Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1923, p. 11

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[, i>ECEMBER 27, 1923. \Ll3 ulat monthly. meeti s ; d `at the hon Tengae ith sixteen m4 5TAYNER( vuvvvuz u; an was a member 0 !}nnnn'|n an.-I ---- - ml-:` BARRlEV.EXA_\Ml NR.- Nekon, Balgary; John and `sham, .8nak.;~"Joaeph at home;_JamII Ind, ` Mrs. Geo. Hgwiatone. Allenford.". .. ucauuy uuun we p18CE OI (IGSOISCIOD. M It would take a. long catalogue to list the good-work of the Institutes,-schools and grounds made beautiful, memorials LIIIKL ID VV Ill 135110 The Value of the Institute A Mrs. Nina Moore Jamieson, the -well known writer, gave an address in Toronto on Tuwday, and she" spoke of 'the work of the Women's Institute at her home in Beyerly.' The forsaken appearance of. the country `graveyards was the first thing that gained the attention of the Beverly Insti- tute when it was formed- twelve years ago. Beauty took the place of desolation. ~Tl'. urnnlrl Gain: 1: Lu... ....L..l.......- L. IS.- la uuu uculg uuue. In giving a report of their Society one woman has said, in all this community work let us have perseverance and patience, but not t'oo much patience. There will always be people who want things` to .be done as they always were done. I do not believe that there ever was a good move- ment started yet but it had opposition. But if a thing is worth doing it can be done, `and it will last. - ml... v-1.-- -t -I, -r ssavca` U1 ms SUl(llCl'S. ' The work of the successful Institute -should be to do whatever needs doing and is not being done. Tn nixnn n n'n.\n..L -1.` LL_:.. V--2-: i A new oil lamp that givesdan amazingly . brilliant, soft, white light, even` better than `gas or electricity, has been tesed by -the U. ` 8. Government and 35 leading universities and found to besuperior to 10 ordinary oil _ lamps. It -burns without odor, smoke or noise--no pumping up, is simple," clean, safe. Burns 94% air and 6% common ker- ; osene (coal oil). Mk. :n1n:-\`:un F M `I'..l....}.'... O I`-uni... `- 0n100Kel'S, 11 that Is allthey can do. In the "report of the Convention just past, we read of the great work being done in beautifying cemeteries~-a work which has been sadly neglected. A nation can- not afford to neglect the graves of the pioneers, any more than it `can neglect the graves of its soldiers. Thu nu-L -6 1.1.. _._..A 7-!` I "' UL LIU|:C7u - The Women's Institute is realizing the necessity and benefit of interesting , the girls in Institute work. The girls of to- day will be the women of _tomorrow. Great work is being done in communities. The school and its surroundings made beautiful; A;.o-operating with the teacher and pupils; thus linking up home and school interests; to help the school effi- ciently, the women see the necessity of at- tending the annual school meeting` just as onlookers, if that is allthey `In the '1-nnnrt-_ nf flan f`!m-nm..c:.... :....z. WC unu- For variety in our meetings, it would be ` a change to set avpert,_"say ten minutes, for Topics of the day. Let each mem- berhave something prepared; or let some one, either by talk, or paper, make plain, either the constitution of our country our school system, public libraries, etc. It would be interesting information secured. Or some time might be taken to get ac- quain-ted with an author, or other person of note. ' ,.m__ ,__4_-_, ., ,- . . ..,. ,. uunru. _ ' Let. us then in lovingmood, each help each through life s short span! If we can t do all _we wouid, let usvdo the best ' 91 ~n\___ ____:_l__ 3 ___H .. a. q.. . uuwmu uu. wouiumunu. . .When 9. number of women are gathered together, there must be something which will prove profitable to them, in order to keep their interest. This requires thought,` not only by one, but by all._ Let us not shirk our own share of work, what we are asked to do, let us say, Yes, and do our best. It is not the ability most women need, but the faculty of using what we have. uccu, have. 641 _ I\'LllIUo - '- 3 > Its aims are most liberal, .its objects most helpful, and subjects for discussion, unlimited. Institute work must be taken 7 up on a broad basis so that it will benefit every part of home life, and the commun- ity. Have high ideals in our` meetings. Though we may not- reach the goal, we will -get nearer each day, by trying to attain to the ideal. Thus, we -will be- come unselfish, sociable and sympathetic toward all womankind. ' L L 1171`..- .. ...._u.-_ -: ----r 7 4 zuaububc an organization which permits all the women` of th'`comm`u11ity -to meet with a common object in view, no class, church, or national distinction being drawn. Through these meetings our vision will be broadened --we learn to respect the feelings and rights of others. It creates a friendly spirit among the members of different churches. A prominent church official has said, If the Women s Institute has done noth- ing else. but to bring about the kindly feeling now existing among our different T church members, it has done a work worth while." ~ TL- -2-.- -7 - - ' ` j--.__. (A paper read before the Shanty Bay 2 Womep g Institute)- . It is the sweet spirit of helpfulness,` coupled with a willinghess to`learn, that IS goipg to make our institute fa success, and a rpower for good. We have in the institute an organization which permits all women` of th`5:`l-.nn1nn nnil-.v .1-n rnnnf min-. .. .r.A1<|NG'A SUCCESSFUL msrmrra NEW LAM P BURNS 94_`E>AlR "bro/m er what an _ ` ,, /0 /e 7;/ep/I one th/17/r.~%al2out? w. 1:. hsnnwsrzn, How prosperous some of them will be in 1924 will of_coui'se depend on how- much they let Long Distance help them-though they don t- allrealize T it-yet. Some of the good people We work for, who M11 ,5. V - receiving a share of 1924's pro.~spe.-Loy", uoI i i:. Veem to _be making any denite plans as to their share in bringing it about! [The little gray cottage` just over the bend} Down the broad street where the world seemed to end, Was a mansion of joy, not a hovel of sorrow, When Little-Boy-Johnny arose on the morrow. And it may have been you, or perhaps it was I, Who drove the big auto so softly and shy-- `But don t you feel happy to know that some friend -Remembered the cottage just over the bend`? ~WhileAJohnny was "dreaming that Santa Claus came With a package of toys and a wonderful game, There stole up a motorcaribearing a friend . To the` little gray cottage just over the bend; And funny, "big bundles were left at the door, All labeled From Santa Claus," that, nothing more! 0 twinkle, ye stars! as ye shine o er the earth, And glory- to Him whom the heavens gave birth! By giving Long Distance :1 fair trial `during the past year, many business concerns tell.. us they cut down expenses sharply and increased sales. f Saddle Horses ' __ (./general. Then off with his tatters, and down by his bed To kneel on the floor with a little bowed head; And soon he was sleeping with eyelids shut tight, But alas for his mother, who sob_bed through the night! Twas the Evening of Wonders, when dreams should come true, And she sobbed on her pillow as mothers will do; For the hopes of a child are as bitter to blast As the pleasures of childhood are sweet while they last! 'So Best New Year's resolution business men could make would to -be personally givesLong Dis- tance a thorough test in 1924. ' And men never whimper when Christmas is near `Though cupboard lack cookies, and cottage lack cheer; Though shirt `be in tatters, and trousers in holes, And the tops of your shoes hive deserted their soles. No, men never whimper when Christmas is near- It wouldn t be right, 'cause old Santa "might hear! `Thus Little-`Boy-John, who was almost a man ` 'Exp1a.ined_to his mother, as little boys can. `Twas the. Evening of Wonders, and _soft through the air Ran the chatter of children, the whisper of prayer.... Far down the broad street where the world seemed to end Stood a little gray cottage just over the bend- A little gray cottage, forlorn in the dark, Withnthe -beacon of hope _burned awayito a spark; And most would have whimpered, as little boys can, Only--Johnny was six,.and therefore a man! THE LITTLE GRAY COTTAGE NAPTQ -IA s OAP Makes Housework Easy Every Day in Some Way Page Eleven ` Phone 334:. I RAW-;Fl_JR.s WANTED! :- - V -2-vw -I-wus- Follows use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. On retiring rub Cutlcura Ointment into the scalp, especially 1 spots of dandruff and itching. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura. Soap and hotwater. 30In25c. 0int1nen!25u_n!50c 'l'nleum25e. Sold throughouttheDom1mon. CanadianDepot: Lzm_ag-. Limited. 344 s:. `Pull s:.. w.- Mnnlnnl. M uuougnouttneuominion. CanadianDepot: I. am. Limited. 344 8:. `Pull St.. W. Montml. &"Cuti:urn Soap than: without xnul. 1'!-!UR`SDAY. V DECEM3E -27. 1923. Solicits the patronage of_ the ~ _?1 0D1e of Allandaleiand vicinity L av-v----an va nauuluwdi GBIIUUCIUFI Association of Canada - Stenography Bookkeeping Banking Adding Machine Higher Accounting & Auditing Dictaphone Graduates Assisted to Positions. Begin anyday. Free information 4 C. LLOYD 1 Director and mbalmer AY AND NIGHT th St. Phone 218 11' PAYS TO ATTEND s THE BEST Barrie Business .9'|.e.9.e Member of Business Educators" L__-_S-AS- E E I -- CU usvnun st : Phone 202 _ Correct these defects in the early stages with properly t- ted glasses and you save your- self much time, much money, muc worry and often' serious- % trouble, THE ALLANDALE LIVERY STABLE Eye `troubles - lessening powers of vision - are gener- ally of very slow growth. ' 7Live Glossy Follnwsr Han nf (`,1-nl-In-11:-n S.-nan an or SLOW ckowm W. A. Turner, Prop. Beg; Ele_ctri at Gas }N,`rATRuo Established 2"6'years.' ----- at l'eo:s(v>nabl: rates L Hlci-lES(T Iiz1c13:-P4"\1'1>- PHONE on WRITE H. LEVIT, BARRlEn- .. .- `IRA -- ;R. 9. DICYE7 "B55: 542 `munity singing. -miss nenuu Dryauu, ....u., was pianist for the afternoon. Dainty re- freshment; were sqrved. , SAHOKVI UUUH3I I-I I I'.nnnr IIUVII-I I The Literary Society of the special class- es in Home,Economics and Agriculture was held in the -Prince of Wales School on Fri- day, Dec. 14, Miss Jean Hickling presiding. ` Mr. Orchard, President of the boys class, gave a,splend:id address. The programme consisted `of instrumentals, solos and com- munity singing. -Miss Bertha Bryson, R.N., 1...... ..:...:.4-. cm that afternoon. Dainty ~~re- and secretary. It was given out that the number of` beneciaries now receiving aid ia`165; that the amount paid by the Board during the month of October was $4119.00 of which the County pays half and the Government SHORT VCOURSE LITERARY "SOCIETY `mu- t:........ Qmhm of this menial class- rnal Pains e:`l=.v.. A U. bunting, uooxswwn. In the afternoon Miss Lawrence, Cree- ' more, [inspector for the county, met in a general consultation with" the chairman and secretary. _ `n ...... ..:mm nut that the number of` In the forenoon of December 19 the. Mothers Allowance Board were in session at the County Treasurr s Office, when the Board was .re-organized with the follow- ing officers: J. T. Simpson, Elmvale, chair- man; Mrs. C. C.- Begg, Collingwood, vice chairman; D. H. Coleman, secretary; other members, 0. J. Miller, Orillia; Mrs. J. P. Mullen, Midland; S. R. Gendron, Pen- etang; C. H. Eplett, Goldwater and J. J. D. Banting, Cookstown. `I - cl... a-nu-nnnn Min T.nwI-Am-.9. Urea.` -1`-in-Mala vaulvlz vv yuvavuv QUU Au` . eured . . . . . . . . . . . ..80 65a Free nursing visits 45 ; Other free visits . . . . . . . ..152 188 N-ightvisits . . . . . . . . . . . ..20 18 ' `Total. free v-isits . . . . . . ..173 233 ' Total visits (nursing and free) ".363 340 . _ Oct. Nov . Attendance at the well baby clinic 47' ' 26 Attendance, at S. Simcoe Tubers culosis Clinic . . . . . . . . . 1 The Victorian Order Nurse wishes to ex- press thanks to the members of the Execu- tive, tothe Committee who purchased the car, and to the Barrie people who have so liberally supported ' the V.O. work in Barrie and made- it possible to secure the services. of a splendid second-hand Ford coupe -for the promotion of the nursing service. It is a wonderful convenience . and help, andpwi-th its aid all parts of the town can be equally we l-served and with ' less effort. The V.O/' urs also wishes to thank the Barrie Board of Education for the permission `to use one of the school- rooms on Saturdays from 2 to 6 p.m. for the f`Well Baby Clinic!" during the cold winter months. , -A The . Order acknowledges with many thanks substantial donations from the fol- IUW Ills . The_ I.0.D.E., 1/. dozen layettes; Mrs. Oliver `Cameron and the Ladies Aid of St. Andrew s Church, 3 pairs babies knitted mittens, 1 baby s knitted bonnet, 1 baby's knitted jacket,` 2 baby s fancy aprons; Mrs. . "Geo. Hubbard, Mrs. Monkman,VMrs. Pim, Mrs. Mariott, donations of old clothing and linens. ` LIIU thanks lowing : I I65 MOTHERS IN SIMCOE C0.UNTY ARE NOW .BECE|VlNG ALLOWANCES Total confinements attended -....--_.v.-.~.-..-.. uuvvu ii`.-fl-Jwiiignosis of Visits Made Oct. Insuiranoe visits `. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Visits to infants, . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Nursing visits to patients not in- mu-nrl - 90 Total Cases nursed . . . No. of `new .cases_ . . . . . . . No. of old cases _-..a..-...... V. 011: w you Medical` .' . . . . . . . . . Miscarriage . . . . . Obstetrical . . . . . .2 . . ; Infants of Obstetrical Pgenatals "Surgical . . . . . . . . _0ther infants . .' . . . .. iE'6'II.` St'a"t;%;i;z;i>"1"'2;)`ort `for the V.0.N. local branchat: Barrie for the months of Oc~ tober an_d November:-- . 1 `T .I\ I \? Jlf-all the ships I have atesea :.Shou-ld come a-sailing home to me. `Ah. well, the harbor would not hold So many ships as there would be,` ilf all my ships came home to me. "If half my ships came home to me, iAud brought their precious freight `to me,_ ?Ah, well, I should have wealth as great` ?As.auy king that sits in state. ` ' _So rich the treasures there would be, `In half my shipsenow out atesea. ?If but one ship I hove at sea` Should come a-sailing home to me, {M1, well, the storm-clouds then might` `FIIIIIH ' .IlllWL|I|4Ll/Us .The next meeting will be lield on Jan. 3 at the home of Mrs. Day. Mrs. Lee will Egive a paper on "Woman's Part in Can- ada s Progress. Miss G. Adams will give '9. paper on Canadian Women of Note, .Roll call is to be answered with Quota; ition from Canadian Authors." Mrs? Day will give a demonstration, Icing and ' -cutting a cake. All the ladies of the community are invited to join the Insti- tute . ' "Bay Women's Institute met 'at' H the. home of Mrs. Moore on Dec. 6 with` a. large attendance. The meeting was opened` with the openingode followed by. the Lord s Prayer in unison]. The roll[ call was responded to with a suggestion} for a'Christn1as`gift.A Mrs. Alex. -Brown! of Barrie gave a demonstration in nurs-[ ing, which was very helpful and interest ing and very much appreciated by all. A splendid paperwas given by one of the ' Institute." ` ` i 'l\L_ ___.A. __,--;:,._ ,,eII I v 1: V :- imemberg on What Makes a Successful I ll, WUII, N-[U UUl1LI'UIUUll UHF H `3 ' frown, ' For 1f the others all went downs / `Still rich and glad and proud I d be, ilf that one ship came home to me. If that one ship went down at. sea, And ;,all the others came to; me, n-Wniuhnd dnwn with DD!!!/A and wan-h g VVUIEUCU UUWII Wuu 831.115 Ella WCUIFU told. ' T !With honor, riches, glory, gold- !The poorestsoul on earth I d be If tghat one ship cameynot to me; I I {'0 skies be calm,;0jwinds blow free! IBlow all my ships safe home to me;' But if thou sendest some awrack [To never more come sailing back, ;Send any, all that skim the sea, `But send my Love ship home to me. Till- I`l7L_-I-_. I"l1:I__ |L'llIu(CllI UHU ULLICIB U511-IU |/U- IF, _ . , ! ;Weighed down With gems and wealth un~ 1 fruit` SHANTY BAY WOMEN'S fNS:l"|TUTE Diagnosis of new cases: I__I! ,1. ' VICTORIAN onoan or NURSES --A-_ I Wggefgruwilcof. MY SHIPS IN` %wOM%A;~J's REALM .18 ..1o Oct. 00 ` Nvov. 28 24 Oc't_. Nov. Nov. 24 14 44 62 nucw uur .mrs. Miller member of the Firstlfhlethodist Church _and was a A woman, 0 sterling qualities. She was de- voted to er home, and her two he , Charles, `o 6, and Harold, age 4,, who with the 'ef stricken husband are left to mourn (The parents and the following brothers rind sisters also survive: Willi` Nel.s`l,n of ' rran township. Aside irom-a "few `)\ears :1 Toronto, she spent. all her life i` Aryan, up to her marriage to Dr. M-illeri jusi nine years ago on Sunday. She wentvh S; bride to Rocklyn, where they resided foil five years, when they removed to Stayne ;-remaining there until coming to Owen und. In each of these places, as in Owen Sound, Mrs. Miller made many warm `friends who mourn her death. She was_ held inghe highest esteem by all who kllw 'l16I.l;Mfs. Miller was a msmkn- -J a few days and it was not until within cuucluuuu. )urs. M.lll_el` nan been ill only about 24 .h,urs of her death that it was realized thzt .her condition was critical." Mrs. Miller 5'had been a resident of Owen Sound onlybbout two years, `when she re- moved her( with her" husband and family from Stay 1', when Dr. Miller. took over the practicg [of the late Dr. J; Hershey. Biit she w well known in this district, in. y rela veg in the vicinity of Allen- haging bee . orn at Elsinore, and she has fo . M Miller was 39 years of .age an was adaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. _Nel.s mm from a few `gears 11 A Toronto. snent all hm- 1y eswemeu reslaent or this place. ` V Owen Stunders were shocked to learn of the death? of Mrs. (Dr.) G. R. Miller , of this vcit`y,iwhich occurredlato Saturday afternoon. 4 rs. Miller had been ill oniy few davs and it was hnf. until um-_t.:n _ F . _ . _ _ _ -__- . h M From the:'0wen Sound Sun-Times is taken the tfllowing obituary notice co - cerning the lgte Mrs. Miller, a former hig - ly esteemed resident of this place. Owen Smnrlnm -mm-A ahnnlm.-l L..`l........ uu um l'CpUl'U` )1 we convention. - V `Mrs. Rowe].-3 the delegate, gave an ex- eellent accouni of Tuesday and Thursday, while Mrs. Sac, district president, gave a report of Wefnesday, when there. was a special meeting for district presidents. Mrs. Alex. Gichrist also gave a paper on Home and Public Side of Life which" everyone enjtyed. After the "social half hour all enjqed a dainty.tea. The next meeting will he ham M-. +1.. uuur uu ELI] Bu 3 ua1IIUy.Eea. next rieeting will be held at the home of Miss_'Cora Fralick. EDENNALIS 0MEN S INSTITUTE The {egulat meeting of this branch` as home of Mrs. Harry ~iffengae members and one vis" or pi nt.A - A The roll ca, was answered by 9; shower for the? Child n s Shelter. The business was hurried er to give most of the time to the repor 4 3f the conventin. V` `Mm 'Pnnm`:14-Ln .l..l.......L.. _...._ -- --- ___..;"-.._.5 '1 egulatx branch < ` lffengae ` p), 1 Thu: rm no" :1 a..Mcu. b'reve\'3n.. 1 res., Mrs. James Robertson; lst Pee, Mrs._ G. A. Brown; 2nd Vice}, Mrs. .. D. Byrnes; Secy.,' Mrs. W. A. 'I7.wiss; reas., Mrs..H. M Lay; Pianist,`-Mrs. R . McKnight; Home Help- ers Secretaries, s. S. Webber and Mrs. R. W. Rowell; Sjngers . Secy., Mrs. J. F. Newton; , Mess 'ger Secy., Mrs. L. W. Thom; Membjship Secy.,. Mrs. Elmer Braden; .;Convr"br of Programme Commit- tee, Mrsla W,` . Walls; C.G.I.T. Secy., Mrs. Thds. sihlm. Mrsr W.` 5` Th(?s. Si EDENKIALIS Thn `I.-nailln`; 1 wn _uu.e -new um 3 wuo are as I0llOWS:-- -Hon. P1"es., , s. Wm. Aird and Mrs. J..McL. Stevem.. Pres., Mrs. James R.nhArtnnn- 1g+. llnn M... r; A 12--...-- um yum`. . This month a; gelbox of reading mat- ter was sent to lumber camp. The election 4 officers followed. Mrs. W. V. Brown ofied a prayer of dedication for _the-new offi who are as follows:-- -'I'-Tnn D.`-nu 5 117... A:....I .....I u..- u u r1l1Ivl'-II U Iinlalln The Women s M ionary Society of St. Andrew s Presbyt ian Chumh held its annual meeting relntly. Mrs. Robertson, the president, gavt a fine address. The various secretarie presented most inter- esting. and credita reports of the year's work. Mrs. Lay [Treasuren reported re- ceipts for the_}_'e as $6i5.%9. `a bale sent to 9. -11: ion sc oo in t e est a Sunday School the North was supplied with papers for no first five months in the year. 'm.:. .......n. .'.v .. L-.. -1: _--J:-~ Iuuave m neurcs, U.` For f..`_The Comedy acters wr'e as follow Duke Ephesus, F. Featherstonhaiigh; A ean, a Merchant of Syracuse, B. "-alde ood; Antipholus of Ephesus. Antiph 'us> f Syracuse, twin sons Jof Aegean,` P. .'"ding,_ Elsie Sumner; Dromio of .Ephes - Dromio of Syracuse, twin brothers, serva. of former, D. Jen'- _ nings, F. Innis; A{....;rchant, D. Worsley, Angelo, a G`o1dsrrlh,' Rebecca. McAree; "Pinch, a school mas` at, I. Turnbull; Aemel- ia, wife of AAege-1', an Abbess, B. Dry- brough; Adriania,:wife to Antipholus of Ephesus, Rae Ad-a:,s; Lucian-a, her sister, M. Martin; Luce; servant [to T Adriana,` Nancy Hargreavesgqjailer, Maud Crouch. * ATDOTID fhnan fnuln nnJ- nf nuyn J... -4. anculvy u.a15n:uVt.'a`;uall8l', luuua uroucn. Among those fr-- out of town who -at- tended the play. V` e, Miss Helen Lawson, Miss Christeabel Ra )es, Miss Amy Bell, Miss Irene Hill, Mes "s. Campbell `Raxkes, Jennings, and Ianlellsman. . .:......_.....-...- nor girls iett nothing to by desired, and the V twin sons of old Aegeay} with their twin servants afforded the audiencegreat amuse- ment. `At the close oft e play carols were sung, after which Miss Elgood and Miss Ingram received the gusts in the drawing room. The singing Auld Lang Syne brought the evening-t a `close. Although the Oven 11 plays have al- ways been most success ful, much credit is gclue--to those who plan edand created the costumes and scenery! i In Alice in Wonde {as follows: Alice, M` his year. . and the castbwas aret Stewart; The ;_`-The March Hare, [Marjorie Creswicke; e Dormouse, [Mar- jgaret Morris ; The 'g;of'Hearts, Hilda !Bacon: The Queen, ry Morris; The Jur- ors, Betty Creswicke nd Gladys Leslie; *The White Rabbit.` larlotite Craig; The Knave of Hearts, C.- ' Errors the char- were Svrm-.n:n,. R lr'.`.nh-In ynnrlc A-`H-.1.-1--- -. uzuuguu Mu: evening-I succesl pl-anw I i Tn Ali:-n ;n Wnnc .. puavuuxea uuu scenery! j_ ' {as `Hatter, Miriam McAr [Marjorie lmarnt Marries "mm 1?` A :curtain descended poor Ali UTUIIUIU .l1'01Il 3 IITCECIB weu: .In The Trial scene, the poor, guilty Knave of Hearts Won the sympathy of all, as, he stood condemned before the merci- less sovereigns, whose tarts he had `so un-7 happily stolenu Two cunning little jurors sagely nodded their heads together, while the White Rabbit blew loudly upon his trumpet and read the` evi ence. As the was confront- ed by. a furious pack of ca 5 who surround- ed her `withclubs and s 'N... .,.........l ......l -1: .L_ _ Len cu ucr wrul UIUDS arm G68. 1. V The second part of the rogramme, The Comedy of Errors," pres 'ted by the Sen- ior girls left nothing to bf desired, twin Ann: nf nm Annnnu ...:.-L 'a.L-:.. ..-:_ WUIU` cuuvtcg Uy BLIU lUuUlll- . The characters in the Junior play were admirably chosen, -and never was a Hat- .ter madder, a Dormouse sleepier, a. March 'Hre more contradictory, nor*=Alice more `thoroughly lovable, than when they at- tended The Mad Tea Party at Ovenden. And how pitiful was the story of the poor little children who were learning to draw treacle from a treacle well! 1_ ur|u__ .rn_:_|H ____- LL- __,, cu`. A large and appreciatived audience at- tended the Ovenden closing on Wednesday evening, when The Comedy of Errors. and two scenes from Alice in Wonderland were enacted by the students. Thh nl-unrnnhu-a ha Han ,IiIv1:nu- -dun ......... uuxu 41 `her II`!._A. THE_ OVENDEN CLOSING s'r. AND! :w s wLM.s. IJBUI-ID \UUl. UIII The inventor, F. N. Johnson, 246 Craig `A St. W., Montreal. is offering to send a lamp on 10 days` FREE trial, or even to j give one FREE to the first user in each 10- < oality who will help him to introduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also I ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money , make`O260 to $500 per month. (Adv,t.) `

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