Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1923, p. 12

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Alex. Beggs of Toronto is vsiting at his home here. ' `Miss Maggie Davidson of T4.-mo is uuuuia LICIU o I iting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Dvidson. M1`. and Mrs. Lou TarBusb and Frank TarBm-uh nf "l`m-nn.+n urn ..:n:4.:._ .. tr V apcuu uunsuuus In DBITIE. Misses Jean Carson, Lizzie Eton and Eth- el Coulson of Toronto are vigting at their homes here. Ll-.. D--,,, I` H` - ' "` ` uausuucli, Lures. 1.101118 URVIOSJD. - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willougby and Lena spent Christmas in Barrie. M:nun_ I ...-... I`------ "1--3- -r_. Iv-1.1 nus an xuua. UuUKWOI'l7I1 S. Mrs. Blair of Toronto .is visiting _her `daughter, Mrs. Lorne Davldscn. Mr um! Mm. n....a. nr:n...._u__, , v r vvcluugtuu ueun S. Y - Miss Sarah Groves of ToF`1to is visiting Miss Esther Groves. Mr. and Mrs`. H. Smith 2'mJClar<-.nce and- Miss'Eliza McKeever of Tomto are visit-' ing at Thos. Duckworth's. Mm `D`l.'.:.. _: m__-_L - - - auu uu. uccufull: S. 3Ceci1, Elvin and Della a Jack Clendenning of Mon % leen Leitchfield of Oakvill Wellington Dean s. Mloa Qncunln fl-nu... .3 -'-A lIULIIC LICXVC - Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 1 ,and Mrs. Garfield Jennett `Christmas . \;r__ ,,, ,1 II 1'? \J.l.]I lB'l/lIl- : Mr. and Mrs. Howard `1 ronne,' Sask., are visiting a . .and Ed. Beecroft/s. I if`.-...ZI 'E`l..:... ...__l `l'\-"- sey' of Detroit spent Chlstmas at their homes here. ' ` 1.1. ..__I `ll__,, 111-n u I. . -- I ,1Dec. 26.-Ro;v }Ia;ztt;n~1nd JiMz'nAWool- I I ..-... -an vwuutiu l.l.CIA'LlI'l.|_ 11110. 1711' Its. Gogdon How and family .of. Al: e spent Christmas with their par-. nere. T and Mrs. L. S. Lee aid Jas. and Tough went to Toronto for Christ- H...` y..-u.w-nun uv an . alull B -` W. J. Jebb and sonvaordon 0% Toronto "visited T. McKnight s for Yuletide. * I1-.. `n-L:___,, 9 av . . and Mrs. Albert Middlerooks `anfi spent the week-end" vith` Orillin IN MEMORIAIF/1 L Barrie s New Industry '0: New York is visiting all '8 ANGUA ~1 ue uirectors and the present shareholders appeal to the citizens possessing courage, vision,`faith in the future, faith in the judgment of tFeir fellow townsmen who are supporting the industry, and a de- sire help their own community, to 1nvest'1n a good, clean honest, locallentei_'prise which bears all the ear marks of success and that will y further information will be gladly given by the Messrs. Warr 11, Mr. D. J. Rebum, or any of the following Directors: Mr. J. siooiotr, Mr. s. w. Moore, Mr. F. H. Hurlburt, Mr. H. G. Robertson. and t'enty-ve people. , - _-_.._ ....u.a uunuu l\JUI\ ll. 5'1` he Directors and the shareholders ju tlieir supporting industrv. at c;`.A 1.51., J.L.',.:.. A----- A- ~ " ` ` , -___,.v~auu ` v5aA-l\JlJ \l1 \J\l\JlJVVI.I.nl..a ,T he fac:t.tha?i the Company has secured this business without a doll` s expenditure for advertising should emphasize the value of the goo will of the business. A ' ; The Messrs. `Warren state that in all their experience the pros- _ .--_v--a `noun: \l\J lla\J\Jl\ 1 ts for business werenever brighter than at the present time. I Several urgent orders are on hand and many waiting to be signed peding denite date of delivery. ' T he Company has been assured of enough contracts for theatre or `nsa-"alone to keep the factory going fora year, amounting to ap- profyhately $200,000.00. . _...-.v -4-:--4 -urn voav Cv\Al\4IlI\J\l DVCEULII J. J. Monkman of Toronto spent Christ- mas with his sister, Mrs. J. R-. Couse. ' Al..:_- n_..__ ,9 :1 I . Unv co Barrie_ citizens have already subscribed for $30,000.00 of this stock and now that the new factory is nearly completed, the manu- factured parts, factory equipment and stock in trade are here, the .balance of the machinery in transitfrom Woodstock, in the opinion of the Directors now is the proper time to place this stock. SHAREHOLDERS EXPRESS CONFIDENCE w, At a general meeting .of the shareholders of this Company,- held 11 Dec. 17, the followingiresolution wascarried unanimously :- That'w"e,- the shareholders of the Warren Organ Co., Limited, l i\l meeting assembled, do hereby express our confidence in the solidity alid future of this Company, and we direct that a list of the share- hllilders, together with the amounts subscribed, be prepared and at- tabbed to the prospectus as a testimonial of our condence and for purpose of. recommending the Company s stock to our fellow I In View of the aboveresolution, it is expected that the remaining $2L),000.00 will be received and subscribed for with Pnnfirlpnr-p Barr`ie_t`c'itizens have that nc eq `is the Wish to announce that they are about to offer to the ci the balanceof the present issue of $50,000.00 of the the Company. . ' The Warren Organ Company, Limited an of Toronto, L ml ag Kat};- _. -.._!A.Z_.. _ _ `ribbel`of Mey- x Jm. $ribbe1l sV ` apes {and Mr. ere atj Ivy for - -.-.... --.-vu re visiting ac. _-vv V suowmc AT NEW DREAMLAND FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, aucuu but: I unerzu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulson went to Milton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs._Blair McCracken from the ..-... ...... ........., gvonwo Ilo I-Ila -vuunco mxlpine Cause of Sohenectady,'N.Y., ited his `parents here over the holiday. Won `R....l:.... ..a._ .....l .I--__L;_A , I ly, but his brother had passed away before he arrived. Mrs. Dowler left Monday to attend the funeral. Mr. am! Mr: nl..:.. M..n......1.-_ L--- AL for with condence. VALUE 01-" coonwxu. uucnvuaw FUEL co. % ' `PHONE 962 We guarantee this coal to be superior in heat to anthracite, lower in ash, less clinkers and smoke. less, and agree to refund your money if not sat- isfactory. A FUEL THAT he WARRANTS A I1--- - ....-L.......... -L.--_..'_ A Busnmass OUTLOOK nu-:---- ------ :1--n\a\nIl`lJ rt 1 Once a customer, always a Eustomer. Hillman Smokeless Coal % citize.1_1s`of' Bz_1rri . A riin f\IA\ .. EXCLUSIVE AGENT: -- 1n- -2- 4. A i\d1:;:.(C;;)-t:).v'i'h <;mpson ;nd sch Duffl vspent Christmas at Geo. -Duff s. ' T `I,II COAL Anna. `Q, r91?Issor? 3:1` The isle of`, Lost `Ships H EDI l'\A\I A I I n A A . . _ _ . -- ,< West are visiting the former s 1 McrCrack'en. ._____,______ V In cat club show at Waldorf Astoria, New York City, first prize went to Snoo- zer Girl, descendant of an alley cat_. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1923. untluvnnu \Il A-rs\unn capital stock I, nzc. 23 and 29 -......... - .--v--uabuv w l\Il Lulvvlucn ' ` Geo. .1'Iobinson of Clinton was at his home here for the Yuletide season.` 7 7 II___I,,,, F 7"` : mother, `Mrs. DUO uuuuuy Ill IIEHIIIIIUII. ' Leeson*McGowan spent the holiday with `his (father. W. McGowan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson of Beeton spent Christmas in town. Dr. Wallace. Dinwoody was a [guest at his home here for Yuletide. Wm. and Harry Sneath of Toronto called. on friends here on Saturday . . .N1n:n Tmmn-v nf Tnrnnfn nvna Ir:c:C-:nlI nf uu uwuua new on oauuway. Nurse Lowry of Toronto was visiting` at 'her home here for Christmas. I! 1.1! . \ nu - -- -- \JLlllBl4lllKI-D Ill 1UXUuUUu -~ '-Bent Marwood of B~arr1e enjoyed Christ- mas at his home here. \ `Mun-.. mr....1:_.. _: n__._:_ n_n'__,2_., HIKE Ill" 1115 HULHU Here. _ Milt-on Marling of Barrie Collegiate was ._home over `the holiday., ` l1`:I\l`lII\r and man M gnnnnn nu-snub` LIUJIIU UVUI` LLIU uuuuhy., ` ' W. Findlay and Miss M. Spence spent the holiday in" Hamilton. Ynnanrr M.-!`.m.m.. gnaw-.4 I-`:4 I-uJ:A.In.. ....!4L % THE GREAT SPORTING PICTURE Q 6B.5AMl/E.$0f/ % ` " Presenf: MONDAY-TUI-`SDAY,%DEC. 31 AND JAN. 1. % l.llUUlJC.l' Ila ULIUl4lll-Isa , _ . Mr. and Mrs. Mel.~ Marling. motored to Torontd on Sunday. V V . man "anal r!nnI'nv:n Is` Ham.-an manna- Luxuuuu uu Duuuuy. Miss Hazel Gopdwin of Cameron spent the holiday "at home. ' Mr: pnkf nnvfnn any` #61:; (can nulun-1` IIUC 1lUl1Ul1y 11!: 1101116. ` Mrs. Robt. Dutton and little son spent Christmas in Toronto. ' D-.. u...._......I _: n....._:_ _._:____-in nL_~ . uvur tut: uuuuuy. Dr. and Mrs. Scott visited.i.n Toronto over the holiday. _ ` Minn wrnnnnn Mnuawk :5 u;uiHnn `uni. VIVUI" III": I-IUllUyo U Muss Frances McNa.Ub 18 vzsmng her- mother at Penetang. Mr ant` Mm Mo] . Ila:-nu Infnrnnv` 6!; um uuuuuy . Clifford Fisher` enjoyed the holiday" at his home here. L Frank "Agnew of Hamilton spent the holiday at home. . T. Hattle spent the holiday at his home in Mount Forest. ` / 'II.. .._.J ll-.. u..n..n......L _..-_; `L- 1.-1:V ll ULUUHII J.` U1?! . Mr, and Mrs. McCullough apentne holi-V day at Churchill. ' M - pnlnf `Lfnuu-I-.4 .-. A` "`nIInn4n vivaa `lnimn U y BN4 \JllUl'UH III a Robt. Houghton of Toronto was home over the holiday.` - nli ant` MI-a gnnff Ivhfntl ha Tnnnnfn Karl Kidd was home ffoni Kingston for the holiday. , z(`.IWFnv-ll W'h-ulnar-an3nvnR flu. lnnHr`ny' nl-V c KSTOWN T ' T ooEshTi4i`131i1_J71'1Ti'1't}R7r':r Everyone in town thought it would ruin the Mayor when the Gazette threatened to print `- 44- 331ri!9!%Tl1JeaIre FRIDIY . SATURDAY, DE_1. 23 AND 223 - 'I'\I\I'.`(V |`lVIll'l'l'lII\Ivru1uu - --.-- -Iv wan uuucr but! [is able to be uuueuunxa ul; LX181!` 11011185 nere. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Willough-by and daughter, Laurens, of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glass for Christmas. Miss Neta Hayes of this place, daughter. of Hugh Hayes, was united in marriage last week to Mr. Gallaugherfof Shelburne. . Z M *` |` tihe with Mrs. Broley s sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Wilkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Merwood Burling of Nia - are Falls, N.Y., were visiting Mr. Burlings home here "over the holiday. > Miss Richards, who has been on the teaching staff here the past two years, I understand, has sent in her resignation. Cookstown is sorry to lose her. Mina `l4`.Iir:,nI-ml-.1: flnll.-... .....l 11:..- ll'..L-I _uuUl\bUWll 13 sorry W0 Lose ner. | Miss Elizabeth Gollop and Miss Mabel Carter of Torou'to_ Normal spent over Christmas at their homes here. M . 9...! 11.. `I Q 1I1:u-___,-Lu, , I nnugul/, lib UDHSUHHS-' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Broley and fazily motored to Newmdarket and enjoyed Yule- - 'rAMous scorr Nova: RE-NAMED eel, The Talisman, an Allied Producers monarch who is the outstanding figure -in i I - mendous popularity . .. FOR FILM . Richard, the Lion"-Hearted is the title I chosen for the Associated Author's screen version of Sir W-alter Scott s famous nov- and Distributors Corporation release com- ing to the Grand Opera House next Mon- day and Tuesday. The bluff and heart the celebrated Scott classic won such tre-_ through Wallace Beery s portrayal of him in Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood" that the Auth- ors trio re-named their initial production for him. Richard, the Crusader, is the first historic hero to win the signal honor of being the featured character in two suc- cessive -photoplays. In the Frank E. Woods production the thread of his stor is picked up to fill thelgap in Robin Hood from the time that he left Eng- land until his return. All the scenes of the new picture are laid in and around Joppa, Palestine, where his dramatic bat- tles with the Saracen hordes were staged. Wallace Beery, who scored such a success with his characterizationgof Richard in the Douglas Fairbanks , production, portrays the same role in Richard, the Lion-Heart- ed. Chet Withey is the `director. (Advt.) I guv. nun. ' - y `Tyler---F. D. Rivers. _ ' The officers were duly installed by Bro. S. N. Hurst, P.C.M., of Barrie District. Bro. Riddiford gave a very interesting ad- dress which was very much enjoyed by all, after wh-ic`h all sat down to a sumptuous supper. . A uu vuvnuu vvealz, nru. U. .l'.u0(l!I0l'G. Bro. E. A. Little, P.M., ably presided during the election of oicers when the [following were elected: - ' Worshipful Master---Leslie Allen_._ Ch$plain'-.-Garnet Soules. 4 Rec. Secy.--Harry Thompson. Fm. Secy.--G. H. Stunden. Treee.-W. J. Gracey. T -D. )f C.-Roy Ferguson. 15 _ t.---W. Pemberton. 2nd.Lect.--W. Looker. A Committee Men---A. ~ Ferguson, Bruce 'h_0}I?I:ps0n, F. Longhurst, W. J. Bates, F. . - . lin. L.0.L. -432 held its annual meeting `on Thursday, Dec. 13, with a large number of membdrs and visiting brethren present, among them being the, Grand Organizer for Ontario West, Bro. C. 'R.iddiford. has I?` A `ljul- `Du ...Ll-. _..`....:.I...J Earle, .5 uuu uuwly elecwu truatee.,- The decision to have a new well will giveagreat addltion to the school. We are pleased with the in-l tereet in*the sectidn. Several ladies were present to lend their helpfulness to the top: ics discussed for the welfare of the school. v A _ 1-no vurriulull-I ' .- ; The -annual school meeting was held on Wednesday forenoon, Jno. W. Gossling be- ing the newly elected trustee.,- The well will mmu .....+ ...:.:.l:__ . uumucuuuu am, `last: week, elected the following officers to serve for the ensuinzz year: President, Mrs. Watt; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Cameron; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Cow- ie; Secretary, Mrs. William Barron; Treas., Mrs. -Mbnitcreif. lu nrzauumc. . The Tuxis Boys and Canadian Girls in Training, of the Presbyterian church, pre-' sented, last evening, to Rev. and Mrs. Watt, a beautiful cut-glass berry dish. The gift was made in recognition of the `work and interest taken in the two organi~ zations by Mr. and Mrs. Watt. Tho Wnmnn _ Il3n....-....... Q-_:,r, 9 -I nauuua uy Lur. BIN] Mrs. watt. The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian churdh, at their annual meet- ing, at the home of Mrs. George Cowie, Cumberland St., `last week, elected folldwinn officers to gm-vn (nu H-A ---- -1-- muuuu once more. . - Mr. Beard of Alli.ston vis ted his [daugh- ters, Mrs. H. Jebb and Mrs. Wes. Mc- Naught, at Christmas. Mr nnrl ll... TD 1` 11,,` I I -nu uuc vuy . . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMiIlin and son James, North Bay, enjoyed the Yuletide season visiting with Mrs. E. R. Kightley, Brock St., and other relatives and friends` in Allandale. "IVL _ 7IV.._.2_ `I1._, I nu u .. . Ulcllh . Archie McI"-adyen, Toronto, was wxth his daughter, Mrs. Preston Bowen, Cum- berland St., over Christmas. Mr. a Mo- Fadyen is the manager of a picture show` in the city. MI` nut. Ion T IK..IK3"!_ -_ J _ I -_--, ___. ....... _.-.... --- ..ouvu, Azuluvvlu U6. Christmas services at the Presbyterian church, Essa St., were largely attended and very enjoyable. The sermon and the `music were of a. Christmas nature through- out. * can `-1-: out. Taylor anci Miss Audrey Ardell, Cochrane, visited over `the Christmas holidays with Miss Ardell .s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ardell, Baldwin St. I\I_..f-L._.-_ ___-A3_A uuy _Uvcu1.u5, ucu. 01. Gene Fichaud and E. LaPiante, C.VN.R. firemen, have returned to their runs out .of Allandale after two months service on the Bale division. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Appleton and fem-ilv (and, Mrs. A. Clark of The Boulders ' were in Toronto with Mr. App1eton s par- ents for the Christmas holidays. _ Miss Catherine Poucher, who is engaged - in office work in Toronto, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pouch- 1 er, Cumberland St., over Christmas. ' f||_ .._;I ll',, 111-Ir nu Luwu-. Q I ` The Tuxiis Boys of . the Presbyterian? church will enjoy a social gathering at the I home [of Mrs, Goring, Brock St., on Mon-'8 day,evening, Dec. 31. nnnn T-.';n`1anu:` nut! 17` T n'D7.....L.. I`V\T J uuuuay. U Mr. and Mrs, Robt. McMillin returned td North Bay iodny after spending the Yuleiide season with relatives and friems? in town. g . 1111.. m..__4:_ 'n,,, r -1 vs I IUILI DU 0 ' , Mr. and Mrs. '-Wilmot Kearns and son, Fergie, Kincardine, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kearns, Burton Ave., over the, holidays. ` L My um! M... !'1)-I;.o 1n-i::I1:- ..-;......-.!. afnvc. Mr. and Mrs Andrew Paton, Toronto, ` were the guests of Mrs. Paton's`mother. Mrs.~A. Watt, Em: St., durmg the holi- days. Harry Whritten, a clerk in the train- master s office. C.N..R., Hamilton, was a Chrisstmas guest of Walker Webb, Brad- ford t. ` 11.. -,,J `II 7.7-: . up nev. vv. 1'..aoAnnston, wh doctor s care last week, around once more. Mr Hanna` nf AII:..L-_ _.! .- -....-.. ............ \/u;1L:vAAAua ncuu:u1U1z:I\;!..l WREV. Roy Melville motord to Toronto! on Monday to spend Christmas with his `parents, Captain and Mrs. Melville, Euclid Ave. I IL. ,1`: . u . _ -- -__, .._- ..r....uuu ,, _ vuv uuuuagra uh JJUJIIU. Mr. Smith, Essa St., desires that all his customerscall at his shoe shop and re- ceivg their annual Christmasremembrancc. `D--. D... 11.1 `n . > want at the manseover Christmas. ~Mr. and Mrs. J.AS. Brunton Mt for Niles, Mich., to spend New Year's wuh their daughter, Mrs. H. A. Rosevear. ` t Mr. and Mrs. Dobson arrived home this] morning from Toronto where they spent Christmas with relatives. and friends. Phil Newmn and Jack Little, Jr., who are students at Queen s University, King-1 ston, are spending the holidays at home. I 1:- 'a....-u. 1-: an wwu nus 1-muuy a-1: uoxungwood. Miss Mary Watt, sister ,of Rev. W. J. Watt, was the .guest of Rev. and Mrs. M Watt at the Christmas. \ .\/Ir an;-I Mr: `I Q 'D.......4.._. Ln .--,,i uAuc1\ om, uver uunstmas. I - Miss N. .Harris, Toronto, visited her brother, Ted Harris, and Mrs. Harris, Ho]-5 gate. St.,, over Christmas. .M-" 1;` 1:) u-.x_1-:.._ nu, . -. - tauu no-., uvcr we nouuays. g Miss Hazel Patterson. Toronto, enjoyedv Christmas with her brother, A. E. Pat- terson and Mrs. Patterson. Mm `I `h....:.l....._ It.-__:-. , - ~-- uueuu auu Mrs. ra-vterson. I Mrs. J. Davidson, Mimico, spent `th- `Christmas week with her n_1o't-her, Mrs. M.` Collins, Cumberland St; A unlnh. 'l`1. AAAA AI` --L A I Q - m. UUIIUIB, uumoenana D15." . Archie Thompson, who is employed in the -local C.N.R. (shops, spent` Christmas with his family 21 Collingwood. Miss Mm-v Wutt at... no 13..., 117 1' 5au:` Dv.,_ UVCI UDFISEIIIIIS. `Mrs. F. R. Hodgkins, Midland, \'lSi`u~;d. with her sister, Mrs. E. McMillin, Cumber- land St-., over the holidays`. Misc T-Inna] pnffnrann 'l`m-mu- ....:,......1' .au., uver we nouuays. | Mrs. J.'xme.-;'McM1ll1n, Sr.. returned to North Bay today after an extended visit with her daughter here. Mr` and Mr: D 1X7.....l....... `H-4.--in snug. The teachers of -the school staff here- deys. A . . Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie Elliott of Uhthoff spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neilly. . -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Banting and family of Toronto were among their friends here for the holiday. Rev. W. T.. Johnston, who was under the dO(3f.O!".R ARIA loaf nynnlr :5 ..LI.. 4.. L- have all gone to their homes for the holi- vvuu um` uuug L81 nere. I Mr: and Mrs. P. Wardman, Detroit, `visited with Mr. V Wardman's mother,: Bxoqk St., over Qhristmas. I `Mica U I.Tn-nu... 'I`......__A._ _,,!n , I I UVCI \JLll`lBlll.l- `_ . _ ` Miss Nellie Saunders, a stenographer in Toronto, spent Christmas week with her parents in Caroline St-. \ i M.- .....l `M-.. x:....1u:--u m_,,_ , pzucuw In uuroune at-. i Mr. and Mrs. MacNxcol, Toronto. were the guests of Mrs. GeorgeoPoucher, Tiffin St._. over the holidays. I Mr: J.om....wM..n.|:n:.. q. ...;..._..u .- n mu, xuruuw. _ _ . Mrs. Donaldson, Mimqco, vxsxted with her mother. Mns. Oolling, Cumberland St.,, pxver Christmas. Mr and Mr: FrnA Qm+L Dan. l"JL------ V61 \JLl1'lLl5- Mr. and Mrs. Fredlsmith, Port Colborne. visited with Mrs. E. Srigley,' Essa St.., over Christmas. 11:-.. 1u..n:- c-.._'_v'._, cub: m wwu. i M. Brown spent [Christmas Wl'.h his` daughters, Mrs. C. Mosley and` Mrs. C. Ward, Toronto. ,- M....n.......1.:....... \l:_:_- _.:_:L_,1 -A 1 I IKIIU-0 2 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen` and`.-:me.ren' spent the Yuletide season with friends 1:: Toronto. ll-.. 0.._:;L VII, - -1 ` [ AJI CIUIUIU ` Ola Mrs. C. Jackson, Collingwood, spe.t_ (`h1fistmas, at_ the old home with her par-, ems m town. , _ _ _ i ll D_L_____ ___,, . nu - \JLll-llll-IE5: Hugh and Miss Fraser, Toronto, were at l_1ome with their parents on Essa St. on Chmmnas. ll - .._.I II__ 12.1,: nun - \J-ll-Ilollll-30 Mr. and Mrs. Kohl, Collingwood, spent `Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, I Bradfordst. I A - - II... .._I___. n n- . "--V! mug. 'l`.l-an vuumuuus wuu rexuuves In .l0l'0nt0. James Hedger and famxly vzsnted wxth relatives at`Gravenhurst over Christmas. Jnl-.n 'P3nlms.-ma ....A :......:1.. 1\*r-;..I. u.._. I.'.'l. UlIl.Uo ' Mrs. Smith, Toronto, was` the guest of Mrs. J. Armstrong, William St., over Christmas. ' - ' `l.l'..._L -__l IIL, 1- In ford. gum. on menus xn wwn over Unrxstmas. Miss` Drucilla Poucher left today .f.r a visit w1th a former school chum at. Men- \A-_ _,, ,1 1: 1- 1- Au -- - -- nu; gun-saw no um uuxuc. ` ' Mae MacDonald was at her home in` Gmvenhurst for Yuletidef . II . .....I 1:... 0|...` 1..___ _.. _I 1- 7 - uma vusuur wuu Auauuale menus. Mr- and Mrs`. A. -W. Schrelbizr spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto. Janna: Hadron and t.-.....:l.. ..:`...;...I .__:.1_ Luauuvca av UIHVGHHUISIE over vnnstmas. John Richmond and family, North Bay, were with Aandale -friends'for Chris`-.nus. Cecil Rbsrtner, Collingwqod, was the guest of friends in town Christmas. R/Hm nFI1n;l`u Dnnnl-m- I..a 4.-.]-.. t._ J- uxanvcuuulbh [Ur zuwuue. ' Mr. and Mrs, Sloan" have moved from; Essa Street to Dunlop` Street. i nun Mrnih A` 'rnIIAn6n uvvnn n (`L-3-5 - uaau puI'I:Uv DU uumup BEIGE . - _ Dan McLeish, of Toronto, was a Chr1st- mas -visitor with Allandale friends. I am! M....- A In a-L..-_v___ _,___; Clarence (Mitchell, Toronto, was 5. holi- day guest at his home. was `Ma. Il....h...\..I.I nu-.. -1. L-.. I......- 2.. NEWS ..-... ...., ,........w uunc uvcl uuu uuuuuy. Wes Burling, son` and daughter visited his -brother Ed. Burling over Christmas: Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Fisher and family visited with Barrie friends on Christmas. Will Dunnixig and his father, of .Tor- _or1to, spent the holiday wi1>hAHarry Dun`- mnz. ' F_ERP`DA_.1-E vs-van vvv IJV VIII) D3115 " 5.21:?-Sgadly missed by. Husband A:`d~'Famiiy ` tn- `(I It 1 It's lonesome here without you mother, "Although you re not far away, _ -[For life_ is not the same to us Since you were called away. But peaceful be your rest,_ dean mother, `Tia sweet to breathe your tame. _ In life weoloved you very dear` A In death we `do tahosame. - I |McDON-A~LD--In memory of ant - deari "mother. `Isa-bella McDonald, who diedv Dec. 29, 1922. . uauguwr, .Ml'8. rrank rulford. . Thomas` Dowler received word f m Bracebridge on Sunday that Es btnlher was very low. Mr. Dowler left 7mmerate- um uuuw mere. V K ` _ Miss Emily Watson, nurse, .'of Fergus, /is visiting her mother. , ' ' _ Mr. Cousins of Winnipeg is 'isiting his daughter, Mrs. Frank Fp1fo'rd.j I 'rh..m...; - n.....1.... ----.-. ` ' ' M156 W EH1 her home here. I 11:..- n__.:1_, -n familgr frieqds. ` Il'..__ A.u1.. nuu -Mrs. uarnet; and Mrs. Gordon landale Christma Ients here. `Mr. David to 'l uuu Mrs. 14011 '1'arbush and Frank TarI;.ush of Toronto are visitixg at H. L. Tarbush s. Mr.. and -Mrs. Garnet Plaxt-n. and Mr. Mrs- n:-Ann I-In... ....A :....:1.. -: Av ' V A Story with a Punth. . Featuring LILIAN HALL-DAVIS, ' Josephi_ne_ Earle: ' Julian Royce, Tom Reynolds and Rex Da_vis. . Special New_Year s Matinee at 2.30 - 10c and 15 . "BIG SPECIAL? A1? REGULAR PRICES

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