Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1923, p. 5

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5 Sale ists :lII'U IIUU IIISIIIUS Ul IIIJU UJSl.IlUlI:Ul` 4*" Rev. W. J. Watt, W. Knight (Allis- ton)', Cecil Poole, J. Preston, W.~,H. `Knight, 0. M. Hickling, `C. B. Reynolds, EL. J. Leach & Son (Orillia), Thos. Milbee, B. E. Fisher, Wilfred Foster, L. J. Rey- nolds (Stroud), J. "B. Musselman (Craig~ vale), Geo. P. Doren (Aurora), `Irving MacLachlan, W. McFadden, Mark Foster,` iE. B. Guest (Guthrie), J. Wood, W. iBlogg. E. Shuter, A. 0. Bishop (Elmvale), `Earl Livingston, G. T. Reeve, Herbert A. Jarvis, Thos. C. Devine, A. G. Walker, lMrs. J. J Cochrane (Angus),.Dr. D. Cor- coran '('Elmvale),- Milton Carr, A. A. Brownlee, W. J. Crompton, A. M. Marshall, Chas. E. Toothe, Edgar Thomas, John H. Gofton, A. C. Bricker, Watson Kirton (Elmvale), Harold Dyment, A. E. A. Mal- 'cornson, J. Walker, 0. C. Hinds, Bobbie ._113lyn)1ent, Ward Coles, G. A. Whiting (Or: I I A.... ...L.. ..-_ :....._.._;...: :.. ..-..u-.. _L....ui IJUHUUH, 'WLIU UIIIUIDOUU lllli yuan. g A. c. Bricker is president of the `Aseoeia- tion; Allan Hutchinson, secretary-treasub er and `C. A. Kelly caretaker. `Following` ;are the names of the exhibitors :- I `D--. TIT `I Tl7..A.A. TIY 'I'f..:...LL I Alli- uu. - - ` I The passenger and express business dur- ;ing theholidays on the lines centreing in 'Allandale shows an increase of more than 20 per cent. over last year's holiday bus- iness and is unprecedented. .The Super- intendent said there were times during the traffic that they. were in great need of equipment to properly handle this busin- All in all, there insubstantial proof of _a general. trend for better business` on ;this division of the C.N.R. [ MANY FINE BIRDS AT _ BARRIE POULTRY SHOW The entertainment for the children last! Friday at Essa St. Prwbyterian church| consisted of 40 numbers given by the chil- dren, after which Santa Claus appeared and gave a bag of candy to each to their ;great pleasure and delight. During the `entertainment the congregation of the ichurch took Rev. and Mrs. Watt by com- plete surprise when they presented them with a leather club bag and a purse con- taining $50.00. The presentation ad- iiress was made by Roy Ferguson as fol- ows: II`. `II . _...I II... TITAJL. IPURSE AND CLUB BAG GIVEN T0 REV. W.;J. AND MRS. WATT "'iio' Mr. and Mrs. Watt: Dear Friends: We, the members and adherents of the Allandale Presbyterian -Church take this opportunity at this fes- tive season of r expressing through these little tangible proofs the sincerity of our regard for you `gained and retained by your ' self sacrificing spirit of devotion to Christ s cause in our midst. Trusting that you may both be long spared to minister unto us, and wishing you a very merry Christ- mu and a happy New Year, we remain, your sincere friends.- Signed on behalf f th ti . R0 F ` E. 2., ,.,:.s::*='8* '= Y "0 .3381"!-IE. In response Rev. and Mrs. Watt: ex- pressed, in a few heart-felt words, their deep appreciation and thanks for `the gen- erona. gifts and for the spirit in which they were gaven. ._ SHORT COURSE RESUMES JAN. 3 thur Lalonde, of St. wn from a rig when died from fractured . BUSINESS IMPROVING ON C. N. R. DISPENSED CHRISTMAS CHEER Buy Advertised mm Dunlap Street. Opp. Post Office. . - pg 33%@@`'@'@'@@Q@'@@'@@'@Q@'3"@@ E gamaag&a@$a&@@&a&ma@&&maw; The twenty-two children at the Children s Aid Shelter in charge of the matron, Mrs. Averill, were ex- tended the pleasure of a real royal good time on Christmas. At 8.30 o clock in the morning, Santa Claus (Mr. Neilly) `appeared and distribut- ed from a heavily laden and beauti- fully decorated Christmas tree pres- ents that lled the hearts of the children with delight to overowing. |Among those present to witness the treat to the children were: A. J. Sarjeant, president of the Board; W. -- J. Justice, Secretary and Inspector; Rev. G. A. Brown, M. D. Morrison. Dr. A. T. Little, Mrs. Cameron and T. T. Young. CU Ull l'UC ILUSL BIUU U1 JJllI'I'lU'- the Village of Thornton, in hip of Innisfil, in the County of 2 nhnwn nn 7n.Hrm-'5: nlnn lllv I MERRY TIME AT SHELTER {ON CHRISTMAS MORNING MuhVcre:dit_is due to Mrs. E. A. Harris, and volunteers, Mr. Neilly, Mr. Martin and Mr. Reeves, who united with the Board and made a canvass that resulted in securing a large collection of useful gifts for the children, which included boots, rubbers, sweaters, mitts, scarfs, nightgowns, stockings, braces, pen- cil boxes, skates, hockey sticks, dolls, balls and a large supply of candies, nuts, oranges, apples, etc. Many donations were also received from other sources. A Short -tallrswere given the children on Christmas cheer by Rev. G. A. Brown- and other members of the Board. _Mrs. Cameron spoke in hearty appreciation of the work of the matron, Mrs. Averill. _ The Christmas dinner consisted of everything in the calendar of the `desires of the children-goose, chicken, cakes, pies, candies, nuts, UNION BANK OF CANADA Barriq Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thornton Branch - - - Cookstown Branch - - - A Protable Business Hockey Boots and Skates We have a-beautiful line of Girls and Ladies Hockey Boots and Skates. HIP Ul lllllllll Ill IJNU \IUuuV U5 shown on Wa-lker's plan duly as plan number 75, save and ex- ertions heretofore sold off same ed number 12620 `for the Towns nisfil. M parcel is situate a comfortable dwelling house and frame barn. ill be a reserved bid. Boots, $3.65 to $5.00. Skates, $1.50 to $5.50. \l U$ll\C cw nvv--v "1 3oots, $226613 $6.23 Skates ;.. 90 to $7.00 Skates or Boots purchas- ed here attached FREE. We have `the largest stock of Boots and Skates in town. A Prices the best. Boy and Men s Hockey n..-J... duo on ;- mg on NEW YEAR S, 1924 The business of saving your own money is an exceedingly protable one in which to engage. When part of your salary is deposited regularly in the Union Bank of Canada, it gives you a feeling of independence; you know your money is safe from fire and theft; and your deposit is earning interest all the time. $1.00 opens a Savings`Account. 9 J. G. KEENAN There aredays for sending merchandise, And days_to send a bill, But this one day of all the year a We send you just GOOD WILL. _'--- yup:-j -v- e Farm Property in the Township` `s, in the County of Simon. ` 1 Iiia W. URRY FOX--At R. V. Hospital, Barrie, Dec. 24, 1923, George Fox, aged 65 years. GROSE--On Monday, Dec. 24, 1923, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George H. Nichol, 8 High Park Gardens, Tor- onto, Adelia, wife of Noah Grose of Le- ` froy. ' MORRISON-In the Royal Victoria Hos- - pita], on Thursday, Dec. 27, 1923, Neil B. Morrison. Funeral at Guthrie Church, on Saturday, Dec. 29, at 1.30 mm. ` 3&5!` I ASTRIDGE--In Barrie, Dec. 26, 1923, to V Mr. and Mrs. Chas.VAstridge, Collier St.,- a son. McCA'W---At the Royal Victoria Hospital, -Barrie, on Wednesday, Dec. 26, 1923, a son to Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCaw, Owen St. SIMMONS--At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, Dec. 22, .1923, to Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Simmons, 40 Toronto St., Barrie, a son. IA \llJII HAY;\3Es-n1c'.>..T-f1UR-1n Barrie, Dec. 20,` 1923, by Rev. A. R. Beverley, William Haynes, to Alice Irene Mc- Arthur, of Camp Borden. p.u1. ROWLEY-On Monday, Dec. 24, 1923, Hugh Rowleyr Sr., at his late residence, in the Township of Essa, in his 95th year. V ' TANNER-At 69 Tiffin St., Allandale, on Dec. 26, Walter Tanner, aged 86 years and 8 months. Service -at the family residence at 1.30 p.m., Saturday, with interment following at Stroud cemetery. TURNER-In the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday, Dec. 23, 1923, Mrs. Robt. J. Turner, of Craighurst, in her 54th year.. vwxlrfvo, yuuuuug, uuu uuucl. I,.lCll\;aU.lC3u It was a day of complete enjoy- ment for all concerned and the kind- ness 'shown the children is much ap- preciatedby everyone in connection with Children's Aid Society. apples, pudding and other delicacies. T4- nu... .. .1--- -1.` _--_--J|-A- MARCONI SETS $50, $57.50, $60, $100. WESTINGHOUSE SETS $65, $130, and up. .. .....--vu.. -aw-v terms and conditions will be :1 at -the time of sale, or in the upon application to Alexander licitor "for the said Exeoutors, , . 36 Bayeld St. Phone 453 - A. Leslie, Manager H. M. Homan, Manager T. McMillan, Manager SECTION 2 P_AcEs 5 1701; 1331`! .?`?`!.T9R .A!.-,!I3., 5T`EA{5<.5-P V DECEMBER 21. 192$` 82 Dylnlop H. A. GROSE, Auotionqer. Iced to $5.95. Hermann, her horse skull. CIRCULATION THISAWEEK ru--.--nu Every New Year's the Management of New Dream- land gives you a- big, `outstanding picture. This year we have again lived up_to this custom. a T!!9,.l!9n.9! L98! $11928 DON'T MISS rr mum AND SATURDAY ter, Fred Reynolds. The Vr'e8t'.__l ning was spent by the .membera- ladies enjoying a sumptuous sup- ed by a short programme of music, etc. L.O.L. 234 is in us condition. The gathering was. ` y all heartily joining in singing. the King. A UMYERS ORCHESTRA Np Advdnce in Prices for This Outstanding Attraction! PIRATE GOLD! Hidden in its tangle of seaweed, an island ofderelict ships! Pirate ships! Spanish galleons! Proud four-masters! Haughty liners! Some old when America was young! Some just` reported missing at Lloyds! Drawn together by weird ocean currents into this grave- yard of the deep.. And with them the remnants of their crews and passengers! Men, and sometimes a woman-to . drone their lives away with the rotting hu!lts--and to be ruled over by the strongest man among them! -And now come three new castaways, a beau- tiful girl, Q detective and his prisoner, a man accused of murder! Sole survivors of a shipwreck caught in the grip of the Sargasso Sea, to add to the drama in this strange empire! ' And according to community law this beautiful girl must marry within a day, choos- ing her mate from among the rabble! `The man she takes must defei'n!l his possession--ght for the. prize--hold her by right of mig t Twice Each Night, 7.15 and 9.10. Sat. Mat. at 2.30. IlI!I"NI\l\| ix:-\/-\vur A runs 15 THE MOST BA!-'!.=`LlNG MYSTERY YOU EVER sAw! Red Lights! What do they mean? _ _ ___L1 - an 1:;I`II$I` IT'S ; ___.. .:----- --uo-vi--1:: tjuv An island of derelict ships where a woman _must choose a mate - within a day! ` LIEDE IE DELI ` Al\Ill!\!'I'llnI5 III nnnuununu-n uuauvnnvnuinla VVVVVVV Al 1 FIJI HERE IS REAL AD\{EN'l'URE--A-I - MAURICE 'l'OURNEUR S s om, OUR ( IV&`oIov_u :- -:not until thg nal moment that leaves 1 `vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw- - Yeavristhe a- custom. Tris Clarke : Toronto Orchestra` Monday Night MYERS `ORCHESTRA TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT ` T wice Each Night, 7.15 and 9.00. . Matinee New Year s Day at 2.30. Usual Prices, 1`5c-25c ADAPTED FROM THE IMMORTAL. sromr. THE MA_C-.10 5'51"" `by BALZAC-.` IIII-In IRA`! IIIl.I.l'| Balzac s great story of the true P with all the lamour of the jazz ag and the bew1tching.women. are all romantic motion picture. USUAL mucus. comma: mos. MEIGHAN ip with GEORGE wAi.sH-, BESDSIVI-1 LOVE` and CARMEL mrzns; WEDNESDAY -' THURSDAY With MILTON SILLS, ANNA Q. NILSSO-N, FRANK CAMPEAU and WALTER` LON-G. THE SARGASSO suns oN'n-11: MAP! -And some say itTis on1y`a sai1or s myth! - sun. ----- -_ . gripping, mystifying - thoroughly, enjoyable - a picture_` you will place among the worth-while things you have segn. uusc ux uuneslllg. ` ` j 10% of the purchase money i_0 own at the time of sale, andtho ithin thirty days thereafterqg ' ;; petty will be offered for 6819."; a reserved bid. ' " VVIIGI. slaw n\vu- --9---- -._v..__ -in the rotuence 61 beautiful Ruth Carson. -n the murder of Godfrey Murray`. __ AL. ._A no--Iguu '--In Inc Iuuruuu v: -u__..., -.-..--..,. --in the ape mystery. _ --in the uncoupling of the reel-. car that sent a. dozen people plunging to almost certain death in the valley. , e------------.........._,,_,,,_,,,H D Druuunv. THE MAN WHO UNDERSTOOD WOMEN _1_'H \_NE_'._lRD _sARGAsso SEA!_ U jail ""cz72;,m 1 ' _ A Carey son T _\_rOUCAN T sown rm _..-...-..n. AL-In I--ugn van In-gnthlell and dGlilhtC& Gilbert E. Gable presents 4215 comes | vv-balls III D&lllVV$'I`II, _ Barrie, Ont, .- ; Mortgages Soliottorto * at Barrie this twenty-fourth til? ` :, 1923. T _ -52;-at ` asienne has been modernizved age. The Paris cafes, boulevards are} in this splendid, gripping and V n IdV'I-Ill. 6 1 you breathless and delighted WOMAN PROOF REAL MUSIC. l\In\ 03:11 -17;! Property Tn {in lungs of -in the Township of lnnisl, my the County of Slmcoo. sou. Y... CANADA. Tuunsom. DEcEMBER27,1923. No.52 I ' SINGER-HUTCH|N6ON _ A charming Christmas wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson,` 33 Owen St., on Tuesday, Dec. 25, when their daughter Jean` be- came the bride of Mr. Laurence P. Singer, hot: the staff of Geo. Vickers Ltd., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexanderisinger of London, lEngland. The ceremony was performed at 4 p.m., by Rev. E. T. Douglas of Gen- `tra`l' Methodist Church. a `E .... 'l.I ud-nkinnnn niuhus 4: CR1: |tra1 Memouxsu uuurcu. - , Muss Eva Hutchinson, sxster of the bnde, bridesmaid and Mr. Jack Arm- strong was grootnsnlan. V 'l`l..a kph-In um: hnnnfH'uv anwnml In a'U'Ullg was gruuuismuu. 'l`l:e bride was beautifully gowned m white satin trimmed with ermine and wore In veil of silk tulle, trimmed with pearls, an] as wreath of orange blossoms, alsc a string of pearls_.ethe groom s girt. Her bouquet was of Ophelia roses. Her ~it- tendant wore pale green silk trimmed with [silver and carried violets . The groom's -gift to the bridesmaid was a white gold brooch set with diamonds and sapphires. while his present to the groomsmun was 9. ipair of gold cuff links; llanu .|-mnntifnl mfte um:-A rannivml mm?` I On Dec. 19 a quiet wedding took place` at the home of the bride's parents, Peel of Mr. and Mrs. Lance, Beelby, "became `the bride of Mr. Robert J. Pullbrook, son Ivy performed the ceremony, in the pres- ence of immediate relatives of the con- tracting" parties. V 'l`l'|A luvlrln uiyn lnnnrlanmnlu anwnnli in St., Barrie, when Elizabeth Mae, daughter -A `or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pullbrook of. Cookstown. Rev. Rural Dean Dew` oft` almost all itscontents, was destroyed by the auspices of the Barrie Poultry Asso- `fireelast Friday. afternoon, Dec. 21. `Accord- "ing to the Bulletin, the loss is between 860,000 and 870,000, against which there and will continue over` Friday of this week. [is insurance of $35.000 on the building and~iThe exhibits are not as large as last year oiation is at itstheight to-day at the Ar- Collingwood Collegii; flnstitute, with The fourth annualfgultry Show under mouries. The show commenced yesterday I 810.000 on "the contents. lbut practically every breed of birds is to For several years, . the Collingwood be seen in the coops and the show is vet-vi Board of Education has been talking of creditable and interesting. The specimens ing was too small and was in other respects` ducks, rabbits. and pet stock are not inadequate to the needs, of the school. as numerous as on former occasions but are Owing to the high bliildiing costs` the ne specimens of their kind. The judging Board delayed action, even though the is being done this afternoon by Judge Oke. condition of the building was such as to . London: -W110 Officlted last 3'88!`- cause the Department of Education to: wit-hhold the. grants. ` A Novel cause suggested `C. `Following The origin of the fire is unknown. Iti ariigle fwt,,h e i71\iibitIgisi:-1;t startedshortly before four o`clock. As them) `Cecii oole restong W H [classes had been dismissed at noon, owingxnight` Hickling Reynolds to the close of the term and the commence-3 - - - ment exercises in the opera house in the ` L?$1er& %; i'11frSgriIl;l(:zrT1}_`8'JM`g:; e: evening, there was no fire on in the furnace m',ldB' (Strong) Mmeima; (Craig. in the afternoon. In any case the chimnervale) Irving isWI :{Vuf;f, ";,gf'N;fehfg;es`; , McFadden, Foster, electric wires in the attic or space -between gin?" v(VE?f3;m1Zl)7; the upper ceiling and roof. There is no:Ear1 Livin . . . _ gston, Reeve thought of incendiarism, hence there musti A"G. Walker .be some other solution, but what it is` ap- M J C h A D _ mm unsomw. one meow mused. ' .53. ~..E.,.`;..:::**= i..:::%:,- ii-.`::. gsays the Bulletin and it is only a theory, ii; that a lot of pigeons which hung about|3}::nl%: vg-bgghgfolgg '}1.'1$T'1aD_g,arsal:ll; I . V the northern tower and ventilators may - - lhave carried a_lig_hted cigarette stub inside Ilggtlg? ;rg1'd%r;::; t vXal`inAKl&t$ :22. i2z'::..;::a*:?. .i "3..2"i2ii""`y` .2`;ms" Walker Such things have happened, a repgrt of }1 , ;`;f"" C0165 lot sparrow `having dn "5 self same thmg [ Any who are interested in poultry shouldl d ' . . . . . lggllafsauglggarigfrtgg :_`;::,3I"tg1.5ad3 flnot fail to visit the Armouries on Friday.% ibuilding a new collegiate,_as the old build- are up 170 the 5tB11d8Td- Exhibits 05 88988. lpdlf Ul gulu uuu llllhu . Many beautiful gnfts were received and 1-mmerous messages of felicitznmn. includ- "Go d luck. Best wishes from home." `mg a cable from the groom`: parents-' i I Mr. and Mrs. Singer will reside in Barrie. Miss Cora Beelby was her sister's bridesmaid and were a brown taffeta dress. /Mr. Charles Bassingthwaite of Cookstown* [supported the groom. I 'l`kn cu-nnm`a fmmrc mm-cw tn u: hrirha, clssus anu vlmets. | I I TIDE. . _ ' After the wedding breakfast the happy! couple left for Toronto. The bride trav- elled in a grey dress trimmed with coral and a taupe coat with beaver trim-` ruins and hat to match. On t'heir return' Mr. end Mrs. Pullbrook will reside on the groom's farm in Essa, near Cookstown. brucuxlg puruua., The bride was handsomely gowned iul a henna crepe-de-chine dress with lace I` trimmings and carried a bouquet of nar- cissus and violets. u:__ rs--- n....n... ....... L-.. ..:..4....`.. ersigned has received instructions xecutors of the estate of Robert: used, to sell by public auction on the 101th day of January, A.D. he hour of two o'clock p.m., at Hotel. in the said Village `of the following lands and prem- e lows numbers twenty-two and ee on the East side of Blau;ie-. Ll... `YZlI...... .. Vl\L;__~L-_ I suppurwu we gruuux. I I The grooms favors were: to the brid.! la gold, wrist` watch; to the bridesmaid, a rng;_toTthe .groo_msman, Van Oddfellow s' rm . V Em... 1-Eu : mnrhiina hr-nnlrfnd-. Han Imnnv. BELL-G RAY | A very pretty home wedding was 501-, emnized on Thursday, .~Dec. 27, at 12; o clock, at the residence of the bride s' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Gray,Barrie, 0nt., when their eldest daughter, Marguer-i ite Giles, and Mr. John Russell Bell, son, of the late John A. Bell of New Lowell, Ont., and Mrs. Bell, of Toronto, were married by the Rev. George A. Brown of _St; Andrew ; Church, A Barrie. !, The bride, who was given in marriage! `by her father, was gowned in white eatin- `fecedi Canton with georgette cape and pearl ornaments. Her veil was of tulle with wreath ` of orange blossoms. She? `carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses| .._.: I:n:.... .: .1... ....lh... 'l`lm lnwhlnamni COLLINGWOOD SCHOOL % DESTROYED BY FIRE carnea 8 snower Duuqueb Ul upuuuu ruaua and lillies-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid Miss Jessie McLarty of Oshawa, wore peach `crepe-de-chine wi-th lace trimmings and black hat and carried a bouquet of roses. Miss Jean McGregor, cousin of _the. bride, made a charming little flower girl dressed in pink georgette trimmed with blue French flowers and carrying abasket of daffodils. The groom was attended by Major D. Bruce. `Donald of Pictou, Nova Scotia. Mr. Ed- mund Hardy played the wedding march. During the signing of the register Mr. James McGregor of Weston sang .Be-- cause." Mire. Penny; of Barrie, sany Crowned while felicitations were being extended: ' r L ..lL..-.1...-n LL- unnnn nnunln excenuea. 1 Later in t'he afternoon the young couple left for Baltimore and will sail this week for the south. The bride travelled in a suit of French gray marvella. with hatbo match. On their return they will reside in Walker-ville, Ont. A --Buy Stauntc;n sT semi-trimmed wall aper-22 inches wide instead of te old, 18-inch. For sale by W. A.-Lowe"& `Son, Elizabeth St. 43tfc E: F A :2 WEDDINGS L2. 8N.'`~'~`4 | I E. 9.! PU LLB R00 K-BEELBY nd by virtue of the powera-__.con- a certain mortgage which 'wul-he at the time of sale, there W! for sale by Public Auction on the nineteenth day of January. he hour of twelve o'clock noon, ellington Hotel, in the Towu'z`0f the County of Simcoe, by W- ikey. Auctioneer, the following nan1el_v:-- (1)- The South 63813 f Lot Number Seventeen, in the .-I` cession of the said Township 0: (2) the Southwest Quanta! 0 her Sixteen, in the said First of the Township of F105`. aaVO`~:: pt the East twenty-five mm )4 .1 Ills llll UEIIIISU, IIUDB uuu UlIIlUl$n Older needy persons were not ovezlookedl at the festive season. Through Miss Lay- cock, V.0.N., and Inspector John Bows man, 3250 was collected under the aus- pices of the Social Service Council and 65 well-filled hampers were distributed. In previous years this work hasbeen done by the St. George's Society and the distri- bution this year was directedlby H. C. Channen, who has been in charge of this work for the St. George s Society for sev- eral years. ' . A 1-:1-r:h\II:nn '11` `La 1-AAA nknnut Classes taking the Short Course, under` the auspices of the Department of Agri-H culture, will take up their work again on Jan. 3. The boys will start off with a course in Field Husbandry and the study of field crops, etc., which will last until January 18. `annals '.uunLlnv-ll` n `Airman An!-:nuInu-cu` Speaking to The Examiner this week, ;Supt. W. E. Weegar stated that business had shown considerable improvement dur- ing the past week and that engines which had been relegated to their stalls to await business were called out for. service again. Mr ufnnnnr is nnfitninn Hninn nl-' {Jan The hearts of 185 Barrie children were! delighted at Ghristmastide through the. generosity and thoughtfulness of the Bar- rie Kiwanis Club. A committee of ladies did the buying and prepared the parcels. Each child received some useful article of wearing apparel, a toy and a bag contain- ing an orange, nuts and candies. (Ann l'|AAl`IY no!-onus nvnvn nn AIYAIIAAIJAI` UIHI yUlllBu The distribution `of the good cheer brought joy not only to the recipients but to those who provided the funds and par-` ticipated in this benevolent work. uuuutujy 10. v James Laughland, a former Agricultural Representative for North Simcoe, will be in charge of the class. . Alan nu Innnuru Q n rlh-lo, glint} nnuvpan Ill Ullllfs U1 I/LIU 013$. Also on January 3 a Girls Short Course in Domestic Science will commence at the Prince of Wales School and continue to January 25. Miss E. Collins of An- |caster, the instructor, will teach sewing. UUllICX WCIC VGIICU UUII IUI-. ClVlI5C again. _].Mr. Weegar is optimistic, being of the .opinion that the freight sheets will con- tinue to show` an increasegof business. The increase during the past week has been .in general freight. The contract just .a- lwarded the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co._ `for the construction of a large freighter, to- gether with several ships wintering in the .harbor for repairs, and the movement of ,logs from thegbush are given as sources of future increased railroad business in addi- tion to the already growing regular traf- ' 10. _-`H: ```` -_ .: said to `be erected upon said mfortable one. and one-ixalfv store) nuse, and good bank barn and gs; also a good flowing`W9u3 ud is fine clay loam, "convenient-` (I on the Town Line, between` Vespra and in the neighborhood: Usage of Minesing- ' f hf H-an nnIm-`nn-I- '|"``" `A

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