Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1924, p. 12

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,NOTICE OF APPLICATION ~TO LEASE ROAD ALLOWANCE I `hundred sll of ra. ver black to which are for sale. nches in Canada where years experience as ran Visit Write for 1 L1 oyd B. Pollock, Ranch? I ch ors are welcome at m nformation and POD. Icugul. puuets, all choice gain` for someone. -A. C. rie_ , y un. .b'AL4.I.`4'--All my prize-win VVhite Wyandottes, including cocks, five hens, two cockerels [eight pullets, all choice birds. 1 {gairi someone. A n `Dul,.1..... 1 --_:..___..:_._.-.-__ ' F0 ' R .SAL - I \\7hifn w.E..,.1.l.A uuues, prize winners at 1 Plymouth Rocks, White L from heavy laying strain. 23 Dundonald St. I 7 l FOR SALE-:Cockere1s. Whlte V dottes, prize winners 'Ba1-2-ie. Plymouth Rocks. Whitn r.m........ "-' IIU I , i Barrie. I 4_______,__ J SI-IROPSHIRES---Ram and ewe ifor sale. Also Barred Rock coo .-and Pekin ducks. R. M. Bell, R. ; Barrie. < ` {TOWNSHIP or ORG "5' C???-I" HOUSE TO LE'l`-9-`room house with all conveniences, ve minutes` Waik from post office. For full particulars apply to" 77_McDonald St. .44-50p 1-nu-\u-.-.____ . i __._..______.____.._______ TVVO GOOD TEAMS OF HO sale; weight 2800 and 3200 lb gchas. Graham, 313, `evenings. I PUPS FOR` SALE-P : bull nnm: Ann... [FOR SALE--Number of Roller ies, cheap. Apply at 72 Wors!ey Box 918. . wuru wey rendered at A. J. -T 'fire on October 30 and also to 1 the friends and neighbors for kind help and .assistance. ________._____ I I- Mrs. David Given and` family wish to thank_ their many friends for their `run nnu(`lL`l\lJ kind sympathy and beautiful- ora] tributes in their recent sad bereave- ment, - - 44p -:----:-1- - year. Funeral from the residence of daughter, Mrs. Samuel Todd. on 1 day, October.31, at 2 p.m. In! . ment in Sixth Line Cemetery. BUCHANAN--In Tornnfn nn q..+ .-uau;pnu.LV-r`rtASER -- On Tues- day, September 23, 1924, at 90 Au- burn Ave., Toronto, by Rev. C. A: Mustard, Henrietta, Fraser of Al- landale, to Bernard James F1tzgib- bon, Toronto. MO0RF:--MORRISON - On Wednes- day,.0ctober 22. 1924, at St. Pat- rick's Church, Port Colborne, Ont. by Rev. Father Cruise, Mary L. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morrison., Port Colborne, to James M., son 011: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore. Barrie. TENNANT--MARTIN--At the Central Methodist Parsonage, Windsor, on October 22, 1924, by Rev. Amos J. Thomas, Edward Tennant, of Sal- em, Mlchigan, to Nellie Clementine -Martin,` of Mnesing, daughter of Mrs. Neil Bowser. ' I"l'I`ZGI,BBON--FR`ASER dav. Sanfnrnhnn -)-4 10-). a. HUD. N IXON---In `lfnunur .__..___._._..._.__.'__.j.__.._....._.__._._.. I To REN I`---6-room bungalow, 44 `Don- ald Sh, all modern conveniences, -in- cluding: sunhouse: Immediate posses- sion. V Apply Phone 611r4. '44-5013' -carnal I BEATTY-In_ti1e R. `v. Hosbital. Sun-A day, October 26.1924. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty,` Lefroy, a daugh- - ter.` . - Buw,DEN-1-`pn`;0,t. 24, 1924, 4; daugh- I I ter`(I.-ilian Agnes), to` Mr. and Mrs. .,.W1lfz:ed Bowaen, Allandale. - DAVENPORT--IAn the R. V. Hosn-, . ital, on October 21. 1924.10 Mr. and` Mrs. W. J. Davenport,` Hillsdale. a., daughter. - KEIL--At the Pxumxiaer Memorial Hos- ` pital. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., a -la.n_:,-n- car to Mr. and (Mrs. C. M. Ken. 2025 Spruce St ... Sault Ste. Marie. KNUFF-In the R. V. Hospital, Tuesda_v,`0ctober 28, 1924. {and Mrs. Cecil daughter. . LAVENDER-In the R. V. Hospital on Saturday. October -)5 1 QA4 Live Sfock For Sale` , > HORSES for lbs. Phonc m. 313.`evening.ex AA 4:- |I:'I .`.i -ill `ua1'."1e. 15 Leghotns; 12` stra in `DH.-\'u.. .3939` mY_ prize-winning 35. Including tum r cabar- St. or J/Iv` 11 nucK_cockem R.R. . 744-4 ` PART OF FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Mndemte rental to person who would tend furnace. Apply Partridge E: Gilroy. _ 440 ':',"`-`"""'"-""j""""""""-"` .... -nu. 4.10 VVdl.' m Thursday, Oct. n, brother of Mrs. Mrs. Thompson of A. Wilkinson al in Toronto on --uv- vv Alullll ucluding two and Bar- Bricker. Bar- 4413 . :[.;uUljnS; Phone AA `)4 no m THE BARRIE EXAMINER Vvednesday. 'oln.v mmnm : w v: Hull US cockerels I D `D 9 lUI.l' 4/}- W.va.n~ 9. 1924; VHS: all in .1 1 '1.` I MODERN BRICK HOUSE to let. in Allandale. every convenience. $18.00`- _er month. Apply '.[`h'e Sarjeant. Co. td. - 43-44c lambs nbnnnln ucauuy. widow er 82nd `of her an Fri- Inter- I . it 134. -450 -36p )0 (V A . L. \ll' 44!) LU!!!` -450 . auvcxhcbly omlttea. . ! John Flear of Alliston writes ask- ' ing The Examiner to retract the statement that he is a nephew of J. ; T. Robbins.. InAFlear s examination . at the trial it was stated that he was a nephew of Robbins, and Flear at that time took no exception to it.- ` A meeting of the local branch of the Social Service Council was held on Sunday night, when Rev. C. Agar explained some of the work being done. One of the schemes under consideration now is the establish- ment of a farm near Toronto for mentally defectives to relieve the Or- illia institution. Manual training and other instruction suited to them will be given. nan pa A: ______,,, 1 0 U 1 1 , , ,- - ..- _........v .`a wnvvullls DhUl'I`.'.. 44C 3%! -,--Smo! haddie, smoked herring {Wen and haddle llets at Buchanan's Gro- I cery. 44c i On: -`-Overcoats,, 'pol'o lined, three~ BM -'[ piece belt, $17.50 at.Saso s Clothing 3-"3. Store. T 440 on! Rev. .0. Graham Jones of Oro will M;-,!p'reach in St. Andrew -,s Church next iale. Sunday. I jV|on;nl ' DA.-- .._L- 1 " . . '7 ` ' - ` V FURNISHED FLAT TO LET--AlI conveniences. nn]v tn 1;: pm. m ,...i ..-..b vv suyn U1. Lcuu. '---'M:.:ke your Christmas presents, at home. Herbert A. Jarvis, instruct- or in basketry, will give private les- sons to individuals or classes, morn- ings, afternoons ore evenings; Terms moderate. Allsizes of reed in stock. T Phone 74OJ. 42-47c ~ In the listtof petitioners for a per- manent roadway on Elizabeth street west published in the last issue of The Examiner, the names of Rev. J. D. Byrnes, D.D., R. G. Richardson,` J. Jamieson and John Hare were*in- advertently omitted. - Jnl-m `l'i`lm... -4: .\'II.'..L--- ,, us... xucuuuulst unurcn. - This month has beaten all October records for ne weather. It has given the fa:-me1_'s'a great opportunity to clean up their fall work, though plowing, in places, is almost imposs- ible owing to lack of rain. .`.\K .1_, "' -_..-- \I-In ullv unuxuzcllb Dellaer. Barrie baseball team, winners of. the South Simcoe League, and the Baseball Executive will be guests at the Kiwanis luncheon this week. Mark Robinson will be the speaker. Rev. H. E. Wellwood preached the anniversary sermon in the Hawke- stone Methodist Church last Sunday evening. Rev. S. Martin of Hawke- stone occupied the pulpit of Collier St. Methodist Church. 1 annual-1.. 'L..... 1.--; 1: l\ . - uuuxnallall s urocery. 44c Quite a number of Kiwanians at- tended Stroud Methodist supper on Monday night, takingxalong as their guests the fourteen children and Ma- tron of the Children s Shelter. `D.-.-m..:.. ` l,_,___L;1`I . , V. ..-...\._y .;a.u1.gUulL Shoe Co. ` 44c Children between the ages of eight and twelve may attend the Story Hour at the Public Library on Sat- urday morning at eleven.o clock. No tickets will be needed. __Nnn1 Run an... .Jl..'L._ .. yu.I.y but: SUCUHQ degree. --Baby Hurlburt cushion sole shoes for the wee tots in patent, "brown kid or` black kid, straps or boots for sale by Carey-Hurlburt` Co. rVL.-1,1..- 1 - -' ; ..u.ncm vvux ue ueeuea. -New gs, new dates, new prunes, also seedless raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c at Buchanan s Grocery. 44c Ouitp 2 nnmhm. .4: V:........-..... _L aucu UUC, 130185 ZDC. Barrie Lodge, No. 63, I.0.0.F., has accepted an invitation to visit the Midland Lodge on Nov. 12 and exem- plify the second degree. --Bahv I-Int-num+ ,.....1..:-.. _--V ...u.-can aux-urcul UISCI men 50c, ladies 25c. `Roy-mu. I ....1..... M- VV W! --Notice.- For plumbing and heating, ring 214, J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and furnaces. ' 39tfc -Congoleum Week ends Nov. 1 at Sarjeant. & King's. Get in on the greatly reduced prices. 44c --Wallnanm- in I94-.m+ ,:..-:.....-~-" u un,J.V1Dr1l!4lJ 1"LA'l.' 'l`() LET--AlI" conveniences. Apply to 15 Ross St. 01', `Box 394; 44c xzu- 1 IIULI Son. _--..- ..v`..\.-ayuuauxvc, U. U . neenan. --Come in and see the Westing-` house Electric Range demonstrated, week of Nov. 10, at 0tton s Hard- ware. ` 44c | Smith Kain `of Orillia has purchas- ;ed the harness business of the late `Fred Loth and took possession last week. V - \v,.- - .._.... ..v unnvvv uuwul I:U you. 440 -'-When remitting money, buy Canadian National -Express. money orders. Best, safest, easiest. 41-44p A new ROI] rnnn urns ....`l.l 4.- LL- --..-..... ........, uucau, cement... 41-44 new Bell piano was sold to the Dreamland theatre last week by the local representative, J. G; Keenan. (`A1-van . ......l _.V I` " g&m&$mammm$&&&&g AIUIJIHGJ - I. --Specia1-V-Boys school suits sell- ing for $7.49 at Sarjeant & King s. Glgd to show them to you. 44c --When National Eknrnne rnnv-on T ---a< |m&mma&&&&%&am&w| LOCAL NEWS vvu- \4lClI VIC` 44c I.0.0. .., +n un'nu4- LL- _._____________ lulandztlcx avnrv nnn nnnlnnn AI, A. MALCOMSONM v __ --w `run:-uunalull. LVGIIUI - We are pI;ase-cl.t'<;_g'i`ve you information and SELL ' \ FREQUENTFIRES are forceful reminders of the necessity of ADEQUATE INSURANCE. We will be glad to lace an extra policy for you in one of our many REL ABLE COMPANIES. - BARRIEDEALER _ P. Box 555,- Opposite P. 0. Square -- Phone 243 * Entrance through CrQssland s Drug Store Uptown 'I:ike_t Office Canadian National Railways brmatinn and _Qmt.rA vnn .___-. .. . Thursday, October 30, 1924. . HOUSE TO RENT, Grove St. convenience. gm-mm ohm-n 'Ph'one 447W. 41 Dunlop St., Barrie. _..--u-Jul % YOU` En tickets. \\ us](~_\' 120 1111!.` his hrntll Mrs. M. J. a fn\\'-du_\'.~x.i1 V ("liffm'(l (`xr `En;:1eh:u't wl Mr. and .\ `spcnding :1 (*1 LA vu -Mr. and .\ Bartlett \\'<~z' -end. n'u,, ~. vuu. Ml`. um] j Mount I`)\'(-H-E `Sunday. ; my I\ . `Mrs. se\'c~x':1l w -of Mrs. `X1 Q%%&qg us Aunn. .n, Miss (Enid: few d:1y.~: :1!` and with {vi :9. 1.IA|\I unyu .- Miss Anniq . returned he- weeks with _ A. B, ()I`d nu T V9X<>X<%>I<>X FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. Ap- ply 19 Vvorsley St_.. - 44p _____f I 0rd. of` 'I`m :1 few rlzxys Ord. I\ all n u: unnu- After thn Dr. (`.urrvll_\- spend :1 (lny Drury. Mr. and and Mr. :1 Corey of '1 Wiuth MI`. :5 I M1`. um`: turned 1:: C(`)lu)l(= nf T".'Il_lS.' BL York. week-end 2U Mrs. '1`. .\1 `Cathm`in(- M home. Mrs. \\'n_g and dmnrhx. "neapnlis. .\l n of lvliss Nu October '. .\. r~. MP3. Ruhr who has hm-I Victoria Han. `the `homo nf -.u. John Du onto by thr- all's brothv AA_._ 41-. Mr. and M1`. and .\h' visiting Mn : at R()('k\\'tr:( Aftf-r :m Wesley I1. shaking 11:14 rie last \\'I `- HOUSE Every I convenience, garage. Phone 1O27F. }' J-Irb Raisin Mrs, J,-S. Ju his son. Ha Norway Hun Bay T)istri-' "Depart m 1* n t Lllllis ID KIWI _ Scotch pi the sand hi yet big enu "they" are gr} .a nd.ja(-k pi blow sand. `l`\_,,.,., waste land, because (-0 -sand which farmers in thing is do! Qnn`-(.11 FY; >are Scotch . pine, red The Gov estry Bran with trees Waste land tural purm mended as. thin. soils 0 very poo`1' `light, sand spruce; for Norway spx dag , Norwz elm; for 1 soft maple Tvnrnn all During. t that. this pl eration, ah reforested. agreement whereby _t plantation Wi run \`Ull4 IlI(lPl\' Trees su will be f'u trees,andf or more 35 free and mod'erate`f> also fumi: wind-break Good G ________ `Fl-IOUSE"I`O RENT, 14 Burton Ave. Phone 486, V 44tfc *:-:: Thursq and M: IT 1 PO TH BI PIC EVE I2.-u AT'I'EN'l.`ION--D0 you live in Simcoe Countye? Wou1d you welc'ome an op- portunity _to represent a nationally known company? Pleasant, permanent and prot`ita,ble work. responsib1eposi- tion and exceptional opportunity for man with fair education. References required. Write Box `.`F`." Barrie iEx-g aminer. . . . 451) I -----------_.._..____...__ _ WAN'I`ED---Large ma nufactu1'1ng con- cernmm use two ambitious men. mar- ried. men preferred, for special` sales work. Must have car and come" well recommended. Only a worker looking for advancement need apply. 'Wr te Box 858, Barrie. stating age and qual- ifications, 46:) j AGEN'1`S-Get in a profitable all-year` commission -business of your own. `Every property owner is a customer or. rospect. Nine hundred varieties of ardy`-Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equipment and instructions free. Write-DOMINION NURSERIES, MONTREAL. 40-54e_ow A LARGE MANUFACTURER (a; .no.- tional advertiser) wishes district sales manager for Barrie and Simcoe county. Large compensation. Splendid~oppor- tunity. State sales experience. refer- ences. Mr, Clarke, 445% Yonge St... Toronto. 44cg . u BOY OVER SIXTEEN as salesman, spare time. F. Gallagher, 304 Sparks 8t., Ottawa. ' V 41-46p SMALL HORSE, about -14 hands,` wanted, suitable for girl of 12 or 13. Must be quiet and broken to saddle. Address Box "H" Barrie Examiner, giving full particulars. 44-45c WANTED-Farm to rent. about 100 acres: must be good land and every- thing In fair shape; preferably in Townships of Innisfll or Essa. Apply Examiner office. 4'4c WAN'1T`ED---One thousand shamro'cks._ Will pay liberal price- Phone J1ggs": Mahoney, "Bringing Up Father." Grand Opera. House. Monday, N0V'443. FOWL, JUNK, HIDES. DEERSKINS AND FURS wanted. Highest pripes aid. H. Levlt. Phone 384, or write .0. Box 642. ; 45-50:) """" """"""""""""""" " ' "' '. LOST--Large black and tan fox hound, female, about Oct. 18. Rewardfor any information leading to recovery. Any- one found harboring will be pr-osecut--' ed. Harry .Travezfs, Barrie, phone 608 ring 51. 44p _________________% POSITION WANTED as` housemaid, references. Apply` Box A" Examiner otflce. e 44p. CHICKENS WANTED. M. J. Bren- nan. . 44c One cent a`_word. cash, eac'h inser- tion; (minimum charge, 25c); six in- Iertlona tor the price of four. 10 cents extra when charged; _alsoV10 cents extra when replies ere directed to Examiner Ottice. ` ' :*****x**%*****: gwmwwimwwxxmwwg Page Twelv Lost and AV TTTTT TTTTTTTT ADLET COLUMN Property To Let- . I - . '-V LOS I`-White wgold bar --pin set With` diamond. between 15 Bradford St. and Bank of Commerce, on October 27. Liberal reward by returning to 15 Bradford St. 440 '.'T.'Z':""_`-"""""""""'-"`-"'-'_ n October 8, a small pup. have same by paying for p. Apnl_v Examinnr nan.-.;. I Help Wanted Wanted uau qu:uu;- AApp1_v 193 44-45;) ------:.:.:-I LII5 LU!` ' office. 44p. house! unnruvp . o-nuum UU'.l"l`AGE for sale. com iences, central. Possession Nov. Apply at Examine; office. . ' ' EIGHT-ROOM sale. Central. " "'1 [ IBEAUTIFUL 100-ACRE FARM for _sa1e--`La.nd second to none, 23 acres| fall wheat, 8 acres aisike, 12 acres clover bay, 5 acres pasture, good or- chard, never failingwater supply, -fall ploughing done, first class buildings Including good barns, warm brick house, etc. Located on Con. 13, In- nisfil, with good view of Kempenfeldt Bay, Price reasonable.` Apply to Box Examiner. 44-45p] g`ARM FOR SALE OR TO LET- Con. 9. Essa. 2-nnd hnnlr 1.-.... .:.-nruu. .L"U11 b'AL4.l`J OR TO LET--LOt 6, 9, Essa, good bank barn and 'frame house, 50 rods from school and ; chuxzch. _For further particulars apply- `to Mrs. `J. R. Hubbert. 159 Mary St., }Ba.rrie. 41-46;)` 157:! A -on--_..._.. .._________________..____.._.__ DODGE BUS. 192%; first class mechan- 1`; ical condition. `_` eats 14 passengers. 1'; Has only been used part of one `sea-. 3A son. For particulars regarding this] 5 bus, at a bargain price. apply to G. C. ;c Proctor, 97 Richmond St. West. Tor- " onto. 43-44 |.\4UJ.V1J."U11.'.l.'Ll:514Eo ROOMS. . furnished. ,for rent in_ private home, centrally lo- I cared. all `conveniences. Apply at `Ex- ' aminer office. ` 44 -E _._________ COMFORTABLE ROOMS 11,01` rent in nrivafa haw... .:. ,1-nu. ruune wnz between 12 and 1' "1 o'clock. W. H. I-Iatton_&*Sons. T 39-47c I ` ,.__| ' ROOMS VVANTED--One or` two rooms,` suitable for light housekeeping. Reply to Box No. 425, Barrie. - V 44ptfq ....u paw :1 vv::, 11110 . V V 'V BOARDERS WANTED-,-Board and` SI-IROPSHIRES._ j . for B ley St., Barrie. - 41-46p[ I _____....__________i Bm.,.,,, _ P(\(\`l\/IQ 117 A '\YrI11n1\ A ' TO RE1\"l`---I~`uA1'n1shedy rooms; also garage, very central. Apply at.Exam- iner office. M V . 44!)` 1-:-j FOUND-On smal Owner ma_v_have same payh ad. and keep. {Apply Examiner REN'l`---I~`u1'n1shed -garage. verv mantra] Annlir ni- 1 __ WOOD FOR SALE at Colwe1l-One hundred cords dry ha.rdwood, twelve ,and sixteen inches long. cut and split, at ten dollars per load, delivered in Bar- lrie. Phone 79112 between 12 1 lo'elock. W. H. Hanan Rrxnnu -.ro,A*7- {run nAum---stancnlons for .14 head of cattle; -about 60 "ft. of piping for vhead-rail and ends: also all clamps; and fastenlngs. Good as new. Bamrain. S. H. Whiting. 40 Sllverthorne. Ave... Toronto. ' 471-45c VEGETABLES FOR SALE_-Beets. carrots, cabbage, parsnips, onions, tur- nips, mangels (for hen). by basket or bag. delivered. Phone for'pr1ces, H. D. Atherton, 580W. . ` E. 440 _.________..._____.._______. "'"-"--""'I I -_-:-.---- yFO.R SALE---Stanchions for .14 head! ofvcattlez ~a.hhn1' an '91 ne M...-..... 42.... uxczulur LU l`l:!Ill l St., Allandale, V FOR SALE--'-A box V stove, [ takes 20- I inch wood, $3.50: electric heaters from $5.50 up: Condor lamps.- T Vacuum cleaner to rent. Sutcliffe, 28 William St.. Allandale M-="- TI-IRESHER FOR SALE-32x50 Peer-. less grain thresher with feeder -and windstacker, good cond1tion..~. price $300.00. Easy terms. Box 1093, Bar- rie. [ -. 41-_.46p| """""-"_ l - .GLADI_OL! BULBS-About 500 mixed!` gluds. 250 per doz.; 850 for 50-; $1.50 per 100. for immediate delivery. Ap- lply Examiner office. - 44tl x CANOE FOR SALE--Canvas-covered Oldtowne canoe. Just the thing for hunters. Phone 405J or ca11.54 Eliza. beth St. upstairs. V , 44p] LOS7`---(}ent s wrlst watch. on Ross or vwellington St. West. Finder please I` Ieave at Examiner Office. 44? ` - FOR SALE-Sh_owcase, store fixtures. scales, filing cabinet. bicycles, damaged at the fire, to be sold at once at A. J ._ Tuck's. A 44p V OIL STOVE for sale. latest _model. nearly new, Perfection coal oil stove. Bargain. Robinson Hardware Store. 44c` - IDEAL WOOD HEATER for 88.19.] burns large or small wood, .only used` a few months. Apply 71 High St. 44p] . I POULTRY HOUSES--I have 3 differ! ent sizes, for sale at a bargain. Cha.s.' Kelly, 18 MAcDoVnald. Phone 1184. 44p: OLD WINDOW SASH. suitable tor cold frames. State size. condition and price. V Apply Examiner office. 43tfx : _ WOOD FOR SALE, cut and Split, hard or soft, delivered in box loads. J. Gossling, phone 611-r6, Barrie 40tfc S vv uuu 1."UJ.1. b`A1.4l`J--`1'.l.8.!`d at deliveredby box load. Apply J . 2 row, A1landal_e,. phone 634r2. WOOD FOR SALE-- ` delivered bv box load, ,1'ar.1 .225`: -- THREE-PIECE MAHOGANY LIVING- SUITE for nah: A nnhr '79 JVJJIBULIFLU I5 _ RAY OUTFIT for sale. complete. ply 71 High St. - ` run`: b"1`UN VIC . I FOUNI)--Fountain pen. in vicinity of, Court House. Owner may have same; at County 'I`reasurer s office. 41.1)" , ,_,___ ,_ _ " 1 nnnn-rxmun` M,Ar1U(:`rAN Y LIVING`- ROOM SUITE for sale. Armly 72 W1`I1-lam St. Phone`1167. ' 44c ` FORD TOURING CAR 'FOR SALE.` in good condition, reasonable price. Phone 440F`. ' -- 44c ___._ - ELECTRIC BRANSTON VIOLET OUTFIT for sale. nnrnnlnfn A.._ FORD TOURING CAR, for" sale. Will sacrifice. Apply 55 McDonald.` 44p : BLACKSMITH BELLOVVS` ahean Annlv tn Rnv A9: A. puAux\b.Lvu`1'r1 .bl14'L4LUWS` .for sale gheap. Apply to Box 625 or 109 0v;en_ t. - `, . , - ` 4c ORGAN FOR SALE, no offer refused-. leaving the town. [Apply 98 Bayfield St. - 449 2:j Property For Sale Rooms and Board F i"orT Sale ...um n IJr'l'1-111514! [FURNISHED housei to rent, conveniences. Also roomy rattan baby cm'riage'a.nd small quant- ity lumber for quick sale. Bayfield St. ' . T r- Will . Jas. { Tue`- BRICK HOUSE -for Apply to 79 Owen St. V A 43-48:), ' For -----3-----u furnished. infra '19 In I`-Lot In any` VV llllillll 44-50p I l _for 100 I\uvno\ or Dal" | ~41-_.46p Us xuur ` 41-48p .__._._.__._______....___._.-. COM FORTABLY FURNISHED rent. convenfmanma A1-.. .

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