Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1924, p. 14

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The Canadian Pacmc also operate 3` chmn of mag- nleont hotelu across the Dominion. as well an Trun- Atlsntlc. 'l`I;umn-l ac|- and Lake steannshipn. To Chicago. 3 train I-ave: l`oI;omo Union station at 8.00 mm. and the Canadian at 6.25 p.In. dolly. Every night at 9.45 p.lI|.. except Saturdays. a train arrylnc 1 through deeper to Ottawa. leave: [or Mon- treal. a convenience for person: In Northern Toronto that Ian reeelved moat favorable comment. Snturduy Night Special to Montreal Leaves Toronto Union Stations! l2.30 nan. orrlvlng In Wlndnbr Station at 0.40 mm. The Vancouver Express leaves Toronto Union Station every night for Van- couver at l0.10p.m. = ~ `l'ourlst.- standard and oomuartment-nhservaon stle`e`D0ft!:; tuning car. and a parlor car from Revels 0 9 Vancouver.` - V The entlre Lake Shore Llne between Toronto and Man- treal has been rock-ballanted wlth erunlu-d rock and relald with I00-pound ralla, lnnm-lag amnoth-rldlnr. duetleemeomfort for the night travellers. wine are also given the V unequalled laellltlea In Wludnor Statlou. llgontreal. e! a ladIee' rut room. lunch room and barber I up - Leave Toronto Uulou Station at 0.0o`a.m. and .00 pm. daily and 10.00 pan. `daily except Saturdays. tin greatest tnnapcrtatlon company In the world. comma! operates a transcontinental service that DDQII to the discriminating traveller. A Nth standard nerviee plus comfort and wallet!` Iecond to none In the world. Winter Resorts. Iu. s;;.;Wo..;;.. . Yonge Street Station. Toronto Rock-Ballasted Comfort The Econongy Package 1o6 624 This `is :: '4 Yet it is :1 1:: word orLhmln.\ ing. It iH frum thos, str:1i_~.;h1_ ;; there :u'o nut .. then1sel\'v.~; in x -ology \\'hl>. :II'|; CI`00k(*(l1_n-ssy H1" gestion that th. being: (n'lhInl~:-. tl'}'iH,`.{ tn tl`.'I\ -~ us.` . - . . u u u ..I . . . . . . Sir \\': toricnl rt b00tin.'-:` robbed withuut Aqua.-.1... III) nlllllr. `make up ru- -.. 1354.3: i;;a:.[ r;is...u...n-"` % ""-;' . Vegetable Compound ~ \.`.\K;'IH|)1-'. I his spmls rnnn-uulnr `ll .',I'Il\'Il || than <-nun hzlrm 111- In his \V(n|llh `the l`i(-h In and vlI('u.\\` indu1_Lr(-n tl_\ s("en(-:-I ml '_d8flf our l l`\6' 1... ing im- `hn u'-,1: `JI. l"'Ul" all he-l 1 of the p.n. Nobody is .~ . b1i0f.\` 11:41:! 'l`lmnu- up UCHIILN lllll. VThe_\' :u'(- as they \\'( Scott \\'x'n!<- outxvmwl for `in substznu~ lon,2`er n 1' per.h:1ps n he dnes (hi void of nu Of the rnbliq he will prw ge,n`e1-nus 5: A \'F--l'\' \\' A \l`l.\ \\ '11 `tells th<- .\'{m'_\' I now (1(::l -\\'I the finzlm-vs - thousnmls wl `money in ., il. with n lmgp orthodox mun 1.\'~thut minis: the sinmlu 2:1 44!).-xu.l1.r.v .1 I |t`:lI My ' 'in3:rly nlmw have dun: O'RTHvO DO){ Nowl T . y "` to tone and strengthen` the or ans of digestion and Ollmlna on. improve appotlto, stop oiok headaches. rollovo bil- lousnoss correct constipation. The`! act Promptly, pleasantly. milcly, S-`C-<. thoroughly. School's on play! But in the hands touc times dirty covered. all dirt and to face, to You cannot ever-prcsc can, and sh sible-to pr Children 11 lather of derful heal deep into t . germs eve The h e a 1 proves its Thursday, Lb-4-I8 For Wfu M Tonight < Toma-row`A-lrlyht' l My trouble beganvith eczeme which broke out in pimples and `spread rapidly. It affected my arms from the elbowaoto the tips of my ngers. I could not put my hands in water, they itched and burned co, and I could not do .my regular work. I could not sleep on account of the irritation. u mg- .a....o... aaulagd ran 9:; use 01 me lrnt_auuu. The doctor advised me to use . Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in two weeks 1 was completely healed, after using one and a half eakea of "Soap and one box of Ointment. (Signed) Miss Sylvia B. May, Marsheld, Vt., June 6, 1923. O--.-. 'r\non-mat and. v--v-. vv --'-- _.__ -7..- lunph luh run by A;`l lru| Csnndlun Depot: "Ouucun, P. 0. Ba: auanlonmu." rice Son 25. Ointment 25und60c.'1`n|cuu5e. E` n our new Slnvinl Stick. LVLEIBDIICLU, Vlu, Jun: up caca- Cuticura Soap. Ointment and- Talcum promote and maintain skin purity. skin comfort and skin health dften when all else fails, .._-u. u..i. Iv... In um. Add:-an Cnnndlen Culd N9: Sleep Nights .1..I:.. n .... .- u'I' _-- __-_I_ U HVIIIU VVIII IIIUVV I "r`% ;":`:'f 6533.` onuiu Soap. too. ` ALL DRUGGISTS `pm. Oilitmont 25I.nd_60c. Tnlcuu: :37 our new Sluvlnc Addruu >8 _0_1.0.[_|l9I'"9.-5' W?t!!- LEIKUII. '* Although travelling 20 miles an hour at Evanston. I1ls., a motorist was ned $5.00 for driving too slowly and blocking traffic. National Park. N.J.. has a" msical burglar. Four houses were entered `and in each case nothing but a victrola was taken. A1+'lnnn.:.~k &.........II:...... nn ...:I-.. -._ 1.---.. \ . 7 All peddlers se/curing licenses in Meaford and claiming to be returned soldiers must have their credentials Q.K.'d by a representative of the Can- iaidian Legion before being granted the cense. f\v\n A0 4.1;... l\`l:I\(H` 1....:1.1.x........ x.. t\..uu.. LU uuuu L cpetuu. The black ducks in this district have changed their habits. Instead of fre- quenting ponds and marshes they are feeding in the fields and spending the rest-of their time in open water on the larger lakes. ' / l.lUUllBUo One of the oldest buildings in Orillia narrowlyoescaped destruction early in the morning of October 21. when the premiss occupied by Jones & Boul-4 ton ._took fire. The damage amounted to `about $400. ` hlb 11110120 in {"135 r`Cufn3nl- `mourn becy.-`,J.'reas., ovy. Mcnaugnan, When he resented an alleged insult tohis Wife, Wm. Blueman of Dunedin was assaulted by four men on Oct. 19. Two of his ribs were fractured and he was otherwise seriously. injured. Oliver 'l`rvnn nf `Rvnnnhrian 9 mun In: was ULllUl'\\'15t'- St!I'1UUSl_V'- IHJUTGG. Oliver Tryon of Brace-bridge, a saw setter at ]`e'nnant's Mill. was instant-` ly killed on Oct.` 24 when he fell from the carriage onto the circular saw severing part of his head and shoulder.` THA fnnr 1\/I'1'r1'Iahr1 nurnn kn 7\/I'nv\`n1v rscvurlus purl. UL um ueau `emu snouluel". 'Jjhe tug. Midland. owned by Manley Chew. M.P.. Midland, went to the bot- tom of Georgian Ba_v.`in forty feet of water, while on the `way down from the north to Midland. The crew was `saved-. n An uuuiai.-.....' ..../.......x....... u .... .. 3.. llll'.'H Ill Lllti BVb'IllIlg'. At the annual meeting of the Orillia Curling Club on Oct. 17. the following` officers were elected: P1-es.. Geo._ . Sinclair; `Vice-Pres., Thos. Thomson; Secy.-.'1`reas., LW. McKaugha.n. Whnn ho rncfnnfn on nlloo-A11 u'v.mn'H- Lruzu (us .u1_|u1'1es_ on UC1 .ODeI' 1.25. , `fheofirm of Legato and Hisey 0!` Creemore, who have been-looking about for a place to locate an abattoiryhave decided to locate in Owen Sound. (VA1lv.nuu-and (`I nnnnnnn ....'-.-... 1...--- -._ n:La.1'y - I.l`ea.3u1'e1`. - V ' Hon.` Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, addressed the Canadian Clubs of Orillia.-on Thursday, speaking to the women in`the afternoon` and to__ the men in the evening. A1 this annual mnnfinrr n~F tho y-illin ....... ..-.. yr... `Jul/v\.4All\allUn Edwin Hornsby, who was severely burned when a gasoline` torch explod- ed in the Queen s Hotel, Midland, died from his injuries on October 18'. `I11... D.'...__ ...D `l" _._,.L, 7,, ,-I -r-vo ... u . . u V . . y v A\I\4,v\|.\4 an wvvuu bJUuAI\.A. Collingwood Conservatives have or- ganized with T. P. Long as president, F. S. Lewis and.Mrs. R, '1.`._ Stephens vice-president, and J. A. Cas1ake'sec- retary-treasurer. T-Tnn' ("harden 1\/|'n(`r-an 1\lrh-win!-gm nr uu v cu-:u uy ulsurance, Two more sections of street areAtov be paved in 0r'1llia. as a result Of: which the market will `be =complete1y[ encircled with pavement. `EVA---8.- 'I"l'A----L-- ---L A ----- -- ~ - -- - - ` I W 1 Lil ELHU L116!` VBHICIC. Prltchard's toy factory in Orillia. was completelyestroyed by fire on October! 23. The loss was `Large and covered by -insurance, _ only partly . 'I`wn rnnv-A non!-inna n uv-nob nun 4-.-. rt:uu'uu1'uug,u, , > l On Oct. 15, Mrs. Chas. Moore of Sunnidale was badly injured by being` thrown from a. buggy when it collided with another vehicle. DnlfnHnvR'a fnxv Pun!-runs; {ca I\u8Il.-. -....... .0 . VV. nu1'L. Rev. Father Maher of B1_'acebridg'e was presented with a purse of gold by his parishioners before leaving for Peterborough, (`fl (Inf 1 F: Tl/Tutu (`Inna Tl/fnnnn A-P Jes. Leach` won the Jamiesoh Cup given for the townghip of Nottawasaga at the judging` contest at Beeton on October` 14, ' ' n T `l\ I'nnT\A....\1A 1..-... 1...-.. LJULUUUF Dr. J, 3: Mac_Donald hasv been ap-, pointed Medical Officer of Health at. Huntsville, succeeding the late Dr. J. W. Hart. I Dnui Inbhnu. '!\.I`.-.'I..-.. no 'l1....~....1...:_1_.- - ..V I7 vv.-v5-wvv nnuavnuuuw wunnunnlg. Louis Lalonde, aged 72, an inmate of the House of Refuge at Beetone for the past three `years. died there on! Oct. 18. Tl\l'I `I ...-..-.1 ....-... 41... 1'.......:.......'. r-q_`__.' UH VJUL. Li! UL UWCII GUUIIU. . . , Y I Clifford Thompson j of Sunnidalel Corners had a. leg broken when` a horse jumped and fell on him. nllingwnn `Rnnr rd :(`.nnaI>'Inn 159:: lhorse Jumped and fell oo_n him. 2 Colllngwood Board of Education has asked the town council for $110,000. for a new Collegiate Institute building. Tnnln Tl\`l\D\A:\ n...-ufl H0 ._ :...___A... DU 18.5! year. , ' The hay barns of C. R. Goodwin, Hol- land Landing, were destroyed by fire on` October 20. ` ` Inn!!! -1...-. .....~.... :.....4..n...: .1- n.'.. UH LIULUUUIC 4U. . A new pipe organ installed in the Methodist church, Bracebrldge, was dedicated on October 19. (`at-\1r' TIT T TUln(\nn:In n nnnl-nl.'. Am ucuxuauuu UH UULUUUF LU. I Capt`. W. J. McQuade, a captain on` the Great` Lakes for many years, died. on Oct. 19 at Owen Sound. . I ilfnn Vnknrninunn AF Q}-.nu.AnIn I H.uV21-IILEEU UL (.118 &uV1},llUB [JUN HI. 1Vl.lu' . land. Poll tax `collected in orima an: 1924 amounts to $800 as against little over $50 last year. 'l`hA hnv barn: nf (` `R llnnurin `l.Tnl_l vv --- - vv- -v-vvp p I V-Q-UV , Dublin, Ontario. -I was weak and irregular, with pains and headaches, and could not sleep nights. -I learned about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound by reading the letters in the newspapers and tried it because I wanted to get better. I have got good results - from it and I feel a lot stronger and am not troubled with such bad headaches as I used to be and am more regular. I am gaining in weight all the time and _I tell my friends what kind of medicine I am taking. You ma use my letter, as a he] to others. -Mrs. JAMIE; RACHO, ox 12, Dublin, Ontario. Stayner public school held a sports` day on Oct. 12. A ' ' ' Thu vnnfrv nf Qf ,Tnrvnou' (lulu-unit uuy U UUL. ll. . ' - The vestry_ of St. James` Church,` Orillia, has purchased a new rectory. Less than a. half dozen sailors took izdvgntage of the advance poll at Mid- an . . . wwwwwww WW TTTTTTW! ,5?` DISTRICT NEWS &a&&&w&aww&&&&gg P .1 $&&%&$&w&m&&&$| ---7 ~--.. COLLEEN I BEAUTY CHORUS WITH BRINGING U2 FATI-IIER IN IRELAND, GRAND, NOV. 3. Inn: rlzlvu-u.|:. U!` IN: l'=Ull:.G A merchant, unable to sleep, tossed fretfully on his bed and muttered un- intelligible` words. The wife of his bosom sofight -the cause of his rest- lessness. Inranswer to her inquiries I he said: - ' N17,-. uhnuipi nnnn 4...; ...... .. ...1....__ ---1. ._._ & I 116 uzuu: , ' 1 You should expect me to sleep when my note to Cohen in the bank comes! due tomorrow for $5.000 and- there's only $2,000 in the bank to meet it." `W1 itp uair1'f`|nn *FnI'I`1'rF1I1 117%?!` "`1ar\v\ to dtiwlhll Sytullllllp IIHC. V - The land of` the shamrock will be gorgeously p_ictured in the production prepared. for your entertainment at the Grand Opera House, Monday, Nov. 3; Bringing Up Father" is entirely new each successive season. All that is retained is the original Mcanus characters. Jiggs and Maggie, and of course Dinty and some of `the Gang." -A_ new scenic production with electrical effects, new faces and dances, likewise new music makes it a national institution. that will live for many "years to come, (Advt.) THE FEMALE or THESPECIES A mnrnhnnf n-nnhln in clean I-nugmil Jlllleflcll, uuu UH DUI I115 01 LI 018 In Pinkham while in England. would ; appreciate a copy or two of our little books on women s ailments. have one i which I keep to lend. Iwill willingly ; lnawer letters from any woman asking 1 A about the Vegetable Compound. -T-Mrs. S. M. COLEMAN, 24 Uniacke Street, vHalifax,q Nova Scotia. v-v.-.v ..--- -v---v-v-u- vvnIII,v\a George McManus world renowned comedy characters, J iggs and Maggie visit their native soil during the cur-A rent theatrical season `in a vehicle especially written, entitled ~Bx-inging Up Father in Ireland!` It is not re- corded,whether' they crossed the big pond on the Levlathan" or on a less pretentious. vessel. Jiggs, however, was heard to express himself unfavor- ably regarding the Leviathan" as he was under the impression that it was , a. Jewish steamship line.` The land nf. tho: Qhnrnrnnlz inn! `ho artists America produces which can u wt! yup nuuuux. installed a .. ..-_ ..-...... .. v....u.. Jerome Shanahan has radio, but is, as usual with the average run. `having hard work to tune in on just what he would like to hear. The trouble with this line of entertainment is that you have to take what is sched- uled at certain hours, and probably you arenot in any humor to listen to allecture or speech but the major- ity are so jubilant over hearing any- thing. as long as `it comes over the radio. .We hear some remarking that the radio is an improvement over the phonograph. There is no doubt it is over many phonographs but in owning-' and listening to.an Edison phonographone is listening` to the best be heard and enjoyed when and as often as one wishes and no static disturbance to upset the evening's dance or entertainment. I do not say, the radio is not._O.K. but'I do say that a radio is an entirely different line of. entertainment and cannot by any means take the place of an Edison in the house or school. : I i ,yu1'pu.st: .La.vU1"1U1y. . At last the railway company has -opened up its purse strings and made one necessary improvement on the sta-I tion here by placing new eave-troughs ' on the front, which of course will be I much appreciated by the travelling public.- Now the next, move should be to install the electric lights and be!` in line with the rest of the village.. I nu-unn n......'.. 4.1.... nm A 1...- ._,, _,.,, --. --.... u...... an`. A\a\)| us. -an. vA11ubC. Onceagain the O.T.A. has proven the choice of the people of Ontario and one would naturally conclude that the results this time should prove final and that the law inyevery way should be enforced. But when it comes to putting down and keeping down the bootlegger it is cex-tatinly going to cost the government a pile of. money with such a majority in the cities in favor of government control. But law is law, and it\ is up to the government to see that it is enforced to the letter. 'v-._..__-_ mu.,,,,, Auus. ' An appreciated improvement has been madeon the road between here and Fergusonvale by a spoonful of gravel in the numerous small pitch` holes. [Little favors are sometimes as welcome and appreciated` as large ones, and in this case is suiting the purpose . favorably. A1` lsaf fhn I-Qilurnu runwnnnnu I-.n>n _LLLll1H.Ull Lo ' ` Your correspondent was not psur-I prised to read in last week's Examiner[ in` the Hillsdale news that the med- icine company had pulled out for the| y want of patronage; I wondered if the "citizens of that flourishing little vill-' lage would fall for such stuff very long. i T V An nun)-nrol-ad irnnw-nuynnnnnl kn.` I ...w.. ".4. Ianulvubp 4.-;;u. 41. :.a.-.u:uL. _ A nice little time was "spent by _a few of the young folks at the K.C. hall last Wednesday evening when-:1 number met and enjoyed a taffy-pull and dance with a little other enter-1 Ftainment. ' ` ` ` '\'n.-.v. ....... n...-.....1.....o ....... .....L ....... U ...v ...,..,.v u\l H4`! n.oa\:u||l\a -.~;5u-mu. Miss Violet Platt has returned to New York after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. N. Fraser. ...1,.- ILLLI- ;2___ __..._ -_.____; u, , IHHI.-`WUUK_ WIUI l'U.|l'1.l.lVI'.9H 1!] flag. Miss Louise Baverstock and friend gram Barrie visited at I. LeGace's, Sun- y. ' Burdette Long, who is working in Toronto, was home for a shorpstay last week. A ` " hunk.) rzm... .-(,1 65': x... 1-... rs-.- ldlil. WEEK. _ ' Daniel Kenny and son-in-law, Geo. Stevens, of Toronto, were recent vis- itors in this village. NIH` nnil R/fr: `R-:n~v-oft an.-I fnrnlhv nf Halifax, Nova Scotia.-I am a'ma- ` ternity nurse and have recommended Lydia E. Pinkham s T Vegetable Com- round to many women who were child- ess, also to women who need a `good tonic. I am En lish and my husband is American, and e told me of Lydia E. pinlrknvn ulknn in mndlan nnuuhl ILUICS Ill @1113 Vlllkl.`U. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and family Toronto spent Sunday the guests - Mr. and Mrs. Hockridge. ' T vnrrrnf fn nnnnnnnn fl-no Hlnnua W11". auu .LV1l.'5_. 11.UUKI'lUgB. I regret to announce the. IM1-s. L, Hall and trust she i be `able to be around again. hut. 17!.-.In6 `llad-4 1...... M-` H15 SIHLUY, lV.I.l'3. l\Ca.1'llH.- Mrs. Terrence O'Neill spent part ofl last--week, with relatives in Penetang. Minn 'l.nnin'n `Rnvnrnfnnl: ant! friend *3? V PHELPSTON fg >I0X<>X0X<>X0X0X< K014 >I I0X<>X0X0I0X< Kearn'spent a few days in Barrie last` week. Tun lVnPuv n0 Dnuuufn Qnndnuvnil n-{bk DH.l'l'1 1&3; WEEK- Jno. Coffey of Barrie Sundayed with his sister, Mrs. Kearns.. Mr: 'I"nr-r-Anna O'Neill unnnf nan-f nfn ;g&&&xm&w&&&&&m&g{ JIGGS AND MA.GGIEfCOMlNG 1: `Int. _ __9 _ - . illness `or will soon she I. % Willing to Ans`w_e1F I A special bedroom has bee set aside at the Cook Count)! n0orh0use9 in Chicago for men who snore loudlv vvu. a_vnnm.1. b[2l_\-T191`. 3 Pen of six bacon hogs-\Vm. Leach, Duntroon; Alf. Leach. Duntroon; Joh ~ Flynn, Stayner: Alex. Morrison, Cree-I more: E. Raymelr, Stayner; J. XV. Hu'd-` | son, Stnyner. .L2UV\'l"ll; LJIHH. ru)gel`s, ;\`'\V uoweu. [ Pair bacon hogs (3 entries)-Robert `Evans. Stayner; J. J. Buie, Stayner; `Wm. Synnntt. Stayner. 13nv\ n (V1.1; knnnn `l......... 11'... 'r..._,.v- I LFUUH, .' , Single bacon hogs (3 entries)--Her`n Culhnm, Sta_vne-1': Ed. Rog;ex's. New Lowell: Chas. Rogers, New Lowell. [ "D-riir hnnnn I \(\|')`Q IQ onfu-{a\_Dn`b-.nn+. [l.`lH:fl))HLUJl, vvlu. ueucll, [ Sow under 6 months D. W, Culham, Stayner; I Stayner:- J. `W. Vause. `Hamilton, Stayner. (`hum ninn cn\U_._`K7rn .l'.lil1l]llLl}ll, BL?L_YlIU['. Champion _snw---VVm. [ troon, ;, \ (`.II]h-.1n1 Rfnvncn" 17:1 Ht`-I`. Sow over 12 months (10 entries)--' V\ m, Leach, Duntroon; vHerb Culham. Stayner; A. Gibson, Stayner; Herb Culham, Stayner. . ' - Qnuv nvnr R mnnfhe and I1nr1ny- nnu \.rU]l|i1.lll, s3LHyl.lUl'. Sow over 6 months and under one year (9'entries)--VV. Bell, Stayner; XV. [Bel]. Stnyner; \Vulter Cumming. Phelpston; VVm. Leach, Duntroon. [ (12 ent1'ies)- `D. J.`VV. Vause, `Staynerp Stayner, Jos. "H'nmi'ltnn St-nvnmv 7 ........l... u ............v-... Club boar and brood sows from each Club (4 entries)-1st, Herb Cul- ham, Stayner; 2nd, J. W. Vause, Stay- ner; 3rd, Harve Atkinson. Stayner: -lth. F. J. Hawton, Stayner. ' 7)--.. -_.___ ;_-__-u__- \ ASK nus [ A HALIFAX NURSE ...--. .. `I. ----.n -.u.., -uvu.._y--ya. Boar over twelve months (4 entries) --I-Ierb Culham, Stayner; I-Iarve At- kinson, Stayner: Archie Pifer, Stay- ner; J. NV. Mmrray, New Lowell. Boar under twelve months (6 entries) -F. J, Hawton. Stayner; J. W. Vause, Stayner; Ed. Rogers, New Lowell; J. W. Murray, New Lowell. (`hamninn hn-.1:-._I-Inn-h (`nlhonn Conn, I vv. AVJ.|.l1'l'y, 1\'t:vV Lnweu. | Champion boar-Herb Culham, Stay- ner. "Following is the prize list of the Bacon `Hog Fair held in Stayner on October 22. There were about 120 hogs entered in the various classes. The judges were: I. B. Martin of the Live Stock Branch, Toronto, and A. B. MacDonald, Director of Hog Grad- ersgfor the breeding classes,` and L. W. Pearsall and W. "Gordon for the F market classes. n1..1. I......-._ ..._,a. |..-.-...: ..----_ kw-" `WINNERS 01-` PRIZES AT BACON HOG FAIR ALSO PACKEDJN TINS or so I2 ,6rI5 20/o r25 Leach. Dun- I writes Mn. Orange Hnrveyof Danville. Quebec. R. R. 8." `I doctored with doo- ton until the that of May. Then I t n bottle of D. D. D. AT ONCE MY AC! 00'!` BETTER. I used hnlfn bottle only and have been entirely well ever elnce. ' Why not see it belt: bottle will relieve your A of skin disease. too-on our guarantee that ret bottle will show results or your money ! Itching etc`: on the autant. 81.00 0 `fr! D. D. . Seen. too.

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