Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1924, p. 7

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1 ?1E 't'l'1eV.f;11c%.t'o`r=;_ 001. When you. amped all wool. .1 BAKED CRANBERMES "ou`H1:n n. nhanan hobo +1.... _j_- _.j---.j- --- COOKING CAULIFLOWER I'I)....l_._.._ `Pl AGREA1; `POETRY 3v'e.R'EA'r - _`OAVNADIAN -` weli n n-.A `ma _ is .3xmxN3g- Mi-ss C\l{l-iS,VlI]`C:l('E::li lvlESEllTED - i WITH s,1L_v1;:n :r_EA`,'s_1-:_av1cE, 4. A very pleasing event took place ` at the County Council, Monday af-' ternoon, when the members of? that`? body showed theiresteem and good- will for Miss Ida'Creswicke by pre~, ` senting her with a handsome `silver tea service, in which `gift the four, M.P.P. s for the Gounty also_ had a part- Thecpresentation was made by Mr. Williams, senior 1_nember.of the Council, in the presence of all the ` Council and the court house staff.- `Miss Creswick_e briefly expressed her thanks,` after which Warden Coombs added a few personal wordsof ap- preciation of Miss Creswicke. andher work. . The Address , . ` Dear Miss Creswicke:--We, the ' `members of the County Council of ` the,County of Simcoe and the. four Members of the Provincial. Legislat- ure, on the occasion of your leaving the service of the County to enter into that high walk of" life, the holy bonds of- matrimony, do not want the n(`_(!as:in*n +n Vruacu m:+1.....4. ..1....:.... g, in black, ' at .. $1.65 ? THE`! TAl.KED so Low I COULDN'T euanrz A warm `THEY WERE ___. .._ now: It the `rich goodnegs of prime-ciaeef, "makes them tastzer. and more wholesome. `OX0 Cubes are so handy and convenient,` too, thatthey make cooking easy. - Wh en u ad OX0 Cubes to your soup: and 0 er dishes you "are addin more the _rich goodness prime eef, -'- tastier whole .nvn I--_L - , , - - ` so\ Low sAYm6 /4 K By WINNER ee-piece belt, It-in nun Fgwi S {stays Page Seven at...` go at 49c pr; 8, different colors $1.00 yoke in the, L. -A-` at .. $139 Inn-.J.'y. Novonbir z1,.1o` , 69" have 110 of these . . . . . . . 39 each f: I . $2.95 Sweaters; these illgo at . .A $1.98 3 as: M EXTRACT AND HQPS RITEGOOD ; liili Fresh Milled % - ROLLED .3 "*- OATS '__ 29 ` AYLMER - V PEACHES 23 HEAVY SYRUP WHITE SATIN D A GTDV "null: null!` l ASTRY - The but for zour Bahia` Fresh 34`. u 2-: pE,*Is;:%`:.eA:s RN% 1 5c 1-lb. Bgax M.cbNol cnmxs MIXED R PEEL - - - TABLE RAIsiNS, " T Choice Malaga,pkt. SAXONIA GLACE ` CHERRIES - - COOKING 'FIGS 3 lbs. -` - - LAYER FIG 1:... - . NEW PEEL, Lemon a....`l I\__....-~ IL -Knit makes; ev- -% 1 goat $l.49Tea.l. , . ..4 41.- A -- RICHMELLO COCOA 1/2 In.- ` order at their nearest DOMINION STOR -, -_-.._...-, -v---on iv avvvvl VVIJ There is onlg one answer to the reason for the continued '-growth of D MINIQN STORES. The general buying public ave found that they can save` consistent! on their grocery lilrwitlut any sacri- ce as to the quality of the foodstuffs `they buy. Place your order there this week if you have not been doing so. L Beautiful . Card in `Every Bar ' 29, ? P49! Fird Qqokl A4- 41 I'.__, 'Zn'& b?a'I{g'f `penny. Novqpboi,_21."19`2." immd"|'9'."' to 44;/these . . . . . $1.79 6 to 44 only go at s1;79 f r... 90 `$1.604 RIVERSIDE BRAND ILL 2 _.._ V TUBBY Our Poplilarity Must Be -Deiefved 1 lb. Granulated Sugar l2 lbs. $1.00 -- 1.-vwv IJ\v'lIr, I I U . $17.50. rth. - - . FM:/atks Houewivs "Happy ~ Ya," 137 7 -3 lc FLOUR {Br ti`: .~1:33 WI II card: MILLSTREAM BRAND nunlnn nnuv %"``i: 'sfEs%: - -25 L913? .5-E - 1-29 .-1V1~1J&1'1JU NUTS, Choice, Meaty, PRUNES 3 `I, 7 lar price $5.95. -QA HA " 13$ .49.; .MIXED NUTS, ` 2 `T Meaty, lb. ` -I-11-51-as-'-an % SHELLED ' II! A II lvv-in 15-oi. Pkt. SEEDED V or SEEDLESS ` RAISINS, 2 Pkts.-Z5c INYTISII III C-I-5 Iakfrggrs, Lib. PT?! 9 1-IcI\ uupzuxs or cranberries and a. couple of cloves; cover the dish and bakein `moderate oven. After flfteegrminutes remove the cover. When berries are fender and clear looking they will be done-proba.bly in about an hour. The berries should not be crushed.` These may be .served hot or cold. T lung uu-J usual cranberry Jelly_._. Pick ever and wash the berr`i`e s;` "pl them into the casserole or baking dish; add sugar, allowing one cup to three cupfuls of cranberries and of cloves; dish and hnlrnwln -rII\I-ll \ll`ll'|l`9=I"II"I= -If you "like a. change bake the cran- berriesrfor-the dinner instead of hav- ing the usual cranberry jelly, | over wash the ham-`roar -....'+ mBrusse1s., sprouts, first cousin to cauliower, may_~be cooked in the ._ sauce Way. Keep them bright green by taking care not to overcook (them. A little soda -added to the water helps to preserve their color. . ; 49 ea; `er. 1'0 maxe this aristocratic sauce, beat the yolks of two eggs slightly in `a small pan. Add one tablespoon of lemon Juice and stir well. Add three tablespoons of butter. and cook holding the pan avg boiling water." When well blended a. three more tablespoons of butter, then two more`. Remove from the `heat as so_on as the sauce is thick and-smooth. Season with a dash of cayenne pepper and serve at once. The secret of a smooth Hollandaise is not to let it get too hot while cooking. ;1`he' low temperature prevents curdl- ng - 1.116 1118' _- -- .~-.4 vonv unuvvll. Another way that cauliflower is of- ten served is fried.- Soak the head and separate it into flowers. ' Cook until tender; drain, and fry in butter until lightbrown, then sprinkle with crumbs, adding a little more butter if neces- sary. Season with salt and paprika. Corn flake crumbs may be -used for this method. Because ._they are*=al- ready golden brown, the time of fry-/ ing will be lessened with advantage to the flavor of the vegetable. For sneninl .nnr~nuinv'au r.rn1In--=-~- .. vvvnsvu uuu LULIE uur LUU Lust; . Remove the green leaves and soak the head of cauliflower in cold water ' until perfectly clean. Drain, and steam until. the stems are tender. The vegetable should be white--not brown --when done. If it turns brown it has beexn cooked too long and the flavor wil be impaired; ., Place the cooked cauliflower in a. round serving dish and pour over. it a. cream sauce to`,which one egg yolk and a tablespoon of lemon iuice has been added. Another way of serving- this vegetable is to put it in a baking j dish with the sauce and cover it with dried crumbs. Rolled Corn lFlakes are an` easy substitute for bread crumbs. Place the dish in the, oven until the crumbs are brown. s Another served isz frin- .Qnn1r' Hm 1---I ---4 -be cooked too long nor too fast. v-v.-.-vuu wrInr-lI I-VVII-I1 :(Barbara Brooks) The market offers an array of in.- teresting vegetables this month. Caul- iflower holds first place with many of us. This` vegetable is a glorified cabbage and if well cooked is _very delicate in flavor. Probably no veg- etable is more sensitive to wrong treat- ment tljnan cauliflower. It should not DQIYIIIIVA O-L... ........... 1_---- L1LuLU, anu ner aaugnter. The December meeting W11! be at the home of Mrs. G._ Harper. A good programme is expected and a feature of the meeting will be a miscellan- eous shower for the` Children's Shelter. u. uuav, nnu LLLIL5, EUUU books, take an interest in the chil- dren studies and games. . A humorous reading was given by, Miss Dorothy.`Harper, and a piano`se- iection by Miss Violettai-= Ferris. Among the visitors was Mrs. `II-Iewson, Pres- ident of the Penetang Women's In- stitute, and her daughter. V The nnemhnr rnnnf-h-nu 11r1'lv v... ..a. 4.1...l DILUILUF 1 Mrs. Sutherland and Mrs. Marquis spoke on How to Make Winter Even- ings Profitablec" Some points em- .phasize'd were: one-half hour reading the daily paper to keep in` touch with World affairs; music, knitting, good take I ' A hnmmvmm rnnincr um- ...c....... -n--- ----vwu vvvlvu-I1 0 IQIUIIIUIE Thirty-two ladies met at the home of Mrs. '1". Hewspn for the November meeting; After business concerning fruit for the Sick Children s Hospital, the .C.A.S, and the public library had been disposed of, an excellent pro- gramme was enjoyed. Mrs. Cameron, of Allandaie, gave.a. very` interesting insight into the work of the Children's Shelter. ` . ~ 'l u.-' G..a.l.....I-.._s _,,,: up -- u puurne unu smemea oy.~'i`ny power benign: - Thouea.rt.the strength of my unfalter-` ing soul- . Andurbm the vahtage `Of this rn`6`2tal e . The freedom ofjthe infinite is mine. nit, and York- . . . . . . . . .~ 95" goal E1 soar beyond the memory of st-rife. Upborne and shielded by.-Thy benign: ;u_y supru, uun uupuve. to my vxsnovnedl yv'_u.u guuung U`lll'.Il my errmg tears ' dispe1. Be Thou the {oak on which" my faith I harm. ' ' De uxuu me rock Which` faith I base. Thy guest`, not captive. td my visloned ezoal ' uuc 1111-: me ugnt to Know that all -is well,` ' . ` With guiding truth erring fars - disnel. . ;c:., wuue Lne veu_Stlll maes me from ' Thy face, ' Give me the light to know that all is well,-" . A J.u1a,J.|c;b`u.ly temple, 4Wnere my 3011] ` may dwell, . - And`..like. an'anch'orite within his cell. Learn all_ Thy levy and grow to perfect ` , 81'Qe- . Y ........... .. yuan. LII: Au vf auu sruw LU perrect . grace. ' `Yet, while the veil_stil1 hides frb_m "I`hv `nnn uxuuaauua U1. reauers; 4 _ LIFE . - Dear God, I_ thank Thee for` this rest- ing place, ` This eshly templefwhere soul mav dwell- .- At the largely attended` funeral of the 4 late. Peter ' McArtl'_Lur of T Ekfrid. Org ,, agter the Anglican` burial service "the following poem on`Life from Mr. McArthur's versatile pen was read. It is really so fine in its conception 8.szWe11' as expression `that we reprint it for the satisfactionlt will give to all truly devout. and poetic souls,amo{1g thousands of readers. I IEE STROUD WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 'F"\ihf15_fItrn Inrllna .....\J. -4. 1.1-,

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