Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1923, p. 4

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Institute Meeting 10 AL- ... -_LLl smou sag; '.D - COAL Money to Loan I m -.... _,....-.a any gun; . the Parish Guilt}, , B. Grey, E. Lynn, u. uxc vmage or mmesmg. Terms:-l0% of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. ' The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. - 3-`nx further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to . STEWART & STEWART, . Barrie, Out. A - Mortgages` Solicitors. I` Dated at Barrie this twenty-fourth day of December, 1923. ` 5230 amp Ul Luulslll. On this parcel is situate a comfortable brick clad dwelling house and frame barn. There will be a reserved bid. `Further terms and conditions will be made known at the time of sale, or in the meantime` upon application to Alexander Cowan, solicitor for the said Executors, Barrie, Ont." 52-lc H. A. GROSE, Auctioneer. ..-v.u. 9:191; ufrllulh V ` Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Flos, in the county. of Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the powers con- tained in a certain mortgage which will-be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the nineteenth day of January, 1924, at the hour of twelve o clock noon. at the Wellington Hotel, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, by W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer, the following property, namely:-- (1) The South east Quarter of Lot` Number Seventeen, in the First Concession of the said Township of F105, and (2) the South-west Quarter of Lot Number Sixteen, in the said First Concession of the Township of Flos, save and except the East twenty-five acres thereof. 7 'IVL-._- 3 Ul-lCl'UUlo In There is said to -be erected upon said lands a comfortable one and one-half storey rlwelling-house, and good bank barn and out-buildings; also a good owing well; and the land is fine clay loam, convenient- ly situated on the Town Line, between Flos and Vespra-and in the neighborhood of the Village of Minesing. Tenns:--10% nr H... ........L...... ....._--- L- xuuuwuu, cue nuuowmg 181108 and prem- ises, Vi1l~age lo/cs numbers twenty-two and twenty-three on the East side of Barrie Street, in the Village of Thornton, in the` Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, as shown on Walker s plan duly registered` as plan number 75, save and ex- cept the portions heretofore sold off some by registered number 12620 for the Town- ship of Innisfil. l'\n 4l.: . _ . _ ....1 :_ _:.,,,. - - -- Dec, 24.-~The' Christmas tree in connec- tion with St. Thomas Church was quite a success, `the hall-beingwell filled. Chil- dren and everyone else sppeared to have a ' good time and old Santa seemed not to dis- appoint any of the youngsters and also remembered some of the older ones. Min T.nl-fin 1.!o.-4 -4 n..:n:.. D'......:c..l ..._-_a Wm`. Hunter, Fred Reynolds. The rest. of the evening was spent by the members anditheir ladies enjoying a sumptuous eupo per, followed by a_ short programme of speeches, music, etc. L.O.L. 234 is in a prosperous condition. The gathering was dismissed by all heartily joining in singing God Save the King. Of Re:i-d.e-I1-t`iaT`|;r;p;:t-y in the Village of Thornton, in the Township of lnnisfil, in the County of Simcoe. The undersigned has received instructions from the executors of the estate of Robert Dales, deceased, to sell by public auction on Thursday, the 10th day of January, AD. 1924, at the houreof two o'clock p.m., at |St.ewart s Hotel, in the said Village of |Thornton, the following lands and ises. Villaze lo/cg numbers f.\xmnfv-1>,-mn ,1 Mrs. Arthur Lalonde, of St. Hermans, Ont., thrown from a rig when her horse: ran away, died from fractured skull. ..?5EE I93$7 MORTGAGE SALE Juable Farm Prnnnrh: in n.- 1--.. H. Auctioneer._ CIRCUL gs vw USUAL 1 coM1Nc| ion 18 un-provmg very nicely. . I 'P_rof._ Hume spent a day or so in the vmllage lately. Mr nvul My-a Inn nuns` cu-ul ---. I\..-...1..I GOLD` DP9 C3 11 'Balzac s are with all the and the In-\j romantic mo` See Whatl Matinee ADAPT ED SL1 -'--not until ' lT S THIS IS Tl uuu vuuugu utwuy . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cnpel and son Donald of Owen Sound spent` Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. I-Ienry_Gilchrist. . T Mr and Mn: u.-I... AC "I`:uuu\J.. um. .11.... :N_o Adval `noN T| Twice with ct-zn IIICII CIIIQIX tiful girl, Sole survi Sea, to ad communit_ ing her defend hi `might! Hidden in ships! 5 Some old at Lloyds yard of ti passenger. away with `ST PIR. An islan auumuxuuwu auxuu 01 [me ozuer 0115. Miss Lottie Hart of Orillia Hospital spent 4 Christmas with her parents. I um Hint` tn Ivnnnrlw I-`malt Tan DnnaLA. HERE [SI Tris ( MYERS Every E land fji A sh nm1_ TO _\'(,Il P1-esez grim you I`/`I| 4vu1'usuuuo W101! 116!` purenvs I am glad to report that'Wm. Pamber? ton is improving very nicely. ' `lyrn "llm smnnd-. .4: Amy now an 5.. UPUUUUU U 51'`: `Rev. A. W. Hone gave a special Christ- mas sermon on Sunday night which was illustrated by means of lantern slides. apuuiruuuuay no pun uuulu 01 U. DIUOKE. It is my sad duty to have toreport the death of Wm. `McKay, one of our most respected citizens. Mr. McKay had been troubled with his heart for the last year or so and on several occasions had been ' forced to spend a time in bed. About a month ago he was again taken down and I complication of diseases brought about his death which took place, Monday, Dec. 24. He was born on lot 4, con. 4, _West Gwillimburyabout 64 years ago, and spent all his life there till about five years ago when he moved to Bond Head. Beside his wife he is survived by. the following members of his family: Donald and Mrs. McArthur of Bond Head, Mrs. Wm. Sutherland of Cookstown, `James _of Brad- ford and Alex. of West Gwillimbury. The sincere sympathy of the whole> community goes out to those bereaved,pbeoause every- one realizes the great loss sustained in the death of one so well liked and highly rc- spected by all. `Row A 7 "Ann contra n ...\-....1 tVL_!..L GIIIHUU 1 L`CUl.IIIlyc Dr. J. Brooks, Mrs. Brooks and 01311 spentSunday at the home of G. Brooks. TI`, :Q truly and tlnfn in `\nIvn 6nv_A-..._L AL- uuuwu cuuu laU uuuuwa, Hubs unu oranges. Milt. Bell has had a new radio set in- stalled recently. l nr J RI-nnlru Mr: 'Ru-nnln: n-nl nl-.. ajuuay wuau W. 1.1. about: U! tlll`l'0l'B. Miss G. Hipwell of Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Eirl Hipwell of Stratford are spending ~ the Christmas` holidays at the home of M. B. Hipwell. Q-nnfo lo... unHn:I I-lug"-u...1L. -9 AL- uua. nun. muuuulg. e I very much regret to report the; Neil Morrison is very [low at `the time of Mu. Wm. Mocueig and Mrs. Ernest Love epenfohe week-end in Toronto with John Mocuaig. I-I. Lupwcu. ` I | Santa. Claus visited the pupils of the school, here on Friday afternoon and treated each to candies, nuts and oranges. Milt. Re has had a nnw 1-ndin ant Sn. *n'uy Advertised mm. swrv iii? uuuuuvun, ll'0lll 3 uuuron In I'DGOl'D0t0. ` Mrs. Moliattie, of Niagara Falls, has aaaumed her duties as custom ofcar Jat ` - ` ' ; I Robins `appear to be remaining for the winter in Dundalk. ~ . ~ Thieves stole two.fur oonta, property of chcristarrg, from 3 church in Peterboro. ' "-Il'n'l:l .u-:. AC \Y._...- II\All-- I.--` wu.::l:x.- MoCuaig.and. daughter, Mi Annie. of Penetang are visiting his mother, Mrs. Mcuaig,` . PA I D Ia`aI.u.`....- _.'..'..-I._.I 2.. 2.2" Ll-IU\II`aI`o__ . . ... Rev. J. P. Falconer -prdajched in .St. Andrew's Church, Sunday evening. M33! F. McMinn :mAnl~. Frirlou II` I...4 nuurvw B uuurcn, aunuay BVODIBE. Miss F. McMinn apent Friday of last week in Toronto. A _ Miss Jean MacLelland and Miss Mary MacLelland of Orillia spent Christmas at J .their` home here. ___---w-v Dec, 25.--Miss Eeatrice Mchlinn of `De- troit is spending the Christmas holidays with her` mother, Mrs. A. McMinn. V V Mrs. McCuaig and Donald and Alex Mo- Cuaig and daughter Cf Penetang fspent Christmas with Mrs. Graham, Hawkestone. Miss Helen Seeds of Torontois visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S, V. Jones over the Christmas holidays. Janus: TA}:-L no-n....d'. .. .1--- 3.. lII-_-_fu. I, `. uuuua over we unnstmas nouaaya. James Leigh spent a. day in Torow 1&6: week. " ` Al-.. Il_l`I.__!_, ,,, I I I . nnn - mum, is waiting at U80. A. U8.l(1W8ll'8. Wm. Breakwell spent Christmas here "with his grandmother, Mrs.- Wm. Mitchell. Misses Florence and Islay Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Costello, Mrs. Stewart and daughter Ruth spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ba i_uel Corbett. .11`-.. '- A__.I_II -1 n_._`,|,, , I upuguuvl`, uuruuuy. ` V A. MoKinnon is not improving `as rap- idly ss his many friends wou wish. Christmas visitors to -- B ntwood are numerous, including: Robt. and W. Schell of Detroit, Miss Ada Forsie, Miss Marguer- ite Allan, M'ws Mildred McKenzie, Miss Sadie McCarthy . and the Misses Falconer, hall of Toronto, at their respective homes. Master Harry and Kathleen Gossard have gone to Toronto. vnnsv atII:`kA n-3.1.-.. VIWL- `l..W__.__:_-,' ,,,! 50110 no l.Dl'0lll30. Your scribe wishes The Examiner and all its staff and readers a bright, prosper- ous and happy New Year. ' wuu wuru uuueuu ullsaecl 8 rate treat. Wilson, Bell and family of Goldwater gaext Christmas with Mr. and Mus. M. M. e . . - w uuu uuuuvy wwn on aauuraay. Mrs. Gladstone Trott' has gone to De- troit owing to the serious illness of her daughter, Dorothy. '-A, Mnklnnnn in nnl :'U|v\ul\Iv4:-|nn"n- ......' -Dec. 24.;2;H1i;;1z`t;a11 of snow . 23 was very acceptable for Chris " Quite a number from our villag to the County town on Saturday. MIR. Gladntnnn Trntt has (Inna Lucuua ul n.u'1.suuuV. On Th\u'sday evening,` Dec. 20, the school children held their annual Christmas tree and the concert consisting of drills, songs, recitations, etc., under the able leadership of Mr. Clarke.` It was thor- oughly enjoyed by all present and those who were absent missed a rare treat. M Wilsnn .11. .....i c.....:i.. -4: n-u...-:-_ wwu NIB PGIUI-I act 3 I? -Mr. and Mrs. C." E. Thompson and Wal~ ter Elphick of Detroit, Mich., are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. El- phick. 7 1 Mrs. Wm. Gregg of Belle- Ewart spent a few days last week with Mrs. Fred Mc- Cann. . Mrs. _J. H. Bell spent a few days with friends in Allvistonp. ('8... V'lIL....-l . . . . . . . _ ._ ` __ 1`, AA '&lllo \JlJllUl'u l.`Ul.ll[)UlI The Christmas tree held `under the aus- pices of the~Zion Sabbath School was ade- cided success and the programme given by the children wasenjoyed by all. Pro- ` ceeds amounted to $48.30. It- 11:1..- .: 15'l....I.L...A. 11--_ f\`L___!_ uocuo aluuuuuuu (U 020.00. -Mr. Milne of Englehart, New Ontario, is spending the holidays with his parents, Rev.nand Mrs. Milne. Dec. 24.-R6y _MoCanz; io_f the. Strling Bank staff, Maple, 0nt., spent Ohristmas with his parents here. Mr null` Mug 1'`. "IF 'l`Ln-u-u~-- ---I 117-` IIUII-IUC Mr. and Mus: Stphenson `and family `I nt Christmas with the former`: aiptAr,. P9 Mrs. Neil Mccuaig. T van: IVIIllt1| umnlmb "A -4...-I. LI. ..L 11-2! M0130 TAmN %31u;m'woon UTOPIA on Dec. ` Christm ; village went . Qnhn-rlnu Mrs. Jas. Sproule went to spend Christ- mas with her daughter, Mrs._ Earl Boyd of Saginaw, Michigan. ,Mrs. Harry Lyon aocompanied her as far as Toronto. Miss MoKenlie's class takes` the Mission- ary programme in the Methodist Sunday School next Sunday. Last Sunday Mrs. Wt tnld A nhntvnnn ah-u-u nil-In Hun nf DUIIUUI uuxu ouuuay. 14881`; 3111108) MIG rest told} Christmas story with fine ef: eot. ' V A ._ . At- ___,,,, nn .. nu . . IUUIH A few of the many Thom bon friends of Mrs. Fred King (nee Rose Ayerst) who had auuu away wwu reluuves. Misses Doris Webster, Jean Coutts, Mil- dred Henry and Bessie Lennox and Chas. Lenuox came home for 0hri.stma.s.~ uue. nymuo, mt. unu Mrs. man Mc- Clean and G. B. Henry spengt Christmu in Toronto. . D--- n` 11' __,1 an n -n UIIULIUI. UUl`UUl40. Miss Jessie Ansdell of Peterboro and 'Howard' of Orillia spent the holiday at 11.. .._.I 1:... :n;_1.-_--4 ., u A LUIUUUUu Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Sovmerville were holiday guests of the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. II. 'I\...._.... -__.I 112-- I"I'3I.I_ 'r\ auu H113. \Jf'WlUl'uo Mr. Denney and Miss Hilda Denney spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs. Isaac Jennett. .113..- `Il'-I' __.-.. 2- ___,,.I!,,_ .1 1 III u--.. 3-: . -4 vuuavu u vuuunJu Mr. ax; -Mrsjwgproule S? Markdale are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goddardof Schomberg spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Bor;e.- Mr. axjd Mrs. Wm. M:`{night ave gone to their son Earl in `Detroit for the holi- (`B113 `7iE2a:i.en is spending the holidays at her home inVPerth. Miss McClellan is also away with relatives. manna hn-:. n`nn`A- Tn..- l`|..-.LJ.- Ill! -v ~_._ --.. ..-v_ ---..n ..u -_u ..Jvn-av: I Christmas sermons and Christmas music were given in both churches on Sunday. `II . .._.I ll... Q..__-.I_ - If___I_J_I, Hf)`/Ivi sls`,'Burrowa is spending the hlidays in Hamilton. H"L- Il`3-___ 13! ._._L lVL_:_;_____ 4_2LI. IAIJUII PIUuII "Harvey Spears" spent Christmas withl friends here. ' cu-.. -_.: II _. 1.1 A n.-L--- (7-7 , V ll IULIUB LIUKU o Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gibson were among visitors to Toronto. . ` I `M ... Il1:N.'_...l A-..._..4. .._..| n:II:_ -`l'I__I__ 'vuswuLa vu l.Ul'Ull`lIUu Mrs. Wilfred Ayerst arid Billie o`co.ks- town are with Mrs. A. E. `Ayerst. nL_:;.___, -4 , 1 A : - . Ill nun`: IIUI-I 0 e Misses Ellis spent Christmas with their parents. "natural! Qnnnna ' anant lun:s6-nun -.:LL Dec. 25.-Vi::t:rf_L-ya.ll of I-Iaxhilton and Agnes of Barrie` are "spending the holidays at home. 11:... ll ..... _. n_u__,-,, ,1 ~- llljo Mrs. Ayerst, Mr. can out` (1 R an Jae. Pattefson was arhong the Christmas w:a;l-.4-urn ` `H. G. T ROBERTSON OPPOSITE POST OFFICE THORNTON and Mrs. Matt Me- n... .........A. t`L..:_L..._ :.. Presentation to Rev. T. J. Dew Tlge Parish Guild of St. Jude's Church. Thornton, presented their rector, Rev. '1`. J. Dew, with a beautiful stole as a token of their deep respect, on Tuesday evan- ing, _in the basement of the Church.` It was accompanied by the following address: an! ll: A111 I:""'run `nn-`:15: A` 95 'u:la a WK IUUUIIIPIIIHUII bill` IUUUVVHIK uuul': Dear Mr. Dew:-"l'he ladies of St. Jude's [Parish Guild hlve felt that they would I Tovey. lo ' DIM 1.1 .Au.*"'Vv. IV. 1111611. W.M.-W. T. Allen. D.M.--4B. R. Stewart. ' Ch&p.-*Ohr3s. Burns. Rec.-Sec.-N. Jamieson. Fin. Sec.-Chas. Spencer. Trea.s.--J.'A~. Corbett. V Lects.--Ivan Maw; Ernie Wonch. D. of C.-Alex. Stewart. ` 1 Comm.--Jns. Jennett, Wm. Lucas, Fred` Mgfiel, Geo. Wice, Robt. Orrock. .nml n'r_m....... l'.I'....o.... .....I An.--` Thorn; :0. L. I At the annual meeting of L.0.L. No. 16, Thornton, the 1924 officers were elect- `ed and duly installed by Grand Organizer Bro. Capt. Riddiford. who, in the course of the evening with `a few-other members of the Order, spoke on topics of the day, of interest to the brethren, and also on points of welfare to `the. newly installed officers. Capt. Riddiford will in the near future address public meetings in the interest of` the society at various places 1 throughout the district. Officers installed are as follows :-~ =I.P.M.--W. mR. Allen. In `II 111 All__ ID JJIIJI-IUu Miss Margaret Patterson of Stonewall, 'Man., is visiting at Geo. A. Caldwell e. W111 , Rrnnbmnll snare} l`}uo:u6u~. an LA-A apccuvcly. ' - _ The mornmg anthems W111, `be Ame, Shine," by Caleb Simper and Praise the Illfd, 0 M17 Qnlll " H17 pn`anA Qvmn-Gr uy uzuen olmper and rralse me 3337 0 My_Soul" by Roland Smart ; evening anthems, We Have Seen His Star in the East, (Simper and Oh ). For a Closer Walk with God," uyles B. Foster). Miss Mailligan, Miss Warnica, Neville Jamieaon and Willis Smith are the nnlln-3 993 LVUVIIIU ll soloists. Anniversaryhserviceswill be held in St. Jude s Church on Sunday next, Dec. 30, at 11 am. and 7 pm. The Rev. J. Douglas Patterson of Toronto will be the I preacher. . A Tho nLI\:D nv:. Inn nu-o.3..L...-I Iv... I.`......I \'f_ yncuuuch The choir will be assisted by Fred N_ix- on, Lou Stewart 'and- Boyd Sylvester on the metaphone, saxophone and comet re- spectively. A vnnronu and-I-unv.a.n -"C" L-" A..:..- I - V"--uuv vuu Iuuuuuc I I99 A Christmas tree and entertainment in connection with Townline Sunday School was held in the Orange Hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 20. A good programme of drills, choruses, dialogues and recitations was given, by themembersi of the School and was greatly enjoyed. NT-gs Raving Millinnn aunt: om- .!..1:...L.~. nuu was greuuy enjoyed. Mess Regina Milligan sang t-wo delight- ful- solos, and the. Highland Fling,-which was given by Miss Jean Taylor and Miss Dorothy Maiel, won great applause `as did aiso the club swinging by Miss Helen Boake, Miss Bernice Jennetm and Vernon Jennet-t. ` 7 AL LL- ,1, 1- .1 0- IICHUUIII/o At the close of the Vprogramme Santa Claus appeared hnd distrxbutcdv the gifts {mm the tree. HUI E 'f . six. Elllle 1 At the annual meeting of L.0.L. No. 16 five of its veteran supporters h were` made honorary members, in the persons of A. W. Fletcher, P.M.; C. W. Blackstock, P.M.; Robt. Allingham, P.M.; John West, P.M.; `and Benj. Revel, for their valuable services rendered in the past. ` vaazwm wuu nuury unu Mrs. uucnnst. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams spent over Christmas at Beeton. Mrs. Alfred Pall: is in Owen Sound at- tending the funeral of her brobher-`in-la.w, Mr. Douglas; ` ' J. W r`-IVn`Inlh' A` Dil 3'. `human been disappointed in their pians for lihel usual shower for this recent bride. sent her some pieces oficut glass as a Christmas gift. zuucx, ucu. vuce, ILUDI. UITOCK. I.-and O.'l .-Elmer Hunter,_and Albert `runny . Townline Christmas Tree Parish of North Es$aL The regular monthly meeting of L.O.L. 234 was held on Dec. 6. After the gen- eral business had been disposed of, P.W. M. Bro. A. Green was asked to conductl I the `election and installation of officers for the ensuing year. The following offic ers were elected for 1924--W.M., Leon- and Martin; D.M., George Arnold; Chap., Rev._ J. S.` Stevenson; Rec. Sec., Eldon Wice; Fin. Sec., H. S. Reynolds; Treas., John Reynolds; D. of C.,`J. T. Alpine; IEOL. H- S- KQlsv' Pnihfhitfnn DIE John Reynolds`; D. of C.,`J. Alpine;` I.ect., H. S. Kelsey; Committee, Cliff Lockhart, T. A. Reynolds, Robt. Givens. GRAIN - Real Estate Wishing All a Hgppy and Prosperous 1924. The Secy.-Treas., Mrs. Stwant, gave a demonstration of a nurse s'emergency out- fit, by the use of an ordinary Eheet, fasten- ing it deftly about her, thus preventing anything from coming in contact with herl dress. nupucu w uy inns. meet: OI Manon. , Dr. Margaret Patterson said, We, the women of Ontario, are the guardians of Ontario. Let us be faithful to our trust." The W.I. was characterized 'as "A schoo; for grown-ups, one member, aged 61 years, had bought a Ford car, learned to runit, and thus visited her school 'I'0h0l-` RTE. nu. uuugzus. J. W. Graham of Prince Albert. is home on a visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs., Wm. Graham. vmimuuaa auuwcr rut we charter in narne. Mrs. S. Reynolds gave a short but very interesting paper on Christmas Gifts and Giving. The first gift is the Christ Child, whose wonderful career ended by giving Himself as our Redeemer to save the world. If each individual accepte" the call to make at least one glad heart. what an abundance of happiness would be the result of self-denial. The President, Mrs. Thompson, gave a full report of the annual convention held in Toronto in November, where Mrs. Syd- ney Small gave the address of welcome, replied to by Mrs. Meek of Malton. nr Mnranrnf Dolntm.-en- ...-.:.l 117. XL- On Dec. 18 the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs.,R. C. Cunning-ham. Quite a numoerl of donations of butter, preserved fruit, and clothing were received toward al Christmas shower for the Shelter in Barrie. Mr: R Pnunnlrla nuun n ..L....L 1...; --_.__ llike to show you in some way, the deep respect and affection they have for you as our rector, and also their appreciation of the way" in which you have always been ,a help and inspiration to us. Both as our `rector and friend your untiring efforts to help us have been an incentive to go on and try to do our best for the good of the church. We would like you to accept this stole as a token of a closer unity in our work together, and for the benefit of our church and parish may you be spar- . ed to guide us formany years. May God s richest blessings rest on you in your fu- ture endeavors, and that we may appre- ciate you more fully in the years to come. Q:.......J -_ L_L_1: ,1 .1, n -- I- 1.4. 11111, :1. M. Nixon. V-..-- J-.7... ...v null nu Signed on nlvmehalf of L. Hill; A. M. Webster, 1 `M N;vnn CAR ANTHRACITE `ON TRACK A._KlRl:('l:"_:A,T_l{ICK :aeneraf.'M{ciIE' 'iEFRoY, ' COAL nuu WIS. n.uu`ry,uu0ur I. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes '3: Toronto $0 visitors with Henry and Mrs. Gilchrit. Mr and Mn Wm Adam. .......L ........

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