Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1923, p. 10

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Fordor, $895 -at nu-rll I'll 47'1sabech St. OPEN DAY AND "161-11' 1 I.`l:-..I.-Ll. CA "' P. C.`LLOYD Funeral Difector and L ONTARIO uncut: uzum 011 . The inventor,` F. N St. W., Montreal. is lamp on 10 days` FR give one FREE to the cality who will help Write him today for ask him to explain h agency, and without make $250 to $500 Iulp Ilult lIIIIIIlIOIp l'IllIVI Ill- cucnccc corrcct ccnctlpctlcn. ...'.'..n,'.';'. '.*:.':.':'.:::..'.'""""- I ~ Tomorrow Alright A new dil lamp th: brilliant, soft, white 1' gas or electricity, has 3. Government and 3 and found to.be super lamps. It burns wit noise-no pumping safe. Burns 94% air` osene (coal oil). 'l'I.... Z_-.-_L_.. 1" " NEW L A 94% --- u t TIHIIJ Fo1lows`use of C Ointment. On reti. Ointment into the spots of dandmtf ax morning shampoo ` Soap and hot water. In: I'\:..|___. or I - uunu nus VVGICX. Ointment 25 and S ` Ehl'0ughouttheDominm E. Limited. 344 St. P Cuticum Sm-n - Solicits the pat people" of Allanda :4 flu I Phone 384. RAW Fui to tuna and _I1'I OllI|l :'I'umu'u a'.' `'3' 3:: rdoivo "3" 63'.` atop nlelflfndao on. roll: bu: glguonou hay In nrnlnntlv. nlnnnnnllv. Vlive G153 ,-,O . _ . . . . ~ u uun Graduates Assi Begin any day. Member of B Auociatio Steriography ` Banking Higher Accoa Barrie Co IT PAYS TH a serious oyrl 0.R. RI Beats Elec N; ronlglm "' "2.`.a2I .?.'."`l'!.'! .43 Elizl Phone 14 3. Limited. E Cnticurn Scan 3 Establishl HIGI-IESLT PHONE H. LE _ 901 OPT( ---:-u----'- s 1:! I: :u'3::".'Q'a.' in an walks of me have to? a long time used Beecham's Pills,- which enjoy great popularity. Thnu an-A m.-snhln nnrl nnnh-an!-A wuluu uu,|u,y 511:5. pupulmuyo The are reliable and contribute to t e maintenance of hea!th. I-`.71.-.. IIt\I'l r\1I`:I\Q`Cll\OU| :nA:nAnOv:1\9\ L?'f!L_'I-_._ `Cash balance . . . . . Hamilton Traffioommittee reoomme ed that all.- motorists shall stop at main terseotions. "rlVll Municipal. election . . . . .. . Salaries and allowances . . Printing. postage, etc. .. Heat and care of buildings Roads and bridges . . . . . I Q I I I I I Q I O I I I_I I I I School Purposes . . . . . . .`. School Debentures .. . . QIIIVVII I I I I I Q !`II' nuisance` Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheep killed by dogs . . County levyl . . . . . . . . . . .. Hawkestone police village Cash balance, 1922 . Balance taxes, 1922 on taxes, 1923 Nonresident taxes . Colonization .Roads . School purposes Loans Micellaheooaj` ... '\_:H.'|V U TIIVHIVVE-.9 ' . Smmary \.k`Receipts and Expenditures of Ora Townshxiv. from Jan. 1, 1923 to Dec. 15, 1923: ` - n....;.n... xvuwu was uuucpwu as aauaxactory. , A Colonization Roads by-law was made out designating certain roads, the town~ ship to participate under it for 1924 to a total .of $5000.00. V i - , 4 A J. Link was given an extension of time to take off timber on_ Deviation Road {hrough his property. 1 _ ` 4o_e..'I`he various accounts before the Coun-- adrwere ordered paid and Council adjourn- ` No meet Dec. 31;`. . " H`: W. B. TUDHOPE, Clerk. 1. < ` JIICIIIJIVIE ' A claim of T James H._ Cokburn f_or shp killed by dogs was ordered paid. I`. Rinhardnnn mains: hnfnrn FHA nun- csuv y nuuvu uy uuga was uruewu para. _ r. Richardson came before the Coun- cil re a grant to Craighurst Library. The `matter was laid over for the present. l U '-Wm. M!`.Al'f.'}1lll`, gnhnnl Affnnnnnn n`- -umucr wtla uuu uvut II)!` we present. ':Wm. McArthur, School Attendance Of- ficer. brought in his report for the year which was accepted as satisfactory. ` A Clniltih Rnmk |'\V.lQh) Inna nan:-In UIUUIUU uuuuuvu. A. G. Cav~ana, O.L.S., Township En- gineer. wrote certifying that award drains lots 25'_ and 26, cons. 3, 4 and 5 were com- pleted'in a creditable and very satisfactory *|ma`nner. `T ` L ` ..l.....__ -2, 1___-_ 1! A '1: n l.UU PU HIM/U0 On request from W. Walker and A; Glover for refund of dog` tax,` no action V was taken. Mrs. Elizabeth Mills statute labor was ordered refunded. A (1 IV .... .... I\`l" G m_____1_2_ 1-5,. Uuuo U auu C, GUUULI U1 IUUSU IVUIIKL ` Communications` were receivedfrom Jno. 1 Heidmamre rate. of pay for gravel to John lDunn. and VA. A. Watt re his portion of . award oosts;ono action. I . T J: MnMn`\nn t`nll....L,.. -nan-4...! L- Sales Agents: Harold F. Iuwhia a. Oo,.I.un1Md. Tomato MU LWUUVU LUUUIPBUII III III? cuubl`. H. `J. Crawford paid in $6.from Jares` McArtrhur for sale of trees on line between Gone. 6 and 7," south of Ridge Road. F . . . . A} T .nmmI1n1nnI'Inna urn:-n unnnnm nnnn -.1. avwqru uuawyuu uuuuu. T. H. McMahon, Cdllector, reported he I !had collected $30,441.27. of the taxes of E1923 to date. ' n.. ..... ...;L 1-_..._. 111 n1_IL__, ,,,u A I Ora Council met at the Town Hall on [Dec. `15, all the members being present and Reeve Thompson in the chair. - | H `I nu-nurfnrr` nah` n CR fuuum 'nv\r\p\n mu uruuuuplc. ' y " Earth shows no greater reverse .of for- -tune than` that. Aiman who, in this life, ;has had at his command everything that ;wealth could buyueverythin that whini- :could suggest, passing out. at last into the lgreat beyond. a beggar for eternity. He .had lived behind his `house all his days, `Tend never heard the knocking of the l Heavenly Guest. ' _,Dust and ashes, dead and done with. 3 ' Venice spent what Venice earned, The soul doubtless is immortal, where E a soul _can be discerned." I U1! U1 111.6 111l1l1U D1113 UUIIIUSSIOH; I have so far pampered` the natural man; I have gratified the `intellectual man; I have, dwarfed the spiritual. "Prayer is the breath of the spirit, and I do not know how to pray. Fronting eternity I am bankrupt." T Earth .B|f\\llEI nn Innni -mung..- at 11;... '93 - ` WHO'S FINANCES -. mary \.?I.Receipts E: 0120 COUNCIL action rtage, eof aridges uses ntures 1 IIlIIIII\1OII'QIIOIQ 4 Il lIIIIIVII9I$`I b'.'&6'::_:.`I::_'::: IIIIOIIQCIIQIIIOQI Jc;lice .. Expenditure 4.5.... Reo UUUII Ill! lIllU-ll'UlllI uuur. There are a lot of people living behind" -their houses, and failing to hear a. knock atithe front door, Once long ago Jesus Christ said, Behold; I stand at the door,` and knock; if any man hear My voice,` v and open the door, I will come in to him. and will sup with him, and he withvMe." And, the reason why He has not entered into many lives is just this. The folk were living so "far behind their realvhouse that they never heard His knock. In that Eart of their natures which `is, highest,l'. righteet and sunniest, there was `abund- ' ant room for the kingly Guest. But they; were not occupying that part of their na-| tures. They were busy with the concerns; of a. much lower phase of existence. Theyl ...s 1953.44 ....123s3.43 ....31474.44 949.13 2495.69 7312.95 1973.95.- .ses.o4[ $59111.17 359055.62 359111.17 I .. 111.503 .. 1312.00 079.33 .. 13.00 .. 9050.01 123.31 ..2473-1.20 .. 501.35 .. 2005.40 .. 155.00 .. 1093.79 .. 189.00 ..17s37.1s _ 32.00 -.- -.- --u.......`; u. v -nun. Ed. Dutton, of Victoria Harbour, has held the position for the past two years. He. had jurisdiction, however, only in Sim: coe, but the Department has decided to extend the district to something theisame area as when R. C. Hipwell held the office. . Just as a. timber wplf was about to leap upon his chum; Leroy Bounett, aged l\3_. shot the animal at Fort William. "'i,irsI"1'\a."IoliI.Id,"o:'.}I.oixfi>'; I' had her hixsband arrwted, charging that he attempt- 'ed to sell'one of her daughters. aged 12, to '3 (Canton, 0., man for 82,000. - I Reeve Jermey of - 0rillia'~Tp. has been appointed superintendent of Colonization Roads. His jurisdiction will extend over the Colonization Roads in East Simcoe,i Sunnidale and Vespra in Centre Simcoe. Mara and Rama in North Ontario and part of Bruce. While in Toronto last week Reeve Jermey consulted the Chief Engineer of the Roads Department with regard `to his duties` as Superintendent of these model Mr." Jermey is retiring from municipal af- fairs in the Township of Ogillia. Wdv nllffnn nf `Tin!-i\u`un nuknuuu Ln. nwu uu-cum, uuuung g1`&V8l ana other work at Draper bridge .. . . . 1 S. .E. Campbell, material for Drape bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kerr & -Ritchie, `building cement,` Draper bridge . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . 1 \\\\\\,'.' \\ \\\\,.TH"uII(/0/`/ % \ \R\g,% vv . 1;. `UIUIU, cexueut; I01` ormge, Draper dntcih R. -Parnell. haulmg stone . . . . . . .; Mel. Ritchi, hauling gravel and nmr wnr-Ir nf nnnnnn I-uniting i ( l ( i , Aauevw aneuu, eulvusca uu uuuuzubucc _. meetings, 28. days . . . . . . . . . . .. 112.00l A. Train, serviceson Marsh, 10 days _40.00 " and other expenses .. . .' . . . . . . . . 15.00 E P. A. Coughlin, services on commit- ' j tee meetings, 25 days . . . . . .. 100.00 * P. A. Coughlin, services on Marsh ' 5% days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22.00 Wm. Scott, services on Committees ' ' 17 days . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. 68.00 Wni. Scott, services on Marsh, 5.. ' days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 ` Dawson Ansley, services on commit- A tee meetings, 16 days ._. . . . . 64.000 ' Dawson Ansley, services on Marsh, _ 4 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 M. Langman, services on committee ! _ meetings, 15 days . . . . . 60:00` M. Langman, services on Marsh, 5 I days . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 P. A. Coughlin. costs telephone re, , Engineer. etc.,- on Marsh . . . . .. 5.90 P. A. Coughlin. services as commis- . sioner, Phelpston Marsh .5 . . . . . .. 25.00 C. S. Burton, refund amounts paid 4 for postage, telephone, etc. . . . 125.00 Amos Train, 18 loads gravel 2.70. A. Train, iron for reinforcing bridge 14.65} A. Train, bonus wire fence . . . . .. '6.40_ A. Train, hauling iron, etc. . . . . . . 5.00- 'Jos. Nicholson; 268 loads gravel .. 32.16! "Copeland Milling Co.. material for `[ lnrirlan nvnnon r`:nI|' 19 4` 1 E upumuu xuuuug 1.40.. _ material 10!` bridge. Draper ditch . . . . . D. G. Christie 00., cement for bridge, Draper ditch W. H; -Clute, cement, for bridge, Dmnar riitnfh REEVE JERMEY or 0RlL`L;lA 11>. I sum". or COLONIZATION ROADS: vv un. uuuucauu. mums` uuu WOFK on ,grader and scraper . . . . . . . . . . .. M AlbertvElliott, dog .tax struck off . . Harry Guest, 62 rods wire fence ;. Jos. O'Neill, 35 rods wire fence .. Earl Conn, 30 rods wire fence .. . . Alex. Streth, 50 rods wire -fence .. Wm. Porter, 30 rods wire fence Wm. Tripp, 124 rods wire fence .. 5 Wm; Tripp; 60 rods wire fence . . . . Robt. Calendar, 90 rods wire fence H. Ansley, cleaning out ditch Jas. Beardsall. inspection and valua- fdnn Leann L:l1...l `an AA... uaa. uucuutsuu. ulsyecuuu anu valua- tion sheep killed by dogs . . . . . . Dawson Ken`, 50_loack gravel . . . .` |Amos Train, services on Committee Inna!-:nna 09 Ann- `I uuu. uuuuy, uwuulug out {HUGH}? Townline Flos and Vesvpra _. . . . . . _EImer Snider, dragging road .. . . . . Jas. Kenwell, work on road 2. . . .. Albert Toner,--dragging road, etc . . D. J`. Jamieson, work on grader, etc Wes. Culham, dragging road s.r. 23 I C. G. Lang, repairs scraper and build- ing sidewalk in Phelpston . . . . . . Wm. Jamieson. teams and work on (truths: an:-I anunnnn vv uucu uxuw, lugging uwuu, 0.11. 10 and 16, con. 1.1 F. McClung, work, team ;and grade: Jno. Inkly, cleaning out ditch`,~~" Tnwnlinn Fina gm-I Vnamv-u -us an AIJVIJAVI (nu, Uywlauus 51 2'.lUi, etc`. W. D. Ritchie, day's work on. grad:-r F. Loftus, repairs, 2nd line . . . . . . Wilfred Blow, digging ditch, S.R. 15 any-I `IR nnn 11 - 3 1! (Incl. Lbuwlcy, gruula LUJ.` :15l'1lIull_|l" I 9.1 society 1 `*J. H; Johnston, sheep killed by dogs Jno; A. O Neill, dragging road . . . . D. S. Kenney, 128 loads grave . . . . Robt. Anderson, 60 loads gravel . . J. T. (Simpson, Flosv share caretaking rhnnnmnnl-_ nf wnlrnrlnlr w-.4 oocvuod 09- voov an-no-v_,_. i ' In early life he had been extremely poor., But by his own industry and the industry: of a very faithful, filial family , he reached! comparative prosperity. One sign of it} `was that he builtvva fine brick house, the] finest for many miles around, on a good site with a sunny outlook. But when he had the house finished, it woo fine to livein. so he built a large brick kitchen} at the hack of the house, and proposed to live in that. It was still too fine; so he built a lean-to kitchen and shed behind it, - and mostly lived there. Then behind that again in the summertime there was a sum- la mer kitchen built on the scantlings and : rough boards. In that fourth structure back they cooked and ate and lived during the fine months of th_e year, while the big fine house with its sunny ex-posure, stood prac- I tically empty from year endvto year end. 5 They lived behind it. } z I These were good, industrious, deserving eople. But they missed many things -by 'ving_ behind the house. Strangers came , `to their door sometimes, knocked vigorous--' ly, rang the old--fashioned crank-handled` bell and went away again, and the familyj` never knew, because they were living so!` far behind `the house that they did not: hear. `Some of these strangers were `people; they would have been glad to meet. . But,`' so busy were they withgtheir washing and; mending, their cooking and eating in the. fourthkitohen -back, that they did not know] until it was too late that strangers had` been at theefront door. _ 'I\I........ ...... .. 1-4. -1 ..-....I- l>-.!.... L-L:_._Il V1 in 'bJlul}1Ull, JEIUE BUHIU cunuzuslug monument at Waverley Municipal World,gbalance_account . `S. L. McElwain, operating grader, ntn; 15o.o_o! 130.00 _ 5-9: mm L;.t;;;,;1;.w.,.,k,_ ' 2539` *Dec. 19.-Frank Pi-att, ofeeswater, and ` formerly of Barrie, who h; spent `several daysbwith his parents at Cdles, returned 2'70 home on Saturday. Mr. aqd Mtg. (grawfordllo have oc- 6_40 g CL'f.l0(! Mzss Irvme s. houe the summer, 5_00 : are movmg to Bame this wk. 32.16: The old McC:xbe propertygwned by hM,. ~2BrnwII. has hm-an rm-nnrlv anln; 1.1.. 1-...-. - i 51.20 Ann 40.30 16.481! 100.00 10.00 4.00 15.36 -0.00 ' =913si1?li '_ `_ P` 1.95 f 10.56" 13.50 " 2.00 12 40 --ynn 10.00 2.50 51,50 7.50 14.50 2.00 , unuug uxcuua wmu uuu 5 SP6! I`6C|)\'eI'_V. me debate_on Friday eving was well `contested, the judges findiqi;1 fawn-' pf` ) those maintaining that East? Canada has ;done more for the prosperitnf the country ;`than has the Western pom. The mevm. hers pf the U.F.O. Club hi their regular .u_\' U! uztrnc. Mr. Stott, who recently arted a gen- feral store. here, has been unc the doctor's genre, several days and is serjx;-sly ill. His many friends wish him a spay -'1 rm rlphmn rm Wriovy m..`.`.- ....._ _-nu .au: munug cu nurne Inns WK. 7 4 4 property:wned Mr. iBruwI.-. has been recently soto Mr. Jerm-' .e_v of Barrie. ` n 1 11.. cu. "J, .. E . N IU HIG l|lblIl.!Jlli'UlUC .0]. 'llCH.Llh W hen you suffetfrorp mghgestxon. biliousness or conhtnpataon use BEE I-`cacao-ron commmv or c: llllllhlv A Ne; Ford Body Type -The s/iudmo` Sedan It differs "materially in seating arrangement from the four-door type recently announced. It is also lower in price. Among the-other noteworthy features of this latest Ford model is "the coach type body-"never before available in_ a low priced car. The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, is considerably behind in its manufacturing schedule on this type of body. Con- sequently we are not able to state denitely when this model will be on display -in our showrooms. Watch for its appearance. The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announes a new two-door type closed car which will be known as the Tudor Sedan. A 16.NoREwW|Lso;_,._go?..'5:~ ,:: BARRIE moron CAR co. Still the most` for the money um... sane of Any \M:d1cino in en. World .. ... .5.-uug uqurpruclu uaanaara on IIICJC ITIOUCB. Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck. $495 Elecltic Starting and Lighting Equipment $85 .00 extra. 1 All Pricesf. o. 1:. Ford, Onfario. Governmen; Taxes extra. e, $665 Tudor. $755 % Fordor, Eieclric Sterling and Lighting Equipment Siandard on these models. [W A44_ I-t In New York State automobile licenses Nos. 1 to 2,000 areeto be reserved fof cars owned by the State, counties or municipal- ities. whiie numbers between 2,000 and! 61,000 are for omnibuses. Passenger cars number from 61,000. meeting on ADecember18 with a fair _at- tendance. ,The members are taking a great interest in the welfare of the com- mglnity-. ' A llFord models may I}: be otained through c Ford Wegkiy Purchase Pl'an.' 7 j 1,` jj JARS ~ TRUCKS - TRACTORS- New Ford Prices :AnA6In. LIMITED. roan`.

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