SEE US BEFORE you guy on SELL Phones: Office 861. Aresidez`1ces 864W or 10".'1J. Dunlap at Mul(cafst-e;'- Phone 31 ': : BAR} We have some splendid values in Houses, Farms, Summer Properties and Business Pro- positions. ' nzgmv & com ` "'i'b1 i5iI{1o"I Home Phono:698. Shop 1 Electrical Contrator FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES McClary'u Electric Range; and Circulating Water Heston Sold and Installed. We carry a full line of Electric Irons, Hot Plates. Toasters. Heaters, Lamps, Bulbs, Etc. 1l\1 I\,, I H BUSINESS IS cooii IN REAL ESTATE Ed. `Bryson s THAT ARE APPETlZ- ING AND DELICIOUS ALWAYS. I Confectionery 32-38 Elizabeth St. Phone 125. , " FRESH FRUIT SUNDAES r til 1028. -vuvuwl It pays to road The Examiner Adlot Column. Page 18. wvuyv was on ouvuluvl. VJ. BIIU C5359 Mr. Cockburn remained in Guelph for the seventeenth annual confer- ence V of Agricultural Regresentatives` during whi the latest evelopments in scienti argriculture` were dis- cussed. Mr. Cockburn stated to The Examiner that it was decided to con- tinue the Better Live Stock train again this ear. Eastern Ontariowill be visited rst. but due to the inter- est taken in the exhibit in Western Ontario last year an effort will .be made to include this section of the rrovince in the itinerary of the train f it is, at all possible. _ - 2 - 3 IUGUUIVI The visitors were given the oppor- ' tunity to inspect the ]experi_mental [ plots where erains are tested. and I originated. Exhibits were also ar- ; ranged in the buildings of the coil- v ege. During the afternoon a pro- ; gram of intercounty -sports was much enjoyed, while a number from Sim- coe County remained for the open-' ` ing concert held in the. magnificent V new memorial hall in the evening`. This program was put _on by the members of the famous old Sod- busters company. which toured On-' . tario some time ago in order to raise ` money hr the memorial hall in which .1 they had the honor of giving the op- ening performance. It was of par-. ticular interest .to Simcoe County , farmers in that their own Represent- 1 ative was a member of the cast C `Ila l'I--I-L--.__ __-_.-_.L_ , I II 4-. - - uuu uttl'Ill I0 tneswanlmals. As .a special introductory offer `Dr. Alexander is giving a regular $1.00 all- purpose sprayer free with each_ order for a $1.25 full size can of Rid-0-Fly. Send` name and address today to the Alexander Laboratories. V601 .Bohan Bldg 43 Adelaide St. West. Toronto, enclosing only $1.25 (cheque) or (m.o.) or, if you prefer. you can pay the post- man $1.25 plus a. few cents postage. of Nova Scotla. 'l`cronto.7 1 ou'r,re_fer- once. Don't put up with these annoy- ing. expensive and dangerous poets a. ' dag! longer. Rid-0-Ely will clean them on . . . -V 2603 . F. .Arms3;rong, 3b U01.` 1'; Dobsbn, 1b . . . .V . Gilchrist, ss . . . . D. .,Emms, 2b . . . K. `Armstrong, c . '1-`l`.IAlVin_ inf vVl\llI\ VWV Ull UU3u U ";Ih.eCamp get their second and last run in the third innings when Gill hit for the four sacks. Frank Armstrong, with a home run, a `double -and a single in three VI times at bat. led the batters. fS_a3I.L_ --.L- -31 - v won-g awu mu: UlIr\o!=l.'3u V `E;if1:ith8, who pitched the last `two innings for-the Camp, allowed two hits and struck out ve men. The bx score :4"- C.N.R~. ,!,B 1}. H 4 Pp IQ nn`ua)\n 1 3` ` v vuv ocaur la U11 U16 H810. : Dave Harding. the former Queen's ; football star, started on the mound- ;. for the Camp. Although obviously - xlacking practice, he gave evidence in ashes that he is` a very_ capable . twirler. V V " . Camp Borden got a run in the first innings. Anderson was hit by a pitched ball. Hobson struck out. Anderson stole second and scored on Moore's single. Gregson reached rst on Gilchrist s error. Moore was out going to second. Gregson stole - second and third but was stranded when Guire strucksout. were added in thefourth when Emma and Armstrong hit homers, Emms coming with. two on bases. p|-__ fq_____ ___'1 .1 c - C.N.R. collected three in their half 1 of the same innings; on Gilchrist s ; single, Gill's error, Armstrong's dou- 1 Me and Travis walk. Four more i vv . euswurc A. J. Sarjeant uuugluu, V. 1.4. V Second round; H. Tldeman A. C. Bricket XV. Stewart I Qnminnni vmr. r. 1'. Ul8.l`K, skip, (12). Mrs. Shannon, Mrs. Kennedy,` A. Sinclair. A. C. Bricker, skip. (11); Miss K. Kennedy, Mrs. P. T. Clark. A. G. Campbell..C. H. Beelby, skip. (6). Miss M_. Kennedy. Miss Parrish, A. F. A. Malcomson, H. Tideman. skip, (13): Miss Warren. Mrs. Scythes, Fred Douglas. V. L. VanAtter. skip, .(3). round: Lu. 5. Taylor, W. Stewart, skip. (8). Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Hewitt, J. B. Compton. A. J. Sarjeant. skip. (7); Miss G. Walls. Mrs. Wolfenden.` L. 0 Van`, P. T. Clark. skip. (12); Shannon. Mrs: W 1: vAv\v|t\4'I' Ilfst round: Miss Cornwall. Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Beelby. D. M~cNiven; skip. (10); `Miss Frawley. Mrs. Devins, M. B. Taylor, W.` Stewart, Turner. Mm. Hewitt _r n -, , I'll`. II This new discovery, which is called Alexander's Rid-0-Fly. is not `a pois- on. Though it kills flies like magic, farm animals and human beings are not affected by it at all. In addition to killing `these insects. Rid-,0-Fly is .a. strong repellant. Flies will not come- near stock or buildings where Rid-0-n Fly. has been used. Rid.-0.-Fly is par- ticularly valuable for cows and horses. as it is `a known fact that flies do un- told harm to these` animals. sneninl h \+nm...+n.... ..u--- A vwu -- vvv-II1$ lVlf'\IUrI P. -T. Clark :VOn the weekly bowling-I `match on Monday night with D. Mc- Niven second. Following are there- sults: - ' `Eluunt - .....-..A - `ll ! --- ` ` __:_--`. _..-u.- to J. V A U U U U": Summary-H me runs, D. Emms, F. Armstrong, Gill; two-`base hits, F. Armstrong; stolen bases, Anderson, Gregson (2); Griffiths, Hunt, Dob- son, K. Armstrong, Lougheed; struck out by Harding (in four innings) 4, by Griffiths (in two innings) 5, by Hill 13; hit by pitched ball, by Grif- fiths V(D. Emms), by `Hill 2 (Ander- son and Kircaldi); bases on balls, off Harding 2, of! Hill 2'; left on bases, C.N.R. 8, Camp Borden 3`. Umpire-E. -W. Kearns. LOCAL aowune MA'rH r In rn....|. ....._ u_- _--A-,-, P. T. Clark 14 D. McN_lven _ 9 C. `H. Beelby 14 V. L. V9,nAtter 6 . Be sure to see our Ladies Patent Slippers at $3.45 Eight low or medium heel styles from which to choose; excellent quality patent leathers; all sizes from 2% to 7 in each style. Priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.45 Made from the best quality patent leath- ers, are most popular for summer wear. See our new styles priced from `. . . . . Better Footwear Flies are one of the most dangerous and annoying` things with which folks have to contend. Now. through the discovery of Dr. E. R. Alexander. wide- Iy known scientist. you can rid your house. barns and livestock of these pests almost Instantly. and `with no trouble at all. This discovery is in the form of an organic chemical that is fatal to flies. and similar pests. such as black flies. mosquitoes and moths. Q I STRAP SLIPPERS 2%-to 7Ji1 .. $3.45 . { I 7 $5.36 6 "$3.56 :----:---1 VVILH l'lll.`uHlilll5Hl. The contintmtima Friday. and .)li.~'.-< `her home in Perth n has made m:tny I`: GUI]. Miss Anna \\'o. her Thornton 1'1-l.'|! `West is Still mint" with rheumatism. "I"kn nn.\4:.~..... JIKLB U{'t'll illl!'lH Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 'G1'e-_\' mimn day to visit Mr. son. ' `IE3..- A -....- 1|-, JVJIU. IV. "1. uIIIIllI`.\ Miss Sumh Allvn A a prolon-,:e1 visit u much imp1~u\'-d in re 'I.nnnn\-`u Hi \`.\IllUl|I II_l'.\l FUII` Miss Doris \\' her home {rum has been uttz-ml `Inn r\\\t` \l.... KIIUUII lIll[Ill1\t'll Mrs. Le1nmx'.~ the .\Iissim1:n'_\' School next Sm `\1:..n 1'`; n- J./(`l.ll.l'll Jhllllllli-Z. Miss Muriel l`h- spending :1 xvm-1; `:Ro`bert Lowriu. 'Dn1- \l.. .....l \l.. JJUGIIC. ltll \\ L'l'I\. Mrs. Donald I-`er-. don of B:u'ric~ spa 1\Irs. \\'. A. 'J;In1i-.< R/[inn Ch. ..I. \ ll. .. I`LUU\`.l L J.4U\\.l'll.'. Rev. Mr. and .\| `Visited .\Ir.~x. '-to Doane. last \\'0("k. ll-u `l|.....\I/I I.` u'uuu_y Uil I,|_\ . . Miss (`-~1'trmh~ `spent Sunday Dalton P:1ntin.'. Ilium `\I....:._I I .\.lllll7-`lll. Sherlock P.:n`ln\\' Beach for his huh Mx's. Kin.-.'. of '1`:- mother, Mrs. A. Ii. ` NHSS Scott Hf Bu end at the hmnu 1 Miss Irene Lnxvx-' a visit with fric-ml Mr. Dunnin: wax quaimance in tin- Mr. Shaw nf 'l`u sister, Mrs. M.-111. Miss Muriel Po-: the week-c-ml with C0n:_.:mtul2uim1.<' '\Vi]t(m Hupkins am E-cmny bzlby. lfiuc (`.nu-n-unh. \| I-Q!-W1 Mr. Me-tculf is care. 11-`. T ..,..... :.- 1.11.1 U. Mrs. Lucas is Minesing. Q'|-\nu-lnr.1- D-n ul. .u-' cauuuy veralls .98 Brown Real Estate Agents If it is Real'Estate, we VA A ' have it. Terms arranged to suit Nicotine Sprz Powder and Paris Green, `Berry Boxes Butter Croc Jugs, We. also ha Suppl. 3113 Inivtiw SEEDBUCI 93}; I%i;;i THE B552` EGG PR HAVlN( from SOCIE1 are the C: Cool, scrv Reversill SHlR'l $1.5( 1410 1 Thurs-da)-I attend \lr< Cu ;<. Easy N 0;??? Ygru_l?la pf Flies Siz ":1 lar _ _.__-: `Va Q II`; Widely Known Scientist Discovers Wonderful Chemical that is Fatal to Flies. Not a Poison- Harmless to Stock. .