RDAY i _. . -_. _, n1s4lJlJAllCD . It was a merry partylthat afterwards . Mrs. Arthur Smith where the renast I assembled at the home of Mr. and was served. The bride's mother wore a. becoming dress of_ beaded black crepe and-Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Dutton isuper-intended the`tab1es. In his toast 5 to say about her. the decorated church. the silver surprise at Ha1lowe'en and the collection of beautiful wedding gifts ! themselves spoke more eloquently than -words. He contented him_self by con- rrv-nh-uln+.'..~ H. - ----- -- .,.-_._, up; ' A1'th1 served n 1...v..u..:-- IIIIKIEL. After the cerc Adams, who _offi( was the first mar in the church an mark.the event. ing the bride.t0 receive the marri present, at the S2 every happiness. It was $1 `rhnv-vv historic engagements att Ypres, Mons, the Marne and on the Somme. He is a. native `of the ancient English bor- ough of Leicester of which place. his father is..a. burgess and business man, and since coming to this country has shown a commendable adaptability and resourcefulness which augur Well for the new home now founded_ in our midst. APO-nu cl..- --nA- ` " done `I1. CVCIIIH ing the _re-instatement of John B9w- man as samtary Inspector. Chief Case asked for. a uniform` c t for Constable Rayner. , I John Pentnn gel.-ml r.m......:......;.. 4.- The Board of Health wrote advis- mw. was rexerrea to committee. . Frank Moberly wrote calling at- tention" to the condition of the trees] in town. many of which are dead and others in then last stages of decay. Mr. Moberly suggested the Council ask the Provincial Government to lend them a tree expert to make a thorough examination and offered to place himself at their disposal in such event. i ,-nL`1-`(,1 nou -- __ -__-c -vn. \.IA.v\.CL'a A petition "was received from the `grocers o--Barrie asking `that a by- law be passed requiring grocery stor- T es to close every -night except Satur- day except during Fair week and on ,nights preceding a holiday. The pet- ition was referred to committee. Frank Mnhnvltr vlnnni-A no-1`--- '-`- L1 B6: A. B. Thomas was given` permission I to chisel offthe curb at his driveway on Bradford St. _ 5-..-.. mu. uzqucau wuulu De" contrary to the spirit of a resolution passed some time ago that no more permits would be granted for gaso- line pumps on Dunlop or Elizabeth \ Sts. between Mulcaster and Bradford Sts. M |.JLDo Men's Pure Wool Heavy Underwear, specially pric- ed at , . . . $1-35 an--an--5 Men's Boys . . . . .- . Youths . . . . Women's . . . Misses . . . Children's -.--_, nu; u_y uaL11t: uauyers U 10: loaf We patronize home industry and solicit your business. Money spnt'here stays in Barrie. Ill \lal'l.IJ Made fresh and tempting every day by Barrie bakers, ` `F ..., "nu pu.u.;xau:u, stated that this :he marriage to be solemnized e and that hedesired to .the events This he did by ask- he brideto be good enough to Ie marriage fee as a wedding nt, same time wishing her - .._______________._... Tiger or Canada Brand Catsup . . Large bottle 24 j ..___.___.__._..______.__.._. Cloverleaf or Red Crowh Salmon . . . . Large tin 39 .._____________.__- 139 Dnlop St, Barrie. vs How r Pay Job I hninnn .....:_1 um ceremony, Kev. W . H. . officiated, stated that this 5 marriage fn ho unlnrnr-v'-n-` DRY c;ooD Easirst` Shortening 3-lb. pail 48 _ First Quality Rubjberg at Spgcial -Prices Fine Rubbers M ,Work F:1bb]1ersbl k Ova,-31,0 S ' ' ' ' ' ' ' `L35 {nit $11133e%friceas3.1sa:.I Men's 2'bCkle ` - n - t`oo' 1 s . ol; o o - . o o I` . . . . . . pan` s Prise .' . . . . $ : 0 pr. Boys , Lbuckle, en's $1.10 pair ' Yt<:)ut11s.psg;e'ty.e;IS: priced at : es .. .' . . . . .. 95 pair Men s,, 4-eyelet, red sole, Women's, 4-buckl ren s . . . . . . A8`0c' pair _ s_nagproof,>price $3.65 pair for quick sale, 3 , _ __.._`. nav- Closing for Grocers 4.2.4..` , ' . $_l:35 pair $1.10 pair 5 95: pair 1's .; . . ..95cpair :n ` celjemony. Rev. W. Offlcmted, gfnfn Hso+ +1..:... P!"3A!5 . T_(_> _i>_AY Mom-: FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS MITTS `Youths , lined. . . . . 45.; may Men's, lined . . 65 pair... Men s, horsehide pullover- " ___Q E - _ A 2-` Peel, lemon, or orange-- . T --29c 15 Shelled Walnuts .. 47c lb Currants, choice . . 15c lb D'ates. new . . lbszfor 25_c Figs, new . . . 2 lbs. for 25 Raisins, new.. 2 lbs. for 25 Apple Cider, Allen s 15c qt. Cocoa, bulk,.. 3 lbs. for 25 Cocoanut, Featherstrip-- -14]]. 1.1-. ' LOVE-YOUTH - LAUGH TEF2:SONG C()()I|)Z()$( );o;o;)2r;;::o;;o;n4-..;..:.._ ; , - _ H/ILPH THO5 KETTERING A GOQGEOUS 3 clinic 3 ACT DPODUCTION OP/G//VAL CA5 T /NTACT m ms comeov success K'L5""**" RALPH THO5. /(F TT/-`DI/vr: j ujvj\Ij()iI_().()Q(lQI!().(|-()j()`(_() (|-()Q A/Y/Y!/AL 1175910 T0!/R D/}"ct/`on.//I//f.fP[l//Y/(ff?)Inc: - THE POPIJIAR INTERNATIONAL SINGING STAR A Two $2.iiii'.'s1.\-5175' "1-:3: . Two $1.50.SEATS 1-"on . . Two $1.00 SEATS FOR , . Two 50c SEATS 1-`on . . g . , - __-_-_ z 5...; uacx to be g: saw me and my company at out r capacity houses everywhere. I I a great play -- and a great cast. take the public into your conde: Engagement at regular prices.` condence in it; otherwise I couic first introductory performance at ___,-.... -- 1118!! all non- rate will be my oosters for my "Repeater Engagement -- It takes years for in star to become a popular local favorite -- I do so by my plan on one visit -- I after year. but I do so on my r: - -- so that I have hundreds of bol ment -- Just think, a real live I -- and, well -- you say the rest a movie. n,,- -`I ` I r, and I am girdling th ' ' e greeted by the same rate prices, and`! wilt know from expAerie: play and a m..... ....L -- ~ _ -.. ~ uucy (I0 IIOI know me but they will after my first appearance -- wherever I appear with my company for the first time -- I sign two contracts -- First, A`My Intro- duction Contract -- Second, `My Repeater Contract -- I have a clause in my First Con- -tract that the scales of prices must be at cut rates -- Local managers all say it cheapens my production, my company and myself -- That's all sense -- Local theatre-goers are not familiar mm. I-nn -- ---- Theatre-goers have so often, and I them for being ske erything new -. me * ucu usc . 47cstw- IN HIS COMEDY Io: TWO CONTINENTSI ,,_- _._-.... uuu your conndenc agement I idence could performance at I If` A- `-"`* MY swan KILLARNEY ROSE D AY, DREAMS SHAMROCK LEAVES THE WELCOME on THE MAT suxsc.I.Dvl.11)"" -4-K lb. 14 ,-.,-- -uvI= IIGCII tooled , don't blame ' skeptical of ev- new -- H-A" -'- " HEAR GRlFflN smc. =\\IEC1' III] I Ann.-.. .._--/1 ' have been fabled "J I ;__y,_ Ll, 5 -ncpucl 0|` the? do not than ...:n ..c._._ _L - ._..... ... uvcu sun: tne world "ice records in Australia, New Zealand, England 2 Uriited States of America -- I don't take year first visit by my special cut rate plan mclreds boosters for my `Repeater Engage- ,- _--,-.....u.c tlli I IIBVB eat My motto of success has been, condence. I will return for my `Repeater I must have all} claim I have and se not or would not dare give my nance these cut rate prices. n-nu Men's Fleece-Lined Under- wear, best quality, priced at . . . . . .\. . . 95 garment Men s, 2-buckle, real value at . . . . $3.59 pair `Boys `,1-buckle, speially . . . . . $1.95 pair 4-buckle, priced f_or~quick sale, $3.95 pair We dehiver o}ders of $2.00 or over. C.O.D. or cash when order given at store. Jelly Powders All avozfs, 3 plcgs. for 23 ______.__________? IRELAND as HEAVEN Tone vssn LA c;uua3Ar=rom PAGLIACU `IN THE GARDEN or TO-MORROW - and ofher operatic and Favorite melodies ' in Zealana Eaten n` A........:__ I u . DRY Goons .__________.___ St. Lawrence Sugar 1 00-lb. bag $8.25 > N... 3-------5 lulu gxune tor tn. acted faces that once te will be greeted by now experience that I have stgccess has -A I -..:II _- , -' Special Bulk Tea 58 I5 Overshoes Wednesday` 5333 L Extract; rant 1 (1.. .- uQu;u::o:o;>;;ou. llll-A -'-. . ._ ,_ __, . . . . . . (`$1.00 EACH . . . . . . . . . '75c EACH . . . . . . . . . 50c EACH . . . . . . . . . 25 EACH - vu u-_y ucnl. VISII ts at a premium _. That thelobe for the 7 the lalno.F:.~-- lL_a. -__- ;"'1'b'c`,'3 for 25c 35c, special 25c } Phone 1'85. lic into my coqdence, : proved that the world guy 7nnl,...l E---3--3 .26 . my next visit :IIv-n M - TL-`L Fm ve - 1 w. your fdst jug for your NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act" that all persons having claims against-the Estate of Matilda Young, late of the Township nof Innlsfil in the County of Simcoe; widow, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of November. 1924, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- e fore the 10th day `of December. 1924, after which da'te the executrix will distribute the assets of the M estate among those entitled thereto. having: regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that she will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. _ . . ALEXANDER COWAN. \ Execu_trix' Solicitor. -47-49c v l- `Barrie, Ont. J DATED Nn\'Dmhnr 19 109,: ~ ' `I i-__-,_.-..... .........:.a rut Luc mus, neavy quality rubber with rolled sole and solid heel, 6-inch leather top. Youths sizes 11 to _13 priced at .-.\ . . . . . . .s {$2.35 Boys sizes 1 to 5 priced at . . . .' . . . . . . . . . $2.70 anu Ldlluly. ' V Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Lawrence and Mrs- F. Leeson motored `to Barrie on Tuesday. , . Mrs. N. Asaph of Barrie spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Jos. Martin. ' Some of the hunters have returned rafter their trip to the north country, with very little game so far. The remains of the late Jno. B. `McLean of Letroy were ,interred in St. John's cemetery here on Wednes- day. ' M ..__--vu On buying Rubbers from us, w ether they be for-the grown-ups or for the little` folk, you are sure of getting the best qualities and fit that money_ can buy, as we sell only the most reliable Dominion-made Rubbers. D Boys Pure Guni Rubbers , high 6-eyelet style with heavy rolled sole and solid heel?,a neat-`appearing and good- wearing rubber. Youths" sizes 11. to 13', priced $2.15 Boys sizes 1 to 5. priced . . . . . . . . ; . . . . $2.40 Men s Rubbers in same style asabove at . . . . . . $2.95 Snagproo Rubbers for the lads, heavy quality rubber 6-inch .-.\. .i . $2.35 5 at MEN'S QNACDDOBD nl tnnn:-in --- A- -- uay . and Hy. (poleman of Barrie attended the funeral of the late Mrs. , Jebb on Sunday. - ' -Ben Hokea s' six-man orchestra. in Wilf17ed'Knowles, Freeman `Campbell L.u day. quut: IUW. 1 Mrs. Alex. McCullough and son Jack spenta few days with friends at Thornton. A Mica T `l\/l'.~.`l'\n...~.:.a l\` rn....-_'L, J. Ul'IlI.UTl 0 Miss J. McDermid of Toronto snout over Sunday with `Mrs. W. Leegson and family. ,6} Mr cu`-a '.'\/Tm: Vnn "' ----A- - - ' ` George buff is still `conltlrned to owing to illness. 1 l- e Mitchell Reilly "of ' Saskatchewan is visiting at his home here. " " Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cousevisited with triends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Arnold snent the week-end with Toronto friends. Miss Jessie McClain of Toronto] "spent the past week at her home here. I Cookstown can "now boast of a `Su- perior Store, carried on by H. Fisher. I _ R. Houghton of Barrie was in town on Tuesday loading honey for ship- ping. ' l . V ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman and fam- ily visited with `friends here on Sat- urday. fiffn Au-nnlri .-.47 1xr:...1...... 1. "Ln- all our sed for 5, caps, asruulu. ` I Miss M. Baker, who went to Barrie Hospital five weeks ago, is at present quite low. ' Mr: A lav '1ur..n..n..-__.:. -.. :- I NOTICE TO CREDITOR; Arnold of Vvlndsor is `visiting - with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Arnold . Jinn `MI DfI`FI\II| -..L- -.--__4 L, u-- - | `>1-x<>x<-I-vxsoxg vxon vltvlt-I:.>I0IiT[<-.; _ 999! 5 E _ _- .. vvwcv `Tim!-slay, N; va'i'ubu-_ I zszuzabeth s:., BARRIE. Phone and we call. igh` with ,a 13, priced . :2 $2.95 l...l_ L-- " mah.v ngs, 111 s. mari- ' ue, .per- green, mlst T * 7 , pink, d :1 lot 0 num- ; all in wool, Ie,.Fri- __--:-----:--- Way. " Nov. 24, beginning. - .. ......u, amu survives . The remains were laid to rest 1 John's Cemetery on Sunday, Nov The pa]! bearers were Wm. Dinw F. H. Robinson, Geo. *Moir, D Coleman. H. G. Donnell.and VS Broley. Those from a distance ? attended the funeral, were. Mr. Mrs. VV.~J. Jbb, GordonsJebb. ford Fisher, Miss A. Griffith, ] Verner, Gordon McLeod, Miss Gil and Mr. and Mrs; R. McKnight, onto; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cole Major Knowles,` F. G. Campbell, rie; James ardlne and Watson E Beeton. . ' ' ,.....c.u.s LU uanaaa and _settled on lot. `3, Con. 8. Essa. ' After her marriage to Barry Jebb she resided on lot 24. Con. 13, Tecumseth, until_the death of `her husband min 1878., sine which time shehas been a resident ,of Cooks- town._ . u . ` There are four children `left tomourn the loss of a dear mother: Mrs. T. McKnight and Mrs. Chas. Fisher.~ of`Cookstown: Mrs. James Morrison of Chicago. and V . J . Jebb. Toronto One sister, Mrs. James Griffith of Toronto, also survives. N Thu Inn---`-- ~-* .ucu 5a.: CL .1600. I-I-;I.;'r1e late Mrs. Jebb was born fix Ireland, on Christmas Day, 1843`. At the age of two years she came with her ,parents to Canada and settled f -3, Q03. 8, After her rnnrrior-A rcuuzeu. ` `-" - - Mr. "and,-.Mra. D. McKnight. ;Mr. t and.Mrs. _'Wm: Jebb and son Gordon. Mr. Verner. Mr. McLeod. .Miss A. "Griffith. -and Clifford Fisher, an of `Toronto. attended the funeral of the M late Mrs. Barry Jebb here` on Sunday. Word was received hereronTMonda.v evening of the'dea`th -of Jno. B.','Mc- Lean of 'VLefroy, a former7resident of this community. - He farmed here. until` about six` years `ago xwhen he moved "to Lefroy. Mr. McLean had been in poor health for the past three years bugwasstaken down sudden_ly at the last, being only. two weeks con- finedto bed. His wife was `a daughter of Mrs. James Beatty of this place and a sister o_f the deceased. Mrs. James Campbell, lives here... Mr. McLean was highly respected by all who knew him. . --`A The Late Mrs. Barry Jebb One of the old residents of Cooks- town and one heldin high esteem by all who knew her. Dassed awayyon. ;November 14, 1924. in.the person of `Mrs. Margaret Jebb. Vkn var, ,, l..4.- uuau` um 8.8800l8.te8. ' The W.A_.. or st., John's Churdchv held a, bazaai` and, tea on Saturday evening which was a decided suc- cess, over_ one hundred dollars being realized . rt n-.3 II..-` I\ up 9- . - . _A Cookstoyvn on/_ Friday /eve`niA_ng.-' Nov. 21. rTh1s isvthe ia.stdance' of the"seas- on in Cookstown. ` 47c . Dr; Banting of Barrie gave us a friendly call on ' Saturday. Cooks-' Atown people are always `pleased f.d'see` their old associates. Th`: `IT A of Q6 1'..I._I._ t~I_.AH I ~napJ|cl4lI\2G .WllL' 3 unefai vvere. and Clif- Griffith manh- - .-vvua in. St. ry Sundav T\Tn-n an .. u_ uuu LU (CHI. In St. Nov. 16. were Dinwoody,` ., D. H. W. J. from a difnnnn 117701` \1u1 uUH`-JCDD. Clif- Eddie :Leod, Gilmore Tor-" s. Coleman. Bar-' and Wafnhn `Dr-urn pzuupr_)eu,- Har- Rowe. u .a.na W J .who 'Rll3. Tlfvv 01 --`I1 9...... ug nan-an uxaunulll. St. Jude's Anniversary Services 11 a.m. and 7 D.m. . Preacher, Rev. Capt. J. F.` Tupper. Morning anthems: I Will Feed My Flock" (Caleb Simper), Praise the Lord, O.Jerusaler_n (J. H. Maunder). Evening anthems: For All The Saints (Bert - F. Couper), -Hark, Hark, My Soul" (Harry R. Shelley). Rev. Thos. J. Dew. B.D., Rector. Dunkley-JoAnes - Egbert church. bright with flowers and foliage -which had been arranged by many willing hands, was filled with an interested congregation on the evening of. Nov. 14 to witness the wedding of Miss Nellie Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Mrs. Jones (now Mrs. Arthur Smith) and the late Rich- ard James Jones to Mr. Frederick Buckley Dunkley. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dunkley. Mrs. `Alfred Ingham was at the organ and played the bridal chorus from Wagner's, Lohengrin as the bride entered the church, and Mendelssohn s wedding march as the newly-married pair and their attendants left the building. Dur- ing the signing of_the register, Mr. Gordon'Henry of Thornton delighted everyone with his fi e musical bari- tone in the `solo..wh ch he had been requested to sing; and subsequently was armly thanked and compliment- in her gown of white Canton crepe which was trimmed with radium lace andseed pearls. , She also wore a long -tulle veil and eath of orange blos- some and cargigd a sheaf of white chrysanthemums. Miss - Ellen Elphick - was bridesmaid.-` and was dressed in silk Canton crepe in the new cocoa colored shade. Mr. Elwood R. Jen- rnett was groomsman. - . ~~ ;The groom is the youngestof three . brothers whorhappily. are all surviv- ors from among the heroic host who saved our imperilled civilization.-,~in th"e',Great War. Despite his vigorous ed. . he bride looked. extremely well . ...... ...... - nvubaua LILU 2u'l`lVd.l OI tnye Dale of quilts which -had been sent there. Mrs. W. Boake read the devotional. leaflet and Miss Doane. Mesdames Lennox. Henry and tmieson took up the allotted portions of the very in- teresting study book, China's Real Revolution." Mrs. Adams gave a brief report of the Convention at Alliston, speaking especially of the addresses lgiven by Miss Brackbill. Q1. l_,, , LU UUIISH. to whic' another 3 men's N also. 'mAl\ RY. ..-~-4 1.IA\.rvA\.I,JLl _U)' There will be : evening next S11] church owing to vices in St. "Jud , One the following ary report for .t be discussed. T report, is of uni` among otherrthir missionary incor. Methodist churcl to considerably o which must nnnf-`hon la.-:14! .~.nn !\Jll\-`IIL ycuu UL ld.s`5l. WE ! The Women's Inst home of Mrs. Ernest bnesday, November 12. appointed to attend vention in Toronto, N( ages of Christmas sez . from Toronto` to be-.s Muskoka Free Hospit Jamieson read a shor grain Carpet. The propriate poster whic Mrs. W . H. Adams p: entered for competiti vention next week, W fore being sent away. was provided by the h 'l'1Inn..... ....'n 1.- .. cu'u.l uuecs on mandolin an Rally Day service was Methodist Sunday School afternoon. Several recit: given by: Pfimary pupil, ` ther," Oswa'ld McKenzie: Other Boys Like Me," Jam Junior. girl, The Little f and I," Dorothy. Maile; a entitled, The Good Neighb ward Powell. Everybody is glad to lear' (D12) Roy_Blackstock and sufficiently recovered from ious injuries to be able t4 hospital. They arex now .l for at the home of her 1): and My-Q T.n'ln:u- n4 `hr---~ nko, J. A. R. gh`. The boys were order- e done, a to- ` unumne L ._. St. Jude's Parish Guild-held a suc- cessful bazaar on Nov.. 15 in the base- ment of the church. Tea was served during the afternoon. In the evening `a short programme was provided for those who wished to stay. It consisted of readings, solos, addresses and sev- eral duets on mandolin and guitar. T Rally Dav servine wan hnhl a... nu 11. v V I Ivjeonard and Herman Thompson and .. Agar are back from the hunter's ` camp in the Parry Sound"district, and hard at work` once more after their holiday. The Methodist W.M.S. wil1.ob- serve their.annual Day of Prayer on Friday. Nov. 28. Meeting `will be held at the home of `Mrs. J.-W. Henry at 2.30 p.m. All ladies invited.. W. H. Campbell has shipped a mix; ed carload "of stock weekly for the last four weeks "for. the United Farm- ers. He reports the prices received very. satisfactory, considering the market, A ' A ' Q`. 1',`-`,,`l,. `r..._.l_I, I! "- ` _-. ".3. ..... uuu auuVLV.ll'. `JUHH U0!` Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lennox their sons, George `and Joseph, mot to Midland on Saturday. They much interested in sights of that ` town .` Tl\(\u~:n:-`pa ...._.1 vv, -- _----._.-... .......caua. m aucenaance. 47c Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Simpson of VVinnipeg spent a few days this Week with ,the 1 prmer s sisters. Mrs. Jas. R. Jamieson andVMrs. John Corbett. A.` with y motored Saturdmn 'I`hmr m---- uuuveutlon. _ . V 4' ~.1VLr. and Mrs. Vernon Fletcher and their two little daughters were guests at the Dunkley-Jones wedding in Eg- berth 1ast"week. _ _ Revl R. B. and Mrs. Beynon of Bolto .were in town last week and Miss. Doane went home with them for her usual 'winter stay. 7 { ----A4 second performance of The Dust of the Earth will be given in Pzjesbyterian church. Stroud. Nov. 26. Excellent orchestra in attendance. 47c Mr. and It/rm. tr 1.1- =4----~-~ - uutsl. cnurcn. . Misses Minnie Culbert and Wilma Thompson have gone to Toronto to attend the Wlnten Fair and -the VV.I. Convention . ' `,1\/In nun: 1 ... 'IV- `-~ CA1]! Ull. . Mrs. James A. Jamieson is `in oron- td attending the annual convention of NVomen s':Institutes in Elm St. Meth- odist church. . Miuuon 1|;fI......x._ run`: . - ~- 7 Mrs. Coiwell is visitih her sister. "Mrs. . Charles Henry. ' Mrs. P. W. Scott "has been ser- iously ill but is {now improving. 1` ` Wes. nnrhnff 34! m........'..... ..----,.- g&iim&&&%m*xw&$p f 'nW0RNTUm'% V &iw*&ww%www$mww ?1|. Lne nome Mrs. Laker B1ackstock s and Mrs. _ t part of last xe I Cl nf R/Ina TB.- irith` the most bmical bu_vep. R';l'I.'S Mis - . Wt` _~,y I. e n Sun. n{ 'Jud@ ` nnrf for fln axycb. 1116 DIV which is paper for competition next Was~ A 2' snnf gum u UK`: IIU Se] t Sunday g the ` s A Winn` 'nnr` usu 6.4 SIIBRI OI Wnlte 5. Elphick dressed ~pe the cocoa- Jen- Isman. c nu-:, azunes SD81 :l'.Ehe Brown thy.Maile; and a = 5 Neighbor, by .nt:l' Ul. 1JOVel 3k father a1 s. _Charles i week in 1 s Institute I Ernest Boot] ahon 1`) TWA`- u.u.cuu. L116 8.1] Jnto, Nov. 18- : mas seals wer be-.sold in Hospital. M short story. pretty 32' which is to 19hr-nu '\t'|v\l\u.c ._ `.1 F8113` Soch let columns unities. * HUBL ay_. A {la} 1e hostess. service In 011 in kl..- ,.....u.. . u.I.1 tort story. be pretty nich N was uelu m me last Sunday 11 recitations were Little Bro-' ienzie: Junior boy. I8." James gnnnnnrn uI.uLU met. at the t Booth am Wed-` -. `Delegates were the annual con- ~ov. 20. Pack- zals were received` znl in r;n'A now 4-1..- Z16; Jul James : H-In `D..- . mun. d. A. tory, The In- retty and ap- is illustrate, ar on Health,, at the Con-; -`exhibited be- L dainty lunch man: I VCIU 1'6 in aid Mrs. .1, ("I11 nu guitar. held in the 19!` QIIfIl`l\1I an u-J CUIJLI being paid how. The in demand echanically e Hemphill nz Street. t once for gue which we teach mtive Me- :1 Expert. ayer, Tile- al Dentist. A7nufun, uuur 00) . i Spencer: -nnrn I'll-.I (1. 5| UUUUF; 1 Girl story `y Ed- I V U the ;I4\.IL GL1 were busy Underwear, pric'- . . $1.35 garment ' JJLCII U, uueu cosy Men p 65 pair... ul1ove1f- Men's b uxt or sand-colored cloth wit 1i"f{i-' ` " V _ I trimmed coat and hat to match. They will continue/to have the/best wishes of palarge circle of_ friends. Rather th:n pay a $30 fine imposed Unset diamonds valued at $35.00!) , --------- ` on her for failure to send three of her were stolen from the office of Paul Mrs. Lena Van Otter. 33. who children to school, Mrs. Vicenza Foti. N. Lackrxtz, Chicago Jeweler, when weighed 400 pounds, died at W-ates- of New York, chose to serve 15 days the proprietor stepped out to answer town. N.Y. in jazl. ` ` a telephone call. ' ---T C- I ,,_ -_.-.. . .. upon, uguv. LU 2!. good nome whose sufferings and self-sacrifice had held our own homes for us. The `groom. who seemed for a moment to `envisage. othezfscenes. replied briefly .and with some feeling`, and sincerely `thanked all who of late had shown an interest in him and his. Later Mr. and Mrs. Dunklev motor- ed to `the house which theyehave re- ------..-\,.. u. uua.uuLu1 weuumg` EIICS I himself gratulating the groom, and by empha- sizing the self-evident fact that of all men on the face of the earth. those men had the best right to a good home or_nes ohnnnn ...L.. _- - ~ ` November 20. `"1524.