scene of se are the our store he season. Luruu, 1v_y. Tlme of game, 1 hour; 45 mmutes. MIDLAND GETS $30,000 -nu-nn1__,1,,,,_ ,-I in (Continued from page 1) ._L ,, 3;! . ting avg.` 5 208 67 185 am SE3 ular lines of Vests d sleeveless, in loomers in white s-at 60c and 65c. JXHUUK nan- Holly . . . . . Tnllnnnl Midland . . . . . . . . . Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . Collingwood . . . . . Ba.rr:ie Penetang . . . . . . . Port McNicoll . . . Baracas . . . . . . . . . . Trinity . . . . St. Andrew's Central `Y.M.C.A. St. Mary's nvuy Tollendal . Stroud .Dl.I'FlU . . . - . 0 Alliston . . . . . Cookstown . . Ivy Beeton Thornton . . . Ill. IGUDUIBUII, 0. LI. VV ISUUIII. I Decoration-A. C. .Bricker, Law- rence Reeve, H. G. Milne, W. S. Coo-. per, E. J. Byrne. i Qn`F+]v\o_nv q;rnncnn W nivnr iWo`Fbi1:35}i'Simpson, F. Dyer,T IF. Dobson, C. E. W1llows,'F. Good- afellow. . . I A....-..l..'.. n 'n"n.::.- 1|: `r cu-.. '""X'J'u'atic-D. Wite, M. L. brook, G. Reeve, J. Monkman, IWillows, G. Longman. I r..,....m_.._... * m 1* Tone .. vvvuxuws, u. uuugman. I Lacrosse - W. C. Walls, G. S. Webb.` . Band and Entertainment-B. M. 5 Sylvester, W. R. King. _ - 1 Publicity-G. F. Doyle, W. N. Du , Geo. Vickers, Program and TPrizes-G. F. Doyle, and chairman of each committee. : 7I'\..1...L A `II'..`I . . _ .... `I21 fV..-.1 .--r 7.... vv-------- --- Plans for the Barrie Amateur Athletic Association sports day to be held Aug. 11 were formulated at a meeting of the Association, Thurs- day, July 3. The following commit- ltees were appointed :- A`l1__-L_1I TI`! `LY T\-_& `I `I'\ I131--- Dresses. Crepe Dresses. DA... 0, u , m`ll;;'lz3.Yc.le-E. A. Ryan, G. D. Hub- `bard, H. E. Jory, W; H. Kennedy, A. gE. Patterson, J. D. Wisdom. nnnnrnf:nn__A I`. `Iv-{nlrnv T.ou1_ auu Ullillllllilll UL CGCII UUHllll1lal4CCo Ticket-A. Malcomson, F. Good- fellow, S. Shierlock. v I-11-nlinrln -nan-I `D1-\l~:nn,, (1 n (`awn LCIIUW, Du DlllUl'lUUlo Grounds and Police--G.V O. Cam-I aeron, others to be chosen. I `n....+1...,_t1 12` nn11`n 17 In v...:...1..+ `CLUE UIIIIUL3 |aU UU UllU3\=ll- B3oths-G. F. Doyle. v. E. Knight, S. B. Hinds, W. D_. Griffiths. ` --v- n V... --rrv----.._. I `Baseball---W. N. Duff, J. D. Milne, |A. Moifatt. VI`... .1. `EV CL--- l..`L.'..._.....\ `ll Ila lu.Ull Ghln Track-E. Shear (chairman), M.` Livingston, R. Harrison, Dr. W. M. Blakely. .Damot'ln_._.m A Divan [1 1"! H11 `U1. uaxzlc. ' An interesting program of water ;sports and races was thoroughly en- gjoyed by the younger members of the family and prizes were distrib- 1 uted to -the winners. ' w The gathering was brought to a I close by singing God be with you till 'we meet again and the National An- } them. V- _....--... an. my-gnu. uu--\.-.un I Thereport of the nominating com- ;mittee was presented by Eben Todd iof Lefroy and the officers of the ?family association for the ensuing ._vear are:- Pres.. Jas. A. Lennox, `Thornton; Secy., Mrs. J. A. Lennox, i Barrie: Committee, Mrs. (Rev.) T. J ~ {Dew of" Ivy, Miss Annie Sproule of `Collingwood and Miss E. J. Gamble Eof Barrie. A- :_A.....-..L:._... _.._....._...- ..E ._..L._. gun - n n A A n v u A I I u I H V K llu 111.0500 \l.L \JllQ\lI.`Iu ` The early part of the day was ideal, but in the afternoon wind and rain made things uncomfortable for a few hours and the gathering was compelled to seek shelter in the pav~ Iilion, where tea was served by the iladies, who proved to be experts in the culinary art. The rain ceased laboutive o clock and outdoor activ- !ities were again resumed. Brief ad- idresses were made by several mem- bers. John Lennox of Weston, the ;Nestor of the family, hale and vig- lorous despite his 92 years, spoke a lfew words of felicitation. He was {followed by D. W. Williams of Tot- itenham, Jas. A. Lennox of Thornton. -Dr. Evans of Toronto, Earl Row , !M.L.A.. of Newton Robinson, Geo. L. Davis, Reeve of Essa, A. W. Fletcher iof Barrie and several others. H u. DryCe._ Sarah and Mr. and Mrs. R. W family. Lavender; Mr. 0e and family, Honey fI\B D - - ~ - In the neighborhood of 250 mem- bers of the Lennox and Sproule fam- ilies, of all a es from the youngest, !a babe of a ew weeks, to a veteran {of 92, attended the annual reunion iof the families, held on Tuesday at Killarney Beach. They attended from Barrie, Collingwood, Innisl .and Essa Townships, Toronto and ' other places, while messages of greet- -ing were read from members of the -families in distant parts of Canada. rn1.- _)_.I__ ..__,L ,9 .1, 1 I [ANNUAL REUNION } 01-` LENNOX FAMILY BASEBALL STANDINGS UNION BANK OF CANADA FIELD DAY COMMITTEES Insurance Payments Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thornton Branch - . - Cookstown Branch _ - - - TSUNDAIY _SCHOOL SOUTH No. 28 is you need. ge. `Deposit in a Union Bank Savings Account each -month one twelfth of your annual premium and and you will have the full premium in the bank "when it comes due, plus interest. Sytematic saving` is an easy way to meet life and Are insurance premiums, taxes. and other xed JII I UI' Junior SINICOE $tan- 1000 1000 1000 000 000 000 1000 EA]! I'.Lu 1000 800 600 400 16'6 166 LUUU 666 500 333 nnn styles in reliable nett & Peabody, etc. 800 800 600 500 250 _ 143 -- v--v-- wuvuv-uvwn-or I Dismissed without costs!" was the decision of Magistrate Jeffs in police court Saturday morning in the case of George Leslie, Aiiandale stock dealer. who had been charged with having 9. number of horses driven along Brad- ford St. on Sunday morning, May 18, by persons not competent to keep them under control. with the result that a. -trespass had been- committed on the B.C.I. lawn. Considerable amusement was afforded the spectators at the trial ghich took place the previous Satur- av.. u.a,y., In giving his decision Magistrate Jeffs stated that no evidence had been submitted by the prosecution to show that the method employed in driving the horses was not the customary one, whereas there was clear evidence that Mr. Leslie had deliberately taken all possible precautions to insure against any disturbance. l"'hInf no ... ..................1 ohno 41... .......... any ulH|.l.l.'fUt1Il(.'t!. Chief Case announced that the prose: cution would appeal the case. UCIIEULLUI l.'C}Jbl.5|.. The committee in charge of the ar- rangements was E. A. Oliver, Toronto, Chairman; D. McDei-mid, Collingwood; S. Napier, Tottenham; F. Webster, Richmond Hill and A. Pugh, Allandale. ..v.v.. . ...w...--u-u unau- I At the regular meeting of Barrie Ilotlge No. 63.. I.0.0.F`., last Tumday `night the following officers were in- stalled for the-next_six months by D. D.G.M. Bro. McLean and suite of Al- ligtnnt .lJ.\J'.1V1 . liston: `ID {V .\1.;u. pxu. n. n.uut'.l`La'UlI---I\.D.1V.U'. Bro. \V. M. Blz1kel_v-L.S.N.G. Bro. J. Butler--\Vz1rden. Bro. N. Mzu`shall--Condx'.- Bro. A. Pugh---Ch:1p. `Bro. A. 'I`hompson-L.S.S. Bro. W. \V'iles--R.S.S. P.G. Bro. A. Cle-land-I.G. Bro. L. Fergus0n--0.G. After installation, the following made short addresses: Bro. McLean. D.D.G. M., Bro. Murphy, P.D.D.G.M., Bro. Robertson, P.G.M.. and others. Lunch was then served during which a. con- tinual roar of laughter was kept up by witty sayings and stories by "Scotty" Cleland and others. ."I"hn nHnn:`l-annn .4 H... ......._a.._. .._--. KIIUIIIHU auu ULUCFS. The attendance at the regular meet- ings have been good during the past term, and it is expected that it will be increased this term. All members are asked to attend. VVIIIU day. ,.u: zuuun u were \ 1-:r_v Iuuvu H. pprecmten. Among the agents presnt from this district `were A..Pugh and C. Mc'Der- mott, Allandale; E. Houghton. Elm- vale; L. Agar, Creemore; R. E. Stone- ham, Alliston: S. Napier, Tottenham; Jos. Kirby, Bolton; Vvutson Millard, Bradford; W'm. Glover, Newmarket; F. Vvebster, Richmond Hill: P. Mcbaren, Gravenhurst, and Chas. Rogers, Hunts- ville. IFA `l:).....!.. 4...: A 117 'rn...1- -p v-u-.,_, VIIIC. Ed. Pugh and A. W . Blade of Peter- borough, the first-named. formerly of Allandale, and Mr. Free of Lindsay were present as guests and except for having the misfortune to play for the losing team in the softball games, they enjoyed the day. 'l`hci `lninu nf the non n.m..cA..a .. cuJu_yu use uuy. The ladies of the party provided a delightful repast. 'T"hA nnvnrniffnn in nhr,-noun n oh.` n... })l\.'l`\\.`u l.t'illll-` UL RIIIICS. Musical numbers by the little Misses Eileen Nolan and Jeunetge Prim.-, le of ?Bradf0rd were very much appreciated. Amnnzr fhn an-nntq nv-auxin} fu-nm fkiu Ltitllllo There was also a game between two picked teams of ladies. ` `u\/I"neir-nl nnrnhnrc hv tho Htiln H`:nnt\rn nu-xx: u\\iu'ut'u LU lne wmners. Much interest was taken in the soft- ball 3.-:.".n1es in which A. \V. Stuneham's agents, with Art Pugh and Jack Mar- `shall of Allundale as the hzxttory, put it over the Ofillia and Collingwoo teams. . m1.......-. ........ -1..- .. .......... u.-.___,-,. .__,_ lll\.'ll\l Lllllo f A \'er_\' interesting` p:~r-:4r:un uf sp(u`t.`4 wusj czxrried out. with races for men, ladies and children and suitable prizes `were :1\vzu'ded to the winners. NTnr~]1 3nfnv-out II'l`l1V tnl-nm .. 41...` ABA. Over 100 people at_temlo(l the second annual picnic of the Imperial Oil Agents held at I\'ill:u'ney Bea(:h on Vvednesday. Agents and their f:xmilio.< wt.-rv present from Huntsville in the north t_u Rich- mond Hill. A .n\.... ...n..n...o.`...... _...,.... ,_, :- 3 IMPERIAL on. AGENTS | HAVE FINE OUTING l\`LUH . P.G. Bro. L. E. M(~Mi1lin-N.G. Bro. R. Dunnett-V.G. Bro. R. Degeer, P.G.-R.S. Bro. G. Cules Sr. P.G.--F.S. Bro. Clifton, P.G.-'I`reas. P.G.M. Bro. H. R0bertson--R.S.N.G. RFD `V Ni T-lln]_'nI\'__T. Q KY (2 material, in plain white stripe, grey 2 up to 717. They n A f.\J-I. `l'brV Admission nd Supper, 50 cu. GARDEN PARTY HORSE CASE Dll;|SSED WEIL, JULY 16 qunr ST. LOUIS l.0.0.F. lNSTALLAq'lbN A. T; CLANCY, P.P. A. Leslie,` Manager H. J. Thompson, Manager - McMillan, Manager CONCERT MUSIC TED VESTS )MERS FOR $1.50 /INDOW. ms IN- .; . . . . . Thursday; July 10, 1924. items A taken at L SHIRTS ...\. uauuu, A1- eron, Alllston: rett; Mr. and iale: .Mr. and yronto; Thou. Spears. New 5`. Newton and Mrs. I warn. M eaford ; I\r\ 1\,.I. -.. AIL 3 e .lJo Kr. and d Rose. Wikin- m. and avuynnn-I o Gov. Donehey; -o:TB}i:o. pardoned Fred Da.v1s,_servlng a. sentence of 10 to 25 yearn for robbing a man or $1. \Ll.\-WV`: I-IIU IJDIMI \lV\4A u I C V 4 v - ~ g u ~ - - - V ` - - - V. The game was probably ` the best and most` interesting of the season in this league. Thornton scored in the second innings and Beeton came back with two in the next frame. From that point on the teams batted for five in- nings without a tally. In the ninth Thornton took the lead by scoring two runs but -Beeton tied it up in their hair and in the following innings English` qualified for the hall of fame. Irwin and `Dnneev were the onnosin: .-uvu ,5-wsuovn up--V - ---..--. score by innings: T ' Beeton 0'2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-- Thornton 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 0- Line-up: T Beeton--C. English, as; Camplin, (3: King, lb: Rowan. 2b;` 0. English. cf; 4 3 Dunham. 1!; Spencer. 3b; Irwin, p;A Dorsey, rt. . 'l`hnrn'fnn....T-Ynrirv_ Rh! VL. Stewart. 2.25, $2.50, $3.50 uuraey, rt. - Thornton-1-Ieriry. 8b; L. Stewart. 2b; D. Stewa.rt.V1b; Dungey. p: Wonch, c; Maw, as; Mceuay. ct; Nixon. 1:; 0`Dell.' rt. ` quauneu I0!` tne nau ox lame. Irwin and Dungey were the opposing hurlers, with the latter having some- what the best of it most or the way. He yielded ten hits, walked-one and tanned five. Irwin was found tor twelve safeties and issued four passes. He had six strikeouts to his credit. Each pitcher hit a man. n........ 1.-- .1.__a_...... l'I\lIVIEl'\ viuuvv II` u~-uvuuu I Thornton made Beeton go ten in- nings to win a South Simcoke League] fixture on Monday afternoon `at Bee- ton. The game was won in as drama- tic a manner as any fan could wish. 1.. kn +nn1-h fnnmn with than snnra IIC a manner as any Luu uuuxu wnau. In the tenth frame with the score knotted and two men down 0. English drove the ballover the left field fences. ___-_ ___..L..|..I-.`o1..-. knol- CIRCULATION % `nus WEEK 4 FLORENCE VIDOR,-\ MONTE BLUE, Harry Myers, Robert Gordon, Noah Beery, Alan Hale, Louise F azen- da, Ann Shaefer, Josephine Crowell, -Otis Harlan, Gor- don Griffith, Lon Po`, J. "P. Lockney,.Gilbert Clayton, Jack MacDonald, Michael Dark, Estelle Short, Glen Ca- vender, Kathryn Perry, Aileen Manning, Mrs. Hayward Mack, Louis King, Josephine Kirkwood, Louise `Carver V . and Hal Wilson. _ COMING NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY: MAE MURRAY in MADEMOISELLE MIDNIGHT I REGULAR PRICES. MAIN STREET V. vrlv LII you; F Boys Suxts. als. A small-town story of home folks, told with all the author s great skill in depicting those little poignant things in daily life that all of us know and few of us ` ; really see. , e V Wit-h the biggest cast ever assembled in one picture: Z. $-523:1 -Q-1:2 ) _ __: Twice Each Night. HOMER WINS IN TIENTHA ,_,-n- 1": . . ; _ .. ....\ J-.. ~T-he. battle. of the raging elements, a thrilling rescue of wrecked mariners by the light of a aming house-red on the shore, an exciting fight with a giant swordsh-'-- ` All this and more MonngvrusnAv-wauasnnv IH_l|RSDAY-FRIDAY-SATIIRBAY _cxufPmq DRAMA! ALL THE WAY! INTHE'F.lNE ST SEA PICTURE EVER! Sinclair Lewis celebretea Novel -_.~..u u; x, M'eaford; Mrs. A11; Dohero A ; G. H; Braden, Toronto: Mr. E. Braden. Barrie: Mr. and nk Cowan and Amy. Mans- and Mrs. Jno. Dunn. Al- vood Dunn and Misses E. and 'Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. D. d Irene, Toronto; Mr. J. Bryce._ Sarah and R/fro D tI'nv_.2.- 432500P|ES I . CIUII. - _ The line-up of the Barrie team was: AB. Robertson. p: Morten. c; -Cameron, lb; J. Warnica, 2b;? Wright, as; '1`. Robertson. 3b: Graham, rt; Rainford. cf; T. Warn1ca.Vl!. ' _ V -His Master's. Voice Victroias and Victor records at J. G. Kennan s, opposite post oice square. _ 28c Barrie softball players added an- other victory to their string when they won from Shanty Bay on Wednesday evening atthe Methodist church gard- en party and bazaar. The score was 19 to 12. The Shanty Bay team was composed largely of summer visitors aind they presented a snappy aggrega- .t on. ` 'I`V|\n Hvu:_nn nf I-kn `Darrin `nnvn nuan- .v-.-..., ........n ! Excitement was at white heat, par- ticularly in the eighth frame when Al- liston had the tying run on third base. but could not get it across. ' I A_.,L__ ~r.\-_.___ _4__.;_,s 1,, `L, n , .u ...-- .......- -.-- av-1 -u \-n:w1n\Iv-Iv-IQ Amby Foran started in the box for Cookstown and was relieved in the eighth by Dewey Hopper. Ernie Mc~ Knight pitched the first five innings ,tor the home team and.Jimmie Dunn` finished the game. I-n_44_._.v'_`.__ vs__-___ vv-,,,, ,-, , as us , , Battri`s:' Eorah. I-Ioppr` and Byers; Ern. McK-night, Dunn and Elgin Mc- Knight. '_v..-.'-..- V, -.---viva` uh I `Cookstown handed Allistond their` ]first defeat of the season when theye beat them on theirvown grounds by 6 to 5 last Saturday. The defea.t.pulled`| Avlliston from their lofty perch` at the top of the South Simcoe League and they are now tied with-Barrie for the leadership. ` 1'.\_-_.l4_..____4 ___.. -4 __u_.u- v__,; SOFTBALL TEAM wm `AGAIN `D.\....ln nnldlnnll -`In.-nu... l|l:Al\A nu. COOKSTOWN 6; ALLISTON r1.\..I...J...._-_ L.._._'|__1 Two Shows Each Night. - Usuai Prices; am You * BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY 10,1924. UICIDLUIIS Ull DIIU .l`Ua.uwa_y. ' The contract with the contractors was signed last Friday night when, at a special meeting of Council, the necessary by-law was passed, all pre- liminary arrangements having been successfully completed. W. H. Legge, vice-president of the Warren Co., was present and signed the contract on behalf of the contractors. 53. O. -LVU- LU, UCUUIIDUIVU3, l`li7UoUUa A by-law was passed authorizing the borrowing of $7000.00. "ma nnvt vnnni-{nu 131:!` Ian }|n`r' an nusrr-qr 9&0: cuss-`Va uausnnva-at Engineers are now at work taking the levels for storm sewers and out- lets on Elizabeth St, and when this work is completed the Warren Bitum- inou Paving Co. will commence op- erations on the roadway. A lIl\I\+I1()lIL 1I11'f`h 4-`In nnnI>\Inn-nun -v-- .-.,---.-.. .-:v-....uuavan- "lilo action was taken on the request of Jas. Easton for refund of dog tax. Accounts P`as_sed The. following accounts were pass- ed `b.v.the Finance Committee: Mun- icipal World, supplies, $26.63; Frank Fell. lambsskilled -by dogs. $121: J. A. Jamieson, sheep killed, $14: Barrie lExaminer. advt. Court of Revision, $3.20; W. B. Sloan, equalizing Cookstown and Thornton union school. $10; `Geo. Reid, driving well and piping in park, $108; Isaac Spring Work fencing park, $18: C. Miller. same, 15 hours, $3.75; John .Ferguson. same, 17 hours, $4.25; |Wilson Forbes. same. 15 hours. $3.- 75; A. Perry, lling post holes, $1.32; Mrs. A. Gibbons, use of wire stretch- ers, $1; John Reynolds,`Stroud, Or- ange Hall for Council meeting, $2; 1?. AA. Sutherland, sheep valuator, $1; S. S. No. 10, debentures, $1490.99. A I-nv_1nny tuna nnan on!-has-iainn bub` UUFIUWIIIK UL @(UUU-UUo The next meeting will be held on Aug. 4. _ V T yxcacuc Illllllin Other communications were re- ceived from Geo. AS. Wice, Thornton, asking that Council defer action with regard to removing a large pine tree from in front of his property; Robert Couzins, R. R. No. 1, Cookstown, complaining of a neighbor not keep- ing up his fences and allowing cattle to stray, also asking refund of dog tax, as his dog had been poisoned; B. Asquith, Con. 8,.Innisl, complain- ing` that five birch trees in front of his property which he wanted himself had been sold and removed without his knowledge; Mr. Asquith also com- plained that a neighbor-had taken dow his fence and removed cattle ! with ut' asking nermission. l I I C UEUUIIICFBX I The letter was laid (in the table, as! Council felt that they had not had sufficient indication of the prevail- ing sentiment among the farmers to warrant them taking action at the [present time. nfhnw nI\nAvv\IIv|u'nn5:Inuu-4 -cu-..` ..- or THE com; -AWAY or IRTS TAGED guuu uu: ulby per cent. DODLIS. I It was pointed out in the letter `that the rate was based on the as- sumption that a station would be es- tablished at Fenne1l s and the power lbrought through the township from there. The letter stated that con- struction of lines on the highways Iwould be undertaken and (paid for lby the Commission andthat farmers. assisting in the work would be paid for their work, while lines connect- ing customers premises with lines on I the highway would be paid for by the `customers. VI... I-&A._.. ..___ 1-3.1 ___ :1, - ; 1 I I In 1115. i Hydro Rates Received ! t lttedr W:aES1l`eCiV%:i fromcthe On-| - arlo y ro ectmc ower ommis-I sion setting out rates and a schedule! I of estjrrgated annua%dc )sts to coniu1m- sers. e rate wou e 8e per i 0- ;watt hour for the first 14 hours per |n:i(:inth ar;d 2c per k.\(7lv. h'(i`1}1)r for) all a itiona power use . e sc. e - iule of estimated annual charges was ` `fo1I(l)ows: Ho_use lightj$r}zg9, I (1;iniITlI11l }l`1l, : . `; maxlmum, . ; i'g t )farm servic_e, $85.65; medium_single-I phase servxce, $114.59; medmm 3- phase service, $126.01; heavy farm _serv1ce,$ $7221?.156; sciecial farm ser& vice, 3 . . ese estimate service charges take into considera-[ ,tion the fty per cent. bonus. I` If urn: nninfnrl nn+ -In 4-kn "Ind-4.. I auuuu. was 1;tu\eu. 1 Owing to the large number of ac- counts coming in to the "Roads and Bridges Committee as a result of work done on the township roads. the committee was unable to prepare a ing and it will be incorporated with .j_the report for July at the next meet- report in time for the Council meet-I I 3 ing. { u.'.A..... `D...... D......:-....1 1 uuu wurn 15 cumpieteu. 9 Road work in general was discuss-` ed at some length. At the time the [supervisors were appointed, it was ' planned to have all work on the roads completed by July 1. Most of this has been done, but Mr. Guest, super- visor for the north half of the town- ship. pointed outthat some necessary work has not_been touched yet. It was _decided toigo on with this but to cease all other operations; The eternal question of the condition of the roads at Big Bav Point was dis- cussed at considerable length, but no action. was taken. I f\........ 4.. 4.1.... 1-....- _-_-.-_'L. 1- - 1 uulra. 0, Q, 0 arm `0. `Apart `from passing` the by.-law, little butroutine business came be- fore Council. As the term of the !engagement of the road _supervisors [expired on July 1, there was some discussion with regard to their re- appointment, but it was decided, as some necessary road work remained , unnished, to engage both Roy Beat- ity and Fred Guest by the day until ;this work is completed. ' Pnn WAY]! in n-A-noun` -unnn J3 nnnn .. ` ` _ Another. polling sub-division has !been created in Innisl Township by the passing of a by-law at the Coun- cil meeting held in the Orange Hall, lstroud, on Monday, dividing Polling Sub-Division No. 3 at Lefroy. This now comprises Lots 19 to 23 in Con. 1, 19- to 22 and the south half of 23 in Con.'2, and 19 to 22,in Cons. 3, -1 and 5. The new sub-division, which will be known as No. 11, will consist of the north half of Lot 23, Con. 2, and all lots from 22 eastward in I Cons. 3, 4, 5 and 6. I I 'Amna+ -49...... ........:..-... .u.- 1.-. I---- I [ROAD SUPERVISORS I RE-ENGAGED BY DAY Ilnnisl Council Decides to] Retain. Their Services Till . Work Completed. ROAD CONTRACT SIGNED av:-'`I` \--u u u vuvgvvv $57,500 has been provided for pub- lic works in Simcoe County and _ad- jacent territory in the supplement- ary estimates brought down in the House`of Commons by Hon. Jas. A. Robb on Tuesday. 'Il 2_`lI____I .__4 Ann Ann A I . Mrs. Chas. Cox. M'eaford; u fl 1] 'r!~-~ " " .--V-we v-. _v-v-au- Midland gets`-3:30.000 for a wharf- and $22,000 is provided for dredging at Honey Harbor. `$3000 is allowed Meaford for repairs to a pier, and Aurora gets $2500 for repairs and nltavntinngfkn H-m nrmnn-nine :1ul.'u1. a_ gens 196000 101' 1:81!!!) alterations to the armounes. Team Batting Avg. 5- 4 `ii 1.1 1.0 rl 5 `ii Score by innings:- ; Beeton...0O0003001-4` Barrie 2 0 0 4 1.0 40 x-11. Summary-Three-base hit. Lynch;l two-base hit, sDyer; hits off } - Plant. 8; off English 13; off Dunham . 2; bases on balls, off Eng- lish, 2; hit by pitched.ball, by Plant (C. English); sacrice hit, Coles; stolen bases,` Emms. Cooper. Kelvey; struck out, by Plant_5, by English 2, by Dunham 2; double plays, Dobson (unassisted), Armstrong (unassist-I ed); earned runs, Barrie 10', Beeton, 3; left on bases, Barrie 8; Beeton 6.| ITmnirnc_Rm-+ am: 117... 3A1`uzu-: BATTING AVERAGHES GEORGIAN BAY LEAGUE, O.B.A. Name FX Dyer .., . . . . . ..2 9 F. Armstrong . . . . 5 23 J.D9bson . . . . ....5 22. IL Lay . . . . . . . ..2 8 VV. Caesar . . . . . ..2 9 C. Carson a.....5 18 L Emnm . . . . . . ..5 19 C. Lynch . . . . . . . .5 19 D. Emms . . . . . . . .5 21 L. Arnold . . . . . . .3 13 A. Clark . . . . . . . . . 5 15 `W. Cooper . . . . . . .2 3 E. Coles . . . . . . . . .1 3 '5`. Foster . . . . . . . .1 1 E Jennett . . . . . . .1 2 G. A.B. H. Avg. .444 .435 .409 . .375 .333 .222 .211 .211 .190 .154 .133 .000 .000 .000 .000 . Armstrong . . `Lynch . . . . . . . Lally 0, xcu. uu uuses, Darrle O; Deewn O.| Umpires--Be rt Jennett and Wes, Martin, Ivy. ! 'l`;VVIn A` nlovnn 1 I\1-u1|n- [K vun:vuuuLon-. Team batting BARRIE EA1-1:1Nc AVERAGES scum SIMCOE LEAGUE; Name } L. Emms . . . . . . . .2 _ 3 M F. . . .5 25 ` C. . . . .5 24 .K.La11y..........2 v9 ` E. Coles . . . . . . . . . 2` . 8 .D.Emms . . . . . ...5 619. I F. Plant . . . . . . . . . 5 25 }F. Dyer . . . . . . . . .3 13 J. Dobson . . . . . . .4 16 C. Carson . . . . . ..1 4 J. Gilchrist . . . . ..3 15 A. Clark . . . . . . . . .5 21 W. Cooper . . . . . . .5 19 R. Cameron . . . . . . 1- 3 J. Rdarks . . . . . ...1 2 W. Tribble . . . . . . . 1 1 R. Twiss 1 2 13 11 G. A.B. H. Avg.[ .666 .520 .458, .444] .375: .368 .320 .308` .250l .250 .200, .190 .157 .000 .000` .000 .000] - Barrie D. Emms, 2b . gnyer, lb, cf .. Armstrong, 3b Lynch, ss . . . . Plant, p .... Clark, cf, rf . . Co1es,lf .. . .. [Cooner, c . . . . Tribble, rf .` Dobsori, lb . "'i{eES"" V7` K C. English, p, lf .4 'Camplin, c lKing, 1 b |Ronan, 2b . .4 1 0. English, ss . .4 I Dunham, If. p . .4 Spencer. 3b . . . .1 W. English, cf . ,4 |Kelvey, 3b . . . X3 Iaxplc wiucu sent. LWO runs across. | Dorsey started, the bombardment which netted three runs for Beeton in the sixth innings with a single. Armstrong waited too long on C. En- glish s roller, then threw high, Dor- sey scoringx. Camplin singled. En- glish scored on a passed ball. King; was safe on a elder s-choice. Camp-i lin scored on O. English s sacrice. I Two Ghost Runs Beeton scored a couple of! ghost runs in the seventh. W. En- glish and Dorsey were on bases when . Camplin hit a foul y thirty feet out- . side the left eld foul line. On thev lcrack of, Camplin s bat, English and . Dorsey raced for home; whilelCamp- L lin proceeded to burn up the paths. sliding into third before he realized ` E that the `blow was foul and the crowd I .< was laughing at him. !] -Tho `Ft'\`I1'n{'1\ out` InnJ- . . u . A n n--I `L--1 4 was xaugxuug an mm. ! The fourth and last run scored by} Beeton was in the ninth, when Kel-I vey, who had singled and stolen se-| Icond, scored on W.` EngIish`s sing1e.} ` Dnntnn AD 1) T1 nn A -n at bat, the former getting a double lull]. Cc: - Dyer and Lynch were prominent and a single, which drove in four runs, while Lynch got a single and a triple which sent two runs across. hm-um g+m.+..A +1.- L......1.-.....I_.--u an cuuuvuulg lb. _ Del. Emms had a great day in the eld, handling six chances, every one of which was difficult, without aeslip. He also led the run scorers with three.. - ' - `I\_____. -.- J `I ,,,, `I `Shag where you an n:1ted to thou aL;u.I.`c UUUSUII 8110 I.`;Il'lII1S. After the seventh English decided that he had hadenough and Dunham came in from left. eld to perform mound work in the eighth innings. English had been using a rather de- ceptive slow ball but found difficulty in controlling it. Dal `Emma Bar] 1: nu-nnl Jr... :_ 4.1.- '-.--.-.......u gnvun FKLEG J] I through with the necessary single to score Dobson and Emms. I AH-m. +1..` ..........4.1. 'rn......1:..L .I.--:_1-J DOUBLE PLAYS HELP IN Bmuun VICTORY, Iljobson and Armstrong Make Two-Ply Killings Un- 1 assisted. . astbn, Com Ida. G cott rle. allaugher. . Barrie; 1th, S HBWOO Henderson, helburnei d; Mluel Mansfield: Miss Dogs