Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1924, p. 5

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THE MAID` OF THE MOUNTA=|NS" u 1 Lak are . ., F. F. Ronald; _ J.W., Ed. 5 3 Spencer; T1 A. H. Felt; H. G. Rob`e: Johnson` S. 1 1-`__._ o--. . --- u. a.uaCu81l8Il, 150. Shear. H. A. Henry. H. G. Robertson, 0. R. Rtisk; Suck Committee, A. B. Coutts,jW. C. Walls, A. C. Fraser, H. G. Milne, Jas. Dunnett: Music. Committee, `Edmund Hardy, S. W. Moore, Geo. C._Brown, :0 M n " - - ' 04-241, v 1 ---vvu-VIACU one new OIIICGTS. [Was the twenty-fourth year W. Bro. Cowan to perform th: In his mo_ther lodge, Nconstitu 'record_probably.not equalled I gather. mstglling officer _in Cap St. John's Day, one of the most Important dates in the Masonic cal- ; gender, was marked, as usual, by the `Installation of officers~ of Corinthian odge, last Thursday night. About one hundred brethren occupied the benches while R. W. Bro. Alex. Cow- an -installed the new officers. This Waspthe twenty-fourth_ for R. I Inn r` ` Corinth` n Lodge; St. Johp s"Night Marked. ' . r, JANUARY 3; 1924. Gaston. uuuug UB8 COUJU quent denials were tween Mr. Martin COMING: RUPERT OF HENTZAU our: payment 01 5500 for the one bridge that was built under contract. Candidate Allan had the next inning and spoke at length defending his atti- tude in all the matters mentioned by his opponent. With an array of figures he ' proceeded to justify the employment of local labor in doing the work of the town- I ship which he claimed saved the township 1 many dollars. He took.Ree've Martin to 1 task for` raising the pay of men and teams above the gures set by Council. During the course of the speeches_fre- were Ahnrnlv ....i........- L; e uiuue much In a reduction. e the cement mixer. Following Treasurer Coleman, W. H. Martin took the floor and proceeded to cri- ticize the administration of Deputy- Reeve G. C: ' He didn t like the . idea of building the was found with the payment < of $10.00 3 day for supervising the con- V struction of the bridges and the use of A Mr. Martin also thought that the Deputy was wrong in the holdimz up 1 the payment of $500 for ( built nminr nm.+...;..a . uuc uuuuces or .tne Uounty which was received wi-th much satisfaction by the elec- tors. Mr. Coleman did not offer much hope that there would be any material lowering of the taxes of `the count dur- ing the coming year, 1924, and backed it up with facts and figures that "would pre- clude much bf reduction. l`I'AnIsunn- (`~`---F" " " E Of the seven, George Arnold and Harry t Reynolds are members of last year s coun- cil and R. D. Henry had a year s exper- , ience as a councilman two years ago. Fred ` W. Peacock declinedw to: qualify, but all _ the others did and that there is going to -M be a hot electionin Innisfil there can be ` no doubt. At the public meeting which followed County Treasurer Coleman was the first `speaker. Very lucidly he gave a resume of the finances of the County which was much nntiafnnfinn 1-... 41... -I-- :3 For Reeve-W. H. Martin, `proposed by I5 John Sawyer and Samuel Wice; G. C. Al- 3- Ian, by Geo. Leslie and J. Woods; D. H. r- Coleman. by G. C. Allan and F. J. Woods; - Eben Todd, by W. J. Leonard and W. H. E- Martin. , L 63 Messrs. Coleman and Todd didnot qual- n ify, leaving the battle for reeve between 4 I` last year s reeve and deputy-reeve. For Deputy~Reeve--Geo. Leslie, propos- ' ed by George Arnold and second;-d by F. r E K. Robertson. As there were no other ` ; nominees, Clerk McConkey declared Mr. ' Leslie elected by acclamation. I I For -Councillors--W. J. McMaster, by' _ Chas. Parker and Rod Gallaugher; George t ' Arnold by F. K. Robertson and Alex. n ' Coulter; . Harry Reynolds, by William 0 Hunter and Howard` Reynolds; Fred W. Peacock, by D. H. Coleman and Geo. Ar- it nold; R. D. Henry, by Addison McKenzie It and. W. H. Martin; Harry Stewart, by O. F W. Peacock and Chris. Grose`; Cyrus H Smith, by George Leslie and D. H. Cole 5, man. ' U i ` ami- - - The nominations for the municipal offices 7 of Innisfil held in Stroud, Monday, brought .- out a large representation of the elec_t,ors._ l The hall was jammed to overowing with voters who manifested a deep "interest ir. the affairs of the township and the doings of the l923,C0uncil. That all was not in , perfect hamfony was demonstrated and it ` was easily apparent that the approaching contest will be a lively one. Under the dir- ection of the veteran clerk, R. M. Mc- Conkey, the nominations opened at noon and at the end of the hour the following nominees were announced by the clerk :- The Nominees ` WA- 'D....-.- 111 n .- '1 Warm Fight` for. `,;Reeyeship; ` - Six Running "for ` Councillors. _ LIVELY uirnow IN lNj}{FlL TWP. J. D. WISDOM 7 3,, fVL_ V -___, ..-.- - nnal. r|l_ll W students enroll. "This has been one of the n have a complete equipment for the course. M Ladies may register in Motor Mechanics. Boys and girls under sixteen who have na are not attending public school must attend cla: :. we-u;u\.ua OOIDIIIICIII Motor Mechanics . . . . . . `Telegraphy English and Arithmetic . Dress-Making Sfudents who desire to take any of 1 on Friday evening. A A Class in Home Nursing and First 4 students has cou: Re-Opening of Industrial Evening Classes in Prince of Wales School F1:id_ay Evening: Jan. 5th, 7.30 to 9.30 { ....-.u_y neynoxas, by William Howard eacock Chris. Grnnn'- nu---= . Capital _,_______,__,______,___,,$ 3,000,000 Reserve ahd . Undivided Profits 2,057,074! Total TAssets.____--.-;_-_._-_.128,299,579 1 uornton uranch Cookstown Branch Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxs Thornton Branch - (`.nl1k.I" D" `L V ____... n.-vu vuc ydylCHU bridges . nixer. Mr. Martin lty wrong in HM: I-mH:n.. ..... 1 we speecnes_fre- sharply exchanged be and. Mr. Allan. The Chairman of Committee. HE D NOT BE ANY CilRL'S HONEY! NO GIRL WAS `coma TO STRING HIM} NO, sun Subjects No} Aid Will be \ hi hi`-IE Room An. A-9 L`- _._ . v...~.nnwDo e_r not pas : class in 1 Registration Fee $2.00. KIIIIK U! furnaces. --uuuce--r'or plumbing and heat- ing, ring 214, `J. J. Neelands, 48 lake St. Repairs for all stovs and ` * ' ' 33tfc ' IIIUII I s The candidates for 'councilmen ~ `a few remarks, expressing their ti ' the honor shown them by their fel payers and promising to do th best, if elected, to serve the tow the best of their ability. township financial statement circulated and 'no criticisms ` concerning any of its items, th. showing the (finance; in a..hea tion. - nu. ,, I-'- - A farmer had `a \ while his back was nun:-but 'n- L'-- ``r` vv uuc uw (1 market "on and" in the raw await you in` this gripping photo- drama of real _ men and real wo-V men battling for dear life in tine wild, forbidding `waits: of . the north, `where man and beast obey their instincts. - -`\I \III Mrs. John Allan of Lefroylsper mas with'her sister, Mrs. William Miss Jean Cowap of Barrie is vi `aunt, Miss Margaret Bayes, for days. Barrie, December 26. ya) . Fathers and mothers have a wonderful opportunity to train the children in the way they should go. Encourage the chil- dren to attend Sunday School. When they grow to manhood and womanhood they will thank you for giving them the- start to live better, cleaner, happier lives. Yours truly, nnvnnu ' s-........._. Our oldiefs fought a good fight, be- cause they were on the Lord s side.? We in this wonderful country are blessed with wonderful gifts from VGod.g Let us show our appreciation by going to a place of worship" at least once on the Lard e |Day. V V . `lP..a.I..._.. -- 9| -' ` -ju- -N9tice--F III anus... II! A others as `ye would have them do `,`Forgive and Forget, `Keq) bath` Day holy? soldiers V 1 W. :.. n.:.. ..-_:-n- - uuucf IHIEIODS In What s the seen it` lie in the fact low out the Lon as`ye woulc F0 1r An]:-Nan-.. Ir START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT ` To the Editor of The Barrie Examiner: Sir:-The people in the world are very restless; nothing seems to `be going right. . Can we find a solution to the cause? Great Britain suffered in more ways than one. Her people are more contented, meet her obligations when due and help other nations in different ways. secret of liar .............---2 n~ rotectors vs. Builders. February 8--Foresters vs.` Veterans- Comforters vs. Protectors. February ll--Veterans vs, Builders i Foresters vs. Relievers. February 15-Foresters vs. Protectors; Relievers vs. Veterans. ' February 18-oRelievers vs. Protectors; Builders vs. Comforters. February 22--4Builders vs. Relievers; Comforters vs. Veterans. I2 PAGES NIGHTS AT 7.15 AND 9.10 ;nuu:Ul.UrS VS. KEIXCVGTS. January 2&-BuilderB: vs.` End of first half. caccm` VS . HBIIGVBIS. January 14---Protectors vs. Foresters vs. Builders. January 18--Foresters vs.V Veterans vs. Protectors. January 21--Veteran.s vs. Builders vs. Comforters. January 25--Veterans vs. Protectors vs. Relievers. Jannnrv 9L .-n...-1.1-4 121-`- January [ 4~Forsters tectors vs. Builders. January 7--Comforte: Foresters vs. Protectors. January l1--Veterang esters vs. Relievers. , ______ ,, .. .. - - -._.vu nun Inll the above subjects should register _-- --._- "AAA U6 urgalllzed most popular subjects. coursn " -_-..--.-rue passed the .4.,,,,,: ,.1..-_ :-- H " ` . ....u a 5_uuue awxen xrom him, turned, at the Onllia the Saturday before Christmas. ? ._-....., ... usaxlcla ways. secret of her greatness? Does that .she s trying to fol- Lord s tea(`.hina- nu ---*- Thrills Lefroylspent Christ- 1- sister. Mm. W;n;..... n .... -_ -For 14, `J. J. N plumbing nnhrndu An smoun VEII ;.vuuuCl b'- 'y 7--Comforters vs.` Relie - y vs. Builders; 1. ` y Comfon V ., 1 9., 17..---4--A " ; u-J.' uresters 3. . 99_.D...:u-__ goose stolen from him, ts turned` gt 4-}... n..:n:_ Sevcond Half Teacher c1RcuLA"'r1dTv_ WVIJIIS II Ilnanup J. E. MORRISON, - A{L'eslie, Manager H. M. Hoffman, Manager T. McMillan, Manager assed Entran_ce and. L English and Arithmetic organized if sufficient Ihlilnm ....L.`- .1 "' uuuvy sperm Unnat- s. Duncan. v . 11...- .7 [f _l:_1_\_GES 51012 vs. Veterans; Pro- Coxxiforfezs; viaitng her )r the hoii- SPECIALLY WRITTEN BY AMERICA'S` LEADING`-HUMORIST AND PROFESSOR` -OF SLANGOLOGY" 's.V Comforters; '5. Relievers; Ilauy the Comforters ; Eztincipal. Relievers ; Relievers ;. jwoman -Pro0f% 5; F017- IN A BARREL OF REAL LAUGHS; . _ V A BAG or sunmusss; - - ` . A; PICTURE wm-xour AFLAW. uuuauul: germs ! . It means absolutely immune to love Qermnl .- -........w-5 uucuud UK ""1810 1e Melody Men of Goldwater. 3k the pv-ogramme was fea- appearance of Old Father DeGear) bearing a scythe. lantern. As he stepped on If it's a Paramount Pictufe, iffs the. P0 YOU` kno1:v jwht Woman-Protgaf means? Tn:-Inn-. LL--- ._L A Jo luxe V .;;...::; 1=Aivi5us :'it:.'c:sl:y A ` ' A` DOG % A Story of Backbone and `Brawn WINTER MYERS ORCHESTRA M0_f+A}!-WESAY { FRIDAY-SATURDAY __________J TWICE EACH NIGHT A DRAMA or. FEATURING` 4215 comes 1 GEORGE ADE . SHOWING VI --ti V VA llluu-` Tommy thought . hey! A . But they qll fall! ,,,' the platform and then star I hall vtovmake his exit, 1924 VanA'tter) `dressed in white urm_ I924 across her bn and took theylantern away fr Say.You v_e Seen- THEN A BEAUTIFUL LIT- TLE ZIPPER CAME BUZZ- ING ALONG. - MElGHAN'S` FlNE`ST_ROLE. IT'S THE BEE S KNEES ! ,.-__ ....... uvurwu aown the nake (Miss Minnie ') `dressed with the fig- l24 breast, followed from hm. The us well enacted and drew Oany ; common from -the assembly. 4 the disappearance of Father V; eap-Year dance was put on. Sun- 1 then served in-the queahall. 4 ioh the dancing .co tinned fill Luuu (IV. we and carrying a ` REGULAR MUSIC Best` Show in Town! comes prowling _ for food, meets` a wounded man. attacks and then becomes his pal, Rihtiritin is sup- erb. He leaps across precipices, scales walls 12 ' feet high, and -throws men over high clis. . It. ,means guaran- 'teed . safe agamst marnage! started down 1924 V(u'M:__. u-:_ SATURDAY MATINEE T AT 2.30 '60th~Yea.r the ,..,.....,;.....,, u. nu you ooys in come. ' ` In connection with living motto they should be three 1;} ` |.0.0.F. DANCE A very successful New Year's dance was uuu was reauzed. `W The initials of the first names of five boys make the word S-E-R-V-E motto of the Prince of Wales. '1 the basis of.the Kiwanis Club, speaker. and it should be the basis 0 philosgphy of all you boys in the da: a`p_u0Il nu ma mouth." When HE: ;va:"]U.'ij { his father lost all his mo ney. B k in the bush the ladmade y W mg` enough mane to *educa.te himself for entrance to y the u varsity. He worked hi_s way thr N I lezs;e.and`is now a promment law _We.st. This -boy m_ad ' A :I\:6:n.L- -1 I` '" ' 1' muuers. The fifth boy was b spoon `in his mouth. his fntlnnr IN; .11 L: .r A Labrador boy.was next He had had practically no oortunities but he had for knowledge and was ever asking quesl tions. At_ 17 he got a job as fireman on Dr. .Grenfel's steamer. referred 10, educational op- an insatiable thirst `theoutstanding men_ in his co . got there. because he said I want to be`, somelliiodyin the world and I'm going to 1 get t ere. ` ~ `A Bernardo boy, who come to wir none too good a. record, w instanced. He'go_t into. mischief a into court but_a big brother" of him. The bov b ' , , 2 Toronto I 1 awul\'oU'H/`IVE Labr h 1 `V ness. ador boy . was V ad no b ew ut 7 A nfnn jol TI Inn- A yguue u 1'98! man of him. M ` jMr, `Watsontold of a boy, who cme , of hu1nIb'!e circumstances, yet overcame many` obstacles and became the sales- manager, of a -big organization, because he . wgs hap_p3_r in his work, had ambitxon and stick-to-It-xvenness. A t...s...-.a-- L-` I ' "4`----_` ' BQYS ENTERTAINED BY I `BARRIE KIWANIS CLUB ]. ...,...e auu cum. yangman. Ito by Bro.` Geo. I *Wm. Thurlow, nominated by Jas. I whom dealt with !Lambie and J. T. Marley. . ofbSt.. John the `Wm., Graham, nominated by Al- ing Brethren, p bert Draper and`Walter .Drape_r; Shrubsole. electe ' "Field Downey, nominated by Jno. Bros. Fred Marr s W.` Coe and Jas. Strath, Jr. of Kerr Lodge a ~ "`Marsh:all Langman, nominated by Lucknow. R. W Dawson Kerr and Jas. Kenwell. e nosed the toast to "`Geo. McGinnis, nominated by'S. cers. and it W4 D. Cotton and Wm. Ryther. "' suitable terms by I gda Bellj.-[nominated by Alf. Archer LBrosq.q Mat%Le1lan a ` . ` . , ,t,._..~.~_,,;:- ;S`-`GI\~ -119.` e spee~ n*.Al;$l?onsi`;Is]glr\nI::'1an, nominated `bf! 75`0S.7']`a1`I`Y B87`?! Robt. Greenlaw and P. J. O'Neill. The Junior Wa ( ` *Jas. D. Ansley, noniinatedoby J. ' Auld Lang` Sym T.2gr11)ewI\eind M. Whethama B T enj03 ab1e P1`0g1`3T no t. artin. nominate y y- A son Rowatt and Preston Doan. MAID '1 i * Those so marked are standing I for election. There will hp tmvi A: POWERFUL V snub p1'eSl(l1ng' orricer. . m For Councillors-- ` _After The King, honored in the Geo. Fleming, nominated by J. H. usual way, The Grand Lodge was Ritchie and -Rich. Greenlaw. proposed by`R. W. Bro.. A. W. Smith - Maurice Whetham, nominated by and acknowledged `by R. W.7Bro. R. J. Hisey and Jno. Rutledge. Walter_N. Duff. ` The British Em - Wm. Scott, nominated by P. Hayes, nire. introduced by R. W. Bro. Jno. and Chas. Draper. . " - V _ Little, was acknowledged in eloquent Alf. Archer, nominated by J. T. termsby W. Bro. W. N. Knowles. X Ma ley and Jos. Martin. -,-- 'St. John s Day was introduced by ' '*Wm. Trace, nominated by'Jos. B1`o. H. ,E. Wellwood andresponded Locke and Sam. Langman. ifo by A. Brown, both of the call and mission . of St. Evangelist. Visit: proposed by W. Bro. elected responses by W. and G. 5- MCC0nkeY and Bro. Johnson of by, W. Bro. Cowan pro- to The Incoming Of- `Geo. ficers, was acknowledged in AW. Bro. Lower and l' 7 Ed Bell__. nominated by Archevi Bros. Mm-T..m.... ....,r m..... r-.L. . u. 1-. Marley, Tn Martin /and A. E. 4 For . n< Rifhie and `Rich 0 ......__ - "1111 I Twenty-three gen-tl_e{en{ ...W.,1`_e _St. `nominated for the municipal council ca}- of the Township of Flos for 192A` at; endar, by the noinination meeting held 8t_Elm- Corinthian vale on Monday afternoon. _- last though the hall was packed t0!-:`the occupied doors with` ratepayers, it would `be benches Bro. hard to nd a more orderly or ,atten- an -installed the officers. This tive audience anywhere. It;-".;Was was thought that there might -be,j.8..0_me; Cowan perform this duty reworks during the day, but outside constituting a of a few amusing sallies, by the m- record probably not by any iniitable Alf. Archer and the irre-l other. installing in Canada. pi'essible Ed._Bell, which drew rounds! `e officers who will guide the of applause ,from the audienceethel destines of Old. Corinthian during meeting. was exceedingly quiet and l 1924 are as follows:- . . peaceable. - W.M., Chas._Lower; I.P.M., W. . List of Nominees ' ' Ron _ , ald; S.W., A. G. MacLelIan; ~ Four names were placedin nomin- She8!`;..Ch ap., Rev. C. R. ation for reeve, ve for deputy-reeve Treasu H A . . Sims; Secy., and fourteen for councillors, as fol- S-D-. H- 11- Henry; J-D-7 l`ows:-- J. Robseitsora; ofRC., Watrrgn ` ForReeve__ _ _ 0 nson; _. ., or on eeve;. . ., by l Mfley and Jas-. Lamb: b P `Temple Co., Ltd., W. A. Lewis;'Ben- Thos. E..Smith, nominated y .llevO1ent Committee B on Kin . J Hayes and R-*A.de1`Sn- . d` ,3 Little, F. C. Lower : Bgrd of c i>. ChP- 3- C 1(1,1}I X;`*__ -_V A. G. MacLellan, Ed. Shear. 35-. Peta ' H? y` b J Henry. . Wm-.A~ Ma101mnm1atd Y - Committee . B Coutts "W c Rutledge and R- Hisey- ` Fraser; H'. Milne, .'Jas.' ' . `O1 D9Pl1ty-R9ey_8- , . Edmund ` "`P. A. Cougnnn, nominated_ by C. Brown, Rich.'Greenlaw and J._ H. Ritchie. C, M, (}_ smith, W,.R_ Pritehard, *J.5- Drysdale. n0mlT1_8te_d by G9- _ Following the" work'of the lodge Usher and Geo. A. McGinnis. W` J. McGuire, nominated by Wa1_ lrolom, the brethren adjourned from a or t f h t d t. ter Crowe and J. Hart. 0 re res men an Spen 8 3'1 _ ` couple of hours"at Vair s` in supper, `Wm 3007315. Dominated Ely John speech and song. W. Bro. Chas. ,Braithwaite and Herb. Ritchie. _ -' Lower, the newly instaned w_M,, J. T- Marley. nominated by J0S- was in "charge and made a most-e`ic- E. Archer. ` ' ient presiding officer. ` Aft '` """" " pg, ru - J - ----1vuwvo `ITOWAN msms po1g__2_gm YEAR VThree' `in Field for At .Cou1_1ci1lor s Job; Is- ` [ Sought by 9._ I icity and he is now one of , . vic men 1n country. He ` e sand bc'c1u thr m LML-_A_ work fo`r"g;11nseI1 tor Athatbroletafii a distinct _assc nd also was associated for e possesses a eau 1 u soprano vo:ce 1-, G;-enfel in` his Wmke,-n real power and unusual sweetness and 1 addfeg consisted of brief: understands how to employ it to the be ning five bovs nnrl :...~.....`ooss:blevadvantmpp, "born ' with L _ REGULARPRICl:1`Sf'. names 'thes 4 S-E.R..v.nr - club," said -tube t_he offthe In dayavtoy g up to" this things: qua!"-` ..uuu5uuuU. HOW` hold of him an `boy, cme 2 silvei : . urea 19 I -... .. n K a. uuwu:-ugeu III euitalile 3Eerms by`V1V. E320. Arch'e1-[Bros MacLellan and Shear. Inter- _ ,__,.,_`_`_`,.~_-.J :g;n(:),~\s`-ne: the speeches were songs by ated `by[ . ros. T-Iarry Barron and Ray Hoover.- Neill. Warden s Toast and deby Syne brought a very . M `enjoyable programme to a close. by Tv- * The January meeting of the W.C. _T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Harris. 229 Elizabeth St., Monday, the 7th, at 3.30, when W. J. Stewart, M.A., will speak. Mr. Stewart is secretary of the Saskatchewan Li .quo'r Commission, which has arge `of the enforcement of the iquor '- Act. Refreshments (`will be` served. ,1 11 ans, D111 ITIDDIE, Wit-x'red Robinson and stag. lyuc uuya `puma, a_]80KlllIO. V _ i A pleasing v_ar-xety too the usual pro- gramme was gnven by several selections from a boys orchestra, consisting of Ken- neth Walls, Bill Tri-bble, Ed. Huxtable, ` :WiI-fred Robinson and Qtnn n..4-.. ,=::, ;*`:o?, s*`:;*:c,::::%' *9 I A nlmunno uguinh. 1-` LL- '. ity of service, quantity of service and 9, cheerful and whole-hearted manner of set- ' vxce. - A . ' "I would like, said Mr; Watson in con- ` 'clusion,, to see -the boyseof Barrie come ` through the various stages of training-- ,at school. at home and at play-.-witb the 1 `motto `I Il do my best to serve the rest` ` !behinditAa1l.," . ' 1 A 1.1 n-1_-,,, - - ` 3 uuu. ` . With a company `that can act and sing,` and with g scenic production that is .3 ` fitting sett`mg for`theiI: ,work, Vt-his re- vival of " The :Ma1d of the Mountains" ought to find 9. warm welcome wherever it goes. (Advt.) - uuw mun. The Maid of the Mountains always ;gains in comparison with other shows of '3 Isimilar genre." In the first place it possess-g _ as a coherent story, pictorially. staged and I picturesquely "told, with illustrativeaction and song. And not only is The Maid "of - , the Mountains" coherent -as-to story;;it ' , is also plentxfully supplied wrtht comedy, 3 not of `the interjected type, but` comedy 3 that develops as a natural part o__f'the ap- tion. ' " vuu v tion. Tl?! ICUHIU 10 5110 Sea: Ilhbngzf-sionfn +i'.v.as;..1.'2i.'P I puccsuic vuuvuutuge. I `Mr. Templeman, who plays Beppo; is _-one of the finest baritones on the comic opera and musical comedy stage. And there are several other artists whose, work ,is marked -by artistry and genuine histri- lonic skill. ' |H'IV]__ If'_,',I .I -- ' ' :u:----- I There will be general satisfaction over the announcement that The Maid of the Mountains? is scheduled -to pay a visit to e . Barrie. appearing `at the Grand on Thurs- ` day. Jan. `I0. i v This is an entirely new production by .Stanley T. Vermilyea; and is in every {way efficient. Not only arethe principais . [admirably qualified to interpret their re- 1 spective roles with distinction, but the c`uor- 4 us is one of `unusual quality and efficiency. ] Miss Ethel Walker. the well :mn..,.. _i.._._l` Buy TAidv`erti`sed Things. I (`.n1`l'n`n .-.4` \ A ROMANCE or THE Rdcaan NORTH, STRONG WITH THE suncnor PRIMITIVE IMPULSES BEATING AGAINST TI-!E . - RESTRAINTS or CIVILIZATION. ` /

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