Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1924, p. 15

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.l. pulll. ill. LIIU LUWII. n.a.u. . W.'Finlayson,' M.P.P.', and C. Jermey, Inspector of Colonization Roads, were present and took up some of. the road matters forn1925. _ (lnnuan I` T Ibaf-nm 'I\:u- the hands of Cour_xcillor McMahon. Ul.- Ll: L`Ui:l.Ll lll.|.|.Ul.'B I.Ul.' 1.360. George C, Litster, Overseer Div. 116, wroteregarding complaints as to W,-Johnston's fence. This was left in vvu.u.. ' ~ -The Clerk wa`s instructed. to adver- t1se_, an application to consider the question-of thegranting of a lease or "leases of 'the road allowance or any part thereof, between Lots 25 and 26 intthe 3rd and 4th concessions, the meeting to be held on December 1 at 1 p.m. at'the Town Hall. `K7 'Ii`inInvnnn' MDD` and P "LT Oro Council met at` thle Town Hall, October 13, with all the members pre- Sept and Reeve McKinley in the` chair. T ~I-I. J. Packard was before the Coun- cil regarding .the road allowance be- ween his property and that of A. A. att. mi...-`. fnunIr ma. :....o....`..+n.a 4,. ...a...:.. GOOD REPORT FROM ~wiss'r A--6Lu... T) T72...` AB I`\I_-L_I_-, beautiful very inter `e crowds t v t\v\ Gus...-In OR0 COUNCIL Itiful day, g interesting nude tn fho N MIDHURST rus accounts before the 2 ordered paid and Coun- ;1 to meet on Dec. 1. W. B. TUDHOPE, cierk . occuplea U18 puxpxt nure.- Mr. and Mrs. W.- J. Blakely and son Herb and James Calvert spent Sun- day with friends in Collingwpod. | HOLLY llI,l.IlC Iuuruuu-; .1 in the aisles 1te the attend- ras beautifully The choir per- The address Hory of a. Man" arofnn-I kn flan ging and 3 brought anniver- ' morning `he gialna If _women refuse to give their cor- chief clerk of the county commissioniR_0Ck 1313110, 111- jail Ab) S_tI`3-11811113 rect age in registering they cannot at `Reading, Pa. mmself WM" 3 handkerchlef While _ _ _ _ - , awaiting a hearing on a charge of driv- vvote, -':l.CC0l`_dll lg` to Ralph G. Mathew, CharlesiHumes, (56, killed himself 11 ) ing an automobnevwhne drunk V1aE1n2_A Sitfoxlng TOBACCO More/H1913 aMillion EVERY-NEW SUBSCRIBER ADDS TO TI.-IE VALUE OF YOUR TELEPHONE Ingomar, N. S.-I took your medi'- cine for a run-down condition and Inward troubles. Ihad pains in m right aided so bad at times that I cou d not `walk any dzstance. I saw about Lydia E. Pinkham .'3 Vegetable Compound in the nn.w:.',. ' rsand have taken ve bottles of 11:. am better in ever way and you _can use my letter to elp other women, - Mrs. ALVITA M. PERRY,- Ingomar, N. S. . In the dullest month of 1924, there were T 60,000 more Long Distance messages than in. the same period of~1923. Long Distance messages in Ontariogand Quebec know aver- `afge over 35,000 a day-over a million a month. a In 10 years, Bell telephones in service have increased over 115 per cent. . ` ' Naturally, every new subscrib-. er adds to the value of YOUR telephone. The field of its use- fulness grows always bigger. `1'oday-how many sales can you make by Long Distance?` a Month! `W. E. BREWSTER, Quality! Quantity! Buy Long Tom-and get both. That's` `It_1__t1 economy. , Lfrf The (,'.'m:uH.tI `five mnnt|J~' inf` ing that .\'p4~H an ity both nl'1'im~1'.~ about _lhI'|H :4 : gage. Ito.-l1n'nn' 1'est`:frt-zns. In canms. tln-y h;nl i0US NIP run)! venirs. znml the-i and un\\`i<`-ll_\'. the Ul'(l1'I' In In All supm'I`lu>m<' carded. .\'u wuuld lw :Ill<>\ ahead. and the-1' tI`_anspnrt fur I`: Offi(`9l'S 111' um" e.ver,vthim.- mm: ll. \\t|.` 'l|'Ill comforts, .ll`n]n fight \\ (`l'o' :.-iv stored with I`..- again. sunn- awake l]ll:Il'lt their vxtr::.< 1 n Vnu .-. 0.. `.1 : u... To convenuon In stayner last. weeks.` ' Miss Christie Carruthers spent the, week-end with her sister, Mrs. George; Coutts, Midhurst. V U - _t A.-nnw 'PnntIA_ 'l`hm-ntnn. visited with us wg Cuiicul Bathe with Cu water to cleans it fr0m,imp'.:ri1i ply. .1n()inLwiL} Cuucura Tztlgu fuming as well Sample 1 Depot. : Price. S: 528` T}n.:'i'aday, ~ is. alv slumil SUPEVI-?FL`U| COUIIS, Mldnurt. !_ Arthur Postle, Thorntop, visited with his brother-in`-law, James Brown, tee Jam}; Glffen. who -underwent an Proven b 3ince\l 8 it MNWM` (N 36* M94"- "1- wt` "CAN I! \ `Q61: bani seiwl I :na.o:_4 Write to-`I I :O9\:`1~1l L Im I (v A two Bab; map '_'.w. .Tl'y: ung along as wen 115 can we u2spcu|.uu.: The girls baseball tgam held a so-' cial evening and dance on Friday last! Every one reported a. very enjoyable` time - - . time. tune. Mr. and Mrs. Coutts and family.` Newton Robinsqn, spent the week-end with the former's sister, Mrs. Isaac Carruthers. mtn and Mrn `I -Inrrv T.vnn 'l`hnrntnn_ BETTER IN and Mrs. Dalton Armstrong. . Mr. and "Mrs. Stewa.rt,Blain, Vigo-. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Petch on Sunday. A ulna `Rlnnnhn (harruthers of Barrie` Peter: uunaay. I Miss Blanche Carruthers of Barrie- called on her cousin, Mrs. Gordon` Meir, while attending the teachers convention in Stayner last week. `Minn f`hriaHn r`.m-rnthern anent the. - -- -_.~_ _ __7? (Too Late for Week) A October 14-Mr. and Mrs. `Will King, Collingwood, spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Dalton Armstrong. Ir nn'1\lI'n Rfewart Blain. VIEO-. g_.m.. zszn-acrarcoduwranrg % :for COUGH$.COl.D$ : . and BRONCHITIS . `Nervous Breakdown Relieved SUNNIDAI.-E_C9!`_"5 EVERY WAY (Too. late for; last week.) ` I Oct. 1V3--Mrs. Harry 0"CAonn,or and George of Toronto axeovisiting at Geo. Lat1mer's. ' `Alan: I'\.... n....1 .I...-...I.L...._...b n1__,___;__' 3 I I UULLIL. ` V The Women's Institute held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Partridge with an attendance of twenty. After the business -part f`the' meeting was dealt. with Mr. Pale ad- dressed the ladies on the coming pleb- iscite. Mlss E.`McKay gave a splendid reading along the same line and both Mrs. Cockburn and Miss Rossie Part- ridge favored with instrumental mus- ic. The hostess therrserved a dainty tea. Next meeting will be held at the. home of Mrs. Jamieson on Wednesday afternoon, November 12. yu1{It:)12l':s1'an Cook and Alfred `Hutchin- sonfiare kept `busy with their threshing out it. " 'l`Inn `iX7n.~.'n..'.v.. "r..'..4.:.-a... 1.-u.: ;u_-:__ Quite a number from here attendedl the anniversary services in the Shanty Bay Methodist church. Sunday. Miss Maranret (`.v-nwfmm qnnnf fhnl ucrc luau. wt-:1-:K. _ _ V _- Potato digging is `the order of the day. Dan Mccuaig has some weigh- .ing' 2 _lbs., 11_ ozs. ' ' I ,_ -__ ., .,.-. , October 14--A goodly number of friends from` both Barrie and `Orillia attended anniversary services here 6n. ` Sunday. ` ' Mr mm. 1\/fru w'.im.... m....1, no xv-.. Duuuay. _. - I AMr.Man[d- Mrs. Elmer Turk of Nor- wood spent a few daysvhere recently. ' The Misses Eva. and Trnann-Rrnnnum wuuu Spain. at Lew uuysvnere recently. The Misses Eva and Tressa.-.Brandon of Oro Station spent Sunday with their parents. I Nnvmnn nnnb ant! AH .-ca ~LI..+..1..:... moo" i;;;;mr last .week.) October 14V--Mrs. .H. Gage, _VSunni- dale, spent last week with.her aunt, Mrs. M. Howarth. ` I" nun Tnvvsioann 'Lrn....:1+m.. ........a. .. ' $V1l'H. AVL. .l1UWU.l'LI1. ' Cliff Jamieson, Hamilton, spent 9.] few days "last week with his pa_rents;i Born, 0 `Oct. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. McLaughl n, a son. .. . ' I . 'RnrrI nn (\r-fnhnr 51 I-n `lhfn and 1|/Tau: IAVLUJJELUEIIIIII, Hy SUN: Born, on October 8, to :1\Ir'. and Mrs. E. Corbett,` a son. ` Oliifn 9 nnrnhnv fl'Il`hD!` }\'nf +n +113 Luusuuy xugut. ` I Donald Rumble. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rumble, ,.was taken to the R. -V. Hospital, Barrie, on Thursday. The, little fellow was bitten on the hand by an insect. which caused blood poison- ing. He` is improving nicely. A number nf alpgmfnsz from T-Tillu-` (Too late for last week.) Anniversary services were held in Oro Methodist church on Sunday. Oct._ 5, "Rev. C. Graham Jones taking charge. Thesolos by vMiss I-Ielen Ross were very much enjoyed, as was the music furnished by the Edgar choir at the ?evening service. Offering , amounted` {to $60. I f\n+n n V\IIII\I|`\l\uI nun..- 1.....- ,-4L_W:I- w ' wuun-em.I at. Her (101118 nere. _ ` I The. ideal weather is giving the `farmers a splendid opportunity to get the fall work well under way. ' I The U.F.O. shipper shipped a couple , of carloads of mixed stock, Monday. ' I Miss Carter n.ttend':.d than fnanhnvu I UL uunuuuu ux uuxeu stock, Monday. Carter attended the teachers . convention which was held at Midland. ' Robert Kendall, tax collector, was here last week. ' Dnonn. A4.-.-........ a.'. -'u.`... .....a._. -5 LI__ _ua._y. Potato digging is the g1'de} of the day with great results of a wonderful prgp. (`Info nf `Xfvnvgln and T. Q nnl-f UNI -fl.` Clute of Wyevale and L. Scott loadlfd "a car of peas for shippingnlast 0 V 7 1mm; x? `m..)....... In..- 17 131-44 ...V....a WCUIB Mrs. N. Fraser, Miss V. Plait and Miss Murphy of Phelpston visited friends here this week._ < - I , 4. bUl'Ut5LL, it SUN. _. y Qulte a number turned out to the -temperance meeting in De'a.'n's Hall, Tuesday night. nnnnld Puirnhln nnn n? R! on}! `!\/[nu 1115. me 1: uupruvuug, luucly. A number o_f delegates from Hills-` dale attended the sectional .meeting of the W.M.S. held in Victoria Harbor on Tuesday. MI` and ` 1|/Tutu Dunuyn and On.-nil" Ve etable Compound and I slee bettr an it seems to make me eat, an I must say I am feeling more. 'ollf. I have great faith in in our me icine because!- of what it has one for m husband's sister and she recommende it to me. . -Mrs.,.A. SMITH, 10 Burleigh Avenue, Todmorden, Toronto, Ontario. v1.:u.I.::u ku. ;u.1ueul5, cunuay. ~ The fowl supper, Friday night, in aid of .-St. Andrew's Church was a de- cided success. - lhfuu T 1\/Ir.n`uu~... .-..:'A.........'..: 4.1.... 1-nvur ulucu success. -, _ Mrs. J. McEwen addressed the W.M. S. meeting.at Wyebridgq, Thursday. Mrs. I-Ienlevnnd Janna: nn Mica L3UUl.. a, .Dullu?l.y._ ` . Miss T. Murray, junior teacher, at- tended_ the `teachers convention in Midland last week. . V I T`/run Torn :-`u 1\/Inn!-.'..\ T,`bA............ ......-._L .Du,_y AVLULHUUISL cnurcn. sunaay. Miss Margaret Crawford spent Iweek-end at her home here. I THO ingl nnacaflnnn in ov:v1'u\4uv- [VIBILUU WILH AV1. KJUUEHIIH H , bunuuy. I T Mr. andMrs. David Knapp and chil- ; dren of Toronto spent the week-end at ilrvrgln Kna.pp's. < MnT.nIIghIin ii qnnnlinnv n 3t'\I1nIn LFWIII xxuupp B. . . K. McLaughlin is pending a couple of days `with friends in Barrie. Mr and Mrn (1 `Rnrfnn `Ml :-ca I UL uuyu Wltll 11161103 111 D&l'l'lB. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burton, Mrs. - J. Bidgood and J. Beatfy of Toronto were guests of Mrs. E. Wlllistoh over Sun- _ ay. `-5 " Dnfnfd laaina In 1-Ian nu-aw n flan L ucauay. Mr. and `Mrs. Brown -and family visited at Minesing, Sunday. 5 The fnwl sxnnnmv T1`ri;xv nicrhf in D. |uccLu15'.u.L wyeurlugq, Inursaay. Mrs. I-Iealeyand James and Miss Margaret Crossland visited at E. Scott's, Sunday._ Mfnn I` M11!-rnxr inn-inn +an'nlm:m n+_ Hmcuana ms; week. _ Mrs. James Martin, Penetang, spent Sunday in _th_e village. ` All drudggists sell tliis iiependable med- icine, an women suffering from these troubles so common to their '39:: should give it a trial now. '- . V.--gv-ova. V-nan-`av: -.. -v.....-an-u-y nan--um, Miss Reta. Jacobs of Barrie visi"ed j over the V week-`end. with. Miss Luella I Wilson. L ' ln and Inn uuuvnl `XTIIQA-um nf 'I"nuo_ VV IIHUH. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilsonof Tor- onto are visiting Alex. Wilson's. 7 MTV and R/fro I 'l\/I'nir Gm avid `Mr UIILU G.l'U VJBILJH5 Alpha VV IIUUII 3- : Mr. and Mrs. J. Muir, _Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson `and children Hnotored to Toronto on Sunday and `spent a few days with friends there. . I Mrn, A, Toner nf F`n1-gnnnnvnln nnnnf spent. bl. LUW uuyu WILII .l.I`lEl'l(1S [Ill.'eo Mrs. A. Toner of Fergusonvale spent a. couple of days at her home here. I" Mr nn Mrn Jnnnnh l`| 1\TnilI nf Anfn i it UUUIJIU UL uuyu Ill. IIUF IIUIIIU uere. ` Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Neill of Apto [visited with M. Coughlixfs, Sunday. I Mr. and.Mrn_ `David Knnnn and nhil- WUUK'|'. Hll' KL J95. \l.I'lU1lly'B -Mr. and Mrs. w. F. mchrdson and children visited in Midland, Sunday. `I11.-... 11-5.-. Tnnnkn A0 Danni` -.t....l'L-.I u aqua`-Va av. 4.:-new vv wuss) October 14--Mr. 'a'nd -Mrs. Thomas O'Reilly and son of Toronto spent .the week-end at Jos. O4'Reilly -s. -Mr and Mr: `K7 T1` Plnhnrnnn and (Too late for last week.) 4 A -- (Too Lat to:- La'st Week)` ...L.... `IA 1:. ..._.1 111.... mu. .-..--:___- ----:- PRO sfrmon After Taking Lydia E. Pink- hanfs Vegetable Compouxgd l:%llLl.,SDA1'j-3 `ANGUS the ` L. U UIIHELUIL Mr. and Mrs.vDavid. Allan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert` Rainey of Bethesda, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds, Knock; Mr. and Mrs. Maitland VViley and Mrs. J. Andrews, Stroud; C. Martin,` Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. VV. Gough,. Miss Sproule, Mrs.. Thomas Lougheed and Bert Lougheed, all of Allandale, at- 'tended the anniversary services in the Methodist church on Sunday and were guests at the home of Herbert .Lougheed. V Tntvrunnn `Linn!-an and (*1:-nub (`kc-h-.l>n - JJUUEIICUU. Torrance Hunter. and `Clark Christie` of Barrie spent Sundayat the home of the former; I/[inn Ilnnnl flung} m`uIv:;nA IN...-...t ......'l rcusruuru anu n'r.Lve1UCK. ' Sam. Gordon and Miss Alice Atkin- son of Thornton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Vvallwin. T\/Tm: A (Vnnky-nun Inna +1.... .....:..a..._4..-._- and Mrs. Forrest , Mrs. A. Cochrane had the misfortune on Sunday evening to get one arm broken and will be'laid up for a while. 1 ` ` _._--a_j__...._.' '. A1v-t;1;1- B. King of Okotoks, `Alberta, in renewing his subscription to The Examiner writes as follows:- `K7n nu-n` (rel-finn-' Finn 4'Ia.....~.1..:...... HICIIEI ILEBL ISUUIII, D2lI'1'lC. The Clerk was Instructed to -prepare a. by-law for next meeting to provide for a bonus of 25 cents per rod on wire fences built along the Town- ship roads. Tho Xrarinnn nrinnnnfu hnfnma the Toronto, Ontario. - It is pretty hard I- to explain your feelings in nervous. troubles. I felt low s irited, had pains in my head and eyes, a ways crying, and! did not want to go anywhere. I do knitting and fancy work, and Iwould get irritable after a few minutes of" work. , I have been in Canada ve years and have been this way ever since `-I came. I am taking Ly_dia E. `Pinkhamfs Vefetable n if unnv-nu fn rnnlrn run an! on I rnnuf Slllp ruuuu. The `various I Council were paid" cil adjourned 1 117 vs II\I"V1'\"T r Sunday. I Miss Agatha Gamble of the staff of `the Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, is -spending her holidays with Mrsn A. I. Johnston.` ` 7 1m. .-....a M`..- *nn..:,1 An-.. ..L..a mu. UL Lllt! l.Ul'lllCI'. V - I Miss Hazel Guest, Elwood Guest and Ross Brewster of Stroud were guests on Sunday of Mrs. Fred Guest. R/TM 0'1!` Tuna Tnvnnn lfnunm A0 fVnn.. UH ouuuay UL JVLFP5. I.`l'Ull KIUUSL. - Mr. and Mrs. James Mason of Craig- vale and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson 01` Barrie spent Sunday at the home of R. `W . Black ` . . `|\Ilu n-nil lit...-. A TM .-.....:.. ......a ,..... 7ur.. I A good singing two subjects large crowds to the Midhurst sary on Sunday last. In.the emorning seats had to be placed in `order to. accommodate ance. The church was decorated with flowers. formed its part well. of the pastor on The Glory was very much appreciated by the congregation. In the evening. much before the time to begin service the seating capacity was exhausted. A number were unable to gain. admission. A great many young people were pre- sent and evidenced much satisfaction in, the treatment of the subject._ The offerings were generous. _ Rnrvina nnvf Qnnmlou tn +1..` .`r1 ...:.-... u1Jc1'L11gH were generous. Service next Sunday in the Union church will be at 7 o'clock in the even-. ing. The subject will be Selecting Life's: _P_artner or Smoothing the Way. ` " \ (Too late for last week.) October 15--Mr. and Mrs. VV. VV. vBoyce and Albert Vvallwin spent Sun- Iday with friends in Midland. I In ant? 'MI'w-a T D 1ITnlI...:... ..._.) 1 llUl'llLUllo Mrs. Isaac Wallwin. of Allandale spent Tuesday and Vvednesday with Mrs. J. E. Wallwin. \' mlum Tnvvana nn',.n....,.1...... 1...... ..-A._.._._-_I Aura. .1. 1:4. vvauwm. " lw Mrs. James Mccracken has returned after spending a week with friendsin lPeterboro and Havelock. ' .Qc.-um flnnrlnn or--1 1\n :n.. Au..- AL1-.'.. ..-.~ _.....-.... V- \/\4uInA\4a|o\lA .-g.\.4va.u.n:.v;au On-V requsts f1"o}n D. M. Campbell anl R. J. Hall re dog tax, no action was ta en. . ` mun ...;...n.... no +1.... ...................-....:..... UL LJUUUUHIUIC LJUUK. A claimv of Thomas Aconley for sheep killed by dogs was ordered paid. The Collector's bond for 1924 was accepted as satisfactory. - A irrnnf nf $10 was: aivnn Tnhn D Jam'es Gifted, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Col-` llngwood hospital on Saturday, is get-I ting along as well as can be expected.. vmm girls baseball team held a so-I \.aUllB_. LU auu LL, IUL 40. Presented deeds for new road allow- ance, l_ots*35, 36vand 37, Con. 1, and Clerk [was inst1"ucted'to_ have same .re'g1ste`r_ed. ~ ` Drnunnfn nurnr n? A (1 (`guano n:51sI.e1'_eu. > ` . Presented award of A. G. Cavana, 0.L.S., Township Engineer, for awar drain, lots 26 and 27, Con. 8., V A ..........d. .0 non ---,... ._-...1- 4- AL- 'I IV_ (`Too Late 01` Lart Week) Mi`. and Mrs. Ed. Carr of Painswick visited at the; home of Fred Brown "on Sunday. I T\/Tina A0-Afhn llnhnhln ni-' tho afofl! nf U1. . \\". .l.3li1.UK. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris and son, Mr. and _Mrs. Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. Stamp and son of Thornton and Mrs. Brooks. 4 Miss Brooks and Russell Brooks of Ivy were Sunday visitors at the home of A1fred~Dyer. ' T<`.lmm- nlinfnv anpnf fhn urnal.-_nnr'| i'.1l.L VVUUUUFIUSC. ' Anniversary services,in the Meth- odist church on Sunday were well at- tended-. A thank offering` of $167 was received. ' ' - ' |u't_V w1Lu u'1enu.s In Mxulana. Mr. and ?Mrs. J. E. Wallwin and Harold Wallwin spent Sunday in Thornton. `fl/fun Tnnnn 117..n--.:._ -5 . 1., 1 . GUUUIJLUU 6.5 .L1!5I.E1ULUl') - A grant of $10 was given John R. Gardiner to clean out ditch, etc., line, Cons, 10 and 11, lot 25. Drnnnnfn dentin fnv nan: nno o`llnuy_ `.-..---., -~y-.: --y Ip||\A nu, \J\llII uo ' A grant of $20 was made to the W0 men's Rest Room, Barrie. ` "I"hA (`Jpn-'l: urn: lnufrnntn tn nnnnoun LIIU IIUHIU UL 1-uu7eu~1Jye1'. Elmer Hunter spent the week-end at Woodbridge. Annivnrnsnvv nor-vinnui in Hm; 1|/Inna- Lumen. = H > . The matter of the communication from H. O Brien re condition of Bay St:, Shanty Ba.y,.was left in hands of Councillor Luck, A nlnivm n4 'I`Inno-mun Anna].-... On... carrutners. T Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynn, Thornton, spent Sunday with _Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moir, .- ., Owing to Rev. Kenneth McLean tak- ing anniversary services `on Sunday last at Lisle the Rev. R. G. I-Ialbert occupied the pulpit here- Mr nnd Mm. W. J. Blakelv and

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