Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1923, p. 9

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,% 1924. Sons. _ \Jl.'G15u LVllB LICUVI UI"l I'UllUI'uC'-U DU HIT` me wxth them after bemg 1n the city for a month. V 1'1- .....I`u_.. Y 1:! m..;-m.-2- -_:.-......:_-.1| :.mz;hd'Mrs. J. E. Sutcliffe entehtainedi at Christmas their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Oswald` Wilson of Oshawa.l and their son, Allan L. Sutcliffe of Wal- laoeburg. -`l'\....:.l `I'I..-..I -2 VI'\..._._A._ `I'T._!-..-.._2L--.__.l| 1'aI2:Bb{i[;'.'.'"' "W" _' """" " M" `David Lloyd of Toronto University and! Henry Wallbridge, who is attending school :I\ "Any m? G311 LRHIIOIIE LIUIIKJ V1 GIIUIIUEU, WHU I5 GUUUUUIHK UKlUL'I. in New York City, are spending holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. J. McI.. Stevenson. . ' Three Barrie students were ~uccossful in the`Junior Pharmacy` exams. `These were Miss Doris Robertson (1st- class Lon- ors), giiss Ethel Grossland (2nd class honors), Fred Morten. If-u n-`A Ila; Tn-yum 'I\nu.lu.u\ A-\..u.. uuuurlg rxpu Luuucu. V Mr. .and Mrs. `James Davidson, Angus, Ont., wish to announce the engagement of. their eldest daughter, Retae Beatrice, to` `Mr "Anfnr 'l`nI-nHn nf avian H-in vnuv-_I ` 011171! UIUUSII uuuguwr, l.\:UII' DUI)l'lUU, EU I Mr. Hector Turnbull, of Baxter, the mar-. nage to take place in January.` ` Miss Donalda MoKnight,hwho has been, with the Sarjeant &. King millinery staff `nu-' nnvnrnl .nnn:nvu:' `nan anunrnrl Han Ann-` wwu IIHU b3l'JUlLl|J (I. 131115 u.u_u.1uur_y Blallll for" several -seasons`, has severed her, con- nectxon Wlth that fxrm and left on Satur- day forgher home in Clarksburg. MP CHI` MFG "CF39 Wkilx fu `IIIII UH lUl"_L!UI' LIUUJU Ill \JlGl.'AUl.lI`5v Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wisemau and two children of Toronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiseman. Miss vVelm-a Wisem-an, who had been visiting inl Toronto, . `returned home with them. LUKUIIIIU, IVUBUFHUU IIUIIIU wwu Uulllu Mrs. Geo." Walls, Miss Gla'dys Walls and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dyment and two children-of Edmonton, who came to Bar- riofor the holidays, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Walls, Hamilton. cu nnr` - Iva Mara`! Ia nLnv`nn ant,` Ire lulu Luln 1-`: We VV ll, 1.]-IILIIIHIULII Mr- and Mrs. Marshall Charles and daughter Vera left Monday evening for Albion, N.Y., `near where they will make theirrhome. Mr. Charles is taking over the management of a fruit farm at that place. 7 - . Mr and Mrs. John Lnvandnr, Ownn Sh. EMBER 21. 1923; place. Mr. and Mrs. John Lavender, Owen St., and G. Lavender, of Collier St., spent Sunday with friends at Dalston. Mr. and,` Mrs. Wm, Beelby of Dalston spent Christ- mas Day with their daughter, Mrs. John J Lavender, Jr. ` _ M Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Wingrove, Barrie, announce the engagement of their eldest; daughter, Fern Lorene,_ to Mr. Walter` Teasdale, youngest son ofMr. and Mrs.. Thos. Teasdale, the marriage to take place " early in January. - ' My 'l'-`Inn-u Mnvnr Riv Rm! Pnlnt an- many 1!] auuuary. Mr. Harry Mayor, Big Bay Point an- nounces the engagement of his youngest daughter, Ethel Lena, to Mr. Harold 0. Robinson," son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E.| Robinson, Barrie. The marriage will take} place early in January. ,, `Mr and Mrs Wrlmnnd Shnnahan- Pheln- place 8311) m uunuury. Mr; and Mrs. Edmund Shanahan, Phelp- ston, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Evelyn Anne, to Captain- Charles Edmund -M>cRae, .M.-0., son of Mr; and Mrs. Charles J. McRa.e, Stayner, the marriage to take place early in) January. Thn nursing in ti-nininn t` f.'hn R.-V. H18 marriage Bu uusu: puwu uuuy u;,>uuuua|_y.I The nurses in training at the R.V. Hos- `pital waited on their retiring Superintend- ent, Miss "N. McLennan, on Saturday, Dec. 15, and. presented her with a beautiful sil-I ver tray, at the same time voicing hearty appreciation of Miss McLennan and their best wishes for her. 'I')..I. `I'....l:- AC 'l`n-and-A nuns n Vnknu-In D885 WISHES I0! 1181' c - Bol: Leslie of Toronto _was a Yuletide visitor at the home of his parents, Mr.` and Mrs. Alex. Leslie. Miss Frances Les- lie. who has been visiting in Toronto since her return after spending eighteen months in England, Scotland and on the Contin- ent, also came home and made the fam- V ily omle complete for Christmas. mmnna "calm ntudantn hnma for holidnva uy came complete wt vurlauuuu. _ ~ Among the students home for holidays are: Misses Jean Cawan, Helen Ross`, Grace Beatti_e', Margaret Malcomeon, Gwen. Hurl- burt, Marjorie Laidman, `Isobel Walker, nmneku Bank}. `Mm:-in M'J(nnimhf., Adnln UOIDHIY Douro, mar u.wn.uu.gu Robertson,. Doria Rdhzmon, Ethel Cross- IIUUIV J land, Messrs. Charles Mollartin, -Jack Scott, ' Percy Vivian, -Hal Oreawioke, Fred Mon-en, Horace Quinlan, Arthur Walker, Barrett Partridge, all of Toronto; Miss Nora De- I-Iart, Queen's University; Brock Jamie- aon, MeGill University; Ted Dyxnent, St. Catharinea; Misses Janet and Frankie Campbell and Stella McBride, Hamilton. a On `Friday evening of last week a mis- cellaneous `shower was given in honor "of Mia: `Emilie Bantlnsyj at _``The Pines," i Mina Gordon being hoateaa. When allthe I guests had arrived` the gifts were brought in in awagon drawn by two little tots, | .l.......-A -. laid: and tnnnrny ml): "in MBIJOIIB uluuuusu, Scutt, Marie Mo nnn R1'I1'\nM'Ann_ I-BUIJUI V1 uuwx, Knight, Adele Ethnl Cram. In In` 8 `WB0ll uuswu .uy wvu uu_asu lull?! dressed as at:-ide.andd&;1rmm, whllo Lila? J , 1 e `n music. ' e , Lgegonald made a qcoy little bpide. _----.I 3-` u-Allan. nu-no:-un ant` Inna mu`- M11110]. IIOUOIIBIII nuauu ls` vuy uouu quuu. dreaaod in yellow orgagndle and lon wed-A veil caught up wxth orange ossoms . ..-win. g alum! nf nnminnh- .I'nnini- u uuuu. neuu. . Hodgson and family th friends in Stayner. of Powassan is holi- an and Mr. Clement holiday_with Mr. and was in Toronto, Wed- e funeral of the late lllllm it III'.vnuI'. ru-uuun iFo'lkywing a short` illness from acute heart trouble -the death occurred on Dec. 21, 1923, at her; late residence. 40\Ed818Y Ave., Birch Cliffe He1ghts._ Toronto. .of Georgina Sarah Latham, wife of S. Geo. Rankin. The funeral took place on Mon- -day,~ Dec. 24, to. St. James` Cemetery, where interment was made in the family Jplot. Mr. and Mrs. Rankin were Tformer 'residents of Barrie, removing to oronto a few years ago. While resident in Barrie .M;-5, Rankin was a prominent member of ' Trinity Church, where she was active in social" and religious work. She was a most estimable person, of pleasing disposition, land her sudden passing away_is deeply re- ' gretted by a wide circle of friends. I A I l Ml`. Malcolm of Orillia is visiting for ai few days at Rivervilla Holm. 3- John Rutledge has returned from Toron- to where he h_as been visiting for the last =month. ` < V | Those of Elmvale who were absent for .Christm-as include the following: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mccaw; at Alliston; Reg. Coop- er at his home in Belleville; Mr. and-Mrs. F. C. Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. `Dutcher and children in Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Little in Toronto; A. L. John- ston, in Thornton; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thompson, in Midland; Jack Cook, at his .home in Bradford. _ Among those who visited Elmvale friends for-Christmas were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beardsall and children of Stav- wuss ANN t MARIA SAWYER Bradford Witnessl--Miss Sawyer was born at `Fennell s and came to Bradford with the family twenty-two years ago. She an illness of a year. Dceased joined the Methodist church at Ch ry Creek when 9. passed away "on Thursdjar Dec. 13, after small girl. She had :1. enemies and was clearly loved by everylpdy, being always ready to do kind acts.iSurviving are her mother, two brothers and two sisters, namelyollobert at,Lefry, Bethel and Mrs.;_ N. W. Hand at how, and Mrs. T. L.= Webb of Cookstown. Her father and four the age of three mont , one at-six montlun! .one nineteen years, 21 Frank seven years brothers predeceased jger, one brother at ago. The funeral too lace on Saturday to Zion cemetery. , . ........... ..l . . . . . . . . _ .. ! There passed peabful-ly away in the Royal Victoria Hos al, Barrie, on Sun`-; day, Dec. 23, Ann' Bain Drysdale, he-E `1oved~wife_of Robet J. Turner, Graig-I hurst, after a linger g illness followed by. an operation. The Yeceased, who was inl her 54th year, was a quiet, retiring dis-i `position; beloved b all whoknew her.l She was the daught of the late Mr. and} Mrs. John Drysdale Base Line, F105, and. in 1896 was marri and resided on the l2nd line of Flos un. five years ago, when I- ithe family moved Craighurst. The last} {three months of he life she was confined! to" bed.` and on Dec 4 she was removed to] ithe hospital, whertshe underwent the op- eration on `Dec. 21 Beings-in such a weak- ened condition 51: never regained her strength.- I ' - ` lm lmnma (en .nnrn lmr -lnnn lrmr luvs.` strength. - 1 ,ba.nd, threedauglers, Ruth and Anna at ghome, Est-her of udbury, and two sons. iWilfred of Merritt, and Edward at "home. She is survived lso by four sisters and- lthree brothers. The funeral `was held gfrom the familyiesidence on Wednesday, `Dec. 26, to Elxfale Cemetery. :LI{.H HUGHES Bradford Wit,5ss-The passing of Mr. Hughes on Tujday forenoon, Dec. 18, was most suddg. He had been to the market and boyht the Christmas turkey,` took it home,;and as he wa.s paIs*1ng throughthe hse to hang it up in the woodshed he dpped to the floor and .ex- pired.- The deiased was .-born in Vaughan. 5. - i'l`ownship sevlty-eight "years 'ago~ and; came up to thglnd .of Inmsfrl when twelve` years of age here he lived until, retiring fn R.-ndfnrdghnnt ten vears 3120. His} She leaves to .aurn her lose her yiere retiring? to Bradfordibout ten years ago. His` first wife diedbout thirty years ago. He` was a life 10; member of the Methodist- church and as _on the"0fficial Board. In politics h4was a Liberal. Surviving are his .wife,,.ve sons and one "daughter. namely -Fran]. Harry, Edgar and Wesley of Innisfil, 1. W. Hughes of Toronto, |and'Mrs.. (Bu) ,W. W. McKay of New I York. . I -T. Walter 'l"z;;1:,_<;;1e `C:-f"i`;}'1`ea_";J-ld-time res- idents of Isil, died at 69 `Ti-ffin St., AAllandale, Vdnesday morning", Dec. 26. ll - "I'V........... ..-.-.- lluauuunv, Twenty-ofyearg ago Mr. Tanner, prior to his remox to Allandale, was one of the best known id most highlyesteemed resi- `dents of Infil and as a farmer few men _-.,-_._..=, _ -- performed ,`more `arduous service. The "farm on wih he settled on the ninth `concession ented, when he took pos- session in )3, a more difficult proposi- 'tion than arrdinary bush lot. Fire, caus- ` ed by w:l-burning locomotives, _ had started thelouble and high winds fol'low- ~ .ing left gun or blackened timber in a itangled me After the work of clearing|= `there follow` the necessity of drainage butt lau this w pcourage when Mr. Tanner retired; twenty-on ars ago, the farm on which= . he had `sp the greater part of his works! , ing life ti as one of the best cultivated _ in the 7t ship. Nor `were community _ ` ' glected while doing all this. ,!Few, men,_ eed, were more active in the` performa of neighborhood duties. In . times of knees and distress in the fam- , ily, or w, trouble occurred in flocks or I,-herds, M. anner s -services were always` .1. .`-..-n .arried through with cheerful vvuauav II II UULIILII -Althou be subject of this sketch was only 26 he settled with his bride on the Inn` farm, he had lived what to` many w have been a life time before that. ` one of his brothers he had started youth the clearing of a bush ' lot in t ounty of Huron and continued l Isthmus `then ' 1 Coast, ~ Mr. at that d`he answered to the call of thegol lds of California, crossing the anama in order to reach the ining country of the Pacific _ he spent two or three years. er's wife and one daughter, Eves, Newmarket, predeceased 'dowed daughter, Mrs. Annie living in the family home. are -in the West:` John A., itoba representative of the Interna larvester 00., in Winnipeg; ' ' \, coal and -lumber merchant, `In-Iv`: .g.nn`I an!` Jnhn hf. F .`s?`i.oa uuu _ K enjoy 11 nf: _MRS. S. GEORGE RANKIN MRS ROBEQI TURNER onrruzm were performed he entertained by recitation and song. A very evening was, spent and Miss _the`reoipient of many pretty gtfta. -. . A -- ember the "deuce at the Ar- next Monday, New Year's ' V 52 with kI_1it- |lI * Mrs. Hugh Rowley desire to it gratitude and thankfulnessi y kindneeees extended by friends` ore during their late bereave- e death of their father, Mr. lay, Sr. A 52p luau. or 1':-mks lral aer{;ice at 1,30, Saturday,| uuA`Aa` kn Dan Q M` uncut`: ., coal Ulla '1uu1uur IHUIUHDHU, `Sa.sk., and John, at North I'll BBIVIUU an Jgou, ouuunuuy ucted by Rev. 8. M`. Beach. 'v{L1':n TANNER was to` clearing Huron .l`LA anunnn-at` in Hm nu nf THE BARRIE, EXAMINER uu.uucb_y nuu W111 IEVOP 1e of them beautiful tabernacle metings in t wishes the staff of r a happy and pros- l` `.6 S 3 ;onto, at `Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Malcolm's; Mrs. Walter Scott of Brantford at the home 3 vi a .i H la 3% 1!- v: I! >l l` IUUILIC 1!] DX'(I-lUl'Llu ` ,ton s parents, Mr. and Mrs._Henry ` ' ment; John Andrew of Newmarket; at the those Elmvale Mrs. Wm. Beardsall and children of Stay- ner, Clarence Lawson of Bradford and Ed- gar of Midland at the home of their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Lawson; Miss Ella Lawson of North Bay at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. Lawson; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott of Hami-lton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and baby of Gil- ford, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. McLean of St. John's, N.B., at Mr. and Mrs. James Hill s; Mr. and Mrs. George Northwood and son Clifford of Hillsdale, at the home. of Mrs. Nort-hwood's mother, Mrs. S. Kerr; Robt. .Wilson of Toronto; at Mrs. Usher s; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orton. and daughter Fern of Orillia, at the home of Mrs. gr- le- home `of his` parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew; Havelock Graham of Toronto, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.- J. R. Graham; Miss Helen Malcolm of Tor- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cope- land 5 Vern Simpson of University of Tor- onto, with his _parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Simpson; Miss Flora Currie of Toronto, with Dr. and Mrs. Currie; Miss Maud Train of -Toronto at Wm. Train s; Miss Florence Ritchie at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Napier and Jean of Tottenham, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster and daughter Mar- garet at A. C. Bishop s; T. Lorne Camp- bell of Toronto and Miss Isabel Campbell of Minesing at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Campbell; Miss Cora Scott of Melton, Ont., at her. parents,'Dr. and Mrs. Scott; Miss Olive McDermott of Shanty Bay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. McDermott; Miss Annie Train of Barrie at her home here. I | ..-..._--. `w. .v. ..-'-.. uvl :- "Form I-'-'-A. Davidson , 79%, R."Pi; `78, D. McGuire 76, W. Hickling 75, E. Brock 74, B. Andrew 74, L..Brown 74, J. McGinnis 74, F. Turner 71, V. Wade 70, M. Dickinson 70, J. Ritchie 70, G. Arnold 69, I. Agnew 69, G. Rowat 69, D. Houden 66, ,A.'R,owley 66, M. Friel 66, E. Howe 65,` R. Webster 62, D. Lan- caster 60, H. Christie 60, R. Linton 60, A. Friel 60, J. Kirton 59*, A. Donnelly 57, G. Spence 53,_E. Heasman 52*, I. Draper 45, J. Whitton 40*. A Form II-H.- Cummings 84%,. A. Smith 80, E. Ritchie 78, B. Cotton 66, B. Palm- ger 66, 0. Kerr 64, A. Archer 64, C. Jor- gdan 63, .K. McQuarrie 63, A. McConkey gen, v. Mills 60, A. Stone 57, R. Houden! .54, M. Ritchie 53, H. Lawson 51, E. Simp- lson 51, G. Coe 50*, E. Lawson 49*, L. Kerr 49, E. McQuarrie 48, B. Hayes 45*, `E. Campbell 35***`, K. Davidson 32*, I. Dyer and C. Crowe not rankedon ac- count of illness. I ll`...._. 1'11 Tl? l`I_..-_h-II Hub! II n. ,.I I. IlJUlUllo U1 lll%5. Form III--W. Campbell 75%, M. Strath` 75, A. Dale 75, -S. Bell 74, E. Montgom- ery 73, R. Lawson 66, W. Ellis 64, L. French 62, R. Drysdale 60, G. Swan 59, C. Murdoch 59, H. Brock 54, N. Simpson 44, G. Swan 37, V. Lawson 36. E. G. Miller, Principal L. Burchell, Assistant _ `Number of examinations missed. A-Donald CauT(3i)ell of. i;:;, Mrs. H. Young, of Edenvale, Mrs. R. Shanaghan and Mrs. last week. . A Continuation School Report for Fall Term` 111-.., 1' _ I-ynn4 The Grand Leader The CORRECT NUMl3EReof COPPERS _in. jar displayed in our window was count- ed by the capable hand of Mr.J.H.Wi1son, Manager Sterling * Bank.. The correct amount was 5403.: ` . T l V-We congratulate the winners on the good judgment used by them, also we thank every customer who took part in the contest. THE LUCKY WINNERS JAMES WILSON, 6 Bayeld St. Guess 1st prize--chair . . . . . . . . . . . . .-5403 (No relative of Mr. J. H. Wilson) F. J. WILTSHIRE, Shanty Bay 2nd prize--dressing gown . , . . .5405 J`. W. CALDWELL, Shanty Bay 3rd prize-g1oves . . . . . . . . . . . .5400 MRS. J. BYRNE, 40` James St. V 4th` prize--+si1k scarf . L . . . . , . . .5400 A. PEARSALL, Oro Station Sth prize-,-tie . . . . . . . . . . .5399 Gummmon ahd fam- t.-Bond Head. _ `I-TAR:-5.... .--J `A " 54 EuzA3E'rH s'r._ Our Hearty Wish to You and Yours, A Prosperous and Healthy New Year. Buy Advjertiabd Things The Grand} Leader 051.5791`? Mich., and visited with \ A. Osborne with knit- -value at A- -4 V norse belonging to aim} '{_a.nner, umvya, Judge Lewis Henry Dixon, judge electrocuted itself by ,p`1ck1ng up a live Huron County, died of heart failure wire with its food. E , V his office in Goderich. . _ ~ (I . Horse belonging to Sau_lMT"'anner, Ottawa, Judge Lewis Henry Dixon, judge Iectrocuted itself bv mckinz un a live Ffm-nn (`.mmtv Hind at 1..n..+ 4'.-AI...-. TriIlig_Igf Wil _lj01_g0r I I VVCIIQEC IJCI, $3 [Bills I\I\rII$I\l ' V lilieurole he creiated in Robin Hood. A KING IN WAR AND LOVE The heart story of history s most popular monarch as he wages `war on indel hordes_ and struggles against treachery and intrigue in his army camp while his soul is torn by jealousies toward his capricious Queen. A picture full of adventuresome romance and action so thrilling that. it sets the blood pounding; so beautiful it grips, fascinates, Touches Every Human Emotion. ONE PERFORMANCE EACH NIGHT AT 8.15. T Matinee New :Year s Day at 2.30. . `. .'.CE5_=c 11: 1 I 4% Richarda% !l1e_Li9!I.-%l!9Irted A -FRANK WOODS PRODUCTION Wl3ased on Sir Walter Scott s Novel, The Ta1iman. `V Vyith "5/a!lVa..ce Byers: gs King Richard, l`I'l,I,', `I9! rn &1lL1J`l\nLJl.JI-I all l\l VV 0 Starts at 7.15 and 9 p.m. Prices: 15c and 25:. _ORCHESTRA under direction of LORNE ARNOLD. sPEc1ALMUS1AIE6kE" ORCHESTRA under direction of LORNE ARNOLD. BUDDY MESSINGER: 2`H&"}i3.YDEN STEVENSON, V Also `a -Great Comedy for the Kids. A NINE-REEL" sHgv_v. (`J..._L.. -1. H A I` _,_ illian Sloan of Fort the holidays with her MONDAY, mac. 31 . JANUARY IAAND 2 FRIDAY SATURDAY, um 23 AND_ 29 Drama, C0;dy,. Love, Baseball Thrills. Everything you would like to see in a Big Picture!- Featuring- IHWIWV ll:CCH\Yf`_l:D A...-I l,IA\Il\r`.1u (""I`l`I7l"`1\Y(`t'\x1 n 15:53 Nights-Ground Floor-,-ngbc; Balcony, 35c. Matinee-Chi1dren, 15c; Adults, 35c. EXT.`-. H-361-AA: Q.:1n Coming Jan-r S` ,-"11 and 12: CLASSICS O1: .1924 (Not a Picture) ..I Associated VAutl.|o'rs, Inc, ` ;.>rse~nt-h Boys Suits, nest materials, correct styles -Special . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 to $10.50 ` Boys Overcoats, good cloth, snappy styles -Special . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 to $12.00 Boys Gloves, Mitts, T oques and Sweaters -the best grades, and always remem- ber our prices are best. A Full Line of Men's Suits to Choose from `in blues, browns, greys and worsteds, all reduced in price for Thursday, Friday nos!` Cn`-uuaAnc- nvwssovurvu Ann ,,..-., l\II ......-....,, . ...... - and Saturday. Blue Serge, 2 pairs_ trousers! . - --, .. .;L30.00 Greys, a number to choose frorri . . $21.00 Men s Mackinaw Coats . . . . . . . . . $6.50 Men s Work Socks . . . . . . . . . . . 25c pr. Men s Flannelette Shirts, $1.90 to $2.25 A full line of Men s Gloves, Mitts and D-Obllh Sweater Coats. Before buying, call and get our prices. A call does not compel you to buy. OUR GUARANTEE: Money refunded if I goods not satisfactory. We save you 20% owing -to r'noderate_ expenses and oareful buying. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Ea: held by the Union ty was a decided suc- A nf 70 JOHN SASO, Proprietor High Class Clothing Page Nine KQHILL lined, reg-_ . $1.19 E. o a 9 -0 n Battle 15 vxsltln Lher home in Pglgrmo. :w';3.iT"."`i :%" $.i`.."3';."_`: OUT: " 'izi}iKg . . 50:; hirts and :, regular- % . . . . 75c uupuurwx; znd, ' 5; 4th,", '1`. Saw. ' nuuuu wcru; Ur. yap . Newvton of Toronto, lin`s; Evangelist and Arkansas, visiting the s mother, Mrs. Willis- . Dickey" and daughter Dickeys parents, ` Mr. rl eph Cripps spent the~ arents here. . id Kenney are visrting er, Mrs. `James Mc-` ' Yuletide the holiday at tnelr name on man an ' v Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B611 of `Durand, ` `,Mioh., and Vernon Man of Lindsay were ` Christmas visitors with Mrs. Harry Mm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Love `and two `children. and Roy Love of Toronto` wen guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Love. " . V Dick.Porritt, who in with a mining oom- 3ii:yo; 'iiJ.s`iil.b`i:'3tg:"K;'.', for. . -._- V u . Percy and Clarence Hobley were home for hristmu. ' ; . . H. H. Hamilton was in Bethany for the Christine; holidays. V min Avulnr-An anon} hi! Unmrmu nouuays. _ A V . _ AWm. Anderson spent Christmas wlth hm parents in Lindsay. ` Min. Mm-Aral-at Linn. nnnnt Christmas with I parents In umuaay. _ Miss Margaret Linn spent Christmas with relatives at Stayner. Ilia. Mnrauuniuifn Rnntino was in Tm-nntn raunsnmr. DECEMBER 27. 71923. TQIEEIVCS 83 apgyner. . ` Q Mm Marguemte Banting was m Toronto 3 ofwo days last week. - in: M A .'I`rnn in nvinnrunu u: vsmntinn were In town [or unnauuua. V Mr. and Mrs`. Penstone, Sophia St., spent the holiday in Toronto. ` Minn hm-in I-Invaa, Iihrm-inn. smint Christ- 3 IBW. uuya luau wuex. Miss M. A.vTra.in is spending the vacation at her home in Elm'vale. a ll... nAIIa l\` "`IuiI\v\`I\ 3: uh-::I>:no `un- Ry-lance and baby of holiday with `Dr, and 33 I131` nome In IJIIDVBIB. . . Mrs. Coutts of Toronto is vmtnng her` niece, Mrs. W. J. Shannon. .13. mm! Mn 1 A Knnrn. nf Plmlnntnn U135 317 I191` 1101116 111 Aulawu. W. A. Anderson was at the home of his_ sister in Powassan for Christmas.- Ill-_-.' llnnnnumt l:`....m Ac Mnrfk nan gnnnf. znece, Mrs. W. J. Dnuuuuu. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. `Kenna of P-helpston were in town for Christmas. u. .._.a u-..- D.....-a...... Q....'l.:. no 818661 111 rowuaauu Lu: vzuusuuma. Miss Margaret Ferry of North Bay spent `Christmas wiith the Misses Ferry. `'5... Ia`-an 1:1; wanton ennui fl-us hrhat- mas nouuays wlnn rumuvua 111 suruuw. Mr. and Mrs. George Dodson at Toronto were holiday visitors with Barr1e`relatives. Mr. `and Mrs. Robt. Davidson, Toronto, ' are `visiting with Judge and Mrs. Vance. Mr. "and Mrs. W. R. King went to Tor-` onto to enjoy Yuletide with his parents. Mrs. Wright of Owen Sound is a hoxiday. visitor with her sister, Mrs. J. M.` Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Randall Richardson and- baby were in Tottenham for the holidays. Minn Mnranrnt Mnrs}1nI`,r 'R.,NT_' nf Tm-. A Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallie are in Toronto visiting their sons during the holiday sea- -8011. ll}..- Klan- `rlnnnnnu A` I-kn `R l". T ufuc` spent me n_ouu.ay nu 1oruu_w. A _ Miss Dons Hayes, Iibranan, spent Chr1st- mas at her home in Alliston. in A A....:.......... ....... .4 41.... l..;..... at Ma vnnsumas Wlul ule Lulasua rcrry. M153 Frank1e Warren spent the Christ-I ' mas holidays with relatives in Toronto. l M. mu! Mm (`lnnu-an nmhnn nf Tm-nnfn Daoy were un Lonwmuuu xur um uuuuuya. Miss Margaret Marshall; R.N.', of Tor- gnto, spent Christmas at her home in Park` t. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson of De- goit are visiting with Mrs. Rivard, James , T . `I'D -`St. N. the Christmas visitois rhood were: Dr. Leo Mnnnn -3 "I`-.._._A.; soiiiss Mertia Donnelly of the B.c.f. staff `went to Pinkerton for the Christmas holi- days. , J 1-3 Anntin smnnl: Christmas with his pamnts, -onto. v 1!... i `OHIO. are with relatives -in Toronto for the holi-l days. Mr mrul Mr: Pnlmmv Wnrmnn nf De. Mrs. J; D. Laidlaw and Miss Laidlawi` WUWIM T `Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hines of Detroitl came home 126 spend the holidays with their parents. _ . R IE Wail! Inna] mnnmrnr nf Wnnl. uays. trait spent Christmas with relatives in town. 1:. ..._.I II... D `I r1..n....1..... .....-.4. mad. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Wardman of De-} TOWN . Mr. and Mrs. R. J .A Gallagher spent Wed- nesday with the latter'a sister in Cooks- -nurn aparenns. B. E. Keill, local manager of Wool- wo:-th'a, spent ;Christmas with hissister In Hamilton. . V . .u:.... u A `r............... -8 r.:m.. T.n1.-4. IIRIDIIUOII. `Miss M. A. Lawrence of Little Lake attended the funeral of her uncle at Orillia yesterday. A . Mr: nrnnkn nttnmn, nnnn Christmas yeswruuy, Mrs. Campbell, Ottawa, spent Christmas with her daughter, . Mrs. Edward Currie, Bayfield St. MK: an!` MN: I`. A MIlnn hf Tnrnntn nayuexu av. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mullen of Toronto are spending the holidays with theirVpar- ents here. I` I4` TI---In AC I-`us nwnnvn T.:`n unnnf. ts. _D. Reynolds are 5 with Mrs. Clark : "am Richardson. n Mills will be pleased elist and Mrs. Meade Sunday and will favor 11: AC 4-lush. I-.......:L.I EH58 l1Bl'8o G. F. Doyle, of the Crown Life, spent Christmas with his family and relatives at` Newmarket. . II... 13 TI 13-..... A` runvnaknlvn A`- J.V9WIl18I'.KBU. Mrs. E. W. Brown of Claresholm, A1- berba, is visiting her father, W.TL. $mitIr. Sampson St . Mr om} Mu` Jnhn 'I"rnn.v_ Small SL. Isampson at. Mr. and Mrs. John Tracy, Small St., are spending a. few _weeks with friends in London, Ont. M . and Mn `R A `DAT-I'm-I-. ann the uonuon, un Mr. and Sits. R. A.` DeHart am: the Misses DeHart spent Christmas with rela- tives at Eady. mlmn Gill nf Qunthnrlnn, Sn:-1`(._ in via- lives at. many. `Elmo Gill of Sutherland, Sask., is via- iting his parents, Mr, _and Mrs. S. Gill, Clapperton St. ` V . H F`. M nnn}mnnn`nf th Danartment of Urapperwn at. - H. E. Macphersonof the Department of Highways spent the holidays at his home . in St.'Thomaa. mt- .....: M... 1 1: Ixnmm-4. nnnnt um In at.` Inomaa. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hubbert spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Paar`, nnltntnwn. `lllrlkul H5 I-IUIIUGJ 1 Reed, Cookstown hnnolrl MnnT.nrA1 tor unrxsumas. . Norbert Moran of Detroit and Francis Moran of Toronto spent Christmas at their home., Collier St. u:__*-_ 1 ....L..I ....,r m....:.. n:...!' Tnnhnfn need, uooxsuown. T , Donald MacLaren ' of Toronto and AL astair MacLaren of Hamilton were vhoma for Christmas. \Y-..L....L Il'n_n.. AI l\nh-AH-,. nnrl W1-ant-.5: I W05 (1 UUUIUEU. of $70. rge Muir of Ferguson-.' with Mr. and Mrs.[ name,` uoluer an. . _ Misses `Isabel and Rhoda Bird, Tomato, and Miss (3310 Bird, Oakville, were home fomhe holidays. ` nnn- nrf A` nnmn hl tor the nouaays. , _ Douglas Hart of Flint, Mich., came home to spend Yuletide with his mother, Mrs. Hart, Worsley St. ` V M... Mneohnma nf Vannnuvnr In the zueaf hart, Worsley bu. . Mrs. Matthews of Vancouver Is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Howland and `Mrs. Warner, Owen St; M. ...A Mr: Rnntino and Miss Lillian Mrs. R. W. rayne. ' Miss Ila Haack and Dr. Asselstine of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and -Mrs. S. W. Moore. . It. .._.I u ..- 1...}. T.:o-Ha nf 'l.-u-nntn enter at IU weumgton an-. vv. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Sinclair of Collin - wood spent Christmas with thp formexa nparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair. `Mu. mp.) Wm. Little. who had been Warner, uwen on. T r Mr. and Mrs. Banting and Miss Lillian of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Payne. 11:... `I1. `Raoul: and Dr. Aunlntinn of `MP8. 3. We MOOTB. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Little of Toronto. were Christmas guests" of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Little. XII`- .`;....I II ... n W Mnnmmhl 'l"m-nntn, Uoluer 3%., over Unrxsunaa. . Mr. and Mrs. Philp, Toronto, are ope` d- ing the holidays with H. E. Stoddart and Miss Stoddart, Mulcaster St. In... u...:.... when! has ml-.m-nnrl home R. Calderwood, Toronto, is hoine` for the us` `An!!! and MTS. A. 1'. lJWHOu Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McDonald, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Webb, Collier St., Christmas. V - u. .....I M ... DI-le. "I'm-nntn, urn inad. Miss Etouaart, Muxcaster on. Miss Marion Rivard has returned home after spending three months, in Detroit with her` sister, Mrs. Thompson. ` ` n:-1. n..II:...L.... .0 elm 1} MG, Kinontnn. With not answer, Mrs. Inompaou. Dick Callighen of the R.M.G., Kingston, came home to spend vacation with his par.- ents at 10 Wellington St-. W. `II. .....l "on `I I`. Rina-lair nf Falling. -qmrenta, Mr. and Mrs. A. mncuur. . Mrs. (Dr.) Wm. Little, who visitin her parents in Philadelphia, re- turn home on Monday` evening. 11-:__ .....I ll... much. `IT:-{Mal-. I-`l'nmHf.hn_~ turned home Monday evenin . , Major and Mrs. Craig Wright, iramiiton, 3 and Captain and Mrs. Lee`, Kingston, were Christmas guests at Mrs. Palling's. - Mr. and Mrs. J`. J. Molafferty and j daughters, of London, spent Christmas with Mrs. J. Quinlan, Olapperton St. Major and Mrs. T.. J. Williams of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. William, Owen St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull, Toronto, af- A tor spending the week-end with friends in town, returned home Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Fowlie `spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and `Mrs. J. S. Cmm, 125 Bradford St. Dr . E. T. At ' on of Port Dalhousie and Miss Mary Atkinson of Toronto t the holiday at their-`home `on Blake. t.` u. ....a M... Wm. Ball of Durand. -w.- v Austin spent Christmas with his` Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Austin, Tor-I PERSONAL ,.,- --vvuu -nu-I] hofiday V'th anti t. Bayes were in Tor-7 attending the funeral 2. Mr. and Mrs. John Dougall and Masses Ielehj and `Lelia. Dougall spent Christmas 7 with Mr, -and Mrs. Roger Wells, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman` Campbell and Miss Jean spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Campbell's mother, -Mrs. Coburn, Au- roll. ~ `[1... I"-_..--' `4\'-L._ -n-..n `sou--an `unn- wris Grace Fisher carhe leome from` Prince Albert to spend the Christmas sea- gqnh with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, J.` DUI". Miss Amy Reid, teacher in the Prince of Wales School, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reid, Midland, for the, holidays. ' ` -Emmerson, Robt. and -Andrew Walker: i came home to spend Christmas with their1 . parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Walker, Mul- caster St. ` _ Miss Amy Cooper and Thos. Horn, both' of Toronto, spent Christmas with the form- .er'g parents, Mr. and Mrs- Jae. Cooper Sanford St. - ` II- _._.I II ... 7....-- T_-I.....I .._J I:I.A.I.. IUGIIIUIVU Ullo ` | Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland and little daughter, Pam-icia, bf Hamilton`, `spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. [George Overs," Victoria St. 11.. All..- 1_r......1..:......_ ..{_.1 _1......1_..,... ....- VIUDUKIIS DU. . ' Mrs. Allan Hutchinson and daughter are spending the holidays with the fox-mer's parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Allen, Mount Forest. ' . II ... 1'..- u -u'-..;:_ _.___ :_ I-_-r-__-n __' LVIUUIIII I` UYUSIH - Mrs. Jas. McMartin wire in I-Iensall on. Christmas Day attending` the golden wed- ding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonthron. 4 Mr. and Mrs, Leo'Cooper. and daughter Winnifred, Meaford, visited with Mrs. Cooper's mother, Mrs. Robinson, Boys St., Christmas Day . Mr: Jnkn (3!-chasm an!` Hanan}-nfnv Mica UUIIDUHIK lJG | _ Mrs. John Graham and daughter; Miss Minnie, Cookatown, rate Christmas turkey with `county treasurer D. H. Coleman and lfamily, Blake St. ` . Mu our` Mina "Ann Mnfntn any` man I Verna, of Toronto, were Christmas lllllly, JJIGRU Dloo Mr. and Mrs. Hope Metcalfe and Miss guests . of Mr..and Mrs. H. J. Buchanan and Mr. land Mrs. T._Metcalfe. ~ ` Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peach of Rockwood were theguests of, the latter's pare:-t~:, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart, during the lfhristmas holidays. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Griffin and three children came home to enjoy the Yule- tide season-with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Robinson, Bradford St. - : Mr. and Mrs. F. Robertson of Worsley St., `entertained all their children and. grandchildren on Christmas, also Mr. Gor- don and Mr. Robertson of Craigvale. I I Wm. Carr, who is with the Ontario H.E.i {Power Commission, Toronto, was a Yule-1 ltide visitor at the home of his parents,| Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Carr, Toronto sc., [ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Craig of Toront . spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1".` Craig. Miss Hazel Craig returned to Bar- rin uril-in H-unnn affair kninn in {Jun nil-u `pun VUU uavu D3911 D1303` : W.M., H.'Donne1ly; 1:; Chap., E. Todd; Fin. Seo., H. McLeod; . of 0., Geo. Maya; and H. Longhurat; gs 1.`_i"93'i=% Ends i

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