uulus last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strain and fam- ily and `Wm. Walt , Toronto, were Sun- day visitors at Frank Walt's. ' Tim Connell. Jr., spent Sunday in Orillia. Howard R. Kelcey spent the week- end with his brother here. MI` and IVS `D{uInn.'uu.... AL- .--..._A. otayllcx` ll-Ru. WEEK. , Thos. Holdsworth of California is renewing acquaintance with friends here after an absence of fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wice and Mrs. Robt. Reynolds spent Sunday in_ Mid- land. / . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Bar- rie, visited at the home of S. H. Rey- nolds last week. `Jr and RA :-as `LY.-;.....-. cu.....:.. _...i -_4 Luc uuulc U]. W. n. 1V.I.a.I`tln. T. Connell. Sr., spent a gew days in Stayner last week. ` Thou nnlautrnnh A0 fVnICn__:- .1- uuuu u-vuunuvlvl I IOUII ' A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized._Monday morning,` when Flor- ence Evelyn, daughter of Mrs. M. Mor- rison of Elmvale, became the bride of 'Louis J. Cousineau of North Bay. The bride, who was unattended, wore a smart suit of navy broadcloth with blue georgette hat and the groom's gift, a zimmerman fox fur. A wedding breakfast was served to the immediate friends and relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McParland. Mr. and Mrs. Cousineau left on the .C.P.R. train No. 1 for a wedding trip to Port Arthur and `Winnipeg and upon their return will reside in North `Rnv Qj `TTQC Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hurst` and son Ralph. Toronto, spent the Week-end with S. H. Reynolds. I John Y-Tia-(ring AP ("oi-Ifn-nn u:..:t;.;l I wu.u D. 11.. neynolu. John Higgins of California visited his cousin, '1`. Connell. last week. . MP, Rh!` MFG than-1* Riot-fin and fauna, um cuusxn, 1`. uonneu, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and fam- ily, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of W. "H. Martin. 'I` Pdnnnli Qua amount as One 3..-... :_ Hlewhleld upthe stage to steal laukisslv Was shgfrsla No, she was merely thrilled. You will be, too, when you see the daring exploits of the Black Mask. ff`\71` _ .4. ugaux Juaan. ul. IJEKU DIHICOC. - Mrs. (Rev.) W. Madden o\Au'rora spent the week-"end with her daughter.` Mrs. W. J. Broliey. ' .Tan1r `Rnlnnv an)! Misc Mann. A: n-n.'...~ THE BARRIE EXAMINER CARD OFTHANKS - and ll-us '1'! `D..1.L:.._ ____a p, THE GONVENIENCE OF GAS Cousineau-MoI_-rison _A 1,". --- .!1'9CK.. A`s`r'1'1all deposit`wiv13i;`ee"e--rgliiiolev\;;1ter heater in your. home`, all ready for use. _ - - - L If you were to let your dishes accumulate for a week, a modern -gas water heater would furnish enough hotwater to clean up the whole stack at the cost of a newspaper. Oryou could wash your dishes day by day and the cost would be about the same. A - For baby s bath,l,a big summer day s cleaning, the family wash, for all sorts of personal comforts, you cannot. equal the economy and speed a gas-red water heater will give you. A `.-.....II ..l........:L ___:11 -1--- - Cvodmple-te installations arefmade (with ordinary connections) for llul.'lCl'a I At a meeting of the congregation of St. George's Church," Tuesday. June 17, it was decided` to purchase the home of the late Mr. Lawrence for a rectory. _A canvas will be started to assist in paying for the property. Q The annual nionin of `tho Allnngla .1 -l(ll`]JI':l'. ` Chas. Watson and family have gone to spend a holiday at their cottage at Tiny Beach. Ainlun 11;... 1...... ..-L--__._-_I I. -___ - cuuuay. Holly girls softball team defeated a picked team of Allandale girls at Holly, Monday evening, by 29 to 4. The Allandale team was completely baffled` by the twisters of Holly's southpaw hurler. A : A6 o\ ..-.....\A:_... At 4.1.- _______ _A2- -n Lcrxcrcu LU u. Uullslueranle extent. Twenty-five Pullmans of the latest type are being used by the Allandale terminal in connection with the sum- mer schedule which went into effect, Sunday. 'I'-TnI`lu a-hols unffkoll Ono-n Anc....L...:I .. oruwu, .Lu.uu at... over tne Weex-enu. Percy Rosevear of Niles, Mich., is spending a month s holidays with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brun- ton. with-s. (Dr.) Lever; who has been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kearns, Burt- on Ave., has returned to her home in Owen Sound. A ............ ....:..1 ....._z_.. __._A__ __- , \JVVClI EUIJIIKL A very successful garden party was given by St. George's Church, Tuesday, June 24, despite _the fact than rain in- terfered to a` considerable extent. "I"u7nnfv_'hrn Dlillrmnnn no! LI... I...A....a. J.'uruI}I0 I0!` tne vweex-end. W. D. Little and family are moving to Gravenhurst for the summer months. }'!`S_ S, Watt Nnvnr R799: 9 Qnndnv mus. All. rzuunes, nurton Ave. Miss R. Sanders of Toronto was a week-end guest with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanders, Caroline St. n Mr and Mru f` Lfnunlou nf VD.-....-....o.\' 'u.uu 1V1l'. n. aunuers, uaroune St. : Mr. and Mrs. C. Moseley of Toronto were guests of the latter's father. M. Brown, Tiffin St., over the week-end. pnrhv Pnqnvnnr nf `!\Tnnu 1\,n.-.3. :.-. `Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bothwell spent Sunday with Mrs. J. M; Both- well. \Kuu T? "Dnsunknn at 'fV.._.\_L.. ..._....L p. w. ruuuner. l Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marshall were week-end visitors at the home of John Marshall, Essa St. ' `llpgu `IF.-Iuuu...I `D......4-_ .....: an-:.._ -r___ DUIIUUI. Mrs. Fred Cooper of Bradford is via- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. _'1`hos. Marling. ' - A hnhv air` now-no n Iudnl-.6.-. 41...` 1V1d.l'llil.ll, 135521 DL. Mrs. Edward Brunton and Miss Mar- jorie Brunton of Hamilton are visiting Mrs. M. I-mlmes, Burton Ave. Mi p gander: hf 'I"nv-nv\I-A vnnn on Mrs. Js. Trask spent the week-end in Meaford. (`Anna-A TD:..'l....... at rI'!..._A_L.. .._-_.4. (V-.__ \ld_)' VVIIJI LFICIIVJS IIUFC. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dobson were in Toronto for the vweek-end. `ur `in Tjtoln or-:1` 4-'.-.....n.. ....... .......-.:...... u uxavcuuuryl. Lur Lue summer montns. Mrs. S. Watt, Novar, was a Sunday guest with her sister, Mrs. `Geo. Pouch- Pl`, W U11. - Miss K. Poucher of Toronto spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrsg C. W. Poucher. `Ml-. nu: `Ill ..- cu...._1..-. \t-___v__u1 ___,,- Ill AVLCIIILUILI. George Fisher of Toronto spent Sun- day with friends here. Mr and Mvn 1:1 117 `r\..1.-..... ......... .1... .aa'1aI. Ill paying 101' ule property. The annual picnic of the Allandale ALLA_NDAL_E NEWS $25.00 Don t miss the first chapter Of this mighty serial. 1&1` more exciting than anything you _have yet witnessed. auaruua. A baby girl came `to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Baker on Sunday. Q `X7nIn1n1v AP TJ'nnnlI6nu. 1-Qua...` LL. Tw;o Svhows-: 7.l5'and 9.15. Admission: Adults, 23, `tax 2c; Children, 9c, tax 1c. THE STEEL TRAIL G DUWH UH LIIC AVLUAICGH UULU.C.l- To miss this is to miss one of the most gripping tales of adventure and romance ever screened. the quick-shooting, swifzt-riding man of action, as the blackmask. ACTIONW THRILLS in The Lightning Rider It will take 3:hur brehth `.away. Romance to delight your heart- and all the thrills and adventure of a town .on the _Mexicap border. ' 711.. ._....._ 4.`I.:.. _. J... .._-.... ....... ..t .31.. Monday, Tuesday and `Wednesday RAILR'_6.XB7siR'lI&L And it Christie Comedy: THE NEW SHERIFF AND BEGINNING A NEW l3t`l1~Cll. . > ' I Miss Flo. Proctorvand Mrs. W. Cape]! of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Leeson. Mn... Tun n......'..a......1...... 1...- _-a.--.__ With HARRY CAREY tn uninn .a\J|\lIl.JA` ` Miss Winnifred R. Smith spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Camp Borden. MI` and MFG `lzicrnlnvxv and `Tina CV nun. puuul. biilllp nuruen. Mr. and Mrs. Bigeloysz and Miss E. Brodie of Toronto motored from Tor~ onto and spent last Wednesday with Mrs. W m. Smith. DA `Ml ... "I1...._..... ....1- `L- _-___,,-__ _L H wuvu-o I IGIU lid ' Three games of baseball will be the feature attraction at the C.N. Athletic Association field day to be held in Ag- ricultural Park, July 1. Ottawa (C.N. R.), York Nationals of Toronto. Mimico (C.N.R.) and Allandale (C.N.R.) will be the competing teams. There will also be'a soccer match between Tor- onto (C.N.R.) and Allandale. During the afternoon there will be an attrac- tive program of track and field sports for C.N.R.'employees. These events are closed to all but employees of the rail- way as all points scored count toward the W. E. Vveegar, challenge cup for which the several terminals are com- peting. A dance in the armories in the evening will bring the program to a conclusion. Frank Foster, Chairman, G. W. Clark, Vice-Chairman. and W. N. Duff, Secy.-'l`reas., are the officers of the committee in charge. AVLI 3. VV Ill. DIHILH. Rev. Mr. Tupper took the service at the. Camp on Sunday, June 22; William Duncan A . v-..` _-. -.... -cal you-swan At a meeting held Monday, June 23, for the purpose of organizing a soft- ball club in connection with the Al- landale Presbyterian Church, the fol- lowing officers were elected: Hon- President. Rev. W. J. VVatt; Pres., E. Shear; Vice-Pres., E. W. Kearns; Secy.-Treas., E. McMi1lin; Manager, A. Ferguson; Capt. Bert Mcconkey; Executive, D. W hite, R. Ferguson, J. Marshall,_ F. Wareham, B. Travis, N. Marshall, J. Fraser. A committee con! sisting of Messrs. Shear, Ferguson and Mcconkey Vwas named to negotiate with the three other Allandale church- es for the formation of a league. E. Shear was chairman of the meeting. terminal will be held at Couchiching Park, Orillia, on` July 16. A special train will leave Allandale at 9 a.m. and Barrie .at 9.10 a.m., returning at 8.30 p.m. Thebaseball game between Pen- etang and Barrie scheduled for this date will be_ playeg at another time and the Orillia-Barrie game scheduled for July 1 will be..postponed so that it can be played in connection with the picnic. _ ' Presbyterians to Play Softball A+ n -....\:.s.'...... I....`|.: \.r-..,:l__. 1-_____ ` _sUsPENs1=:_ .I.4UUSUIlu Miss Lila Cunningham has return- ed, home from North-. Bay Normal School. llnn D`-AA l`Inn_x.u. J B..- 31-..: .I.. __1._ Thursday; Julie 26, 1924. BORPFN 11 .... 3..-: is (1,, C.N.R. Field Day n-`Ann nl I...-..-AI._I1 __ I . annually uutux Gordon Lon defence, aske can't have yo` your own hou ing to have th nlv:nv-nin Y _........, - -..... - Mr. Boys in while the quar the house it;h street and the effect under t actually occu T .11 CD1]- Frank Hug} had been that this capacitv force nor hm however. hear Ofher witness'- Mrs. Elizabot. mens, Pearl 211 U11 `.1!!! UUUIV. W. A. Bo_\'.<, hoped the (-1: stable Rayner they were or r tory organs shocked. Mr. suredhim that if the eggs fresh. 17|..-_I 11,, I yuan Llll` l `J \\ clock when }. key of the cm that it was I take it out. Walter Rz:_\ n scene he was` created by th tance` of abou entering {he h niture disarm off '.he door. `T7 A I ) , - themselves i --..... V... nu... Magistrat ment until Cuaig, ('ouI:.< present writt ' Family Convicted seemly Ian Mr. and M each ned court. Mom Hughes, arr chax';.'.'e. was 2 ation was 111' which touk pl about midnigi Archie Lou 41...; 4].- .. ._ uuu-.-up u wvlb v woov nnvu-av va. vnauq 'L|yu4IIlVJn Mr. and vivlrs. Ewart Arnold of Pen- etang visited with Wm. Arnold last week. - ' ` A mm .....a ML- -|: :.u......4. 1-4-1.. ...... .....:..-. .1] IJIHK.` that the ~'l-. ,.l. ._ d. I\. DU_\'S his absence med the last ugzn. LU L'I'()' Mr. Lesliz that he had cautions in Barrie to . Allan Black all of whom horses in th proper way horses xvas` t( and another dall also test nu: aca urgcu At the 1': Worship dec to the prose right to cm. Mr 7 n_;l :5 uu uavc Lu Magistrate J `men would uuntl U] I U _Roht. H. ed rancher. Witness by cution. Mr men had t distance of city of Ed ed where t lation to the in front tn other remai horses toget AL 61... _.. Cow-p dealers . tions clu pohce bringing alluring brush, 0 riders, o stretchin dulations uplifting the pure dra`ma hx atmospht: exact recreated horse}; 5 - theovcra Witnesses Problo cal stock along Br ing, June petent to with the had been question, unbroken. stock yam in approv cowboys decks of s dering 0: turned on Eastern .< approache onto the VVhether I on the par fear or to tang will I lution -is newly arri only tryin the East, could 0ut-l) case, they playing t spirit. Th to settle equine psy ther thorn B.C.I.- lawn marks, so Chief of Pu Y)-LJ. It IMP} Vild hcfur and ivlfs. Robert Cole are enj6y- gzg a holiday at their cottage at Balm each. ` `int: Win DnI\ll\m uni `Klan 11-..`!!! nu`... ma -vqnuu can vvvv Ale ':Eis"'yT:a Coleman of Toronto. spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Jno. Pugsley visited with friends in the city over the week-end. Sanford Piper of Fesserton spent last week at the home of Jno. Rainey. 11.. ......a 11.... 1-.1..-..`.. A._.._I.I .3 1'5... guuau. UL ;vu'a, V. ouatty. uu aunuuy. Mrs. Camplin of Torontovisited at Geo. Parks` home over the week-end. `K7 7 lorfin nut` fovniltr AC VIVA-unnin yuan. nurpur. on aunuay. Mr. and Mrs. .103. McGowan or Schombery visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ward Graham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. am, v.'I'AAI-11 an 4.1.. (ICU. I'G.l`l$ IIUIIIU UVUT IJIU ween-Gnu. W. J. Martin and family of Toronto spent Sunday with friends in town. 112..- r_-I__.1- z\-u_-__-, _- al. LNG DUI! LUIULIHUHU ULLIUU. Mr. Dunning of Toronto is visiting with his son. Harry Dunning. Mrs P A `Fluff in vlalfina knu- VVILII xua HUI]. ru:u'1`,y Jllllllllllu Mrs. R. A. Duff is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Flynn. T V `Min: 14`. I Qnnnnn nf T-Tnllv um: fhn uauguter, zvxra. Linus. rxynn. `Miss E. I. Spence of Holly was the guest of Mrs. V. Beatty. on Sunday. Nina. Cnmnlin nf 'I`nrnnfn`vinitn at Mrs. D. Coleman is confined toIher home through illness. . Mr. Donnell of Keswick spent Sun-. day with Jas. Donnell. ' - I-I. Rankin and family motored to Lake Simcoe on Sunday. ' `A (`ilnmnnf nf Fihnnlnnnt anon} fhn .M.lullUl`SL UH ouuuuy. J-RIJSU DIIHUUU U11 Duuuay. A. Clement of Chapleau spent the week-end with H. Leeson. `Inn llnnlyunnn n-`A-6 nunuinuu u--{AL WUUlS'CllU WILH 1'1. LJUUSUII. Jno. Monkman spent Sunday with xhis sister. Mrs. Jno. Cause.` ,Tv-an Rnn nf Tnnnnfn nnnnf Qnnnu vlll BIISLUF, JVJFH. JHU. UUUBU. Jno. Bond of Toronto spent Sunday at the Bell Telephone office. Mr Thinning` nf Tnrnnfn in vlnina June 24--Miss Minnie Hudson spefmt a couple of days inthe city last week. W. J. Broley is quite ill. ' iMrs.v Booker spent last Week in the c ty. ~ ` Mr. Wood spent a. day or two in the city last week. F`. U `Rnhinnnn nnnnt a few dnxn: at .LVUI`V&l Id!!! WEEK. Born, to Mrxand Mrs. .103. Graham on June 15, a son. ' Mica Dnlinn Dninnv in vial!-inn with wuru uruuuxn on uunuayy Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jeffery or the Scotch Settlement spent Sunday `with Mr. and Mr.-e\.,,Chr!s. Long. MI`, lid MFR, R, .1 llnllnnu-Inn. 5|` UH JUNE 10, I1 HUI]. Miss Belinda Rainey is visiting with friends at Fesserton. . . "II-n nn `Inn A 'I'AT.nan vunfnmn On LIWUIIUS III. .!`UEHUl'|.Ull. VMr. and Mrs. A. McLean motored to Midhurst on Sunday. T T Mr: 13 (`nhnnnn in nnnfinn n`!-nnr City 18.81. WEEK. F`-. H. Robinson spent a few days at Norval last week. `Dnuun 61; `Ila -nv\t` `II-ca Tnu llnokonn Pu Sights Two Shows: 7.15-9.15. I Admission: Adults`, 23c, tax 2c;Chi1dren, 9c, tax 1c. `Special Matinee Saturday at 2.30. ' Adults, 14, tax lc; Children, '4c, tax lc. THURS. nu. & SAT. T cooxsrowu CAPITL THEATRE The rollicking tale of a femiine go-getter, a peg-0"-my-heart of the. woodlands in a relentless man-hunt. She wanted a man, so. she kidnapped one- _ - Yau 1l laugh till_ you cry -at the way shedid it. . T j wiocsatea ~ 31r/at `national THURS kg. nuuuuy. s. Wolsley of -Hamilton spent the week-end with his cousin, Mrs. Cha. Harper. (`.1193 Vlnfnnn nnl` fnlznnlhnv Inning :-Ann Western Comedy AND THE NINTH CHAPTER 01-` 9`-FIGHTING BLQODH ALSO A MIRTI-I-PROVOKIN c COMEDY,_ on, GIRLS! new ofa on V-cu vluv uuunauuuau aaulan lawn!) BU Ell` bank in Maple; M - Mr. and Mrs. Lott Webb have gone to their cottage, "Green Ga.b1ea. ? Big Bay Point, for the summer. TBA TTnInn nnhnnl nlnnln halo! at uuu lit no!` name In UOOKSIOWH. M1ss'Lilian Reid.wa.a up from the city over Sunday. `Rnrv-in xrlnitnrn In Q1-u-nua `loaf Ilvnnb any FUIIIL, LU!` (.118 BUHIIHCF. The Union school plcnlc held at Lakeland (Township) Park on,:Tune` 20 was, very successful. the different schools competing in baseball, football and races of various orders. `Ilium Ilnnu"'D-nlinnb nun-.5 bl... -..-._`I. uuu; Last Thursday afternoon the mem- bers of the Methodist W.M.. were the guests of the Burton Ave. W.M.S., il- landale. A very profitable and pleas- ant time was enjoyed by all. _ T, Nnrfhwnn has hnnn M-nnufmnu-mi any uxuu was eruuyeu Dy an. I. Northwood has been transferred from the Standard Bank here to the Maple.- Inn. aunt` It..- 1-. `-rn..|.u. 1...--- ._-_- JVITH. W. J. DFOUGY. Jack Ralney anii Miss Moore of Tor - onto vlsited with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rainey on Sunday." ' `RAJ-vnv nlnmnn -nf .vlIn.m .....-. 5'- -1- uuu F340!!! 0!.` vu.r1u_uu 0!'I18!' 8. Miss Mary Pollock spent the week- end .at'her home in Cookstown. Illa: "I'.lIInn Dglil 1-non us; 0...... AI... BPFUUIU ICLHL WEEK. The appearance or the Methodist church is greatly improved by being freshly decorated and painted by G.- `Harper. - Minn `RV-nnl.-or nf 'l`rn-nntn man O-Ina .r.I.urpuL`. Miss Broeker of Toronto was the gugst or Mrs. Johnston over the, week- an .- 5 may end.- `I ,1: LFIUIIHH Ill J.Ul'UIlLU. ' The annual school picnic was held last Fridayoin the Township Park at the eighth line beach. A large crowd assembled. and old and young enjoyed 8. merry afternoon and evening. ,A `Rnv, Mr, and Mr:' `Pm-rv and ddnuh- LIVUS HUFU ldl. WUUK. v V Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Mullen and son of Collingwood were the guests of Mrs, Sproule last week. The: nnnAnv-nnnn A! fhn Ital-hnalno 11 lllUl.'l.'y ll.l.l.Ul'IlUUll uuu UVUHIHE. /` Rev. Mr. and Mrs.` Perry and daugh- terVMir1am. of Toronto, visited rela- tives here last week. Mn nn 'I'uus| Vlnnn Iluilnn (Ia-5:` nus.` Total Expenses Balance. in -Bank` nxpexluuureu Cheque forhall seats . . . . . . . . . .$. Entry fees` for exhibits` at Fair Cheque for curtains for Hall . . ` Payment on bank note . . . . . . 1 Accounts paid 1 rsuuwy un aunuay. 1 , Harvey Coleman `of ~'1`s.coma. Seek. has returned home after 9.. three weeks visit with friends here. `Mr fnlnlnu and man 'l'.I._ -1 A__.--_V Treasurer : Ropot Women ; Institute Receipts .-1923 -24 To baiance on "hand from 1922- ' -23 Tofees from 41 members ....`..10.25 To prizes at Fair 29.60 Cash for wicker 14.70 Bank note 200.00 Receipts from concerts . . ; . . . . . 164.35 Receipts from Valentine tea. . . 63.89 Government grant . . . . . . . . . R'3.00 Talent money . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . 83.45 Miscellaneous receipts , . . . . . . . 70.02 Bank-interest .48 _4-- -Total Receipts `ln- Ql-L115 IIIB dplullllq -JVLIKB. IJIIU. 1861]. Jno. A. 0. Ken. B.A., son of Mrs. Jno. Kell, has been called to take charge as student pastor or Richville Community church, near Toronto. W1:IL::.Ws. Bahting and Son Clarence of Toronto visited the former-. s parents, Mr and Mrs. Jas. Donnell over th week-end. _ . - 11-. nm:` `ll -on `Dnki I'll-an-.~.n-A on-`.1 ween-uuu. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinsmore and Mr. and Mrs. Del. Dinsmore and family of Orangeville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. V. Beatty. Mnfthnm (1:-nnnlnny 1-if lnndyillinvv: anu Mrs. v. ueatty. N V , Matthew Greenlaw of Clanwilliam. Manitoba, 9. commlssionervtd the Gen- eral Assembly at Owen Sound, is vis- iting his aunt, .Mrs. Jno. Kell. ` ' Inn A I`, Vol] `R A unn nf `AA :-ca "v".`3`. i acoinpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kidd, attended the wed- ding of,a nephew at Toronto on Wed- nesday. Mr: 1Unn"RnnHnp and smn (`Jar-Anon where they intend visiting friends for a. time. `T ` `Cow-ulvivxrv nf "KYcu$nn . nolln An H1116. E.` Banting of `Weston called on friends here on Tuesday and Wednes- day. 7 Min: `lifh 'R'nhInnnn uyhh ha: hnnn uugiiss Edith Robinson, [who has been teaching school near Collingwood. has. returned home to enjoy the summer hoday. - ., '_'I'nn Tfid nnnnrnnnnia luv Mr and VIHII. WILII IJVIUHUB Here. f Mr. Wolsley and son. John of Angus visited Mr. Wolaley-'3 daughter. Mrs, Chas. Harper. on Sunday. MI`. and MPH. Jnn Mnflnvnnn A0 .TR9w5T , % -__I_ is __.__ __ Ls- Expenditures mall manta ...........*.....$360 1 ....`..10 air 29 r 14 200 oncerts 164 Valentine .. 63 mt "3 . - .. 83 70 oovoounu cuollcolcuul coo ecelpts uovcuocuunoucoou .70 .25 .60 .70 .00 .35 .89 .00 .45 .02 2:5--: _;...I.lL...___ .. . . . ._s1.ooo.`44 $246.60` 1' 7.00 347.60 2oo.oo . 120a33 .$921;53 . .78.91 .3360. ...10.25 29. . 14. . 200. 164. 63. 70. 70 60 70 00 35 89 02 A9 vvv- --vg nnvv cnvnu VVIII UV The second schedule of the church league softball was brought to a close on Tuesday of this week when the Methodists won their eighth successive game by defeating the Union team 8 to 7. The Methodist team. under the ` management of E. I-Ioughtononly lost the one game out of the nine played and that was the first game played with the Presbyterians. It is expected that the Presbyterians, who won the rst . schedule, and the M_ethodists will have a play off in the near future. nu... ..nn-___ __.1 _._ __.--_,_ reuuureu. ' ' The light `showers we have been re- _ ceiving for the past week have helped to make a big improvement on the wheat and clover. The gardens and spring crops are in. need of a good soaking but as a whole the outlook` for the farmer is becoming better as the moisture falls even in small quantities. The four public school teachers and E. G. Miller. continuation school prin- cipal. -have decided to spend another term in Elmvale. The trustees have been fortunate in securing. this effi- cient. staff for another` term. It is with regret that the resignation of Miss Burchell, assistant conti uation ` schooi teacher. was` given to the trus- tees. ' '1` e best wishes not the com- munity e extended to Miss Burchell wherever her new field will be. run. .__-._.; __L,,u,-, , HIUHL. ' The Presbyterian V annual .garden party was held on Friday of the past week and proved a. success. The com` cert, which was._gx-eatly enjoyed by those present, was full of humor and the musical selections .were well "rendered. mi... 13.1.; -..1............. ..... 1...--- ~._____ .._ _-----_--_, -- _.......-v. u, u. luvs uuuu Jccu. Work has commenced on the county road on Younge St. just south of Queen St. The road` is to` be graded from sidewalk to sidewalk and gravelled. This will be a. much needed improve- ment. ' ml... n......u..-.4.....a..._ . _ . . _- H - Alpine Couse has returned home after a. couple. of weeks visit with his parents here. MFR RIIFIIH ' hf T.`IIl%I\l\l\` 13-gala.-.3 .1. uly ncauu. I --_- .,-..- .... .....-.....u-as. uu auwuuay .Died, On Thursday, June 19, 1924, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. L. J. Christie. Ellen Graham Malthews, w1dow,of the late Wm. Matthews. formerly of Bradford, in her 87th year. Trudi hon an-unnnunnnl 4;... LI... __--._L-- IIUIIIU UL 1111!. rill]. ._ ' Mrs. Christie and family `wish. to thank their friend and neighbours for their great kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereave- ment. ` . - 26c `Miss L. Burcheii, who has been as- sistant teacher of the continuation school for the past three years, has re- signed `her position here and left for her home at Uxbridge on Tuesday. hint` (`m 'I'\InuuaA...- 1'..- an QAIIA 1'. l3l.ll'l.Ul|- ' ' E. G. Miller is presiding at -the ex- aminationg at Barrie this week. while- R. D. Keefe of Penetang is presiding in Elmvale. IA -an I11-.\ tr m....4m -0 `I'1 ..._..!I4-_. HI I`4llllVl1.IU. Mrs. (Dr.) H. Scott of Hamilton, Mrs. W. Hill and O. and E. Hill of Buffalo `spent the week-end at the home of Jas. Hill. IE:-u ("nial-In and I-`nu-..ll.`. v ...:..I. 4.- wvclg-cuu at A. U. Dlsn0p'8. Mr. and Mrs. Harper motored` from Canton. Ohio. and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lamereau. `Kr and `Inn `Dal! Q3. `ll ... onus` `At...-. zvu`. uuu Aura. ans. uumereau. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Sn, Mr. and Mrs. `Ross "Bell and family spent Sunday with the farmer's `daughter. Mrs. R. P. Burton. 1'.` (1 mrnl-.. J. _......:.1.1.... -4 LL. __ `una IIUIIIU Ill l\lLUllCIlCX'- Mr. "and Mrs. S. G. Napier and daughter Jean of Tottenham spent the week-end at A. C. Bishop's. ME` and Mrs `I -Tn:-nnr rnnfnrn.-I fr-nrn n... Dyers. _ . ~ V I J. H, McGuire of Calgary, 8. formerl resident of Elmvale, called on friends` here the past week. Mr Qnhnnfnr follow nf i-ho Fl`.-u.nn+.-. IIUFU LIIU past. WEEK. Mr. Schaefer. teller of the Toronto Bank here. is spending his holidays at his home in Kitchener. Mk "on.-I 1u'..a Q I1 'm.....:.... ......:a fllClyBl.Ull- RISE VVUUIIUSUHJX. Reg.- Cooper is spending his holidays at his home in Belleville. `Alan G `I3 n.-nnknul 3.". ..e..:a.:...... 1...... pitl'Ul I [5 [1 UPC. Mrs. Burns '0! Liverpool. England, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dut- ton last week. . 1m... .3 11.... m "-V __.l_.`I_L'_.._,_A N Falls; IKIULIIU `Illn- ulcs Hesseyj and Miss Smith of Lon- don are visiting with Mrs. L. J. Christie. `Mr... nun!` ml`..- 1:) `A? 11n_:4... -4: -Ir..- \.alll'I3l.lUo Mr. and Mrs. R. N. White of Meal ford spent Sunday at the home of A. H._ Byers. , `I1 1' Mnr1....}. 2.4 n..1........ .'. a-........... June 24-`A baseball team composed of Saurin `and Elmvale players won second money at the field day held in Phelpston. last Wednesday. Rag. nnnnr in cnnninnr hie I-anlloun ill. I115 IIUIIIU Ill DUIIUVIIIC. Mrs. S. E.LCampb'ell is visiting her mother, who is seriously ill at: Walters Falls. - ` NEWS u nnsai `J1 IIIfIL`I\hJ Mr. and Mrs. T. Robbinsand family of Holly wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness to them and to their son when he was in- jut-ed by 9. car. .They `also appreciate the kindness of the nurses and pa- tients in the R.V. Hospital during his stay there. ` 9 ucuca ul (.1 we-en-euu In `1'Ol`0Dl'.0. ' V -The dance of the season will be at Cookstown on Friday evening. 27th inst. Merry Makers` Orchestra, Tor- `onto, five men--violin, piano, drums. tenor-banjo. saxophone. Admission 14 cents plus 1 cent, tax. Gents 5 cents a dance. 26c wuu wun (us nrotner nere. Mr. and Mrs. Bishopric spent the week-end in Toronto. __.'l`hn Hanna nl 4-1... ..A........ ....-1| L- -; l.U.ll IEBL WBCK. Mr. and Mrs. '1`. McKnight Tsplent Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher at Lake Simcoe; x `Ina lDau\ 117 `IA'-.IA..._ -1 A__'_-__