis- satisfaction among peddlers, some of- whom think others are selling without` a license. V min, rzmlr oulzn gnu 1mn'n1hnm':`hI'3nr'-, regard . VV EDN ESDAY Vvhen Council resumed on Wednes- days afternoon a communication was read from J. T. Mulcahy, 0rillia,' with e reference to. damage done .to the crop of John'Law1or, R.R. 2. Hawkestone. because of. stone and other material dumped in the ditch in front of his property on the town line between Oro and Medonte, ;dlverting th,e water onto his land. He stated that Mr. Lawlor would accept, for-immediate settlement, $100 and an undertaking to fix the ditch but if the matter was not dealt with at this-session he would take ac- tion. He suggested that the Warden and one of the Councillors from that. section visit the property. . n n Middlnhrnnk Owen Sound. 11091188. The Clerk asked any members har`-V mg of anyone selling without` a. license to let him know- Gnunuol rnarnhnv-a. nrnvn nf 1-he nnin- IO let H1111 KI1U\V.: Several members- were of the opin- ion that such licenses should be is- sued for the calendar year and Coun-' cillors Scott and Begg brought in a motion asking the Finance Committee to consider amending the by-law gov- erning peddlers and auctioneers in this regard vvw.nNmsnAv (Continued from page 1) .. Provincial Police Bill . Inspector Ward of the Provincial cPolice,submitted a bill of $46.38, be- ing half of a total expense -account incurred in connection with the-cattle stealing case torwhich J. '1`. Robbins was sentenced. The bill was made up mostly of railway tares, Jltney bills and meals.and $2 a day for incident- als. Dutterin has been billed with the other half. V Phone Poles on Co. Roads The Schomberg Telephone Co. sent an account of $20 for moving poles on a. County Road. A similar account. but for $234.50, was received from the V Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission . . ns.....~s 4-Ian mmhy (`taunt-.11 of Lincoln section vlslt tne property. C. C. Middlebrook. Owen _Sound, notified the Council, re the Calder ac- cident, that Mr. Calder. being in at- tendance at the Grey County Council. would not be able to meet this Council as suggested and proposed a meeting between Mr. Calder and `a committee of the Council during the week of Nov. .30. V `D 1:` 1\TAau ant-vnfnrv-frl:InIlI"DI` nf 1 supermtenu Lue wurn, Luc uuau. borne equally. by the Peddlers Licenses ,,,1 I Refuge Committee reported that since the June sesmon`neurlavatoes have been installed at a cost of $2500 and de- fects in the heating plant were rem- edied at a cost of $300. The crops on the farm wereogood and the livestock was in. good condition, the house-clean and sanitary and the inmateswell car- ed for. . Vhn nvu:nio1 nnrnrniffnn nn Panda Qhi The special committee on Roads and; Bridges reported that Counci rs Scott. Spicher and_Davis met on Ju e 26 and decided to replace Kiernan s bridge with a new structure. J. J. Dumond was engaged to build the concrete abutments and on Sept; 3 the McGreer_ CAPITOL `i*;"3'aTHEAT E THE HOME 01- BETTER PICTURES TONIGHT, rnmnv AND sATl!RAY| agomya 5Bridge Co. was awarded the contract for the steel work-. The new bridge is now completed. . A Annntnfinn wan nrpszent from Sun- 1s now completed. A deputation was present from Sun- nidale township to oppose any change in the county-provincial highway through that township. A deputation was expected from Stayner to advocate a change but they failed to appear. `It was decided not to hear either del- egation but to let the respective_ reeves of Sunnidale and Stayner state the case for their municipalities. This will be done on Thursday. ` `nu `Dna-cu-a nf Rnnfnn nnnnnv-pr] hp- \V1ll De (lone Un Luu1'auu_y. Dr. Rogers of Beeton appeared be- _ fore Council and requested that he be mission; From the County Council of. Lincoln was received a..memoria,l asking` the Government to continue supplement- ary grants on teachers salaries to urban schools in towns and villages of 2000 or under, as these grants have enabled school boards to retain the services of teachers of a. higher stands ard, thereby increasing the efficiency of the schools. A ur gmins 'I"nurn Clark of Bar U1. 4 lllUul.Ui1l uxutzer HI u1aI;.secu0n. Earl Rowe, M . P . P . . and C. E . Wright, M .P.P., were present at the session and occupied seats on the I dais. I - I `fCHU CHIN CHOW IN FILM . Chu Chin Chow" as a picture will satisfy those who revelled in the stage spectacle. The presentation is` mer- itorious and in many respects it is quite the best of the desert pictures. scenically and in the types presented. The Arabian Nights atmosphere has, been_we1l maintained, and the story] consiidered in any future appointment of a medical officer in that section. F`.4`;II-I pliin RA `D D nn.-`I {V `L1 MONMY-TIIESDAY-WEDHESDM _Screenland s Newei Star in His First Star-Rvole of Hassan, the robber sheik. and his band; and his ruthless cruelty toward Zahrat, Ashe `fwildflower of ,the desert." and her'l,over, loses none of its melo- ' dramatic qualities. Betty Blythe gives an exotic portrayal in the part of Zahrat and her ``fans" may be fur- ther attracted by the knowledge that they will see more of her than usual. Dreamland, Monday, Tuesday and" Vvednesday. One show each night at 8.15.` (Advt.) ` .DitIl(ll[S H810 LID LVVU DICLUFB uuuac 1 managem at.Seattle and escaped with \ $12,000. 0 . Bandits held up two picture house nnhntrovu nf Qcs-.nH-In -and our-nnn Wifh `E of the schools . A. W. Smith, 'I`own-Clerk at Bar- rie. wrote asking the County's guar- untee for Barrle s debentures. amount-' ing to'$54,000, for paving`onD_unlop~ and Elizabeth Sts. Ask Pay For Auto Tops Bert Locking, 0ril1ia._ put in aelaim for $8.00; the cost of replacing a. top on a car claimed to have been destroyedv by an overhangingbranch on the Co. Road at Boyd's Corner. "A similar claim` for $26 was made by Irwin Boyd of Moonstone. ` 1 . Govt. Grants to $1-Iigh Schools A `Grants to .various high schools and collegiates by the Government for 1924 are as follows: Barrie . . . . . . . . ........,......$1863.50 Orillia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,678.77 Alliston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1299.919 Bradford . . . . . 1000.64 Midland . . . . . . . . . . .. 1748.50 Colllngwood .. . . . . 1506.50 Penetanguishene . . . . . . . . . . 1877.68 6 ..'..`I.l._ ran 'I`KI\u'n'n `Do Ir , bovvnusa aauu... .. .. W`, Miss Victoria Stoddart wrote that on April 3 (after "the death of her brother, H. E. Stoddart, March 28.) she had tendered her resignation but had never received any acknowledgment of her letter. so she continued to oc- cupy the quarters formerly.occupied by her brother and herself in the gaol until April 28 and performed the mat- ron's duties during that time. She stated that she had rendered her bill for April but `understood that the quarterly audit had refused to pass her _account. Concluding: she said: It may seem a small matter to some persons about the county buildings but after years of faithful service such as I think I gave, this treatment does ap- pear to me to be a little shabby. I_ know that I will receive justice and at least kind treatment from your honor- able body. ' TTTEQDAY 4. V -o-ar.4..-.. .. No business of importance came he- fnre the County `Council at their ses- sirm on Tuesday afternoon. There were reports from the Finance` and Iioads and Bridges Committees and. three special committees and some mo- tions for consideration by the various ?(-ommittees. v-. n. o v , -,,,-_.L1___,1_.!_... \ kllllblldb uuuu 1. Miss Ida xcreswicke wrotejthankingr the Council and the members of the Legislature foxtheir gift to` her and invited the members`to attend her wedding. Annnnnha rm-n mar-nlvp fr-nm the '\V&`(l(llDg . Accounts were received from the following: W. J. Cunningham, Allis- tnn, $51 for storage of the county steam roller; Hydro Electric Commis- Hundreds of druggists are mak- ing` a special display of Cam- pana s ltaliaa Balm this week. It has a larger sale than any other toilet specialty bf its kind. because it is a wonderful preventative of red, rough skin, chapped hands or cracked lips.

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