Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1923, p. 9

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ive them and we There -15 no er ncuouuucu vu uuc uluuul uu we Juli Infill. February 22, l9~18--On a charge of theft sentenced to three months at the jail farm. 1 Jllnn jun`: In]-uncnn than an, lxauu, uu:'m:uwuuc.s LU ruu cuucurrenuy.-_ September 27, 1921-On a A charge . of fraud he was sent to the Ontario Reforma- tory for a period of 18 months. nnnomhnr `In 10`)? I In llk noun-1-Ln at V viously sentenced in Toronto on Monday I Jack Collins, alias Harold Churchill, alias J.A. McDonald," of Toronto, appeared in `Barrie police court Wednesday afternoon .before Magistrate Jeffs, and was sentenced `to two years in prison, on charges of forg ing . and uttering and false pretences and theft. To all charges he pleaded guilty, and asked for a summary trial. Collins was pre- by Police Magistrate Jones, on charges of a similar nature, to serve three years in iKings.cn Penitentiary, and the sentence im- I1 poser! by Magistrate Jeffs is to _::,-m where ,the first leaves off, thus making a total 1 term o. five years which accused will be i required to serve. - 3 P.-.ll:m 1..., .. 1 . _ . _ . _ . -_.I -r . V - __c_-- ..`. .. ...v rravuwalv u nnnn :4- Charges upon which he was convicted in Barrie Police Court, Wednesday, included ;one of unlawfully forging and uttering a icheque of the Bank of Montreal made out `to J. A; McDonald. for the sum of $567.67; lanother for fraudulently and under false lpretences securing the sum of $10 from tone Ed. Gilpin, with intent to defraud, and still another of attempting to steel 31 barrels of apples at the Canadian National Railway station at Creemore. To all charg- es accused pleaded guilty. He was sen- tenced to two years on each charge, the sentences to run concurrently. I\.--_;!-____I L_, `L `I- lcquucu LU serve. V ,' . I Collins. has a long record of previuus convictions and has served sentences of [varied leng'hs, his crime rec.)-ad "commenc- ing with De-.:einber 5,` 1907, and courmumg right up to thg -presenttime.` f\]____4_ __,_ I I I . - . {NINE CONVICTIONS % ; AGAINST FORGER !Fraud at Creemore Brought `T Him into Toils Again; l ` . Given 5 Years. L Forged .Archie ' Currie's Name The following skips have been named to pilot the Barrie A Curling Club s rinks through the several competitions during the coming season :- V Tankard-8. Meredith, R. Malcomson. District--G.-O. Cameron, 0. H. Beelby. Barrie-Orillia cup--S. Meredith, H. `Hook, W. H. Kennedy, R. H. Malcomaon. Oakwood games (T. _R. W. Black Cup`:- H in Toronto. G. 0. Cameron and W. H. Ken- getiy, in Barrie, Harry Hook and S. Mere- it . - W from umpire contains the following correction.` Howard Bertram, Master of the Domin- ion Grange,_ takes exception to the report of his address given at the annual conven- tion of theMDominion Grangehheld on Mon- day last. 1'. Bertram says e_ did not re- fer to clique methods of the late U.F.O. Ministry. He declares he made -no refer- - ence to the Ministry of the U;F.O.'Govern- ment, nor to the U.F.O. itself. Mr. Berr- ram was not at the evemngvseasion of the ' Grange, owing to the state ,of his health On page 2 of this issue appears a report on the Dominion Grange meeting copici _from the Mail`& Empire. Mr.- Bertram, in this article is quoted as criticising the late Drury Government. Denial. is made by Mr. Bertram that he ever used the words attributed to` him and today's Mail & Empire contains the following correction.` W-Tnwm-(I Rm-from Mnafnr nf H... 11...`. . `Corinthian Lodge, No} 96, A.F. & A.M., held its annual election of officers last Thursday night, when the following were elected :- .LP.M.---W. F. Ronald. W.M.-F.` C. Lower .S.W.-A. G. MacLellan. J. `W.---E. Shear. Chap.-C. R. Spencer. Treas.-H. A. Sims. Secy.-~A. H . Felt. Trustees of Property--J. B. Barr, Don- ald Ross and James Shrubsole. Auditors-A. G. MacLellan and H. A. Henry. . TyIer-Sid Shierlock. . These will be installed on Dec. 27. MASTER OF THE GRANGE - DID NOT CRITICIZE U.F.0. ---....._. H... ......uv\. IdJ a-\|| .-av.-gununu Following the concert the hall was clear- ed and everyone` joined in some old time dances. Those who had the privilege of at-I tending declared the affair to have been al splendid success, and the hope was ex- pre&=ed' that similar gatherings would be held at least once a year. cvcuu paaacu U11. 7 : After the inner man had been satisfied from a most bountiful spread all repaired to the assenibly hall where a musical pro- gramme of real excellence was presented.` W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., acted asch_airman.l The following musical numbers were given: 1 solos by H. Barron, Mrs. R M. Neely, of`; Winnipeg, Miss J. Edward, Miss F. Ar` nold, and Miss Clift-on.; instrumental num- bers by Jas. ShrubsoIe_.- Misses J. and L. i Kearns and Miss McAuley. Miss W. Bo'.v- man gave a reading and speeches were made by Rev. Mr. Hipkin and His Worship Mayor Little. . 'I`l-an nnn-.nnH~n.. in ..l........ -4` L1... ....-.......- .' LVLIIJUI uuI.u::. The committee in charge of the arrange-' ments was headed by Ed_. McMillin. `l.`_I1__,2_. -, AL , ' I II 1 uu ulul. uzucv uuu last until January 2. Work was commenced this week on the special classes in poultry husbandry, with E. S. Snyder of Guelph in charge. From now until the close of the term. emphasis will be placed on the various branches of farming, such as animal -husbandry. field husbandry, poultry husbandry, and farm mechanics. s In the classes for the girls, being con- ducted in the Prince of Wales School. very satisfactory progress is" also, being made. Miss Bertha Bryson is in charge of"the studies in, home nursing and first aid, while Miss Florence `Jarvis is giving instruc- ltion in household science. The I.0.0.F. Temple was the scene of one of the most enjoyable social gather- ings of the season last Friday evening` when the Oddfellows and Rebekahs, tiogeth-' er with their families and many friends from outside lodges, assembled and par- took of a fowl supper. The preparations and arrangements were in charge of a special committee appointed for the pur- pose, and much credit is due the committee. for 1 the splendid -manner in which the event passed off. : Affnr flan innnr 1-nan. 3-lap` "|nl\v\ A-n`:a`:nIll vvuu\ U]. but: uuspuul. . -Classes in connection, with the course will be continued during this term until December 24. The holidays will commence on that date and last until January 2. Wm-lt was nnmmnnnnrl H13: nmnb An I-1... ds I` pins CORINTHIANEBGE .- T f ELECTS us OFFICERS xucuu U1 L-uc uuu uuerary aoclety. Last Thursday the classes took a trip to Orillia and made an inspection of the Hospital for the feeble-minded. Fifty-one pupils comm-ised the party, together with two or three of the members of the staff. They were shown through the institution by J. P. Downy, the Superintendent, and his assistants, and, after lunch at the hos- pital; were favored with ashort address by the Superintendent,- dealing with the work of thehospital. -lacuna in nnnnnnnn nyil-L bl... ..... .... 1.o;o.1-`. AND Ria-:1 IN FAMILY GATHERING Aununcu, Au uuuucuuuu wuu eaun 01 we C1858- es. TheAPresident `of the Bbys Literary |Socie'ty is Andrew Orchard at Minesing, while the Executive consists of John Wil- son, VAngus; Ernest Coates, Oro; Chas. Drury, Crown Hill; Geo. Campbell, `Eugene Smith, C1arence'Brown and Ivan McLean. M:s.-1...... Lr:..m:...... 1...- 1...-.. -1--L-.I 7.--- uuuuu, uuucucc Druwu um] Lvan Mcuean. Missxleavn Hxcklmg has been elected pres- ident of the Girls Literary Society. Tnf. Thlifdv fhn lllnnaon Onnlr n J--3 l.lLulJl].R1l, nuuu nuuzuansun. , During the last week, "the social activ-' ities of the schoolhas been given some at-I tention and literary societies have been formed in connection with each of the class- 9:, Thu. prnairlnnf n9 {Jan Due. I .`L.......... Satisfactory progress is being made in the Agricultural Short Courses being _ held` in: Barrie this season. The classes` are now in their third week, and much progress has -been made in `that time, according to the Principal, Allan Hutchinson. ' nluvinn (Jun Inn` uuudu "LL- ....-2..l -_L2_; Social Activities. Have Place on - Programme; Visit _ to Orillia. ' COURSE STUDENTS ORGANIZE urs." BARRIE QURLING `CLUB .SK|PS ouc um vu uuu west. ` I . L. I. Vair recalls a boat trip he took, down the lake in the ear`y ninetxes. on! `New Year's Day. It was in the nature of BUTTERFLIES IN DECEMBER Butterflies were observed during the .past week in a protected bush to the west7 of Barrie, and numerous caterpillars have [been.seen -in town, being concluswe eevi-` [deuce of the mild nature of the weather; `up to the present this. winter. Today a` cool wave struck this district, and the weather man promises sharper winds from the north and west. \ 1 T `I 1r..:.. _.__,n_ _ 1 . .- v A - UNION BANK OF CANADA Make It Your" Business Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thornton Branch - - - Cookstown Branch _ - - - Wait til1'Christmaa opens her parcels--she 11 be disappointed if the watch isn t there. a . .44 ;n\L4\J \ 1 I11 QAAV acuu, vvuuu IIU asked her what she wanted, or maybe a wris watch. I could do with either. And say, Harry, I saw the loveliest, weeniest little white gold watch when I was in Reeve s Jewelry Store the other day. .It had a white gold face and thecutest little gures and hands you ever saw and they told me it had seventeen jewels and would last a lifetime. Oh, they have such a lot of pretty little wrist watches at Reeve s-.-they are all so nice that I d just love to own one of them. .--w- v- V - THINGS TO REMEMBER `FOR THE REST OF THE FOLKS: That we have gifts for everybody. That wefeature Heirloom Plate, the nest cnirnrurn 1-A ` vvv van: uuyylj JUUI ICLJL llllllulc Wdlll5, but it s always best to shop early. That we do engravingon the gifts you buy here. That we are open evenings until Christmas. That we invite you to call and see us.-We can help you to select the gift. Irv l.\r|.l.IL|l\r xnvuluuxll 1 1a|.L., LIIC HHCDI. silverware. That we have full lines of Community Plate silverware and Rogers 1847 tableware, That we can supply your last minute wants, ,5 . kn` :`- o lliuirnupn t\t\L L- ..L--- -- -1 PEARLS FOR MINE, she said, when he .21 La. ---L..L ...`L.. ___'..__ ._ To place as much of your earnings as you can in the bank every week. This business of saving is an increasingly prot- able one, for` the bank protects your money against loss and, at the same time, pays you interest. $1 opens a Savings Account and deposits of $1 and upwards are received. 4..- j v_\(1L_1, sma GET A WATCH? I 20 PAGES: fan excursion, Mr. Vair states, and the weather up to that time had been wonder- 7ful, very similar to that experienced this winter. Two or three days later, how- fever, cold,weather set in, in earnest, and `the lake was frozen over in a very short -time to a thickness of several inches. ! l- --Bryson s Christmas cakes, 45c {per lb. Order now. 500 `T --For Christmas stationery and. sWaterman s fountain pens, see Kee- nan & Kennedy. ' 50c- - A. Leslie, Manager H. M. Hoffman, Manager T. McMillan, Manager F5: in nice variety for" 1 ffszcnon 2 _PAGES 9 'ro_1s [c`ie'1-fxtr p1'omptIy at merchandise part of the `Underwear, are buying. fnnuasw W mall-T {ERCHIEF S leave your order by our nearest vphone. Falrnan Sweefts .5- :*3@@:a'@@&W?i;}: c0., LTD. Phone 65` B3) Apples .WAYS mwadavi , Bloomers, Vests and fact, all kinds .of Silk: re. V Sweaters .in all sizes. 01 Knitted Suits and Exquisite Fancy Crepe de Chene, Silk V and Sheer Lawn HAND; KERCHIEFS, folded and pressed," in suit- able boxes for gift giving. . ,--25c to $1.00 ea. SC to $1.50 each. STORE 48c 55. 39c 14c 35$ 35:: 58c 1 9c Greenings Baldwins Spies IIAALB re hope V end to ... nu auulgubg a, near Bmk-i |osing perplexities CIRCULATION 1' III` II IKE. Good Music SEE IT MONDAY - TUESD`A Regular Pricesj Two Pictures for ` the Price of One. 41. nuusy 01. 111165 Luau IJUILIIUU -neith_er do they spin. . . And a freshyunspoiled girl in the midst of the gold-digging crew! The only perfect Technicolor Picture ' ever made Everything in its! natural color Secured after great trouble" and expenae from Famous Players Canadian Corporation $10,000.00 would not buy this exceptional lm, for which we gave our personal bond. A story of lilies that toil_not _V\n;+`1o1n (In I-`Ana: nvn'~n Twice each night `at 7.15 and 9.00 USUAL PRICES EKNIDI H5} Whv 'th`M.R g: 1 froem eirwold Iljgndorn -`-Jg.;L'u$1 LO'S W niest chappie you ever saw. ln. FRITZ. RID a Western comedy of a brand ' CHARLES ' new kind. Funny? Bli'me, it's LOUISE on a bloomin scream! What! _ Directed by JAMES cnuzz of "Covered We Harry Leon Wilson's Greatest Story corners the It s a bear- BUT -- this~is no Ipicturelfor people ' - -- You ll die laughing! ' u-r___5_( V 1 . u , udoir Cap. . I for ladies. ' ' penders and Garters TOLL 0F THE SEA 1 ovuuvl I. yuan. LILUCUUIIW W\HAM STANDING m LOUl__f.glNDA . By Jove, g_ch Laughsd! Du-ectedb 7 V HARRY BEA MoNr `Y4BNEB%BB0S% -~~- _- ---attach 58.5` and a notable Cast lrzcludiny wmmuu awn nmnm . by arrangement `With/5 ,. .!2A..VID Bg`Ascoi, All set to [grab a gnything or ; Jssu Lusuv PIIIIINTI I WITH EDWARD HORTON . |:num_--r Ttlniinnunr t which had been a pet in the s. W. H.-Rogers for 13 years, waif in?its crib. enclosed in an a:-4:-1-0-+ AVERY HOPWOBB V Jill --. In-id-U nJJ.Iv\lIu :I;'-ranyement with/ ._ I5 A--w--1 .:.:.- DON'T. MISS m Based on the V - Play 641: l7I"I1\I\ IIf\I\IArtno\-u KENNETH THE G'!`?.?1!5 91813 HERE * Du-acted b \I`I'II`A I 'IN }pared am: 4275 com 1 FRIDAY AND _S;ATURDAY WEDNFSDAY-THURSDTA? * person sight worth grabbiI1g- Adapted from the Belasco stage hit that `roved a Broad- way sensation and bearing Belasco s personal endorsement HORTON ERNEST TGRRENCE WILSON FRITZ! RIDGEWAY OGLE DRESSER Covered Wa?gon. 7 F ame ham the'r I`.P5T`G .. 1'10 .u.. ;uu5Ul`.` I01` 16 yea in its crib, enclosed In an asket, in North Augusta, r with weak hearts /Ijaughz Market- Jo1i'c-:i4_.E-.3.-'i'nA sotlnrear BARBIE; CANADA, THURSDAY; DECEMlER 13, 1923; `N6. 50 HEAR GUUUIJ l'UV\'1lo - Papers belonging to him were found at Allandale a few days later, and not long nfLer`a cheque came through from Saul: Ste. Marie, 7 by means of which he was traced to that "town. \. . ' - ..-a-..._ -ugnvannu vunnnv u A` allld It was early in November last that he `made his appearance in Creemore,when he {posed as an apple buyer. He went through `the country and succeeded in getting quite .a. number of farmers to ship "their apples through him to a Winnipeg firm. The apples were delivered to the Canadian Na- tional, station, _ but there were suspions at the time as to their eventual destina- tion, and steps were taken to prevent their shipment until the money was forthcoming. The result was that the apples were not shipped. - ' "n lII\I`DDI7I\Fl1lJ"1\ u-\n:~- .. _L-...._ V- He endeavored to pass a cheque upon which was the name of Archie Currie of Creemore. The cheque was on the Bank of Toronto for $110.00 and was made out ito J. A. McDonald. Collins then left sud- den1y_.- but not before he had given a num- ber of worthless cheques fer board, etc., labout town. ` . `n,.__.__ L_l-____!,__, . 1- ' - - ` mulppcu. 1 Uuay ucnuu: umug uruugub DU Duffie`. ` He was not represented by counsel when he` appeared in the local court Wednesday :afternoon. Constables Gardiner and Rich `ofthe Provincial Police` had the prisoner in .charge, and the prosecution was conducted 3 by Crown Attorney Cotter. 1 H Surprised at Extra Years The "prisoner seemed to take the pro- `ceedings very lightly and laughed _and chat- ted with the reporters and those around ihim, until following his sentence, when he .asked the Magistrate if the sentence just imposed meant an addition to that given him in Toronto earlier in the week. His Worship. replied that it did. The whole attitude of the prisoner changed. His countenance became sober and his eve.-: `flashed fire. He inspected the hand-cuffs closely, with the probable object` of seeing ,if. hecould not find some flaw, of some means of escape. His whole demeanor had changed, and when he was led from the court room, he looked neither to right or left- . , per lb. `-. . 30c rlb. 30c xed, per lb. 25 UUUU Operated at Creemore I | l _Co_ns'table Gardiner of the Provincial iPolice force has been on the lookout for fthis man for some time. He appeared in Creemore the first of November and was "very active for a time. He suddenly left the place, and soon '3 cheque came from Sault Ste. Marie, which gave the author- l ities a clue as to his whereabouts. The lsault Ste. `Marie police were notified and I his arrest followed. He was wanted by the Toronto police, and so stood trial in that city before being brought to Barrie, ' "E WES nnt rpnrnsnnfn luv nnnncnl !`l1"|.`!.n buby LUI a pcnuu U1 L0 ruuutus. a December 10, 1923-On_` charges of 1 fraud, sentenced to three years in Kingston `Penitentiary. There were five charges in 1811, the sentences to run concurrently. He `was sentenced by Magistrate Jones, Toronto. nnnnnmhnr 1`) `l0`)R_`_l'\n 91-an nln...-...... yvac ncuucuucu uy Lu.a51su'uu: aumw, LUIOIIDU. leDecember 12, 1923- 0n three charges jof fraud, forging and uttering, and theft, `accused was convicted by Magistrate Jeffs at Barrie _and two years added`to the pre- 'vious sentence. acnuuuucu tau uulcc xuuuuls 11!. L110: Jll luflll. June 9, l920-As Jack Johnson, the ac- cused, at Cornwall, Ontario, attempted to ride on a x_-ailway trgin without a fare. For this he was sent to jail for 15 days. .'I ...__'n: snnn n_-L`___, ,1, 1- .1 1-. __- .--.... _v vvvvvd vvvo u uv I,-. av. .51 um 'June'25, 1920--6n `three charges of theft ,he was sentenced to .6 months at the jail Ifarm, the-sentences to run concurrently.-. l gllhf.l3l`hl'\DI` n nknrnn It` 1pfollows:-- _.--v... `I .~-.. uuuvvua-an Questioned by the `Magistrate. accused gave his name as Jack Collins of Toronto. He said that hewas a married man, forty years of age, and that he was a Roman Catholic in religion, Magistrate Jeifa, in sentencing him, said that with the record before him, there was little use in his lec- turing the prisoner as he apparently had had plenty of opportunity to reform. A Bad Record . `Collins record of former convictions is as n `r\_-____L__' E 1l\II'I ,_ 1 , I `TM-i;e::::;1;)er 5, 1907, sentenced 0 Sn. iJohn s Industrial School. T\p.n......L..... 1'7 1010 L`....__I _...:I4_. ._ UUUIIQ auuuauuu DUUUlo December. 17,. 1910-Found guilty on 3 three charges of fraud. . I `annual! 1`: 101940;. In n`-`nun-A AC `-LII : UHIUC Uls U1 ll'llUUu January 15, 1918-01: a chargeVof theft, found guilty by Judge Winchester and Isentenced to one month on the jail farm. l Wnhrnnrv n nkuu-an A` flan`!- '"v**d

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