are IITH Mrs . Richard Bills CAMP BORDEN BEATS s'r.- CATHARINES, 11.1 tun: w. W.3cTHsoN co. was 8.018 to p!'0C8e(l- RQISDG." ' _ Camp Borden made their first count when Harding kicked 9. pretty goal from the field. St. Kitts got their only nnnre hnfnrn "1411: first nnm-far nno. Camp Borden intermediate 0.R.F.U. team showed their class at the Agri- cultural Park last Saturday afternoon when they beat St. Catharines 11 to 1. thus winning the "round by 13 to 4. After the first quarter, the issue was never much in doubt, the Flyers hav-' ing it over St. Kitts in every depart - ment except in plunging. 1 Weather "conditions were ideal and a fair cro wd saw the game. The feature `of the match was the work of the Camp -backeid-David '1-Iarding"s catching" and kicking and the speed of"Carr-s Harris and White. There were but four penaltiesandithe only serious in- jury was to I-Iowse of St. C_atharin_es. who suffered concussion from an cldental kick on, the head. A-`He was taken to the hospital and X-rayed but was able to` proceed home. ` (Ynmn `Rn:-an, rns-ma ihir flu-at on-nnt JFUHI U16 1161. vDL- AIELB K0! C1181!` only sec;-e before "the first quarter ended.` Sale clo;sI-turda('( Y night Store closed stock-taking Last for bargains am and family ` h Mr. and Mrs. GET FINISHED WITH A ` FISHER % cikcuumon Regular Prices: Adults 23, tax 2c; Chilciren 9c, t:;x- lc . TWICE EACH NIGHT, AT 7.30 AND 9.10 (RoAo.s `as A Lguomen. MONDAY-Tl|ESDAY-WEDNEsDAY COMING -- JACK DEMPSEY in the greatest seris gver, FIGHT WIN By` order-.-+ V II I II Illlh. wATC H I-on -- PLASTOGRAM SPECIAL ATTRACTION 4325 corms | nds of Toronto s. Allen Miller. -M.en's sweaters from $1.98 up at Saso's Clothing Store. `46c -Don t forget` that ' The Sea Hawk" nlaysfthe cs itol Theatre, Monday, Tuesday and ednesday, at prices. you `can aiford. _. ' . 46x \.uLunU!'I.. _ . ' V ' - _ . St. Cathaz-ines-Fly1ng.wing, Parnell (captain); halves. McIntosh, Donnelly and Graham: quarter, I-Iallett; scrim, Hicks: insides, F. Porter and L. Port- er; mlddles, Gaymanvand Murray; out- sides, Puccini and Howse; _.subs.. Glass, Gordoii, Horton, Evans, Henderson, `Shh-ley, Brayne and Roe. Rete'ree--Bob Armstrong, Toronfo `Umpire--Ed McLean, Hamilton. Blly CUUCH n ' Camp Borden--Flying wing, Yelland; halves, ~ Carr-Harris; White. Harding; quarter. Gordon; scrimmage, Bourr; insides. (`fnmnhnll and `mm-my minding quarter, uuruun; scrimmage, noun`; insides, Campbell agd Elliott; mlddles, Bradnbr and , d`era_on: outsides. Camerqn and Wu t: `subs.. Trim. Mc- Kinstry, Anderson, Robillard. Kirk- lcaldy McKell. Cdllins. Perkins and Cuthert. as n.-.n...-.'.. ...... 'n\1-.}__ .a.u_.. n....-.-.u BUUIU '2 LU .I.o ' The las quarter was marked by con- siderable loose play by St. Kitts, who mqdea number of bad tumbles. With- in five minutes or the finish Carr- -!-Iarris, after a bass from Gordon, made a pretty run a.round.the end for a. touchdown. Score. 9 to 1. Two min"- utes later. after White had made 45 yardson avfine rush. the snap passed the ball to Harding, who kicked-tor a. safety touch ~ . nrnn `Rn:-An_..'|'c`lu|no urlnrr. Vallnno when, following up a. neat kick by Graham, they compelled Ca.rr-Harris to rouge. Neither team scored in the second quarter. In the third quarter, after several gains in succession by White, Harding and Gordon. Harding kicked to . the deadline. making the score 4 to 1. '1`!-no Incl` A`:-`main-u noon -nnniun Lo} an-_ 61st Year auxvuuxieu ULl_h lHbU |al.lU` WM!/U1`, uuu S time passed the elements, assisted by an occasional trimming with a hatch- et or typical schoolboy toad-stab- ber, had worn it into a long, smooth spaitvwhich the `lapping waves made just slippery enough to. tax the ut- most efforts of the more venturesome to tread its length from trunk to tip. 13... LL- __1__ -1 '----__._ -_.. A __;__IJ -V ------ -vn-I -nrquavuu cgvoao u- up--on v\' var: For the sake of `accuracy it would have been well if some of us.boys had "tied together a few 50-foot tape lines and ` recorded its proper length at that time, of. now having to nninnha if fnnwi nhhnntl vnznvu-`uuu tihug uuu uuuu, Anuvpug, 01, now navmg up estimate it from chil ood memory and place it athalf a ' ,` a few inch- I ' I Possibly the above `quoted heading I means little, or even nothing, to the } present-day small boy of Barrie, but to the boy who had his being and his ups and downs in the old town fty years ago it surely brings back a shoal of happy memories. i Shinny Most Popular Game, Doubtless if any one of -that ju- venile gang-, , , who has spent the in- tervening years away from the old "town, were now asked what particular amusement of his boyhood days he has held as the most enduring and pleasant _memory, in the very large ` majority of cases the choice would be one of those spontaneous, rough-and- tumble shinny games, with the clear expanse of the whole bay for a rink, a long, bright, unbroken winter day for the game,` and every boy in town I and anyone else who cared to take`! part in the battle forming sides,[ when no restrictions in rules short of [ actual manslaughter were enforced,[ or even considered-it was everyone: for himself, and shinny on your own 3 side, which really meant to take your bumps as they came and get your satisfaction out of the next fellow you met. That was shinny the.,,way , we enjoyed it almost fty years ago I on Kempenfe1dt'Bay. ` .. .` Deep and Shallow - a iAnd next to that in popularity, mil doubt, comes the sessions of our na-' ture club held in the good old summer time when we first learned to swim at Deep, and Shallow, at eight or ten years. of age. 'l`n flan 1-Lunani-If tun:-tonal: {Ii :5 an UVUl.IlGu3l.ll SGKILIUIIHR, I1 LUW LUUB away from and below the level of the railway track; But in the long-past boyhood days it was a sure-enough popular meeting place to while away many a carefree -hour. . - The Length of That Old Pine b Some time long before the memory of Barrie boyhood could recall` a finuynr-Inch nn fauna ml-o~nJnn nan .<|- n4 or Barrie boyhood could recall`, towering gaine tree `standing 013 that shore -ha been uprooted an lay ..L....J...'l....l -.-J. 2_L- LL- ___A.-_ ___`I -.. ixif ".'1Ta&' "i:'ee'ri "z:3Et'i ah?! 'i'a"y' stretched out into the water, and as `Hun: nnuan 1-Ln Alixvnafn uuninfgu-I `luv ucu ypaxu. U1. age. . _ To the present generation it is neithera memory nor an actuality ii the writer may judgeafrom the ex- perience he had in trying to find it on a recent visit` after a-n absence of 35 years, when aiyoung local volunteer. guide helped to locate it, in the shape of a broken-off stump, hidden under an overhanging sandbank, a few feet nurnu -Fun:-n anti 'I-ualn-nv Hun `Inna! AF +1-no l Remember the [willows and the bend! _in _the shoreline, "' ' Remember the shadows so deep and I A =so cool; And the ripples. that _slipped long the I length of that old pine I And made the light dance on the `old swimmin .pool'? - . Remember the kids? G-osh, they sure | were some swimmers! 7 Remember the days we played hookey'from school? Sonya -things I ve forgot, but Time can t put the dimmers Onlthe charms and the joys of that h old swimmin pool! ' . VVUGII GUDIUII VVIII UC U?ll\Eu~ It 1`: understood that the car which Mr. Russell was" driving carried in- asuArance=. against any damage to peo- I ple riding in it. 1|, nu. uun Juan. ucuulu Ule UUUl'. Provincial Constable- Rich was called and after an investi:._>:ation~ laid |the_ facts befofe the Crown, but no gdecisjon has',\jIet been reached as to I what action will be taken. 1'4. 2.. ......1...-...4......:I .n._.1. LL- _--. -,_1_2_1_ nu uaI.'1'n:. Lucui car was 11150 orougnr. in. .Both left wheels were broken off and the entire frame of the car was smashed on the right side where it was hitbv the truck. The mark of the` radiator is plainlv visible where it gtruck just behind the door. unuv......'..l `L fI-.....L_.L1- :77 . larI|' _._..v V..- WV .4 `V... ow-av. vIL\p\a-I\\;\An 2' J `The accident occurred on the highs way. at Fennell s. M-r. Russell was d!`i1V;`Iin}(;`i r;orth when hglfvgs St}:].l1ck by a or curing car e W1 men from Camp Borden and driven by a rancnamed Vlai&:.* It is. stated tha t e anip car a jus passe a true I travellindg sogtlii and hid 111101 , golt ovelr toitssieo teroa wenteco- lision occurred. The left front wheels of both cars were broken by the im- ~':.:*& :2`-` E: Rts:e`; *2 e.e In ena o esou. oun. truck, driven by Bertram Manseld E of Toronto. which was unable to stop before striking the car and overturn- irg it idnto the ditch at the side of t e roa . . " "nA'..-..- nr `II n n_.-:u_ __-u, I M. G. Smith, who is a (sis- ter of Mrs. Russell, was summoned and the injured `people were brought to Barrie. Their car was also brought in Rnfh `off u/Han}: uynv-n kannbnn AH-` While Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. L. Russell were driving from Toronto to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. G. Smith, the car, driven by Mr. Russell, was struck by another car, resulting in Mrs. Russell sustain- ing a double fracture of the pelvis. Mr. Russell was severely bruised. while their two-small children escap- Ed nrantia-allv l`lhin1'I'Irarl Mra ptaaunll MRS. R. Russm HURT WHEN AUTOS COLLIDE wuuc uucu: owu-umau cnuuren .escap- ed practically uninjured. Mrs. Russell ,_ is in the Royal Victoria Hospital. The car was completely Wrecked. , 7111.- ___2.I___L ', 4,, BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1924. No. ` `A /Retrospectivesketch of the Boys of Barri of Forty and Fifty Years Ago,` by One of Em.4 HEY, FELLERS! DEEP N SHALLOWI C MON ! Written for The Exar;1iner by Fred W. Grant `ember 13, 1924, ulauy UL u icarneu. ' On a direct line fifteen or twenty feet out from the end of the log was a big submerged rock, and after swimming out there and mounting it] the water came almost to your shoul- I ders. --Someone` would swim out to A it, and call to some unsuspecting be- ginner paddling around in the shallow water, Come on and wade out here; it s only this deep. Then as h unexpectedly steppedfrom the shal-' low to the suddenly deepening water either the fellow on the rock or some other swimmer who was always pres sentwould come to the rescue of the struggling one and save. him from a watery grave, and the trick would be` repeated just as often as anyone could befound to fall for it. .Remember the Willows? In those days in `Barrie no boy with the least semblance of -self -respect ever wore a `bathing suit a second time in that Deepeand-Shallow gang --that is, he must surely have had mighty little respect for himself af- ter he heard the - freely-expressed qpinion the rest of the gang had of him for being so fastidious the first time. And for those other over-mod- _est mortals who required seclusion` for their disrobing, a convenient clump of willow wisps o ered plenty, and then somg. t Perhaps our reason for not havingfever built a dressing- . A (continued on page 16) l 5 EICS more or less maybe, and let it go: at that. Certainly a 200-foot British I `Columbia fir was a mere toothpick; compared with that log. Any one of ; those boys will feel quite certain asi to that. , Sure Were Some Swimmers j And there were actually some; among those ten-year`-old kids whoi could swim around that long stick,; :1':FI'0l'& Ease to base again, including; re ount Teddy Justice, Charlies %IcId{enCz:i1e, "`Boots Cul1verwe1l,GEd.` ir , arlie Cooper ommy ra- ham, Ligouri Moran, Mull Sids-l worth, Briny Hinds, Fred Macey,' gem vI`3`11`\/aiderlih lite McIntoJsh,k liartti mg on ompson ac ' y- .an and many others. And to the; "older boys, like Hi Thompson, Bev. Milner, Harry McKee, Nelse Ford, Iarry McVittie, Ed. McIntyre, arlie Laurie Billy Wilkinson, Porky" Moore, Archie Orr and a-; host of other good swimmers, it was '1 nothing wonderful, however, to keep! going antd svlgim `clear Ecross th:e bav ; to ine s oin or -overs ree .g `And we kids were equally unanimous, ' too, that _their performance was] nothing_wonderfulv compared with} the great feat some one of the most accomplished of our. own juvenile] gang had just performed in `circum-; _ navigating that long projecting spar. Sink or Swim . - From some cause, probably -the 5 ,sweep of the waves rom Lake Simcoe .| ever carrying `along the shifting sand, l `the eastern side of that log was shal- ! `low enough to allow. any kid to wade ' `clear. to" its extreme end, while the! iother side had deep wat_er--hence itsi aname. It was usually as safe as place , lfor us kids to spliash around das it is; now comparative y to joyri e in a, motor car on a one-way-traffic street. I `glut tlieire wers times when sorlnehogg e 0 er an more: accomp is e `swimmers on the de`jp side would reach over, grab one ofus by the- lscruff of the neck and drop him into the_ deeper water with the helpful. ?3$aat`1i`y m$ Z`r' `tE;`ir3`E5 stances, chose to swim, That s howl many of `us learned. nn . .1.'..;... 1:..- cu-4.....- ..;. .|........4...i ucul. V L;a.but:, uuxaca, aucep auu SWINE. The competition was won by Well- ington, Countir, who had a lead of 211 over Peel. who were second, and- a total score of 2488 out of a possible 3000. This gives` Wellington the Manning Doherty Cup for the second i time. V ' ' I \ I , I BU I. CC. A Amilkman going to work about 5.30 a.m.~heard agnoise in the base- ment of the store andswent in-to in- he was met by a man, who ,pointed a loaded revolver at him and ordered him to put his hands up. The bur- glar went through his pockets but he had no money. The thieves made their escape with their booty; Con- ` vestigate. Just as he stepped inside 1 stable Rich has been investigating the burglary, but so far with no re- su ts. . _ A ` SIMCOE co. 1oYs' JZTDGING - AT GUELPH WINTER. snow Judging teams from North and South Simcoe -competed in the inter- county judging competition at the Guelph Winter Fair on Monday. The | South Simcoe team, composed of Norman Coutts, .Bruce Cowan or Thornton and Ted Culbert of Bond ; Head, stood twelfth, and the North Simcope team, .Wa1ter Cook, Cecil! Chappell and Jack Coupland, was; seventeenth in a eld of 26 tearns.| Ted Culbert tied with J. Frisbee `bf; York County for third place in the cheep section. Each team judged three classes each of beef cattle, dairv cattle, horses, sheep and swine. The nnrn~nnHi-inn urn: Trrnvu I-nr Tn Burglars made a haul of $2000 worth of goods from the store of F. T. Hill, Alliston,.last Friday morning. The goods taken consisted mostly of fur coats, some of them valued at $400, recently received in a con- signment from Montreal. Other goods were taken and the till was ried,_ $35 being obtainedfrom this souArce. ' .._.'I`I____ __- _.,!-- H '1 - " _$2000 IN GOODS STOLEN AT F. T. HILL S, ALLISTONA {FRED MORREN= E OFFICE PVHAON-E 120 ntractor, broke. igen Le fell off Exclusive Northern Eletric Radio Distributor. for Centre Simcoe "McLaughlin Showroom--5 Points, Barrie ' The .We built yur Phone--We_ It now how to build the Radio The Northern Electric Co. A MT_lflE_PEANUT TUBE A TWICE EACH NIGHT, AT 7.30 AND 9.10 Regtildt Prices: Adults 23, tax 2c; Children 9c, tax 1:: L MATINEE SATURDAY A'r2.3o Q THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SAWRDAY Twenty Thousand Leagues "of Laughter! Shop where you are invited to shon , D010? U51 . Tllli |>1`21cEs BIISTER KEATON in THE NAVIGATOR % It II Tiuist. Youlnto Sailors Knots of Laughter. _ _ .THE }ou.n-:s'r COMEDY .,- g EVER SCREENED -__-___ j_w-u--w Q -sriaiavt This powerful small tube has been a big factor in the development of Radio. It is so effective in bringing in far away stations, even on a sin- gle-tube instrument, that it is known as The Long Arm of Radio. A large stock of Peanut Tubes always on hand. AMATEURS-Equip your set with the Peanut Tube. New price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4.00 >1 gel. vault 1VlOIlCy UYGCTS instead of mailing cash itself? ` -_--to help you increase your acreage? --to improve your livestock? -to obtain advice on -investments? These and `many other services are . yours for the asking at the -for the safe keeping of your money? -to earn interest on your savings? --to collect Sales Notes? --to get Bank Money Orders instead Of latnna 1-nah 41-all-'3 Jena Hives. Bmcznnn and Jooeph Mitchell 'A, Northern Elfa;:t}:ic _P;o_'i;ct Joszmmgscnnncx mm. she asking 987 ,i\\\\\\\WK\\\' umou BANK Barrio Branch and Safety Deposit Box_es-A. Leslie. Manager Thornton Branch--H. J. Thqmpson. Manager , " Cookstown Branch-T. MCMIHBH. Manager lent 1` Ierifsj HOUSE 7 0.l`:'hc_AlAlADA Directed by Buy Advertised Things. NOW Playing ~ SECTION 2 `mass 9 TO 10 THAT