Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1924, p. 12

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new. 31 Mount Royal Ave., Toron- to, to William Thomas Maw. son of the late Robert Maw and Mrs. Maw of Barrie. '. _, ...., - "B. nu uapnicxn. Mr. Beach said there was a. close re- lationship between the spirit of Ki- wanis and gratitude. A- thankful heart is the one which nrnrnnfa n... ...:..a...- :9`-Pl? the P4-....... ;.,u can uu-: splrlt 01: gratitude from earliest days, and told of `different forms whichthese thanksgivings took. The story also was related of the first Thanksgiving Day in America held- `by the Pilgrim Fathers. ` |\Nv- `Dnnnl. ....:.: 4.|.__._ ._,- A TOUCH7)F /WINTER. ~...'l.J..__ -_-'-!L BORN unu nxcelslor, Alta . Wm. S. C. Knapp, wife and daugh- ter of MacTier visited Mrs. W. Knann for -the week-end. V ' -.,- `J .......u u vun. .3 vv uu.1 ,y wc:a.u1c1`. . : Your correspondent receiveda couple] of letters from the West last week in which it was stated that snow fell there the last partof October and as the days were getting so short and the nights so cold they thought the` snow would stay. It was seventeen inches and there was good sleighing. Thousands of acres of grain were not threshed; some of it in shocks and the rest instack. This was in Lacombe and Excelsior`, Alta. , Wm, R, (1 Yuan ny .....: .:..-..e.u. November 17-The hunters have re- turned home with their number of deer, having had their hunt over he- fre this week's wintry weather. . n `Tnnn nnuw.n.~....-.....I....4. .-- - - ,_,A an \\ CUK. Mr. and Mrs` Chappel received Word this weekmthat their son `Nelson, who is just recovering` from an appendicitis operation. has developed scarlet fever. He is reported to. be progressing fav- orably . V BOARDERS-OR ROOMERS WANTED. young men preferred. Apply 46 Small 8;. or phone 867W. V 46-47p :_::-* uuy . Mrs. D. Campbell and Mrs`. G.` Johnston are,attending the Women's Institute. Convention in Toronto this week. ' LIIDLLLI. week . `Mn. ..-.....,,-... ..uun.. u. yunu. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kestr of To'r- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. John Plow- right over the week-end. Mrs. Plow- right accompanied them back to the! citv. ` 115111. city. . . . W . . . . via)-Ianv calla _vca.1. Clifford_'Knapp and Albert Graves visited Toronto recently and each brought home a Ford. 1;-__ _,,-I up -- IUUUIIIJ) . > ' - - Miss Nellie Smy has returned to `Barrie after spending .a few days at her home nursing an attack of tonsil- itis . - ~ lvfr. and Mrs. A. Ronald visited Dr. and Mrs. Murphyat Stayner on Sun- day. . ' ` A number of the young people are busy practising for the annual Christ- mas concert. The play, entitled An Old` Fashioned Mother". `will be the main feature this year. tl.-n.a.`-_.:| --rav - - -- 1113 \/IUIIII . Miss Florencei Clubine bf Thornhilll visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfn-ed Kerfoot recently. Mine Nnllio en... 1...... ....a---..-.--1 4- -.....v_, .1 uouu mum. vvcuucsuuy arter- noon. . A Young people numbering about forty spent an enjoyable evening -last Fri-' day at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Courtney, the entertainment being keep- ing step to Fred Miles lively airs on his violin ' - I/Tina I3`ln..n_,... r`n..L:__, _.s on. - --- uwcu oounu. The people of this heighborhood were sorry to learn of'the burning of Mr. Inkley s barn last Wednesday after- * ____ .- ..v. -4 uvupn; UL vvccna. Miss Vel'ma Crawford is hom from Owen Sound; Vlnn um-....1.\ -4: u..:._ '_._.-~-_., _ . . .__ BOARDERS WANTED in warm pri- vate home. Terms moderate. 104 Elizabeth St. Box 59. - 4 7!) Nov. 18---Miss Lowery of St. David's has returned` home after visiting her aunt for a couple of weeks. ' 1|/H..- .1r..:L._._ n._..__n-, Special Prices on 0 Co;t; 2! ,'3r35'%IaI!9!.ma!urdav bMINES`l_N S_TA I'ION g;_:__1: utcliff & Co. WHERE M-OS'I PEOPLAEI TRADE. VI-ailies Novelty Silk Hose, reg. $2.00, special $1.25 pair }`lV\I 1I7:1\ 1Ir1*\:4-A I\`l\I\Inr\ 'Men s Wooi Scarves, greysand browns, at $1.50, $2.00 Men's Heavy Home-Knit Socks . . ., . . . . . ., . $1.00 pair Wool Socks at ,. ; . . . . . . . . 40c, 50c, 65c and 75c. pair uulca 11UVl:lly DIIK 11053, reg. $2.00, < Black, grey, navy, black with white clocks. Sizes 8%; .9, 9% and 10._ .. I T? 1164 '5b'c 65&"An}T-'73; 5:3} OJVJILL U room 1 `Air Q4- i Placing'the sidewalk out near the curb on the east side of Mary St. has made a decided improvement to the `appearance of the street. When the ground between sidewalk and curb on both sides is neatly sodded and disarrangements, caused by the al- terations for the relaying of side- walk and building of pavement, are repaired, this piece of_ Mary St. be- tween Elizabeth and Ross Sts. will be one of the nicest residential blocks in town- - uu UAIC UJ. town. ua.uu.y xuncn. Next meeting will be at the horn: Miss Phemie Lyall when the girls havecharge of the programme. _-.,- -.. ..u..uu:.u cxua WUUK. Miss Belle Mccuaig then gave an excellent paper on ``Thanksgiving." Almost every member gave some thought or verse `on Thanksgiving. IA good reading entitled. The White 'Flower of Happiness," was given by Mrs. `J. D. Gilchrist. Roll Call was responded to by a cure for a burn. -All took part in a lively contest. after which the meeting closed with the [National Anthem. Mrs. Love served `a dainty lunch. Nnvf v-wool-:.-..-.. ...:n 1... _A_ u, . - -._ ..._ u-vuvuu-:19 IIIGIIIUIE .Guthrie VVomen s Institute -met at the home of, Mrs. Ernest Love, on Thursday, November 13. with an at- tendance of 22 `members. After the usual opening exercises it was decid-` ed to again donate candy to the Ki- wanis Club, Barrie, same to be given to the poor children of the town at Christmas. It was also decided to make a Christmas gift to the hos- pital. Mrs; Ansdell Was` appointed I as a delegate to attend `the Conven- ition in Toronto this week. `Alfie... `D..n.. an-_r~,,,~ - .u.u1'UuLU auenalng the rat stock fair. Mr. Roget-son and family of Lefroy visited at Mr. Nelson's on_Sunda_v. Miss Harriet Parker visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Irving at Churchill" `a few days last week. TJnv I4-`.]>l'1i`iI`rr1\ .-....a La. _L'I--- ga. Lew uays Last week. Lloyd Eldridge and his father Sunday in Au'rora. IGUTHRIE -WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (111fhv1'n `\XTn.~.A..!... *r....;.:;.__;, - Nov. 17--Mrs. John Eldridge is in Aurora . `ongratulations ._to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Webb on the arrival of a. young` son; also to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bates of Aurora, 3. daughter. Mr. Marx-itt and two sons of Kes- Wick and Miss Mallitt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eldridge. -Mrs. Eliza Robinson is on the- sick list. ' Mrs. Irvin Nelson and Mrs. Cyrus ,Smith and Master Orville are spending a week in Toronto. Cyrus Smith and T. Nelson are in Toronto attending the fat stock Rozersnn and fnrnilxr A4 1--4-....-. Succegsors to J. Sutcliffe & Sons 11131 Cheap. 1;1_:1'H1=.sDA home of H-m aim mun spent LIU UL win! O Klallucn Mr. and Mr rie, announu their daughtcx Warnica, son Warnica, Tull will take plzu-( cember. ..v-nu, uu vv -1 ' The month , rie Business -evening was : hundred stuck Cards were 1 dance. '|(__ __, I at IJ. AVLKIC 1121 L1? . Mrs. Wm. Allward) wil time since he day, Nov. 26. `home, 80 W0 `Mrs. turned homo ing two -week sttm and Mr. wogch. Y7 FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT 0!` Without board (`A1-ufrsol in W U]. I411. Mrs. Vang her home in after spendin sisters, Miss v D. MacLaren. mr..- 1xr._, ---.- - -.u.-c.-J Mr. and M1 Betty Cooper of Toronto, worth s last \\ Dr. Lewis wams Club 2 of the Peter last Friday 11 `|] __ ,, I \r The FOR ( THIS `. SEND Av0id" {.1 rush,` m: rtppointl win rii Christm B y a_;_omethi ;a;;;;a;2 uL\LV1D.E1I.`4JJ IEUUIVI. 'l'U RENT. Without board. Central. Phone 704W. 46-51:) \/V a dozen quan Lursdai \ ATHHREE OR FOUR ROOMS TO Cheat). Annlv to 59 pawl: .a+ A~ -:- STEAM HEATED ROOM TO LET . 46 Louisa St. Phone 68._ 1 47p ":1.-"`.-.` x:-:j STRAYED from lot 1. Con. 14, Innis- fil, red heifer with white star in fore- head (missing since, August 1). also red and white steer `(missing since October). Information thankfully re-, ceived by"I`. Robins, R.R. 2, Allan- dale. A ` A . 46-481) LOST--Lady s beaded bag, with three one dollar bills, two rings? and three pictures. Lost on Collier St., or be- tween-Barrie an'd Allandale, on Nov. 18. Finder please leave at Examiner. Office and receive reward. . . 47p ' STRAYED from lot 3, Con.W1, F108. 1 red yearling white-faced steer with ring in top and bottom of right ear. Any- erson knowing of it please 1'1 tify ohn M. Johnson, ._.IPhe1pston, ox 32; . 1 47-40" S'I`RAYED--Into the pasture of Henry Harrison. lot 22, Con. 9, Vespra, on or about the middle of the summer. bull calf. Owner may have same on proving ownership and paying ex- penses. Phone 609r22.-. 45-47c J01`. .T____________ Con. 1 red Vnsarlincv nrhI+n_4 nn.-{.1 -4 - STRAYED from lot 17, Con. 1. F103. on or about October 21 last. a white sow with black spot on side. Any gerson knowing `of same please notify rnest Knupp. Minesing`. Phone 36. . 46-4811 ._:__-_-: 'rie church and advertiser home, LOST---On November 1 between Guth-I plush rug, and colored with black and red. Finder please notify Chas. .Hastine:s. Oro Station. 47.. . yzuau rug, Hl:l.I1(l C010! red. pleas ,Hastings. Oro Station. T LOST-Brown Spaniel female pup, about seven months old. Anybody harboring this dog after this. date W111 be" prosecuted; J. Steele. Allandale. 471) .....__________.....__.._._._.._. MONEY LOST--WIl1 the lady who found $3.00 (`including American $2 bill) belonging to Mrs. Heard please" call again on nhone 572? . Mn mu; uemngmg to Mrs. 1-! again phone 572? _____.._._____.____ LOS'1`-Between Mlnesing and Barrie, spare tire on rim and cover. Goodyear. size 31-4, Durant. Reward. J. Han- mer. Phone 234. 47p` uruuy u. ma.UK re:-1an.1amD rur. 1`1nd- 1 er please return to Mrs. McPhee, 65 High St. ~ ' ._47p _...,.____.____....__.__...__.___. :.- Hrzmma STRAYED to lot_ 17, con. 7, Ves_pra. Lot Munro. - 47c LOST--At Dreamland a, week ago Sat- urday a. black Peria'n.1amb fur. 7 Find- er nleasn rat-urn fn Nfv-en T\/rnuknn 12:! EIo Property To Let : LET. Apply to 59 Park St. 4'7-48p -------V--.-----""-'-'--""' l Lost, and quad Apply 47c 1, DUI` 47-49c I _ 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. furn- shed or unfurnished. Apply `to Thos.[ McKinney, 195 Owen `St. 431-4813 with ` 3hnnn I15 . 47p I Uvti 47p 1 durum I'A_IHlUK PEVLIN Authiornzedv Assugnor Notice is hereby given that JQHN PATRICK` DEVLIN, (Men's Clothing) of Penetanguishene, Ont., did on the 15th day of November. 1924, make an authorized assignment of all his pro- perty for. the benefit of his creditors and that John Mackay Esq., Official Receiver, has appointed us to be Cus- todian of the Estate of the debtoruntil the "creditors, at their first meeting shall elect, a. Trustee to administer the Estate"of'th`e debtor`. - Nnflnn in fiirfhnn n-{Iran maul: LI... An..'-a. _',I`AXIDERMY--Hunters, ship `your spe- T cimens to be mounted by latest motfi- proof methods- VV. G`. Ormsby,_ Tax- ldermist,.Ox_'1llla._ Phone 7831-32.` 47-49p ----------2----------.---->- MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS .PRE SENTS at home. Herbert A. Jarvis. Instructor in basketry. will give pri- vate lessons to individuals or classes.` mornings, afternoons or evenings. Terms moderate. All sizes of reed In stock. Phone 740J. 42-4711 _.___._____.._________________ PAINTING AND PAPER VHANGING DONE; First class work. Prices reasonable. Apply at 51 Grove St. F. Fleming. 45-51p HAIR DRESSING done by Mrs. D. C. Howard. Bring your combings and have a good switch made. 26 Mulcas- ter St. - V 4 34tfc _.___.__...__.,._.___...___._.. FOR SALE--New buff pressed brick five-roomed bungalow; a full-sized basement and attic; all conveniences; oak -floors and electric mantel. almost R. E. Tuck. builder and contractor. complete`; near niarket. See owner.` Phone 650J. 44-50!) ' -------:---------------1----- : EIGHT-ROOM BRICK , HOUSE `for sale. Central. -Apply to 79 Owen St. A 43448!) _...__..__.._...._._...__...._...___-_. HOUSE T0 RENT. all conveniences. Apply to 46 Clannerfnn m .m----- ; FOR SALE OR RENT-4200 acr s. lot` 32, Con. 6, Essa. Good clay oam; two` barns and small house. 'I`hos.' Adams, R.`R. No. 2, Barrie. 46-5113' n un D1-5.1419 urn TU 1~u9N'1`-Concession 1. west half of Lot 34. Vespra. Apply to S. E. Turner, 70 Toronto St.. Bar- rie. I 46-51!) j I FOR SALE OR TO REN'.[`-Concession, 1. west half of T.nf 24 Vnunwo' Amm- NOTICE `rd CREDITORS BEAUTIFUL 100-ACRE FARM for` ale--Land second to none, 23 acres M fall wheat, 8 acres alslke, 12 acres cloverohay, 5 acres pasture. good-or- chard.'never fallinglwater supply, fall. ploughing done, first class buildings Including good barns, `warm [brick house, etc. Located on Con. 13, In- nisfll, with good..v1ew of Kempenfeldt Bay- Price" reasonable. Apply to Box M;" Examiner. A . 46-4-71) _.._._.._..._______....__..__.._._.. WOOD FORTSALE at Colwel1-One hundred cords dry hardwood, twelve and sixteen inches long, cut and split, at ten dollars per load, delivered in Bar- rie. Phone 79r12 between 12 and 1 o'clock. W. H. Hatton`& Sons; 39-47c -'------"-----* '50-ACRE FARM for sale. Close Barrie. `Apply to Box G, Examin Office . , ;47v-4 L'un. mu.uy-nuectr1c neater rrom $5.50 up; also the signaliron [that indicates the heat. Vacuum `cleaner to" rent. Sutclifte, 28 William St.,AI1andale . Phone 993W. , , 45-50p GROCERY STOCK` of about $2500 for sale, Fresh goods; cash trade; in good country town; good {turn over. Ill- health ` reason for selling. Address I Box' P. Examiner. ' . 45tfc , FOR SALE--Electric heater from $5.5 vfhn hnnf `(Ton-nu... ..1-........ L_ _----A uuumu `Lu nnzmu`. all conveniences. Apply 46 Clapperton St. 'yPhone 283.1 . .- `_ 47c , . `LEFT `FOR SALE by widow ; cream separator, cost ninety-five dollars a couple ofyears ago, used very little, $27.00." Phone 865W.- evenings. 47p STOVE FOR` SALE-Quebec heater with `oven , and waterfront, used only two weeks. Owner . is giving up house. Apply to\ 70 Small St. 47p In the I:state of ' JOHN PATRICK DEVLIN Aufhnl-irnrl Adah-Inna THE BANKRUPTCY ACT I._ LI__ 1-,. - For Sale or T; Let PVroper't-y For Sale Farms Forsafl: Misceilanedus v:vIIvl\II&I IQU In the Estate of l PA'l'l:InI( n|:1 3 . to 3, Examiner A'7ud0n 1- GARAGE FOR RENT. winter Rfnrn on A uni. il.llllIlUl' ;47v-49p I JUIFUSB .....v v. B-\l\r\4. avg vuuu _yLvvaa&VlDu The same courteous service and prompt attention "that characterized my formerebusiness will be given to all orders. ' Yourpatronage -is solicited. 47c After a rest of four years from the grocery business, and having re - gained my health, I intend opening a store beside my old stand on Eliz- abeth St. on Dec. 1st, carrying a full lline of groceries and provisions. \ fl... ..-..__ _-__..L_--- " way: C111 4'1!!!)IUD- s --Carey-Hurlburt s shoe store is the place to secure, footcomfort ser- .vice. They t shoes correctly and scientically, and the advice of their graduate: Practipedicisty is `at your service `without any extra charge. Consult him.- - ` 47c Barrie Fire Brigade has contracted with John B. Rogers Producing Co. to-produce one of their latest and [best musical comedies herein the x `I79 I1 near future. Title of show selected is All Aboard and is from the pen of the lat_e..Junie McCr_ee. New York put the stamp of approval on All Aboard a shorttime ago, when it enjoyed an extended run on Broad- AH- 4.115u|.a wxu. UI: utuu. ---Orphans of the Storm, the big Griffith picture in twelve reels, will be shown at the Grand on. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 28 and 29. Prices: Adults" 15, children 5c. 47x '-Save a doctor s (bill by keeping your feet dry in a pair. of Gutta Per- cha rubbers. Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co. sell these rst-quality rubbers at less than youausually pay. They buy for four stores. A. 47c Among exhibitors from this dis- ` trict at the Royal Winter Fair were Burton Warnica, Herefords; Ernest Coates, Oro, Clydesdale lly; and Archie" McArthur, Oro, baby beef. Wm. amiltonof Collingwood was I a pro 'nent exhibitor of V apples. The Georgi-an _ Bay Association had a a booth at the Fair advertising North-. Vern apples. .:(`.o'nn11,T-T11uIl\uu4-7.-. -1.-- ..J.-..- 3- ` `Night will be held. 1116 UL I.LUl.'a1li3lll . . Geo. D. Nicholson of Chapleau will speak on What Canada Needs at the Kiwanis Club luncheon `this week. On Nov. 28 the semi-annual Farmers `lnunknn- -4! 4.1.... cu........ n 1.1.- L2- V ,___________._.___________. GARAGE RENT--`Just r1g`ht'for ginter storage. Apply 28 Bradford t. . ' 46-47p` 4. Lutauclyllla. ' ' Next- Sunday evening in St. An- drew s Church, continuing his series of7addresse`s on Bible characters, Rev. J. S. Shortt will deal with the life of Abraham. ` I`-.. `n \1':_1._1___. ,n AL, I r_v ---`V -V... `guyvnn u J-L\III\Fl Dlluyu 11 Winter Assembly of Scottish Rite Masons for the Valley of Barrie will be held in the Masonic Temple, Barrie," nextrMonday and Tuesday. T+ sin-us -4-..L...J 5.. 1-..; _.:..1-L9,, r1 T_-._--..., an\ruIU' ovavAn\AuvJ uuu Lucouay. It was stated in 1ast.nig'ht s Star that Fanny Rosenfeldt had decided to -stayiin Toronto instead of accept- ing the position offered to her in Philadelphia. ` Nnv+_ Q11`-ntlnvv nun-.3... 2.. (VI. A Icvcnuug, nuv. cup. .1118 SLIDJGCE W111 be The, Great Inv1tat1on. I--New barber shop opposite Brown & .Co. s feed store. Prompt attention, 'men s_ work a specialty. C. A. Kelly` prop., late of. Queen s Hotel shop. p 'l`lm 1IT:'..+.... A......._.L1-- -2 n--u:.1. --_, ..-...~a-or annu usoeu, .I.AIuJ. D\.|_y, J.VUVo_ 27. . A" * 47c A service of song will be held in Collier St. Methodist Church, Sunday evening, Nov. 23. The subject will [be -.,---Vu-V_---u- uvv-Iva uvv JVIIL ilualcu `xii; _ .'-`-Not,ice-For plumbing and heat- ing; ring 214. J.` J. Neelands, 48 `Blake St. Repairs for alPstoves and furnaces. 39tfc -Wa1lpaperT in latest designs; all prices. Exclusive agency for Staun- ggy Parish Aid sa1_e,- Thursday, Nov._ t'on s semi-trimmed.'_ .W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. L 39tfc --.Afternoon tea at 3 o clock, Trin- An ` auuy u_uu1." u.!-nu. oauuruay. --Bargains. throughout the whole store during, Sarjeant & `King's an- nual-_faIl-sale. Get your share. 47c `M ...L.'..- 1:1--. -.I--,.-1, ANNOUNCEMENT ..._.___...___.._.._._._.__..._._ HOUSE TO LET on Collier St . B. D. O'Neill. NIGEL` 47c DEMITROFF-.-MASON-At Toronto. Nov. 19, 1924, by the Rev. W, B. Caswell, Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Minesing, to Jas. Demitroff. ' MAW--V-REID -- On Wednesday," Nov.` 12,1924, by the Rev. R. B. Coch-` rane, Agnes Scott (Nan), second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reid. 31 Mount Royal to. tn Thnrnna M9117 unn All _ BEL?L-.-In the R. V. Hospital, Nov. 19, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos._ B_e1l,. Barrie, twins (boy and girl). FOSTER--In the R.V . Hospital, Nov. 8, 1924, to Mr. and'Mrs. A. Foster, 30 Victoria St., a. daughter. POWELL.--In the R. V. Hospital, - Nov. 19, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Powell, Barrie, a daughter. . RICHARDSON-0n Nov.-15, 1924, to Mr.,- and Mrs. F. A. Richardson, _ Midhurst, a son. ' `RODGERS-On Nov. 19, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Rodgers. Wors- ley St., a. son. , SMI'1`H--On Nov. 14, 1924, to Mr. and` ` Mrs. Robert Smith, Parklands, Shanty Bay, a daughter. V WATT-~At th manse Allandale; on Friday, Nov. 14 ,1924, to Rev. and Mrs. W. J," Watt. a son. . . . v v u u u v: V! II` I lift A sudden visit of winter Weather arrived at the week-end. the temper- ature` dropping to" 8 above zero on Monday night. About an inch.o'snoW fell on.Sunday and a similar amount on Monday. - . - - -- I4ula\A -JAVA. IJIIJQIICL A The case was heard by Judge Vance on Vvednesday and, occupied most of the day. T. H. Lennox. K.C., of Toronto, represented the executrix and John Callahan of Toronto appeared for her mother. while T. W. VV. Evans of `Bradford appeared for Cora. Soules and G. H. Esten represented. the Of- ficial Guardian . Judgment was given in the matter of` the will of William Soules lat'e of thetownshirp of Tecumseth, granting probate of the will to Mabel Soules. daughter-of the deceased and sole ex- ecutrix-. Mrs. Cora Soules. mother of three infant grandchildren of the tes- tator, disputed the will, clafmlng that Mr. Soules was not of sound mind when he made the will and that he had {been unduly influenced by the execug trix. and her mother. rn1_- .A - - ` Luv lid. (.8 Barrie . wzuus and gratitude. A- thankful is one which prompts the giving `of aid to others.- Men should show their gratitude by a. smile and cheer- ful countenance. These will make other people feel better and contribute to the joy of the world. Emphasis was also laid upon the importance of mak- ing thanksgiving not a matter of any special day "but rather a habit of mind and heart that will be in evi- dence from day today and from year to year. One of the greatest sources ofthanksgiving is to bring happiness to others. In working for the under- privileged child and in trying in other ways to benefit the community the Ki- pwanians are not only giving others cause for thankfulness but .are build- ing true happiness -for themselves. ' _Tn'hn Tkflanw. nu... ..1...x-_.---~ ...=. VD V, uu.ypu1.caa `LU! Luemselves. John Wisdom was chairman for the day a.nd Frank Hurlburt won the at- tendance prize, a tie put up by Andy Malcomson. ~ -T DAUGHTER GETS PROBATE or HER FATHER'S WILL - HOUSE TO LET, all conveniences. Apply 69 Tiffin St., Allandale. 45tfc

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