KLIIUHJU . 45-50p spun many more. . ' - Peaches are easilyrubbed and bruis- ed" and should be given .room to pre- serve their delicate skins. 1,'1`ake them` `out of the bag or basket and `allow them breathing space. All fruitsfand vegetables will keep better if laid separately` on the shelf. Then the overripe will not contamin-` ate the .oth.er_s not . will one ertlcle Smile many more.. Ddnnhnn at-A An'I`1r.w1i`I\}\n:I Nana l.....I.. vUI-\Q on. Qnvonv Va. -10 .IJ.Vlll\vIl|I S IIVBIDCI _. Mr. Lewis car sustained a broken headlight, fender and running board, while the front axle was _also badly bent. The`Ford< escaped with a bent axle and fender. * A collision occurred on Sundayt ev- ening on Elizabeth St., a short. dis- tance west of Bradford`St,, resulting in damage to two cars. Edward` Lewis, driving a Chevrolet sedan, had come up Bradford St. and turned west on Elizabeth St., when he was struck by. a Ford coupe driven by Dr. Joyce of Port Carling. The force of the collision-`turned the Chevrolet around and.\in_some.manner the two cars became locked together. When they cameto a stop. they were on the north side of the street, facing east, and the F`-ord.had climbed the boule- vard in frontgof N. Dymentls house. `If. T__.'.!;Q _-_. ,7 V -H. J. Grasett, who recently motor- ed to Florida, with Mrs. Grasett and Miss Grasett, reportsa nice` trip with warm, summer-like weather from Washington to St. Petersburg. Roads. to Washington were rst-class, but some good gnd some poor from there south. They had no rain and no car trouble of any description all the way. - ` ' . 'rw'o CARS 1N`coLL1ioN ~ ` on ELIZABETH smear , Burton Warnica s winnings at the Royal Winter Fair put him up in the front rank of Hereford breeders. In avvery big entry list, including` re- presentatives of the best herds in Canada and -several from the United States, he won `Reserve Championfor steer, rst prize `for senior `calf and two other prizes,` from his total of eleven head exhibited.. a uauuxuabu .l.Ul.' uxe W at the January sessmn. __-`_ -- ..--- `rt-cu--V : I --Thompson Blood has a knack at make-un and characterization that is to twenty -ve characters in an even- ing"s program. Hear him in -Collier "St. Methodist church. Friday, Dec; 5, ausoices Collier St. choir. _ 48c At the municipal nominations held in Stayner on Monday, Reeve E. J. Lambert was returned by acc1ama- tion. Mr. Lambert has been a mem- ber of the County Council for six years and he states that he will be! a candidate for the Warden s "chair! 04- `-`In Tau-unuou ~-...-.3-.. wonderful, and nresents from twenty I 0 HOUSE To LET, all conveniences. Apply 69 Tift1n.St., Allandale. 45ttc L INNISFIL HEREFORDS SCORE FINE WINS AT WINTER FAIR _,....... .. ....... Vb V - u u a nu qn.-.uu uuoua. The Powell Melody Men furnished the music at a masquerade dance in `the Orillia Arrnouries last 'Friday. The members of the orchestra were: Geo. Powell (violin), 1 Stan Caston (saxaphone), Ed. Huxtable (banjo), Ken Walls (piano). ` mL_..._ 1 1 - IIUUCIHO -Buyin_g for fours-tores, also be- ing interested in two shoe factories, enables us to sell dependable mer- ichandise at prices mostdealers pay for their goods. -- Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co. '48c --A few used pianos at bargain prices at J. G.-,Keenan s, terms to suit purchaser. Remember the place, opposite Post Office Square. J. G. Kee.nan s store,` not connected with `any other store. ` 48c - Last week Game Warden McGre- gor seized 28 coon skins in the pos- session of Frank Crawford, Mitchell Square, who later appeared before. Police Magistrate `Clark, Orillia, and _paid a ne of $25 and $8.25 costs. I `NIL- 'n-___ _-n sum 1 1 up . acters. `D -_-., -.--use av--.au.y vvy, qI`xuJ.u ,1; "5"The Life `and Character of L<.>tv| will be the subject of Mr.-Shortt s address in St. Andrew s church next Sunday evening. J This is the [third in the series of addresses on Bible char- .--.2.... R--. A , ,,,, -....--.u -yuu.--nu-A vv unnv unlnuvu uuaucaa Order your greeting cards now and get them addressed and out of the way before the _Christmas rush. A ne; assortment is to be seen at The Examiner office. " 47tfx - --Carey-Hurlburt .Shoe Co. are showing an extensive range If wo- men s goloshes in 3,_ 4 and 5-buckle; all rst quality goods. Women s 4- buckle nest girseygtop, $4.15 pr. I 'l"Ino T.-{#1. `nut. (`|l.........4..... -1 1-4. ...,--v..v. on-vuv -abaqv uv so &Uu.A Lulucu i The engagement of.The Rose of` Killarney-billed for the opera house last night was cancelled, the company having returned to the United States. --- vvuvvvnvvwn IIVOI\Q Q IIOAVVSCIIB KIUQO I _ --W\allpa,per in latest designs, all .prices.`' Exclusive agency for Staun- ton s semi-trimmed.-. W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. , . A 39tfcl The Stroud Presbyteri n youngi people gave arepeat perfo mance of their playlet, Dust of the Earth, at Stroud last night to a full house. FHL- ___..-_.J.,- %&&%%&&%%$%w&w 'A"A"A"A"A"L*T WT wwwwwww g LOCALNEWS g .&mw$$$&&m&$ma&&m 1---`... ;vvv\r -uvuvu xavv avco5\a anu. unastlusn . , ` It is said that Barrie is to have a igistrict oicqfor the Provincial Po- lce. ' *4 ~` It... _.`..- ru.:_[e -1 n_1_-,, MODERN BRICK HOUSE to let, in Allandala evarv nnnvnnlnnnn. A..--|.. xuuuuuy. , ~` . ' e . _There was little but routine *busi-[ ness beforethe Public Library Board at its regular monthlymeeting, Mon- day 11 ght. ' ' i R h`-`nu Una: u'n'I11u~n1.:~\... .....I 1...]. --Ali sizs liholum rugs at A. "Lowe" & Son s, Elizabeth St. 3_9tfc This wee__k s `20-page Examiner,re- quires ._two cents postage_ for mailing. TL :. .....'.J 4.L_1. 'D_..__:_ :_ L- 1___, I-ll}Vo " The new `Chief of Police is expect- ed to beginhis wotk`fn Barrie next Monday. % ' A ` Thorn `I113: I3`;-In `L`uuJ- uncut}..- Lu..: } --Buy Staunton s semi-trimmed wallpap `r-,-22 in. wide instead of old 18-pi h. For sale by W. A. Lowe & Son; Elizabeth St. ' 39tfc ~ -Hear Thompson Blood, the king of entertainers, auspices Collier St. choir, in Collier St. Methodist church on Friday, Dec. 5. ` - 48c ` --For best -Christmas cakes, al- mond-iced, plain or decorated,` 45c *lb., phone 250, BroIwn_ s Bakery. Almond paste, 45c lb. 48-51p rm..- 4:..- '|...:...-.:_ --.--.- __: 4:--- ,n --.--....--... 3-...-u.., . V V . we -xu-u.a.y - The re brigade were victims of a false alarm. on` Sunday night when rthey were called to the corner of Mulcaster and Penetang A Sts. ` \"lT..`I'l _ . _ . _ . ._ 'I_;___A; 1| `II! UH y In no. l --Ng'otice-For' plumbing and heat- ing, `ring 214-.. `J. `J. Neelands, 48` Blake .St.- Repairs for all stoves and furnaces. ` 39tfc l HAD FlNE TRIP 7- THE .nA_nnu-:` EXA_I1 `lER % A, V A mp? | 3:;a;2&@-Q&-E3QQQ9&1333%-E&Q&&&&*R&&&&&&& . COMFORTABLE ROOM with board for one or two gentlemen.` Nice 10-- waiity, central. Enquire at Examiner wnrftice . 48:) __...___....___.._______..._.._..._._._._ `5?@8&@@@@@@@@@@@@3@@&@E$@3@@@ Tinursday, (Novemh_r\ 27, 1924. >I0I<%%>K< PE &%%mm ICUIILU LUL `u 0 Frank Blue ited friends i end. `M- .....1 A FURNISHED HOUSE to rent. Apply 19 Worsley St. _ 48c Mrs. J. A: Hamilton. , Mr. and M1 route for -a s T7|..-..I- T)l.. .. ellll. Mr. and ;\ Orillia spent ; Wm. Lowe. \ M -.- 1) In...` VV Illa LJU W U. Mrs. R. Fr of Hamilton - ton. `Victoria `III... II LU. V u.uu1u.| Mrs. H. Donald are $1 parents in P: Jr null \1 Capt. and ing to Torm when the oi : Captain's hi: a family 11:: Dr. S. M. L ' -since Capt. Barrie. The friends iv reaching fol `hearty. ' Built: anu_ .\n Donald R0. of the execu erals at :1 n` ` this week. Ill..- Y\K.. L , pZ1Il'llbh III In Mr. and .\ ford St., an,- `Sane and Ni: `l\......l,l I).\. IJIIB WUCXX. Miss Maho Hospital spa! parents, Mr . Sanford St. Vernon IV Morgan of I vMrs. M01';z:zm Harry Marr. Myra D `T .l1ull'_V Lurun. Mrs. B. J of Zion City onto visited "Hill. Sophia H. Litstor ,'R. P. Mc_r1'j Mrs. J. S. the rst tim on Thursday `the afternnu the evening-;, 85 Worsley _ceive with M __....._...__..____._......_._....._......._ TO LET~-Rooms suitable for ligh housekeeping. 48 Bayfie1d_St.H ._ _1_8] . . .I`~- . U. `.1 I .x Cuyahozra 1% 117 'l\ f"....V.. >I4>X<>X<%>I & mmm%s A quiet w St. Andrew` `Rev. J. S. "'26. when .\ daupzhtw Hf `nie. Barrio. \\ Arthur K+"1(- The brim- 21" tailm-or] .~: with hat tn fox fur. Sh ter, Vern. w `Canton <-rep ported by .\h 'I`hn hridv })_Ul'Lt'.u I)_\ .\II The h,rid- beautiful an out glamsrxx-:1 phone stuff .1-troom. V Vlnn `itnlilxl. _'L(I`UuIII. The hum_ train for .\I they will I`(` Trinity '1 -day Nnvm the scene `Nliss Ida l\ (`.reswir~kn wicko. In-4` neth SUV)! Mrs, Lum- in_*:'s 1\Iill.< docorntml _fr=vn.~x by 1 Guild. -'I_` had yr-Ham `pnlo, ;.r1-um pews )4-xv `bon. The; ley. Offivi wicko pluj choir ]n'_(-- 'T`h0 Vniv "F110 hrirle _.....,, Mr 11 I III ' ll Iv Hmvsrm \`h:1rrninL: pl"e.'i,t(-dA 5.:< 'R1'1ls2 (`rm Shnpv `hv 1101- n `l'2l,[) nuup by 1101' n hem of ho 2'0( . ht- She onrri With Shrw Alice Cm Bird \\'(`l't ..... .\\nn\- 3001) HOME AND CARE for aged` person may be had by applying to Box (3. Barrie Examiner Office. . 48p lIUCD (|.|l\1 iVVLT,\\ ('(v\\ flowers of hat with In and stnoki riod Vic-rm: to mntz-h 1 attended 1. ick Strut}: Hmzrh Th-n, M:1u`ri<-o 1-" Ill |llll flowc-r.~ 1....` ... lll_| \\I||I shoes ..'m< ..... .-AH`. . uluvm_\ mother. Strothm Cres\\'i<- n rrr\vIV1\ Dtlrinu the Ohni Porfo('t ' AA nu;-1. ll. }-"7\\ll `H with R`l`(`}' ostrich tip Strothm`. gown:-I ix `trimming mine scar Vlnn Ix.-4. IIIIIIU _BLI| I The hric crepe xvh} brovvn.cn: the groan: "FF; A nwvr Lu!` p.'.1'uun` The grr bridesmzm set of `mu. pin. and t Mr nn pill. i 1.|lU U Mr. and 60A Vvelle return fro United St THREE on EoUR'RooMs TO LET: Cheap. Apply to 59_Park St. 47-48p The m< men's Inst of lira. day, 1)ec Christmas bars and svven the forts for `llnn I)" LUl' LS LUI` Mrs. Bu Shouldice musical 5: orous sto All Us-\n IJIUUB B LUI VAII me to make t cesa. BARRIE sTRQi :--. FURNISHED ROOM TO nr without hnm-A (`an+yvol b1..,..... r un.ruur11y.|J nuum '.l'U ri.1`J.N'J.'. Wltn or without board. Central. Phone 704W. V '46-5111 5.. `TO REN'I.`---'I`wo unfurnished front rooms. 74 Peel St. 48p . ? FOR SALE-- -New. butt pressed brick ve-roamed bungalow: _a. xtull-sized basement and attic: all conveniences: ot_k_._ pm and electric mantel. 1 almost `BL; V E. "1'-Auck. .build.e_r tand..cq;;.tractor.A;` complete: "nea.r` ~ma.rIm1-_-- HAlI"'1lrn`Av- STRAYED from [lot 3, Con. 1, F103, '1 red yearling white-faced steer with zringin top and bottom of right ear. Any person knowing of it please notify John M. Johnson; Phelpston, Box 32'. 47-490 - ` STRAVED from lot 1.-Con. 14, Innis- 111. red heifer withewhite star in fore- head (missing: since August 1), also wed and white steer (missing since October). Information thankfully re- ceived by '1`. Robins. R.R., 2, Allan- dale. ,. 46-4811 STRAYED from lot 17. Con. 1, F103. on or about October 21 last. a. white now with black spot on side. Any person knowing of` same please notify Ernest Knupp. Mlnesing. Phorig . . - D STRAYED to lot 6, Con. 4, Oro 'rp., onered steer. white star. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. ' Apply to C. N Nixon, 138 Mary St.. Barrie. ' 48:3 STRAYED from lot 16. Con . 5, Vespra. red heifer white spot on face, rlsingv -two. Anyone knowing of same please notify Jack Dunn R.R. 3. `Barrie. * 48-4911 \ S'I`RAYED-Into pas-ture, lot 19. Con. 3. Oro. 2 yearling cattle, _on May 8. owner may have same on proving ownership and paying expenses. Lid- gold Bros., Shanty Bay; 48-60p LOST---Gold scapular medal and chain `on Saturday, Nov. 22..between St. Mary's Church and down town. Find- er please return to 64 Elizabeth St... upstairs. _ 48p ' LOST--Between` Barrie and ,Htllsdale. Sunday evening, Nov. 23,Tparcel, con- ' taming dry goods. Mrs. Frank Dum- tord, Coldwater. 4. -189 LOST---Around `Craighurst. `black and white hound, male. Apply 250 Brad-.- ` nrd St. Allnnrlnln. ' ` d.R'n IIILU HUUHLI, lIll1.lU. vgrd SI ... Allandale. .n.; nu. juucx. .nu11a.e_z-A lan ` complete: "nea.r` "ma.rk gt.' " see 'r'6wn`er` Ihone 850.)`. V ' M . 44-50!: AGENTS.--Get; in a. profitable all-year commission business of your own. Every property owner is a customer or prospect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equipment and instructions free. Write`-DOMINION NURSERIES, MONTREAL. 40-64eow LOS'I`--Silver bar pin, set with bril-I iiants, about 2 inches long. Finder` phone 411. .` 480' LOS'1`-Bla.ck and tan -hound with tour` `white feet. Return to Kenneth.Ra._.vn- or, Allandale. 47c W'AN'.I.`ED---Capable man with small capital for best business opening In `Barrie. Exclusive contract. Good {or three hundred dollars per month up. Burnall Corporation of Canada, Hamilton, Ont. . .48p Oiie cent Ii. wbrd, cash, lion (minimixm charge. 25): Tsixein`- eel-t1o`n_s [tor the `price of tour; .10- cents.' extra when cY1arged;_' also 10 cents extra. when replies are direcfede to Examiner,` Ottlce; . . . WANTED for general house `work. Write Mrs. Trombly, Belle Ewart P.O._ , 4sttc GOOD GENERAL SERVANT wanted: three in family; girl from country `home preferred. Apply 194 Bradford St. Phone 259. T 481) ADLET COLUMN 5 *****%*%****%%* PORTABLE -"SAWMILL WANTED, without power., Apply to Thomas Ellsmere, Edgar, Ont. ' 48-49pA FORD RACER MOD L WAN'I.`ED,- g1ustb_e__in_.good`condit on, `state t_e_rn_1_s . 1"U'SU .l.SA.U1.`J11 ULUU u vv :1. Lay, - must be ingood condit terms. Box C." Examiner Office. . 46-49p EIGHT-ROOM` BRICK HOUSE tor aale. Centra.l.- Apply to 19 Ow}: gt. FOWL JUNK, HIDES. DEERSKINS AND i*URs wanted. Highest prices aid. H. Levit. Phone 384. or write . .0. Box 542. A 45-60.01 giiw$w%%%$$m&x Page V'!'.we`lve Property` F or Sale ' V Rooms` and Board Pfoperty To Let . Farms For Smale I-08* a9!_F9'!9s'_ Help Wanted` "Want53 " . TO RENT-6-roomhungalow, 44 Don- ald St., all modern conveniences, in- elud1ng- sunhouse. Immediate posses- sion. Apply Phone 611174. 44-50 5 W611 SE 43,-48o ugul. 4.39.. `au- 48p I A "WONDERFUL INVENTION: Radio sure is one wonderful inven- tion . . . . ..bringin music an lectures on news right through tho air t your fireside, And what the radio is t your home` Newspaper Advsrtisin should be 1: your business. it'll broad- oost your bargains oloiarly......with- out any -static` and over any wave |ength...,..and bring t your ears the welcome notes of Bigger Profits." Tune in!" _ V ` - RQYAL cmc. ;IND, -WILTON COURT HOTELS, Jarvis & .Dunda.s .Sts., Toronto. `Rooms with Bath- Single $1.50 to` $2.00--Double `$2.00 to $3.00; . Garage. Dining Rogn. M . ce __....j______..._.....__._ '1`AXIDERMY-Hunters, ship your spe- cimens to be mounted by latest moth- proof methods. W. G. Ormsby, Tax- idermist, Orillia. Phoge 783r32. 47-49p NEW MUSICAL SENSATIO'N--[The Hawaiian 4 Art Violin, -producing the charming tones of-`iviolin and guitar combined, easy to play at once,- no music. no lessons, `send for picture and description. Ha.rr`y_Tomkin, Cookefsi Chambers,-'0ril1ia.. ` _ A 48-49:) `PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING DONE. First, class work. Prices reasonable. Applyat 51 Grove St. F. Fleming. . . 45-51p gun: a nuuxxa unu cnuuren's_Sl'.0cK-' ings done by machine at reasqnable rates. `Phone 1_053M. 48c HAIR DRESSING done by.Mrs. .D. 0. Howard. Bring your cor_nb1ngs_ and have 9; goodswltchv made. `26 Mulcas- ter St. ' _ - `_ T 84tc HOUSE TO LET--9-roor_n housewlth all conveniences. ve minutes walk from post office. For full particulars apply to 77 McDonald St. .44-50:) :: CLIP and give them comfort._ Barrie Veterinary Hospital. _ ,48p MEN'S SOCKS and ch11dren's,stock- inn: nnn hv monkino no ms.-.=.......-.1..1..[ FOR SALE-A fancy, high-stepping driving mare. also rubber-tired buggy, nearly new. _Apply L. W. Armstrong, Minesing. Phone Minesing Central. - 48 DRIVER FOR SALE,cheap. Apply to W. J. Fraser, opposite Union Cem- etery or phone 1052, `afternoons and evenings. ` ' 48p YORKSHIRE PIGS-Correct bacon type, $5.00 each, either sex.` First come first served. H. `M. _ Dyment, Barrie. Phone 368. b 47tfc FOR SALE-A number of brown Leg`-I horns, _cockerels, bred-to-lay : strain. Prices zreasonaiile. Apply Box 55, Cookgtown; 48:) ' 1::- NINE Rhoda ` stra'.in, Eccles FOR SALE--A good work ma.r'e, or will exchange for good driver. : Ap- ply at the Palace Livery`... 48c A I DULUIILLU, 60 Phone 993W. FOR SALE on '1`0'RENT-J-Concession 1, west half of Lot 34, Vespra. Apply "to S. E.','1`urner, .70 Toronto St.. Bar- rie. 46-51v 50-ACRE FARM for sale. close` to Barrie. Annlv tn Rm: (3 unmann- FOR SALE OR RENT--200 acres. lot 32; Con. 6, Essa. Good clay loam: two barns and small house. '1`hos.1 Adams: R.R. No. 2. Barrie. 46-51p `II. 1 . \XJ'l\.I..IJ.I.LV.I.`.i U13 UUILJJ LILLJ ENGINE '1 .or_sale. In good running .ord,er. Also two _hound pups. N ;_ D`. Lidgold, Shanty `Bay. 48-53p WOOD FOR SALE-4-ft. hardwopd, also some poplar. '4-t., all dry. and pine rails for kindllng.= Delivered at Barrie. Write for prices to Box 664, Barrie P.O. _ , 48-1p "FOR SALE--E1ectric,hea.ter from` $5.50 up; `also the signal Ifbn that indicates the heat. Vacuum cleaner to rent. . Vsutcliffe, 28 iWilliam St., `Allandale. `Phone 993W. V AK-F-On STOVE FOR SALE-'-Quebec` heater ` two weeks. - . Owner is giving up house. Apply to 70 Small St.. _ 48p with ove1'1,'vand waterfront, used only- IVVOOD AND LUMBER for sale. De- livered any ~pla.ce in Barrie. Wood $10.00 box load. Apply to. W. B. Quantz, Stroud telephone.. , 48tfc in `good condition, good-fire bricks and reservoir. Apply` E; H. Robinson. Box 230, Cookstown . _ 46-51p HOME} COMFORT` RANGE .for sale." 11/_; -H.P. International gasoline en- gine for sale.` Also pump jack. Used only two we ks. Apply to A. A. Garv- ln,~ring 603- 2, Mldhurst. 47-48p wovop COOKING sirovm. very cheap, good condition, -fine baker. Would suit farmer. 56 Mary St. `48c "BUY HIM A. SHIRT in a. boi for Christmas at H. J. wissf. A 48t_f9' : 1331'!` 02:11 `HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE.v..in"c1uding walnut parlor suite. .Appl`y:~ta 79 `Owen St. f 48-49c_ FOR SALE-Brown Buffalo cloth driv- ing robe,;a1so man's`coon coat, both in good condition.` 183 Owen St; I Phone 98913`. . 48D FOR SALE--Gentleman's "fur-lined overcoat. No reasonable offer refus- ed. -Apply to Geo. Drury, 60 Mary St... Barrie. ,' A R; 47-48p .l.lJ.l!Jl1l.J. VV UUJJ J.'.l..DlJ'L'.l.'JJ.1.- .l.Ul'. SH.IU` Burns large or smgll wood, only` used a. few months. Also some potato bags. Apply 71 I-ligh,St'. . _ 48p j D5-H.P. GASOLINE on COAL on) WRYQIME '~Pnn adln Tn fI`t\(\l1 nuluninrr FOR. SALE---`Apples; gbod varieties`: ~ Cparles Miller, Ppo_ne_ 605r4. f 480 5FV0`R sALE'-`-Quarter-cut. oak buffet. A in good condition. Apply 62 William St_.,' Ailandale. 48c MALONE LAKE GOLD MINES. 5.000 [shares at 12. cents per share. (This is not- pooled stock). PQO`. Box 0267. Barrie. _ ,. V - 48-4A9c - IDEAL. WOOD` HEATER. for sa.le. Tlnrnu Iavcrn nn drnnll nrnn nnlu` nun:-I` DEER SKINS RAW FURS I-[IDES-SKINS STRAYED from lot_2, Con. 3. Vespra, about July 15, three yearling cattle (yellow heifer. red-heifer and red steer with piece out. of point of right ear). `Any information regarding same will` be appreciated by Wm. Brennan, Mid- `hurst P.O. ~ 48 ".'.'M,`ARK.{E`;T} s _I..i_vWSt9ck qr Sale For Sale hr To Eat CAMPINE HENS, and one Island Red cockerel. laying, `for. sale. \__ Wilson Johnston.` 14 St. A 48c `Misceuaneoug Hotels ` I`-`o%r :---- -f-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. furn- ished or unfurnished. Apply to Thos. McKinney, 196 Owen St. ` 47-48p.